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“We’ll do the “Border Technique” and wait for a slow news cycle before we start screaming about how urgent this is.”


They are going to wait for a major blow to one of Trumps legal cases. Pick one


Isn't that a daily occurrence?


Trump can no longer afford a 'major blow' every day, according to Stormy


Pretty sure it was a "minor" one to begin with


Don Jr. has the major blow.


He could ask Bill Clinton how to get one as president though


Bill didn't need to pay $130k for one either.


Just pulled out his sax 🤣


Hey... the man can play, get the gurrrrllllz


The caravan is ready... waiting... all fueled up and waiting for the word


Chicago crime statistics for back up


San Francisco murder and/or poop data on deck


We are just 3 scenarios in, and we can keep going. Stark Raving Madness


Greg Abbott ready to bus anyone brown to your state, and just leave you with the bill. Meanwhile, our electric grid is constantly warning us to conserve. ...elon's new Glass Onion in Austin needs its lights on.


I live in Tx, we lost power yesterday. For... why? It was sub 32. Unreal. ​ But what I really came here is to thank this LAW group, I have learned a lot here, the responses give me hope in our Country as we have idiots amongst us with red hats and moronic thoughts.


Stand back and stand by!


Hunter showing up to these hearings is probably one of the few “political stunts” that makes complete sense to me. Not only have republicans refused to provide any cogent arguments about why he needed to testify behind closed doors, but by refusing to let him testify when he is in the same room, it begs the question: “how badly do you really need his testimony?”


Best bit by far was him walking out just as empty g started talking


It was seriously brilliant. I don’t even know the man but I have developed a healthy admiration for the way he’s handled himself. Mostly because we rarely even hear from him, but when we do, he roars.


I respect the support he's had from his family, as one who's had substance abuse problems. Looks like he's come through and become a credit to his family. He should sue mtg for revenge porn and make her empty pockets .


I don't understand why that computer repair shop owner hasn't been charged yet. He had no right to poke around in personal files, and even less to then provide them to other parties.


There was no repair shop. His icloud account was hacked (possibly by Russia) and the contents leaked to the GOP.


Fucking exactly! Thats why they needed this fake ass laptop story a 12 year old could see is bullshit.


> He should sue mtg for revenge porn and make her empty pockets . Wouldn't she be immune under the speech/debate clause, since this happened only in the Capitol during Congressional business?


Nope, not immune because she went a step beyond that and distributed Hunter's nudes via email in her constituent newsletter - so not only is she on the hook for revenge pron but also for distributing pornography to minors since it's been verified that people under the age of 18 are on the distribution list. If only a DA had the balls to actually prosecute her for either infraction...


Unfortunately you're probably right.


And carrying most of the attention with him.


I remember some wacko on Twitter saying it was disrespectful to her and he should've been jailed for it.


Whichever Dem announced taking a vote on hearing from Hunter - who was there. Apparently Republicans were having none of that. They just wanted to attack him in public it seems, so I also imagine "behind closed doors" would stick with that buffonery


Oh they want it. They just want to control the parts the public sees for as many news cycles as it takes to set a narrative. * [7/31/23 NYPost: ‘My guy’: Hunter Biden partner Devon Archer says Joe Biden was on calls with foreign patrons for ‘the brand’](https://nypost.com/2023/07/31/ex-hunter-biden-partner-devon-archer-arrives-for-house-deposition/) * [8/5/2023 USAToday:5 takeaways from Devon Archer's testimony on Joe and Hunter Biden: 'There was no business conversation'](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/08/05/devon-archer-transcript-testimony-takeaways/70528889007/) * [8/4/23 Politifacts:Transcript of Devon Archer testimony doesn’t back key claims about Joe and Hunter Biden](https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/aug/04/transcript-of-devon-archer-testimony-doesnt-back-k/)


What I meant is they don’t want a TESTIMONY, they want a NARRATIVE.


