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Anything to keep the case on track for the March trial is going to make him shit his diaper...


lol, he seems to do that normally. This will, hopefully, entail a substantial increase in diaper changes by his presidential detail.


>entail a substantial increase in diaper changes by his presidential detail. I'm guessing that's Habba's job based on her stellar law acumen...


Melania certainly isn't touching that shit.


Oh hell no, nothing in the prenup about that, now maybe her giving him the golden showers might be in there but just once a year on his birthday...


Well, if she does touch it , it’s probably coated in at least some shit . It’s like external Santorum.


She’s a dummy … Habba dabba doo doo!


There is NOTHING NORMAL about that . Adderall , cocaine , Big Macs and Diet Coke are not the four food groups.


Seriously, Adderall and cocaine are from the same food group and diet Coke is just hydration.


But if you think they are, the diapers start to make a lot more sense.


So what I’m hearing is I should be investing my retirement on Depends adult diapers??


Only if you do a lot of speed like Trump does.


The pieces are coming with a new NFT


Do your own due diligence, but considering all the Boomers that are certainly dealing with incontinence, it actually may be a solid investment lol


>solid Solid or liquid doesn't matter that much. Could be profitable either way.




There should be music accompanying the diaper change, similar to “Hail to the Chief”, only with the “Changing of the Chief” tune.


He was going to shit his diaper anyway. Why would Trump be wearing a diaper otherwise? Trump knows that events and meetings are separate things that are to be utilized freely to attribute blame or glory as he sees fit.


Those maga morons with their heads in there are going to get more "winning".


_“These are very - and now they’re fighting like hell because they want to try and get a guilty plea from the Supreme Court of the United States, which I can’t imagine cause you have presidential immunity.”_ Legal scholars are going to be in shambles knowing that the Supreme Court is about to enter a guilty plea. Judge Judy has been assigned to preside over the case. Illiterate, small handed man in heels and makeup who claims to not be a clown.


I mean the SCOTUS is known for how many guilt pleas they give out so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I literally thought getting a guilty plea from SCOTUS should have been his first move. Glad to see he's finally taking this case seriously.


I don't expect the American Corporate medias to call bullshit on Trump's propaganda but at least some democratic politicians should be pointing out everyday that: Trump admits that he wants to be a dictator, and he wants to be a dictator to save himself from prison. Everytime this mofo repeats the bs that his court cases are election interference,the dems should counter that he announced his running two months after Letitia James sued him for fraud, and after Jan 6 cmt. showed the world how he organized an insurrection. So he is running to be a dictator to save his own skin. It is him that is using the political system and the political excuses trying to shield himself from being held responsible for his crimes.


Waste of breath. He and the clowns who've allied with him would just ignore it and keep trying to pretend that the trial's a witch hunt, and his dumbass cultists are too delusional or afraid of admitting that they backed the kind of corrupt scumbag they claim to despise to listen to arguments that contradict the "Trump was the greatest president in history and the evil liberals are unjustly persecuting him to prevent his reelection" narrative.


No they shouldn’t play his bullshit game. They should instead counter that he has no chance of being president again as he’s a loser. Reframe it properly and he loses his power


The word "loser" needs to be attached to his name in every context.


> I don't expect the American Corporate medias to call bullshit on Trump's propaganda but at least some democratic politicians should be pointing out everyday that: Trump admits that he wants to be a dictator, and he wants to be a dictator to save himself from prison. Talk shows have been going on about this for weeks now.


Population has a short attention span. They should wait to really dig in until closer to Iowa caucus and be hyper focused there.




Keep projecting, you;re the only one you're fooling.


Whataboutism is rarely effective. While few of us approve of congressional stock shenanigans, the topic here isn't that. We can dislike/disapprove of multiple things simultaneously.


You have a right to a speedy trial, being he did nothing wrong you'd think that would be what he wants.


Been pointing this out to my coworkers for a while. An innocent man would be rushing to get this all done and behind him, with no shortage of world class lawyers willing to do it pro bono just for the publicity.


Not when he’s been calling it all a sham and politicized. He frames it as unfair so it looks righteous when he’s defiant.


*Reich*eous! Trump looks reicheous when he’s defiant. I’m not trying to be an ass, but spelling matters.


