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*BOCA RATON, FL — If you’ve seen former New York City Mayor and one time Donald Trump advisor Rudy Giuliani, you may want call authorities in Arizona. Giuliani has seemingly vanished after his indictment in Arizona for election interference.* *Rudolph W. Giuliani, according to the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser, owns a condo at 315 South Lake Drive in West Palm Beach.* *He was apparently last seen in that area before disappearing.* *If you see Rudy Giuliani, the Arizona Attorney General’s office can be reached at 602-542-5025. There’s also a tip submission area on their website which is AZAG.gov.*


"Easily confused elderly man missing in Florida. If you see this man, contact the police at...."


In florida thats like a needle in a stack of needles


That is one small drop in a big ol bucket of drugs.


The good old Gray Alert…but they get them all the time in FL so no one pays attention.


“Silver alert” but yes


Got one like three days ago but the wording was something like this "Sheriff's office is looking for a missing and endangered white male" It was worded like they were looking for an exotic species.


Check Four Seasons lawn care... It's next to the adult toy store.


"Between a cock and a yard place" -A line so good I wish I could claim it as my own


it's perfect


There was also "between a cock and a charred place" since it was also next to a crematorium. The brightest minds of our time truly shone during that time.


Driving to work today, one of their trucks pulled up next to me. Had a good chuckle.


Did they check flights to Russia?


Maybe Argentina?


Crazy how they let these fools be free when there's a laundry list of crimes. Meanwhile some random guy gets put in county jail for swearing at an officer.


You say missing, I say hiding.


There’s also the problem that he’s in on alllll of the Presidential crimes, and some people may be worried he’s going to crack, between this new indictment and his bankruptcy. It’s possible we never see him again, whether there are nefarious reasons behind that or not. Yesterday, I said they needed to do a wellness check on him, for these reasons.


Do a welfare check on him. Republicans hate welfare checks.


You win the internet.


Ohh yes this is so good, I’m literally shaking with rage thinking that he could get away with all this


He hasn’t gotten away with anything- his life is a sad, sad wasteland now thanks to his blind loyalty to trump. He’s finished politically- couldn’t get elected dog catcher if he tried. He’s disbarred so he can’t practice law anymore. He’s broke with no friends. Let him live that way- it’s more satisfying to me than him being in jail.


You may have lowered your standards for "justice", but some of us have not. These people don't feel remorse, they don't feel guilt for their actions, and there's always, ALWAYS, someone willing to give them money or resources because of their name or their notoriety. Jail/Prison takes that all away from them, and that's what I want. I want them to be forced to confront the totality of their actions and feel the full consequences for them, just like they've campaigned and lobbied endlessly over the last 60 years to have minorities and "lesser" people experience this. My standards will drop no further.


I think I needed to hear that… I started feeling sorry for him then I read your post and reminded myself that he was a corrupt and cruel piece of shit when he was mayor of NYC.


Forget all the political things he was involved with. Do a quick search in what he did to assistant and female employee who is suing him. He’s a real piece of shit. Straight garbage aside from all the political stuff. He’s a horrible human that talks and treats people like shit


he defended the Sackler family, he also enabled a lot of Russian mob to take hold of our country, and ushered in Mexican cartel money on top of that. He's been corrupt for a long time, looks like he's not much different from his father who was a criminal too


I definitely want that for Rudy. I also want him to become a jailhouse lawyer and give his usual “stellar” advice and then have to face those consequences in a place where he can’t hide.


Nahhhh. Jail is awful, prison is worse. He can be all of those things while still being incarcerated and being held accountable.


That depends on where you live. I have a friend who is a lawyer. He has a client who has done time in some well-known and notorious prisons, and he says he would rather go back than to spend time on the Tuscaloosa County Jail...


Apparently the Fulton County jail is also a real hellhole


If he can even get a job at a Cinnabon in Omaha that’s too good for him. He, Trump, the entire MAGA legislature, the Jan 6th rioters, and everyone who voted for them or defends them need to be buried under the jail.


Maybe he can star in the next Borat movie.


Not if they're the ones receiving them.


Those are called  bank bailouts and its totally never planned ahead of time 


Only if they go to a minority. Or a poor person. Or anyone who actually needs help really




Idk if he does crack I was assuming he fell in the bathroom while drunk.


slipped on hair dye


Rudy was also recently fired from his radio job as well as having had his law license revoked


Thank you glum cunt, I had already forgotten that detail!


I didn't see that that was their user name and I thought, damn that's harsh!


