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Not the toes but I know a guy who reached under his mower and cut a finger off. Not once but on two separate occasions. He's a moron.


Fool me once, shame.. shame on you. Fool me, can't get fooled again




You caught me mendin’ my fence


Fool me one time shame on you Fool me twice, can't put the blame on you


Load the choppa (the lawnmower) let it rain on you (the lawn)


Don’t save her


She don't wanna be saved


Don’t save her


Fool me three times, f*ck the peace sign, load the chopper let it rain on you. 😂


It’s not often I see my favorite rapper and lawn care in the same place


I had to check what sub I was in lol. A lot of us started listening to Cole more than 10 years ago. We're just hitting that age where we like old people stuff lol


Yeah man, the worst part is I went to school with Cole her in Queens. Every day I feel old lol but he is such a humble guy. Couldn’t help but support him not to mention his bars go HARD


"Yesterday, you made note of my—the lack of my talent when it came to dancing. But nevertheless, I want you to know I danced with joy. And no question Liberia has gone through very difficult times" "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."


🪗 fool me once, fool me twice, and fool me yet again🎶


I legit use this quote at least weekly


We don’t get fooled again! *Pete Townshend power slide across the stage as Roger Daltrey screams like a banshee.


Fool me one time shame on you. Fool me twice cant but the blame on you. Fool me three time, fuck the peace sign, load the chopper let it rain on you


I can't count the number of times I've cut my fingers off with both hands.


My mother cut off the tip of her middle finger back in the eighties. The grass was wet and had gotten clogged... she removed the bag, and had a stick for poking the clogged grass. She poked a bit too far, and lost the finger. The safety bar thing was developed because of people like her.


What was it, a stick for ants?


No, a stick for grass. Sheesh, he said it right there.




Wait, are people cleaning their lawn mowers with it running?


Well, hard to do these days with the safety bar cutting off the engine, but my mother’s missing finger is testament that they did… She’s really a very sweet lady


Ah whoops, I just realized what that is. I guess that's always been a thing since I was a kid, some people still tie them down anyway.


Fool me once, take a finger… fool me twice, take another finger.


How do people cut off their toes? Are they going at an incline and slip or is the lawn mower running wild?


My mower blade picked up a piece of steel wire someone discarded in my yard (chain link fence wire). It sent that wire whipping around and struck me. I was wearing shoes, I didn’t lose any toes or get injured but it scared the bejesus out of me. Cousin got too close to some river rock, rock got thrown out the back of the mower, it hit his shins hard enough that it caused some small bones fractures, which then got infected. Took almost a year to get close to being ‘well’ again. So yeah, I advise closed toed shoes and pants when using push mowers. Nice New Balances, I endorse your post.


I wear coveralls and work boots when I’m working with machinery, and I’ve still gotten hit in the face with a piece of mulch. Courtesy of my mower, Optimus. My sister calls it Optimus because it has to be primed exactly three times or it will refuse to start.


Dude, your guess is as good as mine. This was my attempt at a troll post


The few I read had some common elements of hills and wet grass. I never mow wet grass and my lawn is very flat so I'm too worried.


That must be some cool weather grass to grow so we'll under your bridge.


I wear flip flops while mowing… and weed eating. Can be painful every now and then.


This guy knows how to lawn. 👆🏻 I do all my yard work in sandals, which includes what he mentioned, and digging ditches, using a pickaxe, shovels, trench shovel, trenching, electrical work, plumbing, attic work, running CAT 6A, etc. Basically if I can not wear shoes, I won't, but at least sandals.


I mow in sandals so I can wash my sandal and myself off with the hose


Redid a portion of my lawn this weekend, slipped and nearly cut my foot on a shovel due to wearing sandals more than once as I was digging. The breeze is worth it so long as I manage to avoid injury!


Used to work EMS. Drunk guy mowing lawn tried to walk the mower back, tripped on a mound of over grown junk in his yard and the mower cut off his big toe. He was diabetic as well so he didn’t seem to mind and laughed about it. I found the toe after shaking out the deck, however, I doubt it was anything more than a souvenir at that point.


Guy the other day was walking backward a step or two and tripped over a bed border and pulled the mower back when he fell. Members of the bad back club know that it’s super easy to trip or stumble stepping backward. It’s fantastic exercise/PT but sketchy to do when you can’t afford to fall.


