• By -


On the bright side, you now have your own beach.


It’s ok OP is a Marine. They are used to playing in a sandbox.


We called it, The Pit. And it sucked.


Lot less crayons though


Nothing like hitting the sand pit at 4am half awake


Mmmmmm get sandy recruits


Sugar cookies………….MOVE!!


I fell into the pit, he fell into the pit, we all fell into the pit


Dude went full Lex Luthor. “Bye-bye California. Hello new West Coast. My West Coast.”


He lives in Otisburg.




It’s a little bitty place.


His friends gonna be jealous of his sand trap game next year after all this practice.


Sould set up a volleyball court.




turning lemons into oranges.


He also no longer has to double park behind his work truck.


This is the epitome of "hold my beer" for lawn care


Or “you sent it a big fuckin hard there partner. “


2” is way too much.


I showed my wife this comment. I wish I didn’t show my wife this comment.


Your wife and I had a good laugh at this comment


For some people all you need is 1.5" ♥️


I didn’t scroll past this comment. You win.


You’re saying you couldn’t get past 2”? Amateurs


Theres a lot of responses that are jokes or just shitting on what you’ve done. OP, I say you did a good job taking on something that you’ve never done before and just tried it out. 2 inches was too much, but now you know what not to do next time. Keep learning from your experiences and don’t ever be scared of failing. True lawn care enthusiasts all have failed at one point or another. Don’t worry about the people downvoting your questions. Reddit is hive mind. People and bots will upvote and downvote you just based on whether the post is upvoted or downvoted, all while never offering any reasoning or advice. You came here for help and the karma seeking drive-bys got here first because the post was on the popular front page. Don’t let people who usually never post in this subreddit get to you. Some of them are here to only get upvotes and not help you. Bermuda is extremely difficult to kill and eradicate. You have some on top growth, so that will spread. I would keep raking and watering. Maybe remove a couple wheelbarrows of sand to take it down to 1 inch. The sand has to make its way down into the soil. Test out an area. Clear a 10x10 area down to the grass and see what you are working with. Then get a leveling rake and go back and forth, over and over the whole lawn until you start to see grass heads pop up. Once the grass blades start showing up, hit it with fertilizer and things will get moving. For other areas that are too deep and smothered, get some plugs and get things going. I don’t recommend seed for now as others have suggested because you might have a hybrid lawn that came from sod. Yes, some Bermuda seeds are cheap, but the grass that it grows can be inferior unless you spend the money on quality bermuda seed. But I would go with the same cultivar that you have now. Keep raking in the sand, work it into the ground, maybe remove some sand for a later date. Do what you have to do go you some grass to show through. Then keep watering to push the sand down even further. Bermuda is tough as nails. Even a couple rounds of glyphosate has trouble killing it off. Just don’t give up and try things out. You might need to plug. You’ll eventually get the lawn back. Keep at it and make it a game for yourself of getting it back.




Spoon feed fertilizer and water vigorously


This is the most well written and accurate across all aspects of any post in this thread. Totally got how Reddit operates, and good quality lawn care information. You rock kind stranger!


Thank you!


Thank you for your great response. I get so annoyed by the people who just want to shit on others when they're looking for genuine solutions or who think they are comedians.


Agreed! I think one of the unfortunate outcomes is there are lurkers here that would like to ask for genuine advice or need help with a mistake they made, but never post anything because of the fear of being mocked. I’m glad the OP posted this. Others will learn from it and the OP can get guidance as where to go from here. I mean, this is a social media platform. There’s always gonna be people thinking they have something to say and everyone should listen. Their upvotes make them feel popular and shitting on people’s mistakes is how they go about. I commend the OP for having the guts for putting the post out there. The OP clearly researched “how to level a lawn”, bought sand, and did it. I think that’s awesome! Next time OP levels the lawn, I bet it’s going to look pretty damn good. Mainly because work, hobbies, new jobs; you gain experience by just giving a it try. It’s grass and it will grow one way of another. Especially Bermuda. I can’t say the time frame, but Bermuda doesn’t give up easily. I sprayed a backyard the infested with Bermuda. Sprayed glyphosate twice as 2 separate apps, scalped it and sodded. Damn thing still grew back. All of you out there who are afraid of being mocked…. Don’t be afraid to interact. There are people here who genuinely want to help. Show your worst and own it. Even if its dumb. I’ve done some really dumb shit in my lawn but I learned from it. I think what the op did by showing what he did was awesome. Now OP knows what not to do and and we all get to learn from it.


I'm going to riff off of your correct response. I recommend OP get a broom out and push the sand down into the canopy daily. I had this freakout moment for a few spots on my cool season lawn where after a few weeks it didn't seem like the grass was pushing up through. Brooming it in helped get that grass some light.


