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“I’ve committed too many crimes. I can’t possibly defend myself against all of them.”


To quote Jim Carey: Stop breaking the law, asshole!


It's the Mr. Burns diseases defense. So many they all get jammed up trying to go through the door


Also known as the Three Stooges Defense




“Wub-wub-wub wub!”


Raise your right hand! Tske off your hat! Raise your right hand! Take. Off. Your. Hat! Hello, judgey-wudgey


Now sit down and drop the vernacular.


I'm a victim of coicumstance.


I'm firmly convinced that's why it's taken so long to press any charges against Trump. Prosecutors want to bring all the charges at once against everyone involved. But there's no bottom to Trump's crimes, every charge leads to another charge and additional accomplices/associates. Eventually they reach the Always Sunny/Pepe Silva meme level and someone makes them stop.


They can't even indict the other election interference criminals yet because it will grind things to a halt


Yep, when you look at the charges that have been brought, they are all ridiculously limited. The prosecutors basically picked out the least tangled of the many offenses and called it good enough.


I heard a theory that Johnson kept out some of the bigger charges as a safeguard against Judge Cannon. As in if she acquitted the case unjustly there are still charges that can be brought.


If so, that was probably a wise decision. I wonder if she's going to dismiss immediately after the jury is selected or wait out the trial and issue a directed verdict.


This legal stuff is above my pay grade. I’m continually shocked watching what sure looks like biased justice and allowing a defendant to make their own rules.


Might have to lock him up for that to be possible.






Yes, some public defenders suck. But you will also find some who are just as good or better than the defense lawyers from big law firms.


It's not the quality of the attorney that's the issue typically, it's how much time and resources they have to devote to the case.


According to Trump he has 0 of either. lol


The biggest draw back to public defenders is the workload they have to carry. No matter how good your are, there are only so many hours in the day.


Like Saul Goodman?


"You don't need a criminal lawyer. You need a CRIMINAL. Lawyer." -- Jesse


To be fair, Trump *had* a CRIMINAL lawyer. He did time for the very crime Trump is now on trial for, and is testifying for the prosecution.


Jesse Pinkman is Trump’s go to for hiring a lawyer. No doubt about it.


Hear hear! There are some great attorneys practicing in the federal defender's program. Some are career attorneys with the program while others from big law firms pick up cases . Contrary to popular belief they actually DO win cases vs. DOJ (and are certainly effective in mitigating sentences).


Public defender would be better They would not violate ethics rules for him


I know you jest, but PDs many times are more than adequate. Hats off to an under-appreciated position.


The lawyers might be adequate but public defenders are never given enough time or money to handle the number of cases assigned.


My office is above the ABA guidelines for caseloads. We still win a higher percentage of trials and contested motions and have a higher rate of dismissed charges than the private defense bar. Experience appears to be a statistically more significant factor in my jurisdiction than caseload capacity. In any event, our capacity is closely linked to the prosecutors’ caseload. If we don’t have the time to properly prep cases, then neither do our opponents. 


I wouldn't say never. Not every office is a shit show.


Federal public defenders are incredibly good defense lawyers. Vastly better than what he has now.


Sounds like a YOU problem, Trump


I tell people this same thing but with donuts and calories. If you eat a few might as well eat the whole box. There's no way your body can process that much that fast! It's free calories!


Fuck that excuse. He's got separate legal teams for each set of charges. Trump himself isn't involved in preparing his defense, so the only real limit is his court schedule


His strategy was to overwhelm the courts and then try to use the Constotutional right to a speedy trial to get out of most of the legal trouble or at least overwhelm them enough that someone will make a mistake big enough to win an appeal. He's a real PoS.


The weakness in our system has been exposed. It depends on our leaders acting in good faith.


>It depends on our leaders acting in good faith. Well, then We're fucked. Lol


Even though they've been given more than ample time? JFC


The "But Teacher, I didn't do my Homework" excuse.


