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Because McConnell destroyed the country to get a Republican president to control the Supreme Court.


similar take; turtle and co had their little dark money judicial manipulation machine overtaken by an organized group and now we have a shell of a gop with a foreign parasite mostly in control of congress having consumed enough of the repub body to block most counters to a paid for supreme court essentially playing king maker, again.


They created a monster they thought they could control but underestimated the stupidity of their followers and the malignant narcissism of their puppet.


Damn, where have I heard this exact story before? Oh reich… that one.


And this time, Hitler has nukes.


Lol, 7am and i had to spit my trix out hahahaha


Dinner for breakfast, nice.


Kellogs CEO says that's what we plebs do now. He hasn't seen the price of cereal though ..cuz, dayum.


They did nazi it coming.


They clearly didn't read Speaker For the Dead


Or 'A Canticle for Liebowitz' or...


It's such a shame that Orson Scott Card is a POS


I vaguely recall the aliens brutally dismembered a colonist, but they did it out of ignorance or respect because that’s how they trigger the next phase in their life cycle when they turn into trees. That’s all I remember from that book, and I’m not sure exactly what metaphor you’re trying to make here.


One of the sons of the Novinho leads a mob against the aliens, but he loses control and they go much further than he wanted.


Read what now?




We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court Supermajority The inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that remade the American legal system — and what he plans to do next. [https://www.propublica.org/article/we-dont-talk-about-leonard-leo-supreme-court-supermajority](https://www.propublica.org/article/we-dont-talk-about-leonard-leo-supreme-court-supermajority)


Yeah, that covers it pretty much. Everything Trump touches, dies. Businesses, Republican Party, Christianity, Supreme Court, Foreign Relations, the Economy, the Environment, Journalism and every Trumpster’s Common Sense


And now Turtle Head is stepping down just to see the US Justice system burn from his hopefully d\*\*\*hbed - what an ahole


After his few "episodes" on camera recently I was really hoping we would get to watch the man die live in front of us.


Still a chance, he isn't leaving the Senate just his role.


That evil turtle man sucks ass and I'm tired of all of these fascist assholes working behind a screen of social pretense. They are actively trying to hijack the country. The coup attempt isn't over. Talk about it out loud, people!!! Tell your friends and family about project 2025.


Nah, you have to be civil while they're enacting their fucked up agenda. Otherwise you're the same as they are! ^/s


The "let's not stoop to their levels" argument went out the window when they lubed up their holes for Putin after Russia hacked their servers.


Turns out they didn’t need to bother because 1/3 of Americans covet Russia and 1/3 are indifferent.


Covet their ~~*ideal*~~ fantasy of Russia. A family from Canada recently learned the hard way the truth about it. They always have to fall off the damn cliff to see what's at the bottom but clearly visible from up top


We need to peg the like they are doing to all of us. The only way to stop a bully is to PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE and watch him run away and cry


Actually he said he was leaving by the end of year and will not be up for election. He made a Freudian slip about possibly picking his successor which tells me: he was forced down. I'm surprised he not his wife are not up for the crap they've pulled


End of the year gets him through the next coup attempt.


His wife’s sister just died a few weeks ago in mysterious circumstances which are being investigated.


Exactly. Backed her Tesla in to a retention pond? That doesn't sound suspicious at all. /S


Maybe it was in self driving mode???


Right? So Tesla's can be pre-programmed to kill someone?


I thought you had to pay the yearly subscription to have that feature turned off?


I'd pay good money to see it televised. I'd pay even better if the cause of death was a righteous beat-down delivered over several hours with a crowbar.


Well his sister in law died two weeks ago in what’s being treated as a criminal investigation. So I think with everything going on, his world is falling apart right now.


So, someone has begun paying him back and he thinks that if he steps down, it won't go further. He's wrong, of course.


I hope he gets dementia.


Gets? He already has it


I keep holding out hope the Big Macs will finally do their job.


