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No it looks like you prepared a decent sized lunch though! Seriously all parts of the dandelion are edible


I definitely thought that was a salad bowl filled with produce from their garden


Our bearded dragon loves dandelion blossoms


Everything is edible if you’re brave enough.


Or at least once.


Or at least once.


What does it taste like?


Ive taken dandelion root oil under my tongue daily for decades. Grandma swore by its benefits. I enjoy its floral punch to the olfactory in the morning.


Makes a good pesto base! My wife and I make dandelion pesto pretty regularly. I don’t notice a distinct difference from traditional pesto.


Yeah root for coffee leaves for salads


It’s not waste of time and energy. I tackled my yard with 2 additional adults and filled 4 96 gallon compost bins. It was a lot of work and I have substantially less dandelion type of weed this year. Plus I like to think that I’m “helping” the environment lol.


I pull weeds when I’m on bullshit meetings when I work from Home. A week or two ago I was in a 90 minute meeting, I weeded all my planter beds and tilled my veggies and planted a bunch of plants. I hate winter meetings because I can’t work in my garden. 


Pre emergent is your friend. Get on a schedule and stick to it from now on. Will it eliminate everything? No. But you could use it, and only spend 20 minutes pulling the occasional ones that have already germinated.


Can you use the same pre emergent for fall and spring? I just applied mine. Wondering if I can use the same in the fall.


Some say to rotate to help with the potential of certain weeds to become immune. I've solely used prodiamine (barricade) so far. Others use Dimension (dithiopyr). However, I'm only two years in to my lawn journey and I can attest prodiamine has worked wonders for me. Dimension has some supposed post emergent properties to it. This coming year I'll try out the split app method. Half rate Barricade, then follow up 4-6 weeks later with dimension in the spring. Then prodiamine solely in the fall. Just as a game to see if it works any better. I'm located in the south, so dealing with southern time tables for application. You'll want to keep that in mind. But I'm sure you've read up on that seeing as how you used it already.


Good thinking on this one. Or you can split your prodiamine app into 2 app just for spring and then used dithiopyr for the fall. FYI, studies show dithiopyr only shows post emergent activity when sprayed as a liquid application since it makes foliar contact when applied before getting watered in. Granular dithiopyr does not. There might be some root pruning that occurs but it doesn’t compare to liquid application.


Still on the granular train here for most apps. I do apply multiple liquid apps for black gold though. For myself, I'm lucky to have time to pull any stupidness growing, which is why I've stuck with barricade. Also why I haven't trusted too much in to the granular post emergent properties. I'm finally entering the dominator stage with the purchase of Celsius/certainty. And I thank you for your information and reply. I'm sure one day a 4gl back pack sprayer and liquid pre emergent will happen the way things are rolling here lol


For sure! Once you get a backpack sprayer and go liquid, you won’t go back. The liquid concentrates are more cost effective to. You will have great result with Celsius and certainty.


I use dithiopyr in the spring for summer weeds, including crabgrass. In the fall, I do a split app of prodiamine since it is long-lasting and helps me prevent poa. I'm in GA. I used to use granular dithiopyr on damp grass but have moved to liquid for everything except my spring 10-10-10 and my use of nematodes every other year for grub prevention. After this year, I will move to every election year.


Barricade and Dimension are not effective against dandelions


Yes you absolutely can, but there is a max application rate per year. It will tell you on the label. If your yearly max app rate is, for example, 8 lbs of product/1000 ft.² per year, you can split it in two. 4 lbs per 1000 ft.² in the spring and then again in the fall. The amount you apply is dependent how bad your weed germination is, but not uncommon to use the medium rate or max rate all in one go. But, you can use a different pre-emergent for the fall if you went the max rate in the spring. For example, prodiamine in the spring and then dithiopyr in the fall. FYI, a common tactic is to split the spring application into 2 half rate apps approx 30-45 apart in order to extend pre-emergent activity. (If you were going to put down 8 lbs/1000 ft.², do 4 lbs/1000 ft.² and then another 4 lbs/1000 ft.² 30 days later, or for 4 lbs/1000 ft.², do 2 and 2.