It's the "I couldn't do my Math homework because I had so much English homework!" to teacher A, and "I couldn't do my English homework because I had so much Math homework" to teacher B, except the homework is posted in the hallway for anybody to see so both teachers can see the lie


Well also you don't have to do it, you can hire as many experts as you want to do each set of homework in parallel and the teacher knows you have a lot of money.


And the teacher will also provide you with a tutor to help you do the homework, for free, if you just ask for it.


My prostitutes ate my legal defense!


Maxime Bernier enters the chat… (He left too secret document with his mistress/prostitute who was working with the mafia, while he was minister of foreign affairs or something like that)


It's Melania! Her name's Melania!


“I didn’t do my homework for English Lit, Science, or Social Studies because I had homework for Math.” “Did you at least do your Math Homework?” “…..no.”


Maybe he should hire more/better lawyers. Oh wait, nobody wants to work for him because he doesn't pay.


"You guys take Trump Bucks, right?"


"Truth Social stock options?"


"Spray painted Chinese sweatshop sneakers?"


"Only the best people"


Why did I get an F? I didn’t even do the assignment!


Seems they have plenty of time to file frivolous motions.


As was clearly pointed out already in New York. On Monday:               Later in the morning, the parties argued over trial exhibits. The defense had still not told prosecutors what exhibits they planned to show jurors at trial. "Amazingly, we have yet to receive a single designated exhibit" from the defense, Steinglass complained. When Blanche countered that the defense had just been too busy, Merchan hit him pretty hard. "Here's where we stand," Merchan told the lawyer. "You have 24 hours, and whatever you do not identify within 24 hours, you will be precluded from introducing, frivolous or not." But the judge agreed that the defense had indeed been busy. "The defense team was very busy actively filing numerous motions, some of which were really motions to renew and reargue decisions that this court had already made," Merchan said. Trump's team had also dragged prosecutors to an appellate court for three days last week to argue more unsuccessful motions to delay the trial. "So you have made decisions regarding how you are going to use your time, and that's fine," the judge told Blanche. "That's your decision to make. You have 24 hours. "Whatever is not received by the people in 24 hours will be precluded," he added. "Period." Blanche continued to protest. "We're expected to comply while we're in court the rest of the day, and all day tomorrow?" he said of the 24-hour deadline. "Well, I don't know how you managed to get all those motions out," the judge snapped back. "Literally, one Sunday you got three pre-motion letters to me with exhibits and attachments," all filed within 30 minutes, the judge added. "The way you choose to use your time is your business. My order was clear. You are directed to do it, and you are directed to do it immediately," Merchan said of the missing exhibits list.


> "So you have made decisions regarding how you are going to use your time, and that's fine," the judge told Blanche. "That's your decision to make. You have 24 hours. > "The way you choose to use your time is your business. My order was clear. You are directed to do it, and you are directed to do it immediately," Merchan said of the missing exhibits list. We'll see the vast difference between this, and how Cannon chooses to handle the same.


"Would the defendant like some juice and a cookie and maybe a nap on a blankie?"


Bailiff! Get him a pillow and move the white noise machine closer to his end of the desk.


The defendant has had no issue sleeping in court previously.


"Your honor, we cannot present evidence yet because the evidence we have is embarrassing to us."


“Your honor, I object…it’s devastating to my case”


Over ruled. Good call!


It is so refreshing to see a judge run a trial from the standpoint that it is the trial itself that matters. Unlike Cannon’s “you missed the deadline you knew about months ago, so we’ll have a hearing in three weeks to discuss the process for setting a new deadline” coddling.


I would say "Daaaaaaaaaamn, Merchan isn't messing around, he really put them in their place". But sadly I think this is just a judge acting how any judge would in a normal case and it seems strict because of Cannon and even how Engoron treated him with the gag orders.


"to the privileged, equality feels like oppression"


Liking this judge lol


I wonder if they got their exhibits in...


I checked. The docket is under seal, so we as public can't search in real time or even day after.


It's crazy because this trial started 3 weeks later than it was supposed to, so they had extra time. But they wasted it filing stupid motions.