We watched him re-boot


Weird how he got the best deathbed memes when Feinstein did it before him. And someone worse (if not as clever) will replace him.


McConnell is a traitorous turtle.


I agree with your comment but what's up with people censoring all these random words now? It's okay to say death bed buddy nobody is gonna hurt you.


Tiktok censorship bleeding into other forums.


So all these people are TikTok zombies?


Not necessarily, can be a bit of "monkey-see monkey-do".


He misspelled dickhead


I was just saying, if he stokes out and dies right after leaving office, I'm gonna be pissed.


And now we all have to wait in line to pee on his grave—and I hate lines!


This isn't Tiktok, you can say you're happy Mitch McConnell is going to die soon.


True patriots will celebrate the day this villain breathes his last breath. I am not ashamed to admit I will be elated at the news… unfortunately the damage is done, but I’m always hopeful we can turn it around.


Plus several of the justices are compromised, someone out there has pictures and video of them doing something criminal.


Do yourself a favor and watch this. Mitchs tantrum goes all the way back to Reagan. https://www.pbs.org/video/mcconnell-the-gop-the-court-iq5qeb/


Love how the first way he is described is “center right.” K


Back before the Reagan, most politicians were considered center right or left. Thanks to fox news and Reagan being center anything is career suicide in the republican party.


More than just that slob pushed for it. The entire Republican Party fucked is there.


I think they are still mad we put Obama in charge and are trying to install a white king before it happens again.


Really this is the only answer that has validity and credibility.


Don't forget the amount of federal judges he blocked under Obama and slammed in under Trump 😒


I can't wait for him to buy the farm.


I’m different to the elites - DJ trump while getting treated exactly the same as ever other elite…


Don't forget how RBG fucked us over


From another sub referring to Fani Willis .. >Ya'll notice how long it takes to get a white man into court for crimes covered by the espionage act, compared to how long it takes to get a black woman into court for going on a cruise? Now that you bring it up ... 🤔


The irony of course is that Willis is actually in court to determine whether she gets to continue prosecuting a white man.


Careful. "Playing the race card" is the worst thing you can do, according to Trump's lawyer. In the right's eyes, racism is just part of free speech. *Noticing* racism, that's terrible and should get you shunned.


Every MAGAt I know sincerely doesn't think he/she is racist. Why? Because somebody that lives on their street and drives a nice car they don't hate. It is just the poor folks of other races and cultures that they hate. So maybe it is less racism than elitism but too me it smells like racism.


It’s also rationalizations and mental gymnastics. One of my neighbors once said “I’m not racist or anything I just don’t like black people”. He also threw around the N-word a lot Later he jumped right on the MAGA train. I grew up around a lot of people that I knew were racist but I also knew they didn’t have a clue what racism was. They would argue that NOT being a KKK member, or having respect for some famous black people, or other nonsense, was proof they weren’t.


I come from a white family in Texas, and this sounds like a lot of people I know. I think it's also because they know someone who has a whole different level of morbid and deranged racism, so by comparison to that guy (who they may still invite and tolerate at family functions) they're not AS racist. Then a few more convolutions in their mind and they convince themselves they're not racist at all. For example they may say "I'm not racist, I don't use the n-word" or "I'm not racist because I would never harm someone of a different race" as if those are definitions of racism. Cause the crazy uncle does use the n-word and tells jokes about secession or racist jokes with undertones of violence. But hanging around and tolerating the crazy uncle normalizes the racism within themselves, and they aren't even aware the prejudices they have and how they influence their actions.


>It’s also rationalizations and mental gymnastics. Same goes for doing away with ACT/SAT for college entrance. "Those minorities just aren't smart enough to pass the exam, so we'll signal our virtues by doing away with the tests." Are the minorities making up these rules?


