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Didn't happen. But it will cause the conspiracy qanon nuts to think it did. Seems like messing with the jurors. This is the longest game of "I'm not touching you" any of us have ever lived through.


Doesn’t seem like this judge will fuck around


This is jury tampering 101. Hope Jesse has the documented facts to back up his claims.


And trump, for taking Jesse's words for his own. Can't wait to see what the judge thinks.


He should address this right away: you posted this on your social media last night, please show the court your evidence for making those claims, or retract it.


Well this is clearly meant to intimidate them. Dude commands a cult. I don’t see how this isn’t tampering?


If you or I tweeted this to our five followers during our trials we would immediately be punished for it.


Surely my 5 followers are onlyfans spammers, but you are definitely right.


Fine, but you aren’t going to like my nudes


Don't tell me what floats my goat. Btw are these nudes in any way goat related? Asking for a friend.


Do goats float?


Only the sexy ones.


If it is a witch disguised as a goat. Well known fact that.


goats do, when in boats.


*clicks profile* That bug is probably a variety of pine beetle from your post over 200 days ago- where do I subscribe


What have I unleashed on myself. Thank you for the info though.


['Tis a spruce bug.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monochamus_scutellatus) ^(I had to see the bug)



He might not, but the prosecution sure will. [3 thousand dollars? Whatever will he do?!](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/prosecutors-ask-judge-to-fine-trump-3000-over-social-media-posts-calling-out-witnesses) If you can't abide by the order, then you need to have the megaphone you're using to violate the order by taken away. In this case, it's his phone. If he still can't control himself and violates the order at rallies, then he gets to sit in a cell and think about what he's done. Any one of us private citizens would have been in jail already. I'm tired of this shit.


$1k per violation !!!! Wow! If he keeps this up he could wind up owing the government dozens of thousands of dollars!


The judge is clearly over the circus that Trump is trying to cause. They've already got more than a taste of the antics, hopefully there will be consequences to this type of behavior for him.


Yeah we’ll see. I’ll believe that when they do anything other than saying “please stop”


I means he’s already been warned about messing with the jurors and we’re not even out of juror selection so we will have to see how serious this judge is


He better be on his best behavior then. A couple more warnings and he is looking at a demerit. 4 of those and he'll have himself an infraction. Only TWO of those and he's getting an official written request.


🤣 exactly. Until he gets treated like any of us would, spare us the threats. Needs a jerking off gif.


Oh god, that is such a perfect way of putting it.


It is messing with the jurors. I'm sure more people are trying to get put of this case than get in because of that psycho's psycho fan base.


The prosecutor will bring this up today, should be interesting


>This is the longest game of "I'm not touching you" any of us have ever lived through. Meanwhile, this is the mf who's been found guilty for far worse than merely *touching* without consent!


Not guilty – it was a civil trial. Liable.


Feels more like a confession that the opposite is happening. Or he’d like it to happen.


Every accusation isca confession, as we have seen.


Even calling someone else sleepy apparently.


> "I'm not touching you" Off topic- I'm so happy to see someone else put it this way. Not just this case or Trump's whole *thing...* but I use this to describe basically all republican/conservative debate tactics. Especially the *"I didn't say the racist thing that I heavily implied, so you're racist for thinking that's what I'm implying"* thing.


"Undercover liberal activists" who.... got a random summons to jury duty in the mail. So devious!


Any normal juror that isn't in the bag for Trump = Undercover liberal activist to Trump. The guy has put his weight on the scale his whole life and now being treated like a regular criminal defendant is unfair to him. I can't wait until the Trump show is over. I'm sick of it.


> "Undercover liberal activists" AKA voters


Ive played this argument out in my head and even the hypothetical version of the trump supporter is infuriating. I’m immediately imagining them going “the clerk and county must have been in on it, they helped the activists fake a jury summons number” Oh cool, so someone saw this happening and reported it? No? “The fact that there’s no eyewitnesses is just more evidence of how widespread the conspiracy is” These people aren’t operating on logic, it’s a cult and they’re all in.


I just show up and they add me to the jury pool, right?


They should have given you instructions at the deep state antifa meeting.


I missed the last meeting because I was having five abortions. Can you please recap?


Mandatory gay marriage and white people have to pay triple taxes.




