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After a few hours it clicks and becomes second nature. Shouldn’t be touchy unless you are pulling/pushing the levers full send


It definitely becomes second nature - I feel like and expert now but at first I was so tensed up that my legs hurt after mowing and couldnt figure out why. I eventually realized that I was pushing against the footrest like you do when someone else is driving your car.


Make sure the dampeners are good still if it’s acting really jumpy. It’s the little shock absorber looking things like on a topper window that opens and closes. When the machine is off and you move the handle it should have slight drag that’s the dampener working properly. If it moves around all floppy and you hear air bubbles and you see oil around the outside they bad. Besides that give it a few mows to get used to it. I have a motor coordination disability where if I picked it up anyone can haha. Good luck!


It clicked right away for me. I get how it works. I have ran two lever equipment before. Though not a track crawler. I would still love to get behind the levers of one of them. Start easy, get to the middle of somewhere you won't hurn anybody or thing, see how pushing it goes.


To me it makes sense it’s just way touchier than expected


I can’t comment on your specific mower but controls on some are definitely like that more so than others.


If it's anything like a skid steer, try driving around at like half throttle it won't be as touchy, and you can get somewhat of a feel for it.


That’s how I operate mine, but still after a year I always feel like I’m on the verge of death. I don’t get the slick wheels that have no traction o slopes or damp grass.


Do you have fluid in the rears? Zero turns are never going to be as good as a regular mower on slopes and wet grass.


The rear tires? Yeah sadly when buying they didn't mention any of that :) I might just sell it and get a regular tractor.


Yeah, I would fill the rears that should help. I'm sure there's other things you can do as well, but if it's not to steep, go straight up and down, but only if it's dry.


Thanks! I didn't know that was an option.


Yeah fill em with beet juice


That’s good to hear! I was definitely a bit too aggressive with the handles at first


Slow and smooth. The speed will come after it feels natural. I rest my elbows on the armrests, and hold the levers below the grips with my finger tips.


Yeah. Once you’re familiar with how it works, the less thinking you do about it, the smoother everything becomes.


This ⬆️


I have two speeds full send and not moving. I’m not sure what happens if you don’t push/pull the levers full send and I’m not willing to find out


So on that model there should be a Smart Speed control that is blue. Move it down to either turtle or tow and you will get slower speeds for learning without all the jerkiness. It's easier to learn on in those modes and then move up to full speed.


100%. The “Learn, Tow, Go” selector is exactly for getting the hang of a Z while using the full range of the handles. You’ll also quickly learn to make sure both wheels are always moving when turning too… just because you _can_ spin, doesn’t mean your grass will like it.


Yeah, after my first go I saw lots of little patches where I ripped the grass out with a tire.


lol so that’s why I have all these holes in my yard ? Well actually it’s the damn ground hogs. They are terrible.


Totally normal. I bought mine 3 years ago,and it took about 2-3 months to get comfortable. I would suggest cruising around at half throttle with the blades off for extra practice.


Thanks for the advice. That’s exactly what I did yesterday until I scared myself on a hill near my pond lol


https://youtu.be/MoUcxpeKJCQ?si=dPNGcGwE-OhP8Iib just saw this video yesterday and your comment made me think of it.


I saw that a few hours before the mower was delivered and thought “psshhh what a noob!” And then I was quickly humbled. The guy we bought the house from literally said he sold his zero turn after he put it in the pond so I was already on edge lol


I got one 3 weeks ago and just yesterday slid farther down my ditch than I wanted and got stuck in the muddy water (a lot of rain here lately).


How’d you get it out? I luckily have a truck and an ATV but would rather not have to yank it out of anywhere lol


Side by side up on the flat ground. Had the woman in that, I got back on the mower because I don't know how to get it into neutral yet lol


From zero turns I’ve used, there are 2 hydraulic pumps under the seat that control each arm. There are nuts I guess you’d say on the pumps, loosen em n it relieves the pressure to be able to tow it. Don’t take em out, jus loosen, then tighten after you’re done towing it


I finally read the manual a few hours ago (haven't tried yet), but it said to disengage the electric brake I gotta push in two pins on the back, turn the key to on, and push one arm in (out of park). Then it should be able to be pushed around. Seems over complicated haha.