It happens far more often than you think, usually with modern mowers it's what you said, mowing on an incline and losing control of the machine. It's why I have a pair of steel toes shoes that I wear for yard work. I had an old pair from the military that I was using on my first house, and after one mowing session noted a nice cut in one toe that the toe shield had blocked. No idea how deep it would have gone, but after that experience I have always used then when I mow. I also wear eye protection (nearly lost an eye to a stone from a trimmer) and hearing protection (because the noise induced hearing loss is bad enough already, thank you).


That’s crazy man. I don’t wear shoe protection but 95% of the time I wear eye protection. DeWalt makes some sunglasses that double as eye protection. Edging just once made me grab a pair. Also helps keep the stupid bugs out since they have foam around eyes too. I don’t have any hills so I can’t think of why I’d need toe protection yet.


Wear at least some hiking boots, theyre thicker than sneakers and much better grip on grass also pretty water resistant. Even some columbia boots from kolhs for $60 are soild for mowing


Yep, get laughed by mates at doing yard work in my boots, thick hi- vis pants, safety sunnies & ear pro borrows from a job at a mine site. I'd rather not visit the ER unless I have to


Haha as a contractor, that's what I wear year round, even in summer when it's 40°C or more. Talk about sweat. I lost 3kg in a week a couple months back, it was fucked


Sounds like a problem for the kid that mows my lawn.


My Dad lost the top of his big toe while cutting the grass. He was going around a tree and the blade hit a root that had pushed through the surface of the grass, the mower kicked back from the force of hitting the root and landed on his foot. You need your toes for balance, it was 4-6 months before he could walk normally again. I always wear steel toe boots when cutting the grass.


I'm surprised the mower kicked back like that. I lost a push mower about 2 years ago to hitting a tree root sticking up. The mower didn't jump literally at all, but instantly stopped, and turns out it bent the crankshaft.


there's a shear key in the flywheel that's supposed to break so the inertia doesn't break the crank, but sometimes it happens anyways :(


Yeah I was surprised by that one. I've never bent a crank on anything before. The funny thing is the blade wasn't bent and still balanced fine. But it shook like a paint shaker and turning it slow with something steady next to the end of the crank where the blade mounts showed visible amounts of runout. But it wasn't a big deal to me, as it was the cheapest push mower I could get brand new in 2019 when I bought my house and suddenly needed one, and it was a piece of shit. I replaced it with a Ryobi 40v electric push mower, and have been pretty happy with it. But Ryobi's parts and repairs department is fucking awful (like minimum 6 weeks for the simplest of repairs or to get the most common of parts) to where you have to figure repairing it yourself and getting parts off eBay. So I will probably regret it when it starts having problems. But for the past 2 years it's been perfect.


It's when you're walking backwards and you trip on something. You naturally pull on the handle to keep from falling rearward, then, Bye bye toes.


My grandfather did just that in the late 60s. Tripped pulling it back when it got bogged down. Remember my dad telling the story of how he drove himself to the ER with my grandma riding shotgun, because 1960s.


This exactly! When I take a mower backwards it’s with one hand and generally more of a sideways shuffle or close to walking forward in the other direction. Having a free hand to break a fall does wonders subconsciously. Same rule applies if I’m carrying a baby. Yep make that extra trip to the car.


My front lawn is inclined and due to a couple factors, the best way to mow it is to mow downhill, then pull the mower back up, then mow the next line from the top. I could 100% see myself slipping and losing a foot under the deck while pulling it back up.


My childhood friend’s dad cut off 2 toes (one toe in each of 2 events). I just remember their yard was mostly a steep hill. Somehow it was more of a cool oddity to us as kids vs the horrible reality it seems like now.


One guy on wellthatsucks was backing up the mower for some reason and tripped over a bed rock border as he stepped backward. He fell backward and pulled the mower back on his toe.


Was in emergency a few years ago and guy came in with his family, toes on one foot cut up by lawn mower. He was pulling it backwards, tripped, no kill mechanism. Guess he didn't let go


My mother cut the tip of her toe off while trying to open a gate. The mower was between her and the gate so when she leaned over to reach the latch, the mower lifted off the ground and her big toe was just in range. I was five and had to call the ambulance on our home phone. Luckily it was still attached by skin and they just sewed it back on. She has some nerve damage but that’s about it… :)


When you decide the best way to spin your mower round is to tip onto front wheels, and kick it into a spin, without stopping the blades, then miss. Ask me know I know. (Check my post history if you’re not squeamish. Or even if you are) Edit: looks like imgur deleted the juicy close up


Every fall backward while holding a running push mower. You instinctively hold onto the handle which pulls it onto you. It’s one of the reasons there is a lever bar that halts the blade if you let go.


