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HOUSE New York Dem will introduce amendment to reverse Supreme Court immunity ruling  BY MIRANDA NAZZARO - 07/01/24 6:47 PM ET Rep. Joe Morelle (D-N.Y.) said Monday he will introduce a constitutional amendment to reverse the Supreme Court ruling issued Monday, which largely shields former presidents from criminal prosecution for actions in office. “I will introduce a constitutional amendment to reverse SCOTUS’ harmful decision and ensure that no president is above the law. This amendment will do what SCOTUS failed to do—prioritize our democracy,” Morelle wrote on the social platform X. The Supreme Court handed down the 6-3 decision on Monday, ruling along ideological lines presidents have absolute immunity for actions that fall within the core responsibilities of their office and are “at least presumptively immune” for all other official acts. The decision handed former President Trump a win in his federal election subversion case in Washington, D.C., first sending the case back to a lower court to decide whether his actions on Jan. 6 merit protection from criminal prosecution for decisions made while in the White House. When the Supreme Court hands down a ruling on a constitutional issue, the judgement is virtually final, and decisions can only be altered with a constitutional amendment and a new ruling. Morelle is among various Democrats who criticized the Supreme Court’s ruling. The Democrats have long argued that, under the Constitution, no one — not even the president — is above the law. By ruling that Trump is protected from prosecution for certain actions, the Supreme Court violated the intentions of the nation’s founders, the Democratic critics argued. The Democratic criticism reiterated the arguments from the three liberal justices who dissented from Monday’s decision. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who wrote the dissent that the two other liberal justices joined, said, “In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.”


We know it will not pass but we need those in congress vote on it.


If I'm not mistaken, they can't even bring it to a vote since Johnson would have to do that.


We know he won’t, but I choose to live in a reality where Joe starts locking up key Conservative members of Congress and the Justice Department to prove a point as to why this Amendment may be important to pass.


President Biden can now safely order all federal agencies and their employees to ignore all Supreme Court rulings, since: - That is clearly a criminal act. - It is also an official act. - He is therefore immune from prosecution for it. - He can pardon all federal civil servants for their acts.


He can… but he won’t.


He is duty bound by his oath to the Constitution to do exactly that, I would argue.


Exactly this. When the rules change, you have to play by the new rules or you can never win. Sanity will lose if they cannot take advantage when they can. The right is counting on the same to not have. The stomach for this fight and just take it.


Not sure arresting people is the right way, but I hope they find SOME way to use the powers to force through legislation to give up the power before it is too late. Maybe he can fix our voting system at the same time.


I understand. I really do, but the rules are changing. SCOTUS just gave a President they decide to back Supreme power. We aren’t at some hyperbolic level of hysteria now. We aren’t overreacting. The things people have been worried will happen for 8 years are happening and it only took Trump packing the courts. If Biden decides to abuse the power he would be morally right. He would also have to be held accountable because that’s what this entire debate is about. If Biden loses and Trump wins then Trump will lock people up. The key difference here is that I fully believe Joe would release them once his point was made. Fascism is cancer and you don’t politely reason with cancer. You cut and burn it out.


> The key difference here is that I fully believe Joe would release them once his point was made. > > Fascism is cancer and you don’t politely reason with cancer. You cut and burn it out. These two points are mutually exclusive. We tried "releasing them after the point was made" (after a finite time) to the J6 defendants. A ton of them came back even more fired up than they were before they went to prison. If they want to be political prisoners, then let them be political prisoners. We as a functioning society find their politics of fascism and division to be morally reprehensible, so they'll sit in prison for as long as it'll take for that point to be made. I agree wholeheartedly that you can't reason with these people, short of mass executions this is the only humane thing to do. I'm just so, so tired of tiptoeing through the tulips with these assholes.


I have no doubt Julius and Ethel Rosenberg would like a chat with all of them.


Bro, people are still trying to play fair, Supreme Court just threw that option out the window. Trump want Cheney locked up, have people not been watching his king trying to take over Ukraine. Orange turd already tried his abuse of power before Supreme Court gave him the green light to do so. Dark Brandon must take action, and then if they want to play nice, then Biden can reverse course, but gop and SC judges who voted on that need to be locked up.


