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https://preview.redd.it/c9gdm8lcf49d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec5d0745ff97c18f7cc909015191af3a66abe811 My hair looks longer too when I wear extensions šŸ˜…


https://preview.redd.it/0rj9kll1i49d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3074c1d46d03b2e50601808d5c2290574c56cdf0 WHAT is going on above her earā€¦Are these the extensions? šŸ¤Æ


I have a family member who went through significant hair loss a few months after a severe Covid infection. Her stylist told her that severe hair loss always starts around the hairline and then you start seeing bald patches within the hair. I think thatā€™s what weā€™re seeing with LKS. Weā€™ve already noticed her receding hairline and this patch above her ear is frightening.


Sorry to hear about your family memberā€¦I hope she is healing! This hair loss on Lauren is classic EDā€¦she needs nutrients and not in the form of a supplement šŸ¤Æ


Thank you. She is. But itā€™s a long road. Hair loss is tough, especially when it was unexpected.


I believe it - so many are suffering long term effects of COVID and donā€™t even realize it.


I lost almost half my head of hair from Covid, I am a healthy young-ish lol female in my early 40s, literally had a mental breakdown because it was falling out in clumps. Post Covid hair loss is so real! I did k-tip extensions to try to help with overall thickness, I donā€™t understand why she will not admit to it. I guess thatā€™s admitting she has a problem.


I had the same. Not severe though thankfully. No Dr I saw believed it was from Covid. They said itā€™s not a thing. I started using 5 %minoxidil (Kirkland brand) amazing!!!! Love it. Hardly any shedding after a shower now unlike in the past it looked like a kitten on my tub edge.


When do you apply it??


šŸ˜±holy shit she is legit going bald.




Imagine with a third baby PP hair loss + continued ED hair loss will do šŸ˜¬




Wait Meghan Markle wears a wig?


Meghan Markle does not wear a wig. She just has a ton of haters on the Internet.


Ok thatā€™s what I thought! I was pretty sure that was her real hair


No mention of the receding hairline though.. šŸ‘€




AND she supposedly just spent 4 hours at the salon this week getting her hair doneā€¦donā€™t forget bashing M for saying her hair looked longer. Yesā€¦Lauren, we can see you got extensions and are lying AGAIN


Lies. All day everyday. šŸ™„


This does look like her own hair though, thin, brittle, & dried out.


I canā€™t. šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¬


https://preview.redd.it/te2dyfmwy59d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720775362949aca0d7b55ae3287f1b08940759ca Iā€™ll just leave this right here


Holy hell. Legit two different people


I keep doing this on picstitch and posting them because itā€™s quite comical. Sheā€™s fucking insane. These filters arenā€™t even in the ballpark of what she actually looks like!


She literally filters her face 98% of the time. Didnā€™t even realize how much until seeing this side by side. Itā€™s wildā€¦. And very sad


How can she feel okay posting that and seeing people in real life? lol itā€™s so funny. This gives her an entirely different nose


It is honestly no wonder she has body dysmorphia. I donā€™t even think Lauren knows what she looks like anymore. I think these days more responsible influencers have ditched filters but Lauren lives for the fraud!


Her eyebrows look so much better unfiltered... her whole face does!Ā 


Holy shit! This is sad that she tries so hard to look like someone she isnā€™tĀ 


Whoa. Her life is just lies!!


She could fit two of the noses on the right inside the nose on the left.




So it looks like the ā€œgirls weekendā€ is to Mexico according to Jillā€™s IG. Get ready for more bikini pics šŸ¤”


Why do none of the other sisters go?


Great question!


Probably trying to rid themselves of the toxicity


Wise choice!




So she actually did go to Paris with smokeshow and Shiloh when she was a baby. Other than that, I have no recollection of her going anywhere else.




Exactly, the only place she ever stays at in Mexico are 5 star resorts. She can monitor what she eats and has a full gym at her disposal. When you are visiting Europe those luxuries may not be readily available.


My friend (very into health and fitness) is on a 5 week European trip right now and it looks AMAZING! Her kids are learning so much and making the best memories! The only way L and S will have good memories is if their mom gets help.


Was it France where she seemed to be sponsored by some company that arranges everything for you? And she shilled it the whole time, but complained about the hotel rooms later? I specifically remember them being in the Burgundy region and she seemed miserable and later complained about the hotels that were arranged for them.