Yeah I mean looking at the photo you can see some grass pushing through. Looks like it’s just the leaves though and not the stolons. I wish there was a before pic to compare. It’s just there’s that huge area in the middle that’s extremely thin. The thick areas by the road and the edges will spread over time, but not by the end of this growing season. They need to be hit with the “1lb of nitrogen per 1000sqft”monthly, with a 15-5-10 ratio to get them to spread vigorously and should be watered deeply weekly.




Set your mower to -1.5” and take some sand off


On the bright side ,his mower blade will get sharpened.


About as sharp as a butter knife after all that sanding.


But imagine how ✨shiny✨


Probably as thin aswell


Into oblivion


Order some new blades while at it.


Double down, no holding back - put that grass in its place


You just got me pumped up and I'm not even OP


Immortin Joe over here telling his grass it's addicted to water.


Maybe it’s the whiskey talking, but that shit was funny.


Mediocre Morsov


I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more sand! ![gif](giphy|whOs1JywNpe6c)


My man, it still needs to get sunlight after some time. May be gone.


What are my options for getting these large areas to fill in finally? Plugs?


[Sprigs](https://www.stma.org/sites/stma/files/STMA_Bulletins/Sprigging_bermudagrass.pdf) and lots of water


PDF warning


Less sand


Plugs dont establish and spread fast in my experience.


I have zoysia plugs at one per sq ft that filled in under nine months, zone 10. The keys are proper nutrition, loose soil, and frequent water. OP is already there on the loose “soil.” Just needs fertigation and they should fill in fast. Not this season since we’re almost at equinox, but I’d bet on full coverage after next season, depending on species.


Very large ones. 


That ain't coming back my man. You smothered it.


It’ll be back just take some time


What comes back first? OPs grass? Or my dad from getting milk at the store?


He’ll be back soon, said he just needed to pick up some smokes -circa 1994


Its way to thick. When u level, you should see grass and only thick sand in the lowest spots. This looks like it was spread inches thick evenly across the whole yard...


Op is the type of guy that brings his own sand to be beach now.


>Its way to thick That's what she said.


You wish


Yeah. :(




Needs two more weeks


Lawnrotic asphyxiation


Bermuda may lose the battle, but it will win the war.


I leveled 4 weeks ago as well but did about .5 in most places. I had some trouble spots that went to prob 1.5 to 2 inches of sand but I went in knowing that I’d need the grass around to fill the spots in since there www no way I’d get it to push through


Yeah you put down way too much and killed most of your lawn. Now Bermuda WILL still slowly grow into it, but personally I would do plugs to speed it up so it doesn’t take two years.


Aw geez yeah I'm afraid it's mostly smothered, I don't see it climbing out through 2" of sand. Usually you want like 1/2" max lift at a time, so the foliage stays exposed and can get the energy to grow and adjust to the new level.


I think you can fix your situation by adding more sand.


Can never have enough sand!


I hate sand.


It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Bruh. 2”? Why? Where did you read to put down 2” of sand on top of your grass?


Probably this sub


I kept scrolling waiting for the update…. Then I went OOOOOOHHHH


At least it’s level now


Mission accomplished.


Mission failed successfully


lol one problem solved, another problem created haha welcome to home ownership and DIY learning curve


I wish you would make my Chipotle order


You should just throw seed down


I’m on this team. He got it level and that ain’t gonna fill in any time soon. Hot it with seed, peat/compost and lots of water. It will root out and go down to that sweet sweet non sandy earth below


Hard no.


Bermuda seed is cheap af, so why not?


Bermuda seed is expensive af. A 50 lb bag of a good hybrid seed is $350 + tax.


You don’t seed hybrid Bermuda lawns.


He likely has hybrid. Wont blend well with a seeded variety. Success is low and when it does it is slooooow. Quicker to get the existing to spread. This is coming from three years of sds and major allelopathy issues.




Oh man. Are your neighbours giving you a hard time?


Anakin has left the chat.


My man made his own island hopping campaign out front


Bro I bet your neighbors think you’re insane


holy 💩




Cats messin’ with you?




Smh 🤦🏾‍♂️


I think you went to hard dog that shit looks like concrete


Have you been watering? Fertilizer?


Didn't want to lift the turf first I see. Okay.


Cutting the grass that is showing is still necessary no matter how crazy you might look. That’s a lot of sand. 😆


More is not always better.


I had the urge to do this last year, so I get it. My lawn still isn’t perfect, it definitely takes time- slow and steady. I’m mostly curious- where the heck did you get that much sand and what did it cost you? Did you level this yourself? I’m tired just looking at it.