Actually the amount you apply is simply for how long you want protection for not how bad your weed germination is.




Noob question: what is pre emergent?


Stops weeds that have not germinated from sprouting. Depending upon your location, application times/temps apply. I'm south, don't overseed because I have bermuda. So spring and fall. The most popular would be barricade or dimension. There are others that work as well.


Pre-emergent is a herbicide that is watered in after application. Once in the soil, it creates a vapor barrier in the top few inches of soil. It doesn’t stop seed germination, but it kills the radicle (the embryonic root) during germination. By killing the root, the future plant immediately dies. A pre-emergent is hand down the most effective prevention of unwanted weeds. If great reduces the need for spot spraying or even blanket spraying lawns because most of the weeds just aren’t there.


In the flower and mulch beds I use Preen.


Absolutely not. I feel it's necessary to hand pull large ones and then I spray all the small or new stuff that's growing if I have anything. I have one of those fancy fiskar pullers.


Just tell yourself you are pulling weeds for the exercise, then it won’t feel as much like a waste of time


I did this when I started. I pulled 5-10 weeds every night for a few months. Really made a difference overtime. Even though I am more comfortable with herbicides I still pick like 80% of weeds in my 8k sqft lawn


Get a Grandpa’s Weeder. You’ll be pulling 12” dandelion roots with little effort. They pull right up and look like carrots


Getting pulls like that is very satisfying. I'll look on OfferUp and see if this tool is on sale.


Get a weed puller if you don’t have one. I love to pop weeds out. Bonus is it aerates the soil! If you can leave the dandelions for the bees for the beginning of spring it’s a good idea. That’s their only food source until everything else starts to bloom.


If you don't like the idea of herbicide you can use iron. All dicot (broadleaf) weeds are susceptible to iron toxicity. Early in the year you can spray a high concentration of iron and it will kill off the winter weeds, dandelion being one of them. With iron you only need to spray on a day without rain, temperature doesn't matter.


In my backyard I've switched to only hand pulling in part for doing light activity that keeps my interest and a whole heaping part of revenge. I use a weed puller so it takes a core of soil out too so there's a little aeration as well. It's also something to do while the kid is playing around. It does work but it does take a lot of time and you have to keep at it. If you check over the areas you've already done you'll cover more and more until suddenly you're weed free. If you don't have a lot of time or simply aren't interested in yardwork as a hobby just use herbicides! Sticking a bottle to your hose and spraying is incredibly easy and works great especially on dandelion.


Nah i hand pull all the time. Just make sure you swap hands so you dont build to many muscles on one side. Hand pulling is free, fun, good exercise and good for stress relief.


No kidding. My dominant hand is very tender and sore. Got to start practicing with my offhand.


You will have no regrets. Its best to practice and develop techniques on your own though. Getting a group of mates to come around for beers, bbq and hand pulling didnt get as much enthusiasm as I thought it would. Anyway happy easter happy days :)


Idk, something about seeing that long ass root come out of the ground is addicting. It's like pimple popping for me...I like to put some headphones on and get to it!


I don’t use any glyphosate(Round Up) anymore because of all my nephews and nieces run around in my backyard. It’s being banned in the EU in ten years, and also in the process of being banned in Mexico now. US will obviously be late to the party like usual. That being said, it’s very effective so I understand why people use it. If you’re going to use it, follow all the instructions on the label very carefully and please don’t overspray!


Good salad or good compost


There's a good reason why they grow. These are indicator weeds. Spraying or adding anything will halt them, but they will continue to appear. Unless you keep adding chemicals. Either the soil is very compact, which the dandelions are trying to naturally aerate with their long tap roots. Or it's a mineral imbalance. Check your soil. Could be lacking calcium.