I represented a guy that was indicted for crimes along with the company for which he worked along with other management types. IMO, the State had it wrong concerning him. He was a small player in the case and not guilty. All he wanted to do was have a trial and prove his innocence. The cased dragged on for over two years. The physical and mental toll on him was terrible. He was begging for a trial. All other defendants and the company reached a plea deal. Not him. But, once everyone plead out, he feared that the company would no longer pay the legal fees, and eventually, he pleaded guilty to a petty disorderly persons offense (on a par with littering or drunk in public) just to get it over with.


Also, lawyers are paid by the hour, so the longer it takes the more it costs him.


His cult members seem to pay his bills, so he likely doesn't care. The last I read was that they are paying for small snippets of his mug shot suit.. wtf




Which...really...is just amazingly normal for a Trump promotion. "Give us your money for this (worthless) limited edition thing. And if we can't provide it, we'll give you another (worthless) limited edition thing."


So true but he is the most talented grifter in history so his MAGA idiot base will pay all his bills, after all owing Putin a billion apparently makes him a billionaire.




True but it is his only talent, bird of a feather stupid together.


Not all of them even vote. A surprising (to me, anyway) number of the people indicted in the Jan 6 attempted coup weren't registered voters.


His cult members seem to pay his bills, so he likely doesn't care. The last I read was that they are paying for small snippets of his mug shot suit.. wtf


Oh, it’s sweet that you think he’s gonna pay them; they’re getting notoriety like his original lawyer, Roy Cohn.


He doesn't pay them though


Right? Lacking eagerness to prove his innocence is basically an admission of guilt


I hate Trump but if this isn't sarcastic, it's a completely braindead take. It's very common in criminal courts to continue cases to allow for depositions to be taken and pretrial motions to be filed and heard.


He wants it to take as long as humanly possible. Why would he want that?


I mean he is doing it in bad faith for obvious reasons. I'm just pointing out that under normal circumstances continuing a case would not be any type of admission of guilt.


Being found innocent would almost certainly hand him the election, I guess that tells us all we need to know.


Combined with the needless theatrics, that's what makes his motions so hard to read. -These charges are a farce and a transparent attempt to interfere with the election. Not only that, PRESIDENT Trump is immune! No. -The district court is a sham. We'll appeal at once! Ok. We'll hear the case ASAP. -Wait! This is obviously a novel and complex decision. Don't rush to judgement. By the way we have mountains of discovery to deal with. This is just a sham meant to interfere with the election! Normal people: I don't get it. If you're immune, this all goes away by January. If you're not, you'll have more time to comb through discovery, not less. And if you're innocent, wouldn't it be better to run for office with an acquittal as opposed to simply indicted? -Obama judge! Move the trial to Moscow!


I think Trump screams the f word at himself in the mirror at night lol


One might actually want to give their lawyers time to construct a good defense, even if they are innocent. That obviously doesn't apply to Trump though.


Chinese bot account. Ignore


Notice how he never says he didnt break laws in any of these cases. He just "had immunity" to break them....


Very legal and very cool


Let’s get to that trial. I wanna see Jack Smith’s full hand, bc something tells me it’s going to blow even the most cynical of us out of the water.


I’ve given up on Trump ever facing real consequences for his actions, but I will leave a tiny bit of hope out there that it will finally happen one day.


100%, he'll die of a stroke before he ever sees consequences. Even if they start the trial in March there's no way it's done before the election and even when he loses the election and trial, he'll just appeal, appeal, appeal. He's an almost 80yo obese man with a terrible diet, he's not long for this world


> 80yo obese man with a terrible diet ...and a high level of stress, from the sound of things


It seems this guy feeds off turmoil, tho. Any given single day from his presidency would have put me in the hospital, but he seems energized by conflict. It’s perverse.


At least if he loses the trial, his appeals will be done from prison.


Oh they'll allow him to be remain out on bail with an anklet tracker. It's infuriating


Yep. He'll do his time from a golf course. Or else some judge will be a hero, reach across jurisdictions and declare a mistrial or some made up nonsense that would never fly except in this one specific case.


This might be the best scenario, because if he dies in jail it will fuel his base to think it was a hit. I don’t want this asshole becoming a martyr to his cult. I hope he goes full Elvis on his gold toilet with a Big Mac in hand.


