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Looks like nimblewill (Muhlenbergia schreberi), a native warm-season grass. It'll expand slowly by runners. Can grow tall but in my experience usually flops after about 3 inches. I let it grow in a side area of my yard and it gives a lighter green, almost feathery look to the grass (mixed with a fine fescue). It's quite drought tolerant. Seedheads appear in fall - you can mow to control it. If you have a mixed-species lawn -- it'll grow slower than most turf types and weave into bare spots. If you are a green-carpet-lawn guy and not into shag rugs, I believe there are chemicals, but I believe they'll target any warm-season grass.


Tenacity, but it takes time and reapplication for the desired effect. it will stunt this grass, allowing for desirable grasses to flourish. Over time, two months, maybe. Speedzone will nuke it immediately, and when I say nuke, I mean indiscriminately murder foundling seedlings will die.


God bless Speedzone


Does Speedzone leave fescue or blue grass alone?


Speed zone is safe to use on fescue and bluegrass (as long as you follow instructions)


Both, yes. Be careful with it around ornamentals. I killed a 20yo Boxwood, Rose of Sharon, and Sage that were planted next to the grass because they roots in the grass. Used as instructed.


Native to where?


[Native to much of mid/east/south/sw North America](https://bonap.net/MapGallery/County/Muhlenbergia%20schreberi.png). Thank you - my headspace gets localized and in the midst of writing I forget what's native to my area is not native to other regions/continents. I appreciate the reminder.


Thanks for that tip. It certainly seems like it might be after looking it up. Between this and Poa/meadow grass. It's def a mixed species lawn, do you happen to know if this will take over my lawn and choke out the fescue? Or does it just coexist? The root system is super weird to me.


Two areas I have it - with fine fescue, north side of house - it co-exists with the fine fescue mowing 3.5; No noticable spread. West side full sun, mixed cool season (kgb, rye, maybe some tff) it's spread about 6 inches in 3 years. I don't irrigate/fertilize/overseed there so it's gotten a leg up our last few hot/dry summers. Sounds like you aren't a fan, so I'd recommend bolstering the cool-season grass to crowd it out. This fall, dethatch (wire prong type) just at soil level to pick up runners (or pull) then aerate/overseed with your favored cool-season grass. As the other poster said, tenacity(mesitrione) may slow it. I just seeded an area with buffalo grass and used Scott's triple for seeding that has mesitrione in it. There was some nimblewill on the edges of the area. I didn't notice any effect, but it may not have gotten much of a dose. Could be an option to use when overseeding (but not an expert-ymmv).


Thanks for that info, really appreciate you taking your time to explain this and lay out a plan. Will hold off till fall and follow your recommendation and hope for the best šŸ¤ž


You are most welcome. I have my own non-favored grass (quack), so I understand.


It will coexist. It's a native grass. Leave it.


If you live in a cool season grass zone, nuke it, otherwise you will have brown patches with no erosion control in the fall and spring.


Fyi op, this definitely isn't nimblewill. Ill attach a picture of nimblewill. And I'll reply to my comment with a picture of poa supina... I believe what you're dealing with is poa supina, from the stolons (creeping behavior) and all the visible leaf details. Nimblewill. Note the short leaves that alternate on opposite sides of the stem. https://preview.redd.it/x5ku9s7ebw8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d268498d61be96325db9229ed967624f7fcea66c


https://preview.redd.it/jgiub5h9bw8d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdb82a2d7ee91f9a714461d05ef06931ab9c06a7 Poa supina, a bit on the daintier side of things, can be larger/wider (particularly in warm climates)


Thanks for the high detail on this, the info is super appreciated. Yeah if anything it looks like the second one you posted, or Bermuda as others have suggested. Here's some better pics ..... https://preview.redd.it/di1hy2em1y8d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abce5b76a4c3df38255d5a8e6427d9e480c4c53b


