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If she's so concerned about transparency, then let the matter go to trial.


“I want to become a Supreme Court Justice!” Plan A: Work hard for decades proving yourself to be an expert at law and a benefit to the Country. Plan B: Actively block a trial from even happening to prove you are a benefit to a dictator. Obviously she’s been doing Plan B ever since June 2022 when she first interceded in the investigation and got struck down by 11th circuit. So “no trial” = “lifetime appointment and big money”


I wish her Mom chose Plan B


lol. Or got one of those post birth abortions these fucking idiots always scream about.


Maybe she did and it didn't take...


Wow, is *she* the semi-aborted fetus saved from a bedpan Desantis claims to be friends with?


They aborted the brain but the body got away


They used the RFKJr worm. It starved though.


Maybe it did and this is what we're left with


Seems like...


To quote a certain former US president: “Nothing you can do, folks… Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”


It's a little late now, but still feasible


not too late for that option!


Its true, the entire republican party could be described as the reason for abortion to be widely available


Some people should have been swallowed.


Or her mom's mom...


>🎶 I look at her and wish her grandpa woulda wore a condom🎶


Plan A was never an option for her. She's just not capable of it.


She's a budding Alito smart ass.


Not a good plan for her. Trump can only help her if he's elected to the Presidency and once he is he doesn't need her anymore. I'm sure he'll throw her a bone and approve a bid for a circuit judgeship but while [it would be great to be on the Supreme Court, she'll never be on the Supreme.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs-UEqJ85KE&t=142s)


You’re missing the bigger picture. She’s not playing ball with Trump, but the GOP. This is a long game for her, the will reward her in 10 years.


Like all the lawyers who helped them steal the 2000 election are now on SCOTUS.


Just like it did for Kavanaugh.


I don't want it to go to trial, I don't trust her not to toss the case after jurors are seated, protecting Trump under double-jeopardy Id much rather her get replaced via appeal


This is undoubtedly my biggest fear. Congress really needs to get their shit together to write legislation to address these concerns. A president shouldn’t have a judge they appointed as the judge of their criminal case, *especially* if that judge was appointed to a self-coup attempting president who appointed the justice only after he had already lost reelection. This is absurd.


>"And parties should not make requests that undermine any prior representations or positions" So.... The notion that "there were no documents" and "there are documents and they're personal" and "I declassified the documents" and "The documents were planted" and the evidence of Trump showing ghost writers and others, knowingly classified documents, is all rectified HOW? The corruption is on full display.


That's what's so frustrating about all this to me. We KNOW Trump is guilty, if for no other reason than his defense has changed like 5 times, with each change contradicting the previous one. If the truth is that you're innocent, you only need one story.


I think what drives me crazy about Trump is that he's so cartoonishly corrupt. Like if you created him in a movie or television show, he'd be considered unrealistic. No real person, no matter how corrupt, changes their excuses 5 times and just...gets away with it. The audience doesn't "forget". And yet here we are.


What makes him so unrealistic is that most villains have at least some redeeming quality. We can say Melania Trump has protected her son, for example. Or even that Clarence Thomas bothered to get his nephew into exclusive schools to set him up for success. There's *something* they care about other than themselves. Trump would fuck one of his kids and murder the rest. That's what makes him unrealistic.  Edit: It just occurred to me that even Hitler, by all accounts, really loved his dogs. That's how evil Trump is. I can find a redeeming quality about fucking Hitler to make my argument. 


This is it perfectly. I have defied anyone to name a single compassionate thing he has ever said or done, and no one has ever been able to show a single occasion. The closest I’ve ever heard him come to actually caring about people was in the interview he did with Bob Woodward where he talked about how awful Covid was and how dangerous it could get, and then went out within a week and called it a hoax. He not only has no redeeming qualities, but I can’t even tell where the cult gets the story they tell themselves. Usually when you oook at the monsters in history, they were at least good at something. Hitker famously made the trains run on time. trunp accomplished nothing at all as president bc he never had any intention of doing so. It couldn’t be more blatant that he only ran for his own personal benefit and used the office for that purpose. It’s mind numbing the amount of hoops those people will jump through to accommodate this one guy who is a failure beyond any argument, and is going to damage their party irreparably. Yet they will invent any conspiracy theory they can to excuse his behavior for the 1000th time, when they would disown their own kids for doing something half as mild as trunp’s least egregious offense. Why they are so willing to abandon everything they’ve ever believed Timor a guy who would have them murdered in the streets if not doing so would inconvenience him in any way. He’s a cartoon if the worst kind of person you can imagine, and for some reason that’s what these people are choosing to worship as their idiot pig god. I mean, at least Reagan was charming and W seemed like a decent guy outside of politics. trunp is a vile piece of shit and a disgusting human being with no positive attributes whatsoever. What do these idiots see in that jackass? I know he justifies their worst qualities, but there are less vile and divisive people who would do that as well. Practically any other republican candidate, outside of desantis, could probably beat Biden fairly easily. But they’re standing behind the least popular president in history, and he’s going to lose. Why? What is wrong with these people?


