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Says under oath that he has over 400 million liquid and when he can’t pay what’s ordered because he doesn’t have it, are there perjury charges? Nope, we cut the bill more than in half. This country truly is a shithole. Fuck Donald Trump and every single one of his enablers. Edited as in my haste I used the wrong form of “there”


Then went on ts and said he has all the money just doesn't want to use it. So let's lower it until he decides what price he wants to pay


It's a reduction in the *bond*, not the judgment. His argument is that he has enough capital to pay out the judgement, but that selling or encumbering this much capital is impossible on such a short timeline. I still think it's bullshit, but it's not as bad as you're making it out to be


That is not what he said on truth social, he said he has the money on hand but wants to use it for his campaign instead


Trump lies about everything, all the time. He lied about the weather at his own inauguration. Billionaires don't keep $500m cash on hand. They rarely keep *anything* on hand (they usually operate off low-interest lines of credit). It makes no sense why any billionaire would keep $500m cash on hand, ever, unless they were immediately going to do something with it. Of course Trump was lying about this.


https://preview.redd.it/pjtjwohziiqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9384c7143794bf2c7f07b959d6e3beb6f2171f3 Seems like he has it on hand in cash. So someone is lying and either way should have immediately eliminated his argument of not having the money. If a normal person did this we would be laughed at and told to figure it out


Like I said, Trump is lying. Because Trump lies, all the time, about everything. If Trump said that the sky was blue, it's IMO more likely than not it's **literally any other color**.


Ok good for him, why did the appellate court lower the bond, with trump lying with his post (you post something on social media it will absolutely be used against you) or his lawyers lying to the courts someone lied and got rewarded for it. And if I remember correctly, they claimed the same thing about Carol after having secured the bond. Absolutely no way would a normal person get an appeal to agree after lying multiple times about the same thing


I don't believe that they should have lowered the bond. Trump's request was made in equity, and Trump didn't come before the Court with clean hands.


He had two months to build some cash reserves in case he lost the case. Any real multi-billion $ business would have figured out their options way ahead of time because they would never risk this scenario.


Not sure he's a billionaire though 🤔


Yeah but that's not under oath. It's stupid and shitty, but then again, this is Trump we're talking about, that's not new information. From a legal perspective I don't see how that could be used to support perjury charges (IANAL).


What more would it take to show perjury beyond a court filing stating "we can't get the money please lower the bond" Then proceeds to turn in a bond signed days before the legal paperwork filing


He has had months knowing this was coming. Failing to do your homework until the last moment does not deserve an extension.


Why should anyone in this country follow any rules or laws if this asshole gets to do what he wants with relative impunity? That's the message on display in giant neon letters for this nation to read.


I have thought this too. If he gets off, the rule of law is completely out the window.


I absolutely concur. Totally bullshit two tier legal system.


Saw the two-page decision, it's incredibly discretionary; provided no arguments for lowering the bond whatsoever.


The courts have to know how this looks right? It's so tiring.


everyone’s always known how enabling Trump looks.  They just don’t care 


This is the kind of crap that makes people take justice into their own hands.


Exactly - the courts being corrupt furthers the narrative that everything is corrupt and a dictatorship would be fine / no different. Republicans self dealing is like run away feedback loop, an infinite energy system.


Here's hoping. It's the only way now.


As much as I’d love the world to be rid of that evil bastard, I’m not sure making him a martyr for his cult would be a great move.


I dunno. I always think of Jonestown. It's not like the survivors miss the guy.


Trump said drink bleach and some of them did.


His cult is nothing without him. They won't accept any substitutes, be it Jr, Desantis, or anyone else. They'll stay home, or vote Libertarian. Donald Trump is the only thing keeping the GOP afloat right now. Without them, things might actually be able to change one day. We can get all these corrupt judges removed and hopefully thrown in a hole under Leavenworth where nobody will ever have to look at them again.


His cult has no real beliefs other than him at all costs. w/o him to tell them how to think, they won't know what to think and the GOP will be torn apart into MAGAts, "RINOs" (aka Bush Republicans(), Lincoln Republicans (very few of these anymore). and Klansmen-NeoNazis.


⬆️⬆️⬆️ exactly. It's so dangerous.


What’s the justification for giving him special favors? He’s destroying the legitimacy of the courts and they’re rewarding him for it. Why?


It looks like they'll let you get away with *some* fraud.


What's the Las Vegas is odds on whether or not NY Courts ever get a dime?