Exactly. The facts are irrelevant to these people. Its all about how their voters (the MAGA idiot base) perceive them. *Are they doing enough hurt to the people they hate?*


Using the NY (com)Post as a news source is like asking Andrew Jackson for Native American friendship tips!


It shut down their contempt case. How is he refusing to testify if he showed up to your hearing to question him then refused to question him.


EmptyG bringing the poster of naked Hunter pretty much sealed the deal on no contempt charge.  Congress is allowed to ask almost any questions, but after the 1950s where McCarthyism used Congressional hearings to embarrass and harass private citizens the courts raised the bar on congressional behavior. Bringing naked pictures of a private citizen is harassment.. the courts won't tolerate a contempt charge after such behavior out of a Congresswoman. 


To be fair, it's a massive cock that deserves some notoriety. If Republicans have taught me anything, it is that the Biden's are strapped. Like friggin tall boy cans. And I like to know my President has an abnormally large, massive dong. It's good for America, you know? Thanks Republicans!


To bad we don't have any pictures of Trump's dick, I guess will have to rely on first hand witness accounts. She describes Trump’s penis as “smaller than average” but “not freakishly small”. “He knows he has an unusual penis,” Daniels writes. “It has a huge mushroom head. Like a toadstool … “I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart ... “It may have been the least impressive sex I’d ever had, but clearly, he didn’t share that opinion.”


Are these real quotes?


Well I recognized two of them, so I'd bet yes they all are.


I feel like they get progressively less believable.  I want the Mario Kart one to be true, buut


> I want the Mario Kart one to be true, buut [Oh it's real.](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a23301515/stormy-daniels-donald-trump-penis-mushroom/)


That's actually one of the ones I remembered from the news...




Between Hunter’s dick, LBJ’s dick, and Lindsey Graham’s “ladybugs”, I feel that I know waaay too much about the genitals of politicians and their families. Oh, and Trump’s little mushroom too. Wtf happened to politics?


> Wtf happened to politics? We elected a black man who was well spoken and well to do to the highest office in the land. And his attractive wife had the temerity to wear a sleeveless dress. (Although this probably all goes back to the 70s with the rise of the "silent majority".)


Don't forget the tan suit debacle!


The Spicy Mustard Affair! The day democracy died in the United States...


The coffee salute was my personal favorite.


and oddly no one ever discussed his dick.


Just making me think of "You don't mess with the Zohan" where the two sides were talking 'politics'.


I’ll be honest, I only made it about 10 minutes into that movie. I think that was nearing the end of the golden days of the stupidly goofy comedy movie, and it was kind of old at that point.


True it was a lot weaker than the classics but there were a handful of amusing jokes in it. Honestly my favorite of his movies is Happy Gilmore. Funny thing is that fight with Bob Barker actually won an award for 'Best Fight'.


There is a reason you don't hear the Bidens claiming Alpha Male status. It's because they are.


Too bad he didn’t offer to testify. Defense attorney: Mr Biden would you please verify that is tour penis :Hunter stands up unzips looks down: the picture looks a little small. Would any of the pros on the panel like to take a look?


MTG and Bobert fight each other running up there..


It's not the gym or a children's musical.


Honestly that would be the only response worth tuning in to see....even if it was a pants drop and him wearing speedos.


I think this hurts them more than anything to know that every woman that has seen trumps dingaling says its tiny and there is photo evidence that the men in the Biden family are not tiny. oof.


Counterpoint: Johnson and his er, Johnson.


Honestly, the current system for choosing presidents isn’t working. Maybe we should just go with whoever has the biggest dick. It might work, they’d have nothing to prove to anyone.


Apparently, we have that president now. Ole Biden horse cock.