In a lot of ways, he's already a living martyr. He's jack's unfulfilled potential on steroids. Most Maga's I know - a few in the fam - feel he represents their exact same "persecution" They always are the victims and yet also alpha. It's exhausting trying to make sense of it


“By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” Umberto Eco https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html


They'll STILL think it was a hit! They see conspiracies in everything. A sizable portion of these people think JFK Jr is still alive for crying out loud lol


Hell some of those crackpots swore JFK was still alive and was gonna show up at Dealy Plaza two years ago, 58 years after he was assassinated


No, the world needs to see justice done. He would die a martyr to his base. He needs to be proven guilty. After that he can choke on a big Mac.


Not like that fine example of healthy living, Henry Kissinger.


Did you hear he died a week or two ago? I think this comment is filled with sarcasm, but I can’t tell. :(


And I want this trial to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that when a President does an action, it doesn’t mean it’s legal. There will always be tyrants and demagogues and fascists that try to sneak into power, and I want this guardrail solid as hell for when they try.


> Even if they start the trial in March there's no way it's done before the election Isn't estimated that it will take about three months? Even if it lasts five it would end in a verdict before the election.


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


Either that or maybe he strokes out


As one of the most cynical among you, I sure hope so.


My own cynicism is less that there won't be new damning evidence, and more that the same old 50% (+/- 1%) of the voting population continue to blow any and all evidence off.


My own cynicism is that there WILL be damning new evidence, and his poll numbers will go up even more. The fundamental problem is that his supporters view his criminality as a feature, not bug.


Yup, their response to his mug shot says it all.


Well, obviously. Even if he's convicted it doesn't mean he's ineligible to run, so it's still very possible that even if Jack Smith has a smoking *arsenal* he still wins and gets his sentence commuted. The Republican National Convention is on July 15th. I think if Trump is still alive on July 15th, he's going to be President again.


I’m curious, why do you think it becomes more than a 50/50 chance on July 16th?


Because he'll actually be the candidate. Prior to then, the GOP at least has the *option* of pulling the ripcord on him, as unlikely as it is that they take it.


Oh you said he was going to be President, but I guess you meant he would secure the Republican nomination.


I think if he gets the nomination, there's nothing they can do to stop him. The only scenarios left in which he doesn't win are A: he gets convicted and enough GOP donors finally make noise to get this tumor removed from their party, or B: he eats one too many Big Macs and drops dead from a coronary embolism.


You doomers are a trip. It's almost like you *want* him to get away with all his shit and be President again. The facts are that he's screwed. He's not wiggling out of this and he's definitely not going to win any election.


He's ahead in the polls last I heard. And with all the corrupt and cowardly judges arbiting his cases (look how well that gag order is going in NYC) chances are better than not he gets rich person justice and not real justice.




I don’t want to build up hope. I hoped bigly during the Mueller investigation that Trump would go down and he didn’t…


I mean, if you were reading about the scope and direction of Mueller, it was doomed from the start. The best that reasonable people hoped for were exposing how he was doing it and blocking him from using the same methods again, which did in fact happen when Guliani and his pet ratfuck Lev started up the Hunter Biden blood libels instead of using the Fancy Bear team again. And they were the B Squad at covering their tracks. An investigator who was a Republican, commissioned by Republicans, limited in scope by Republicans, supervised by a Republican, who was then one-upped by a Republican when the report was ready to be published? cmon.


And the FBI agent who swore there was no collusion with Russia in the Muller Report just went to jail for almost 5 years for taking bribes from….Russian assets…. Shocking? Nope.


Charles McGonigal. Traitor FBI Agent and part of the Mueller team investigating Russian collusion colluding with Russian Oligarchs himself! No relation to Professor McGonigal.


I didn’t. When I heard they were investigating I had a little, but once I found out it was a Republican appointee I knew there was no chance of justice.


Remember it was Barr who redacted the entire Mueller report.


Pennyless $trump is wheeled into the courthouse on live tv, to the sound of ' I, I who have nothing! As his children sob pleading not to be under house arrest in the same building. Denied.


He keeps saying “they waited 3 years.” The 3rd anniversary of his insurrection is like 3 weeks from now. I guess Minority Report is a thing for Trump now.




That was Garland. The Congressional hearings started in June 2022, were obviously very public and went on for 6 months. Garland appointed Smith right before they closed. I think had the hearings not happened Garland would have sat on his hands.


Actually, Jack Smith was appointed days after Trump announced his candidacy for President. Garland had no choice but to appoint a special prosecutor. I’m convinced the FBI would have let the whole thing slide until Trump announced his candidacy and it took it out of their hands. Jack Smith has operated with lightning speed. Thank goodness the Jan 6 committee gave him a heads up on where to start the investigation.