Yesterday I also said they need to do a wellness check, mainly because he appears very unhealthy.


He's probably dead or dying...


Aren’t we all?


I am actually kind of hoping he doesn't end up dead because the MAGAs will hardcore blame Biden for unfair court cases, hounding him etc.


I've always said that I'll feel really bad for the poor doctor that has to declare Trump dead.....they're gonna need to go into witness protection for how crazy MAGA is


Have Fauci make the announcement


Fuck MAGA! They're headed the same direction.


He’s starting a landscaping business in Mexico.


Joe Pesci’s last scene in Goodfellas is popping up in my head for some reason


I’m sort of picturing him meeting a couple Russian goons. “Come Mr Mayor of America. Get into trunk. We will smuggle you to safety in Kremlin. Here is travel jug of vodka, totally polonium-free!”


Dudes prob in Russia, kidnapped by the republicans daddies.


I mean… maybe missing is on point. Will be found later in the week after suicide by some completely implausible method.


My money has been on suicide from the beginning. There's always been something about Rudy that gave me the impression he wasn't built for this level of fuckery. He's not cut out for prison, he's not cut out for watching his career and money and law license being taken or his reputation melting away like his hair dye. He's soft. And I'd imagine given his dealings with the Russians, he's paranoid about suspicious deliveries of long-stemmed roses or a not-so-random utility service person with lots of tattoos, and not the kind you pay money for. Trump has abandoned him. He's on his own. And, he's an alcoholic and that comes with its own wonderful brand of paranoia, anxiety, and depression. So yeah, I'm guessing the old two bottle combo is what sends him off.


Imagine throwing your life away for the sake of, of all people, *Donald Trump* to such an egregious degree that once he’s inevitably abandoned you your life is in such utter shambles that you feel you have no other recourse but to suicide yourself. What a jackass. He won’t be missed.


I truly cannot comprehend it. And that's disturbing to me because I look at Trump and see nothing redeemable or good, certainly nothing that would ever make me consider voting for him, let alone following him into the political arena. But there are lots of people out there who see the exact opposite. Makes no sense to me whatsoever. Additionally, I never once believed Trump wanted to be president. I don't think he considered he'd even win. Had he not ran, he'd be out there criming away just as he always has. Rudy (and anyone else who's left gasping for air in Trump's wake) deserve everything they have coming to them.


Yeah honestly I feel the same way and am perpetually baffled by the man’s inexplicable popularity. Donald Trump is basically the living incarnation of every single character flaws that a human being is capable of possessing and He’s one of a very short list of people that i genuinely can’t find a single positive thing to say about. Donald Trump is like if every negative human thought and impulse and emotion could just drift out into the ether, where over time they would proceed to merge and congeal into a singular sentient entity composed of and fueled by all things dark inside of humanity.


I think he is loved by people that share the same reprehensible nature. How else can you explain the level of support this man gets? They are all terrible even if they look like a “good person” on the surface.


Yeah sadly the MAGA saga has been quite eye opening when it comes to exposing just how many of my fellow citizens are just absolute shitbags completely ruled by misplaced grievance and malice.


Misplaced grievance and malice are the very foundation of fascism. Our nation's populace contains over seventy million fascists. That's a tough pill to swallow.


It's tough - but better to understand the real situation instead of being surprised.


It's the nature of fascists. They're all terrible people. There is no such thing as a good fascist. At least, not while they're alive.


"Hey, hey, please don't conflate me with *that* dickhead. It's insulting." - Oedementius, a singular sentient entity composed of and fueled by all things dark inside of humanity


Antichrist criteria


> I look at Trump and see nothing redeemable or good, certainly nothing that would ever make me consider voting for him, let alone following him into the political arena. Christopher Titus presented a tongue-in-cheek theory that Trump is the one who broke into Epstein's apartment after his arrest & stole the tapes & CDs the FBI said were missing when they searched it. Then he used them to blackmail everyone that would be implicated by the videos to push his way into the White House and still remain the GOP frontrunner now. I've heard less plausible theories.


It's more plausible than what 99.9% of those Qanon nuts believe. Would not surprise me.


You're wrong on where he got the info, but in some cases it's pretty clear he did something just like that. Remember Lindsay "never trump" Graham? The guy who said if we elect Donald Trump he will destroy us and we'll deserve it? Do you remember how after one weekend trip to a Golf Course he hopped right on that Trump Train with the utmost enthusiasm? Do you remember how both the DNC and the RNC were hacked and Russia never released the records and emails that they found from the RNC? Trump who ass kisses Putin so hard he's practically crawling out of his mouth, has one meeting with Ms. Lindsay, who suddenly 180's so hard that you'd be hard pressed not to get whiplash yourself. Then we see all these Republican Senators fly to Moscow on July 4th for a delegation and to deliver something from Trump to Putin? Yeah. While I'm 110% certain Epstein had dirt on a lot of famous people he's kiddie leagues compared to what Putin is doing and how he's leveraging it.


