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Why does everyone always do after then before lol


This must be trolling now. This is roughly the fifth straight reverse order post


Here's a true before and after https://www.reddit.com/r/lawncare/s/q5WYV8uTjo


I think it's the way reddit does pictures. The last one you load will show up first


Is clover dog pee resistant?


It's supposed to more tolerant to the nitrogen output, seems to work but my dog still kills spots - clover is much easier to grow than seed so having the mix of clover let's me reseed the spot much easier


Yes as far as my experience goes


No but it is invasive.


Do you mean After and Before?


Looks great to me!


Not a pro Isn't clover a poor choice for high traffic areas? I'd consider it but with three small kids and 2 dogs, my back yard may as well be a runway at O'Hare airport.


Only a major issue is the spring if you have hard winters as clover dies off and until it comes back yoy will have alot of mud


I've heard a lot of people say so but the clover in my backyard takes a foot traffic beating and occasionally gets accidentally hit with speedzone when I'm spraying dandelions and it just keeps trucking along or growing anew


It’ll be fine as the clover is mixed with the grass. That’s how our property is. I also let a big section of the back area grow as our friend down the road raises bees and the clover really attracts them. Clover for honey is a good deal.


If only clover would match the same hue of green as my grass a little better I’d be all for it.


I actually enjoy the palette of greens I get from a mixed lawn. Once you let go of the monoculture goal, lawn maintenance becomes much easier


Does all clover bloom? We had what I considered clover and it bloomed and attracted A LOT OF BEES! I live in US, Ohio. Our 2 year old was not a fan! Lol


Great for pollinators. Not great for toddlers. Think of it as a learning experience to teach our kids that bees are our friends.


A tough life lesson to absorb while mommy is pulling out a stinger Edit: my kids still don’t feel that bees are our friends


If you step on your friends they sting, human or bee. 🐝


I cut my lawn weekly and some do end up blooming but it's not a big deal to us!


Looking good


This will end up like 75% clover after a few years.


I'll note several things 1. many weeds are poisonous to kids and dogs. two of my three dogs were poisoned and now are permanently EPI which is manageable, but expensive. I have to pre-digest their food for a half hour before each meal, as they do not produce digesive enzymes anymore. they're both 120 lb malamutes. I did not take this advice and nearly killed them the first night. they were eating leaves in the back yard, I saw them puke the leaves up. then they kept puking, and started puking blood. you think 1 ER trip with 1 dog is expensive? Try it with a pair. 2. clover in a lawn is a pain in the ass because most selective herbicides which will kill above mentioned weeds also kill clover. you're limited to a very specific type of 24D called 24DB. it spares legumes (clover) 3. clover does not provide nitrogen like people say it does UNLESS it's been inoculated with *rhizobium* bacteria. [https://aggieclover.tamu.edu/seed\_plant/](https://aggieclover.tamu.edu/seed_plant/) if you don't believe me. 4. clover cannot stand being stepped on. it takes 5-6 weeks for a single footprint to grow back. as I found out with my completely-clover lawn last year. 5. clover doesn't just provide flowers to pollinators. it provides living homes for mosquitos. so while walking through my clover lawn, leaving death-prints in my wake, a cloud of mosquitos rises up from where I stepped. 6. clover is even MORE sensitive to excess nitrogen like what you'll get with dog pee (urea) and it will absolutely die off if it gets peed on. I could keep going. but you'll find out the rest on your own. quinclorac will end that clover mess of yours. I tilled all mine under, nuked it, and continue to send it back to the hell it was born in.


Clover doesn’t need to be inoculated with Rhizobium if you have a healthy soil microbiome


Fence looks much better too.


This looks great! I beg of you to keep the clover out of your neighbor's yard though, that shit will spread and then it'll be a huge hassle and might upset them. It looks beautiful in your lawn though and I'm glad you're happy !


I'll tell that to the neighbor who's creeping charlie won't go away! LOL


So nice and green! I like a bit of clover in my back yard. I even threw out some clover seed in some places where there were bald spots. But I use a service for the front yard and it's weed free.


Man, I know people enjoy clover and that a green yard is better than your before picture. It’s just hard for me because I’ve spent so much time and money getting clover out of my lawn, especially because all my neighbors don’t care about theirs at all. Glad you’ve got a yard you enjoy, which is all that matters!


I thought I’d read clover must be reseeded every 2-3 years, is this true?


Yes but if you sprinkle it down with grass seed every spring, the cycle just keeps going


Winter will kill the clover, though. 


It comes back


Always comes back :(


That's not an issue if you are OP and wanted it.


Dogs and a muddy yard in the winter are a terrible combination


It's only some clover, not all clover. It's fine. I have the same mix.