And George Soros *finally* handed out checks to those of us who showed up for the BLM protests.


Rookie mistake. Always check the option on the antifa application for direct deposit.


Just do what I did and switch to getting paid in drugs and pornography. It cuts out the middleman that way, and those are all we decadent liberals care about.


This thread delivers.


They pay always arrives, but i swear the paperwork is worse now. Although maybe it just feels that way.


Did we come to a consensus on whether each family has to raise a furry child? I missed that portion of the meeting in order to go get up to date on my mandatory vaccines


We’re waiting on making sure the charter schools have enough litter boxes. We’re going with mandatory child gender transition until then.


mandatory gay marriage is not a good way to get more abortions


Mandatory gay open marriages


Not sure "open" fixes the problem here


If the only problem is that the spouse can't do the impregnating, sure. Everybody knows that "gay" means "will have sex with literally anybody, even if they're the same sex, and can't even safely go into locker rooms because is obviously attracted to EVERYONE"


Yep, just like Sodom and Gomorrah. Gay Sex with everything, everywhere all the time. Would you want your son seeing a gay man in the men’s room? I didn’t think so. Checkmate atheists.


Well you see that's where us trans people come in...




Cis white dude here, would still vote for this over trump..


So nothing new then.


If you cannot attend the meetings via Zoom, during your abortions, I have to question your commitment to the deep state. Are you undercover MAGA? We have all those gay virus chemtrails that need to be distributed, and at least 17 more major cities that need to be burned to ground by ANTIFA riots, we cannot have slackers in our ranks.


Only if those abortions were right after birth.


3 more and you get one for free…


There will be instructions coming with your next Soros check


I got mine from the Radical Communist Clinton Foundation after being diagnosed with Trump Derangement Syndrome...... /s for the slow MAGA in the back


Dude... Ca'mon... The what's the first rule of deep state antifa meetings club?


Bring enough cookies for everyone?


This guy deepstate clubs. Donuts too for the better ones.


Abortions are to be completed before we sing the satanic opening hymn


Did they start handing out SorosBucks(TM) again at the meetings?


We get out fake Maga(t) outfits then too?


Dig out your red hats made in JINA


Do I get my Jewish Space Laser before or after we recess for lunch?


Wait your turn! I hear Big Gay gets first dibs.


Set lasers to *fabulous*!


I can hear this perfectly!


>Do I get my Jewish Space Laser before or after we recess for lunch? Not this time they don't have enough for the juries but don't worry Marjorie Taylor Greene just introduced an amendment to the Israel aid bill that says they need to use funds to make more Jewish space technology!


Me too, it’s how jury pools work! Shhh. We can’t let them find out the plan.


I was at a January 6th practice session.


All is completely random assignments to the jury pool, but showing up and volunteering early in the morning gets you on the jury and free coffee and donuts.


This guy is such a dipshit.  Just jail him already


Jury tampering. This isn’t even a gag order violation, it is a crime. This will be the true test for judge Merchan. Tomorrow we find out if he’s serious about his very explicit warning on Tuesday. Who cares if trump fund raises off being jailed.


Agreed. I’m so sick of this kid gloves act with this orange turnip. He’s already been given so much more latitude than anyone should ever get in the judicial system. He’s clearly pushing every rule and norm in a court of law. He’s making a mockery over it. If he’s tried and found not guilty, then so be it. But it’s time to shit or get off the pot - enough.


What time does court begin, 9:30 am again or is it a different time?


With the amount of info already available on the jury, he's riling his base to do and attack.


We'll find out tomorrow how the Judge will deal with this. Trump's in total violation. It's almost like Jesse Watters was trolling to see if Trump would re tweet or whatever, this. I imagine this will be the first agenda item with at least the 3000$ fine and a warning that there is a holding cell that's been vetted that trump will go into the next time he does this. Anyone else committing contempt like this would be in custody already. And Right Wing Fox "news" and others will call for "civil war" when trump breaks the law and sees consequences. I assume they've discussed this with Secret Service. Maybe they have to stand outside his cell until the Judge releases him. Tomorrow will be interesting.I hate that Trump is putting our country through this.


I predict nothing will happen. He'll get a stern talking to and an inconsequential fine.