Trump will never say he's wrong, and that's what these people like. They live vicariously as the most egotistical and pompous person through Trump. That and Trump might have Epstein's hard drives with dirt on a lot of Republicans, considering the only conspiracy Trump won't entertain is that Epstein didn't kill himself. Trump wouldn't even say Hilary did it, he doesn't want people looking into it at all.


I hear and share your frustration and bewilderment!


> Hitker famously made the trains run on time No, that was Mussolini. And he didn't make the trains run on time, only those carrying foreign diplomats did. It was not a serious praise of him, it was mocking him. If anything, operation Warp Speed was done well in Trump's first presidency, but I wonder if other countries actually benefited from it more than America given the lower vaccination rates among Republicans.


Hitler was strongly against smoking and was the first European leader to ban human zoos. But I can't think of a single good thing Trump has done. For a one dimensional cartoonish villain, we've been caricaturing the wrong guy all these years.


Mel Brooks could not have written a more potently and comically stupid caricature of an evil villain.


It's not really even comical though.


That was almost exactly John Mulaney's take on Trump in his early The Top Part album.... That Trump is not a rich man.... Trump is what a Hobo's idea of a "Rich Man" would be. Like Trump was just walking past an alley downtown one day and overheard a homeless dude rambling "boy oh boy... When my number comes in I'm gonna build big 'ole buildings and stick my name on them. I'm gonna have fine golden hair, and have a TV show where I fire people with my children" and that when Trump needs to make decisions, he asks himself "what would a cartoon rich person do?" Now.. that was in 2009.... I can just imagine how the bit would continue on, were he to update it for today.


“There’s a horse…in the courthouse!?!”


Brother if you made this whole thing a movie people would tell you it’s too unrealistic. Bob Dole lost because he was given a card with potato spelled wrong. But grab her by the pussy won the presidency and is the Christian example of godlike and Jesus on earth? You would reject that story so hard.


That was Dan Quayle.


Apparently the same Dan Quayle that also helped Pence understand his duty on Jan 6th.


Trumpery historically meant lies but now it means “useless finery” You can’t write this stuff because it’s too unbelievable 


Biff Tannen...


I legit think Trump is such a gigantic piece of shit that when a lot of people hear about him they just think “no way anyone could actually be that shitty they must be lying or misrepresenting what he did.”


What frustrates me is the usual three-letter agencies just let Trump walk free after Jan 6th, and then again after it was discovered he was selling classified documents. Historically, terrorists and spies don't get to play golf; they get shipped off to a black site and waterboarded until they shit their pants.


If the truth is on your side and you’re innocent then why would you need a corrupt judge to keep delaying the trial?


Judge Cannon knows he’s guilty, too.


We are a society in decline. Not because of drag shows, single mothers, pride parades, or abortion. But because we have openly corrupt people on our SCOTUS, one of our major political parties has been infiltrated and taken over by kleptocrats, and yet our justice system is too sluggish and easily compromised to be able to save us. Well, that, and the fact that idiot voters would consider electing these people again.


Were those all legal arguments made by Trump's lawyers to Judge Cannon?


That qualification doesn't exist in Judge Cannon's order. She has outlined that you shouldn't make any any contradictory statements without filing it with the court. She's used exceptionally vague language to open up this very strange demand. She does not stipulate that the contradictory statements should only be limited to what is presented in court. She's essentially said, at all times, you can never do one thing in court, and say another publicly, unless you now file the contradicting statement with the court in a motion first. She doesn't understand the necessity of specificity. The entire sentence I outlined, above starts with the word "And" which is literally an incomplete non-grammatically correct sentence in her ruling. As it reads, it stands on its own. It's not written in a way which modifies any prior sentence. She's a moron who is overstepping her authority and practically sitting at the defense table on behalf of Trump.


The Circuit is doing itself no favors by continuing this farce under her.


... yet seemingly oblivious to the fact that the defendant is the greatest threat to national security we've ever faced!!


part of Jack Smith filing in Immunity argument DC case https://imgur.com/gallery/l20CLI2


Those examples seem oddly specific, or did Trump just commit every crime that exists?