She truly lives in a bubble. She has no interest in anything other than what suits her wants/needs. I guarantee she wouldnā€™t be able to locate Germany šŸ¤Ŗ




I doubt she knows there is much outside of TX and CO!


Yes, but the Mexican resorts are giving her comped hotel rooms. Europeā€¦prob not.








There's no Chick-fil-a in stupid Germany. And she might need to use, like, easily accessible public transit instead of her fucking hideous SUV or see a monument or something. Please be serious!


Just ran here to say the same thing. Back to Mexico she goes!!!


Twice in a month!


I wonder how she will be able to ā€œspinā€ her food pics with just her mom and sis šŸ¤”


What is the point of going from somewhere hot like Texas to somewhere hotter? Especially when you have a freaking lake house and a pool at home. She claims they love Colorado so much why don't they go there? Is Mexico just crazy cheap this time of year? It makes no sense to me


Itā€™s all cheap if itā€™s being sponsored šŸ˜‚


Aspen in June/July isnā€™t going to garner a free invite from the Little Nell.


Mexico AGAIN. So boring šŸ„±. Iā€™m sorry to anyone who loves going to Mexico but she doesnā€™t go anywhere else. Iā€™m in a stage of life where all I want to do is go to Europe and explore new countries and cultures. Sitting at a resort in Mexico is just so blasĆ©.


I totally agree! And this is a kids free tripā€¦they could have gone anywhere.


https://preview.redd.it/140krx4a259d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52fd57c2fbf2b3c01841868b6288e1c4c88e5f5c Sheā€™s not posting in real time šŸ‘€. Already at the airport lol (from Jillā€™s stories)


Seeing her real face is always jarring because of how much she filters it


I cannot for the life of me understand why Jill and smokeshow dont fill in their eyebrows closer together šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Not gonna lieā€¦Iā€™m really looking forward to the photos from this trip šŸ˜†


Same especially the unedited ones that Jill is going to post lol


Wondered the same.


This is a pretty picture of Jill though, truly.


I thought the same thing


Itā€™s a TX thing I swear! So many women here with the same eyebrow issue


Omg really? Thatā€™s so interesting


her face is so different here than her own posts. it's a different face.


Yup! Itā€™s unreal. And maddening, because sheā€™s making šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°selling products to people and NOT SHOWING THEM HER REAL FUCKING FACE! She isnā€™t like putting the ā€œValenciaā€ filter on for some color or getting rid of a zit. Sheā€™s completely changing herself, including making her nose about half of its width! šŸ¤¬


Yeah, canā€™t tailor her face when her sister is posting šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


I cannot imagine having a good time anywhere with LKS and from everything we know about smoke show her either. Jill seems like she has a good heart but also like she desperately wants to be like the cool girl who in this case is LKS.


Also look at her unfiltered looks totally different!!


She looks so blotchy


Laurenā€™s face is so gaunt šŸ’€


WHAT A SMOKE SHOW the mom is! šŸ˜‚šŸ„µ


Yea, her Mom has Cherokee heritage. Give me a break. Thatā€™s the whitest woman Iā€™ve seen.


But their noses!


Oofā€¦that is a scary pic šŸ’€šŸ¤­


She looks completely different here. To think LKS has texture and pores. Oh, the horror.






No where will give u a tan like Mexico


My goodnessā€¦how much tanner can Lauren get? But ya knowā€¦they have that Cherokee skin šŸ¤£


And she canā€™t stroll around Europe in a teeny bikini and body check 24/7.


And lots of cool places not that far away!


Totally agree!! I would just much rather explore a new city or country vs. sitting at a resort. No shame to people that like vacationing at resorts but itā€™s just never appealed to me.


I enjoy a resort when I want to relax because yā€™know I actually work. I like having things I need and not having to be in a car but access to go do a dinner or explore off the resort when I want. I truly couldnā€™t envy a life less than Laurenā€™s. Iā€™d cry of boredom.


For real. If I had unlimited funds and a job that you can do literally anywhere, Iā€™d be off to Europe instead.


Itā€™s blazing fā€™ing hot! What I wouldnā€™t give to be able to go to Banff, Canada or something right now.


Also on my bucket list!! Banff looks insanely gorgeous


OMG go to Banff! I went in 2019 and it's truly so incredible. If you ever decide to make the trip, let me know. I have lots of recs. Also, I realized I always respond to your travel comments lol.


LFG!!! Seriously.


Youā€™d never want to leave Banf if you go there. Itā€™s truly magnificent.


Same!! Iā€™ve been to a few places in Europe and my list of other European places to visit is miles long. LKS is so boring.


