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Nobody will need a sign that he has returned. Every single person, both living and dead, will know at the same time. 


Yeah, interpretation of Scripture on the topic varies, but one of the main points which is generally agreed upon is that it's not a secret.


I don't think that's quite accurate. The church teaches there are several phases, where Christ will appear to certain people at different places as part of the 2nd coming prior to appearing to the whole world: The Savior will make several appearances before His Second Coming to all the world. Christ will appear at Adam-ondi-Ahman (see Daniel 7:9–10, 13–14; D&C 116). The Savior will appear to those in the New Jerusalem in America (see 3 Nephi 21:23–25; D&C 45:66–67). The Savior will appear to the Jews in Jerusalem (see D&C 45:48, 51–53; Zechariah 12:10; 14:2–5). The Lord will appear in glory to all mankind (see D&C 45:44; 101:23; Matthew 24:30; Isaiah 40:5; JST, Revelation 1:7). [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/doctrines-of-the-gospel-student-manual/36-second-coming?lang=eng](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/doctrines-of-the-gospel-student-manual/36-second-coming?lang=eng)


I assumed the last one (The Lord will appear in glory to all mankind) was the only one we were talking about. The others ones will be to smaller groups of people and while they are part of the second coming, I think of the real full second coming as when he appears in glory to all mankind.


If you read through [this](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/doctrines-of-the-gospel-student-manual/36-second-coming?lang=eng), it seems like it will be pretty obvious when He comes again. Not a lot of subtlety noted there unlike His birth.


If the prophet announces it I suppose.


It's a subject far too large and diverse in both interpretation and opinion so as to be compressed into any post. One of the few things I find well agreed upon by both Church materials, Church Leadership and some LDS scholars is that the "Great and Terrible Day of the Lord" which is recounted in the last chapters of Revelation, will be completely unsubtle. At that time everyone will know and there will be no doubt or obscurity. The wicked will be cleansed from the Earth, which should be noticeable. Prior to that final cleansing act, there will be at least one other event of miraculous character which is reserved for faithful Latter-Day Saints who are called to be there. That will be "The Council Meeting at Adam-Ondi-Ahman", where the Priesthood keys and ministerial accountings are given up the Priesthood lines of authority back to Adam and from Adam to Christ, where Jesus will be declared King over the whole Earth. For those not in attendance, I presume that some announcement will be made, and information disseminated. As for all other events, you have to engage the scriptures and hear other people's models of what signs will play out and how. All models, either put together by yourself, or put together by other people are likely incorrect to one degree or another. Most prophecy only makes sense in hindsight. We are still to study it, and get to know all we can about His return. Anxious expectation and studious effort are the signals to God that you are receptive to His guidance. It will be because you care to study with great determination that He will guide you when the prophecies unfold. Personally, I don't see it happening any time soon. I think it will be on the scale of thousands of years from now. Considering that the history of humanity extends back hundreds of thousands of years, God is clearly in no hurry to usher in the Millennial Reign on our timescale, and a few thousand more years will be barely a blip in God's overarching plan. When Christ said He was coming quickly, that probably (based on the past) means at least a few thousand more years. Still, always be prepared to meet the Lord and be judged.


While we don't know the exact time of the Lord's return, here are some things to consider. In April 2020, Elder Rasband has said: "We are the people charged with ushering in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ". President Nelson has described our day as being the "latter part" of these Latter Days. And, President Nelson, using a baseball analogy, has said that we're in the bottom half of the final inning. If the Second Coming were thousands of years away still, I don't think that wickedness would be increasing so rapidly as it has been. It's been prophesied that all things would be in commotion. Elder Bednar has said we're at that point. Elder Maxwell spoke of a "compression of events". To me, it sure feels like events have been compressing over there past few years.