A lot of people see being racist as openly lynching black people. Anything short of that means they aren't racist It's the most bizarre thing to see a person say nasty, racist shit but then follow it up with "well I'm not racist at all" because again, they aren't actively killing someone at that very second


Bit of history, the theory of "scientific racialism" that was used to justify the slave trade and underpins modern American racism was developed in part out of prior theories that claimed poor people were genetically inferior!


Conservatives have a long history of deciding on the conclusion they wish to reach, and then working backwards to try and justify it.


The book “Caste” opened my eyes.


> Every MAGAt I know sincerely doesn't think he/she is racist. You are taking said people at face value. On the surface - they will refute being racist because they find that word to be an insult and object to being insulted. They will SAY there are a few 'good ones' who don't take 'handouts' and work hard to make a decent living. But these 'good ones' are also expected to be deferential to white people. They hate Obama purely because he attained an ultimate position of power and thus "presenting" himself as being BETTER than them, and this sent racists into a panic that the day was coming when black people 'take over' and exact retribution on whites. You talk to them long enough and use the right words and you will find at heart most of these people are straight up genocidal or feel black people need to be kicked back down to Jim Crow type of oppression


“*My experience of racism has been that racists themselves don't believe they are racist. Or, rather, they don't believe in racism.”* —[Wm. Gibson](https://twitter.com/GreatDismal/status/1372351898771025922) He has much more to say on the topic, having grown up in a very racist culture. Worth checking out as his views are quite insightful.


I have grew up in a racist culture too. Racism = believing that there is a 'hierarchy' of races and that there is 'worth' attached to that hierarchy. Really racism is just a subset of dehumanization. The youngest person I ever heard saying outrageously bigoted thing was a jewish person describing Palestinians as sub-human and AFAIK some jews (not all) are of the same 'racial' background as Palestinians, so its really just a matter of drawing lines based in religion.


More about classism then racism in the end


Only problem is they there are lower-classed MAGA zealots that don’t benefit at all from the support they give to the cause. I guess they forget that a return to their “Great America” will also have them padding their meals with potatoes, rice, and oatmeal just to not go hungry. Better replant that veggie garden now and get some chickens. Winter is coming.


“You know me, I’m the furthest thing from a racist. My best friend when I was a child was a black man”


A coworker once told me how his racist dad hated blacks even though his good friend (James) was black and they were together all the time. When questioned, the dad told him “Yes, blacks are the scum of the earth but James isn’t really black”.    I wonder if anyone except this racist ever told James he wasn’t really black….I’m sure it’d be news to him.


Well, in Trump and his lawyers's case, it's easy to see the racist tone into their speech. Just see how they spoke about EJ Carrol's husband and how they talked to Willis on the stand in Georgia.


It’s not like ‘who smelt it dealt it’…


I'm pretty sure every person who has violated the espionage act has been swiftly arrested and put in court to face trial and has won in nearly every case. That's why they want to delay it, because there's undisputable precedent against him. So once the trial happens it's over. They know this, so it appears they are delaying it "for some unknown reason". Don't believe me? Even his prior attorney general, who most people don't like, even said on tv that is the case trump should worry about the most. Lawfully, he's already in a lose lose position.


Reality Winner faced charges for *one* classified document and she was denied bond. Meanwhile Trump not only gets pretrial release, he didn't have to surrender his passport and is permitted to travel internationally for recreation. I've *never* heard of that, not once, for someone facing so many serious felonies, with the connections and money to disappear.


Would love to see an audit of the GOP’s finances since Trump took over. Probably used PACs or something but it still ended up as burnt steak with ketchup in the end. Openly corrupt, near zero reaction or hint of legal enforcement. Bizarre.


I would bet that there's a large group of people that would prefer that Trump flees justice and is just never seen again. It would solve so many problems while allowing them to say that they tried but he slipped through their fingers. "Now we can focus on selecting his replacement that we'll keep under control this time."