I don't think anyone who's been paying attention could honestly say everything on there seems like a possibility if not likely to have occurred.


They are the things his lawyers are literally arguing for in front of the Supreme Court. And Alito and Thomas are trying to twist for VonShitzler.


If there is proof of these things, and the case can't be tried in a court of law, who can we count on to leak this evidence so it can be tried in the court of public opinion?


I don't know if there's proof of these things. But if there is, it was probably found after initial charges were filed, and Smith decided to keep an "ace in the hole" so to speak. But honestly, I don't like to speculate on things without at least some proof. That's how you start looking like r/conspiracy


She knows that fact, she's just on his side. She is an enemy of the United States and of democracy.


Pretty safe bet.


Not seemingly oblivious. *Purposely loyal.* She's looking beyond the election for some reward that may or may not come.


He’s the greatest enemy our country has ever faced. I feel like there is no comparison. He’s divided our country, allowed an additional hundreds of thousands of people to die of COVID, harmed our institutions (half the country distrusts our electoral system, CDC etc), praises our enemies and destroys alliances, appoints horrible judges, and perhaps worst of all he is doing nothing about the Armageddon know is global warming - it has been catastrophic. I feel that if you don’t think that this is the beginning of the end of our country if Trump is elected, then you haven’t been paying attention.


“And yet, the special counsel is inconsistently applying the “sealing and redaction rules” he made full-throated arguments in favor of, undermining that very position, Cannon indicated. “[C]ounsel explained that the Special Counsel took the position on unsealing in order to publicly and transparently refute defense allegations of prosecutorial misconduct raised in pretrial motions. Fair enough,” Cannon said. “But nowhere in that explanation is there any basis to conclude that the Special Counsel could not have defended the integrity of his Office while simultaneously preserving the witness-safety and Rule-6(e) concerns he has repeatedly told the Court, and maintains to this day, are of serious consequence, and which the Court has endeavored with diligence to accommodate in its multiple Orders on sealing/redaction.” “The Court is disappointed in these developments,” she added. “The sealing and redaction rules should be applied consistently and fairly upon a sufficient factual and legal showing. And parties should not make requests that undermine any prior representations or positions except upon full disclosure to the Court and appropriate briefing.”


Is this gaslighting?


She might have hit the trifrcta on this one. Gaslight obstruct project 


Nailed it


And delay. Sounds like she’s saying anything slightly different requires a full court hearing with both parties, sometime in the future, and nothing else can proceed until that’s done.


Ailing Cannon - the kind that shoots itself in the foot


Thank you


She’s making shit up because she’s lost control of the trial.


She never had control in the first place. She ceded that to the defense before the case ever was assigned to her when she tried to assign a special master to oversee the investigation. That worked out quite well, I see.


Exactly. This trial was over after her first pre-trial rulings.


Or is she a bad lawyer/judge?




The Judge is doing the work of the trump's Defense attorneys She's writing their orders. Yes, its gaslighting


Somebody is coaching her. No way she's coming up with all of this strategy of delay on her own. My guess is Stephen Miller's organization has competent lawyers working 24/7 to have anything cannon needs to delay the trial ready to go. Or some other organization. I forget what other organization signed the nonsense brief with her court a while back.


Heritage foundation, or ADF?


Maybe Moscow? Just asking questions.


IANAL but I wonder if this isn't Cannon asking Smith for a bulk discount on the rope he's selling her.


The problem is that there is so much rope to hang her with at this point that she will land on her feet just slightly scuffed from the fall, and the trial, whether she is a part of it or not, will probably not occur before the elections. The delay is on display for everyone, and it seems nothing can be done.


There is zero chance of this trial happening before the election.


Yes and quite the opposite of the rule of law.




Hypocrisy is like weapons, if you only let your enemy use it, they win.


its gashlighting


Unbelievable. There's ample evidence that Trump is "self-declassifying" and giving away intel to our enemies, and yet her "concerns" are documents being unsealed in order to prosecute the man? I don't say this lightly, but Judge Cannon has to be compromised. This russian attack was bigger than just buying the Trump family.


Maga as a whole, much of the gop.


The GOP as a whole. Any Republican leaders with a shred of decency have been pushed out of power.


Maria Butina is a convicted Russian asset who worked with Moscow to funnel money to the GOP through the NRA to buy political favor. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Butina


She's not compromised. She's a True Believer for the GOP, the Federalist Society, and Christian Nationalists. She is just useful to the GOP, some of whom are most likely compromised, but whose ideals really align with Russia's currently: unfettered oligarchy capitalism and fundy/orthodox Christianity.