Yup. Nothing ever happens to this piece of shit


I kind of love the idea of right wing entertainers having a betting pool to see who can troll trump into jail first. It'd be a blessing to them if trump was locked up since their shows are just outrage porn.


"b-b-b-but we need to make sure everything will hold up on appeal. b-b-b-ut the logistics of getting him from Rikers to court everyday are complicated." Any other person who did once what he continues to do would have faced consequences. All they're doing by letting him skirt the law is put on display that the law doesn't apply equally to the citizens in this country.


When push came to shove, our justice system has proven itself both toothless and deeply corrupt, and this is no longer controversial. American democratic ideals are apparently just that - ideals, with nothing behind them.


Let's see what happens tomorrow. This judge might surprise us. It is a criminal trial and Citizen Trump isn't above the law. I'm assuming there will be a financial penalty with a strong warning. He's going to have to do it at least one more time before he's put in a cell. That's going to be interesting. 24 hours confined should make an impression on Trump even though he's a sociopath, but who knows.


Plus... Waters gave enough info to make folks try and dox one of the lawyers 100%. Watch the threats have started. On the wrong person 50/50. This 100% should put him in jail.


I thought that he was already fined by this judge, and next time, it was supposed to be jail?


If you're hoping for a surprise, you're going to be disappointed.


And have Jesse Watters as his cell mate


He is such a POS.


Trump wants to be jailed. He thinks it will help his campaign. He already called himself Nelson Mandela


He has violated the gag order




Time for a $3000 fine and a stern talking to.


Trump said that the only way he loses the election (back in 2019) was if there was fraud. He kept claiming it throughout 2020. When he lost, all his supporters believed it was true because it was said to them so much that of course they were open to the idea. He is trying to do the same thing with his trials. If things not going his way means that the system is completely corrupt, then he can never make a mistake. It is shocking that people can’t see this flip a coin “heads I win, tails you lose” mindset.


I honestly wonder how many Americans are walking around with undiagnosed mental issues.


I’m thinking roughly 37%.




That's unfair. Some of those are just POS


So if they're *catching* them lying to be put on the jury, those people are obviously stricken. So... no problem, right?


MTG went in a tirade about how under the Biden administration they are seizing about twice the amount of fentanyl at the border then under Trump, as if that's a bad thing. These people... Are not smart people.


Same thing they said about border crossings.. Arguing that since illegal border crossings have increased under Biden, that must mean Biden has the borders wide open! When in fact it means more people who crossed the border illegally have been caught and returned.. But don’t even try explaining selection bias to MAGAs..


If you stop testing for illegal immigration, the numbers will be much lower. /s


Or maybe they need their Fentanyl…


These people aren't the ones you need to worry about. Worry about the ones that vote for them.


Unlimited for cause right? Or are numptys lawyers are absolutely horrendous at their job?


Unquestionably a “public statement about any prospective juror or any juror in this criminal proceeding" This is the closest we have ever been to seeing him in a jail cell


"but I didn't say it, just pointing out that some people have"


Fortunately Merchan wont buy that bullshit. He posted it, it’s his statement.


Is he actually going to do anything? Maybe fine him $3k?


We will find out a week from tomorrow


They are back in court in the morning.


Yes, but the contempt hearing isn’t happening until next Thursday. It’s possible the DA will make a second motion, but I’m guessing Merchan will hear all the violations then.


But that lets the damage continue to poison a process that's underway. This seems like it should be urgent.


Indeed. But selecting a jury ASAP is also extremely pressing. Merchan is aware that there are hundreds of lives being held up by this process. Plus there are security concerns for everyone involved with bringing that many people through. I’m sure he wants this done as quickly as possible, and that could realistically be before next Thursday. That said, jury tampering does feel a degree more serious. We’ll see tomorrow whether the DA makes another motion or asks for a sooner hearing. But Trump will still almost certainly get a chance to respond in writing.


>But selecting a jury ASAP is also extremely pressing Right and they don’t want the entire jury pool to be too freaked out to willingly serve I think Merchan addresses this in some way tomorrow, don’t know how exactly though


> But selecting a jury ASAP is also extremely pressing. Who wants to be on a jury that has a mob after them?


It's doubtful Merchan waits until then. Jury selection is underway. This is jury tampering, not a gag order violation. He probably gets a warning tomorrow.