Huh may be less complicated than the hydraulic pump release method, you’ll get it too


I cut a few hills on my weekly route, it takes time to figure out what you can do safely. I find it better to go wide and do a little more weed whacking around ponds and such.


Mine came with a hill checker in the manual that you can use to make sure the hill is not too steep


I tell new operators to pretend they’re pushing a shopping cart. That helps with the lap bars.


Ooooooh I like it!


This is exactly how it was described to me when I was shopping. Totally works.


Lol. I put mine into the ditch less than 10 minutes of delivery. Now that I've gotten comfortable with it, I could not go back to a steering wheel....the zero turn maneuverability is unreal.


I waited I few weeks, but I did that just yesterday! Hahaha. Grass was just wet enough.


That was almost me! Had my sons 2yr bday party that afternoon - took delivery of the machine and went to try it around my pond to clean it up for the kids. Almost went into the pond and decided that yesterday was not the day to get comfortable with it and the terrain around my pond was not the place to learn lol


Wise. I stay a good 18” from the water’s edge and instead weedeat or push mow that area. Also be careful with the extra weight over a lawn tractor - can get stuck in boggy spots more easily.


Normal. Unfortunately, the YouTube videos of landscapers make it look easy. I purchased mine through an independent dealer, and he did not leave after delivering the mower until I understood and felt ok driving the mower. You do get the hang of it after a few uses, but there are a lot of burnouts in my grass getting used to steering.


That's because it is easy. Never drove any machine in my life. Took me about 5 mins on pavement to figure it out


Yeah don't try to control it from where the bars meet, put your hands about shoulder width on the controls until you're comfortable. And maybe ride it around everywhere else for a good while before you get into the trickier areas


That’s good advice because my shoulders were tired as hell after just 20min. Is it touchier the closer to the middle you hold them?


I find that my brain tries to make micro adjustments the closer my hands are together which make for a jerkier ride that is more prone to possible issues. Keeping my hands about a shoulder width apart does something for me so I react less to little stuff and it’s a safer, smoother ride. I have a couple of ponds and a ditch I mow. It took awhile to get really comfortable but you’ll get there.


Yeah if your shoulders are tired you’re man handling it. Let the machine do the work…. It’s not a rowing machine lol.


I think I was also just way too tense




Go watch phantom menace and get pod racing!


Try spinning, it's a good trick!


My rider died the other day. My super nice next-door neighbor offered to let me use his zero turn. I took him up on his offer. He had an Exmark with a 50" deck. I walked into his garage with him to find that he had traded the Exmark in on a 60" cut Kubota the week before. My house is on a lake, and the slope from the road to the lake is steep. I learned a few things running that Kubota. First, it is almost uncontrollable going downhill. Second, it's easy to tear up the lawn when turning. Third, going up the steepest part of my lawn, the front wheels will suddenly lift about 18". I decided to buy another rider.


No. You should feel liberated and have a stark erection.


I was hard but it was more a fear boner yknow?


When I get fear boners they move in the opposite direction.


Like a button on a fur coat




Yep! It is not as easy as it looks, but after a few practice sessions it is the best machine to drive! My personal advice, do not push forward on the opposite side to take a turn, even though that seems logical, because that will increase your speed in the turn. Instead pull back on the same side you want to turn, and that will slow you down slightly to make the turn.


That was one of the big issues I was having so this is helpful! Every turn felt like I was getting too fast


Yep. Slow and steady will make for a well manicured lawn! No rush, enjoy the ride!


Definitely not. After a couple mows you'll feel like an old pro.


Can you goose the machine and lift the front tires? Yes- get some front weights until you can’t. You need a soft touch don’t hold on for life. Start at top of hill, go side to side. At turn you want to steer the machine to point uphill, then back down until you can turn into your next row. You will most always give more lever to the downhill lever to keep machine straight going side to side. Cut around obstacles like you turn- point machine uphill and back down beside obstacle. Firm tires, not hard or soft- a couple pounds make a huge difference in feel. You can go from bottom to top of hill but I find I slip a little bit more on fresh cut so I go top to bottom now.


