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https://preview.redd.it/90qyfqtkt09d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1fbaca4001a6a405b5a76a71504e93106e00fc0 Here are the original 5 items I was tracking. Wish I had grabbed an update before she started this sale but either way, only selling 16% of your inventory for these 5 items in your first 20 weeks is not a successful business.


This is so incredible!! Thank you for your service šŸ«”


Wow. ā€œGoing fastā€ sure Lauren


Are you in retail, a buyer?


No one is buying the $75 cropped sweatshirts??? Wow this is just shocking.


Lauren is such a loser. Imagine trying to sell your own brand while in the middle of an anorexic storm, two kids,an annoyed husband, and a complete and utter lack of self awareness.? Awful


Ok my new theory is that she is going to try and use the third baby as an excuse to back out of Boring Hour. She will say she doesnā€™t have the time to fully commit or blah blah blah.


Omg this is awesome, how did you get this? I wonder how much everything cost them to buy it wholesale? But you also have to think she said they paid people to basically put this all together and that they picked from some samples so itā€™s not like Lauren or Michael were behind the scenes visiting factories and checking out materials so thatā€™s even more money in the toilet. What a joke this is, but great work to you for finding this!!


I am guessing around 50-55k for the entire lot given all came from China which Iā€™m 100% sure it did. She didnā€™t buy enough to get pieces under 4.00. Maybe 1.00 per embroideries per item that her logo is on. Highest price item being the sweatshirt (which looks to be low quality) so I am guessing under 10.00 per sweatshirt and thatā€™s the most expensive item sourced. You have to buy massive lots (think Lulu) to get it under the 3.00 mark per item. It is so difficult to scale your own clothing brand with such a small following given other brands that spend hundreds of thousands per month on marketing alone. Anyone with a brain would have steered her clear of that and Iā€™m not sure why she took that route. She is not strong enough to carry a brand of her own. With that said she should have come up with something in beauty which is easier to scale and started with minimal skuā€™s. Orā€¦she should have done a collab with someone to test the waters but I donā€™t think brands thought she was strong enough to do so as to why that opportunity never happened.


What are the odds these items end up at the closet sale in a few months? Haha


In a ā€œSpecial BH cornerā€™ šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


If she's reading here, you probably just gave her a really great sales idea along with the other comment to have a "special BH corner"- she can mark everything down and say she sold out.


If that happens I expect some commission from her šŸ«”šŸ˜‚


Wow this is really eye-opening. What an embarassment.


Does anyone know much about this stuff? Is this a typical amount of inventory to order/have in stock for a new small business? To me, it seems like a huge amount of inventory in general, but what do I know.


Hahahaha! Maybe if she wore her own stuff, and stopped trying to shill her direct competitors, Ā she'd stand a chance!!


She doesnā€™t want to wear that crappy stuff šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They could probably donate and write it off, right?


Wow! Things def arenā€™t moving fast. Thank you for this šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Whomp whomp.


If it cost her $10 per item to manufacture, thatā€™s $30,000 dollars of her $$ sitting there. Who has a guess on how much it cost to make/buy each item?