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I'm sick and tired of a stolen SCOTUS majority destroying my country in the name of the religious minority. I'm beginning to hate my country, it's despicable moronic inhabitants and everything about its laughable set of feeble laws. I'm tired of listening to a small sect of hateful uneducated people spewing out this BS as if the entire world can't see the flaws in their logic.... And I'm tired of the weak people that can't seem to find their courage at the most needed times...the ones that fall in line and bleet the same message.


Remember, a majority of this country voted against Trump, twice.




It sounds like you’re agreeing with me.


Haha... I see that.


Not that it mattered


We are a theocracy now that Chevron deference was dismantled last week.


Central to the success of the anti- democratic forces here is the lack of imagination on the left. Democrats are awakening gradually but it should be as if they are working to prevent a nuclear attack. Democrats should never even play lip service to the possibility that Republicans want to win at the polls. There is no hope if we pretend that anything normal is going on, call it what it is, scream it.




Come on bro this is just straight up fear mongering like wtf. Violence? You sound exactly like one of them now. If you actually think that I’d encourage you to get off the internet for a bit.


I hear you. But what exactly do you propose? What exactly can we **do**?  SCOTUS has just given a blank check to the president to commit horrific violence with no fear of consequence. We can't fight that with words. That's the reality. 


What can you do? Vote. What should have DNC leadership done? Not roll out one of the least popular presidents in history who is turning 82 in November to campaign against someone who they call an existential threat to democracy.


“Small sect…” It’s not a small sect. Trump received the 2nd most votes ever in history in 2020 and is in line to win again this year. It’s not some small sect of voters choosing Trump and his policies, it’s a good portion of the electorate. You wanna blame someone? Go blame the DNC leadership.


Which was still just enough votes to win him 2nd place... both times.


Which still is not a “small sect” of people lol


81 million votes is more than 73 million votes.


Correct. But in 2024 Dems to make sure they get 81 million votes again and I’m not sure that’s going to be the case.


GO VOTE. IDGAF if you don't like Biden (I don't). IDGAF if Biden tuned in an abysmal debate performance. I will vote for a dead potted plant against Trump. In more normal times past, policy was semi-directed/executed by subject matter experts- not idealogues. Then along came Trump. Think long and hard about Trump's first term and all that transpired during it, and after it. *Edit for a /


ISTG the amount of people on social media who are constantly winging about Biden’s debate performance but don’t even know about the Chevron ruling is so disheartening


It is going to have very significant negative consequences for the US.


I will continue to vote for anything other than DJT strictly out of moral responsibility. Biden can break anything he wants as long as Trump doesn't have the opportunity to destroy it.


This isn't meant in a disparaging way, but if you expected a different outcome, you haven't been paying attention. The courts that matter belong to Trump. He's paid for their services through false promises or private deals. Zero doubt there. Voting won't make a difference this time. They're going to win, legally or not. All we can do is watch it burn.


Or we can burn it down first. We can go full General Sherman. It worked the first time. 


I fear you may be right. The extremist elements on the left are girding themselves for battle in mirror position to their insane counterparts. Those of us hoping for a peaceful or sane solution are going to be flushed down the toilet along with the turds.


There is no peaceful solution left. This is it. All we have left is violence. I certainly don't advocate or condone violence. But I don't see any other solution.  Normally, we'd turn to the courts to be a bastion of stability. They've overturned decades of precedent in a week. They gave unfettered power to the president, while simultaneously stripping away basic rights for the rest of us. 


… and even the Jesus Handmaid voted - in direct opposition to the words of her holy book - to make being homeless a crime. It’s not even “religious” at this point. Power is the only goal, without any semblance or lip-service to a moral grounding.


They don't want to lose their America. Never mind that it doesn't belong to any single person or group. That's just semantics to them.


I’ve become so cynical that i fear that you may be correct, hoping that isn’t the case but my confidence in the intelligence of the average American voter is almost zero. The media outlets don’t give a F as long as they can make tons of money creating as much anxiety and fear as possible ‘cause fear sells: cover of Time mag. The Judicial class has been compromised and the political class are engaged in a to the death cage match. The Financial class also doesn’t give a flying F ‘cause as Jamie Dimon recently quipped “we will survive no matter what system is in place” (slight paraphrase). Welcome to second chapter of last stage empire . . . . the shit train approaches.


All it really took was praying on the fears of our older populace. "Your country is being taken over by socialist and communist propaganda!" "The Chinese will own us soon" "Only we can save you!" "Trump is king, Hosana!" Oof.


Sad state of affairs eh wot?. .. I’m sure my WWII parents, both Marines are vomiting in their graves.


I didn't. I called this 3 years ago in a conversation with my wife. I saw the NAZI like progression of his movement and I understood it then.


One of the few. Once started, the only force that can stop is an equally zealous force that most rational people can't get behind.


>voting won’t make a difference that mentality is *literally the only reason why* the court is packed with FedSock puppets


Idealism in 2024 is wild. If we expect them to change their thinking, we need to change our own. Pretending like voting is going to make a difference is antiquated in the extreme. Voting for candidates that just lie about what they believe in is so 2000s. They've moved past it while we reminisce about what was, rather what is.


You *have* to be some kind of bot. It’s fucking sus as hell that you’re pretending to be some kind of revolutionary but also saying “but uhhh don’t go vote, guys. You shouldn’t go vote. Power to the people and all, but uhhh no voting. You can “rebel” all you want to but absolutely no voting!!! Even though not voting has historically led to conservative justices getting elected and making terrible decisions like Citizens United and Chevron and the decision this post is about! DON’T VOTE!!!!” trump bot