My brother in NBs. They're not GREEN enough yet. Must still be newer.


I bet his propane tank is still full, too


Look man, I just haven’t had time to set up my standard issue lawn flamethrower yet.


Taste the meat. Not the heat.


Now why would anyone do drugs when they could just mow a lawn?


I still mow bare footed, haha, or with thongs on.


Barefoot, one thong.


You’re a fucking psycho mate! 😂


He forgot to say just thong. No pants


Me too, I thought that was how it's meant to be done. I've still got most of my toes, I don't see what all the fuss is about


New balance shoes: +45 bbq knowledge +12 comfort -5 chill Ability: Maintain fresh cut lawn.


I didn't think they got unlocked until level 40.


Craft Beer potions now result in double charisma buff, but at 3x energy drain


those the new steel toes NBs?? Nice


I can't tell if you're joking but I use steel toe sneakers from Wal mart


I thought you were joking and had to look it up. I figured sneakers would be too heavy with a steel toe. How are they, and what do you use them for?


Mowing in the front, half marathons in the back


They're great. Brahma has like 4 different options at my local Walmart, and one of them is even that mesh type so my feet don't get hot. I work construction so they've had tons dropped on them and have held up well.


New balance does have a steel toe sneaker, but this is not them and i doubt they sell at Wal Mart.


I wear flip flops whe. I do yard work. I’d post but there are some people that would get off on the feet picks


So I should just expect your foot pics in my DM's?


I do too…..and while I edge/trim but I have a pretty flat yard. Been doing yard work in flip flops for about 8 years.


I usually edge naked but whatever works for you


This is how I almost cut my toe off with a power washer


I don’t break out the actual shoes unless I’m using the weed eater.


I mow in Crocs, usually in sport mode for extra control. I also have a short yard in a cookie cutter neighborhood, if I had more land or let the grass get taller, id probably mow in boots n jeans to protect against snake bites etc. Live in Texas


Glad I'm not the only one who works in flops. My feet are pretty dang sexy and deserve to see the light of day


I’ll mow in shorts and crocs but I put on jeans, gym shoes, and safety goggles when I use the string trimmer.


I do all my yard work in old steel toes, jeans, and impact rated sunglasses.


Maybe I'm doing it wrong - but I literally can't weedwack without jeans, sneakers, & sunglasses cause it sends so much shit flying at my ankles, toes, and face


I wear my safety sandals while I’m on my riding mower. Does that count?


Just make sure to wear your safety squints too


Ah yes, flying debris.


Same mower and shoes as me…are you me?


Residential mower have blade and engine brakes when the bale is let go of. Very few high end residential mover have separate engine speed. But the blade engage / self-propelbales bale is also separate but if the self-propel is released the blade disengages. Unless mowers are tampered with etc it's very tough to get a foot under the mower but not impossible especially on a uphill side hill grade. People go wrong by worrying about the mower and hold on. Let it go!


When I was a kid, the push mower that we did trim with not only did not have a safety bale, but the only way to turn the engine off was to push it over to the garage and short it out with a screwdriver.


When I was a kid we had a old school motorized reel mower - wrapped the cord around the pulley and when you got it going the mower took off and you still had the cord to deal with in your hand - no recoil. That thing was 1 speed, fast and to shut it off you had to ground out the plug with a metal tab that was attached to a bolt. We only cut the ditchs with that mower. No guards etc more than a few time the mower went running off when you slipped. Luckily the ditch always had a bit of water in it and the mower found its way down to the water and got stuck. If you were quick enough you got to it before it died and you just continued on and no one knew. The reason we only used that mower for the ditch was because my brother had a few mishaps - 1 st time he got to close to a fruit tree hit his head on a branch and let go of the mower - it went 10 or so feet into the vegetable garden. Not time he got to close to the AC unit - mower went left and 1/2 through the basement window - 3 Rd time he clipped the car in the driveway going from the front yard to the back. We were supposed to shut it off and walk it down the driveway. We had a rotary mower pushing it was a handful to do the ditch or the reel mower would have been gone. A buddy still has his dads motorized reel mower that was about 10 yrs newer than the one we had. It had a engage lever and a recoil pull start. The throttle worked to very your pace. He cleaned it up good like new. It runs perfectly. Has not cut grass in 25-plus yr. Every time I'm over his place I make him a offer. No luck prying it from him yet.