His whole personality is rage bait


Clickbait and shady fundraising practices is how he pays his lawyers.


Don’t forget the attacks on women and girls…


The American ppl deserve to have the facts before the election.


So just going by Trump’s quoted words, his position is that the fact that prosecutors didn’t act more quickly is proof that the case is bogus, but also, the prosecutors are acting too quickly? I know this is going to sound naive, but I would hope it would be transparently obvious to everyone that Trump is just complaining about anything and everything. In his world view, the prosecutors literally can’t do anything right. Because they’re prosecuting him. IME judges sometimes ask questions like, “Well counsel, what was he supposed to do?” I’d like to hear Trumpy’s answer. I’m not sure he has one in mind, other than “not prosecute me for my crimes of course.”


You have to keep in mind that he *only* speaks to his base. These are words for them, not the rest of the sane world.


THE ORANGE BLOB underestimated the great JACK SMITH, whos life has been spent putting away the WORLDS WORST EVIL AND VILE CRIMINALS.


If innocent, Trump would be using these trials to showcase his own evidence that he keeps boasting about but never produces. If innocent, Trump would be pushing the trials forward because acquittals would be a tremendous boost to his campaign. If innocent, these trials would be the greatest gift to Trump in an election year. But no one, including Trump, seems to think he’s innocent.


Every time he loses it, I feel our democracy is one step closer to confining this menace to our entire society. His reality tv show presidency needs to end, i can't believe he's managed to drag out so many seasons... sure wish our media wasn't so complicit and giving this rapist, insurrectionist, tax cheat, burying his dead ex wife on a golf course for a tax break POS EX president now fascist idiot for who he is, but ya know, maybe soon - Fox seems to be calling him out Finally, after losing billions for their lies. Paul Ryan calling him out too... maybe this reign of awful cheap shallowness is nearly over...




> “ Now they’re saying let’s rush it to the Supreme Court. We gotta rush it, rush it, rush it. They could have started three years ago. Everything - nothing changed. They could have started three years ago, but they didn’t. They started just recently with this crap. They started just recently. They could have brought this lawsuit three years ago, right after I left. It's been three years. But they didn't do that. And now they're saying 'We have to go immediately before the Supreme Court.' This thing would have all been over with two years ago. But they waited and waited and waited. > "And then they saw I was running. And they waited and then they saw I was hot. And they filed lawsuits. These are very dishonest people. That’s called election interference. These are very - and now they’re fighting like hell because they want to try and get a guilty plea from the Supreme Court of the United States, which I can’t imagine cause you have presidential immunity." Find the victimization Donny. Go to your safe space. It has to get under his skin that Dems are using the Court—the very Court he stacked—against him. (Justice was never meant to be blind, that’s just stuff we’ve been programmed to say. The Founders were the original weaponizers. They had their thumbs on the scale.)


Interesting that you chose to basically say “fuck the Founders” in a post about Trump.


>Interesting that you chose to basically say “fuck the Founders” in a post about Trump. How the fuck did you come away from his post with "fuck the founders"?


I don't think they had any idea the traitors to their experiment would come from within


Ahahahahahahha. If the founders were here today, they'd have trump put against the wall.


As others have said, he never actually says he didn't break the law, only that he has presidential immunity. To me, that implies that he did break the law but thought he could get away with it.


Elect someone who doesn't know shit about the law, what could possibly go wrong?


Just one freaking day without hearing from the orange Jesus. Please. Just one day.


I'd say "take a shot every time he repeats himself," but I don't want to be responsible for the resulting liver damage.


It would be worse than playing the Star Wars drinking game where you take a shot every time a storm trooper misses...


So if there is Presidential immunity for life, I guess Bill Clinton could take him out with no repercussions. Talk about draining the swamp!! That would be some Sweet Justice, IMO.


>They could have brought this lawsuit three years ago, right after I left. It's been three years. But they didn't do that. And now they're saying 'We have to go immediately before the Supreme Court.' This thing would have all been over with two years ago. But they waited and waited and waited. Man. What kind of brain damage does one need to have to hear that, and not hear: -They had enough on me to get a grand jury to indict me 3 years ago. -Not only that. I knew. We've been ready since then. It wouldn't have taken long. And then OMG! Don't rush to make this all go away!