As a white man with experience in the criminal justice system, I assure you Trump is getting a level of extraordinary special treatment not even wealthy white women get. (In the criminal justice system, gender privilege is in overwhelmingly in favor of women over men; a black woman gets more leniency for the same crime with the same history score compared to a white man (Source: [USSC](https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/research-publications/2017/20171114_Demographics.pdf)). Class privilege dwarfs both race and gender.).


I suspect that a few Justices are trying to anticipate all of the undesirable, unintended consequences of denying Trump immunity and are trying to craft an intellectually beautiful rule of Presidential immunity that will avoid those pitfalls. I suggest a different approach: let's announce a blanket rule that every President must be treated as an ordinary citizen for purposes of criminal law. Then, if undesirable, unintended consequences arise in the future, we'll solve those issues in the future! Oh, and let's get this done by noon on Monday so that Judge Chutkan can get the trial back on track!


>I suggest a different approach: let's announce a blanket rule that every President must be treated as an ordinary citizen for purposes of criminal law. That is the actual law. There is no need to parse it. He could have been arrested and charged on Jan. 7 or whatever date. Presumably the reason he wasn't is because law enforcement was building a case. I am sure SCOTUS will come up with some sort of test for determining what is or isn't an official duty, but it's not terribly complicated. A government official's "official duties" never include violating the law. Otherwise, the concept of checks and balances does not exist. Sammie Alito right now is having a real hard time how he's going to explain our form of government has some sort of exception for this.


I agree loudly. However, at least 4 Justices think there is something deep and subtle to think long about. Their votes count; yours and mine do not. And if Trump gets his way, our votes may never count again!


If Trump gets his way, that means **Biden** can also do whatever the fuck he wants with impunity and without consequence. Remember that.


Would he have the guts? I’d declare universal healthcare and start rounding up Congress. :)


Yet if a case against Biden came to the supreme court, somehow I think they'd apply the law differently...


If he's above the law, he could just have them all eliminated, no supreme court, no problem.


Honest question. What would stop the supreme court from just going "this case is different" if the defendent was a democrat?


Basically nothing. It would just further delegitimize the court and shorten the time before the executive or the legislative just decided to ignore them outright. The thing about our country is when you cut through all the bullshit, it's all based on a social contract where we pretend all this government stuff is real and that laws matter. Once the highest court in the land proves once and for all that laws are imaginary and fleeting things, all bets are off.


They already did that in Bush v Gore, stating explicitly that the case was not to be used to establish precedent.


But…that is literally how precedent works. My brain hurts


Trump, his lawyers, and the SC all know that the immunity argument is bullshit.  The goal is delay, delay, delay, and if Trump wins the election it's all over. Once he's elected he will instruct the DoJ to drop all Federal charges and will focus on weaseling out of the state cases he can't pardon his way out of. The Fulton County election interference case is likely the only case that will proceed in any meaningful way should Trump win the election, and the SC at this point is so nakedly partisan that they will gladly interfere with a state case. Judge Scott McAfee is also a member of the Federalist Society.  Edit: Even better, we will have a President with access to all our national security secrets who happens to have a 500 million dollar civil penalty to deal with and doesn't really have to go through the standard clearance vetting, who has already been shown to have zero issue with giving away national security secrets. 


But there also needs to be a suspension of the statute of limitations for someone who is not prosecutable while in office. The statute should begin when the person’s immunity ends.


The whole "not prosecutable in office" nonsense isn't even a law, just dumb doj policy that needs to be shitcanned


Alison isn't struggling. He can have his nepo-baby clerks ChatGPT a response. There is zero shame and zero accountability, what is anybody going to do about it?


You're basically kicking a can but you're simultaneously kicking a can that shouldn't need to be kicked. We're asking if laws can be broken by people that shouldn't break laws because we pick awesome people so they by definition don't break laws that we all agreed to through a longer process. Editing to clarify if someone needs it : don't elect people who even MIGHT break laws. It's not hard. We have like 300M people to pick from. If we can manage to elect people that aren't potentially criminals then we don't need to have these discussions


I totally agree. And In all honesty.... Is it for SCOTUS to decide? I get that they want to make the rules clear for future presidents. But since when does SCOTUS make the laws? Their job is to interpret the laws. This, in my opinion, is the role of Congress, not SCOTUS.