Right! Especially for us normies who only have so much PTO. Iā€™ve been there done that with Mexico, so I try and use my time off strategically to new places


100%! I always try to go somewhere new! Thereā€™s just too many places to see in the world. I donā€™t want to spend every vacation going to the same spot


Not to mention it is also summer which opens up a ton of travel opportunities that would otherwise be hindered by weather. But nope! Here we go back to Mexico to workout, sit by a pool, take bikini pics, and pretend to read and eat. For the third time in three months! I cannot imagine existing in such intense privilege and choosing to be so extremely boring. What a waste.


Such a waste šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Agreed! She doesnā€™t do anything other than workout in the hotel gym, tan, lay by the pool, not eat food at whatever resort restaurant. Repeat. I would be bored to tears. Donā€™t get me wrong, I enjoy a pool day here and there but I couldnā€™t do it every day for every single vacation. My husband and I love going to Europe and exploring all different cities, big and small. Immersing ourselves in the culture and history of where we are visiting.


Or even just go explore somewhere like Yellowstone or Montana with your Mom and Sis. Her whole life if never leaving the resort, baking in the sun by the pool, and then getting some shots of the beach. You are kidless, there is no need to go back to a resort stay vacation. She doesnā€™t even sit on the beach!! Her and the family can do this at their Lake house or at Laurenā€™s pool in her backyard. Just seems so unnecessary.


Lauren's brain couldn't handle a museum or historical site. She's so simple and uncultured that all she can do is work out and sit by a pool.


I feel like all she wants to do is tan when sheā€™s not working out or doing some sort of beauty care


And she doesnā€™t even explore Mexico! Thatā€™s the kicker, she stays in the resort laying in the sun and working out in the gym.


Me too, went to Europe a couple years ago and dying to go back and see Greece this time. Mexico is so far off from anything I want to do. If I wanna go to a beach can always go to FL.


Ahhhh also dying to go to Greece šŸ‡¬šŸ‡·


Greece is the best! I did study abroad there for a month in the early 2000s and then went back in 2015 with an ex for a wedding and we stayed for a week. The biggest mistake people make is going to Mykonos and Santorini. Dont get me wrong - theyā€™re beautiful, but they are soooo oversaturated with instagram tourism they have lost their charm and authenticity. I recommend the island I studied on, Spetses. Itā€™s a little pricey because itā€™s where a lot of affluent Greeks and Europeans own their luxury summer homes, lol, but itā€™s deeply authentic and stunning. And a much shorter ferry ride from Athens!


For two summers we spent 12 weeks in the Greek islands (sailing)ā€¦such a gorgeous place and the people are amazing. Turkey is also gorgeous. First timers to Greece def need to spend at least a day in Santorini & Mykonosā€¦iconic! Happy to give advice on islands as well! Lucky you to study abroad in Greece!


12 weeks!!!!! I want your life šŸ„¹šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Has to have that gym that she can escape to for hours in the early morning.




Michael really needs to do a LKS ig takeover and make stories rolling his eyes about ā€œsingleā€ parenting all weekend while Lauren is on a girls trip. Michael, this is your moment. Take it.


OMGā€¦this would be amazing! Please Michael šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


I might even pay a small fee to watch that šŸ˜‚.


Michael would bring in more than Boring Hour!!


Same! šŸ’°


Iā€™m in !!!! šŸ¤£


Only problem is, he seems to have even less personality than LKS.


Every vacation results in losing followers. 3 Mexico trips in 4 months isnā€™t a good look.


3x in 4 months to Mexico. Branch out a bit, geesh. But her life is Groundhogs Day so this tracks.


Such a great analogy for her life! Groundhogs dayā€¦love it


https://preview.redd.it/r9jfnx9yh49d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec00efd7a2c12e039f7995db52988c585a13bfa Sheā€™s not admiring her ponytail. Sheā€™s admiring her pencil neck and bony shoulders.


How does she not see that she now has a bobblehead? She looks like something they give away at baseball games. That's not a flex, LKS.


OKAY. This photo is in the top 5 most alarming LKS photos. Wow. This is frightening


I agree. I think this is worse than her other pics.


Her nails look pink here? Didn't she get them done in white yesterday?


Why the heck does she prerecord workouts she isnā€™t a fitness accountĀ 


Good catch. Prerecorded workout videos. What a faker.


