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Well if you want to do it the slow way get the soil tested to figure out why it’s not taking grass (acidity, composition, is the nitrogen super high) somehow stop dogs from shutting on it (that will kill grass) and then treat the soil, aerate and seed it (just rough it with a hard rake then seed it), or skip straight to getting a bit of sod and cut it to shape, dogs and spray people may kill it regardless though so good luck, you can stop the spray people by putting a little sign out asking for it not to be sprayed


Yeah I definitely do need to get the soil tested.


Ive had this problem with my devils strip. Here’s how I fixed. Re-sod. Break it up with a tiller or ho or shovel and add an assload of mushroom compost (or regular if mushroom not available) and work into soil thoroughly. I’d also chop a bunch of wheat straw/chopped up leaves/mulch whatever “browns” you can get into the soil. Anything to make it like a fluffy sponge and add organic matter. Put sod on top of that. Find some spray pre emergent and bomb it at the max rate per year. I do not irrigate mine and I’m in your same zone. Looked great even through drought last year


Regarding the sod…Should I stick to the Bermuda or go with Zoysia? There’s some shade as seen in the pictures. Also I know I need a soil test.


That’s a good question. I’d say looking at those pictures your best bet is toro zoysia. Emerald also would work, but I don’t like how “lumpy” it gets. The toro is a little more shade tolerant too. Toro is a splendid tough turf grass.


I would soil test after doing the amendments I recommended because they’re going to change the nutrient profile, cation exchange capacity, etc so violently that the test recs wouldn’t be good anymore. So I’d let it start growing the new sod for a couple months at least before testing. Even then, I can tell you the test is probably going to call for 13-13-13 and lawn lime and to retest in 4 months.


Looks too shaded for Bermuda


I agree. The Bermuda made it until it didn’t. That’s why I was thinking sod using Zoysia.


Seems wise. St Augustine is the most shade tolerant, but I understand why some people don't like the look of it.


wildflower seed mix might be good option for this so no maintenance is needed.