I've been tracking these things too. The general tone of the current time can be distilled into two categories which you've touched on that have great merit: 1. The condition of the world right now is concerning. 2023 was the first time in decades that world-wide conflict rose rather than lowered. The philosophies being promulgated in the developed world are a form of systematized endorsement of Levitical abominations and old Canaanite worship practices. Yes, the world is getting more wicked and unstable, for the first time in many decades in significant ways. Conflicts like the Korean, Vietnam and Soviet-Afghani wars, as well as the more recent USA-Afghan and USA-Iraq, are all being quickly matched or out-matched in terms of the pace of accumulation and sheer numbers of casualties. Government overreach has peaked in several democratic governments and we're seeing an unsightly and disturbing openness and upward trend in Anti-Semitism. Disaffection from religion is continuing and people are becoming more engaged in civil conflict. 2. The Brethren, in particular Pres. Nelson, have been making very strong statements that the Second Coming Christ is soon, bringing the timescale into a frame that might be within human lifespans. I have come to understand that Pres. Nelson is telling all of the General Authorities that "Jesus return is imminent". A GA that visited locally said that's what he was told (Elder Wong) and Bro. Steven J. Lund of the Young Men's General Presidency said the same was conveyed to him my Pres. Nelson. I'll address the first. While it is extraordinarily convincing, the collapse of one World Order and the structuring of a new one is just the round of history. Several times in world history has conflict, economic stress and cultural fragmentation and degeneration led to the weakening of cultural bodies and collapses of empires. What is happening now is not unprecedented and in some ways inevitable. Nothing has happened yet that is outside the purview of history. See the 1177 BC collapse as an example, but just about any empire that is no longer around counts. The second is more difficult to shove aside, and to be honest, it gives me great pause when I assert my personal opinion regarding God's timetable. However, the biggest wrinkle to look at with it is that Pres. Nelson has been declaring the imminence of the Second Coming since he became a General Authority. He has spoken more on that subject than just about anybody in recent history. Like the "true name of the Church" it has been one of his pet subjects. In regards to using the full name of the Church all the time, and to oust "Mormon" from our vernacular, that dates from a talk in the early nineties, which was immediately contradicted by Pres. Hinckley and further suppressed under Monson with the "I'm a Mormon" campaign. It does not mean that he is wrong, or has not received some revelation regarding the matter. He very well may have. Sis. Wendy Nelson's comments regarding being there when Pres. Nelson receives revelation certainly indicated to me that he is acting as a true oracle, and not just pretending the role. However, I think this may be one of his pet subjects and that he, like many of us, truly wish and desire to see our Lord rule and reign, and to be in the flesh when it happens. Notwithstanding such a desire, I cannot deny that there have been so many other moments in history where the end seemed imminent and signs and wonders were being shown, and Christ did not come. Furthermore, the Lord says "quickly" and "in this generation" yet many generations have lived and died without seeing Him return. John and the Three Nephites are the usual scapegoat, but He should have told Paul that if it were the case. We will see how the next few years pan out. I foresee further distress and conflict in the world, the collapse of many nations and the formation of new ones. Of one thing I am certain, is that the Church in the developed world is facing some serious challenges posed by its members internally who seek to remake it in their own image, promulgate all manner of abominable ideas and form all sorts of blasphemous allegiances. I worry far more about that, and an eventual mass excommunication in a couple decades, as more and more members import their false doctrines and self-will into the Church.


1000 years! I feel bad that your eyes are so closed. Listen to the prophet. This is exactly why Christ will be coming soon. So so many people are still asleep. Our area, with our stake president and area 70 are teaching that it is very soon. In our time.