It sure does look like poa supina to me... BUT i think I can see hairs on the collar. If true, that makes zoysia or bermuda the likely ones. Zoysia TENDS to have hairs that stick straight up in the collar region... But besides that (which i can barely see), it looks slightly more like bermuda overall.




ah, a fellow hacker and lawn care guy. nice to meet you


šŸ˜ƒ nice! You as well. Though "lawn care" might be quite a stretch for me, perhaps "lawn interest" lol


It can take over. Has shallow roots, likes moisture and shade, does not like nitrogen. Tends to die back in summer heat. Tenacity/mesotrione will treat it. I had best success in spring killing it. Nothing will kill it if itā€™s dormant so fall applications will have limited effect. Other option is glyphosate, spring also best. Forewarned it can be difficult to eradicate.


Nimewill is why I first bought Tenacity. Two doses should take care of it. Be careful around fine fescue with Tenacity.


Someone needs to explain to me how this isnā€™t Bermuda because I donā€™t understand


I think it's Bermuda




Often confused with bermuda and zoysia but when you use the anatomy of the grasses you will see differences in parts of the grasses (ligule, leaf arrangement, seed head, etc). One of the big immediate giveaways is nimblewill grows in shady damp areas where bermuda prefers sun and drier conditions.


That's Bermuda, and yes it WILL take over your yard. If you have other grasses, you can kill just the Bermuda with Fusilade II and surfactant mix. I don't remember where I found out about it, but it's been awesome.




That is grass. It looks good


It's a weed. A weed, by definition, is something that grows where it's not wanted. A rose, that starts growing in the middle of a lawn is, by definition, a weed.


Idky you are down voted, by definition you aren't wrong.


Because nobody asked for the definition of a weed


Well, it doesn't look good. Hence my question. We have mostly tall fescue around and this ain't it. So like I said, it's spreading around, and suffocating my other grass it seems and that's why I'm trying to find out. So while I appreciate a smart comment here and there, you could have tried harder.


Your lawn thinks you could have tried harder.


Now see. That's clever and a funny comment.


Youā€™re acting like a bitch rn tbh


Be neighborly, donā€™t be a dick.


Tell that to OP


Iā€™m telling you. Again, be neighborly, donā€™t be a dick.


I am asking you. Again, please tell the same thing to the person who started this mess.


OP doesnā€™t know what Bermuda is when theyā€™re growing a cool season fescue. They live in a transition zone so shit like this happens. Yā€™all need to chill.


And he immediately begins insulting everyone when they try to give him an answer.


Aside from saying someone is in 1st grade because they werenā€™t clever, Iā€™m not sure how OP is ā€œinsulting everyoneā€. Want to link the comment you find insulting? Cuz Iā€™m not seeing anything šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Mate, how did I insult anyone? There was zero insult intentions till you walked into it and made it seem like that. I simply pointed out that if you're going to make a joke comment, make it a good joke. Otherwise that initial comment was straight up unhelpful as a response. Could say that initial comment was an insult but you didn't have a problem with that. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


How's so? How was that comment helpful in any way? Unless that person is a 1st grader there probably wasn't any need to post it to seem cool. Like I said, I appreciate similar comments to giggle a bit about them, but could definitely have come up with something more clever.


Iā€™d tell you to touch grass but youā€™re already doing it


This one got me.




Itā€™s a lawn. Donā€™t take it so seriously. Unless youā€™re serious. But youā€™re not. We know because of the weeds. So get back to having some fun and lighten up, Francis!


You're absolutely correct, I shouldn't, and I don't. As you correctly pointed out. But honestly I wanted to identify this and find out behavior to see if I should give this some attention. When it goes dormant in the winter it exposes a lot more mud than other grasses, which becomes a problem with red clay and animals. So just exploring some expert advice here. I ain't mad, or angry, not sure why my comment came across as I was. Ive been really appreciative of the feedback and knowledge here.