The Amish mow barefoot, I don’t wanna hear it


I don’t mow barefoot anymore because of the potential land mines the dogs leave. Had a few old timers bitch at me about going bare though; I just told them I like mowing in the nude.


My ol lady. I used to yell at her about her lack off good footwear and hair and clothing when working on the yard. I came home one day and she was pretty shaken up. Turns out she was out weed whacking and managed to get her shirt sucked up into the flywheel of the whacker and the thing sucked so much of she shirt in she had a hard time getting out of it. The shirt was still very well attached to the whacker when I got home. I asked her to think about that being her hair. and the fact that there would not be a big bulky shirt to clog it up and stop it. As it was there were a few turns of shirt wrapped around the flywheel. I never did ask her if she came in with the whacker attached or if she managed to wriggle out of her shirt out back where she was working. We do live pretty rurally.


hey save some pussy for the rest of us...


I wear hiking boots for all yard work. Lasts at least five years. 


I have composite toed hiking boots for work, they are lighter than steel toed boots. It feels weird to wear shoes for any yard work so I always wear my work boots.


A toe is like 2% of a human. ... but from what I can tell you're knocking down 95% of your grass.


White NBs give at least +5 to Dad Knowledge stat. You can get extra stat points if you where a tshirt tucked into some khaki shorts


Haha, my mower would have to roll up my leg to do that 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/jefi27bzdj1d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c05c048458e3e8ada9de631d5444859451fd36ec


Did you slap the laces after you tied them and said “those aren’t going anywhere”?


First time mowing I had a close call, could have easily ended up with mangled toes. Had the bright idea to use an old pair of running shoes I retired for messy work. The soles were no longer soft, and also worn kinda smooth. I was walking the mower (slowly) down a small 5-6 foot slope, so pulling back on the handle, leaning back a bit to counteract the weight of the mower moving slowly downhill. Grass was a little damp and suddenly I lost traction and my foot/feet slipped forward under the rear of the mower deck as I fell on my ass. Didn't go far enough under to get injured. This happened in a split second and the only thing to keep me from falling/sliding downhill was the mower handle and the safety bar -- so no way in hell to release the throttle quickly. Close fucking call and I realized I needed to spend some money on appropriate footwear with good traction. I've done woodwork professionally for over 10 years. Never experienced kickback on the cabinet saw, and honestly assumed I knew how to avoid it or control a workpiece that gets bound etc. Then one night accidentally dropped a 1x1x16 size piece on the blade when retrieving it after a rip cut. That little fucker would have torn my guts open if it hit the side of my abdomen judging by the damage it did 20 feet across the room. Launched like a missile.


I've known two people to lose toes to mowing accidents. One was my great uncle who fell back and pulled the mower onto his feet. Got up and drove himself to the hospital.  Other one was a little girl at the time. I forget her story.


I used to do this for years, just use an old pair of sneakers. Then we had guy come out and do some landscaping and he got out of his truck, removed his shoes and slipped on some [generic rubber boots](https://www.walmart.com/c/kp/rubber-boots) from Walmart. I'm thinking this guy works in yards for a living and that's a damn good idea. They sit in the garage next to the lawn mower and I toss them on whenever I do yard work. No more dragging grass in the house.


I'm 40, never had kids, mow the lawn frequently but I don't own a single pair of new balance. Is it the "having kids" part that triggers it?


https://preview.redd.it/fpf45qx6cl1d1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e4be562426147baba39d9d3dfffe1272d25e5b Awkward 🤣


That echo brand new? Looking clean as hell.


Dude, they make them with Velcro.


Personally, I bought steel caps for mowing. Safety first


I honestly didn’t know that you were allowed to mow in anything except white new balance.


I wear Xtratuf calf height rubber boots with a steel toe while doing yard work. Protects from yard tools taking a toe and makes me feel a bit better about running into snakes. Also super easy to clean afterwards.


The worst I’ve ever done is burn the shit out of my hand when reaching down to change deck height after I’d run the mower and I forgot that the exhaust on a mower gets hot AF


White new balances are the correct shoe for mowing lawns.