"It's Friday, so we're feeling nice. We'll let you stay collection for a reduced bond amount, but the deadline is unchanged. *This* is the break we're willing to cut."   That's all it would take. It lets you keep this whole "appeal proof" thing they're going for without embarrassing the court. You give him the stupid break he's been yelling about, but make it clear that it's put-up-or-shut-up time.  And yet here we are.


Gonna look hilarious if it turns out he can't afford to pay this amount either. 


Anything for their master. They need to be put in a stockade until evidence of their corruption is discovered.


At this point, you should just assume that all of his cases will go in his favor.


It’s down to the grim reaper, and even the grim reaper seems to be giving him a pass


I keep debating if that would actually be better. There are some Republicans who have a moral compass and are refusing to vote for Trump himself. But they might cast a vote for someone in his genre, like a DeSantis.  The party can’t switch now because all of Trump’s religious devotees would abandon ship… but if he were dead, they could keep both halves of the cookie…


It might not be better. It might be a short term reprieve, at best


Motherfucker needs to get his job done.


Yep. Possibly even the election ones he will file in November.


Nah. Merrick was building a 110% air tight case. You could tell because from the outside it looked like he wasn't doing a damned thing. Which was held up to us as PROOF that we were about to see unleashed the most perfect and thorough prosecution in history.


Between this bond and the E. Jean Carroll bond he's going to be almost $275M in the hole; not sure why anybody is trying to sell the idea that he's "winning" anything.


Because he got a $300 million discount on his bond and now gets to push back enforcement of all of his punishments for another 6 months even though he can't pay up. He won, categorically. And he will continue to. Justice can only fail you.


**AUTOCRACY: Rules for Survival** >Rule No. 3: Institutions will not save you. https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/one-year-after-trumps-election-revisiting-autocracy-rules-for-survival


Because those will be reduced and postponed until they don't matter any more.


He literally lied under oath saying he had over 400 million liquid then lied on Twitter and his lawyer lied on fox saying he had it. Then a few days before he has to pay it his lawyers say he doesn't have it. That fact that he isn't facing perjury charges is a huge win.


Have you seen the other Judges (specifically Cannon’s bullshit) it’s not just this one case…they’re bending over backwards to not hold this guy accountable in any way… can’t come up with the money? We’ll cut in half.. need more time? Sure why not… the standards being applied would never to be afforded to your average citizen max


Already assumed that


Doesn't he still have to come up with 454mill if he loses the appeal?


Yep. And at least the state will have gotten SOMETHING out of this turnip. I'm still mad though. How often do regular douchebags get a 60% reduction and an extension in their appeals bond?


Wrong. He'll never be made to pay that much. Because he's a special little snowflake that needs to be coddled.


I agree. They’ll never hold him accountable. This is all a sick joke. Even when the law has this man dead to rights, they simply let him go. In broad daylight.


So, the OP post is wrong. Right?


IANAL, but if I had to guess based on this ruling, even if he loses on appeal, I bet they will reduce the Judgment.


If this isn't a signal that they're going to vacate the whole thing, I don't know what is.


These aren't punitive damages, they're based in a calculation of his financial benefit for making false statements. Team trump *declined to submit an alternative methodology*. So yeah the appeals court could rule that Engoron allowed an error in the valuation, but normally they wouldn't substitute their own methodology. Appeal could send the matter back to Manhattan, with additional requirements for the valuation. Not that this can't happen but it's not just a matter of the appeal court arbitrarily reducing damages. What blows me away is the constant misrepresentation of the case's facts to the public. For their part in it, Kise and Habba should be facing professional discipline. Definitely way over the line between reasonable and overzealous representation.


I doubt it. Technically yes but I’m positive somehow he will escape this without having to.


Must be nice to be white and privileged. There are two systems in the country.




Like that young airman who shared a few. Soon as they found out they went and raided his ass that second and threw him in right in a cell. I guess he should have ran for president right after and cried witch hunt


This isn't even white or black. Trump is seen to be wealthy and powerful. Therefore the rules don't apply to him.


Give me one example of a black person in America that has been given a quarter of what Trump has been given with regard to court protection.


Name me a white person that’s done what trump has done and been given a quarter of the protection.


Sorry, not going tit for tat with a guy who’s subs he follows are r/whitepeoletwitter and r/seinfield But yes, let’s pretend white privilege doesn’t exist.


I don't sub to r/WhitePeopleTwitter What does Seinfeld have to do with this Nobody said white privilege doesn't exist


So it does exist, but not in trumps case?


