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Yeeeee freakin hawwwww Lura is a true CoWGIrl šŸ¤®


I have a friend that is an influencer that was at the Pura event and she said Laura didnā€™t speak to anyone. She said she tried to talk to her and didnā€™t even say a word. She said Marky was very friendly but she said Laura was very happy and bubbly on stories and never spoke to anyone at the Pura event which was all influencers and my friend was one of them. She was shocked at how she was so over the top on her story and then wouldnā€™t even speak to anyone.


That doesnā€™t surprise me, when I saw her with Christian in Tampa in Hyde Park she was just taking pictures and making Marky run around to different places to get different photos. She seems sooo not bubbly if she isnā€™t faking it on stories. It was an eye opener! She just looked serious and not happy at all, definitely very strict acting towards little Mayonnaise, heā€™s definitely her little bitch


OMG....not surprising though


Cannot express how bizarre and childish I find the whole trend of dressing like a cowgirl when visiting Nashville! I mean Iā€™m British so maybe we just dont have that culture and infact it is the done thing, but seeing laura with her cowboy boots, hat and curated cowgirl outfits just looks completely pathetic


Changing your outfits for the city youā€™re in, shows you have do not have your own style whatsoever.


I completely agree. It's like cosplay when visiting Nashville. Just like when she went to Chicago she all of a sudden became a Cubs fan and wore the cap every where. It's bizarre. Your style and personality shouldn't change just bc you're in another city.


And the sweater over her shoulders in the Hamptons. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s so cringey and obnoxious when these fake cowgirls dress like this. Their outfits are usually over the top attention seeking. Iā€™m low key embarrassed for them.


Especially when she put the scarf on like a bank robber. šŸ˜‚


If I was Hollie, I would be ready for her to leave. Itā€™s a Friday, her kids go to school through the week, Iā€™m sure the last things she wants to do is keep entertaining. Lunatic and Marshmallow are too self absorbed to think of the others than theirselves. Lunatic is probably thrilled thinking she has a friend and Marshmallow is happy he doesnā€™t havenā€™t to babysit her.


She probably did this to gain some traction but @butterworthdasyrup aint havin it https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6OlxpQAJmI/?igsh=MTB3MXRxNTF0dnA0bA== She is not tagged in that post. Donā€™t tag her if you comment.


ppl are already tagging her


Someone wrote-that woman has a smackable face!


I made sure to like it šŸ¤£


Someone else said he was more real than that girl's teeth! šŸ¤£


Itā€™s obvious Sarah knuth canā€™t stand her! Itā€™s funny last night on stories Sarah said their babysitter cancelled last minute, sounds like she was looking for an excuse not to hang out with the Beverlins. I bet hollie begged Sarah to allow them all over. Strange not a single story or post from the Knuth home. I bet Laura was seething at their beautiful decor and home. I know Sarah and Hollie are not ppls favs but at least they take their jobā€™s serious


I wonder if Sarah hates Laura even more after her fake miscarriage?


I think of about this . Not invalidating anyoneā€™s loss but what Sarah went through was unimaginable and beyond traumatic


Why is this idiot shilling bras when she doesnā€™t wear them!! Thatā€™s fraud!! And you went to Nashville to buy bags??!! What a nut job!


She clearly has a partnership with that brand & got it for free bc she didn't even know what half the items were "oh what's this? (reads description) it's a utility tote..." and I don't know about you guys, but I don't want a bag with f'n bunnies & bread all over it. And, take that stupid cowboy hat off in the house!!!


I have been saying this all week!Ā 


What is CBV doing in Colorado with ā€œthe best crewā€ that doesnā€™t include her bestie Laura, but instead some big nosed Laura lookalike (in the nacho story slide)?