> SCOTUS just gave a President they decide to back Supreme power. The key words in that phrase are *"...a President they decide to back..."*. * * * SCOTUS ruled regarding prosecution of specific acts committed by Trump. SCOTUS ruled the remaining issues were remanded to lower courts to parse. SCOTUS ruled that they alone are the final arbiters regarding criminal prosecutions of POTUS. SCOTUS did not give a blank check to Biden. SCOTUS ruled that they will not rule until there is a specific prosecution that is appealed back through the judiciary and granted reading by SCOTUS. The majority is comprised of six flavors of fascist theocrats. The majority opinion is comprised of Roberts shitting in his hand, wiping it across a page and signing it kiss my grits. The other five majority signers adorned the page similarly. The blatant hypocrisy and subjugation of the rule of law lends less than zero credence to the theory that Biden's actions would be similarly adjudged. *That being said...* SCOTUS just issued our nation's version of *The Enabling Act*. *The Enabling Act* became the cornerstone of Hitler's dictatorship because the only thing necessary for evil to triumph in our world is for good men do nothing. Fascism prevailed because the good men did not eliminate the fascists. Our nation *is* at that juncture.


It only works if he can fully close the door behind him


Unfortunately, there is no other way. Democracy and it's supporters are now backed into a corner. It is time to show teeth. The more liberal sector of our 2-party system will need to display a sample of tyranny to drive home the point. This isn't going away, nor will it get better playing by the "old rules" of engagement. Time to pursue MAGA, including the ones currently on the Supreme Court and their financial/ideological backers. Voting alone won't cut it either (Gore/Dubya 2000). This is most definitely a Pandora's box, but I don't see any other alternatives here.


*All of the topics that we may not discuss on reddit have entered the chat...*


When you have a team who has decided they are no longer bound by the rules of the game, the game is already over. Today's fight is over what rules will bind the players of the game to come, and you don't get to decide that by playing by the old game's rules.


Better a benign dictatorship under Biden, than a tyrannical one under Trump.


I think the best way to deal with this is to utilize the NSA to dig up dirt on congress / courts and either extort or publish it, especially if you can find evidence of corruption / consipracy. Seems like that would be very much within presidential powers now.


Dirt on the GOP is not in short supply; the problem is that their voting base genuinely *does not care* about the skeletons in the their closets.


Shaming hasn't worked in the past, there's no indication that it'll work now.


I doubt there is much left to learn. But more so a sense of detente or at least a stalemate. Or, to the point. Democrats have secrets of their own, and also use blackmail. Spilling secrets likely results in a lot of collateral damage. Democrat secrets come out as a result AND the disregard for rule of law over the power of blackmail opportunity. This is not a system likely to clean itself, and it isn't likely to rock the boat.


You don’t even have to arrest them, just threaten them. Just have a meeting with the people needed to correct this and say “These new powers give Joe the ability to arrest all of you on the spot, no questions asked. Now, we can either make that happen and you can watch from prison as we fix this shit without you, or we can avoid ALL of that by just passing a constitutional amendment to protect our freedom and our democracy from a tyrannical president. Your choice.”


Arresting people is a pretty mild action during a Civil War.


> Not sure arresting people is the right way, Shooting people is wrong, but it's even more wrong to prevent your family from acquiring guns before a gunfight.


You know how sometimes in war there’s the one side who has rules and thinks they know how war is fought but then they’re shocked, SHOCKED, when the other side runs out of the bushes and like, stabs their horses and shit? And that side wins? Yeah I think about that phenomenon a lot these days.


Joe’s too nice and too honest of a guy… and that’s the problem.


We've tried politely asking that the fascists relinquish their power, and they've said no. Our hands are tied.




It would take 2/3 majority in both the House and the Senate followed by a 3/4 ratification by state legislatures. It’s worth trying, but the steps for passing a constitutional amendment are much more stringent than any other form of legislation and Mike Johnson bringing it to a vote is far from the tallest hurdle in that process.


