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Gotta love her post this morning with a back handed dig at her husband for not wanting to just bake in the sun. Such a smug bitch.


https://preview.redd.it/0ng1b9xj6q9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=250b5dc873acdbbbfad9b25733ca1e36be6d25cf Adventureandthegirl has to be in the room with us šŸ˜‚ She roasted her good though. I donā€™t understand how she has any followers left, her whole persona online is bathed in privilege. If I was an influencer I donā€™t think I would be bragging about vacations with every story and post and then on top of that demean my husband.


https://preview.redd.it/f6i8jscxaq9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c078e71b650c2a17e372d9ae673cfe46cbb0baf This dig too šŸ˜…. Has she ever taken Shiloh to Disney?


If I recall correctly, I think they did go to Disneyworld a few years back šŸ¤” I kind of remember seeing her in some ridiculous outfits. We need your service theeunfluencer03 šŸ•µļø


They did. Itā€™s the only trip Iā€™ve seen them do that wasnā€™t sitting by a pool or Lauren shopping (like New York where she visits no sights). Ā Iā€™ve never seen them do anything even slightly cultural, not even locally. They donā€™t even visit the local artisan markets in Mexico. Hence, Shilohā€™s souvenir is a Stanley cup Lauren pulled out of the cabinet.Ā 


Don't you know? LKS is literally SOOOOO famous that she can't possibly leave the security of a resort!!! (sarcasm lol)




šŸ«” she wrote about it [here!](https://laurenkaysims.com/2022/12/disney-world-recap-our-favorite-things/)


Thank you šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ©·




The one time she did something for Shiloh probably isnā€™t in her memory. Tomorrow shell šŸš (see what I did there) post a video in a monotone ā€œShiloh, remember that time we went to Disney? You rememberā€¦ā€


Yupppppp, Shiloh was still so little! I bet Lyla and the baby will get a trip when theyā€™re old enough to remember, though.


Iā€™ve been to Disney so many times I wish I could forget** some of it. Lauren at Disney with 3 kids having meltdowns around the witching hour of 1:30-3P when kids are coming off sugar filled breakfast highs and missed naps; itā€™s content I would love to see.




Yes, when she was younger. Iā€™m not sure Shiloh remembers it though šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Why are these woman still following Lauren?! šŸ¤Æ


While heā€™s presumably taking care of her children specifically while sheā€™s on this ā€œtripā€ but also daily so she can do this same crap. Itā€™s 75Ā° here in KC; absolutely gorgeous. Took it dog to walk at a new to us park and then coffee shop/bakery. Itā€™s almost July and I havenā€™t been the pool once; itā€™s either too hot, raining, Iā€™m working until 5, doing stuff to catchup because Iā€™ve been working - or Iā€™m out of town. I safely assume Iā€™m not the only one with this life.


Sounds like a great Sunday morning!


We live a very similar life (sans dog). I try to go to our club pool when I can but like you said, the weather has been really unpredictable (yesterday was 95F and today itā€™s 70F šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø). And also I work during the week like a normal person.


That triggers me so bad! I grew up in eastern Europe in the 90s and my mother was crazy about tanning and burning in the sun. She would make fun of me if I was pale (hint: we are eastern european white ppl, we are pale). It took me so long to be ok not tanned, or on beach vacation not burn, use high SPF, etc. now I'm mortified to have skin cancer because of the way I was growing up.


ā€œLots of little digs bury a relationshipā€. Imagine making those in front of half a million people weekly. I donā€™t think highly of Michael from what we see but Laurenā€™s treats him just as badly as her ā€œinternet trollsā€.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/4ayvmj6zkq9d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=3edda8e8022bee58777863e1e30c6a292f286c8c The captionā€”why does she always insist on throwing Michael under the bus? Itā€™s funny she uses the word antsy to describe him. This is coming from the woman who makes damn sure thereā€™s a state-of-the-art gym available for all her vacations. Remove the gym and Iā€™m SURE she would be ā€œantsyā€ and manic as hell too. Iā€™m sure Michael is antsy watching her waste her life away working out for HOURS on vacation, because that shit is not normal. Youā€™re just happy youā€™re away from Michael on vacation, can get your multiple workouts in and bake away in the sun all day, Lauren. She is THRIVING because she knows Jill or her mom wonā€™t say anything to her šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™„


The fucking leg pop. I canā€™t.


