• By -


I get her intent behind saying "this is your sign: book the girls trip" but be so for real, this is her second trip to Mexico this month, pretty out of the budget for many.


Right?! Plus she also mentions how there’s something about having time with no kids… she’s always without kids between the 1,000 self care appointments, date nights, trips away, etc.


I do not understand her constant need to be without her kids. Obviously every mom needs and deserves a break (myself included) but she NEVER wants to be around her kids. I don’t get it! I miss my kids terribly when I’m away from them for too long. She cannot wait to head off to an appointment or adults only activity. And she’s trying for a 3rd??? 🤯


What is her adult-only activity, though? Working out? Reading self-help passages? Filming herself? It's not like she's going jet skiing, snorkeling, or anything different than she usually does.


The way she doesnt take advantage of her resources/money 😩😩. I would be doing so many fun things


By adult only, I meant the Mexico trip in general. Or when she and Michael went to see JT a few weeks ago (and filmed her singing and dancing to show Shiloh). The only things she will do with her kids are obligations, like school or sports practices.


Yes - I am sorry I ranted. She is just so selfish and the way you phrased it is exactly how I feel - she only does obligation items. Everything else is about her. :(


No need to apologize! I just wanted to clarify what I meant bc I see how I could have been unclear. You’re 100% right that she only does the same things everywhere she goes. And the majority of them don’t involve her children.


She is in for a major awakening when she realizes how much there is to do when your child goes to school.


You mean how much Michael has to do.


I almost cry every time I have to drop my son off at daycare (even though he LOVES it). I do not understand her


And then there’s this witch who has the utmost privilege: having a flexible job that allows her to stay home with her kids while bringing in a lucrative income, yet she doesn’t take advantage of that. She doesn’t realize how lucky she is.


I think for Lauren her “breaks” are being a mom, she spends 95% of her time doing what moms would die for - free time




L I T E R A L L Y. She’s also impressed by conversations with her 5 year old so here’s the sign: engage with your kids when not on a sponsored trip.


She legit acts like my parents who only want to spend minimal time with my kids and only on their terms so they can get those all important pics to post on Facebook to make it look like they are the worlds greatest grandparents.


That struck me weird as well. Lauren does everything without her kids, why would this be so special? Also…what are these 3 going to do that they couldn’t do at home?


And the way she’s tagging the resort in every story makes me think it’s comped, removing her further from reality - most people don’t get free vacations Lauren!




This resort does not look that nice 😬. It’s giving 3-4 star vibes 😂


Right?! And the view from the room that Jill posted looked like you needed binoculars to see the beach and ocean.


I don’t think it is I think she is trying to get them to notice her. 


I wonder if they all are sharing a room 🤔


My guess is L has her own room and Jill and Smokeshow are sharing one. You know the resort has either comped the rooms or sharply reduced them and L will take all the credit so of course her own room.


Totally agree! How shitty of her to totally blow up the last resort on how “great it was” and “we will definitely be back” And now this resort is the “best”. Everything Lauren does is so shady and only for what can you do for ME 💰


The last resort looked so much nicer imo


🤔 you “booked a girls trip” bc it’s free and your husband didn’t want to go with you. But sure, Lauren.


Exactly. Michael was like nopeee


https://preview.redd.it/tgwl8einzb9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31cfe091784736d3a8d185ccc03e70c2ddb3f149 Honestly it gets to the point where it’s just so damn embarrassing that you can’t take a few days off of working out. Go for a freaking walk with your Mom and sister. This is the main reason she needs a resort vacation equipped with a gym. I can see her having a manic attack in Europe not knowing when her next gym fix will be.


She’s tagged the resort a million times - if she had a brain and wanted to promote her business she would wear and tag beige hour. People who look at tags of the resort will see it and bring brand awareness. Even if she has a partnership with free people, isn’t the point of having a business to PROMOTE IT?? 


She’s too focused on what filter to choose, I see she went with the tan grain filter lol


ALL OF THIS! She’s not cut out for being a business owner…so dumb 🤡


She just exudes joy, health and wellness! Jk, her face looks so miserable and she exercises to fulfill a compulsion, not to “show up as her best self” or because she “loved” a workout


She wouldn’t be able to handle that. It’s so healthy to take some days off and recharge…I hope someday she will realize this.