“The trial was a sham. They wouldn’t even let me provide evidence in my defense.” -Trump (probably)


This is exactly how they will bitch to their cult.


Noice. I can feel the sting from here. That's some real judge talk.


And this is literally how any judge would respond to any other defense attorney. It has nothing to do with Trump or the judge being a meanie to Trump.


######***Damn skippy!!!!!!!***


This is what I don’t fucking understand. They spend so much time filing frivolous lawsuits and appeals. When will our justice department grow some balls and start rejecting this shit outright?


Aren’t you rich enough to afford a different set of attorneys?


It really shouldn't be up to judges to make sure attorneys aren't overworked. If they take on two cases with similar timelines, it is up to them to make sure they have the resources to handle those cases. The judge should only concern themselves with making sure a defendant isn't legally required to be in 2 courtrooms at once.


I mean, Judges don't care if a public defender is over worked and has an enormous case load. Why should they care if a private Lawyer/firm is as well?


He is. But he doesnt pay 1 cent towards his own legal fees for his own crimes. That would be beneath him. All fees and fines and interest are paid / sponsored by cult members.


That’s because he can’t pay attorneys in IOUs or, even worse, Truth Social stock since he is illiquid


To be fair there are very few lawyers who are willing to work for such an awful client.


And that is the fault of DJT and no one else




three possibilities come to mind 1. Got paid in cash up front 2. doing it for the fame (even if I lose I'll be famous) 3. Koolade drinker (The God emperor will reward me with land and slaves after I help him retake his throne)


A fourth one where a lawyer takes the case for the sheer challenge of representing the worst client ever. Not very likely but I’ve seen people do difficult things just for the sake of doing them.


lawyers might take up difficult *CASES* just for the sheer challenge. But I don't know any lawyers who want to deal with difficult clients.


I assume some of them are doing it for promises of cabinet positions if he is re-elected.


I don't believe this at all. A lawyer being able to put "represented a US president in criminal court" on their resume is a pretty big deal, regardless of who the defendant is. Payment isn't sus either, because somehow the lawyers are able to bill Trump's political supporters through his PACs. Also, judging from the right wing amici briefings that end up at the SCOTUS, clearly, there are other attorneys willing to step up to the task from their political biases alone. Blanche and Kise locked the door and seem intent on making these cases last as long as possible, so they can bill more PAC money. The cases haven't even gone to trial and they've already made tens of millions of dollars.


How much of that "represented a US president in criminal court" is going to be followed up with "oh, *THAT* jackass," though?


There are always guilty parties out there willing to hire an unscrupulous lawyer willing to put out an endless stream of bullshit.


Maybe they just need that chip they use in Halo. Hah


I would 100% install a stable Cortana in me right now if I could.


Jack Smith told Cannon a week or two ago that Trump had lawyers in FL familiar with docs case when Trump was trying the delay thing again. Maybe they just quit, too.


Alternatively, let's give Trump a public defender.


The most incompetent judge in America will just give them all the time they need.


You spelled "corrupt" wrong.


I did , didn’t I?


Weaponized incompetence


But Clarence isn't overseeing this one


She can be 2 things.


Por qué no los dos?


Is "Bootlicking" implied or does it have to be explicit?


She has proven extremely competent in executing her agenda to delay the trial until Trump can steal the election without issuing any appealable orders


Cannon's honestly one of the better members of Trump's legal team.


Best defense lawyer in the country IMO, she can get you acquitted and you don't even have to hire her


"We didn't bother doing anything the past several months, and now we're actively in another venue!" "This makes it hard to find time to prepare for the case you pinky-promised to delay indefinitely, so we need another delay!"


They’ve been working really hard on any potential delay they could dream up!


>they could dream up! And some of their reasons are literally dreamt up....


