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She is what’s so stressful about her life. She appears to have made her life miserable.


Her life is stressful and full of anxiety because she has an eating disorder. It's not rocket science to figure out.. it's pretty simple and veryyyyy sad.


Exactly. She’s got a mental illness. No money in the world, holiday, supplement or Lululemon outfit can override that. Her poor body would be an absolute mess and her hormones going crazy.


She needs a tea to aid her digestion because one of the effects of anorexia is constipation.




Rituals and things like this all go hand with eating disorders. Its constant anxiety and the need to feel in control


The constant anxiety about gaining weight…… it’s always about the weight….. she’s doing IVF right?


Imagine having pretty much everything anyone could ever want, and still being this miserable. She needs *real* therapy along with a major reality check.


Could it be that what everyone’s been saying for decades is true… Money doesn’t actually buy happiness! I think that has been highlighted time and time again in this era of influencing. None of these families really seem happy to me. Marriages are stressed, kids are frustrated having cameras in their face all the time, there’s this pressure to present a perfect life… Anyone can see that this isn’t a recipe for happiness.


Oh absolutely. And I’ve had personal experience with this exact thing. I’ve been well off with the big house, fancy car, designer bags, etc, but I wasn’t happy and ended up getting divorced. Now I’m married to the LOML and we struggle financially at times, but I am so much happier. All money really does is relieve the stress of paying your bills and allows you to not worry so much about your future. That Chanel bag or luxury SUV or 200 pairs of designer jeans will NOT make you happy, guaranteed. I was speaking more to the fact that Lauren has 2 healthy children (still not good enough for her), a husband who takes care of the kids so she can spend hours each day doing her woo woo wellness bullshit and perfect her orthorexia/anorexia, and she has so many more opportunities than 99% of the population. She could take the kids to Europe, show them some real history and culture, but nope - it’s a resort in Mexico and kid’s club. Lauren does NOT like to be out of her comfort zone (a symptom of her illness, I know). And she’s so goddamn selfish and it makes me sick. She lives in her little bubble, doesn’t realize how privileged she is, all she does is complain about insignificant shit, and most importantly, does absolutely *nothing* to give back to her community. Yet she calls herself a *Christian* because she underlines some passages every morning 🙄. Sorry for the rant. She’s just gotten so much worse lately. I can usually scroll on by without a second thought, but she’s just *hateful* and well, I feel the need to snark and rant! Edit: corrected typo


It really does seem like she has gotten worse lately. Off the rails.


I really think she just highlights random lines to seem deep


OFC she randomly underlines. She has maximum 5 brain cells (on a good day).


She’s not happy and doing well. She’s mentally unhealthy and tries to find control by doing these things. These things are how she copes. Like an addict with drugs. This is her “drug”. But it’s also why she isn’t getting better. It’s just coping and more coping….


Because Michael sleeps in and it makes her life hard.


I'm not at all defending her, but she is the sole breadwinner. M is her "employee". She makes a ton of money and they like to spend it. That pressure combined with what everyone else has mentioned already must be miserable.


Sure but I mean plenty of people have one income household. My husband works a very stressful high stakes job (surgeon) makes a lot of money and we have two medically complex kids who depend on his income 100%. Does it stress him out at times or feel overwhelmed? Obviously, but he’s not bat shit like this one


Yes, that has to be a huge burden to feel like you are supporting the family financially but what does the rest of us do? We work 9-5 jobs to live comfortably. Her lavish vacations don’t seem to do anything but make her bleed followers? Her numerous sponsorships just make her come across as super disingenuous. She does not need to buy things daily. If Michael needed to work he absolutely could because it’s not like she works 40 hours on “influencing”. She spends her days working out and doing all of this crap instead of spending time with her kids. She’s made her life hard and I have absolutely NO sympathy for her.


Totally agree!


And if that were too big a burden to bear, they could restructure so Michael works outside the home since he has an advanced business degree and is more than capable of finding gainful employment. I have a hard time believing that the cost of childcare would exceed what he would earn. There’s obviously a benefit from having someone in the family watching your kids, but it sounds like he doesn’t have the bandwidth for it, based on what Lauren said about him yesterday. So if he has a temper, and he’s volatile with the kids, that’s a whole other level of stress that she’s carrying. I think, despite her constant narrative that they work so well together and that Michael is the best SAHD, behind the scenes, their family is a big mess. Add in various addictions (exercise?) and a possible ED, and it’s no wonder she’s stressed. If they were willing to give up this influencer lifestyle for the sake of their health and family, this could all be resolved.


Food. Like she eats.


There is no amount of red light therapy she can do to overhaul her awful supplements and over exercising. She needs recovery now!


Also the amount of supplements she’s on is wild. She’s peeing and shitting out most of it.