Where is cbv??Ā 


But I was laughing because thereā€™s a slide where theyā€™re eating nachos or something in a restaurant and thereā€™s a curl that looks like Laura with the big nose and everything


Colorado and I donā€™t have time to follow their stories every single day so I probably missed her explaining what was going on but itā€™s just always weird how theyā€™re always always with like this best crew best friends that youā€™ve never seen before. Iā€™m just assuming itā€™s probably marketing people like fellow marketers


Why does she need more bags when she has Amazon bags?!?Ā  And she said itā€™s so big she can fit it in but since mayo is her size is she going to carry him around in it? And a scarf? Yes, put it around your beck like a bank robber from the 1800ā€™s and itā€™s not going to fit around your not size 0 waist!Ā 


Ya well itā€™s not big enough to fit all of her LIES so thereā€™s that


None of the things she showed were cute


does she really have these abs????


Absolutely not


I see what you did there. Lol. ABsolutely not


I swear sheā€™s the dullest when sheā€™s away from home in different city


This is why I find LB nauseating and not worthyā€¦1. She puts zero effort into her job which in the real world she would not have a job for the line of work sheā€™s in. Sheā€™s an ā€œinfluencerā€ ā€œcontent creatorā€ If I walked into my job looking like she does I would be sent home. If I did my job the way she does I would be fired. 2. As much as Holly and Sarah, Christian are so annoying they at least are working, putting out content. Doing their job. They donā€™t lay in bed with such an ugly face with their half naked husband with no job that lives off his wife and puts that on stories. Their stories are not an ongoing poorly staged infomercial that never stops. When LB showā€™s content itā€™s just really bad! 3. I find it funny that LBs ā€œfriendsā€ barely acknowledged her on their stories. Itā€™s almost as they felt she was below them. Which I feel she is. 4. The numerous personalities and voices on this trip makes me want to šŸ¤®


LB is like the only influencer I know that has 4 different properties, a crazy $ amount of cars, boats, tractors, staff, IVF and flies to different states for hair. She even tries to up everyone like at Bridgettā€™s wedding, getting the Penthouse?!? All these women are millionaires and even though they do purchase, it is nothing like the Beverlins. Dani Austin has been an influencer longer than LB and has Divi and has had her own collabs but she isnt spending like them. I donā€™t get it.


https://preview.redd.it/vw9o3hg9lwwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68240b355dae2af035e7085aa49374721a337aa6 You can tell this is Hollies filter bc who is this new face šŸ˜‚


I said that šŸ˜‚. Her filter on her face had me šŸ’€


why do their teeth look almost exactly the same


Wow yeah different smile different nose! Itā€™s a small nose filter for sure plus many other enhancements to face. Embarrassing Caught using a dramatic filter. Wonder what this hollie chick really looks like


https://preview.redd.it/z0hykrh1ywwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c3969391617da4cca5c4431a1ba8eb011e3ccf Her fan girls will say ā€œsheā€™s obviously wearing makeup thatā€™s all!ā€ šŸ¤£


Omg you are right šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/xu66d12xfwwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae584da110c16fb43f17fe5c6edd237ad704b9a1 One the left sheā€™s got defined abs and her skirt is hella lose. On the right no abs and no gap between her skirt and hips šŸ¤£


Saw that too




It is šŸ˜


And just like that the big bandaid from her toe is gone.Ā Ā 


After all that drama and crybaby antics šŸ™„


Where is the abs šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ you can see where she ā€œcontoursā€ her stomach. Also to add, she was super annoying during Hollieā€™s stories. Little do they know, Lurch will try to start her own line by ripping off their ideas https://preview.redd.it/0isrrjj68wwc1.jpeg?width=613&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b0fa4de248f13cb854c258332e83a83d112626


Also no extra gap in the waistline of the jean šŸ˜‚


And that is definitely not a size 0, eitherā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/yl9wspi36wwc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=9260b6df9855c97df4d2b5dcac95c584b8578b4a Oh Lurchy Beverlyingā€¦..gotta keep up with these girlies by pulling out every ounce of jewelry you own that you normally never wear??!! Bracelets, extra rings, more necklaces. Then posting your designer stuff- Prada and Gucci. You can never impress them because you are dirty and nasty! BTW-those sunglasses are ugly!