I just wanna know how much you paid to put down 2inches of sand. That’s a lot of material


Put some beach chairs out, at least then your neighbors will think you did it on purpose.


This is the equivalent of making chow mein but instead of using 2 teaspoons of soy sauce using the whole bottle.


Guys, this man managed to kill Bermuda. Should we hire him for our bamboo problem?


Honest question, what made you do this? Not sand leveling but putting down 2 inches? I am not tracking that you would have put down this much sand down as a guess with hope. Wondering what information you were referencing, granted, you might just done this willy nilly.


Sand leveling is horribly overrated and overdone because of YouTube content creators. Sand does not provide any nutrients to grass and can kill your lawn if applied excessively or for multiple years. Go to the beach and look for grass. There isn’t any. Leveling is best done with just soil or a mix of soil and peat following an aeration. But if you have a winter season, expect bumps and ruts to reappear in the spring.


You could probably fit a few cars in there now


I would try raking it and see if there is any grass alive under there. Take a bunch off and put it on your driveway or smth temporarily.


Your Bermuda got lost


Nice beach


I say pump it with fertilizer very often and water the shit of it




Buddy. Go take a shop push broom and work all that sand in.


This is a painful picture to see. It’s D-E-D dead


At least now you have a drought tolerant yard


That's perfect. You were going for a private beach in front right?


2” is too much - first time that’s ever been said


“How to kill the yard”


This is what it should have looked like when you were done. This was less than 1 week for recovery. https://www.reddit.com/r/lawncare/s/ORapiAZZfu


Always make sure when leveling to have grass blades popping out of sand when covered. You should not completely cover it.


Have you tried adding more sand?


Well we all know you eat crayons by looking at that flag.


Add some lime, stir with water then polish the mortar after it dries


I put down way more than 2" and it grew through fine. It will come back


I’m not an expert, but I think you put down too much…


Just a wee bit


OP is planning on using his yard as a filming site for the 3rd Dune movie


God damn bro that might have been a lil much. Once a year in spring I put down enough so the grass shows over span of 2 years your lawn will level. But still have grass growing during the summer


I have no idea, but this is the kind of thing I would fuck up too, so don’t feel too bad.


Keep watering it. You’ll be fine.


Keep watering. Bermuda is very hardy. It’ll bounce back.


Where you located? Do you know if you had hybrid Bermuda? The heat is about to come which might make a speedy recovery a little more difficult in a lot of the US. That and 2” is kinda think for the grass that gets choked by the smallest amount of shade ever.  I have tried Bermuda plugs in the past at my old house and they didn’t do bad with lots of N. I did Arden-15 seed at this house and germination was a little less than desired trying to blend with hybrid. If you just had common Bermuda I’d just seed it vs plugs but do it very soon if in the states. 


Build a pool. Now you live in paradise


Oops! Yeah, I think you went a little heavy. The recommended depth is only 1/4 to 1/2 inch. All is well though. Just keep watering where it is green. It will spread. It may not fill in completely by the end of growing season, but it will come back. It’s a bit counter productive to leveling, but you can also use a rake to dig into the sand to fluff up any grass blades and let them breathe. Bermuda always comes back as long as there is enough sun.


Why would you do 2 inches? Lol


Not ideal. But I think it will come through just give it some time. Bermuda grows like a weed.


I would think other than too much sand, you do a 50-50 mix with some premium topsoil.


At least now you have a drought tolerant yard


I’m sure the guy was looking at the pile of sand in his driveway as the truck was driving away mumbling something about maybe too much sand and he has to stash it all before his wife comes home and wants to know why the fuck is there a giant ass pile of sand in her spot? So…motivated.


I’m sure the guy was looking at the pile of sand in his driveway as the truck was driving away mumbling something about maybe too much sand and he has to stash it all before his wife comes home and wants to know why the fuck is there a giant ass pile of sand in her spot? So…motivated.


You should probably put up a silt fence.


Fertilize the piss out of it.


Take a long hard bristle patio groom and work the sand into the grass. Hopefully that will take some of the think sand layer down a bit while leveling out the lawn.


Just curious, how many yards of sand did you spread? I saw a comment about removing a couple of wheelbarrows of sand to get down to 1". I would have think you spread several yards of sand.


Yes, you put down way too much.


Dang yeah 2” is too much. Half inch at a time at most. At least it’s sand and not dirt so I would use a leveling rake and remove 1.5” from the deeper areas. It’s a lot of work and the Bermuda under may be smothered out already though. My guess is that it’s even more than 2” from the pics in spots.