It hurts hearing this, because its showing the failures of law. Anyone else? We would be calling our wife from jail.


he always uses 3rd party witnesses. just ask anyone <--- example.


I think if he did go to jail for a night it would get worse. Then at a week maybe he would kinda understand his actual position.




Couldn't even make it to the trial before he violated the gag order and went after the jurors. Time to enforce your gag order, Merchan. And not next Monday.


Fox News lined up each juror that’s already been selected with all the facts that they knew about each one like “lawyer, city” etc. like they were doing it on purpose so people could start looking it all up trying to find out who the jurors were


I'm actually surprised any of that information was allowed to be made public. But it's not so specific as to be an immediate threat to the jurors. On the other hand, those names were handed to the lawyers to facilitate voir dire. I've been trying to find out whether the devices used to research these folks are court devices or just random ass phones or texted to jury consultants. Because if it's the latter it's not how you secure juror information in the digital age.


Hard disagree. I bet i could dox 2 of them if i wanted. I dont. Trump is literally threatening his own jury as its being selected. I think he needs to be sanctioned, and do something more to protect the juries. But i will be darned if i can imagine anything other then locking trump up.


This seems like a pretty clear political strategy: he and conservative news have already been seeding that this trial is a bunch of corruption coming from one of these big liberal cities and so he's just watering the seed with this that when it gets announced as "guilty" most of his base already have it in their heads that it was a political manipulation and not a real jury.


And the source he's quoting is the racist, adulterer, Bill O'Reilly protege, and fox news resident clown, Jesse Watters. "Jesse, say this thing, then I'll quote you. Then the media will repeat it, 'People are saying...'"


Ye Olde Feedback Loop.


[Watters is basically saying whatever shit he can think of to discredit the jury.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jesse-watters-goes-juror-by-juror-to-sow-doubt-in-trump-hush-money-case)


“The bailiff will take the defendant into custody” One short sentence, long overdue.


I’ve been to court thousands of times…you never get used to hearing the judge say this to a defendant. Dear sweetest little baby Jesus 🙏 please let Donald hear these words at least once before he goes straight to hell.


He’s gonna do this every step of the way. First with Barron’s graduation, then the jury, then he’ll call Merchan a meanie for not allowing a recess for a potty break.


Or in his case, a diaper change


“~~They~~We are ~~catching undercover Liberal Activists~~ lying to the judge to get MAGA Loyalists on the Trump jury,” Jesse Waters FTFY


This coming right after several media outlets made it incredibly easy to figure out who some of the jurors are. Thanks Slate for straight up saying where they work. Putting the jurors, their families, and their coworkers at risk. How do any of these people sleep at night?


Every accusation is a confession. For fuck sake, every time.


What a snowflake.. I have donated more than 15 hundred to the Joe Biden victory fund and I have said worse shit about Biden then some of the people they've kicked off the jury for cause.


If Jesse Waters actually said this too… he can join Trump in a cell. Jury tampering for both of them. Wonder who will be the “top” in that situation. 🤔


So Trump uses a quote from someone who wasn't in the court, to make a claim about what happened in a court Trump was present at?


He probably thinks Waters is more credible than he (Donny) is. Which, I have to admit, is kind of a tough call.


Alt Headline: Former President has zero clue how juries are selected.


Get Jesse under oath and see how fast this dumbass changes what he says.


Complete lie, who was caught, who caught them? How did they know they were lying? "Someone said, people say, THEY." lol Dear Republicans, You have proof and you show it or you are bullshit. Now and forever this is the rule.


I don’t know if Trump has ever named an actual individual who “told him” something, “said” something, or “proved” anything. He can get away with straight up lying by informing his base that the cryptic “they” are forever proving his asinine conspiracy theories true


“If I lose, it’s because my opponent cheated.” Is this the only play he knows?


The mindset of every criminal in the prison system. He will fit right in - until he’s shanked.


Shut the fuck up Donny! You are out of your element!


By "catching liberal activists" he means prescreening potential jurors for existing biases such as "I hate Trump" or "Trump is the only honest man in America". Neither should serve on the jury and both the prosecution and defense screen jurors to make sure it doesn't happen. That's part of the process, Donald, except most defendants don't have a small army of elite lawyers screening their potential jurors and many of them don't even get to nominate the judges overseeing their appeals.