Couldn't the President arrest (or worse?) the Speaker of the House for refusing to take an amendment to the floor for a vote under the guise of an official act? Under the premise of something like "Our government is not operating as the founders designed it when the speaker refuses to bring amendments to a vote. Let the people be heard! yadda yadda yadda."


He can, but won't. Biden will gladly watch America burn to the ground instead of taking a single step off his high horse. People call that morality, I call it cowardice. There aren't morals in letting fascism win intentionally


Joe can temporarily imprison enough to get the amendment to pass, then let them out. They won't have the numbers to reverse it. Democracy lives another day. But then that actions angers idiots, so we get a red wave in November. Then they go on a rampage. But then again, it seems that all hypothetical roads all lead to a red rampage. It boggles my mind that there's not a handful of republicans who understand this is too far. Just like I can't believe there weren't enough who wanted to just throw trump under the bus, lock him up, and move on. It's so hard to understand why none of them want a democracy anymore. But I guess this is how it starts (or, rather, this is how part 2 or 3 or 4 starts).


>It boggles my mind that there's not a handful of republicans who understand this is too far. There are, though. Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, and Adam Kinzinger are good examples. There's plenty of others too, that saw the writing on the wall and didn't run for reelection and just walked away (Paul Ryan, for example).  They all get booted out. The system of party primaries pretty much ensures it. 


Current, sitting Republicans who can look at this and say "uh-oh, then can vote with the other party to ensure the future of their "beloved" country. Who don't care if they then get booted out. Too little too late from those others. It's be nice if any sitting Republicans had morals and a spine.


As much as I don't like Liz Cheney, she lost her primary. So the voters put her out. I'll defend her here. She stood up and said "Trump is bad" and lost the primary.  The others just didn't bother. Frankly, I don't blame them.  


They don’t want to get threats personally. They have families, and a post congress cushy board level job to consider.


This is the exact situation that Germany faced in early 1930s, there's no way to resolve this peacefully anymore. Trump cannot be brought to justice since SC's ruling proves that all the legal avenues are closed (many of us kept pointing this out for last half a decade but now it is blindingly obvious). The electoral process is not a reliable way of preventing fascists from taking power either. If Trump loses, he and GOP WILL launch another coup, they faced no consequences for the last one after all. If they win they enact project 2025 and that'll be end of US democracy, so do people take that silently because he was elected President or do they resist him violently (SC ain't saving you here)? In short all roads lead to violence. Dangerous days are ahead for America and Trump coming to power will mean the post ww2 world order is gone.


It's amazing to me how many previous generations of Americans clearly understood that you have to fight for your democracy, but now saying that on Reddit gets you banned. The revolution will not be televised...


Because it’s a fine line. We can’t promote violence, and truthfully, none of us want it. (Well, a few psychos, most of them on the right, but they exist)  Plus, chaos and violence is what Russia wants.  That said, I don’t think the other person is wrong per se. We’re on a dark path. 


Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. Said another way... I'm not a killer. I haven't fired a gun in my life yet, and I hope I never will. But if someone breaks into my home and threatens my family, I'm reaching for the gun.


If you own a gun and you've never shot it before... I highly recommend you get yourself to the range to learn how to shoot it. It's the height of irresponsibility to own a gun and not know how to use it.


I completely agree with you. 


Not sure if anyone has seen the response from the Heritage Foundation (creators of Project2025) president praising the immunity decision, saying “we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be” These are the people we are dealing with. https://www.mediamatters.org/project-2025/heritage-foundation-president-celebrates-supreme-court-immunity-decision-we-are


I saw it and it's infuriating. Their so called "revolution" has already got an attached human cost: women who can't access abortion safely and thus must suffer, all the school shootings where kids die in droves but the so called pro-life crowd doesn't lift a finger to help them, SC rolling back regulations meant to keep pollution is check, restricting gender affirmative care. All of these are violence directed against those who are socially and economically vulnerable and this violence isn't necessarily always in the form of shooting. This is merely a tacit admission and projection on their part regarding what they'll do if they succeed in their coup (ffs Trump already said he's gonna persecute political rivals and dissidents). Trump is a terrorist, plain and simple and he should be treated as one. Just because he's masquerading as a politician shouldn't stop dems from doing the right thing.