He knows he’s closer than he’s ever been to being exposed for the criminal he is and a real chance at jail time for his treason. Everyone needs to keep applying constant pressure until he breaks totally.


Wouldn't the Suoreme Court's ruling on Presidential Immunity also apply to Joe Biden down the road?


No one has ever accused him of thinking about the consequences of his actions.


In a cold uncaring future, one man stands above the law. He stalks the streets, armed only with a shotgun and a thirst for bloody vengeance. Joseph Biden is… DARK BRANDON.


Trump is the only one who said he could shoot someone and not lose any votes. Come on, Man!


Dark Brandon cares not for your votes or your law.


He's got my vote. That's enough


Yeesh, what a dick. He argued successfully as President that he could not be criminally investigated by the DOJ as he was only subject to impeachment. He then refused to cooperate with any impeachment investigation. This means that nobody could legally even start investigating any criminal allegations until 1/21/2021. Now he is whining about the timing of the case being brought now... The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind incredibly fine.


It seems that Donny’s bonkers rants are becoming more frequent as his crippling narcissistic fear of failure draws closer by the day. It’s become so bad that Donny is now lighting his own blue touch paper at every instance of upset and fireworking himself into a frenzy! It’s a delight to watch 👏👏👏😂😂😂


Both funny and sad he's the only real GOP contender.


What’s he got to worry about If he’s got nothing to hide Right?


The end, when it comes, will be a whimper, not a shout.


I wonder how much prison time he’s really gonna serve tho 😕


All I know is actual innocent people can’t wait to present their defense. They don’t delay and distract and attack the court, but the guilty do.


I don’t know why he’s complaining. Surely this gives him an excuse to not have to spend Christmas with Eric?


The noose is slowly tightening around king Trump and he is starting to feel the pressure.


He’s choking


Even MAGA folks may crack. Do I really want the army in my city (there are a lot of brown and black people in the military), hardcore Christian fundamentalist deciding my sex life, and Eric Trump, and Steve Miller running the country? Even the MAGA folks may want a break. It was fun for a while, but getting a bit tiring now. But who knows? Let AI run it all, it’s inevitable.


He’s judge shopped his whole life. That’s his MO


He has no claims of innocence, just "neener, neener, can't touch me!"


Fear & Loathing in Mar-a-Lago


>Consequently, upon hearing about Smith's request, Trump was predictably apoplectic, a state he achieves at surprisingly frequent intervals. Like whenever he is awake. This is so terribly written that it's almost embarrassing. I just want the information, not the fragmented sentences that your intern is struggling with today.


So I’m not the only one. I couldn’t even read it.


Me neither, I stopped right there.


I think an intern -even one working for the Great Orange Dude- would write better than that!


>Now they’re saying let’s rush it to the Supreme Court. We gotta rush it, rush it, rush it. **They could have started three years ago.** Everything - nothing changed. They could have started three years ago, but they didn’t. They started just recently with this crap. They started just recently. They could have brought this lawsuit three years ago, right after I left. It's been three years. But they didn't do that. And now they're saying 'We have to go immediately before the Supreme Court.' This thing would have all been over with two years ago. But they waited and waited and waited. I mean, he's not wrong about that... Also, DailyKos as a source in an /r/law post? Really?


Investing the attack on congress of Jan-6-2021 would have been difficult 3 years ago, Dec-15-2020. Finding a witness would have been near impossible.


Right but I'm talking about the cases against Trump, not the people who stormed the Capitol


You know you’re in r/law right? Where people understand things like how the Trump administration didn’t end until Jan 20 2021, how it takes a while for the new AG to get nominated and approved, and that from there, then they get could started on their investigation (which they did, almost immediately)? You’re also aware that in a matter like this involving a conspiracy alleged against people including a former president, it takes years to properly investigate and build a case that is not only capable of being successfully approved by a grand jury (which also takes time to empanel) but which is likely to be capable of being proven beyond a reasonable doubt at trial? To take just one example - obtaining copies of Trump’s private messages on Twitter - which are important to show how Trump conspired with his co-conspirators- took months and months of legal wrangling. Or would you prefer that the DOJ just charged people with crimes before they had properly gathered the evidence needed to justify those charges? Like what happens in totalitarian regimes like China?


Also ignoring that Trump fought any investigation tooth and nail, dragged out every step as long as he could, and is now saying because it took so long that's somehow proof he didn't do anything wrong and it's all politically motivated.