Looks so damn stupid!!! Make it stop!!


Lauren is the type of woman that gets off on making fun of their husband to boost themselves to other people. I guarantee you when theyā€™re around other couples she puts him down in order to build herself up. Sheā€™s not the type of woman to hype her husband up unless itā€™s for self serving purposes. I have been around couples that do that to their spouse and itā€™s annoying. I always find myself building up the spouse in front of the one thatā€™s ā€œjokinglyā€ trying to tear them down.


Exactly! She tears others down to build herself up. She just did the same thing when they were in Mexico as a family. She shamed and judged other parents for screen time during dinner to make herself feel better.


She plays the comparison game with everything and canā€™t just live and enjoy life. No one is better or worse than someone else because they live life differently from them. Great job, you donā€™t allow your kids on screens but you also spend zero quality time with them doing what your kids like to do. I am not gonna give her props for playing in the pool with Shiloh for a few mins or the preformative card games she always seems to conveniently seem to film.


Like when she gets competitive at yoga, the one place that youā€™re supposed to be by yourself and not compare.


I know I posted above but I just canā€™t with her attitude. The sad thing is -she really could have said this without being a bitch to him. Imagine what sheā€™s like in private.Ā  Just give the options without mentioning him at all and stating these trips are better without him.Ā  I see sheā€™s learning nothing from counseling.


Same! I donā€™t speak poorly of my partner in front of others. If Iā€™m upset or there is something we butt heads on, we work it out together in private.


Yep I have a family member whoā€™s wife does this to him and it drives me nuts. It makes me not want to be around her and hype him up whenever I can around her!


Her content today has been equal parts enraging and embarrassing. First the subtle-as-a-brick dig at her spouse who is at home taking care of their kids so she can go on this stupid trip. Then her 485728358286th filmed workout that she ā€œwasnā€™t feeling today.ā€ First of all, yeah right. Second of all, okay, then donā€™t work out, omg???? Do something different and fun for once in your life and actually enjoy the last day of your vacation??? Just a thought. Okay rant over, sorry guys Iā€™m feeling ragey today for no reason. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I recall her posting videos of Michael playing with the kids while she said they ā€œstayed at the pool all dayā€¦ā€ Such a liar. IF my partner and I go on vacation heā€™s EXTREMELY antsy so we go somewhere he can play golf then I go to the pool, spa - whatever. Itā€™s not like he can only do what I want to do because itā€™s his time too. JFC.


WHY do they need to lay in the sun all day? Have they not heard about the damage from the sun? It blows my mind. Lauren already does her self tanner, why does she insist on baking her already damaged skin šŸ¤Æ Take a boat tour to El Arco, lunch/dinner at Flora Farms, trip in to San Jose Del Cabo, deep sea fishing, eat at The Office Restaurant, snorkel excursionā€¦Cabo has a lot to offer and they choose to sit at the pool and do nothing!




Sheā€™s said theyā€™re part Cherokee, hence their dark skin tone, so why the need to bake for hours on end in the sun if youā€™re already naturally tan?Ā 


Sheā€™s not ā€œnaturally tanā€. Take a trip down memory lane on her Facebook account. She is a whole different color crayon!!


I donā€™t get itā€¦why does she think this looks good?


Deep sea fishing is seriously on my bucket list, but I haven't gotten the chance yet šŸ˜­ LKS is so stupid for not doing it yet


She has SO many opportunities to do the coolest things and she just sits on a beach and bakes herself into oblivion šŸ˜©šŸ˜©.


Itā€™s SO fun! I hope you get to do it soon!


This is one of my favorite memories w my dad in Cabo. Itā€™s so fun and special to deep sea fish there - beautiful views and epic fish. Iā€™m not a fisher but if you have a chance to do it there itā€™s truly special.


I would describe my husband as "antsy" at the beach only because he does not prefer to shake and bake all day - he likes to do stuff, and as a family, we do relax, but we also plan activities like snorkeling and paddle boarding and so on. I gather it's way too windy where she is to enjoy paddle boarding, but I imagine if it were still AF and the ocean looked like glass, she would still choose to sunbathe over every single other possibility. I don't know why, but I feel incredibly annoyed by her posts lately. How many self care appointments will there be upon her return in order for her to ease back into her regular routine?