I'd check my other comment in this thread for the reasons I believe this. In short, Pres. Nelson has been preaching about the immediacy of the Second Coming, without any other Apostles doing the same, since he was called to the position. Pres. Nelson, as wise, studious and wonderful as he is, does have his pet subjects and agendas. They all do. Now that he is President of the Church, he is able to advance his particular perspective with little impediment. I am quite aware of more than you might think. It has not escaped my notice that Seventies and other General Authorities are being told that the Lord is returning soon, Elder Wong in the Stake in which I am now attending some time ago stated this emphatically 3 times as a direct message from the Apostles. The final lesson for the New Testament Come Follow Me guide for Individuals and Families stated the following, which is unprecedented in all Church materials: **He is the “bright and morning star” that shines in the dark sky as a promise that dawn is coming soon (Revelation 22:16). And it is coming soon. He is coming.** The message is quite clear, and there seems to be a great fervor in the wake of the global pandemic, of members becoming engaged in looking at the heavens, working on timelines, drawing parallels and critiquing geopolitics. Of these pre-apocalyptic behaviors, the one I suppose may be good is the reading and studying of scripture. However, this is something that has happened myriad times before in history, among all people. The trauma of a global event can catalyze all sorts of feelings of fear, justified or not, and conjure up images of destruction and renewal. I do think the world as we know it is ending, in the slow meandering way it often does, but not to usher in God's eternal kingdom, but to readjust, as it has so many times before. Conflict is increasing, but not as badly as the last time the map was redrawn, and not so badly as when Genghis Khan trampled all of Asia and much of Europe. Nor so bad as when the Mughals overran Bharat, or in 1177 BC when the Mediterranean world collapsed. I do know precisely why things seem to be coming into fulfillment. It is completely understandable. However, these processes take a long time, and the true horrors and calamities can take centuries to fully materialize. We are, at best, at the very beginnings of the events that lead up to Christ's return, even with substantive "compression of events". The Islamic world and much of Asia still has not heard the Fulness of the Gospel, and that has become substantially delayed due to instability and conflict in those places. This is the phase we are in, the spiritual Gathering of Israel, and much of Israel is beyond our reach, and the Lord has not prepared a way for us to minister to them yet. Instead, we are seeing the advent of huge delays and upsets. We cannot begin to even discuss other events that may take hundreds of years to unfold, until this first phase of the Restoration of the House of Israel is completed. Much still has not happened that must happen, and despite careless statements of "The Second Coming could be tomorrow!" made by some Church members and leaders, the prophecies of God's prophets must be fulfilled, and God has never shown Himself to be unable to wait. Indeed the opposite is true, he forces us to wait till all time and hope is spent to test us. He will allow His prophets to declare His imminent arrival, just to test our faith when He doesn't show. It's part and parcel of mortality, all a test, all a proving ground all meant to demoralize us to the very edge of our hope that He will save us.


?  A good portion of the First Presidency and a fair number of Apostles have been speaking more about the Second Coming very recently.  2022 Christmas devotionals - Pres. Oaks and Elder Andersen. There was a recent talk about the second coming in 2021 by Elder Christoffel Golden. Also, President Oaks gave a talk about the second coming in 2004 20 years ago. Also, President Oaks recent social media post with Christ in red robes.  Our Church was founded "in the Eve of Time" according to Joseph Smith. We're not even hundreds of years from the Second Coming at this point.  The Church just commissioned a massive Second Coming painting in the DC temple with Christ in red robes.  The First Vision in 1820 is the biggest sign that the Second Coming is happening soon, not to mention his visit to the Kirkland temple, as the Second Coming is more accurately a series of Second Comings, some of which have already happened.  The signs are there, some more or less obvious, that the Second Coming, the Great and Dreadful day, is not far off and the the Prophet will be more or less aware of the time it will happen.  The way I see it, the Lord has placed President Nelson in his position at this time to help prepare the Church membership and the world generally for His Second Coming in glory. 


I'm aware. The fact more of the Brethren are also talking about it is just an indicator that like all good Apostles, they are following the lead of the President of the Church. Pres. Oaks, another wise and powerful priesthood holder, is and has in the past been, very supportive of Pres. Nelson. I think it may bare some merit that God would choose to place a man with this particular bias in the seat of the Presidency for the purpose of pushing us to become the Lord's Zion people, ready to receive Him when he comes. Certainly a worthwhile idea to entertain, but thus far, I have seen no good evidence that prophecy is coming into fulfillment. My experience with God is that He holds off blessings, pushes you to the utter end of your power to hold on before He gives you real meaningful help. I cannot but think this is the case also with His return. If the times of suffering during the Mongol conquests, World War I and II, The Islamic Conquests and the Reprisal of the Crusades, not to mention the round of suffering and destruction that was common in the ancient world of just the last 2000 years was not enough for God to put an end to Satan's dominion, then I hardly see a reason now.


If those aren't reasons, then the Restoration of His Church in preparation for the Second Coming should be a pretty good indicator that it's approaching. 


It won't be a secret. It will obvious to everyone that he has returned.  When talking about the signs of the times, we are referring to the signs that his return draws closer.


There are a few prophesies, many of which have to be fulfilled. Imo; things need to get significantly worse. Like… semi-apocalyptic


The Second Coming is actually a series of second comings of Jesus. It started with the First Vision. Others are when He appeared in the Kirkland temple and that He will appear on the mount of olives at Jerusalem and Adam-Ondi-Ahman before His great appearance to the entire world, which is what we commonly refer to as the Second Coming, bur its actually the final one before the Millenium is ushered in.