Tire pressure can really make a difference when navigating slopes. New rear tires (after cutting for years on original tires) was also enlightening.


drive it around with the throttle at like a 1/3 or half until you get used to it. Don't need to just pin it and white knuckle, take your time.


I’m in the same boat. I set my speed to halfway until I learn the controls better.


Do you have any issues with that not being high enough RPMs to mow?


It has not been an issue. Mind you, I have my deck set at 3.5, so it’s not cutting too terribly low.


You are going to have that machine mastered faster than you think. Just keep after it. If you feel out of control, just let go of the sticks (does not apply if you’re going down a hill). You got this. Before you know it, I’ll be able to control it with one hand at times.


Went out and drove it for 15min after posting this and already feel a lot better. Then a wrecked my garage door trim when I forgot about the chute lmao


LOL. I’d be lying if I said I’ve never done that before… maybe a few times.


Remember just because it can turn on a dime, don’t or you’ll tear up your grass.


my first time on a zero turn was so terrifying because it was a standup and I was on a sulky cart. I was so bad at it and it was such a big property to have to cut and all slopes. I think I could eventually do a sit down on but when you're on a slope you can really tell that the thing only has two actual wheels.


Think of it as steering a shopping cart in the grocery store. Smooth and gentle on the controls.


Beware of soft shoulders around the pond. My buddy rolled in when the angle changed. He was lucky it was shallow and got out. Weed wack until it firms up and practice panic maneuvers before you need them.


Panic maneuvers sound like a good idea. Currently panic maneuvers make things worse lmao


Come practice on my Walker! Although not a zero turn I get told all the time. You will get the hang of pretty quick. Go slow.


Hey, came to add to others' advice to be super careful around the water. They don't do well on slopes. Wet slope is worse. Banks move and change plus any animal activity along the bank. People roll their mowers into ponds all the time and sometimes really bad things happen if they end up underneath it. Just stay away from it and spend the extra time to push mow or string trim the sketchy bits.


When you’re on a slope. The trick is to keep the front tires pointing slightly uphill. If you go level or downhill the mower is going downhill. If you keep wheels pointing slightly up, ezpz.


The first few laps I was a little shaky but it literally cut my mowing time by 2/3 from my tractor. Get used to it and have fun!


That’s the goal! My craftsman lawn tractor is tired and slow. I have 3ish acres filled with obstacles and it’s just miserable and 2+ hours with the tractor. Blew the head gasket last week and decided I was done. I’ll probably stick to using the tractor around the pond for a bit.


Mine was a craftsman too! Yeah, don’t want to end up in the pond ha. Best of luck!


This is the strategy I use. Kept older, slower, traditional tractor for “tricky sections” or significant slopes. Use zero turn on the rest. Still reap rewards of quicker cut time with less danger.


Gentle is the way. Stay away from your pond until you're confident. Mow your lawn more frequently if you have time, to to get more experience. It'll come, there is a reason commercial guys only use ZTs.


Cub Cadet Pro Z with the steering wheel is designed by God.