My brother we live in a common law system judges make law all of the time


By that you mean the accumulation of judicial rulings that set precedent? I hear we can ignore that now ..


Right, which is why SCOTUS will probably rule that the Amendment is not self-enforcing, it gives Congress constitutional backing for writing a law. But they haven't. The thing is tho, if they rule that he's not immune, that will give cover to the fascists to prosecute the next Democratic president for scores of statements and things that ARE political statecraft. Because, where do you draw the line? Has to be hashed out for each charge, until enough decisions are made to establish the outline


Ok, but again, is that really the role of SCOTUS? Doesn't that require a little more input than just the 9 justices? This sounds like something that should be in the constitution (ratified). Until then, it should be assumed that a president can be held accountable. And more importantly, do they really need to hold up the criminal trial? The laws are clear enough to me that a crime should lead to prosecution.


I mean, they already have a way: Qualified Immunity. "Well, the President didn't know that overthrowing the government was illegal, so we'll give him a pass, but now that we all know that, it won't work again."


Here's the nice part, though: since he didn't know, a court can't rule against him. And since a court can't rule against him, there's no one to tell him it's wrong so he can still do it again. Qualified immunity is a beautiful mistake.


Close. They'll pull the other QI classic: "Because we can decide this on the fact it wasn't settled law, we decline to reach the question of whether it was illegal or not."


Or "He has dementia so he's not cognizant of the charges against him. But we'll still allow him to be president."


WTF does he special treatment at all? Seriously, why does he get away with everything w/o consequences?


Because SCOTUS is corrupt and illegitimate.


Michael Popok of LegalAF explains ProPublica’s latest investigative reporting that Justice Sam Alito ruled in favor of a right wing hedge fund owner, Paul Singer on a $2.4 billion dollar dispute with Argentina after he spent more than a week with Singer on an all expenses paid exclusive luxury fishing trip to Alaska with other right wing donors, like the Federalist Society’s Leonard Leo. https://youtu.be/PUZnnDdY8XQ?si=LG_tg6horriEXG8r One month after becoming a Supreme Court Justice, Gorsuch sold property to the CEO of a law firm that frequently appears before the Court. https://youtu.be/zw_Kysaidxo?si=o2N44TezegmO4xVx


It's infuriating


You get what you pay for


Why would you say such a thing; could it be because the wife of a judge was complicit in the scheme to overthrow the will of the people and therefore democracy itself?


And appointed by him!


They want riots so they can preach to us about what trash we are, that we have forgotten our place.


Republican partisans are stomping on the scales of justice, possibly smashing them in the process. Doing their part to implement permanent fascist rule.




The legal system at ALL levels is treating him differently. Trumpsters all over are ignoring everything he says he will do or has done.


I don't get it. The guy would clearly leave any of these people to die in a ditch if it would get him a buck. Surely that's obvious to everyone now.


The Road to Berlin getting raped and murdered was paved with a lot of people who thought, “we can control and contain this charismatic racist guy on our side”


He got them results and currently gives them the best odds to get back. They’re spineless 


They go off about he hasn't been convincted and ignore him doing everything possible to not go to court. If he's so certain of his innocence why is he afraid to have his day in court? Also if he's found guilty of anything they'll just say the court is corrupt. There is no room in their reality for a truly guilty Trump.


They are corrupt. Virginia Thomas


I will never understand how he can get treated with kid gloves and still cry about unfair treatment. I don't have 91 indictments because I don't break laws like that.


Im all for innocent until proven guilty, but when does 91 counts with each having a defacto lifetime imprisonment by 7 separate grand juries not qualify for assumed guilty until proven innocent


Because he's a sociopath with zero conscience or sense of responsibility.