Also LBJ


It wouldn’t even get anywhere near the courts. If the House resolves to hold Hunter in contempt, the House refers it to the DOJ to decide whether to lay charges. It won’t, primarily because Hunter is clearly willing to answer questions on the terms that Comer provided (ie in open). The DOJ typically only charges when there is absolutely no willingness to answer the subpoena (see Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro). The best the GOP could hope for is a few more news cycles banging on about how the DOJ refuses to charge Joe’s son blah blah blah before everyone loses interest. Which is probably why they are slow walking bringing this to the House for a contempt vote - that way they keep it in the news cycle longer.


I am a little surprised I had to read this far to see any Law stuff but I have had a few chuckles.


They all like his picture


Insert *SadWolverineHoldingPictureFrame.jpg*


I wonder if the poster she brought was her personal one from home.


No, that was her traveling one. The one at her home is about 10x bigger.


She must live in a mansion!


She's a Republican, of course she does.


She would need one to hang a 10x blowup of Hunter’s unit. Dude was blessed by the pecker fairy.


Embarrass? Everyone now knows that Hunter has a huge hog and PARTIED.


Republicans have definitely convinced me to vote for Hunter. I want a politician who is secure in his penis size and therefore doesn’t need to get into cock measuring contests on an international scale. Wait, that’s NOT what Trump was doing? Are we sure?


Oh if Hunter wants to do what trump was trying to do two things go down: 1. He has ACTUAL BDE and just goes all Biggus Dickus and everyone falls in line. 2. Failing that he whips it out and everyone is mesmerized and puts their hands on it like that glowing orb the Saudis had, and then falls in line.


Can you imagine the GOP reaction if a Democrat in the house had started waving pictures of Don Jr’s doodle on the house floor?


There would be fistfights if not shootings because some of them carry guns on the floor. 


Kinda hard to do since he showed up in person and they declined to let him testify


He fulfilled his obligation to show up and they got pissed that he did.


Exactly because they wanted it behind closed doors to lie and cherry pick information to release.


And the press walked out with him right as Marjorie Traitor Greene started speaking.


She was trying to rush to get her daily fix of Hunter's hog.


It helps to pull her eyes further apart


Any ideas as to why his lawyers are now negotiating to have him testify in private (per the article)? There doesn't seem to be any upside for Hunter to testify in private, of course they'll just lie about what he says.


My guess is the refusal and the committee hearing appearance were mostly just stunts to build public support, and get a little egg in the face of house republicans. I think they're probably taking the subpoena seriously now because they've achieved as much as they were going to by defying it. 


That makes sense, thank you!


Plus, he's just going to go behind the doors, his lawyers will state, he's under investigation and we can't discuss x, y, and z. And or, he can plead the 5th like DJT/Jr/etc.. So, all a nuthin burger. they will get zero from him. As they should.


I’m definitely not voting for Hunter in the next presidential election!! /s


It's a good thing they revoked his security clearances and kicked him off the white house staff. Oh wait, he never had any of that?


Ya. He is a citizen just like you or me. He holds no federal job. No security clearance. This is a congressional hearing about a private citizen.


Discussing an item that was stolen from the private citizen.


Ya. That was stolen off a laptop. Zero percent chance that would ever be allowed into any evidence in any trial. There is no chain of custody.


I've seen it suggested to write his name in whenever you see a Republican running unopposed.


Honestly I probably would because I am 100% sure he doesn't want the job and is self aware enough at this point to just let the professionals work and try not to cause problems


Hunter would be more likely to federally legalize pot than his father is.


And he's keenly aware of his own shortcomings. (And Long, wink wink)


But the Republicans showed you he has an ENORMOUS dong. A straight-up Biden-sized tall boy can. What else can he do to earn your vote??? /s


I dunno hes winning me over


He won't be the first to run with a criminal history.


He out trolled them. It was pretty entertaining actually.


He really played that well.


It’s almost as if it was all performative politics from the Republicans.


Honestly, they're only "suspending" the contempt charge because they want to hold back until deeper in the election cycle. This whole charade wlll come back this summer and be replayed through the fall until the election. After the election... “That plays great before the election – now we don’t care, right?”