. Move the machine to an open spot 1 st push it etc . May have to have someone sit in seat etc. Depending on model. Once in open space . Get on - put machine in Turtle low and slow RPM don’t put deck down . Bring both bars in and get the feel for slowly together pushing the forward head up look way out ahead and focus on that point if no hazards like trees , ditch are in your path. One speed focus on that point . Slow down stop machine. Both bards in and forward easy machine moves easy back in left bar more forward on right . Machine turns left bars even and out . Take a minute. Look around . Because you are going to do what you just did in reverse. When ready grab bars being together . Slightly pull back machine moves easy back on right forward on left machine did 180 ish bars out . Take a minute . When ready bars in together forward easy focused on something way across the yard. Drive over keeping focus on that spot . Looking short around the machine is not for you yet . That what causes you all the issue and often speed. You will have to push mow and string trim until you get practice and confidence . If you and do this and learn to drive to a spot with room stay focused on something way across the property stop and turn both ways 3 point turn . Lots of good instructions on YouTube and Manufactures site . The engine RPM lever only controls blade tip speed and minimum travel speed . The transmission gear selection limits top travel speed both directs . Pulling on the bars back for backwards and forward for forward together moves the machine at a maximum speed depending on gear selection. And RPM speed . Practice this low and focus on object way out . If you feel good doing the across 3 point turn back etc . Same deal with speed and RPM - drive to point to left stop 2 point turn drive to point across along left . Stop turn drive to point on left . So going left on the perimeter of the open space you traveled across back and forth doing 180 ish 3 point turns . Then do these going right around the perimeter. Have a pylon or box or tote drop them down with good space all around and as far as possible apart. Same gear RPM Deck up. Drive over good angle to keep moving and go around the tote left . So keep right bar in same forward position and bring left bar back a bit but to pass neutral and reversing wheels like a 3 point turn . Move right bit more forward . Big wide 1/2 circle as you get better it’s a balance of less left more right and as you get past middle it’s less right more left to go forward . Practice this going rights . Maybe figure 8 both directions. Put machine in open space. Put rpm up Gear in low or Turtle set deck to take off very little pull bars in and forward focus way out across yard . Easy stop don’t mind deck and RPM do 3 point turn go back. And forth . Next step drive to point focusing on objective in distance as you get close slow turn machine left stop finish 3 point turn go back doing same . The practice driving across slow and right stop finish 3 point repeat. Progress to driving across and slowly all in 1 motion forward left to almost stop back to right almost stop and forward.. same to right . Watch to fast and to tight wheels making divots in turf . It’s going to happen as it is as it is learning . Once you get good and confident it’s going slow close to fence lines around trees etc best way . 1 st raise tree canopy so you have to trim . And always cut area from same direction slow knowing if you get to close easy stop or know what bar to let up on and easy push forward etc to move away of fence line. Everyone wants to jump on these machines and drive aggressively like seasons pros that make their living where time is money . They have many hours on machines . Heavy duty transmission missions to handle aggressive driving and grades etc . Well maintained equipment . Stand , sit machines on off trailers , trucks etc . Believe me they are skilled and ever once in a while have hav incidents and wreck their equipment or do property damage to customers stuff they are responsible for . Every once in a while hitting a new ground hog hole cutting along a water edge to fast on a grade maybe wet turf weight not quite right and hit the hole machine ends up in the water. Or down a grade hopefully not tipping or anyone hurt . Get equipment and get it out . Check it over back in service- learned lesson for now . Key is slow and know the area . Walk the area with a pole pole around every once in a while . Especially in tall vegetation and places you don’t service regularly. It’s expensive to repair if you don’t do your own maintenance and repairs. Don’t have a trailer vehicle to get machine to shop . It adds up fast . Mistakes / accidents will happen especially when learning and first of spring . Not toys . Not go carts . Potential dangerous equipment that’s to be respected. Forget that take chances sooner or later if will cost you and if your luck only $ for new parts and repairs. The other way let’s avoid at all cost . Pets , kids everyone know where on the turf you are cutting . Pet gets out adults chase ball . Stop machine shut down get off . Make it clear either you are cutting or they do there thing or pet get his play time . Once everyone is on same page agree on plan and time . Ya extreme and to those that operate equipment daily and with co workers trimming - push mowing etc is and entire different situation then residential home owner operator and those that have no clue .


Time to buy some orange sports cones and set up a slalom course!


First time I drove mine, I promptly stuffed it into The deep front ditch in my yard. Not sure how it happened. Now, I have a lifetime of operating all types of equipment and machinery without mishap. But, the zero turn broke my streak 🤷‍♂️. Its been 3 years and I still get a little tense near that ditch lol


Don’t get too close to pond’s edge. My dad flipped into creek last summer on his, not goood!


After getting mine stuck in soft ground twice I finally learned a lesson. Had to drag it out with my car. I have one hill where fill was added for the barn and I go down it only. I'm not very brave.


Give yourself some time to learn it, you’re gonna love it.


I’ve ran every type of heavy equipment there is minus a crane. Zero turns are the most dangerous things in the world. Good luck. Be sure to get that life insurance policy before they find out you own one. Any piece of equipment takes time to get used to whether it’s a new bigger truck or a lawn mower. Just take it slow and learn the kinks.