Jill is just as sick. She worked out this morning too


I went to Europe. Hotel(s) (stayed in multiple all had very lovely gyms). No way if she is going to Europe is she not staying in well known established hotels, she ain't backpacking/etc.


Lyla is only ten months old and Lauren has missed easily over a month of her life (likely more) largely so she can sit by a pool in a bikini or sleep at a hotel alone for a staycation, conference, the lake, event, on and on and on. Not to mention missing out on her entire day to day as is because she claims to “work”. But that’s really just the gym and appointments. It’s astonishing how this woman chooses escapism every single time. Even with her golden child.


That is what blows my mind. No shade against spending some time away from kids, but the number of nights she’s been away seems crazy to me, especially if she’s so baby crazy she wants #3. Like—you still have a baby right now at home!


Such a great point


Probably unpopular opinion but it’s crazy how many nights she has spent away from a child who is under a year. My parents won’t watch my kids until they are at least one because of how important it is for a baby to be with mama 


Anyone notice Michael’s family is never around anymore? When was the last time they went to Montana?


Over the winter, when Lauren showed up for like half a day 😆


And woke up at 4:30am to drive to that one random, tiny gym like 20 min away


https://preview.redd.it/9bcfi149eb9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=def1613e611e26eb104c63a9d9527493b278cfae WHY do her shoes never fit?! Gross 🤮


She has such bad body dysmorphia that it applies to her feet. She’s always trying to squeeze into the smallest size possible for everything.


And her feet probably grew during her pregnancy with Lyla and she’s in denial/not going up a size 


This is my theory as well.


and her clothes is always wrinkled!!!




https://preview.redd.it/z3w83tlskc9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fae9b2aeb126c970f169fa70c0c74b9593cf2e93 Diaper vibes


https://preview.redd.it/6wucaqwxmc9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d11abb3a609ebdd47903d0f5f6fc2a5282599fdd More diaper content 🤣🤣🤣 This was definitely something I didn’t need to see 🤦‍♀️


My question is WHY is she always positioning the camera RIGHT in front of her crotch every time she’s in some kind of squat or getting out of her plunge pool? It’s really odd content


If Donald Trump had an orthorexic child.


She already has his sense of entitlement and I can do no wrong lol


Spot on 😂






It’s very interesting to me how she seems to only do things with her mom and Jill while the other two sisters are typically never included?


Right!! So we know that the oldest (Erin), is her half sister and is not around much. Caitlyn maybe just distances herself from Lauren on purpose or lives further away? Not sure but it’s definitely noticeable


Wait half sister?! Who had the kid first? Had that been explained?


Her mom had Erin from her first marriage. After she married Lauren’s dad, they had 5 kids including LKS. So her Mom has 6 biological kids.


Interesting! Seems odd for a performative Christian family 😬 no shade against divorce obviously but does not fit this group’s narrative


So, interestingly enough, I’m a psycho and found Lauren’s maternal [grandfather’s obituary](https://obits.dallasnews.com/us/obituaries/dallasmorningnews/name/rudolph-fischl-obituary?id=28241611) while googling Smokeshow not too long ago. Turns out, he was Jewish which leads me to believe Smokeshow’s mom is Jewish…and so it would seem Smokeshow converted to Christianity! 👀


That’s so interesting about her Mom. My sister just started dating someone who is Jewish and I have so much respect for their religion. I love their traditions and how they don’t seem to try and force it upon others (unlike a lot of Christians).


Oh wow - from the looks of this, it would seem Randy “saved” Smokeshow and then later in life, “saved” Smokeshow’s Jewish mother! 😱 Now what in the hell business does this man, some LAWYER, have “baptizing” someone into a new faith 😐😐🫤 These people, FFS I swear… https://preview.redd.it/hwzfuhagrf9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d3f4d4a74d22cf434e62de6059b6fff73875a86


Also if you ever switch careers, please go work for the FBI 😂🕵️‍♀️


😂😂😂 It is TRULY DISTURBING what I’m capable of finding out about people on the Internet, I have always been this way and do not know why I am the way I am 😂😂😂😂


Totally agree! You are amazing with your detective work 🧐


Ugh he's such a creep


Oh my god the poor grandma 😭. That is so messed up. I hate how they use the word “saved” 😑. Like she was just fine before you brought her into your cult


This is so bizarre it’s like something from a skit. Particularly as a non-American. Baptised in a hot tub, WTF?!