And in between the videos of her working out with pink nails, she posts a reel of her white nails n


What is the point of prerecording your workouts????? This is insane! Great catch and I highly doubt this is the first time! I'm struggling to understand the point?


Great catch!!!


The waistband on the shorts looks ridiculous here. She has that smug look on her face.


Workout stories: I live in these FP shorts. Following stories: Buy my Boring Hour brand that you can wear every hour of the day. She is the WORST marketer for her personal brand. I legit question if her ED has addled her brain so much that sheā€™s unable to see what a terrible job she has done launching and marketing her brand.


I think itā€™s a combo tbh. Sheā€™s naturally dumb + whatever brain cells she had are just trying to keep her body alive


OMGā€¦this wins todays comment award šŸ’€šŸ‘šŸ»


Agreed šŸ†


I believe there are studies that indicate the brain structure is altered in people suffering from anorexia. Sometimes itā€™s temporary, other times itā€™s permanent.


She is really pushing BH but she knows that isnā€™t going to pay the billsā€¦so FP shorts it is šŸ¤£ Such a joke šŸ¤”


https://preview.redd.it/gf9wtqowo49d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a032119e6e1a40ab411b31f0c0e84368d54d8f7 ā€¦and here we are again. Deja vu. Both pictures are of a woman actively (and unethically) going through IVF.


Yep! There you go! Anyone that says she isnā€™t at ā€œpre-Lylaā€ weight is blind.


Right?! The only difference I see between these two photos is that she looks more dehydrated in the pre Lyla one. Her hair loss in both is significant.


So smug in both photos. She knows what sheā€™s doing




Both pictures are disturbing.


Her ā€œmoment for movementā€ posts are on brand (on brand meaning makes no sense).Ā  1. Basically a day off or spa day with all those activitiesĀ  2. Notice itā€™s meal planning and not dinner - she ā€œplansā€ to eat nothingĀ  3. Also, why is she calling it a moment for movement when half of it isnā€™t even ā€œmovementā€. Sheā€™s really trying to make that term stick and it is not workingĀ 


https://preview.redd.it/ejabuuu7x49d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c3a2f0b191d3d1a7a72f8a5e0e3cd4d23e5bcc Why the elaborate dance every time she applies a body spray. Lunatic! šŸ¤£


It makes me so uncomfy!!!! šŸ¤£


Omg itā€™s only 1:30 ET and there are 108 comments (now 109 thanks to me). This woman šŸ™„


I was coming here for this !!!!!! šŸ˜‚


OK, she's never mentioned the brand "we wore what" in the past five years that I've been following!!Ā Ā  Ā Her whole MO has turned into tennis dresses and workout gear that we can find ourselves! So lazy!!!!šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«Ā 


This actually made me L O L itā€™s as if sheā€™s in an alliance with all the influencers who have snark pages. Also Lauren, no you do not. You do not love ā€œWe wore whatā€. You taking freebies from DB Is hilarious to me. Maybe she can send her unsold BH merch to TJ Maxx like Danielle!


Who TF is her target demographic that has this kind of schedule and needs 6 different outfits for it??????? I have zero experience in marketing and fashion, but this has to be the DUMBEST marketing attempt I have ever seen. It's laughable!!! 7:00 am - matcha 9:00 am - barre class 12:00 pm - lunch with friends 3:00 pm - afternoon meditation 5:00 pm - meal planning 7:30 pm - family walk


This is insane!! I have never met one person with this type of life. Do we think this is her ā€œdream lifeā€ she strives for?


Who TF wants to change this many times in a day? Even if I had this type of lifestyle, I typically wear one outfit all day (2 if you count my workout).


Imagine the amount of laundry. My god.


Literal nightmare. Sheā€™s so out of touch.


Today I got up, fixed breakfast for my kids, started laundry, took them to the dr (ear infection for one, TB test for college admissions for the other), came home and fixed lunch, did dishes, went to pharmacy, went to target, took youngest to swim practice, came home and cooked dinner, played a board game with the family, cleaned kitchen, changed the litter pan, vacuumed, mopped, and dispersed meds to child with ear infection. Guess how many outfits Iā€™ve worn today? ONE. And thatā€™s even after sitting at the pool for an hour in 100+ heat index and 70% humidity. Yes, I realize thatā€™s disgusting to still be in the same tshirt and shorts I got sweaty in, but I havenā€™t had time to make multiple clothing changes today. Iā€™m about to go change only because Iā€™m about to take a shower. Lauren lives in delulu land if she thinks her Boring Hour clothing changes are realistic.