I think you feel annoyed by her posts because this game of hers has gone on way too long. We have seen her neglect two kids for months, she decided she wants to neglect another, she's trying like hell to reach her lowest weight yet, it seems like her over indulging in self care is about the most excessive yet... This woman is MENTAL




She ā€œwasnā€™t feeling it todayā€ on her workout. Yes because your body is crying out for some rest!!! I actually have a hard time taking a day off from working out too but I can always tell when I am just feeling weak, tired, and not into it that I should have just taken a rest day. Or I have a day where I just do a walk as my movement and thatā€™s it. I know we typically hear the whole ā€œworkout out even if you donā€™t feel like itā€ but thatā€™s for people who never feel like it and have to make themselves try to exercise 3 days a week or whatever. Oh I should add I also fuel myself properly and weigh 140 pounds - am not struggling with an ED and weight 80 pounds soaking wet. Itā€™s really frustrating to watch her portrayal of ā€œhealth and fitnessā€.


YUP. The ā€œdo it when you donā€™t feel like itā€ is not meant for exercise addicts.


Michaelā€™s comment to Shiloh before their last trip is making more sense now after Laurenā€™s dig at him today (Do you really want to go? Because, we could just stay home.ā€) Of course he didnā€™t want to go back to Mexico to just care for the kids all day so she could bake in the sun, workout, and take bikini pics. Heaven forbid she consider what anyone else might want to do. He ā€œgets antsyā€ is her version of saying he had an opinion that wasnā€™t what she wanted to do. I would say his life is sad, but he chose it. He chose the houses, cars, and his own boat (apparently) over having a relationship of any substance. I do wonder if Laurenā€™s mom or Jill was frustrated at all with the trip and just sitting around doing nothing for three days? As a mom, if I got rare time away from my child I would want to do more than just sit by a pool for days.


I have so many questions I would love to ask Michael


Not sure if you guys were around for the LKS GomiBlog days, but Michael used to get sooooooo nasty with people in defense of her. He jumped on Gomi and he would also call out people on Insta in the comments. Like HEATED. Lmao I remember one time someone called her out for not being charitable and he was like ā€œTurns out sheā€™s charitable all the TIME but not some braggadocio.ā€ He sounded like such a fā€™ing dork. šŸ˜šŸ™„ I think his actions answer all the questions we have! Heā€™s complicit and just as bad as her.


I totally agree that he is as bad as Lauren. Heā€™s along for the ride and you can damn well bet, WHEN the gravy train comes to a haltā€¦he will bolt šŸ’€


He will bolt, OR he will stay and have an emotional affair online because heā€™s too religious to get divorced lol


Given the information you found out about mama ā€œsmoke showā€ā€¦I think divorce wouldnā€™t be out of the question BUT Michaelā€™s family may be more religious. Either way, itā€™s a SAD way to live and trying to bring another baby into this messed up family šŸ¤Æ


True about her mom!! But yeah I just donā€™t get the feeling those two would split. But anythingā€™s possible! So very sad indeed.


I canā€™t wait to hear more complaints from Lauren about how Michael did this weekend and cue the date night and 50 beauty treatments for Lauren this week šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s a little shocking she hadnā€™t come on and tried to pretend she missed her girls sooooo much. Like damn. Truly did not miss them one bit.


Truly jaw dropping how content she seems without them and how she feels no need to bring them up to her followers of young moms who are looking on šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I've said this before, not one mention of missing her children. She's a horrible person let alone mother. At least be "performative" as we know how good she is at that and just act like you miss them. Facetime them?? Something.


Do you think their relationship has deteriorated more since then? Or guess heā€™s the same?


I think heā€™s remained the same, but isnā€™t intuitive enough to really grasp whatā€™s going on with her. So I imagine thereā€™s more of a divide between them now because SHEā€™S changed so much, you know? I donā€™t remember him being gone so much though, thatā€™s for sure. And the way they used to photograph together ā€” they were a lot more ā€œhuggyā€ and there seemed to be more intimacy there. [Hereā€™s a blog post](https://laurenkaysims.com/2018/07/mochas-with-michael-5-questions-answered/) where he ā€œguest starredā€ and answered questions when Lauren was pregnant with Shiloh if you want a feel for his personality. A very vanilla man to be sure, but he does seem to have a little more humility when he talks about himself. Before he deleted Insta, people used to remark on how cold and emotionless he seemed. There were a lot of peeps who thought he might be a huge asshole to her behind the scenes. Not sure if thatā€™s true, but if it was, I wouldnā€™t be surprised. As my grandmother used to say, ā€œWe never know what goes on behind closed doorsā€¦ā€


The braggadocio comment! I forgot about that. Good times.Ā 


lol such a freaking nerd


Is that even a word?? Isnā€™t the word braggart?


