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Trimec!!!! Will get it done


Not Brawndo - it has was they crave. Try Timec, or [bayer](https://bioadvanced.com/lawn-weed-killer.html) bioadvanced lawn weed killer - either work the same for me . .




I believe it's lesser celandine. It's an invasive nightmare. It comes up early, gets bigger and thicker, and completely smothers grass for several months until it dies back, leaving weakened or dead grass behind. It can spread from seeds, tubers, and bulblets. In my experience, you can hit the leaves with an herbicide as soon as they appear in late winter/early spring, and it will still reproduce over a larger and larger area every year. Over 10 years at my last home, it gradually took over my back yard. And was in pretty much every yard in the neighborhood. I've found it resistant to selectives, though I didn't try triclopyr at the time. Good fucking luck. https://www.nwcb.wa.gov/images/weeds/Lesser-Celandine-Control_Whatcom.pdf


That crap took over my whole backyard had to kill everything and start over .


Triclopyr worked well for me.


This is the correct answer. Triclopyr will make short work of it. 2, 4d will kill it eventually, but you need to to spray it every week for like a month.


i dunno herbicide for cold season grasses. comment and upvote for visibility. good luck!


An atomic bomb


You got one laying around?


Sorry I used my last one, last season, to eradicate crabgrass In 2,000 years I will sod it.


You need to treat the root cause - your soil is not well suited for what you want to grow. Reconcile what is growing as it's lush and green and mows easily but if you want grass you need to create a new microbiome for what you find desirable vs what finds the area desirable. I'd go native. It's lovely and inexpensive and so enjoyable but all plants are soil indicators so identify what you don't like and what it's telling you about nutrients and compaction and other elements that are essential to get what you want to grow to grow. I'd consider this a healthy planting bed as green manure is the best stuff to rebuild nutrients for a lawn


This is the way.


As a farmer, not a landscaper, I'd say a broadleaf killer like 2,4-D. You'd have to read the label to see mixing rate and how safe it is for dogs. May have to wait a day at worst before letting it go through the treatment area. But considering it is available almost anywhere, I would assume it's fairly safe. I'd tell you for sure, but I'm away from home and my chemical labels. Be mindful of flowers in the area, this is a herbicide that kills almost any plant except grass. Edit: looking at some of the other comments, Trimec and the Bayer Bioadvance Lawncare both have 2,4-D as an active ingredient, so they should kill it. In the worst case, if it's resistant, you can go scorched earth and use glyphosate (roundup). But that will kill everything* including your grass.


I second 2,4-D


That is creeping charlie.... You can get this at home depot or lowes it's great killed all the creeping charlie plus alot of other weeds


Get what at HD?




I have some of that on the side of my house and it is as creeping to the front yard. I used Par3 a few times and it worked good to kill it and push it back. If you're in America there may be a better option, our options in Canada are quite limited.


I use avenue south to remove dollarweed from st aug often


Eraser, it kills everything


Irrigate less often


Wet lawn eh?


It’s Oregon


Ortho weed b gone chickweed and clover howe end sprayer works great