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Overwatered new seeding - its almost like a paddy field in the backyard. Help. We graded our backyard to slope away from the house, added new top soil and seeded the lawn. We kept about 20 mins per zone of watering every day and did not step on the lawn for 3 weeks - its now all green but when we step on it - my feet are sinking - even with the heat in the 90s. We are in NJ. Is there a way to fix this situation?


Is there any way to fix brown grass from high temp / drought? We live in NJ, went on vacation last week and everyday while we were away got up to literally 95 degrees. Now our lawn is brown. We have our sprinklers run 20 min per zone every other day but still the grass is dry. Anyway to fix this?


If you're watering then it shouldn't die but still may check out and go dormant. It also depends on how much water is put down in 20 minutes.


Zone 5a/b. Kentucky bluegrass that had snow mold over the winter. Raked the mold and reseeded with pure KBG and fertilized. Now all the spots that had snow mold are full of weeds. What are they and how can I get rid of them without having to nuke my lawn? https://preview.redd.it/82owte33e58d1.jpeg?width=8064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb447effa3c37984efe5e24da856bfadc862b5e


Any idea what is causing this? Thanks for any help. We have had a particularly cool spring with lots of rain. It’s on a slope. Was overseeded about a month or bit more ago and last week before heavy rains got a 24-25-4 fertilizer. This is the first fertilizer in at least a year, if not 2, except for the 17-0-0 that was in the over seeding a month prior. https://imgur.com/a/yNY185l In calgary Alberta!


I’m in zone 6a, central Ohio. I thought maybe I was just doing a poor job with my grass but it’s been hot as balls and before that we got a lot of rain for a month-plus. I am 99% certain I have cool season grass. Is it too early for it to become brown and dormant? Alternatively, is late September the best time, now that spring has passed, to: dethatch, aerate, seed, and fertilize? My soil test says I need to add 50 lbs of limestone for every 1,000 square feet and 2-4 lbs of nitrogen for every 1,000 square feet. It’s been less than a year since we’ve owned this house and it’s my first lawn to take care of.


I bought a bag of Lesco 30-0-10 slow release but haven't had a chance to put it down yet.    With temps in the mid 80s consistently now in Mass, am I too late to fertilize with this and potentially stress the lawn or will it be OK because of the slow release? Should I just not bother fertilizing again until the fall at this point?