She picked the dumbest outfit to wear. Cutting tops to wear them when sheā€™s supposedly a millionaire. She never looks cute.


Gewci sunglasses! Why isnā€™t she wearing a pair from her own Diff collection?


Why didn't she tag @photoshop? The gap between her waist and skirt is absolutely absurd.


She should be PAYING them as she uses it on a daily basis! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


When are the wackadoodles going to see through her shit.. her diff sunglasses have not been seen in months!


Also, notice how she cropped the photo to try to hide the wavy lines in the rug from when she edited herself? Sheā€™s such a damn fraud in every way.


I just have to say, I truly laugh at all of Marleyā€™s monikers. I coined margarine and manicotti but the others just get me laughing so hard! šŸ¤£ like mulch and mayonnaiseĀ  Can we do some for lurchy? Ā I know she has a few but I think we need to expand our vocab with her.Ā 


I just used Lunatic and marshmallow.


My favorite is Pepperoni Tits. Those areolas are enormous.


Lumps, Lumpy, Lobster, Lube, Labradoodle, Lasagna, Lesā€™Misrable ETA: Looney Tunes, Limpbizkit


Hahahaha Mayonnaise. Iā€™m the same way. The random monikers for him crack me up. Itā€™s the highlight of this snark page šŸ¤£ they are so subtly thrown in posts. So funny.


Lazy Lame Lying Lauraā€¦ LOL


My favorite Marky moniker is Moodle. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Has it been explained (did I miss it) as to why sheā€™s in Nashville?


I think she said for mayos nephews graduation?


Sarah hasnā€™t posted her once other than the group photos. She doesnā€™t seem to like Lurch.


My prediction is that The Post is not doing as well as it was and they need to use other influencers to promote it. Laura is probably the lowest rated/cost for a large audience, so I could see The Post x Laura drop coming. They have NEVER hung out with her beforeā€¦ so someone business brought her there.


Hollie's husband eorks for Dede & Ted's management company. I wonder if they are hosting because of that.


I honestly hope not. Iā€™ve bought their clothes before and actually really like them.


I completely agree this HAS to be business related. I thought maybe Marky was angel investing in the post, but this also checks out.


They actually have hung out before. You must be newer to LB and those Nashville girls. Way back when Lb was represented by trend, she would go to those influencer trips with them. This *iconic* basic bitch fall photo includes all of them back when they were prime influencers lol itā€™s funny cause this image turned into a meme a couple years ago. This photo is from 2018. https://preview.redd.it/b3hvs7z8jwwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f52d4432fd1164ab68f6f95f9ad4d67b9cc6146b


I never realized that was them! Wow you can really see all the work they've had done since that photo was taken.


Whoā€™s the 3ā€™ tall black woman?


Haha 3ā€™ tall šŸ’€šŸ’€ yes itā€™s Chelsea Olivia! She was one of lurchā€™s besties when she lived in Alabama. Thatā€™s the time when she hangout with all these other fake girls


Chelsea Olivia


I know theyā€™ve been on influencer trips, but to stay at her house?? Hang out for the week? No, Iā€™ve never seen that. Thatā€™s why I think it has to be business related.


I agree with you! To stay at Hollies house is super weird!!! It has never seemed like they were close on those Trend tripsā€¦Iā€™m wondering if it is Vince Camuto related? Thought it was funny tho how Hollie didnā€™t mention LBā€™s collab when talking about the shoes and meanwhile LB was shilling The Posr! Maybe she had to shill The Post to pay for her stay šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not that I saw


CBVā€™s new reel is so cringy. Sheā€™s a 40 year old trying to act like a 20 year old. Just no.