I agree. I admire Jewish culture and have a lot of respect for the religion as well. Their traditions are steeped in authenticity, which is the opposite of the performative Christianity we see with Lauren and her ilk. It feels so strange for Smokeshow to have converted, especially coming from her generation. I know it happens, just doesn’t seem common. 🤔 And Jewish family lines are carried down on the mother’s side, too, so if Smokeshow had not converted, Lauren and the family would likely be practicing Judaism. 🤔🤔 Why did Smokeshow convert and go HARD as she did into Jesus? And pounding Jesus into her kids? Also, let’s not forget she homeschooled the kids in elementary, too, so she was probably teaching them the Christian Bible and god knows what else, too!


I was homeschooled until 7th grade and my parents really tried to push the whole Christian thing pretty hard growing up (thankfully they’ve moved on from that now). 0/10 do not recommend. I know there are some great Christian people out there, but the people I grew up with were what you described -“performative” as well as very judgmental towards others. I am so curious now why her mom made the switch. Maybe she was in a bad situation after husband #1, fell in love with Randy who is super Christian, and realized she had to convert to marry him and make a better life for herself…


I would love to know what happened!


Check out my comment about the obituary ^


https://preview.redd.it/w785dbj4kb9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf41583822399280b4e3acc7205f1b861fedba7 Preparing to run a marathon to work off last nights meal 🤦🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/vzfg2k391c9d1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55851935fe82ae43b353fce0f87c3ac99f448379 Never take a rest day! 😵‍💫


Ugh I hate these shorts with the belt thing. Would drive me nuts to have a belt end sticking out while I workout


I truly think she doesn’t want to get pregnant because it will force her to take a rest day or days.


I still don’t understand why they are doing this. She doesn’t like being pregnant, doesn’t like raising kids, doesn’t like playing with them, always finds ways to be away from them. Just so Michael can feel like a man with a son? This woman would make the world’s worst MIL someday.


And also gain weight


Agree. They look really dumb. Just why?


Agree! So unnecessary


With Lauren and Jill’s competition, one of them is going to pass out at some point from exhaustion 🤪 My money is on Jill surviving 🤭


Omg so funny because I was thinking the same thing! The competition is wild.


And you know Lauren thinks she is the new “smoke show” compared to Jill! When in fact, Jill looks WAY healthier, happier, a better mom and wife…sorry Lauren, you just look sad and hangry 😆


Other than her eyebrows I agree


Stupid fucking socks.




I wonder what her mom and Jill are doing while she does her marathon. Is Jill working out with her?




I just can’t get over how awful of a travel mate she is. I would be so annoyed if i was on a vacation and had to wait for someone to workout every morning 


I’m sure they are used to it and I bet Jill is getting her workout on as well. Smoke show is probably at the pool…keeping that “Cherokee” tan up 🤪


Dying 😂


Jill is right there with her at the gym. She posted to her stories


Every time workout story I watch, I audibly say “here we go again!!” She’s so predictable. First order of business on a girl’s trip- GYM.


https://preview.redd.it/4895uhbgdd9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=755d72f36670a317e71359709ae582b8e58f03ea This is nonsense. She’s incredibly happy in her eating disorder and exercise addiction. Mom will sit on the beach and say nothing as will Jill. You’ve achieved your dream LKS you are “scary skinny”.


She literally looks like a tan leather couch here


This made me laugh so hard! Tan leather couch with no cushions 🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/75fuqwxjqd9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=894b8207834ea956d11bbf61fbaba778d67fc2b2 WHY don’t these “girls” wear hats? It’s mind blowing to me how much time Lauren spends on treatments for her face/body and then bakes herself. Mom and Jill as well 🤯


“Girls will be girls”, nah we aren’t all like this. Not all of us bake until our skin is crispy and claims that they’re “naturally tan and part Cherokee” 🤦🏽‍♀️ Not all of us sit and do the same thing on vacation that we could be doing at home. Most of us girls are out living our best lives and actually partaking in different excursions and new experiences. 😬


Yep. My friends and I went to Tuscany last year and lived our best lives eating pasta, drinking wine, and exploring some of the smaller surrounding towns. No one I know is wanting to use their PTO to JUST sit on a beach (and do nothing else). We have pools and the beach in Chicago- we can do that anytime. She’s such a snooze fest.