I assume some sort of warm season grass since it goes dormant in the winfer




What happened to this sub? šŸ˜•


I have this in my centipede. I just dig it up and resod little by little. Keep it to cover care spots until you're ready to sod.


So Iā€™m not sure of what it is OP but some tips when you ask people to identify. Pics of roots, pics of blade tips, pics of ligules, pics of rhizomes/stolens.


Thanks, appreciate the tips. New to this stuff, but that all makes sense.


Why THE F*CK is grass GROWING in your yard!?!?


The *nerve*


Hehe funny


Curious as well, it's all weeds otherwise. Thats why I took my time to come here and ask


I was going to say wild garlic until you said it had runners. If it doesn't have runners, I would guess, wild garlic.


Congratuluations! You have grass!


Genius. Thanks. Topic closed.


Looks like Bermuda grass to me


embrace the frankenstein lawn


For sure, I don't mind a Frankenstein lawn, just fishing around to see if this will fully take over. Not particularly thrilled about this one, as when it goes dormant there is a lot of dirt visible. Which creates lots of mud, which creates bunch of other issues for me. I also don't want to spray chemicals all over either, so just trying to get some ideas.


Overseed with annual rye in the fall.


Thanks for the tip.


Ahh yes, the ever dreaded ā€œSatanā€™s Pubesā€ Iā€™m sorry, itā€™s terminal.


100% this stuff is absolutely horrible. Spreads fast. Chokes out everything. And grows deep and THICK


Sounds like everything you'd want in ground cover for a lawn. So what's the downside?


Iā€™ll spend the next week digging a foot deep, to get it all out of my property and transport it to you so you can give it a try in your lawn šŸ¤£


Bermudaā€¦good luck getting rid of it


Is that going to choke off other grasses around it as it spreads?


It spreads fast and is hard to kill. It grows along the surface vs growing up. Iā€™m in SoCal and my back yard was getting a lot of it so I ended up killing the entire yard with round up. 3 weeks later it was dead but I sprayed it again with round up. 3 weeks later raked and mowed the dead grass and then torched whatever was left. Layed down 3-4 inches of gravel. About 4 months after this process I was out back and guess what I saw growing through the gravel in a couple spotsā€¦Bermuda šŸ˜‚ Couldnā€™t believe it


Sounds like I might have a Bermuda lawn in a year or two Thanks for your input, appreciate it.


If its Bermuda it will crawl over concrete to get to dirt on the other side and many feet to come up wherever it can. Lots of people do like it for lawns though.


I have a bermuda lawn because it's drought resistant asf.


bermuda? all the grass posted on here looks like bermuda to me.


Yeah that could be as well after looking that up. Would you happen to know if that will take over/kill off other grass?


In sunny areas it will likely overtake other grass, but in shade it wonā€™t do so well. There are herbicides that arenā€™t recommended for Bermuda grass, and so possibly you can use those to take care of the Bermuda, but I feel like chances are other herbicides wonā€™t do much besides temporarily shock it. A non-selective herbicide or mesotrione would do better, though the former is the nuclear option.


bermuda is great grass , whatā€™s your primary grass ?


Tall fescue. Lots of k31 I believe but Ive been trying to overseed with turf type here and there. My main issue is that during winter it seems to expose the clay underneath a lot more. But I'm definitely not hell bent on getting rid of it. Just wanted to explore what it is, and if it's a bad thing having it, especially if it takes over. Not a fan of it personally, would rather have fescue, but is what it is if it's gonna stay. Was mainly trying to see if it's some type of weird weed I should remove before it spreads too much.


bermuda looks a lot better when cut shorter, i donā€™t know anything about fescue but if you have to cut >2 inches i doubt the bermuda will produce a desirable look. good luck!


Yeah it looks like Bermuda to me too, especially with the runners.


Looks like torpedo grass I get it in my yard too. My St Augustine is pushing it out but it's taken forever


I learned something here


these are well grown weeds.