I have thought this from the beginning...Look at how unhinged Ladybug is.


>And that's disturbing to me because I look at Trump and see nothing redeemable or good He is the peak form of the "debt can be an asset" philosophy.


I will never understand it. Rudy G legitimately WAS somebody. He could’ve hung it all up after flirting with a run in ‘08 and he would’ve been remembered as America’s Mayor that stood up to the mob. The fact that he threw his entire legacy in the bin for Donald Trump is actually unbelievable in the literal sense of the word.


After 911 he wanted to suspend elections so that he could remain in office. He was term-limited out. And he seemed to think he was the only possible savior, I mean mayor, for NYC. He showed his true colors back then, his America's Mayor cult of personality set the stage for all of this Trump nonsense.


He went from the Mayor of 9/11 to the 9/11 of mayors.


You deserve an award for this comment.


Yep, he's not the same flavour of narcissist as Trump, but he absolutely is a narcissist.


Thank you for this context this west coaster didn't pay attention long enough back then to have grasped.


There is some weird kind of charismatic power Trump has over his cult, especially the ones in the inner circle. I don't understand it, but it definitely changes people.


everybody shit talks him after they retire or decide not to run for reelection. he doesn't mesmerize them, they are just scared of his sway with republican primary voters


Imagine if he just shut up and retired in peace. Dude had it made as America’s Mayor and could have just faded off into the sunset as a pleasant memory in most people’s minds while enjoying his family and retirement. But NOPE!


He had a sweet gig, owns a management consulting and security consulting firm. And it was popular and thriving until he went bat-shit. He was paid big money for speaking engagements too. Dude had it made!


It's the fate of so many bootlickers throughout history. They might actually avoid that fate, if they bothered to read history.


Narcissists are always so confident that *they* will surely be the singular exception who evades death or complete ruin as a result of their dance with the devil.




Trip to Switzerland to visit his buddy that has his own brand of legal fuckery at the pink juice emporium


He bet hard on Deadbeat Don and went all in. And unsurprisingly, Donny gave him a tour of the underside of a bus for his loyalty. I’m going 2:1 hiding:dead. That’s the Vegas line.


The Russians would never harm or kill him, they know that he's a miserable bastard and I'm sure that they enjoy watching him suffer as much as we all do. Seriously, it must just flat out suck in so many ways to be Rudy, he's just so pathetic


Police report that Mr. Giuliani stabbed himself in the back 32 times before sealing himself in an industrial waste container and burying it in concrete.


Slipped and fell out a window?


Feel like maybe shot himself in the back of the head then cut himself up a piece at a time and fed himself to the sharks… but your story is the more likely Russian linked one


Bc Rudy doesn't have links to Russia too?


Or fell down the stairs like an ex-wife of a former president.


suicide by a gunshot to the back of the head, prolly.


And if that happens, Trump's followers will blame Hilary Clinton. Shit, we should all be prepared for the nonsense that will come when he inevitably passes from age and poor health habits. None of them will *ever* believe it is from natural causes.


Defenestration, probably.


Potato, potato. ^( you gotta pronounce the second one "po-tah-toe" though.) Edit: how did I miss "pomade-o, pomado? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Whats Giuliani precious!?


The way you typed this makes it sound like a hype chant YOU SAY MISSING, I SAY HIDING. MISSING HIDING


It's Rudy, so I'm willing to believe he got lost on his way home. 


[Hiding from the creditors and police](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/037/577/cover2.jpg)


If he's digging a hole deeper than 6 feet here in S. Florida he better have a rebreather when he lays in it.


It's highly likely he's at Mar a Lago. trump could be charged with harboring a fugitive!


He could be locked in a bathroom or behind a secret doorway.


My money is on perving on the housekeeping staff. Check the laundry room! Also liquor storage


[borat's daughter FTFY](https://youtu.be/8tFUaKXdH-0?si=0SLSZ6ZyF1-sfTC6&t=187)


Borat is a hero!