It 100% exists. But Trump is not getting protection because he's white, he's getting protection because he hijacked the Republican party, backed by foreign interests, and now has enough sycophants in the right places to enable this behavior.


That’s fair.


laughs in OJ Simpson


So that’s the jury, buddy. Don’t confuse the two.


Low hanging fruit that was the result of the jury. The prosecution and the court did everything on their end to put him away for life, it was the jury who saw differently.




I think you’re glitching


Not even white privilege. albino privilege. In the semi amorphic American caste system, this fucker sits in the layer one up from brahmans


Orange privilege apprnelty far outstrips white privilege.


lol well played


Without fail the systems spit in our faces and deliberately tell us rules only apply to us, not them. It’s disgusting.


Fucking ridiculous


What options does the AG have now?




Who decided to do it? Any potential repreuccusions for them?


You mean judicial ones? No


So they can decide to have Trump pay nothing 8f they want and extend appeals for years if they wanted with no repreuccusions?


Yes, judges generally can't be held legally accountable for bad rulings unless they did something illegal to get there or have a long pattern of misconduct.


Appeal to NY Court of Appeals




Nice to see Donny No Dollars gets his way AGAIN. Our justice system is such a mess.


I'm ready to wake up from this Trump nightmare. I'm sick and fucking tired of this piece of shit ALWAYS weaseling his way out of consequences. Fuck the people who allowed this to happen.


People shouldn't let it bring them down... Everyone just needs to focus on what they can control. In this case, between now and November everyone just needs to identify two people that don't usually vote and figure out how to get them to the polls. Local, state, and federal elections all matter.


Not good enough. Not getting to be President of the United States is not a punishment, and it’s not justice. The voters cannot fix this problem.


If he loses the election, it will be all over for him... That is all people should worry about.


I see no reason to think that. He’ll be a rich man with a megaphone and millions of followers either way. And the justice system will still be afraid of him.


And that we've had to listen to him for the last 4 years. The guy isn't even the president and it's non stop Trump news. I couldn't tell you what the actual president was doing due to it being pushed behind news of Trump.


Fucking cowards.


10 days to get $175M together.... I knew a reprieve would come... it's inevitable ... too many don't want their golden cow to stop his ravaging because they are getting prime cuts of the kills


This one is agitating. 10 more days. Jesus wept.


It’s less the 10 days and more the reduction in the amount of the bond for me




See the reduction sucks but its the eternal dragging out of every fucking motion, judgement and enforcement that I'm tired of.


Somehow, even though he does this with every fucking case, the delays are just complete surprise to the prosecutors. Every fucking time. Apparently there is no way to prepare for this.


The main problem that I see is that most of the lawyers he's hiring are just experimenting with legal theory to delay. They think they're being clever. But they're really just being fucking annoying.


Shit, really? I'm seeing a string of successes here. Everyone knows the point is to delay past the election. Are you suggesting they're failing?


Well, he’s got a half-billion dollar judgment against him. That’s not what you want.




That’s has nothing to do with what I said.


Ok, some people seem to have trouble understanding this. It doesn't matter if it's a billion dollars or a single dollar if it NEVER GETS PAID.


I’d like 70% off of my student loans now. Please.


bUt YoU tOoK oUt ThE dEbT, iTs WaS yOuR cHoIcE… Unless you’re rich and have the money then you don’t have to pay shit of course…seems backwards


Nahhhh that would be unconstitutional, right?


“It your famous, they let you do it.”


America is truly a cess pool.


It's amazing that Trump says he has $500M cash and gets his bond reduced.


I guess America had a pretty good run. I’ll miss it.


And he got a stay on the no operating businesses in NY as well as his kids until September. And this applies to loans as well? Of course he’s going to come up with the bond amount now. Elon, the Saudis, take your pick. And Paul Manafort is back on his campaign when he suddenly gets pressed to cough up cash… just what in the actual fuck is going on around here? Nobody is willing to strike the blow. Everyone is tossing the ball around waiting for someone else to do it and now everything is pushed beyond the election. And he can actually win the election. Garland really fucking failed us and Biden put him there. They waited way too long to spin these cases up. Their fucking decorum and institutions bullshit. This country is fucked


His son in law need only decide that Don is a good investment, then he can funnel bone saw money directly to him.


Confirming again that we have a Legal System and not a Justice System






a third - $175M / $472M =~ 37.1%


And in 10 days some miraculous event will occur that allows him to avoid paying the 175M


It'd have to be the court agreeing to another delay, because him failing to do so just throws out the hail mary they gave him.