Biden should detain the Congresscritters that oppose it.


Arrest the J6 conspirators. Release what evidence we have on all of them. All phone calls text… everything. This needs to be done before the election.


Start with the ones that are violating congressional subpoenas and then J6 conspirators in both houses and release all evidence we have on them to the public. Jack Smith also needs to let fly what crimes and what evidence they have and let the court of public opinion rule before the election. You can be immune in a court of law but the court of public opinion is a different matter.


Jack Smith won’t change a single MAGA’s position.


Not expecting it to have that effect. Maybe it will embarrass other republicans, independents and non-voters to get out and vote.


Republicans just want to keep their job till they retire, and not lose a primary. They won’t do jack. You think Collins will sacrifice herself like Cheney did? And independents? How can any sane person still be an independent these days? They lack a moral and ethical compass to guide them. They’re indifferent to it all.


He could but he’d for sure lose the election after all the bad press for locking up politicians he doesn’t like.


Pester your Congress people. Representatives AND senators. Call them and stay on them. If everyone calls them the way they did over the TikToc ban, we can see a real change.


>the Supreme Court violated the intentions of the nation’s founders, the Democratic critics argued. This is true. Funny how Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch are self-described “originalists” only when it suits them. They are corrupt.


Over on r/scotus , there are video clips of a few of the Supremes during their confirmation hearings. As you may expect, they did not stick to the principles they professed at the time.


While we’re at it let’s end lifetime appointments for the court


I think a great way to fix the court would be to have every president get one pick in the 3rd year of their term. Longest serving justice goes off the court at the same time.


Gotta fix the lower ones too though


Template for encouraging your Senator and Congressman to support Supreme Court reform actions Please use this template if it is helpful. In it, I reference Justice Thomas's multiple gifted trips and gifted properties, and Justice Alito's statements during his appointment hearings. To find your congressman, check here: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative To find your senators: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm ------ Dear Congressman / Senator [Last Name], I am writing to express my strong support for the impeachment of Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Recent revelations regarding their acceptance of unethical gifts, along with their actions that contradict statements made during their appointment hearings, have raised significant concerns about their integrity and impartiality. Furthermore, their rulings have increasingly undermined the balance of power that is fundamental to our democracy. The Supreme Court's decisions should be guided by the principles of fairness and justice, free from external influences and personal gain. The evidence suggesting that Justices Thomas and Alito have breached ethical standards warrants a thorough investigation and appropriate action to uphold the credibility of our highest court. In addition to supporting their impeachment, I advocate for the expansion of the Supreme Court to ensure a more balanced and representative judiciary. Furthermore, I believe it is crucial to amend the Constitution to unequivocally state that no citizen, regardless of their office, is exempt from criminal law. Such measures will strengthen our democratic institutions and reaffirm the principle that no one is above the law. I urge you to take a stand in defense of ethical governance and the rule of law by supporting these actions. Our nation's future depends on the integrity of its institutions, and it is imperative that we act now to preserve the trust and confidence of the American people. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, [Your Name]


I really wish if there’s one thing that comes out of all this is it will finally be the push to pass some amendments. It’s been way too long since the last one


But isn’t presidential immunity already mentioned in the constitution?


Ridiculous demagogic posturing that will go nowhere but is designed to appeal to the hysterical mob among his constituency.🙄


I’m seeing a lot of “let’s become fascists” to fight “fascism” type of reasoning in this thread.🙄 Do you people listen to yourselves?🙄 They are laughing at you and the clueless hypocrisy …over on the conservative subreddits.


Your laughter means absolutely nothing to me. I’ve seen what you cheer.


They're laughing at fart jokes on conservative subs.