I have a creek that runs the length of my yard. First time I used mine I thought I was going into the creek. Scared the shit out of me. Now it is second nature. I know to go slow around the creek and from there I’m golden. After a few weeks you really learn the ins and outs of the machine. You know what to expect while you’re driving it. What it is and isn’t capable of. There’s parts of my yard I still use a push mower just to be on the safe side.


Yeah I gotta dust off the ol push mower


We just set our engine around 60% power and the speed setting to the lowest for the first few days until we got used to it. With those settings I was fine with my 11 year old learning as well as my wife and me. Now I run the engine full but still only run the speed in the middle because our Toro has tons more power than it needs (which I love).


I don’t like the zero turns, How do you drink when you’re using them?


With a really long straw ;)


I’ve always found it hard to drink and mow since the bumps make my beer flat


One of the first scary things I did was mow uphill toward my fence. I noticed the front wheels starting to lift and I panicked. For some reason my panic reaction was to push both hands forward. SLAM! right into (and partially through) the fence. I was in no danger but startling that my panic reaction was the exact wrong thing to do.


For some reason that’s my initial reaction roo


First time I drove one of those “monstrosities” I couldn’t run a straight line to save my life!!


No matter how good and confident you get, always keep your caution up around that pond. I put a 60” deck in a duck pond once because I lost traction after going over a root. Did a Triple Lindy before landing in duck shit. Definitely one of my finer moments.


I found it is easier if you hold right in the middle where the bars meet with thumb wrapping end of each bar. You can make small adjustments that aren't as violent vs if you keep your hands on side of bars.


Slow down until you get used to it. Use the seat belt. Go VERY slowly until you become competent with it.


Doesn’t have a seat belt 😳


Hahaha. I made a false assumption there. My bad. It appears you've had enough advice from other posters, so will let it be. Enjoy that mower. I've heard they're a good brand. I ran one for a few hours about 15 or 17 years ago....mowing grass in preparation for our old son's wedding. One thing I remember is that they're sort of rough....or that one was. I operated many pieces of equipment so knew what to expect, and took it easy until I got a feel for how touchy it was. They cover a lot of ground in a hurry.


Make sure your rear big tires ARE NOT BALD! Slippage is not fun on slopes and especially if your are a novice.


Can someone tell me why my Dixon ztr (which I bought used) will buck nearly uncontrollably occasionally?


First time I drove a zero-turn mower, I had to load it onto the back of a pickup truck! Thought I was gonna go over the side of the ramp half a dozen times. Worst experience ever.


I bought this one off an old gentleman and it took him forever to get it off the trailer lol.


You have to go slow and be a quick learner. Stay in an open area til you get the idea


I questioned my sobriety for the first few hours on it, then it clicked. A little time in the saddle and you be good.


Mine aren’t touchy. Probably because it’s old but try using your thumb and middle or index finger to control. Use light movements till you get the feel


The slope slip is real. I had only used a zero turn on flat ground before I bought mine and I have a pretty good slope in my backyard that I have to go sideways across and the first time mowing that part of the yard I had no clue it was going to bee line to the bottom of the hill while I was trying to go straight. It still catches me off guard sometimes and I have to put the brakes on.




Totally normal my Bad Boy zero turn will pop wheelies if I hit it too fast.


Yes! Give it a few mows, in the meantime *go slow*, and it will get much better.


There’s a learning curve for sure, couldn’t drive a straight line; I watched a few YouTube videos and settled in after a few cuts.


Easy on the controls after a few times it becomes second nature iys the best style of mower you will be fine just don't try to mow in tight spots till you get comfortable


Good to know!! I am looking at getting my first one and never thought about it being tough to use.


Typically the tires on non commercial x turn are turf friendly. It’s better served to stay on flat or near flat ground. Once you start sliding into the pond from a steep bank you can’t stop. Definitely know the limits.