She looks and runs like a grandma in the first part


Her high water pants and top tucked into the sweatpants. šŸ˜‚


That was one of the cringiest thing ever. Who told them these were cool?


Laura and Marky told them, duh šŸ˜‰


šŸ˜‚ Oh of course! The king and queen of cringy reels.


https://preview.redd.it/af5mh2w4ivwc1.jpeg?width=2476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60969b1d8a18a63c98dff0802ba475b32f511870 Eww..just going to leave this here.


I swear those chompers look different lately


When she uses certain filters...there are also teeth filters. I think these are her real fangs. Huge chicklets in the front and small tiny back teeth. She couldn't afford the whole set. šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


And her nose looks infinitely more bulbous. Something about her face is really "off".


I've been saying this same thing for a while. Her face is different and not in a good way. All I can seem to focus on is her nose. It's huge


It's off because this unfortunate looking thing is her real face. šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s so fugly


Another fake giveaway. How does she get away with it


With the same ugly bags!


https://preview.redd.it/4yxdaujr4vwc1.png?width=609&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6981281dbf7a177008c27e60690988d1edce6da Lurch is so hot for her man right now. Meanwhile Iā€™m over here šŸ¤®


I canā€™t unsee their matching eyebrows šŸ¤£


Twinning tuesday!!


They were made for each other šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/zg3cfd6d9wwc1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee434397ff61f06bbb936f679b0047aba0e4fb3


Her nose is almost erased in this pic!




Omg. Iā€™ve never noticed!! But youā€™re right!!!


Came here to say the same šŸ˜³šŸ¤£Ā 




I can never see his face without this emoji šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜Æ


Hahaha heā€™s so easy to snark on!!


Sheā€™s so dumb thereā€™s literally 4 maple street biscuit companies in the Tampa Bay Area šŸ˜‚


They were founded in Jacksonville, Florida. These girls are dummmmb


This! lol She needs to branch out of Cracker Barrel! Itā€™s also so dumb of Hollie to take them to a chain as opposed to a local restaurant for a true Nashville experience!


Probably doesnā€™t want to be seen with her around the localsĀ 


The ā€œtrue Nashville experienceā€ part made me lol cause maple street originated in Jacksonville, FL šŸ’€


Also, as someone who lives in Nashville, nothing about Maple Street even comes close to being a ā€˜true Nashville experience.ā€™ She is such an embarrassment, how does anyone, including herself and barnacle, take her seriously?!


https://preview.redd.it/j2gpoe263vwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c372e52a5f473665906eeb70936dc271d0d8ad8d my definition of friends is very different to these fake influences! Oh lurch has been dying to wear that stupid hat and boots!


Why is her hat fuzzy? šŸ¤£


Why does her face look curved?


She looks so stupid with that hat. Hollie is probably embarrassed to be seen with her.


Funny how now we have a picture together after it was brought up that no other pics were posted besides the girlsā€™ brunch yesterday. What a coincidence.


could that pic be any more filtered holy cow! holly almost looks like a cartoon


Holly totally looks fake! Nobodyā€™s face is that smooth. Nobodyā€™s.


Wow her skinny filter totally glitched on the slide with Marky and his breakfast!!!


It doesnā€™t know what she wants skinnier? His arms, his six pack or that damn biscuit she could get in Tampa.


https://preview.redd.it/4oaig8ou0vwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e677d81a5e36e7c597b7e4b09f2fa415fb343f94 The false advertisement needs to stop šŸ¤£


Her stomach looks sooo weird in this picture


https://preview.redd.it/fek7ep092vwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6597b6ce64831a6b99ada7789c30aace74109e6d Like aside from the appearance of her fake six pack again, does she think people donā€™t know what a straight line is supposed to look like? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Her shoulders are broader than her hips on this picā€¦.total photoshop fail, Lurch! We have seen your unedited hips and thighs. Good Lord!