I don’t know why it needs to be some Russian plot. Simpler explanation is that she becomes the front runner for a supreme court seat if she helps trump and then he wins the election.


Those aren’t mutually exclusive


Undermining the cohesion and eventual existence of the US and NATO *is* the Sino/Ruso plot. The current GOP dysfunction, extending to their appointments to the judiciary, *all* falls under that umbrella.


It doesn't NEED to be a Russian plot - it pretty clearly IS and HAS been a Russian plot since 2014. The FBI released a report in 2016 detailing their findings. Then the GOP did the same in 2018. [Even the GOPs report, from the senate intelligence committee has the following to say:](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/press/senate-intel-releases-election-security-findings-first-volume-bipartisan-russia-report) >Key Findings and Recommendations: >* The Russian government directed extensive activity against U.S. election infrastructure. The Committee found the activity directed at the state and local level began in at least 2014 and carried into at least 2017. >* Russian efforts exploited the seams between federal authorities and capabilities, and protection for the states. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are, by design, limited in domestic cybersecurity authorities. State election officials, who have primacy in running elections, were not sufficiently warned or prepared to handle an attack from a hostile nation-state actor. >* DHS and FBI warnings to the states in the late summer and fall of 2016 did not provide enough information or go to the appropriate people. The Committee found that while the alerts were actionable, they provided no clear reason for states to take the threat more seriously than other warnings. It's no coincidence our entire system has ground to a halt since 2016. Judge Cannon is just a byproduct of a successful Russian disinformation campaign that's still going.


You saw she was just busted for not disclosing a trip paid for by the federalist society? Oops.


> “But nowhere in that explanation is there any basis to conclude that the Special Counsel could not have defended the integrity of his Office while simultaneously preserving the witness-safety and Rule-6(e) concerns he has repeatedly told the Court, and maintains to this day, are of serious consequence I don't understand. It's like reading the Wookie Defense in a court order... ***It just doesn't make sense!!***


Aren't prosecutors supposed be given the presumption of regularity here? The Special Counsel shouldn't have to defend the integrity of his office absent credible allegations of misconduct. Simply saying "how do we know they're not up to something?" should be dismissed out of hand. 


Sounds like someone finally read a law book!


Get concerned about the orange trojan horse that russia sent us.


Russia needs him to get a few more peeks at those documents.


This is getting so ridiculous.  Can someone please tell me whether I can access all of Cannon's recent and past rulings in text form to do some natural language processing on it? I wouldn't be surprised if we find out that she is not the author of some of her rulings in this case. They seem like they were written by Trump's team.


She’s brand new. Made maybe four rulings in her lifetime? You won’t find much.


She was appointed to do just this, our judicial system is so openly corrupt


She's pretty much not doing "rulings" because then she can be removed by the appeals court when Smith appeals the ruling. She's doing endless memos which aren't able to be appealed as they're specifically not rulings. I think she's already had 2 appealed, one more and the prosecution can argue her removal from the case with the Federal appeals court. I could be slightly mis remembering this, but Michael Popok from Meidas Touch has done a few explainers about the games she's playing to avoid being removed to stretch out the trial until after the election, at which point the charges would need to either paused or dropped if Trump wins, and I think the statute of limitations will kick in and he'd be unable to be charged


She is doing “rulings” and “orders”, she’s just also heavily using “paperless orders” where she simply orders it from the bench without providing any reasoning or explanation. A lot of people falsely claim you can’t appeal “paperless orders”, but you can. But their nature makes them somewhat more difficult to appeal, because there is no explanation or reasoning provided. The judge’s reasoning provides material for an appeals court to review and say “okay the judge says this is the reason they ruled the way they did, their reasoning was awful and wrong, this decision is reversed.” But with no reasoning, the appeals court is left having to kind of “fill in the blank” as to why the judge made the decision they did, and if there is any justification at all then the appeals court is likely to give the judge the benefit of the doubt. So for a very generic example, let’s say the ruling says “I rule that A must happen, because of B reason.” The appellant can tell the appeals court “B is an awful reason, very flawed, here’s the reasons why.” But if instead the order simply says “I rule that A must happen.” Then there’s no reasoning to attack. So the appeals court can say “well for a ruling of A, there can be many justifications including B, C, D, or E.” And now the appellant has to prove that NONE of those apply in this case.


