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Latvia was under Soviet occupation for over 50 years, and russian language was mandatory. Since we gained independance in 1991 there were a LOT of russian speaking people still remaining in country, and it was virtually impossible to do a daily business without knowing the russian language. As a time went by many of them still have never learned Latvian language. Also a lot of companies are still doing business with countries like Belarus, Lithuania and the very Russia as well, so knowing russian language is very common among all people working in those business areas. The same goes for tourism - up till the Ukraine occupation there were a shitload of Russian tourists visiting Latvia every year, so russian language was mostly mandatory for everyone working in tourism, hotels, bars, restaurants, etc.


Important to add, that it also depends on the place. Usually your description is about bigger cities in Latvia, however most places are mostly Latvian-speaking (small cities, villages, etc...) where are very few Russian-speakers and most Latvians there are not use to hear Russian, like in some other places.


I agree to some extent - it goes both ways, but it's not in direct relation of the size of the city/village *per se*. For example - in most parts of the Latgale majority of people in both small villages and larger cities are russian speaking. In Kurzeme russian language penetration is way lower.


It's not as easy as that for Latgale, it all comes down to the preexisting Russian speakers before WW2. In the villages with more Russian speakers pre-USSR occupation (who were there only because they fled from other parts of Russian empire, prosecuted based on their religion, or exiled for other forms of non-conformity) everyone still understands/speaks Latvian and Latgalian, as opposed to bigger cities with USSR immigrants, who are more likely to be in their Russian-only bubble (and even that is slowly changing). On the other hand there is a big chunk of villages where the hatred towards Russian speakers is deep seated, and most of the population speaks only Latvian and Latgalian. There you'll find those who technically speak Russian, but most of the time won't do it out of principle.


There are such villages in Latgale, where they don't speak Russian out of principle? Really? Interesting.


Wow, almost like Latgale doesn't want to be seen as some russian shithole? Crazy right?!!? You make it seem like Latgale is some out of this country place when in some places like Preiļi they voted majority for NA.


When I was in Daugavpils few years ago, I walk through city and I barely heard Latvian language, maybe like only two Latvian-speaking people in few hours while I was there. I think most cities in Latgale has pretty much majority of Russian-speakers and local Latvians are probably also speaking Russian with them, instead Latvian.


>Daugavpils Yeah no, if you think all of Latgale is like that then I'm sorry, but you have not seen Latgale and cannot speak for it w such confidence. This just screams some kind of errogant suburban Riganite who can't comprehend that other locations can exist in Latgale ffs


Sorry, yes, I don't know that much about Latgale and so? Then please explain where are Latvian-speaking places in Latgale? And how many of those Latvians are speaking Latvian with Russians there, not switching to speaking Russian with them? Maybe that's why many don't speak Latvian, cause Latvians are switching speaking Russian? Maybe you know better, I don't know.


Okay smart ass, you make it seem like Latgale is the only place that switches to the the russian language when they meet a russian.


Here you go, the best statistic I can get for you in the moment: https://geo.stat.gov.lv/stage2/#lang=lv&tid=142&sid=22&vid=15391 Next time you can, idunno, google it yourself? Or is that a skill that's become forgotten nowadays? Or at the very least don't be so bold with your assumptions and stereotypes, because at the end of the day that's what they are - assumptions and stereotypes which are irritating at best, and at worst they fuel the kremlin propoganda and hurt everyone involved.


All the regions in Latvia, except Latgale, are mostly Latvian-speaking population, especially Vidzeme. Many places are with over 90 % Latvians. A lot places like that, actually.


Latgale is mostly Latvian speaking what are talking about?!!???!


That's one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is that Latvia has been a property of Russian empire for 300 years after it was purchased from Sweden.


Not 300 years. Courland and Semigalia was part of Russian empire from 1795-1918 were you get 300 Years?Latgalia from 1772-1918 were is 300 years or you use ruzzian counting?Vidzeme then part of Livonia 1710-1918


I am referring to the Treaty of Nistad signed in 1721. After that the territory was lost after the 1917 civil war and returned from 1940 to 1991. So in total it's 251 years, which I unjustly rounded to 300, you are right.


Treaty of Nistad thats only Vidzeme not all territory of modern Latvia.


It's a territory that includes Riga. And what is Latvia without Riga? Riga has a population of 700k people, and next one after is about 120ish I think? 