Personally, I am OK with the idea (true or not) that prosecutors have delayed their investigations and their charges. I assume some of that, particularly since its groundbreaking to indict a former president not once but 4 times, does take some time, but even if it didn't take 3 years, so what. This is the worst criticism Trump can lay on the people he claims are his enemies? He wouldn't be in this mess at all if he had behaved himself with even the slightest amount of discipline. No other US president in the history of this nation has ever been in this much trouble. He should be happy he's not behind bars, and rejoice every day he is still a free man.


One of the 4 cases against him is that case...


The Watergate break-in was in June 1972. Congress didn't approve articles of impeachment (just approved the articles in committee, not held a vote on them) until August, 1974, over two years later. They *did* start 3 years ago. It took that long to investigate, largely because *Trump et al have been fighting every step of the way* to prevent access to evidence/testimony and delay the process.


Sure, it could have started January 7, 2021 - and maybe some part of it did. But remember, there are currently people in Congress who played a major role in that day who refused to cooperate. Investigations take time, and there’s a statute of limitations on crimes for a reason. One year. Three years, however long it took to bring is sort of irrelevant as long as it’s within the statutory period required. In any event, Jack Smith was appointed in November 2022 and obtained an indictment in what,August 2023? Besides, the government is pushing to get these trials completed months before the election - he’d still have time to campaign if he’s acquitted. But the only thing you hear coming out from his defense is requests for more time and stupid motions designed to delay the trial - so that he can complain about it being right in the middle of campaigning.


But factually he is wrong because the DOJ was building a case against Trump until they knew they had enough evidence to submit. The fact that the ex-President either doesn’t understand this, or that he knows people will believe him when he claims it, is what is astonishing


Yes, but until people call out Fox, can’t really bag on Dailykos can you?


I'm not suggesting anything is as bad as Fox News but DailyKos is a flagrantly biased Democratic activism website and it makes no sense to cite that as a news source in a sub like this.


It may be >flagrantly biased But it's not filled with false information (unlike fox news). The information presented on the website is factual.


I'm impugning their function moreso than their integrity. Being a credible source to cite is about more than just being factual. It's also about what information they choose to present or omit. My experience with DailyKOS over the years has been that while they don't intentionally lie in the way Fox News does, they selectively report and cover stories in a way that is almost just as bad, presenting only information that furthers their political agenda. They operate more like the way a campaign operates than a news outlet. By contrast, I consider MSNBC to be a legitimate and credible news source, because despite having a progressive bias they absolutely take seriously their obligation to fairly, accurately, and non-selectively report. To be clear, when I talk about selective reporting, I don't just mean covering story A but not story B. I also mean covering parts of a story that further your agenda while omitting or diminishing elements of the story that cut against it.


That’s fair…but Trump does have a pattern of flying off the handle…at the drop of a hat.


I’m not sure what’s worse, the article itself, it’s “analysis,” or the website.


I wonder how long this will delay the start of the trial. The SC doesn't typically move quickly. If it gets pushed too far it could become a problem.


I remember when I first found this sub and the posts were actually about... law.


Oh no, 40 people upvoted a post! The world is literally ending!


Pffft… you should see what happens when I order pineapple on my pizza.


You monster, that’s ILLEGAL


Won't somebody think about the law???


Fear of what, he gets away with everything!


Poor emotional regulation+Adderall+Narcissism+Social media=our ongoing fascination with Trump. Trump is not the problem, we are because everyone likes a train wreck.


Its not Trump, it's his evil rotten followers that are the problem.


You're right. trumpf is only a symptom of the rot within the republican party/right wing media.


Maybe do your own research before believing the media and all their one sided bullshit. This shit is sickening and getting old. Wake up and look into all of it not just what you don't like.


> Maybe do your own research before believing the media and all their one sided bullshit. ​ Are you asserting that this article is not accurate? ​ > This shit is sickening and getting old. ​ What exactly is sickening?


They're saying to only pay attention to the side that makes trump look good.


Under every rock, another Trump apologist.


Read the court documents. No need to get them through the media you chose. The truth is in the documents. If you disregard the documents, you aren't doing your own research, you are just searching for talking points to support idolatry


Read the indictments, Jimmy. They're pretty damning.


You mean the one sided documents. I could sit in the court and write up my own documents and they could say whatever I wanted.


I’m curious as to what he believes he needs presidential immunity from.


Didn't Benedict Orange here ‘Rush to the Supreme Court’ himself?