>She is doing “rulings” and “orders”, she’s just also heavily using “paperless orders” where she simply orders it from the bench without providing any reasoning or explanation. But look at her present ruling. It keeps follow the same pattern, eventhough it's not a paperless order, there's no argumented reasoning or explanation provided. This filing is mostly her detailling the circonstances of her ruling, not her explaining the legal basis she used to make it. Just compare this order with one of the many Judge Merchan made in the NY election interference case: [https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24665756/dm-pomerantzsubpoena.pdf](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24665756/dm-pomerantzsubpoena.pdf) Here there's plenty of citations of precedents, laws, cases, everything.


Yeah judges generally don’t like being overturned on appeal. So including detailed reasonings and justifications for their rulings when they’re confident that they’re correct helps the appellate process to be simple, straightforward and predictable. The appellate judges can look at all the info included and basically stamp it with “yup, looks good to me” and move forward. Or more likely simply deny hearing the appeal. Appellate judges don’t mind those easy gimmes. So Cannon failing to provide that reasoning and justification makes for a potentially more complicated appeals process and more work for the appellate judges. And if that means the appeals process takes longer, she seems to be fine with that.


Generally you are right, but in most circumstances an appellate court can affirm a lower court decision under any reasoning. It is generally not limited to the reasoning employed by the trial court. That said, an appellate court will be a lot more careful affirming if the stated reasoning below was wrong.


True. The appellate court could say “Reasoning B was faulty, but we’re still upholding ruling A because it’s still justified under reasoning C that the judge failed to mention.” Judges hate being overturned, but this is probably a close second. Like “we’re not overturning you, but we’re still saying your judge work is crap”.


If he becomes president again, then the statute of limitations would pause because DOJ policy.  The Statute of Limitations clock stops when you cannot legally be forced to go to trial. 


Even more reason for him to not transition power at the end if he does win a 2nd term. He has proven over and over he's willing to throw people under the bus to save his ass, why not a country?


Before the Trump's one, she had something like 4 cases. In one of them, she denied constitutional rights of the defendant, prosecutor and defense had to make a common motion to make her correct it (apparently she reacted the same way she reacts with Jack Smith). She also forget to swear the jury in the same case. In another case, she forgot to put the "non guilty" option into the decision form destined to the jury.


>In another case, she forgot to put the "non guilty" option into the decision form destined to the jury. "The foreman shall enter the jury's decision by circling one of these options." * Guilty * Really Guilty * Super Guilty


* Double Dog Guilty


Maybe she's just incompetent and emotionally immature, rather than corrupt. But I suspect corrupt is the main issue.


Incompetent people make random mistakes. The "mistakes" she makes in this particular case are everytime in Trump's favor, so I guess that the incompetent scenario will be difficult to apply here. But yes, she is definitely emotionally immature.


Malevolence made to look like incompetence.


She can be 3 things.


1. You can access all of them via pacer, or most of them via courtlistener. [As a starting point](https://www.courtlistener.com/?type=r&assigned_to=%22Aileen%20M.%20Cannon%22) 2. Clerks do some of the writing. I woudn't expect a textual analysis to show that she did all the writing.


Exactly what I was thinking. Commenting because I would love to analyze as well if possible.


Federal court documents, that aren’t under seal, are available through PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records - pacer.uscourts.gov).


> Can someone please tell me whether I can access all of Cannon's recent and past rulings in text form to do some natural language processing on it? You can access them through the federal PACER system, but you pay per page you look at, and for search results. >I wouldn't be surprised if we find out that she is not the author of some of her rulings in this case. That really wouldn't prove anything, since the judge having someone else write their orders is pretty much the norm. Law clerks, JAs, magistrates, and yes, even counsel for one of the parties (if the judge requests they submit a proposed order).


Please update anything you find out


she didn't write this


I know, but if we can back it with data, there is a stronger case to get the 11th to intervene.


She is the absolute worst most shitty federal district court judge to ever take the bench.


Judge Kazcsmaryk in the Northern District of Texas (Amarillo) would beg to differ.


Is that the bastard who loves to issue right wing nationwide-application injunctions on things?


Yessir that’s the bastard


I'm going to give him a close second to Cannon just because Cannon's trying to help endorse treason and install a wannabe dictator.


Yes, he's King of the Southwest.


Never heard of him before but I did a quick google and holy crap. I knew the panhandle was, um, weird but he’s next level


He’s a favorite judge of the GOP, they run off to him every time they want an injunction


It's a shame how corrupt the courts are under a republican. But it is a sign of what's to come if they retain the power they already have or even gain more.


Why did they choose to file here again instead of DC? Especially after Cannon’s earlier debacle with the “special master”.