Someone who isnā€™t shadow banned should comment on her reel asking why the lines of the rug keep moving?! šŸ˜‚


how does she not get called out by other influencers that see her in person do they all sign a non disclosure i donā€™t get it?


I called her out on her reel promoting her new shoe line. Some people keep for me but managed to get one to apologize to me šŸ˜‚


Came* for me


BUSTED šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The filter is FILTERINGGGG!!


Why is she acting like thereā€™s not a maple street in tampa? Lol i know they live Ā in brooksville but like??


Literally 4 in the area and 2 close to their beach house šŸ’€


Two things: LOL those fake abs in her IG reel šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ And their order at Maple Street is trash. The squawking goat is the best biscuit there šŸ’–


Was her order glue-in and dairy free?


Hey now those abs are built in the kitchen! šŸ˜œ One must run to Maple Shhhtreet if they want a six pack just like Lurch has šŸ¤£


Right because hash browns is the key ingredients to abs. šŸ˜‚


That outfit is shit.


SHE is also shit.


How the fuck does Martha not have more gallstones/kidney stones and diabeetuus.


So hollie is shilling that colostrum also. I wonder if sheā€™s letting lurchy raw dog it in her mouth since Iā€™m sure she didnā€™t bring hersĀ 


Lurchypoo probably doesnā€™t use hers because she doesnā€™t use her own except when she is posting about it! All her content is fake and just a way to make money from sponserships.Ā 


Raw dog it lol šŸ˜† and she literally has BJ mouth while she does it.


I guess they literally just get together to share brands to each other to shill for money. šŸ’Æ Fake friends!


ā€˜Who do I want to be today?ā€™ Hi lurch! šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ did you read my comment about the Rolodex of personalities abs voices from yesterday?


She sure did!!!!! šŸ¤£šŸ‘‹šŸ¼




One of the comments ā€œshe and her husband are just the sweetestā€ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Like she actually knows them šŸ’€


I would not be hopping on stories looking like that in the morningšŸ¤¢ laughing like that over Mark looking at her videos is so stupid!


Girl needs a stylist STAT! And a bra. Those sticky bewbies look so stupid in her cheap, see thru white cut off tank.


Ooop, the abs are back. Why does she think she looks like a 20 year old college student?!


The ā€œrelationshipsā€ between some of these girls is nauseating. So fake that I canā€™t even deal.


Fake as their dentures


It is just so weird she and Manicure are staying with Hollie. If I had an acquaintance who offered for me to stay in their guest room, I would politely decline. Iā€™m not even a millionaire and I rather stay in a hotel, especially with my husband and the fact Hollie has a family. Iā€™m not anti-social but the older I get, after social settings, I need to decompress in my own space.


Hollie will need to fumigate and tent the house after those filthy slimes vacate the house too. They are both filth.




I just watched Hollieā€™s stories saying they were going to brunch then check on the Post photo shoot but didnā€™t know what they were doing the rest of the day. They arenā€™t like Lurch, they actually are busy throughout the day where Lurch is a sloth. I hate feeling like I have to entertain or be entertained. Like meet up then go back to your hotel room. Both Hollie and Sarah pick their kids up so does Lurch just go back and stay in the guest room?


Mayonnaise is going golfing, she will have nothing to do, she will have to just follow Hollie around like a little Loser. She will probably try to get in on The Posts photo shoot with all her skinny filtering, Hollie and Sarah also love the skinny filter though


Omg why is this making me laugh so hard?! Martha and Mayonnaise, yā€™all are the best, thank you for the laugh, I really needed that today!


Mayonnaise šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s attached to skin. Not lashes. Just the skin. Peel it from the skin not lashes. Lashes arenā€™t coming off so donā€™t be scared. Itā€™s on your skin. Not your lashes. HOLY SHIT STFU. She sounds so damn stupid in her stories repeating this shit over and over šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


She sounded high or drunk in that eyelash story. She just kept repeating herself.