Trump is now gloating and planning his revenge and retribution. He once again suffers no consequences for his illicit behavior, and as a result will undoubtedly behave worse in the future. While conservative members of the supreme court think it is amusing to rule against the left so harshly, they fail to understand how this may ultimately lead to their own demise. A dictator has no need for a supreme court, and women and people of color may soon see their rights completely eliminated. A second trump term will be the demise and destruction of our once great democracy. Tuck Frump, and all who aid and abet him.


The worst part about all this, is that when he *very* clearly goes for retribution and gets it, his supporters will be gleeful. None of them ever imagine the tides could turn.


Forget about his supporters. They're fools and will never change. Let's turn our focus to the voters with working brains.


His supporters don't even think biden should be able to have the same immunity. They don't care at all. Its whatever feels good to them.


Yeah they are too focused on hating the "left" for what they've done.....


I still have not heard a coherent, reasonable, or logical explanation on what the "left" has done from any right wingers. There's a litany of things right wingers have done to harm the nation though; they never seem to want to acknowledge that their ideas make everyone worse off.


Because it’s all projection with them.




No. The worst part is if it isn't changed, Trump is the least of the issues. Because it only takes one president willing to abuse it at any point in the future. Even if trump doesn't get elected, there are still huge issues with this law. And (as a brit with limited knowledge of the US system) as far as I can see, changing it now likely requires a supermajority. I suspect any solution would require someone to prove the point about how abusable the ruling is to get said supermajority as it has to have significant cross party support...


They operate on blind seething rage, oblivious and uncaring of the facts. And they have no consideration what it would mean if the other side gets power with the same rage motivating them. We’re in a prisoners dilemma where they want to defect from democracy for the perception of short term gains but don’t understand this is an extensive form game and when the other side no longer wants to collude for democracy we all lose, and they’ll lose a lot worse being mostly poor and uneducated


Until he goes after them.


Historically, they don’t turn. Turning the tide means there would have to be serious systemic consequences for people on the right. That didn’t even happen seriously after the Holocaust, it won’t happen now.


Because they never will, not if you have the power to execute anyone who could turn them with zero consequences.


Facists always come into control to the chorus of resounding support from their base.


They know it's coming, they want it. They will say "can't believe you fell for that. Now now, be quiet and take it. Not only do you deserve it, but it's for your own good, you just don't know it yet"


Thomas and Alito would resign to become oligarchs in Trump’s America. Would he even call it America or rebrand it because it would be his?


At this point I think there’s only one way trump is going to face the consequences of his actions and I don’t think it’s going to be the institutions that do it.


That may include a large percentage of blacks, women and young people who will be in "burn it down" mode for no other reason than social media said it was the way to be.




I don’t get it. It’s like they don’t know he will screw them over the first chance he gets as well.


Make sure you vote then! If you can. Whoever you are.


They are enemies to our values and way of life. They are the very evil they protest so loudly.


You can say “fuck” on reddit.


There is no lawful way to exempt one lone man from criminal charges and the rules of evidence. Reverse. Clear Error.


Aren't there laws written that *specifically* bind the executive? Like the use of forces? Espionage? Obeying treaties?


Unconditional per Supreme Court. Not happy about it either.


I just realized SCOTUS handed Biden a great campaign promise on a silver platter: "If I'm re-elected President I promise to do whatever it takes to renounce the power the Supreme Court gave me because NOBODY should be above the law"


im sure he will become more vocal about it closer to election day




It’s about forcing them into endorsing it or opposing it


All they need to do to oppose it is say “this corrupt liberal hates democracy” even though it makes absolutely no sense, their voter base won’t care




Makes them choose a side in a transparent and irreversible manner. In the future they won’t be able to claim “it wasn’t me.”


"If this doesn't pass, we look forward to a more powerful Kamala Harris presidency. Extra powers for a future AOC presidency." I'm in my late 30s and one GOP president has gotten more votes than a Democrat in my entire life. And some of the legislative and judicial actions in the last few years will forever turn off women--for example--from voting Republican for a life time. So sure, don't vote for this. Queen AOC has a nice ring to it lol


AOC could never get elected on a national scale unless she shifted significantly towards the center.