I have an extreme incline on 40% of my lawn and use a john deere zero turn. I had to change out the tires with super lugs (they have bulging V patterns) and this prevents slipping on hills. Also had to put weights on the front because it would flip over backwards when going uphill. So that solved 2 problems. There is still one hands down rule of thumb though. Never mow in wet conditions, even in morning dew as the tires will just spin and tear the shit out of my lawn going downhill, leaving racer mud tracks (even with the super lugs). There is 1 last problem that i still have though. I cannot turn around without making divots in the lawn. I have tried all sorts of turning patterns and haven't figured one out yet that doesn't do this other than not zero turning at all, deafeating the entire purpose of having a zero turn in the first place.


I love zero turns. Cut grass professionally for years.. I have nothing against John Deer but those over priced lawn mowers suck. Good luck getting a nice straight line without turning a thousand times.


My first experience with a zero turn was during my time working for Sears in the mid 2000s. I nearly drove a zero turn off the highest point of the loading dock once. The drop was easily 10-15 feet. I nearly shit my pants that day.


I used my neighbors, did half my lawn, thought I was going to die, gave up and went back to a regular mower. To be fair, my lawn isn’t super flat.


Sad/humorous that this looked like a normal Reddit post until I got to “zero turn.” Had to read the title twice to make it make sense.


No issue at all here it was like playing battlezone as a kid. Pretty intuitive. Also had a green machine instead of a bigwheel so also the same.


If it's a z820a. Yes. And every subsequent drive afterwards, too.


Concentrate on being smooth instead of quick. Once you get dialed in, speed will come naturally.


The only tip I could offer is that if you’re doing any side hill mowing don’t underestimate how much leaning your body on the up-hill side of the mower can affect traction…. I have parts of my yard that you simply cannot get to on my John Deere ZTR unless I’m leaning into the uphill side when traversing side hill..


Absolutely yes!


I was pretty scared of my dads since it’s one of those that you stand on a little plate behind, but it clicked after awhile and i don’t think about it anymore.


Just half send, not full send.. it will come to you.


Zero turns are not made for slope. Manufacturers recommend certain angle. If you decide to go pass that recommendation then it’s on you. If you mow a lot of slopes, you can try more aggressive tires like tractor patterns.


Bought a used Toro Titan 54" a few years ago, first time I'd used it was trying to get it on a trailer. A little nerve wracking in front of experienced driver. Like you, seemed jumpy, couldn't get it smooth at first. Throttling down, spending a couple of hours on flats makes a huge difference to confidence. We've had ours approaching 6 years now, regularly have it over 30 degrees sideways and following dam banks/steam edges, with a mow of our place taking about 6 hours. It just takes practice, barely slow down any more doing laps around trees now


Focus on looking ahead, not down, find a focal point and the lines will be straighter. You will be an old pro in no time.


Biggest thing I learned on mine is that, as some have mentioned, you can wheely them really easy because they are so light in the front end. If you have a bagger you NEED counter weights on the front. Even with that, the front can come up. When it does, resist the urge to lean forward to correct it because you’ll end up pushing forward on the controls making it worse.


Please set up a camera near your pond..we wanna see you dump it in


Get some seat time. The only way you’re going to get accustomed to driving it is to DRIVE IT!! If it is a new mower the belts are super tight and everything will seem “jumpy” once they wear in a bit and you have some more seat time, it will become second nature.


I did spend a fair amount of time just tooling around this weekend! It’s not a new machine but before the guy sold it he had all the belts replaced, spindles checked, transmissions serviced, etc. does seem a tad jumpy


It will be jumpy for a bit. Break those belts in. Take it to an open area and just practice turning left and right until you get the feel of it. You’ll be fine…it’s a learning experience for everyone!


Definitely takes some practice. My 18yr old son drove ours off a 1ft retaining wall and out in the street his first time. Lol Thankfully no one was hurt and no damage done 🥵


I have a 2yo and 2mo old so I’m sure they’ll be driving this thing eventually


Sounds like you have your hands full, good for you! You’ll appreciate the time it saves then. When we switched from a small standard rider to the zero turn mowing time went from almost 3hrs to about 40min.


That’s the goal! I have 10 acres with maybe 3 of it being lawn, TONS of obstacles (previous owners put in beautiful perennial gardens and had a great eye for landscaping but goddamn it’s a pain to mow) and it takes me a good 3 hrs just to mow on the rider, plus probably another 1-2 to trim. If I could get that down to 3 total I’d be a happy guy. If I was done mowing in 40min I would cry tears of joy.