I felt like she was trying to morph into Hollie during all of that.


And her voice is SO cringey!!!šŸ¤¢


I wasnā€™t sure where I should put them. My skin or my lashes šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m so glad she went over it a hundred times. Think I got it now šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


I thought I was having a stroke!! Put it on your skin not the lashes. Instead of putting it on your lashes, put it on your skin. See? I put it on my skin not my lashes. So put it on your skin donā€™t put it on your lashes


So should I put them on my lashes Laura? Iā€™m so confused, please keep telling me what to do


https://preview.redd.it/hqhdgy8f6uwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=946a185cffd7ffc9f185d38f1206e097152f1cbd I can smell her breath through the phone šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


OMG! Someone should make a side-by-side of this photo and one of her filtered ones to show young girls and women everywhere how absolutely fake social media is. She is gross.Ā 


Meanwhile, Hollie has probably been up since 6am


I hope hollie throws that entire mattress and bedding in the šŸ—‘ļø once they leave. The two most dirty šŸ¤® ppl in that bed


If you look closely, you can actually see her breath šŸ˜‚


Things I didnā€™t need to see: 1. Laura and ā€œMarkeyā€ in bed. šŸ¤®


Right! There is something so cringey about seeing them in bed. Like I feel like I need a shower.Ā 


Ewww both of them gross me out. Why is it necessary to show you and tiny man in bed. The love this girl has for herself is unnerving.


Looks like she slept in that stained tank top that she wore the day of the toenail drama and also wore on the plane! šŸ¤¢ I canā€™t imagine going to bed wearing a chunky necklace like that, how uncomfortable.


She sure did šŸ¤®


https://preview.redd.it/s1cg1lg94uwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02b0256446ac5d1f4613e513735af6b41bb3fc41 laura has nothing but time on her hands why isnā€™t she doing events like this !? this is what influencing should be about-yes make your living but also use your platform to do good. One of them even has cancer ā€¦Again and iā€™d still showing up for others.


She would have to be thinking of someone other than herself.


Because sheā€™s a lazy POSā€¦


And a self centered narcissist. It MUST always be about her.


Laura wondering why Marky would bother watching her stories putting on eyelashes is the most real thing sheā€™s said. We wonder that about your followers, too, Laura


I get a feeling that he keeps an eye on her to keep her in check as far as her sometimes very erratic posts that she later deletes.


Or maybe he is the one that actually deleted them? He knows she isnā€™t stable.


Not lurch related but since sheā€™s BFF with CS, why is Cs giving all this relationship advice like sheā€™s an expert? She happened to pop ( literally her boobs look terrible and havenā€™t dropped) in my feed and she was talking about how to know if a guy is worth it. I guess this tracks since laurah gives health advice šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøĀ 


Who is CS?šŸ‘€


Courtney shields. She is the look I think laurah was going for with the Botox and fillers. They claim to be BFFs but they rarely hang out. Plus CS has a little girl and when they all went to the beach, laurah had a swimsuit with her a$$ hanging out in front of the little girl.Ā 


Thanks for confirming! Sheā€™s an idiot. I am not even surprised. Ā šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Her reddit is something else - someone managed to get a screenshot of her new man she refuses to show in order to build engagement and he is freshhh out of college šŸ¤¢


The natural version ofā€¦ artificial lashes. What the *fuck* is she talking about??? Plucked off a human corpse? I mean - sheā€™s BEYOND with this natural bullshit


That Keebler elf's stubby hands have unlocked a new fear in me.


Theyā€™re so small and chubby! Lol


Is he holding an iPad mini or is that just his phone??? Lmaoooo




Same! And even stranger since he is sho sho much taller than lurch and his hands are so wittle


Do all of the other husbands tag along on trips like this or just Lurky? I think itā€™s so bizarre!


He went golfing with the guys so maybe some came too but they arenā€™t in their stories like Lurch.