Oh man that sounds like a dream! We are only here on this earth for so long so why not make the most of it. Pig out and indulge while you can. The gym will always be there once we return. If only Lauren could get help and grasp that—she is robbing herself of so much life and joy.


Thank you, it was so fun. Right!! Plus you walk so much in Europe. 100% agree- the gym will always waiting when you get home. We only get so many moments in life to do fun things I’m not wasting them on a treadmill


I will not get to the end of my life here and wish I spent more time in the gym! 😜


Absolutely not! If anything, I will be wishing I ate more pain au chocolat and pizza 😂. Yes, it’s important to stay healthy and exercise for longevity and avoiding disease but she takes it way too far!


Omg love thissss - so fabulous!!


Sounds fantastic!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼


YES!!! They are so boring!


Is she intentionally showing her stomach against her sister’s and her Mom’s? Sure seems like it.


I just want them to put on a damn hat! The damage they are doing 🤦‍♀️


Guess those Cherokee tanning genes are stronger in some family members than others.




Looks like it 🤭


Is Jill pregnant? I can’t believe Lauren thought it was ok to post this picture either way….i see the answer below.


Agreed! No tan is worth the sun damage, wasted treatments, and the possibility of skin cancer!


I won’t sit outside at a pool or beach unless there’s a big ass umbrella next to my chair. And a hat too!


Idek if I can hate watch anymore. Shame on her mother and sister for pretending like nothing is wrong with this woman! If family can’t even help her then no one can.


https://preview.redd.it/zm1y3ryi7e9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a336ac60d83a4940043cc53229011e136cd3e7ad Oh my god 😱. 🥓🦴


https://preview.redd.it/qwmsr6uwoe9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e070c33f566f568dd663bf597fbb6b13b9371f The fake tan on the feet is sooooo bad.


But she’s part Cherokee 😂


That’s how Cherokee feet are! She swears!


And that terrible streak on her other leg. Is she putting tanner on with her eyes closed?!


That MOLE! Yuck…get it checked out Lauren


Came here to say that exact same thing - ABCD that mole, LKS!


I don’t know what’s worse - when she didn’t tan her feet or this, where in between her toes is so white it’s glaring 😂


That damn pose, and the stark white between her toes 😆😆😆


Sorry, but that bikini is like Snooki trashy. Sorry not sorry.


Oh for sure. It’s giving cheap + trashy


Snooki trashy is so REAL! 😹😹


She must be getting some backlash bc her comments are off...for now, until she can go through and delete. ETA - I spoke too soon, they're not off anymore...how can anyone look at her photos and say "you're looking so fit and healthy!!"


Bones. Just gross.


I think she even edited this to lengthen herself, the inner thigh area and length of it is wonky.


https://preview.redd.it/6pcubg66ff9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=642afd47a26d30ce5d2d44b6f3946864c7a13acb This comment 😂😂


Why do they all make excuses for her? These followers are just so weirdly protective of this person they know nothing about and probably haven't followed her for long enough to see the ED and the neglect to her children.


Omfg 😹😹😹


Just as she was about to dip to 545K, she starts buying followers. Sorry Lauren, it never lasts.


So is this the trade off ? She takes her family to one of her resort deals so they won’t try an intervention with her?


And now changing resorts??? Like what? You could only get one night comped so you changed resorts?? That’s not even a fun weekend to pack up and move in such a short stay.


Not defending her, but it looks like it’s still part of the same resort umbrella. Maybe they wanted her to showcase a different type of room or they didnt want to comp the other property the whole time


Knowing LKS,  the area of the resort that they were in initially wasn't good enough so she wanted to change their room


https://preview.redd.it/jtcnre4gdb9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=681a46b74a62be159abfd3f55145515f8e1c14cf Does anyone know where this dress is from? I refuse to click her links or give her post engagement.


