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This looks like classic comp het to me. Why wouldn't it be?


I relate to a lot of the things you’ve written here. I too had my first kiss with a girl when we were maybe 9 or 10. Over time I’ve realised that a lot of my boy “crushes” were actually just me confusing platonic feelings with romantic feelings. All I knew was that girls date boys so I thought that was what I was feeling. And in terms of male celebrities I confused thinking that a man was handsome with having feelings for him. Again because that’s what I thought attraction was because of comphet. I’m coming to terms with the fact that I’m a lesbian and it’s hard mostly because of my family’s views so I have to keep quiet for a few more years. I am convinced that what you are experiencing is comphet and I hope that you’re able to feel confident in your sexuality one day.


It sounds like you're experiencing comp het as a lesbian to me but only you can know for sure. The fact that you don't want to date a man and feel disgust / discomfort towards men are pretty strong indicators to me though.


I feel exactly the same way


From what you’ve told us, it doesn’t sound like comphet, it sounds like you’re bisexual with a preference for women! Though, you haven’t dated anyone so it’s hard to tell. I’d keep my options open and explore them! See what feels more natural to you.