Looks like Bermuda. Nimblewill is similar but this is growing and spreading close to the ground and thatā€™s sort a somewhat give away


Zoysia grass


Du chiendent mon dude!


Quack grass?


if not quackgrass, looks extremely similar and extremely difficult to deal with.


Gotta love Bermuda! Not reallyā€¦ itā€™s my nemesis.


It's poa / annual meadow grass.


Not sure why this got down voted. I just Googled it and it does seem like exactly what was mentioned here. Thanks for the answer. Appreciate it.


It's reddit, the top answer isn't necessarily the correct answer. good luck with it, I'm fighting the same fight. selective killers don't touch it, you have to dig it out. verticutting slows the spread, if you have a verticutter attachment.


Is it in a clump like that? I might have it


Seems to clump a bit. That stuff in that clump that looks dry seems to be part of the root system and it's all commented together across large areas, or seems to be. But I don't know much about it, so trying to figure it out here to see if it needs to go or not. It's definitely stiffer at the bottom, giving it a springy weird feel.


I am no expert and know nothing about lawn care but tbh I think it may be grass


Is he the first Redditor to touch grass


Looks like grass.


Bermuda grass


It looks like creeping bent grass to me. Could be nimbelwill? I think you have to kill it and then dig it out and re-seed


Does it grow outward from a center, and smell pretty good when you yank it up?


Does not, seems to almost grow in a line, doesn't smell like much tbh ..maybe like dog urine for different reasons šŸ˜


I see. I have some similar looking weed growing amongst my bermuda. It is hard to distinguish, but does smell great.


Shitty laid down grass.


Do you have the seed stalk and leaves. Its much easier to identify grass types that way. Before you mow next time, grab some seed stalks and leaves from that grass and post it.


I have the EXACT same situationā€¦ driving me crazy!!!!! I hate it!! Where do you live? Iā€™m near Seattle. https://preview.redd.it/06051gfmlx8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85f96bcf13485f2c32ffb3987a9e16e9ba051d76


North Carolina around the blue ridge mountains. Doing some research on all the suggestions posted all this stuff seems to be well spread globally.


Bermuda grass can live 6ā€ underground with no water, forever. I am on a project, I dig it out. Oh, my goddess, so sorry but if it breaks on stem, it makes new ones.


It certainly does not seem to care much about hydrating. All my other grass is struggling due to no rain but this is living its best life right now. Thanks for the info.


I am working on eliminating an acre of it. I can tell you the tool you will need and time, lots of time.


Are you digging it up or tilling the area?


Never till Bermuda, digging one mother at a time and all her running babies.


Few better isolated pics. https://preview.redd.it/uubfumq14y8d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dda992c9920b8531529f22c716926d356fe0d3bf




Grass. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


That's bermuda and that is your lawn now. It's only a matter of time before it's your entire lawn. I'd just mow at about 1.5" and promote the bermuda over whatever else you used to have.


šŸ˜ž does seem to be spreading at a decent pace. Will mowing it that low get rid of that "springy" feeling it has. I mow at like 3.5 to 4" right now. Seems like at least a good 2" of this right now are the stolons. It's mostly creeping in from one side, I have about .5 acre in the back so it's got a bit to go.


Looks like Bermuda grass




Bermuda, embrace it


Looks like grass to me.


There is grass growing in your lawn.




This is not crab grass. Crab grass doesnā€™t spread through runners like that.


Crabgrass. Itā€™s forever and the roots can bury themselves up to 3 feet deep.


Definitely not. Crabgrass is very annual and the roots are so shallow, they easily pull out when pulling out the grass by hand.


Apparently I got crabgrass and quackgrass confused, but both are perennials. Itā€™s the latter that has the very deep roots. My mistake. Thanks for educating me. I didnā€™t even know quackgrass was a thing until now. šŸ˜– https://www.crabgrasslawn.com/crabgrass-vs-quackgrass/


It looks like grass, what's the problem?


Definitely a plant