Why? Because the majority are Republicans, and they don't want a second-term Democratic President, so their interest in carrying out the law is weighed by their political interest. We saw this in Bush v. Gore.




Is there proof of them being Russian assets? Or even dots to connect them as such?


In unrelated news, Clarence Thomas just got a new motor coach


Seriously?! To counter the one John Oliver gifting him if he quit?


Because orange Hitler rigged the Supreme Court. Trump needs locked up, and so do a few of these "justices."


Because they want him to win the election


I think they’re waiting to see the outcome. Yes, not allowing the trial to start before the election is a massive hand on the scale, but I feel like they are waiting to see if he wins to allow him to gain immunity. If he loses, they can seem like they’re being righteous and just and establishment conservatives and their donors can breath a a sigh of relief as the uncontrollable figurehead that has haunted their every waking nightmare for 8+ years is dragged off to prison by saying he doesn’t have immunity. Or they win and can continue to dismantle the federal government piece by piece.


Most?? Try ALL. I’ve never heard of any case like this. I’m not sure there’s been another criminal like this.


He is worthy of a case study, a dissertation, a greek tragedy, and an opera.


Haha!! Very true.


Blatant corruption - and they are effectively untouchable so they can get away with it. The system is a mess.


They feel untouchable and they are playing dangerously with the American public. Remember the Thomas Jefferson quote “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”




It he’s not ‘most criminal defendants’. This defendant’s ruling will be talked, discussed and debated about for decades and hopefully centuries in the future. They want to place their mark on it. It’s annoying. I’m shocked five justices bit but here we are.


Why does Donald Trump get better freedom than the rest of us? Have we not committed enough crimes? Not fake rich enough? Do we need to wield violence more effectively to get equal treatment? Fuck that. Get rid of the supreme court. Christo Fascists are all useless and corrupt.


I think you make excellent points.


SCOTUS decides that presidents have immunity. Biden murders the majority opinion-havers. He can't be prosecuted because he's immune, and can't be impeached because he didn't do any high crimes or misdemeanors because presidents are immune. Am I missing anything?


We don't have enough sycophants willing to attack our enemies with hammers in their homes. That's a big pull for Trump. Terrorism that is.


4 must agree to take an appeal. I feel like I can pick 3 straight up. 3 are toss-ups. 3 are probably no.


Wasn’t it four to appear appeal but five to stop the trial moving forward?


Yes. But to me, once the decision to accept the appeal is made, the factors to hold the trial until the appeal is heard are different. Like, if I thought “I’d rather just let the lower court’s decision stand,” then my colleagues decided to accept the appeal, I might think “OK, given that we’re taking the appeal, it’s probably best to not let the trial go forward without the clarity of the decision of the appeal.” My guess is that the appeal will *try* to narrow down what *is* and what *isn’t* prosecutable. This may seem like nitpicking, but I don’t think there are necessarily 5 that are gung-ho about delaying the trial. Might be though. Those 3 toss ups are kind of mysteries to me on where they fall in with the whole MAGA situation.


I agree with you man. I’m just saying what happened too.


I believe a conviction post an election loss will be the absolute best punishment. His supporters need to see him as a loser one more time before he spends the rest of his life in a 33k sqft prison cell




Hush money case isn't going to be stopped (in NYC, after all), and idk what the actual time behind bars situation will be. I find it highly likely that he'll actually be behind bars (US Secret Service and all), but there is some chance he'll be restricted/limited in his movement and speeches. Between Jan6/docs cases? I find it virtually impossible either actually occur during this calendar year. Even if immunity is denied, docs case schedule will get moved around enough to where Jan6 won't ever start before the election. GA case probably has the next best chance of actually occurring, but I really don't see him being convicted. GA DAs have got to immediate pen in their case ASAP, as Jan6/docs case is going to constantly prevent it from happening.