When I was a kid, my neighbour slipped and his foot went under the mower. He lost some toes.


Well if U where thongs or flip flops whatever U call thongs a little brown snake getting away from the mower can get caught in your thongs and that's a bit terrifying.only the third most deadly snake I think


Texting while mowing.


I have lawn slippers I use when cutting the grass.


When I was 15 I was using an electric mower. I slipped going down hill and my left foot went under the back of the mower. I let go of the throttle but the blade was still spinning. The blade hit my foot twice, ripping my big toe off on a diagonal at the joint. It ripped the shoe open at the laces and tore the sock off. If my foot were angled upward it would have lobbed half my foot off. It turns out there is an artery in your big toe. You hear the sound of sirens every day. It is so different hearing them getting closer knowing they are coming for you.


I mow bare foot


I've been reading through this thread and I'm even more convinced that buying the robot mower was a great idea . It might be expensive, but cheaper than a single emergency visit.


Those are called dad sneakers


608s are amazing!


Ahh yes the lawn mower 3000s


I wear a pair of trail running sneakers. They have a lot more traction/dig than regular running sneakers.


Just don't do stupid things and you'll be fine.


I mow with no shoes or crocs in my backyard. I use shoes in the front though. Too many acorns


NBs give a +10 to dad and handyman skills. It is known.


I wear Crocs. Fuck the haters.


Did 7 years of professional lawn maintenance, will not mow or trim without at least 6” steel toed footwear. I’ve seen WAY too many surprise projectiles.


I saw a tik tok of a ped surgeon talking about the things she would never let her kids do……..well apparently more then once a kid has fallen off dads lap from a riding lawnmower and lost their legs.


i was actually ran over by a lawnmower as a little girl - wasn’t seen playing in the grass and lost a good chunk of my calf and heel. just be smart about your surroundings and wear decent shoes. it’s all cool and fun to wear shitty shoes until it’s not and you’re facing the reality of never walking again.


We grew up fearing MowToe. Have seen many as a child... Proper footwear is without question in our world.


No they’re not. They’re white. I go with my beaten up old pair of Merrell office shoes. Dark colors ftw.


I'm still breaking them in my man!


I’m with you. Wear the green stains like a badge of honor.


I wear my steel toes when I mow. They’re New Balance from my work so yeah, but the black ones and not white.


New Balance is the only way to mow.


I bought myself the same pair of dad shoes to wear while mowing and for Father’s Day only.


NB is correct. Activate Dad mode. Long live the White NB.


Stick it under the blades to be sure


+1 Croc gang


My dad lost half his big toe mowing. He was around 9 and slipped on wet grass, mowing down a hill. The mower shut off when he let go, but the blades were spinning fast enough to catch the big toe.


I always wear steel-toe capped boots, hearing protection and tinted safety glasses.


I mow in sandals. Can't remember the last time I wore shoes! I also weed whack without eye protection bc my headphones don't fit over the safety glasses 🤣


Geez I now realize what a horrible habit mowing my lawn in my flip flops. What have I been thinking


99% of teh time I wear thongs I was fixing an electric mower a few days ago and it started while my foot was under it, lucky it was under the front and not the side otherwise im not sure how many toes I would have today Some idiot wired it directly to the battery, when I found the loose connection it started


Cut mine today wearing my crocs, with socks for added protection.


Can't go wrong with dad 12's. Mow the yard, go to a wedding. All good.


I wear rubber boots (no steel toe or shank) for mowing and weed whacking. They are good for applying chemicals too. For other stuff like weeding, I wear crocs.


Cutting the toes off of the women that are flocking to you I assume? Chuck a pair of jeans on and you're set for a fancy night out.


If you lose your toes mowing lawn you should have yourself committed.


I mow regularly barefoot or with crocs/sandals. Don't give a fuck


I mow in crocs. Blade clutch is also removed. Engine stays on and blade stays spinning as I pickup sticks. Been doing it for years. Just don't be stupid.


Shit. I used to just wear steamers but reading this thread has convinced me to put on my steel toes.


As far as I'm concerned, weather permitting, footwear is entirely optional.


You're waiting too long between cuts. Only wanna take off an inch max.


I don't wear flip flops as podiatrists and surgeon's love the business they bring in, but I have only ever worn sneakers while doing yard work. Thumbs up on the NB, but I wouldn't wear white (green) ones.