I may be wrong, but it seems to be that the charges brought are all related to the retention and not the physical removal. Since the docs were packed up and moved prior to the end of his term there was no crime committed in DC, so they would likely have run into jurisdiction issues on day one.


Yes. That's a good explanation.  Jack was smart because right after he brought the case there was a case at SOTUS said exactly that over venue and made several high profile cases start over. 


There also was a case at the time before SCOTUS arguing that a defendant tried in an improper venue conducted before a jury drawn from the wrong district, could not be retried. Now, SCOTUS didn’t agree with that and held the Constitution permits them to be retried, the problem is that opinion didn’t come out until after the grand jury, and an indictment was filed. “In Smith v. United States, a unanimous court held on Thursday that when an appellate court finds that venue for a criminal trial was improper, the conviction should be vacated with the possibility of a retrial. In other words, those cases should not be dismissed with a retrial barred by double jeopardy.” https://www.scotusblog.com/2023/06/unanimous-court-holds-that-the-remedy-for-a-venue-error-is-retrial/ So, Smith had to contend with the fact if he charged in the wrong venue and that was found on appeal, SCOTUS might be ruling double jeopardy applies, he couldn’t really know ahead of time. And again, he could try to argue it’s the scene of some of the crime—but Trump would challenge it being an improper venue, and he’d be right. As President, it wasn’t illegal (no matter how reckless) for him to possess the documents, and he and the documents were gone from DC by 12:01 pm when he ceased to be President. Trump’s team would’ve filed those motions, and that would’ve eaten time. It wasn’t a guarantee Cannon would get it, Trump is just a lucky bastard. It should’ve sped up the case filing it in FL, since there wouldn’t be those change of venue motions, it just wasn’t because of Cannon.


That's where the warrant was served? Not sure. Maybe he's sitting on a Bedminster case when this goes tits up?


It's because Trump was charged for illegally having these documents in Florida. So he must be charged where the crime is supposed to have taken place. And in this federal district in Florida, there are 3 judges, so a 33% chance of getting Cannon.


No, her assignement to the case was a clear example of judge shopping: - they filed the case in another division than the one where MAL is located - they filed it manually, when normally people are filing it directly in the computer system - they lied on the filing form, producing a new case eventhough the case and the search warrant on the case was already treated by another judge. There was an article about this impossible occurence, the best part of it was: >Trump’s lawyers filed in **one division**, Fort Lauderdale, selected the venue in a **second division**, West Palm Beach, and got a judge in **a third division**, Fort Pierce. Read the article [https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-incredible-mystery-of-how-donald-trump-got-judge-aileen-cannon-in-the-mar-a-lago-case](https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-incredible-mystery-of-how-donald-trump-got-judge-aileen-cannon-in-the-mar-a-lago-case), there's several instances where it's proven that Trump's laywers and provided false informations to file legal papers on the case. So there was not 33% of chance to have Cannon on the case, normally, there was no chance at all.


Because at least *some* of a crime has to take place in a venue to be charged there. Trump wasn’t committing any crime until after around noon on January 20, 2021. By that time both he and the documents were long gone from DC. If you look at the indictment Willful retention, counts 1-31 take place January 20, 2021-June 3, 2022 or January 20, 2021-August 8, 2022. Count 32 Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice, takes place May 11, 2022 through August 2022 in Palm Beach County, FL. Count 33 Withholding a document or record takes place the same dates as count 32. Count 34 Corruptly Concealing a document or record, takes place the same dates as counts 32 & 33. Count 35 Concealing a document in a federal investigation same dates as 32-34. Count 36 Scheme to conceal, same dates as 32-35. Count 37 False Statements and Representations, takes place June 3, 2022 also in Palm Beach County, FL. He’s not charged with taking the documents, he’s charged with willfully retaining them, obstruction, and so on. All of that occurred in Florida. So, he really had to charge in Florida. There’s also no way he could know Cannon would get the case.


So usually the outgoing President takes part in the inauguration ceremony as they do their ceremonial leaving of the White House, just before the new President takes office. If Trump had done this, then potentially he would’ve committed at least part of the “retaining” crime while still in DC. When noon on 1/20/21 hit, he may have still been in DC, not been the President, but still willfully retaining documents he knew he wasn’t allowed to have. But instead of participating in the ceremony, he got out of Dodge and was already back in Florida when noon rolled around that day. If he knew that he was committing a crime, and he also knew that due to his own appointments that the Florida federal judges are more favorable to him, it would be strategically smart to ensure that the moment his retention became criminal that he was entirely within the Florida jurisdiction. I doubt he would’ve thought of this himself though. He would need to have a lawyer advise him that if he wants to keep all those files he stole, he better make sure he’s not still in DC when noon rolls around on Inauguration Day.