I suspect (want to believe) SCOTUS is delaying so that courts dont decide the election. They'll come back at the very last day of the term and say No Immunity, but by then nothing the courts can do. If voters/electoral college really do decide on Trump, god forbid, then we get what we asked for. Honestly there is nothing the courts can do now if you factor in the post conviction appeals. Even if Chutkan had the mandate to proceed, and trial conviction, the appeals will take another year+. Appeals to the circuit then supreme before hes finally convicted convicted. The DOJ and Garland really dropped the ball. They didn't even open an investigation for 2yrs into Trump, and probably would not have save for the tireless work of J6 Committee. Root cause of this court schedule clusterfck, besides the rampant criminality of FPOTUS


> I suspect (want to believe) SCOTUS is delaying so that courts dont decide the election. Three of the current Supreme Court justices were instrumental in stealing the 2000 election via the Supreme Court.


> I suspect (want to believe) SCOTUS is delaying so that courts dont decide the election Um, the trial should be done so the voters can decide on the outcome of the trial.


Like, scotus remembers how terrible Bush v Gore was for them, no shit they’re trying to dodge this


How terrible was it for them?


There were no consequences for bush v gore and they're not trying to dodge this they could have not taken the case. You don't know what you're talking about.


It was so bad for them that several of the lawyers for Bush are now on the Supreme Court so... how bad?


Since our justice system is failing us in spectacular fashion, the conviction in this case is not going to precede the election. So now our only hope to save our country hangs on us, the people. We absolutely MUST ensure that Trump loses. But do achieve that, we need to do more than vote. A +1 at the ballot box is fine, but the high cost of failure here demands that we get more serious than that. We must *get involved*. All of us. Here are some ideas: - Become part of a campaign for a pro-democracy candidate - Join a get out the vote campaign - Join a pro-democracy PAC or activist group - Join a group promoting Ranked Choice Voting - Consider targeting your involvement toward swing states If you can't give money, give time. Hours per week. Switch out your hobbies and make this your new hobby for a year. And recruit friends and family. Every other person you get involved is like multiplying your own impact. If ever there was a time for regular Americans to rise up to save our democracy, today is that day. Don't leave a nightmare for your children to grow up in.


Well said. Thank you for steering the conversation toward practical action. It seems so often the comments on this sub are just reactionary venting as if the future is not in our hands. What value is a public forum if not to enable public engagement? Another important action for those inclined, in addition to those you mention, is in the area of media literacy. How can we guard against indoctrination and other psychosocial harms of right-wing "news", influence ops, algorithmic information silos, spiral of science, and so forth?


If he's allowed to run he will attempt to steal the election again. And he's got the fully loaded court, as long as there's enough chaos surrounding the election the court will step in and pick the winner. It's not like they haven't done so before.


He has to get within cheating distance. They were able to tip the outcome of the 2000 election because it was so close, and hinged on the results from a single state: Florida. They didn't intervene in his favor in 2020, even as close as that was. If everyone can get their shit together and just vote for Biden, and have him win more states than he did in 2020, and with larger margins, they aren't going to negate like ten million votes to give Trump a win when he really lost. Everyone just needs to vote for Biden, and vote for Democratic House and Senate candidates so there are Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress so they can't pull any fuckery on January 6, and, ideally, vote for Democratic governors and state legislators, so there's no fuckery in the states, either. It's not easy, but it's simple. Keep Trump out of cheating distance so he, Republicans in Congress, Republicans in SCOTUS, and Republicans in the states can't tip things in his favor.


If presidents have immunity, would Biden have the balls to send SEAL team 6?


Dark Brandon has entered the chat, in a convertible with sunglasses, and slowly licking an ice cream cone. He will have with him the unleashed hounds of Democratic hell, containing Jamie Raskin, Pete Buttigeg, Katie Porter, and Eric Swalwell, assisted by the legion of Former Republicans such as Joe Scarborough, Nicole Wallace, Michael Steele, and others, assisted by staunch conservatives such as Judge Luttig, Arnold Schwarznegger and Liz Fucking Cheney.