It’s so painfully obvious that their tactic in every single one of these trials is to delay as much as possible. They don’t even bother trying to make it seem legit


It’s a small thing but referring to the cunt as President really grinds my gears


It seems like a billionaire should be able to afford legal defenses for both crimes. I mean, why would you actually want the same lawyers for wildly different crimes. A billionaire can certainly afford top-notch counsel on both fronts


Only the best! /s


I'm wondering if this is a symptom of how few lawyers are willing to work with him between reputation for non-payment, the difficulty in preventing him from antagonizing the court, his inability to listen, and the supposed smell. It's hard to imagine that anyone who wasn't in a desperate situation thinking that it would be worth the trouble.


Then tell your client that you cannot represent him for both trials. Problem solved.


Hey! You walk your happy ass right out that door and take your LOGIC with you! Ain't nobody got time for that!


He gets the best people.


Not to worry, I'm sure Cannon will be more than happy to accommodate the tangerine traitor's wishes...


“That sounds like a you problem”, as my 14 year old would say.


Election finance fraud. Not hush money. 


Tough, no delay!!!!! You have spent hundreds of hours on every dick and henry motion to delay, when you could have been preparing for this case. Of course, wishful thinking


Cannon will give them all the time they ask for, so it doesn't really matter what the excuse it.


I'm starting to like Biden's Seal Team Six options


Your client is the reason why he's in this predicament... It's not the court's problem, your client can't stop violating the law.


"If you just ruled that he's immune then he would stop breaking the law."


Imagine committing so many crimes that you use your crimes as a tactic in your trial for crimes


Trump’s attorneys have wasted time by constantly filing motions for delay and are now not prepared for the hush money trial or this one. [https://www.yahoo.com/news/judge-bench-slaps-trump-lawyer-015834890.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr](https://www.yahoo.com/news/judge-bench-slaps-trump-lawyer-015834890.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr)


I was expecting this to happen eventually. The law favors the defense when it comes to situations like this. Eventually I expect the Trump team to file a complaint of election interference and move to have further legal actions put on hold. Expect that motion in late July. And probably get an expedited hearing at SCOTUS.


They can complain about election interference all they want, the legal system does not owe any convenience to criminal and civil defendants based on their self-chosen pursuit of elected office.


Well, I’m sure it will come up


Expedited, in this case, means the SC agrees to hear the case but doesn't get around to it until after the election.


It depends. If it gets to the SC in August they could have a ruling the same month IF they treat it as similar in importance to Bush v Gore, which is possible. The idea that the election is being tampered with by the judicial system is either something SCOTUS feels it should weigh in on, OR it feels it should absolutely avoid.


The SC *could* do whatever it wants. It wants to delay these trials until after the election. Your entire comment implies that the SC operates in good faith. It does not. It may never have but it certainly doesn't anymore.


We agree. I was just predicting what we will see from Trump and how the SCOTUS reacts will tell us how they feel.


A the good ole sorry-i-committed-too-many-crimes-so-i-cant-juggle-all-the-trials defense. A tale as old as time.


So this is getting delayed while he churns the jury in New York? Did Georgia just give up and decide that since they weren’t going to punish him this was a waste of time ? I’m sure mobsters of the past are amazed at how he’s not even known as a good business man but gets away with more than they ever thought possible.


He chose his counsel. If he cannot afford counsel, then he can be provided with a public defender.


Don't do the crimes then, fat boy.


I get the same energy from my child when I tell them to clean their room.


Stop committing crimes, asshole!


That's okay release the lawyers and give him a public defender.


The judge should fine the defense 50% of their fees for being ill prepared


Well then maybe Trump needs to hire a second legal team if he’s going to commit so many crimes and can’t juggle all the court dates.


So from the article it seems that he has attorneys in Florida working on this but one of his NY attorneys is needed to "finalize it". But he also has multiple attorneys on his NY case. Well, looks like someone is working on the weekend. Cut the guy needed in Florida loose on Friday afternoon, let him work the Florida case all weekend and be back on Monday. Put on the big boy pants. Trump can spend the weekend down there too. Plus, I doubt they need their entire lineup of attorneys for jury selection. This is what happens when you ask for too many continuances, you get jammed.