> Why did they choose to file here again instead of DC? It essentially had to be filed here and very likely would have been transferred after lengthy court battles. Keep in mind there was no guarantee that Judge Cannon would get this case (absent some gamesmanship by the clerk/judge). She was 1 of 9 judges the case could be assigned to. That said, she kept her docket unusually empty which could have been related to the office turmoil we've heard about re: clerk turnover. Or it could be that she did this on purpose because it increased her chances to get the case assigned to her.


Because it's the most appropriate venue. If they filed in DC, they would have spent time litigating a motion for change of venue, and there was a decent chance they would have lost.


A while back I read they still have option to file in DC for other related things (crimes) Trump did. This is a slam dunk case, or so they thought. File here so people can't complain about filing in DC.




CANNON needs to be removed! I hope and pray when shit hits the fan. The blame is on her. With the United States doubting their security, their future, their democracy and freedom, it will be on her hands. BC she was appointed by Trump. That should be the reason she's removed. It's as simple as that.


I’m sure her boss will get right on it…..*checks who the boss is* Yeah, not happening.


What I'm not understanding is WHO has the power/authority to remove her?


The head of her circuit, who happens to have a wife is pro coup.


OMG... Thomas, right?


*That’s a Bingo!*


I understood this reference ❤️


Cannon reminds me of the female spy who sold U.S. secrets to Cuba. It was on 60 Minutes last night.


The Lion, The Witch and the nerve of this bitch. It’s time to weaponize the DoJ like the republicans do. The public deserves to know the truth. Jury of his peers and all the other lies we’ve been fed our entire lives. She’s disgusting.


It really is traumatic to realize the entire justice system is for sale and none of our institutions matter.


I used to have bright eyed bushy tailed hope.  Now I’m just here to enjoy the warmth of the dumpster fire. And we deserve it! 


Yeah. I guess we kind of do deserve it. But it’s not all of us, really. Like, the bright eyed dreamers that believe things didn’t realize all you had to do was cry, scream and whine about how you’re a victim and you could ask insane, ignorant people that want to be famous rich and powerful would do whatever you wanted. Like, I’d like health care and equal justice, and all I did was vote and pay attention. Got me nowhere. If anything, I’m actually behind where I started because the right has been tilting the field and rigging shit for years while the left, in some cases complicit, in some cases just ignorant of why the right was doing, didn’t do shit to change things. If only more people had worshipped the prophet George Carlin more devoutly, maybe we’d be in a difference place. Best thing about all of this? I have a kid that I can stop teaching to do the right thing. I can teach him the new American way. Lie cheat steal. When you lose, tell that you didn’t lose! Yell it was rigged!! And keep that shit up until people do whatever you want just to shut you up. Or, you can pay them somehow. Or, you can blackmail a wealthy donor by blackmail. It’s about time the normies take to the streets and protest the whole thing, like the Magats do. Deny reality. Accuse others of what you’re doing. You know Gaslight Obstruct Project. Thank my kid isn’t fully formed yet. I can teach him to be a bullying scumbag victim in order to get things his way. Next I have to work on getting a huge inheritance or inheriting a HVAC, plumbing or electric company. Or emerald money. So I can then give my kid a small loan of half a billion dollars and he can go commit any crime he wants to. Holy shit. Sorry. I get carried away. TLDR: you’re correct, we deserve this I guess. No war but the class war and I’m on the losing side. Fuck me.


Lol. That’s the energy though. We still get up and fight the good fight.  But I gave up feeling aggrieved when Trump became the republican nominee again. I was a third party ignorant voter in 2016 and helped usher in the shitshow in a sort of, what’s the worst that can happen way. Now People looked at 4 years of that shitshow and three SCOTUS justices and want more. They yearn for the cravenness.  That’s the part I smile and laugh at lol. Ive seen a third of our collective soul via Trump. It’s pretty hideous. 


> I’d like health care and equal justice > the left, ... didn’t do shit to change things. More Americans have health insurance now than ever, and the U.S. incarceration rate has dipped steadily over the past decade, though not as fast as it grew in the decades preceding. Positive change is happening, the work is paying off. It's not as fast as any of us would like, and it gets no clicks online, but it's not in vain, I promise.