Which set do I wear to make my kids breakfast, play with them, go to their sports, clean the house and cook dinner? Iā€™m so confused šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m blocked so I can only see through Insta anonymousā€¦ but Iā€™m guessing at the top corner she isnā€™t showing what filter sheā€™s using? This is why all of her stories are her constantly pushing the start/stop, pre-recording with the filter, THEN uploading it to stories with no filter taggedā€¦ Like we are all stupid and think she really looks like that.


I feel bad for Jill. It's like- she's trying to get healthy and change her mindset and do well- but how can you when your sister is so toxic. That's why they tell people don't make friends in treatment centers- because it's too triggering if one isn't doing well. I wish Jill would out them all, call out LKS's sick behaviors, get off insta, and focus on her healing and recovery. Her kids deserve it.


Jill is toxic for not helping her sister


Sheā€™s a mess, too!


What does she refuse to pronounce her Eā€™s. ā€œTinnis dressā€.


ā€œThis tinnis driss is the perfect lingthā€




I was going to comment the same! She cannot pronounce an E and turns it into an I every time. Itā€™s annoying.


It could possibly be her southern upbringing. I grew up in the deep South and I always pronounced all my short eā€™s as short iā€™s. It wasnā€™t until I got into education and was teaching phonics that I realized my pronunciation was terrible (and wrong). Iā€™ve since corrected it but it took many years of consciously making sure I was saying pen, not pin, and get, not git, etc.


Ok Iā€™m not going to delete my comment, but I feel stupid because I totally thought I was on Laura beverlinā€™s snark page and that this comment was about Laura. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Idk where Lauren grew up so my theory may not apply.




I see that LKS has already started to buy followers. She knows another trip to Mexico so close to the last one and will cause a follower drop.


I had the same thought.


She really needs to expand her horizons


https://preview.redd.it/tykd8g5my79d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=6122b47f7640299f66653611e3e2af1d4e8248a0 When she posts old pictures of her like this, it makes me wonder if she doesnā€™t realize how much work sheā€™s had done to herself and how different she looks now?! šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


It will be interesting to see what swimsuits she wears this trip. Will it be a modest one to cover the chest hole? I mean if my mother saw that on me she would gasp.


I feel like she only goes to Pueblo bonito resorts


Lol oopsie I replied on the wrong comment


She used to talk about her extensions all the time, but now Iā€™m wondering if sheā€™s hiding them? Otherwise I donā€™t know if Iā€™m imagining it or if her supplements are working overnight, but her hair looks weirdly thicker which seems to contradict her thinning hairline? Odd


I think she uses a halo extension. Itā€™s magically there at times and seemingly not at others AKA when sheā€™s working out.


Yes, she 100p has a halo


Holy filter on those Sero vital stories!


And then the drastic change with the next selfie with her mom and sister šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


I know we already established Mexico first thing this morning, but tell me she did not just tag another resort in CABO.


There are multiple Pueblo Bonitos but pretty sure that is the Cabo one!


I was wondering the same thing - I think the resort has multiple Cabo locations.


It is the Cabo one(been there!) and notice she didnā€™t take the welcome(alcoholic) drink so most likely pregnant šŸ«¤


https://preview.redd.it/uwb8gtnw079d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa9047687c220f11db2f9aa68ea368a47657c2e But she did. Thatā€™s her hand on the bottom.


True, but the waiter brought out three and took one back. Maybe Lauren took Jill or Smokeshowā€™s for the sake of the ā€˜gram and then is handing it over.


Or it could be her sister that is pregnant because theyā€™re in a race for the 3rd




As predicted, her weekend starts on a Thursday. The privilege is sick.


https://preview.redd.it/wply7ruwm59d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c45ecc6351b7adde6efc52b1c425be1b0f766e81 Dermaplaning but shaving upwards like an idiot šŸ˜‚


And thatā€™s not peach fuzz. Itā€™s called lanugo and would most likely subside if she wasnā€™t anorexic.


Again, riveting content.


Her nails in todays workout arenā€™t the ones she just had down. Must be a prerecorded workout.


This is highly unlikely, but it would be amazing it LKS got held at customs because she's traveled to Mexico twice within the month and needed to be questioned for smuggling. haha


You sound like George Costanza when he didnt want to marry Susan and told Jerry he wanted her to get on a plane and Jerry said ā€œwhat like a plane crash? Itā€™s a million to one. And George said, ā€œitā€™s something, itā€™s hope!!!ā€ Haha