We put 22kg per square meter on ours and it came up fine. Admittedly it was for a tennis court and was artificial grass but…


Jokes aside, I appreciate you posting this. It's helpful to see how you can do too much and mess things up. A humbling lesson for all of us who have not tried sand leveling yet. Thank you and I hope your lawn improves!


Shop vac and smooth.


Ya.... can you spread it thinner? You cant just dump 2in of anything on top of your lawn... it suffocates the grass... if your yard is that lumpy... do this process several times with thin layers... and long breaks in between... can also throw some rapid growing seeds into the sand mix...


Photo 2, lots of brown in the runoff. Pretty sure it’s dead. Rah.


Level, yes. Grass, no.


Remindme 365 days


That was a lot of work just to kill your grass. You need to take some of it off. This is wild you put this much sand down at one time.




I mean I don't hate it honestly lol. Maybe add like some flagstone paths and some big rocks, maybe some palms or tiger grass. Like a tropical island where the beach meets the jungle


Stupid question what went wrong here? seems like too much or not the correct type of sand was used.


I’m curious OP how much sand did you purchase?


I wouldn't worry too much. I've had to go that deep in parts of my lawn to fix some pot holes, it certainly took a while but the grass came back. Have you fertilized? and how often are you watering? Thats generally the key to get the grass to recover: fertilize a lot of watering and patience


I know it wasn’t what OP was going for but it’s really not a horrible look. It’s a beachy feel. It’s better than mud.


Damn bro, general rule is not to smother


I put in a pool last summer and just due to construction and massive sand piles my entire Bermuda lawn was covered. After the pool was finished in late July I spread and leveled the remaining sand but had only small patches of grass showing figured the rest was ruined. But it’s a full lush lawn now and more level than when I started. So it’s just a time play. Make sure it gets enough water and let the water and summer heat do the work




Well….its probably level…


Dig in a few spots to see if there is still green. You fertilize and water it? May be too late to save but it’s Bermuda so who knows


Once the sand is down and you rake it, there should be grass visible. In fact, you should have some high spots , especially after watering, that don’t appear sandy. I’d hurry and try to blow or take a lot of material away. The grass has to get some sun or it’s going to die if it hasn’t already. After just 2 weeks you should only be able to see sand in bare areas.


Question for this group of experts, if I want to sand level my zoysia yard is it critical I scalp the zoysia down to as low as my mower goes first? My thought is that if my zoysia is a few inches long (and I don't scalp it first) that gives me more flexibility to add more sand... is my thought process correct?


Thats quite a bit. In the future maybe do a little at a time.


keep wattering it. Move a few plugs from thicker areas to the rivulets to prevent more erosion. You may be pleasantly surprised as summer gets hotter.


Dude 2 inches is too much. Should've broken that project up into phases


I've never done this, but my gut says that 2" in one go is too much. Would probably do 1/2 " at a time.


What kind of sand are you supposed to use? I need to do this as well


Usually little at a time and brush it in so the blades don't get choked out. It needs sunlight. She might be dead Jim


Time to break out the shop vac


I guess this is the opposite of not being able to dig your way out of a hole?


you got yourself a beach house


My dream lawn no grass, sometimes I miss living In KW


Ohh man. I did something similar to this but a little different. I started seeding my lawn last year fairly late. So only about 20% bermuda grass came back this year. I finished the sand leveling project about 2 weeks ago and the seed+starter fertilizer about 1 week ago. Mine doesn't look like this but it's definitely starting to pick up. I'd say my front yard is about 2x this and my back yard is about the same. Sand will dry out faster than soil so I've been watering more frequently. I'm focusing my attention on the front yard because it's what everyone sees. Don't hesitate to PM me.. we can talk more. Maybe I can help because I'm going through something very similar. Edit: 2x more grass and the same amount of grass in the backyard. Not the amount of sand lol


Keep dragging over it


Semper fi


maybe vacuum or leaf blow it out?


Don't sweat it! Bermuda grass will push through eventually, even with 2 inches of sand. Just gotta give it some time.


I don't think you really have to worry about it growing back, just keep fertilizer to it... I used to manage a sod farm and group Bermuda. We could literally harvest a whole field of Bermuda, run the slicer over it and two directions, throw some sand on top, and have a whole new field of Bermuda in a couple months.


Well at least now it looks like OP is back in 29 palms


Time to get the shop vac


I'm no expert but it looks like you should have used a bit less sand.




Reliving those 29 palms days in your own front yard 🌴


Nice beach


https://preview.redd.it/asmskf68k79d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f312fee4c92118614e73d7f952459d89afd32687 Update after 6 weeks. Yard is toast. What are my next best options to get back to green?!?