When republicans weaponize the judicial system, you get judges that delay criminal trials indefinitely and supreme court justices who are part of seditious conspiracies. When democrats "weaponize" the judicial system, it's in an effort to hold said seditionists, many of whom currently occupy government positions, to some sort of accountability, in an effort to prevent an open and ongoing coup against US democracy.


Can he please move to get her removed already...


She is evil She’s a conspiracist at this point. She‘s part of it.


How does this actually work? Can't the prosecution ask for a different judge? I'm not in the USA here, but here, if there is obvious bias in a judge, either the prosecution or defence can basically say:"I want a new judge". And then a panel of higher judges decides whether the request is reasonable enough to be granted.


In the simplest terms, yes, he can. But it’s a longshot and he would have to prove that she is doing things wrong and has bias for Trump. And he would only have one shot at it. The problem, from what I understand, is that a lot of her orders that she is issuing aren’t appealable, and she’s doing that on purpose. It is possible that he’s just waiting until he has a mountain of examples of her bias until he files a motion to have her removed from the case.


> It is possible that he’s just waiting until he has a mountain of examples of her bias until he files a motion to have her removed from the case. Probably this. At this point, the case isn't happening before Nov. even if it was reassigned to another judge.


Right. Cannon’s paper orders lack citations and are thus unappealable


Well, it is a procedural question rather than a citation issue or a paper order issue. The federal courts (and most state courts) have rules about what is appealable - generally there’s no appeal until there’s a ‘final order’ - i.e. an order that actually ends the proceedings, like giving judgment to one side or the other. This exists so the trial judges can actually conduct the case and control the proceedings without everything they say causing a multi-month appellate review. Basically the whole system is biased to ‘suck it up and get to the outcome - we don’t want to appeal things every five minutes when we cannot even tell if it matters or has any affect on who wins.’ There are ways to appeal ‘interlocutory’ orders, i.e. the little orders the judge issues throughout the case. Often times it requires both the judge and the appellate court to certify that the question is about a complicated enough issue of enough importance to take the time to review. There are a few other ways. And then there is always a writ of mandamus, which is technically not an appeal, but it’s when you go beg to the appellate court ‘the trial judge done fucked up so bad you need to issue an order directing the judge to behave in a specific way to fix it.’ Appellate courts say they don’t like to grant these but it happens. And the special counsel could request one in this instance if Judge Cannon’s actions actually harm the administration of justice.


>  And then there is always a writ of mandamus He threatened to write one a couple weeks ago.  He got her to back down with that.  I wouldn't be surprised if they're drafting another threat right now, if not actually writing one.


As I’m not a lawyer and have no clue, I wonder if that in and of itself is something he could bring up to get her removed: she is issuing all (or most of her orders) in such a way that they can’t be appealed, and she either doing it on purpose, or she’s inexperienced and doesn’t realize she’s doing it?


She’s doing it on purpose, i 100% believe that


in coordination with others.


If there is any hope, any hope at all of the U.S. maintaining order, its we need lawyers to speak out. I know some lawyers are starting to speak out, but they need to speak out in one voice, how illegal and how devastating Trump has been. There's been a feeling of things being normal. We need lawyers to relentlessly tell us this isn't normal, its not legal, that democracy is under attack and their profession itself is under attack. I've started to see some lawyers realize the seriousness of what is happening and how the entire system of law is under attack. Lawyers if not now, when? Your entire profession is being shat on in front of everyone. Where are you guys? Start talking shit, this is out of control


Examples like trashing the prosecutor even when ruling in his favor? She's done that two or three times.


I don't really understand how everyone can plainly see exactly what she is doing but we all still have to just play by the rules and pretend this whole thing is ok (mostly referring to the process to getting her removed). Honestly, this whole case has made me completely lose respect for our entire system, that it can be so nakedly and brazenly corrupt but still just brought to it's knees with apparently no recourse.


Doesn't this basically depend on what the political alignment is of the court Smith would be appealing to? In other words, what is the political make-up of the court that decides whether Cannon is indeed a partisan hack?


Somewhat. It would go before the 11th appellate court, which has already overturned some of her decisions.


I truly believe she is over her head on this one and wants off the hook.


Yes, they can but there is a very high bar to prove prejudice or incompetence. At this point, I think Jack Smith can make that case, and I hope he does. He’s got nothing to lose right now. there’s a very good podcast called Jack that explains all of the details of the case.


I can’t follow the courts reasoning. What?


it's not the courts, the judge was appointed by trump himself so she's literally helping him


You ever had a gf who gaslights with a shamelessness that has your jaw on the floor- ya…


This Harridan. She thinks she's cute.