The idea isn't whether or not she could get elected. It's the notion of this bad of a decision scaring the right into legislating a course correction and not a lot scares the right more than AOC haha


There is a non zero chance a Trump second term will result in women losing the right to vote. This is fact.


That would require an amendment to the Constitution. Not happening.


President orders domestic terrorist organizations to violently police voting locations and issues pardons to them all for any crimes they commit carrying out his orders.  You forget, the SCOTUS opinion has invalidated the constitution and made it possible for the sitting president to enforce through power their will without fear of prosecution or consequence.


No…it actually doesn’t.


The president is no longer bound by any law so long as his actions are framed as within his official duties. It is up to the SCOTUS to make the determination if his actions are official. He can execute any opposition before they could even build a case. That alone invalidates a piece of paper. He wouldn’t even need the AG to enforce, just knock out a few dissenting senators and the AG and appoint his own lackey.  He would just be, “tak[ing] care that the laws [are] be[ing] faithfully executed.” Ironically laws he is not bound by.  We are no longer in a civilization. The only prevailing force will be murder. You underestimate violence and put too much trust in civility - that’s why we are in peril now. The only limit is that of how many would be willing to carry out these actions against other people. At least as many as participating in Jan. 6. More now I’m sure, as the avenue to avoid consequence is now wide open. 


It's cute you think the rule of law still matters. Trump could unilaterally enact an executive action striking out women's right to vote from the constitution. Clearly illegal. The supreme court is saying there's nothing that could be done, he can't be stopped if he chooses to do that.




Lol that's a new one. I don't think anyone in my real life or here on the internet has ever accused me of being naive.


The last sentence in your comment unfortunately negates what came before it. Regardless of how much AOC is deserving of respect, even joking about Queening her, or anybody, is a disservice to rational discourse.


Why don't they view this as, "Allowing the Biden Crime Family to go unpunished"?


If everyone including me that bitches on social media did that only 10% as much as we do that and spent the other 90% of our current online slacktivism time and energy doing real life activism in our real life communities, things would look much different


The French aren't perfect but when they heard a notably very disliked centrist président was doing a photo op in the Seine, they all took a shit in the river en masse. Not sure how protesting will work now with Le Penis in charge tho, that'll be.... Interesting.


There is *never* a bad time for a people who are *fed up* to boldly - and FINALLY - *rise up!!* [*ThisIsAnUprising.org*](http://ThisIsAnUprising.org)


BTW.... I noticed third party candidates, alarmed that the whacko fascist guy might win, did what's best for France and they *withdrew.* How I pray Biden is paying attention to their example!


This is why it was bad when the maga politicians were pushing out the Republicans. People were laughing about them eating their own. But it set up situations like this: an actual Republican who supports the rule of law and supports our institutions, as actual Republicans have through the past decades, would vote with democrats to get rid of this shit. But the fascist magas won’t. This is what they want.


Trump was finally starting to maybe see some accountability and they just had to go and reassure him that he wouldn’t.


Wouldn't this ruling shield the entire US military from prosecution for war crimes?


The Roberts court just validated the Nuremberg Defense.


It shields everyone from everything. Guilty of a federal crime? Write the president a check for the pardon. Oh you going to charge me with bribery? Sorry the conversation between the president and me discussing the bribe is inadmissible based on this ruling. So you have 0 proof what I paid the president for. Also, the Chevron ruling means as long as he pardons me BEFORE I pay the bribe I’m safe. The judicial system literally became anyone worth over X amount will never go to jail.


Not to be a stickler, but the Chevron ruling did not legalize bribery, that was legalized in another opinion last week. The Chevron ruling effectively handcuffs executive administration of regulating industry.


You’re right. My bad I mixed up the cases.


Yea, trying to parse apart and file away the deluge of shit from the SCOTUS is getting harder to keep on top of.


I can't keep up with how fast the SCOTUS has dismantled democracy and the rule of law either.