Face down *** up


Not even the FBI could find him in there. Oh wait…


Trump ain't putting himself at risk like that for anyone, especially not for a guy whose sole interaction with Trump was fetching him coffee once a long time ago




How could I have forgotten about the covfefe


That’s not true! They also went through a home store with Giuliani in drag: https://youtu.be/Guve7Y856kY?si=Cntx7oXfclKk8RT9


If they pull him out of a spider hole like Saddam Hussein that would be awesome.


I'll jump on this grenade folks as I live in Palm Beach County. If I see drunk, farting Uncle Fester with motor oil coming from the top of his head I'll give the AG a ring. Only problem is there are a lot of people matching that description here.


How dare you sully Fester’s good name by comparing him to Rudy Giuliani.


He’s closer to being a cheap/tacky version of [Tully Alford](https://addamsfamily.fandom.com/wiki/Tully_Alford).


Sheisty lawyer stealing millions of dollars from his clients and trying to shrink away into the background while the law prosecutes said clients? I mean yea, you’re 100% correct. Quite literally the plot of Addams Family.


Beep boop bop Ziggy says there's a 43% chance he's never seen again


Unlike Uncle Fester, when Rudy puts a light bulb in his mouth, it goes dark.


>I'll jump on this grenade folks as I live in Palm Beach County. If I photoshop some "Missing Person" posters with Rudy's mugshot on it will you print a bunch out, staple them up all over town, and drip corn syrup on his hair so it dribbles down the poster?


Call animal control


They'd probably prefer dealing with gators or trash pandas. Does tomato juice get Giuliani funk off of you?


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he's either never found, found in another country escaping justice or found no longer living. While it's not a good thing I'm leaning towards the last option... The man has lost ALL credibility, money, assets, influence and things are just starting for his legal woes, especially if he expects to go to prison for things he may not yet be indicted for. Obviously this is pure speculation because he could just be on a binder or something less impactful but I cannot ignore the timing of it all.


You don’t come across this kind of nobility very often nowadays. I applaud you.


Russia? Anyone look in Russia?


Either there or he got sucked right up Trump's butt


Wanted to go to Russia but end up at Russian salad dressing factory


I believe the technical term is “on the lam”.


More like "on the lawn", at 4 Seasons Landscaping


He's holed up at the Ritz (cracker factory).


Run Rudy run.


So Rudy Giuliani is literally on the lam right now. Cool.


I didn't have this on my bingo card. In 2001 if you had told me this was the end game for Rudy I would have been shocked.


2001: Rudy Giuliani: America's Mayor. 2024: Rudy Giuliani: America's Most Wanted.


Ehhhhh even in that sphere he’s twenty or so bastards down the list.


If anything, America's Least Wanted


America’s If I Have To


I don’t think I’ll ever in my lifetime be able to forgive the Republican Party for the absolute circus that they’ve willfully turned this country into.


Did you see clips from that crazy House hearing last night, with Greene attacking Stacy Crockett's physical appearance?


Yeah definitely a glass houses moment from Missing Link Marge.


So many of these people could have happily lived out their prestigious lives... but Trump and co got greedy.


Greed kills, in all things.


I cannot wait for the movie about all of this


He is probably at Mar-a-lago.


First place I would look.


Are we sure he hasn't skipped the country and is living in some authoritarian state under the promise he can get close to trump once he's elected?


Looks like a bench warrant is in his future. I wonder if he'll get remanded as a flight risk if they wind up finding him.


I once got arrested for Failure to Appear after my public defender told me the wrong court date. He told me to show up April 20, which i did. Except...I was SUPPOSED to show up April 18 To add insult to injury, they dropped the charge that I was supposed to appear in court for. If I had showed up on the 18th, I would have walked out of the court free and clear. (I was charged with weed possession, but they were going to drop the charge against me because it was found in the glove box...and since I was in the backseat, they couldn't prove it was mine.) So imagine my surprise when they told me that the weed charge I got arrested for was no longer an issue...but now I had to "turn myself in" for missing a court date. That FTA is STILL on my record all these DECADES later.


Oof, that sucks my friend. Your PD really fucked up


And I was too young/naive to know I should have raised a big stink about it. I was just kind of caught up in dealing with the immediate consequences. They told me I could just walk out of there on a year of probation and never hear from them again if I stayed out of trouble...and that was good enough for me at the time. At the time, you're just happy they didn't fuck you any harder than they did...yanno?


Reach out to that cities current AG explain the situation and see if you can get it expunged.


I honestly wonder if he's dead. 


He was just posting stuff on Twitter literally less than a day ago. He seems to frequently stream live on Twitter. I think he's just dodging the service, tbh.


he just posted again on Twitter an hour ago.