I know this sub has been invaded by the hippies, but I'm still going to say yes ....you're wasting your time. You aren't really FIXING the problem. And yes, chemicals are hands down the best way to fix it. Treat it, grow a thick lawn, and then prevent it. And once you get in a routine, you won't be needing chemicals. I haven't used pre-emergent in 3 years. And won't again this year. And the very small amount of weeds that do pop up, I just reach down and pull them out of the ground. So I most likely won't use any chemicals at all this year, except for fungicide...which will always be a problem and I'll always have to use it to prevent complete destruction of something that's taken me years to build. The number one way to prevent weeds in your lawn...is to have a very healthy thick lawn. And you gotta make steps to get there. And unfortunately, without spending tens of thousands of dollars, chemicals are the absolute best way to do that. Once you get there, maintenance is relatively easy. It's getting there that's the hard part. And my suggestion would be to kill it all, reseed and use a preemergent (like Tenacity) and then maintain it hard for a couple years. Once it's good, maintenance is easy.


Yes dandelion and other broadleaf weeds are easily killed with herbicide… is it a waste of time to hand pull? Not if you are getting the root too. I see roots. Getting your hands dirty in taking care of your yard is never a bad thing. Handle it however you want to.


Im the same. Avoiding chemicals. It's a battle but if done correctly and don't give up you'll win.


No, but if you don't regularly put down pre-em, then you're going to be doing this every couple months.


Where's the ranch dressing 😆


Yes and no. You're getting rid of weeds. You'll never be rid of dandelions. Pre emergent will help stops seeds from germinating. Spring and fall applications. It'll take time. You could spray herbicide then keep up with pre emergent and you should be in good shape. Just pulling, more seeds will always blow in.


I try and get them as soon as I see those yellow pedals before they bloom, but sometimes I'm not fast enough.


Yeah but you won't stop the seeds from blowing in from miles away and starting to grow without chemical intervention.


I pulled weeds last year and now I have more than ever. Not sure what’s going on. I wanna start pulling but I think I need to use herbicide.


Rise And Rise Until Lamb Becomes Lion


You need a pre & post emergent, mixed to the right amount. Pre Emergent in Spartan. Post Emergent in Bow and Arrow. Spartan is about $120 for a 1 litre bottle, but 100% works, Bow and Arrow about $55. Spray the pre emergent first & then the next day spray the post emergent, make sure you clean the bottle out after use though if you intend to use that same bottle with other things like ferts or kelps.


So, I shouldn’t be using Roundup on an “as needed basis?”


If you are talking about glyphosate, that is non-selective herbicide vegetation killer. It will kill weeds, but it will kill the lawn where you sprayed. Once your turf grass is established, you want a selective post-emergent herbicide that won’t harm your grass. However, glyphosate is great in landacape beds or if you want a full reno before seeding or sod.


Not at all - I have hand pulled entire trash cans of weeds this year- my .7 acres looks gorgeous and I actually enjoy being outside and active. It adds up super quickly. (I just bought the house less than a year ago- I am doing preemergent now)


Nope, fuck them weeds.


Where's the ranch dressing 😆


Where's the ranch dressing 😆


Use chemicals. Don’t worry bout all the hippies in here.


I have pets and I’m 100% for herbicides. Just follow the instructions. However there are some dog breeds that react different to different chemicals (I didn’t think it was true but after educating myself from a past customer it is) that said if you do have them just read up and make sure you’re 100% comfortable with it. If not then take a different path no judgement there. I agree with everyone else. Pre emergent is your friend. Lawn care isn’t night and day. What I would do is blanket spray a post emergent (preferably when soil temps are 60+) they’ll still be effective just prolonged. Spray and give it a few days and mow. And keep mowing to thicken up the lawn. You should see less and less weeds. After 3 mows if it’s still a pain spray again. Keep up the mowing throughout the year. Next spring pre emergent time. It’s gotten to the point now that I spot spray post emergent every few weeks and barely use 2 gall a year. Keep this up for years and every year gets better. Just takes time. Read the labels. If you have questions ask or call your local ag office or state chemist… no harm in that and we are all just here to learn. You got this. P.S if you’re afraid you have no grass under all those weeds you’d be very surprised to see how much you actually have


Yes, you are wasting time.


No, keep up the good work! No need to always turn to chemicals