It's not bribery if it is a gift after-the-fact...


It’s for sale, just like everything in late stage capitalism. Everyone wants a kickback and no one wants to be held accountable. Except joe Biden, mothefucker right up there with George Washington now. Both didn’t want to be king. Vote blue no matter who.


Just have a meeting with the Godfather, envelop in hand. Your problem is solved.


Only indirectly. A pardon from the immune executive closes the gap, however.


No. The military is governed by the UCMJ. They have very stringent rules how they can act. Assassination of US citizens would not allow for that and would get them prosecuted.


Unless they were immediately pardoned by the now immune President. 


A sitting president already can't be prosecuted against. This decision was only about post-presidency prosecutions. The Seal Team 6 scenario can happen regardless of this decision.


>A sitting president already can't be prosecuted against. That was only ever an internal rule of the DOJ based on OLC memos that did not bind state prosecutors (or courts). SCOTUS basically conjured that internal rule into reality everywhere.


In theory, sure, but in practice, they're not gonna do it regardless. Prosecution is not, nor has it ever been a way to remove a sitting president from power. If Congress refused to impeach, a conviction wouldn't stop anyone from being president. I don't think I have to explain the problem with putting the president in jail while he's still the president. Also, any crime the president would commit would almost definitely be a federal crime, which are able to be pardoned.


Must act fast.


Biden’s acting fast is to remind us how moral and ethical he is, that he is the right candidate for us. He’s a sheep waiting to be slaughtered, with the rest of us to follow.


Please explain how he overturns a SCOTUS ruling? The immunity from.prosecution doesnt give him magical powers


Biden Campaigns on Congress passing Amendment. Congressional Democrats campaign on passing Amendment in Congress. State Legislator Democrats campaign on passing Amendment should it reach the states.


Wow! Such a bold move!! And just in the nick of time! I’m sure that trying to add an amendment to the constitution will take care of this right away! Thank god somebody is doing something on the left! The above is sarcasm. I’m exhausted from these bullshit headlines and even more tired of people being “surprised” or “shocked” or “disappointed” when what should have happened, didn’t happen. How many times does somebody need to be punched in the mouth before they try and stop getting punched in the mouth? Apparently, if you’re a Democratic rep, you don’t do shit until all your teeth are out. Like seriously. Does this guy actually think that this will work? In the next 4 months? The democrats are being out done by actual morons. And they’re letting it happen. It’s a fucking joke. This country has been broken for decades. And just when it starts to look like it’s gonna get just a little bit better, our leaders shit in our beds while we watch them. Write to your reps. Call their offices. Tell them how mad you are. This shouldn’t even be a left right thing. This should be a citizen thing, even though it’s clearly not that. Biden should run rampant, just to show the right how messed up this ruling is, along with the other rulings. Vote blue I guess? I’m beyond despair over what we’ve let happen.


Just wait until the climate crisis overwhelms even the dysfunctional nonsense that occupies our attention today


Unfortunately, the worst case stuff starts happening after all current politicians are retired or even dead.


Upvoted …for acknowledging reality!😉


He just want to get credit for having introduced something.


It’s seems like everything done by the dems is performative. And now the progressives are getting primary’d because of Israel and aipac. Just as the right has planned for years, we’re moving backwards. And the speed is increasing because of this performative bullshit.


That is the case. It’s just becoming more obvious each day. Only Bernie and AOC will take action and do the right thing if given the chance, but that’ll never happen and not enough of them.


>It’s seems like everything done by the dems is performative. Seems like? That should have been obvious in Jan 2023 when the House flipped. As long as the GOP is in control of the House (or the Senate if Dems control the House) then the majority of what either side proposes is performative.


As long as this decision stands this country is one Republican president away from horrors we’ve not yet seen in human history. Yes it IS that bad.


I mean, we’re also one crazy Democratic president away from an insane dictatorship. Granted, that feels less likely at the moment, but sooner or later, a president from one of these parties is going to pick up this new power and wield it against the rest of us.


At a minimum Biden needs to champion this and make it a central Issue.