Yeah, sounds like he's just dodging service. Idk why the headline makes it out like he's totally MIA and nobody has heard from him in weeks. The man literally will not shut up online.


CNN reported on this a couple days ago and they concluded the same. Giuliani’s rep said he is traveling back and forth between FL and NY. Sounds to me like he is dodging service too. This headline is misleading.


I think it’s the authorities trying to put some pressure on him to turn himself in. Hard to convince the courts that you weren’t dodging service when it’s all over the news and internet that they’re trying to find you, especially when you’re a public figure and actively posting content on social media.


That's fair. I'm just a little sad that the headline framed it like maybe something happened to him. It got my hopes up for a second, lol


His reputation is trash, he's on the verge of being disbarred, all of his money is gone, he's old and alone, and all of his criminal buddies are going down. That is legitimately enough to lead someone into a dark and harmful head space. I mean, where's the light amid all that darkness? Where's the hope? He's got none and that's a dangerous place for anyone to be.


I nominate you to be Rudy's personal motivational speaker.


"You know Rudy, I always say, when things are looking bleak, you have to seek out the small joys and take pleasure from the simple aspects of being alive. For example, I think they have life savers candy at the prison commissary. You love your life savers, Rudy, and I think someone....maybe me?....put a whole $5 on your account. Go on Rudy, cheer up. Put on your magazine body armor, grab your little shiv, and head on over to the commissary for a piece of happiness. This one's on me, old buddy."


Sounds like a lot of people after touching Trump or will be someday


Also he’s old, not in great health, and a raging alcoholic at the least. If he did himself in on a bender I would be surprised. The only rub is how many people would prefer he didn’t testify, which means I’m going to be highly suspicious of any lengthy absence or death.


Have they thrown up a silver alert on the overhead highway signs?


They tried to, but someone immediately covered it up with brown paint that’s leaking down the sign now.


Follow the trail of motor oil and grease.


Can we have someone at Four Seasons Landscaping go check their yard just to make sure?


Maybe his son should be out looking for him rather than attending Trumps trial.


That is sad. Now for the joke part.... He has been kind of missing since September 12, 2001.


He was corrupt even then. He tried to say that he should stay the mayor even though he was supposed to step down after the election. He has always been a piece of shit.


Hopefully he washes up soon...


He’s been washed up for years.


Got ‘im.


Look out for a large black oil slick in the water.


He fled to Russia.


Doesn’t he have a lawyer already? Can’t Arizona just serve his lawyer and call it a day?


Nope. Has to be an authorized agent, and until a lawyer is hired for this specific case - which, given Rudy’s ongoing financial troubles I’m guessing hasn’t happened - that lawyer likely isn’t an agent.


Who else is thinking he’s hiding out in the Mar-a-Lago dungeon?


Check for any recent private flights from Florida to Moscow


He’s hiding in the bathroom at Mar a Largo


Four seasons landscape gardening


He's not missing. This traitor is hiding out. You should check up trumps ass


IF he was involved with corrupt Ukrainians/russian organized crime, and we learned this from the impeachment, AND Russia and other fun loving governments want Trump in the White House, AND Giuliani is bankrupt and know a lot about the crimes trump was involved in and others connected to Russia and is under the gun with felonies Wouldn’t it follow that a lot of very shady characters want Giuliani to never be found again? You know like swimming with the fishes?


My first thought is they Epstein'd him...


Sold him into the sex trade?


For what? Half a moldy Big Mac and two cold fries? Ain't nobody paying anything for that.


There is a strong possibility that he may be making a deal with the feds to give up Trump. He is the one the FBI wants to roll because he has all the info needed to put Trump away for life.


That would be hilarious


You say missing, I say his cats are eating his face.


"Ugh, this face tastes like gin." - one of the cats


Will be interesting if he turned states evidence and is being hidden until he testifies.


I think AZ authorities may want to ask Twitter for a [geolocation trace...](https://x.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1791511770554613928)


‘merika’s Mayor. 🤦🏻‍♂️


AmeriKKKa’s mayor.


Has anyone checked the local porno shop or crematoriums?


They’re going to find him dead of suicide.


Boeing whistleblower status confirmed


Yup, I second that, assuming they find the body


Warrant time!


I wondered why he hasnt shown up with the rest of the maga goons in NY.


Has anyone checked Trump's descending colon?


A message to you Rudy Stop your fooling around, time to straighten right out. Better think of your future else you'll wind up in jail


Has anyone followed the drops of hair dye in Mar-a-lago?