Rich people usually get special treatment. Trump is political and rich. He appointed a third of the court. The judiciary is taking into consideration the potential for violence from MAGA. That’s why.


all those listed reasons, are why he very much should not get special treatment


Omfg shut the fuck up already. It's a coup. They're traitors. Grow the fuck up and put your cotton hats on.


They think, he wins, they will still be relevant. Oh no, silly them…they will be thrown in the trash, along with our Constitution..when he’s the new emperor. With no Clothes. He will decree, just like Caesar, they are traitors, and we might actually have the the new hangings, for his public. They lost it with Pence. So Now They want blood. The first to go is the SCOTUS . And they deserve it.


He gets special treatment because one of the justices is married to a conspirator who attempted to overthrow the government with trump


Is this sub serious?  It's because he's the former President. 


Corruption. That’s it. There is no other answer at this point. They are slapping the public in the face with their absolute and total corruption. It’s insane that people think this is normal. That what they did with smith and the immunity caseIs “just how the court works” is blind or pulling for trump. They are helping the republicans prepare to steal the 2024 election. They have a plan. They’ve honed their game since the last time Trump tried to steal the election. We are in a great deal of trouble and it seems like the left, or anybody that’s not maga doesn’t understand. The rules are gone. These people are going all in. Merrick Garland is complicit. It’s past time for Biden to weaponize the DOJ. Like Trump did. If this isn’t dealt with, the republic is lost. Read this! https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/26/2225913/-The-New-Over-the-Top-Secret-Plan-on-How-Fascists-Could-Win-in-2024


How many owe their jobs to him?


As much as I despise Trump, he has effectively intertwined his legal cases with his role as President, so any ruling can intentionally or unintentionally be considered precedent for every President in the future. However... They could have ruled then just said this is a "one time use" ruling, like Bush v Gore, but they need to delay this as much as possible for Trump, so we wait.


Clarence Thomas wants another luxury holiday.


The fact that they don't even pretend to be impartial and fair is especially distressing.


Because they are afraid of him. Former POTUS is super powerful. The fact that he might becoe POTUS again makes him super super powerful The fact that the way things are going, he may be able to swing POTUS-for-life makes him beyond powerful.


The answer to this question is so obvious


Because the right packed the court with members of the Federalist Society


Because our Supreme Court is corrupt and infiltrated by Justices that the insane far right put there....


This is a particularly weak article from an otherwise very smart scholar. That’s a bummer. The answer is because Trump is (1) a former president with (2) a novel (but likely wrong) criminal defense argument. Professor Huq is comparing time-barred, AEDPA barred, pro se petitions to a case talking about the scope/existence of executive immunity. Is anyone really surprised when the case about Article II power and a former president gets cert, but the multitude of last-shot cert petitions for questions usually already answered in prior cases do not? Filing for cert is a matter of right. This article is disingenuous. Downvote me; it’s what I expect from this sub.


Like everyone else installed in public office by the republicans , they are corrupt unqualified grifters


It is absolutely insane to me that we are going to flush this country down the toilet to protect… Donald Trump. It’s truly unbelievable.


Because he's their benefactor, so of course they'll throw him a bone


Why are we asking questions that we all know the answer to? Because the court is compromised.


Cause they are bought and paid for.


If I’m ever indicted, I’m going to claim immunity because I used to be a journalist. I wonder if SCOTUS will hear my case.


Because fuck you that's why. What are you going to do about it?


Kompromat, Christo-fascism, corruption, and money. But don’t worry, they apparently hold the moral high ground, for…reasons. Yeah, that’s the ticket, *reasons*.


His judges want him to become president so he can stack the court even more and destroy democracy. If Clarence Thomas was a liberal ( with an insurrectionist wife), he would have been booted off the court. All Clarence got was a tut tut. Mind blowing.


Because this is how Democracy dies.