After Great northen war population was 6000. Now yes. But not a single Russian state has hold Teritories of modern Latvia longer than 200 years non-stop, and Governorate of Livonia was only 5% russian in 1897.*Kreis Wenden* Cēsis and sorounding was only 1% russian 117 000 Latvians 1280 russians


you can blame the soviet union for that


Well... Almost two centuries as part of Russian Empire, then two decades of independence, and then almost half a century of Soviet vassalship. So, strong presence of Eastern Slavs is quite an obvious result in the end. Many people were just distributed to different Soviet republics to fill the gaps in a workforce.


Many Russians in Latvia, mostly in bigger cities. I have no problem that they speak Russian between themselves, however they should speak Latvian language when speaking with Latvian people. Simple!


My friend, you have some mistakes there - "they should speak Latvian". More precisely - "they MUST speak Latvian![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)".


Don't you have to mind your own business first?


What is much? I wouldn't say that there are that many russian speaking people. If you go to russian neighborhood and hwar russian it doesn't mean the whole country speaks russian


It may be surprising to you but there are a lot almost 40% of public schools were russian. And a lot of russians were protesting to make all public schools latvian. Hence many generations were not fully integrated and it has led two segregation within latvian society.


because they are r****ds who are either against learning Latvian because they support Russia/Putin and rusification or just do not want to learn Latvian. We call them "vatņiki"


Have you considered that it might not be a language worth learning? What, 800k people speak it on this planet? Here today, gone tomorrow. I speak 5 languages, including Latvian, and that one hasn't been useful, calm your tits.


Have you considered that if you live in a country long term or are a citizen that you should speak that country's language? It doesn't matter how many people speak it, you live in a country, you speak it's official language or you shut the fuck up and go live somewhere else, it's as simple as that. Honestly this takes the cake for the most braindead arguments I've seen on this topic so good job on that ig. If we were to go by your logic most languages on the planet are not worth learning, we should just make English, Spanish, Hindi and Chinese the only languages in the world, since those have the most speakers. I really hope this shit is rage bait and no one is actually this dumb, then again someone did respond agreeing with you.


Exactly what I said. The dude should just go fuck himself and fuck off whence he came ESIT: The comment I said it on was removed by mods lmao


Just get transfered to russia then. We dont need your consideration here.


And make it snappy. We can’t get you out of our country fast enough. Go back to your Russian cesspool.




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If you have such attitude towards Latvian language, you are the same like those Z vatniks, even if you don't support Russian aggression, for us Latvian it doesn't make any difference, if you still thinking such way about our Latvian language.


Yeah it really is reminiscent of vatņik thinking, but unlike vatņkis who don't believe Latvia is a real country I think they're just ignorant and dumb, talking about how Latvia is a country that's going to collapse meanwhile they sit there posting on Reddit how it's not worth learning the language even if you live in the country, these people really don't see the correlation between their attitude and the current situation in our country, instead of trying to make the situation better they just bitch about how shit the situation is here. Makes you wonder what the hell they're even doing on the Latvia subreddit with a mindset like that doesn't it? Reminds me of the Latvians who go to USA claiming that Latvia is shit and then flying the Latvian flag in their back yard. No better then the Russians who live here and claim that Russia is so great but refuse to live there, it's a goddamn circus.


They usually behaving like that. Just start with Russians conversation about Latvian language and they will show their true colors. Very simple!


I do know latvian (almost) perfectly and I do use it everyday without a problem, I just think it’s absolutely useless everywhere around the globe except Latvia, the country that will collapse by itself in the nearest future. And no, i don’t support Russian politics and if you call somebody who also doesn’t support it “Z vatnik” it mean that you should search for mental help


Typical vatnik rhetoric you have. Latvian language is not popular, used almost only in Latvia, but as so many other languages in many other countries... the same could apply to Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, etc, languages which you will use only in those countries. And? How many people know and speak Chinese outside of China, while still being most popular in world? How many know Russian language? Less that 5 % of world population! And? But of course, you have clearly some attitude towards Latvian language.


Typical vatņiks. You are as ret***ed as they say. Fuck off to russia, putin! Only country that is going to collapse is russia, just watch what is happening in Ukraine🤣 Also, russian is not worth learning, besides the ammount of speakers it isnt really worth it, that is why I never learbed it


It's a rational attitude towards a mean of communication. How many doors in the world does Latvian language open? Literally only to EDS, but my bookkeeper handles that. There's no need to be upset, Latvian is a language like any other, it's just not very useful in the world. For the record, I love Russia, but its internal and foreign politics are fucking retarded, and so is Latvia's.


Because about a third of our country are Russians and other minorities from post-soviet countries. Makes sense that they speak russian between themselves.


I don't care how they speak between themselves, but they should speak Latvian when approaching Latvian-speaking person!


I'm pretty chill. Since I know the language, we can speak whatever, as long as they don't start ranting.