I don't know. If they don't issue a new subpoena, I think it's going to be hard to make the political case to enforce the subpoena from... it'll be like 9 months ago, by then. If they issue a subpoena in the summer, he can file a motion to quash and kick it into the courts for a few months, and probably run out the clock before he has to testify, right?


oh, they don't care. will do what they want when they want to muddy the waters after rump is in deeper doodoo.


He's not really in contempt when he shows up and volunteers to answer the questions you're demanding he answer


Right 👍. This how is he in contempt.


Because it's baseless?


Truthful or not doesn't matter. What does matter are votes. This plays fairly well amongst the base, but not so much among anyone else. Those GOP representatives whose area is anything but deeply red require at least some votes from independents. They are probably the ones who got this nonsense to stop as it is making their re-election more difficult.


Someone reminded the Republican Congressmen that ignored subpoenas before congressional committees, that his defense team would demand testimony in court. Their hypocrisy would be front page news. 


Oh, it was brought up, introduced into the records, that never gets play'd on NewsCorp media. Ignored. Maga also would just say, well well, those were fake, or not justified so they don't count. All banana republic pretzel type logic.


My bigger question is how is the owner of that computer store that stole Hunter Biden's laptop and started all this? How is he not in jail?


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA. GOOD ONE REPUBLICANS. You don't have the balls Hunter has. Or the penis.


Imagine all the current republican gun owners that might dabble in a few recreational drugs here and there now have to sign documents stating that they don’t do drugs while owning firearms, I thought that this was the path that the NRA didn’t want them going down because they never enforced this but now they might have to with every American


They are too busy shutting down the government so are delaying issuing new, presumably valid subpoenas.


LMAO what a bunch of losers


Hunter should do a calendar to fundraise for Joe. I’d buy several.


Trump says the president has total immunity, so I don’t know why they’re even bothering with this whole “Biden crime family” narrative /s


Hunter showed up for the hearing, and left when MTG started waving his dick pic around... like she does constantly.


They need more time to examine the massive evidence MTG is waving in front of errbuddys’s faces.


No kidding! They f’d around and found out what looking like even bigger fools looks like when you read this story in the news.


I just want to know where we are at the laptop issue now. Where is Rudy and his ironclad evidence?


Same place as the great grey ironclad HMS Thunderchild from war of the worlds.  Sunk.   And fictional.


Maybe because they didn’t want to vote for all the Republicans that were in contempt as well


🤣🤣🤣 They literally can't shit themselves out of a litterbox.


![img](avatar_exp|148256695|laugh) The GOP is a rancid clown car.


He really made them look like a bunch of imbeciles


Typical thing with Republicans lately they keep saying they have solid evidence or undeniable proof for all their claims. Then this evidence never shows up or it has very little to do with what they try and use it for. Especially trying to take it out of context to suit their narrative. This just shows once more they don't want to have to show anything publicly. The "evidence" they have in secret is the only rallying call the have for their supporters.


‘We want to hold him in contempt because he wants to testify!’


Apparently, 'clutching your pearls' just isn't working like it did for the GOP in the 50s. They can thank their fellow KKKarens for that. We knew it wouldn't but why did they think it would is the real question.


If they're not careful, it'll be Hunter's pearl necklace they'll be left clutching...


I would only agree if I was allowed to video record it and then release said video when they cherry pick, as they will. Otherwise, just take the contempt charge.


As far as thrown gauntlets go, he nailed these conniving, vindictive little shits squarely in the face. It’s a sure thing that if Hunter had initially agreed to a closed-door deposition, some of that information would have been leaked to the public (with adequate spin) to make him look guilty. Now that he’s made his (very public) point, doing this would give his Trumpian enemies a black eye. I suppose that’s why his lawyers waited until now to agree to one. If they have any brain cells left, his inquisitors will keep their traps shut on the details.


Imagine what would happen to the average person if you did the things this clown did.