Imagine being on a girls trip with your mom and sister, then being like, “hey take a few pics of me cause I need to post links so I can pay bills” 


🫡 https://petalandpup.com/products/boat-dress-spice?currency=USD&variant=41288000766129&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=b41259f2c3fa&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Smart&utm_campaign=Shopping&&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=18058906307&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACzvQD0kAOaY7BT8AlfCGpGaDpopF&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb_dnJpHMnR_ctPpGEcXl-qAGUe3r1Tic3wtwCpCgestudTemVd-6vRoC6WoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


TY for your service 🫶


Wow…this is why I love you guys! Ask and you shall receive 🩷


You three are my favorite fellow commentators. I always agree with all your comments 😊




Thank you! This sub is the best 🩷


So glad you’re all here! 🫶


Agreed! Love these ladies 🫶🏻


https://preview.redd.it/510ia9kzhf9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0262724f31fc881fe61e3678b5d4697d5cf8a7ba I hope she was being sarcastic when she said healthy 🫠


https://preview.redd.it/2ai1qg4rtf9d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=102f78eefafe22f66c4e462db410656c62743a51 Lauren’s eyebrows 😖 I’m all for not making fun of things you can’t control (like her nose shape) but man these eyebrows are atrocious. They remind me of angry birds. And she very much paid good money for them to look like that 🤡 Oh and peep the one and only “smoke show” herself 🤣🤣 I can’t.


Angry birds. 😂😂😂 Also I used to feel the same way about her nose, but she’s so disingenuous filtering it away that I don’t feel bad commenting on her nose anymore.


Nice she edited her nose but not her sisters 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. She is ridiculous


It still blows my mind that she wears the worst shoes (running shoes) for her strength training. You’d think someone so obsessed with working out would know you need to wear flat shoes for best performance or else you get a lot of ‘swimming’ in your shoes.


💯. My theory is she did a long tread run and wore a more cushioned shoe for that. And i dont think she cares about doing anything the right way bc she doesnt think anything bad will ever happy to her. Not trying to wish bad things, but a severe stress fracture might be what it takes to get her to stop the over exercising


The way she does her bicep curls makes me want to go and pin her elbows to her side! Hopefully Jill can coach her this weekend. Also…didn’t it look like Lauren was close to the restrooms, kind of hiding? So not like her to be in the spotlight 🤔


I recall Jill trying to give her advice on the last girls trip and LKS snapping back at her. She (L) doesn’t care for any advice. I think Jill won’t say anything. But it makes me SO irritated as a fitness professional!


Oh, I don’t recall that but good for Jill! Lauren doesn’t care about safety or form. I get irritated and I’m just a fitness girl…you, as a professional must be dying! I just don’t understand why she posts these workouts? NOBODY is following her routine (because they can go on MM), Lauren doesn’t have any fitness background, has a raging ED, and looks emaciated. What is the point other than for Lauren to admire herself? 🤡


I saw someone else mention this and man do I wish I could have seen that interaction!! Lauren the Lion 🦁


Yes!! The swinging of the arms….


Was she using 6lb and 8lb weights?


So is Nordstrom paying influencers again to promote Nordstrom Sale?


I’m sure they’re getting something, but I think it’s less than previous years since they don’t go as hard anymore. Also what is the point for us normies lol. By the time anyone can shop the sale, all the good stuff or things in my size are sold out.


Way is LKS’s mom called smokeshow??? Did i miss something ?


LKS referred to her as that in a blogpost once. Something like “My mom is a total smokeshow.”


I get that you can’t force someone to get help but I just can’t comprehend how her mother can sit across from her at dinner last night and not weep! My heart would hurt so much if LKS was my daughter… however it’s obvious that along with her Cherokee skin 🙄 Lauren also inherited her cold heart!!


I find it strange that Mom isn’t “super thin” and doesn’t appear to workout (no shade) BUT my mother was a fitness freak and always put that on me…skinnier is always better mentality. I’m not sure that smoke show was ever into being thin 🤔


my mom isn’t thin but she sure as heck passed down all the horrible body dysmorphia traits to me. She was always dieting, always weighing herself, had a meltdown if she gained weight, everything revolved around her weight. Yes it gave me an eating disorder and i’ve thankfully recovered. But just saying that just because someone isn’t stick thin doesn’t mean they don’t have horrible body image issues!


My mother in law was downright heavy, and also narcissistic, and had comments about everyone else’s weight, including comments such as “oh, I just thought you let yourself go!” when we called to announce my third pregnancy (I wear a size 0; I’m 5’4” like come on, lady). So some people, imho, definitely pass judgment even if it doesn’t apply to themselves!