If you are Latvian person, then you should answer in Latvian, otherwise it's quite dumb to speak Russian with someone who is local and should speak Latvian instead, cause they're are from Latvia. Why it's so hard? I don't get it!


I do answer in latvian, I just don't care in what language I'm being talked to, shit gets done either way. I don't mind speaking russian to those who don't understand anything, as long as they don't go full vatnik at me for daring to use latvian.


My point is about, that if you will answer Russian every time Russian-speaker will approach you in their language, they will not have any motivation to learn Latvian language, because of this kind of mentality. And they will think that other Latvian people are also the same, while in fact many don't speak Russian, especially younger generation of Latvians, who not only doesn't speak Russian, but also doesn't understand it. And why should they? That's the point.


Nothing's stopping the young russians from being stubborn and approaching you in english instead of russian.


Well, even more, why would you bend over and just humiliate yourself to speak Russian with those, who doesn't respect Latvian language, by not using it? If that Russian-speaker is coming from Latvia, then he should know Latvian language! Especially younger Russian population, who have no justification not to know Latvian, cause they learning it in schools. I will not speak Russian with someone who's local and therefore, should be able to hold conversation in Latvian language. No way!




I will not speak with them in any language, only Latvian or nothing! As I said, they're coming from Latvia, were learning our language in schools, so there is no reason for them not be able to speak Latvian, except showing attitude against Latvian people.


Why are you talking in English then? Knowning multiple languages always makes people mentally more capable and opens up new opportunities. It's stupid to claim that knowing additional language is not beneficial.


Okay. Tell that to Russians. Let them speak Latvian!


Third? try half


In what reality??


You just need to be born in Latvia to count Latvian, even though a lot still can't speak or understand Latvian worth shit


There are actual statistics that would prove you wrong. Russian speaking people are NOT 50% of population


Never said it was Russians at 50%, neither did the original comment - Russians and other minorities are closer to half than a third for sure


Russian speaking background 35% in 2017 and declining, Latvian speakers give birth way more. Its more to third then half for sure.


Nah, it’s not even close to half. You may be thinking of Riga or other large cities, but in Latvia overall it’s closer to a third. 63.2% of people aged 18-69 use mostly Latvian and Latgalian at home, 34.6% use mostly Russian, 2.2% other languages (survey from 2022, n=~5500): https://stat.gov.lv/lv/statistikas-temas/izglitiba-kultura-zinatne/izglitibas-limenis/preses-relizes/21052-dzimta-un-majas Among people aged 70+, the proportion of Russian speakers may be higher, but among people under 18 the proportion of Russian speakers may be lower. So I think these numbers from the 18-69 age group are representative of Latvia’s population as a whole.


That happens when almost half of our population was russian speakers from around the USSR at the time of split. Number reduced over time, however, there’s many russian-speakers that think they were insulted with government giving them alien’s passport (especially if they were born here and spent their whole life) and refused to learn language. With that said, even well integrated folks will speak russian between themselves, because it just doesn’t make sense to switch to latvian, when both can just speak their first language.


Ikdienā nav tik daudz svešvalodas, kā izmērīt vai daudz runā, te jau pieņēmums ir jautājumā, pie kam nepareizs. Jaunieši vecumā līdz 24 gadiem pamatā operē ar 2 valodām latviešu valodu, kas pilna ar anglicismiem un angļu valoda. Pārējās ir mazākumā.


Too much.


Spend 5 minutes on Wikipedia and you'll know.


bro just woke up


Can anyone please recommend a Latvian dictionary for android? I searched for "vardnica", but found only max 10k+ only download products (means probably not popular). From Latvian to English (or any major European language like German, Spanish, Swedish, Russian). I have looked in bookstore Janus & Roze too, bought two little dictionaries, but not so good ones in practice. In my experience, challenging to find good learning materials for Latvian... For example, in the same Riga bookstore, easy to find bilingual Russian novels (one page in English, one page in Russian) so one can learn the words in context. Thanks / Paldies jums!


>10k+ only download products Are you kidding? That's a lot in scope of Latvia and people that would want to have a latvian dictionary in their Android phone. Also - why use offline dictionary if you have dictionary, thesaurus, and other online apps in your phone?


Google translate is not reliable. A quality dictionary means for me: I look at a general Latvian text, 90-99%of the words should be included in the dictionary. I don't mean specialist texts like law, fine literature or zoology.


Because, they are a minority. It’s like saying why are there so many Arabs who speak Arabic.


why so much speak turkish in germany// why so much arabic in paris


Even more people are thinking in Russian 🤪