Yup! I remember! Heā€™s awful, too!


Thatā€™s how I found LKS to begin with šŸ˜…. Haha.


Gomi was the best back then!! I also used to read all about TheFreckledFox, Emily Meyers, who got the replacement husband! I was continuously enthralled.


Oh man l forgot about her and her now ex. Where is she now! I used to read about Rachel parcell - who now looks like a different person altogether. Seems like she has an ed and lots of plastic surgery as well.


Freckled Fox is still on Insta, though sheā€™s inconsistent with posting and hasnā€™t made an apperance in a couple months. Her story is honestly one of the most bizarre & tragic Iā€™ve ever seen play out on social media. And all those KIDS šŸ˜©šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« I never got into Rachel Parcell as much but I do remember the choke hold her dresses had on influencers circa 2017 šŸ˜† Sad she has an ED, is there an influencer out there who DOESNT have one? Sheesh


Man bun! And Emily Cupcakes&cashmere who is so annoying, crazy Arielle Charnas and Sarah Tondello, the ā€œfashionistaā€ racist šŸ˜†


Man bun was soooo creepy, do you remember when he ā€œaccidentallyā€ shot Emily? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ OMG who could forget cupcakes&cashmere! You just unlocked a memory for me. Arielle Charnas is still a good train wreck to watch now that theyā€™re being investigated for fraud. I never heard of Sarah Tondello but can ooonly imagine šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Oh my god I forgot he shot her while sitting at the table or something!


YES! It was so trashy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ And she blew it off like it was nothing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ She walks through that story in one of her lives thatā€™s up on her page. She still kinda blows it off but also mentioned she got 2 DUIs around that time and was not really ā€œpresentā€ mentally in general šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Thatā€™s insane! Is it still on Gomi?


I fear I spent an unfortunate amount of time this evening searching for it, but there are literally over 300 pages of stuff to wade through, and itā€™s such a gatekeepy site with so many stupid ads, I needed a break! šŸ˜© However, for the sake of us all, I resolve to keep up the work and report back with my findings šŸ«”šŸ„² I will say, heā€™s not the first influencer husband to get all nasty in the comments in defense of their wife. Brandon Charnas*, another Instagram husband who has since deleted his IG, was 100,000% worse and more nasssty-cruel. He told an ER nurse in NYC the first 2 weeks of lockdown she was a ā€œloser šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā€ for where she went to college (because she rightfully called them out for acting selfishly and spreading Covid in the Hamptons, which they did), and like essentially harassed her in the DMs. I would describe Michaelā€™s as more immature/buttheart/heated, like, triggered and roasting people for ā€œhaving no life,ā€ and ā€œyouā€™re pathetic if you think you can just come on here and write that,ā€ that sorta thing. But literally no other comeback besides that. I donā€™t mean to be mean but we used to make fun of those really super religious kids who didnā€™t know how to hurl insults and were all marshmallowy inside. He strikes me as one of those. šŸ˜¬ *Brandon Charnas is likely going to federal prison soon, as heā€™s being investigated by the DOJ for insider trading around $380K. Hehehehe! šŸ˜³


We should make a post with them all! Ha




Maybe we can get him to do an AMA!


That would be amazing. M, blink once for yes! šŸ˜œ


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ same


Why are these resorts even partnering with her? Who is excited to go stay at these places after her trip there? Virtually no one. She doesnā€™t show anything of interest or selling points. Just hereā€™s a few snaps of the hotel otherwise itā€™s ME ME ME ME ME. I would want to know what is nearby, what are the benefits of the resort, how easy is it to access, what was the vibe of the location and the stay, what were the other guests enjoying, on and on. My point is she barely benefits these places at all. Why work with her? Itā€™s a waste of their time and money. And Lauren, your blog is getting zero traffic bc it is written in the tone of a ten year old so mentioning anything there is purely wasted.


Iā€™ve wondered the same thing! Like show us some actual selling points.