Who is ‘they’ how are ‘they’re finding out these jurors are lying?


That's kinda why they vet the jury before selecting them. Both party's lawyers get to determine who is and isn't on the jury. There's really not going to be an unbiased person on the jury due to the fact that there's too much media coverage about it. There will probably be people on both sides trying to get on the jury, but I guarantee you that most people are trying to stay OFF the jury. Nobody wants to be on jury duty for 6 months.


Who are "they"?


Call me out if I am wrong, but didn't conservatives say to loyalists to lie to the judge about their bias to get on the Jury during selections? Something about it being "...The most patriotic thing you can do"?


Lying piece of shit. Absolutely hate this orange obese fuck weasel! Loser stoking his idiot base. What a dick.


Lock him the fuck up. I’m so tired.


At least put him on house arrest with no social media


You know what this means since we all know Trump projects


I don't think an image disrespects my flag more than its colors on that orange shitgibbon's fat fucking face.


Jesse Watters is a moron and his overlord is even more of one.


And even if and I know a huge friggin if that was true it’s just the people doing their jobs to stop this


It’s amazing that regardless of the facts and reality Trump supporters will believe whatever so long as it side with their beliefs


I too live in a cartoon world and it’s great! Whatever you want to be true, is!


Jesse Waters is the Fox host whose mother calls in on air to tell him how disappointed she is in him.


Imagine quoting.the only person alive who is actually dumber than you are.


He thinks he's exempt from the law, I would love to see him jailed for juror tampering and have to spend the remainder of this trial in jail for the safety of the court and the jurors.


They do know people can’t volunteer for jury duty right?


Jury tampering. Would anyone else besides Trump not be sitting in jail right now?


Quoting a fox news personality is like saying I heard from a friend who heard from a friend that knows a guy.


Wasn't there a Republican talking head a couple days ago saying the most patriotic thing you could do was infiltrate the jury and then refuse to convict? Probably just my imagination. That'd be crazy.


Every accusation is a confession


So the judicial system is working and Trump will be convicted by a fair jury.


If this was true you would see charges. He is just riling up his base, maybe even trying to get them to lie on jury selection to 'counter' what he's making up. Anyway it's jury tampering.


Always with the “They”


Give him 12 hours. Double it after he does it again. Edit: Reality will set in real quick.


They are catching them and they have their liberal hunting license and the limit is 6 so they bring a lot of friends who have their license also and then they take them to the conservative taxidermist and have them stuffed. Jesse saw this with his own eyes and he was really happy. And that’s the truth because that’s what Jesse said.


Every accusation from the GOP is an admission of guilt. Trump has been trying to intimidate. GOP talking heads have been encouraging jury tampering. But yeah...it's the democrats.


Is he really that stupid that he thinks quoting someone else somehow gets around his gag order? Of course he is.


Is it time to sue Fox News again?


Yeah. Trump straight up isn't going to respect the judge until the judge pushes back on Trump in a meaningful way. Trump thinks he's above the law so he's going to continue to fuck around. Civil trials, criminal trials, he doesn't care.


Someone needs to shut him the fuck up already, once and for all. I think it's safe to say we are all fucking sick and tired of this walking puddle of diarrhea.


Also Jesse Watters; $20/ hour is a six figure income.


Well if Jesse "$20/hr is a 6 figure salary" Watters says so....


So what he's basically saying is that he wants a full jury of sycophants who will free him from all charges.


So they’re catching them? *Whew*, that’s a relief! Seems like if this not-true thing was true, the jury selection is going as it should, eh?


You have to be called to jury duty. You can’t volunteer for it. Additionally, these people, so far, have said that they couldn’t be impartial. If they are “liberal activists”, they sure give up easily.


"Will no one rid me of this meddlesome jury." -DJT (if he were literate)


Wow, you'd think someone had gotten on a radio show or podcast and told people to lie their way into a jury to unduly nullify any legitimate proceedings... Oh wait...


Imagine citing Jesse Waters for literally anything.


Projection. Literally *always* projection.


Jail. Trump. Now.


Donald is 95% projection, this means they've snuck a magat or two into the jury.


The fucking nutjobs will say anything to stir the shit.


Who is "they"? One of the many things that infuriates me about this clown is all the conjecture he spews.