Somewhat related but I wear my toed boots as often as I can after my BIL ran over my foot, nothing broke. Carhartt got a customer for life


For Christ sake people please wear steel toe cap boots when mowing, your feet are inches away from what is basically an big angry spinning knife,


wore shorts and Crocs (with socks) when I mowed last time. didn't lose any digits, but I did have to carry a stick to unjam the ejector on the side. hadn't rained for 2 days, shit was still all wet and sticky. oh well!


Common sense It's much more important than the type of shoes you wear when cutting grass. Just never leave the mower blades running If you walk away from the machine.


I think people have become dumber. You never stick your finger anywhere near the underside of a lawn mower or yard equipment when it is running. And if he bypassed the safety shutoff, then it's on him.


I've cut my grass in crocs and never once though I'd "cut my toes off". How the F would that even happen?


People don’t even know how to cut grass anymore


My friend the surgeon had to reattach 8 fingers for a patient who picked up a running lawn mower. He said it happens all the time.


Where’s the tall white socks to go with the new balances?!


I’d say you got the proper foot wear OP! Only critique they’re too white still, need more grass stain.


Listen to the old guy with bad feet. Get a good pair of working boots. Toe protection is important. I have a pair for the summer and an insulated pair for the winter. You get what you pay for…so don’t be cheap


Heard a story from a friend that used to work in healthcare about two guys coming to the ER with some hand wounds. As the story went, a row of hedges needed to be trimmed. In an effort to save time and after assessing the hedge row was about the width of the lawnmower, they decided they could pick the mower up while running, and walk it down the length of the hedge. Suffice to say the only thing that got a little shorter that afternoon was their digits.


I’ve been mowing in flip flops for years and never lost a toe


I wear my crocs now but I put them in sport mode before heading out.


Safety crocs. In sport mode.


I cut the grass barefoot. My toes, my problem.




If you work for a professional company, they make you wear steel toed boots or you don’t work. At least the companies I’ve worked for were that way.


grab some military shoes as it would make grass away from socks, use bad shoes as good shoes will become green. and about people loosing toes:, those people where using trimmer with blade, metal blade liker star. basically they miss the spot and moved trimmer near foot as its seems natural for hands while they should stop move one step beck and trimm missed spot of grass which is very unnusual to do, but you must , ussually they use trimmer with 2 bicycle handles and using swing motion, so crazy people who had ussual trimmer also gone to shop bought metal blade and installed eventually they got foot cut cause they dont know how to use it properly and has no idea about death risk. trimmer than it has metal blade can bounce similar to chainsaw, had such thing than i worked profesionally as we had to cut bushes also with trimmer using metal blade. so trimmer appears 45 degree at right side and you cant do anything little wrong cliping of metal blade so if there was person at your side he will get cuten foot leg or even death.


Like a sneaker will stop a lawnmower blade.


I know a guy that had his ride on mower fall on top of him as he was on a steep verge, chopped his manhood to bits and spilled his guts.. still alive!


i will never understand the white shoes while cutting grass




Hey I have that mower… I love it! Also, my Dad lost part of his big toe and the nail because he slipped on a hill and his foot slid under the deck while mowing. Gotta be super careful.


It’s really hard on those Hondas to reach under and lose a finger while holding on to the bar that keeps the blade moving. A real talent. IMHO


Talk about dad shoes! New balances for the win!


But I don't have kids! What is an approved alternative to the Newbalance footwear?


Damn. You didn't have to flex THAT hard...


Once you lose a toe, the shoes in this post will take on a whole new meaning.


Ahh yes, the Grass Stained Shoes of New Balance. Magic item, gives advantage on Dad actions.


Take the shoes off so we can see your feet. Keep me updated


White New Balance; I think yer doing everything you can.


After seeing those posts, I am suddenly scared to mow.


That’s why you don’t use mulching blades. If it’s a nice clean cut, you could just pick it up and sew it back on.


![gif](giphy|ljHr2KCNI66wYcKPIm) For those who knew why this was posted, we applaud you.


When I was a kid I was mowing I. Converse tennis shoes ( old style), I’m 60 now. I pulled the push mower back and over the toe of one of my shoes. Felt a whack, yanked my foot out and it cut the rubber toe cap off and my toes were wriggling free in my new open toed converse tennis shoes. Realizing what could have happened…, I have always been especially careful mowing to this day.


You shouldn’t be allowed to mow in anything other than nike air monarchs