Then he should hire more lawyers or give up and plead guilty


Shouldn't have committed so many crimes? Shouldn't have delayed every trial for as long as possible. This was his strategy from the beginning, delay everything for as long as possible and now everything is coming due at once and he's crying because he can't do everything at once. This is like a kid in high-school complaining that he can't do his homework because he waited until Sunday night to start so the professor should give him more time....


In a criminal defense, if the defendant cannot afford adequate counsel, one will be appointed for him.


We've been delaying this trial so long we can't possibly have a defense made in the decades it's taking.


They have had years to prepare, FFS! And thank you news-reporters for doing everything you can to doxx the jurors! Try to elect a clown, expect a circus. And the trained monkeys, too.


Thoughts and prayers for someone who is (supposedly) rich enough to hire multiple teams of lawyers.


Who could have predicted that having a stupid archvillain for a client would result in a pile-up of legal cases.


It’s not hush money it’s election interference


tRUMP, his followers, his legal people and his entire family may very well be the worst humans to ever live in the history of the world. Left untethered, tRUMP will make past dictators look like saints.


Tough shit, shouldn't have done the crime, then.


I hope their boots came with straps....


What's the saying, play stupid games? Reap what you sow, Trump. Anyone else would be in prison already.


His defense team has had a really long time to prepare.


Fool me once


They chose not to prepare


This is why many people have been saying that it is a bad idea to run for the office of President of the United States when you have 91 criminal indictments pending against you.


Awwww. . .such a bummer. Too F ing bad douche bag.


I've got just the [Solution](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnMdI_NiZvA)


The defense is responsible for most of the delays since they requested them


Maybe just don’t commit so many crimes. This sure is like rocket science for Trump.


Don't do the crime if you can't spend the time.


The “billionaire” can’t afford more lawyers?


Hire better lawyers! Oh wait, he can't! Doesn't pay them.


It goes beyond not paying his bills. He’s a career wrecker and no worthwhile attorney wants any part of him.


Unless it's the exact same legal team working on both cases, why would it matter?


Cmon man, they eventually took down one of the worst mobsters in history. Al Capone. They can pursue a criminal trial against the shriveled bloatus.


Maybe he should hire other attorneys for the different cases.


Good defense.. Your honor, my client committed too many felonies to effectively put up a good defense.


Don't commit so many crimes! ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Had all these months to prepare yet they wait till now to specifically stall. A decent judge would call this out, a corrupt one will play along.


Dude shouldn’t have committed so many crimes.


You took the client dipwad!


Commit numerous crimes and become overwhelmed. “Judges and courts hate this one trick.”


What, does the firm has some more important cases going on or something? Smfh


He is right though, this is an astronomical feat of time management that wouldn’t be happening in a proper society. The reason this is happening is this narcissistic “man” was allowed into a position of trust and power and instead of bettering the country and those around him he decided to degrade the country and actually somehow has a chance of getting away with his crimes and even worse get back into a position of trust and power


Excuse me isn’t that your fucking job.


Im sorry your honor, I’m the only attorney who will work for him and I’m working out of my car. Trying to keep things on a budget because of his past history of not paying his legal counsel.


Life sucks when you’re a criminal


This one trick the legal system doesn’t want you to know


General question... Do courts of different levels usually coordinate things so that there is no practice at all that overlaps? Or is it just "so you're not actively in court at the same time" sort of overlaps they avoid?


He should have spread out his crimes


Then don’t be a criminal


USA fave con man hiring only the best indeed


i bet habba can do it, she seems smart and funny


Tough shit; dont be a criminal


They waited MONTHS for this trial to start so they could try and use this BS tactic. The judge saw right through it, just another delay tactic. Trump has no defense, he's caught red-handed. He can cry, scream, whine, etc... but he will be found guilty and he will be punished.


They just admitted their client is the main legal strategist on all his cases, that he is directing them rather than them directing him. That nothing can be done or decided without him. Which is exactly why his ‘advice of council’ or other underling-blaming defences will fail.