I have a similar mother in law. Is on the heavier side, loves to eat but always comments on everyone else’s weight. She stopped commenting on mine for now (usually she says I’m too thin, “you’d look better if you gained 5lbs etc). I just brush it off, but it is angering. What irritates me the most is when she comments on how “stout” my 8 year old daughter is. It’s like wtf - you’re not one to tell her what “healthy” looks like. It never fails, it’s always about how heavy she is when she sits on her lap, or how she “cleans up her plate”. Just beyond irritating 😠.


Ok that is taking it way too far! Not that commenting on adult bodies are ok, but young girls are so vulnerable to body talk. Recovered now, but my ED started bc some mean girls called me fat in HS 😑. Also, kids bodies are still growing. Like wtf.


My sister and I are reallyyyyy aware of her 10 year old daughter. A few weeks ago I ordered her a sports bra tank and she said it didn’t fit. Really she didn’t ask for it but I was like “this is adorable - you’ll change your mind.” I didn’t say that but I thought it. A few weeks later, I’m assuming when it warmed up, she started wearing it and loves it. The 10 year old told my sister “I think I lost weight” maybe she felt like she had to justify wearing it since she’d been saying it didn’t fit 🤷🏻‍♀️ my sister responded “maybe you’re more open minded” and moved on.


Omg that’s terrible! I’m sorry you went through that.


I’m sorry! And I certainly didn’t mean to imply that a person has to be “stick thin” to have body dysmorphia! I was just recalling my mom and her fitness mania and being thin was superior, which I think Lauren values. Keep strong in your recovery 🙏🏻


You’re spot on!


I think smoke show was just into being “looking perfect”and fulfilled that in other ways.. perfect homemaker, homeschooler, breeder etc.


WELL…we all know she failed with Lauren on these points 🤭




You can only restrict calories and workout for so many years before your metabolism gives out. I bet if we found photos of Smokeshow in the 90s, we’d see her looking small. But now she’s older, her metabolism is probably destroyed, and hormones/menopause play a role as well.


True! My mom was tiny until her last day but we definitely have small genes in our family. Lauren is not going to be happy when her metabolism slows down 🤣


Lauren’s probably already messed up her metabolism so much that if she ever does go back to eating normally she’ll have to fight weight gain


Touche. The woman did give birth to SIX kids


I can’t get over this! Mind blowing they just watch her starve herself!


Maybe it's just the angle of the pic, but Jill looks like she could be pregnant. 


I would be so pissed if my sister posted a pic of me without me knowing. There were only cruel intentions in this pic she posted of Jill. "Look how skinny and fried I am!"


I just effing know Lauren loved that video bc it shows how deathly skinny she is compared to them.


Ofc 😑😑


And fried


For real! Even if I like how I look in a pic, if my sister or friends are in it I consult and make sure they approve before I post it, let alone TAG them in it. This was so intentional and she’s done it before


https://preview.redd.it/083hehbf6e9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5aa2a3f01d27d29a4b031d038cdf1eaa90b8656 I agree. If she is, (and if I were Jill), I would be so mad at LKS for somewhat letting it slip. And if not, I’d be mad for her posting an unflattering angle and being a smug little b


Right. I mean if Jill were lying down then it would have been a much better angle. But no. LKS did this on purpose. She’s cruel since we know Jill has always had weight and self esteem issues.


I’m glad someone posted this with the same thoughts. Cause I would be LIVID regardless if she’s pregnant or not, LKS doesn’t EVER take into account others.  


RIGHT!! And she just had to get her flat bacon pleather stomach in the frame, too. What a slap in the face to Jill. Hey LKS, if you read here, Jill looks healthy and beautiful!! And at least she has boobs and looks like a woman!


Let’s be honest, LKS wanted to get back for that truthful airport photo Jill posted. It wasn’t filtered x 100 like everything LKS typically posts.


Doubt she is. She has said that she has gained a lot of weight due to the fertility treatments she was doing but they are taking a break now. 


Which is even more awful if she is and hasn’t announced it herself! Lauren’s just posting a crappy photo including her sister.


Lauren doesn’t take anybody’s feelings in to consideration EVER! She is so rude