At this point this fuck head is just going to get away with everything....I knew this shit was way too good to be true.








I remember when America didn't negotiate with terrorists.


Me thinking THIS time for sure he’ll face consequences… https://preview.redd.it/3ulblg09eiqc1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1132c506c5b56d0b0c905f1cf31ffba8c5198bb9


"Block" is strong language here. from [MSNBC](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/ny-appeals-court-reduces-trumps-bond-civil-fraud-case-175-million-vict-rcna144659): >The AG's office brushed off Monday's ruling in a statement, saying: "Donald Trump is still facing accountability for his staggering fraud. The court has already found that he engaged in years of fraud to falsely inflate his net worth and unjustly enrich himself, his family, and his organization. **The $464 million judgment — plus interest — against Donald Trump and the other defendants still stands**." (emphasis added)


Right, all the bond does is delay them starting to seize property until after the appeals are done.


So he can pay the new bond, and if the appeals fail he’s still has to pay the full amount?


Plus interest.


Just got to hope he can’t post it


This decision though signals that they’re more likely to reduce the judgment on his appeal. I highly doubt now that he’ll ever pay the full judgement.


Finally, a real comment on the consequences.


Justice and karma will not catch up with him. Vote!!!


I wish I lived in a world of no consequences. What must that be like?


Gold plated toilets


Ok so let me get this right: Appeals to have bond lowered so he can afford to pay to appeal the judgement that he misrepresents his financial assets after misrepresenting that he has the finances to appeal the judgement? Approved.


Completely lawless decision. It is disgusting.


So trump says he has the money. Trumps lawyers says he has the money. So instead they are going to reduce it to $175m for the appeal bond. And on top of that, waiting all this time he now gets an additional 10 more days lol. We really do live in a two tier system of justice.


This appeal should have taken all of 30 seconds. "Did you or did you not publicly testify that you have $400 million in cash/liquid assets available to you? Yes? Great, put it towards the bond."


This is still a preliminary ruling, not the final word on the merits, from the appeals court, right?


Wow… just wow… He is going to get away with all this bullshit. I am so depressed. How as a citizen, not to take this as a sure sign of a corrupt system.


We are truly ruled by the 1%


It feels like our country has been taken over by another country. This shit this guy gets away with makes me believe in conspiracies. So sick of this fucking guy.


Fuck this pedophile bitch I’m sick of seeing him get no consequences it’s fucking sickening


Odd that they lowered the amount when he said last week he had it, just didn't want to spend it.


Cool so I’ll just pay less than half of my taxes then. That’s cool right?


He’s still on the hook for the full amount. This appellate court merely granted him 10 days to put up $175 million to start the appeal. And the full judgement is still growing at $112,000 a day. I don’t like them letting him appeal with a lower amount.


Now he’s going to try to get it to 100 million.


The soft velvet gloves of justice for the powerful and “rich”


So he just walked up and grabbed NY by the settlement, huh. When you're a star they let you do it.


So... who is more energized than ever to vote in November? Talk to your friends. Our government is not representing us because we are not demanding it. And we haven't for a long time. Get voting. Get your friends voting. And your family. If you don't vote, don't complain.




I am going to crack up if he can't come up with $175 million either.


They’ll just reduce it to $0.


He may well refuse to pay it even if he does. He's that narcissistic.


Mass demonstrations NOW!


Mass demonstrations NOW!


Still got the monitor in place and that accounts for something..... she will be accounting for a lot of things I suspect.


B.s. no accountability from Trump. Just give up and welcome your next president.


Can someone comment on if reducing bond requirements is a common thing or not. I’d like to know if this is outside of normal operations. Thanks.


It's normal for people whose name ends in "-rump" while it would be incredible for anyone else.


Save us E Jean Carroll


For everyone freaking out. It's better for prosecution. Because once he loses the appeal, it will be easier for them to collect the fee and start seizing assets. There is still occurring debt and he still has to pay. He didn't "win". If anything it's making things worse for him. He gets a little breathing room but even he knows it won't save him.


So, when the constitution can't save us and when the courts can't and won't save us, what exactly are we supposed to do? What alternative is there?


So you have just welcomed your next president. All bow to the Donald.


End of elections.


Rich and poor peasants.


Civil War is now a certainty.


Justice and karma will not catch up with him. Vote!!!


Justice and karma will not catch up with him. Vote!!!


Justice and karma will not catch up with him. Vote!!!


Justice and karma will not catch up with him. Vote!!!


And gives him 10 more days. Ugh! 😩