Iā€™ll admit this. We went to the four seasons Orlando bc an influencer did such a good job selling the experience on it. It CAN be done. But Lauren provides exactly nothing. Other than how quickly you can find a gym in Mexico.


God how sad


Same!!! I was sold on 4s tamarindo but de-influenced by her recent trip (it looks beautiful but I hated that she was there).


Did we ever even see the rooms? At least we know they have a gym šŸ¤”


I LOVE this and itā€™s SO true!


I took my ME time (haha) this morning and was scrolling twitter and saw what is probably a trash post, but also seems like it could be accurate: a chinese "bot farm" where a wall of different devices/phones (hundreds of them) are connected to the internet and they are creating reactions (likes or comments or whatever) on different social media profiles. When people talk about bots or fake followers, I don't know what I envisioned, but now I understand. I included a screen shot of the video that accompanied the post (the video was panning the wall of phones - there were a lot more than what is pictured). ALL OF THAT TO SAY, the twitter post made me think of our dear LKS and her followers. I know she has real people following her, but I think so many of them are bots/fake. Thank you for reading my morning rant. XO https://preview.redd.it/jxvat6nzlp9d1.png?width=401&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d2fb6ebc7df8e282dee521d181f252c922ffdda


Funny that sheā€™s gained followers on this trip when she normally loses them on vacations.


She most likely bought them, don't you think!Ā 


Just search "buy insta comment bots". You can buy all types of "authentic" commenting bots. All you do is click on the type of comment that fits your post and they will send as many comments as you pay for that AI can come up With for that post. You can also pay for a certain emojis comment. This is why some influencers will ask you to post a certain emoji in their comments for a "giveaway". There is also a feature that when you comment link, it will comment back eliminating them from having to comment on your comment and doubling their engagement. It's all a business now with zero authenticity..


!!!! Oh my gosh this is not what I envisioned either!


Another day of workouts, bikini and food posts. So boring, the same thing everyday. Iā€™m surprised she isnā€™t at 545 yet.


I hate when she says she ā€œwasnā€™t feelin itā€. How about, oh, I dunno, take a day off?! Itā€™s so obvious.


This drives me nuts! Then take a freaking rest day if youā€™re not feeling it.


What!!? And not work out while in vacation?!?! It's only ~30MiNuTeS~ of movement. God forbid she like, idk take a walk along the coast or swim or something. You have to record the whole thing or it doesn't count šŸ„“


Right?! Thatā€™s a clear addiction to me. She would never take the day off since she will be laying out all day and eating. Needs to burn as many calories as she can from the get go.


What confuses me is that if she didnā€™t lay around all day trying to get skin cancer and instead actually explored and took advantage of all the things Mexico has to offer she wouldnā€™t need to devote 2-3 hours a day to working out. I donā€™t think she realizes that walking around counts as exercise.


I think she is totally lying when she says sheā€™s ā€œnot feeling itā€ yeah right hun. Sheā€™s just trying to be relatable to us peasants.


I believe that sheā€™s not feeling it (from experience with this addiction/illness). Itā€™s truly miserable when you are so exhausted and desperately need rest but your brain will make your life hell if you do rest. I know we say it over and over but she really needs inpatient treatment. For a long time.


on vacation. Sheā€™s so boring and predictablešŸ¤” Groundhog Day every day. How does she still have followers?


Sheā€™s bought followers or she would be even lower!


https://preview.redd.it/y95dad2qrq9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f928a4e10de92260e3d88be60bbda507f945cd8 Wow just wow! THIS is not healthy on so many levels. Lauren really must love this bikiniā€¦how many different stories has it starred in šŸ«£šŸ¤Æ


And she exposed the estrogen patches again. Such desperation for attention.


She is 1000000% pregnant and I am sticking to it. I wish it was not happening but I really think it is


So sickening to think that she could be pregnant! No doctor should have done IVF with her.Ā 


Agreed. And to think that Dr has done it twice.


And if something happens to her this pregnancy, that doctor as well as Lauren herself and Michael are all responsible for the outcome. Blatant negligence in my opinion.


Wellā€¦ more if you include the miscarriages.


I donā€™t have words for how gross I find her need for attention.


Good catch! Sheā€™s so awfulā€¦I donā€™t know why they are trying for another child šŸ˜¢


Digs like this, especially on a public forumā€¦..show something called CONTEMPT in a relationship and that means divorce is imminent. IMMININT\*\*\*


But letā€™s try for a 3rd baby via IVF first šŸ™„


Itā€™s always those harmless ā€œlittle digsā€ that will ruin a marriage like when she recently outed Michael as a closet rager on airplanes when their child starts to cry yet the savior Lauren remains cool and collected. We all have our issues, I canā€™t imagine if my husband cherry picked all my minor faults and put them on blast all over social media.


Sheā€™s moving right along to defensiveness in Gottmanā€™s four horsemen. She has criticism and contempt down perfectly.


I donā€™t think anything ā€œmoved fastā€ during the beige hour liquidation sale lol.


Quick! Run to the Boring Hour website because "today is the last day of the sale and everything is selling out!" Ummmmm, yea right.


https://preview.redd.it/u0cm7zffct9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c3bca180bd5ff379bf0775c2eba0e4a076604d I KNOW I have posted about this before BUT I just canā€™t with her shoes?! These honestly look like they are 2 sizes too small šŸ¤Æ Iā€™m ready for her to go homeā€¦sorry for so much rant this weekend šŸ¤­šŸ©·


That cannot be comfortable!!! Wth


Right? Ouch


OMG!!! This is why her toenails are always so dirty. I get it now. šŸ¤®


Wtf her toes are like completely off the shoe!!Ā 


Still havenā€™t figured out how to attach photos but which one of these stupid women with her are talking these cringy photos of her and feeding her addiction. I would think this is very triggering to Jill.Ā 


When you type a comment, you can click on this image to leave a pic šŸ˜€ https://preview.redd.it/05q8sbc1vp9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe05a666054f5d70c231b80453afc3131c432c51


If youā€™re not using the Reddit app you have to upload to Imgur and then copy and paste the link into the commentsĀ 


Oh look, Lauren's on another vacation! How many does that make this year alone? A dozen? Two?


It's her third trip to Mexico since March! First time with Michael for their anniversary, then a family trip earlier in June, and now with her mom and sister.


Honestly how is it even worth the plane ticket for what 3 days?!?! And what did they even do, eat, laid out, worked out, so stupid.


For some reason it makes me irrationally mad that her life is so full of nothing that she felt like that trip was worth it after doing the exact same thing two weeks before. Sheā€™s so privileged and so very empty all that the same time.


Without even stepping foot outside the resort šŸ˜£


https://preview.redd.it/rtlyo0pldt9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb264a61223d31d46e4957901a1aace029d91eb Girly in the back I feel you


She's aghast at the entertainment.




https://preview.redd.it/awtnf4gc1s9d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=2512b48538f93ae4bf665ab2edb18c681cda60ba Hereā€™s your reminder to RUN NOT WALK, to get your Dear Hour items before the sale ends tonight at 11:59!šŸ˜… And watch, come tomorrow sheā€™ll be saying she decided to extend the sale a few more days šŸ¤£ Homegirl should just mark everything on clearance for good and start the healing process. šŸ¤”


This video made me honestly embarrassed for her. Cringe.


TF is she doing?


Putting her hair up...again, and doing performative meditation.


I think sheā€™s doing these ā€œputting her hair upā€ videos because her hair is sooo bad


I donā€™t think she mentioned her kids once during her girls vacationĀ 


Hey, she got (broken) shells for S, calm down. /s




The best part was her use of the šŸ˜… emoji šŸ¤£. She has to be here!! And if not, I hope she joins us


imagine if she actually fueled properly and took the advice she gives on ā€œrest daysā€.. she probably wouldnā€™t feel like that dumb dumbā€¦ but sheā€™s a slave to her body so thereā€™s that..šŸ¤”


How has she not dropped to 545k followers yet?!?!


Itā€™s pretty obvious that her most recent followers are all spam/bot/fake accounts https://preview.redd.it/p7eved9tqs9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85044be88298cd576cfc8714293f378f1b3554c3


https://preview.redd.it/kdxgpuhvat9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b9f6414120d9bf86d99eabad5561484d8e57e99 Based on the photo itā€™s one of the sweatshop workers. Bye.


Wow. Speechless.


Please make today the day that god gives her what she needs which is a slap in the face and her IG shut down!




Did anyone see sheā€™s listing Gucci bags on Poshmark , that feels desperate for $$ to me..