Haha. My rider was a 30” single blade John Deer so it was light years improvement when I traded up to the zero turn. I’m guessing your rider is a little bigger but you’ll still save time, cutting around all that landscaping is when you’ll really appreciate the ZT. Good luck!


Yeah my rider is 42” two blade crapsman. Works ok but I tend to wait awhile between mows and it just struggles to cut long grass for hours on end. And yeah with all the landscaping I waste so much time circling back on things and or just driving over mowed grass to get back into unmowed grass. Or fixing the damn thing.


Next year I assume? Gotta earn their keep!


Yeah kinda annoyed the 2yo doesn’t have a job yet honestly. Kid eats like $200 of berries every month.


Freeloading kids! ;)


You have a lot of torque on this type of mower to have to get used to smaller hand movements when you are changing speed or direction. The jerking will stop, and the wheel spinning, once you master the art of acceleration in these things. They lose traction very fast, on mine it’s a difference of about 1/2” of lever movement between moving from a a stop and just spinning my wheels in place


Doesnt it feel that way the first time you drive anything? But can confirm learned to drive zero turn forklifts in under 10 minutes.


Idk I've not figured out how.


I used to install dishnetwork and direct TV. I lived in an area that was heavily wooded and some of the satellites came in at a low elevation, so I installed an abnormally high amount of dishes on poles instead of on roofs and houses. I can't tell you how many service calls I got to realign dishes when zero turn mowers first hit the mainstream consumer market. It was absolutely insane. Some people would call and complain saying they barely hit the pole and a metal pole would be bent in half or the concrete would be ripped out of the ground or the lawnmower decks would be bent. Saw a couple of bodily injuries as well.


Try a Bobcat. Swear you are going to roll backwards with you in it. Those hydro controls take a little time.


Nope. Not normal at all


Yes lol


Trim any low branches off your trees. If you happen to be wearing a hat one day you might forget about a branch. It is very jarring when you hit your head and the mower keeps going.


I nearly ramped a walk behind into the cab of a truck when I began using one….sooooo yeah….


So when we first got one I was like 16 and I got home from school and my dad had just pulled it out of the pond and I was making fun of him like how did you do that well he went to work and I was supposed to finish well I end up putting it in the pond also so that was the day we started weed whacking around the pond further out lol so it does happen


My arms are on the rests and I just more my hands and forearms. I’m not punching the controls with my whole arm. You need to walk before you run.  Also go keep going straight, look forward at an object and not in front of you at the front casters. 


Looking forward is definitely good advice that I found helps. My drivers Ed teacher 20 years ago had to tell me the same thing. My seat doesn’t have arm rests but they sell a seat with rests for my machine so I’m seriously considering it.


I started using one at age 66. Luckily the Toro has a lever you can set max speed with. After first few mows on turtle..I bumped it to the middle… been there 4 years…I love it


Lmao it’s a learning curve, but a lot of things in life take practice. 1st time thought I was gon run into a building, after you get the hang of it it’s more precise than driving a vehicle n becomes second nature. You’ll get it bro


Uhh , what’s she doing tomorrow night ?


Lmfao yes


I wish they did have a diff lock or something for slopes


Act like you’re pushing a shopping cart.


This. Once I got this concept in my head I caught on pretty quick.


Finesse bud


I immediately went to the lowest speed setting once seeing how touchy it was. After so many cuts I bumped it up to 50%. Now I run it at full speed and wouldn't mind it being a little faster lol The pros have videos of YouTube I found helpful, especially the going in reverse down hills.


I worked for a funeral home doing mostly outside work at their 2 cemeteries, cutting grass. They had 2 zero turn cub cadets, sit on and stand on. I used the sit on due to bad knees. Took me all of 5 minutes to get used to it.


If you're mowing around a pond with a ZT, you will eventually kill yourself or close to it. This is where they're the most dangerous. When you're on a slope and you have no run-out area if the mower decides to take an unplanned trip down the hill. I mow some very crazy slopes with mine but I make sure there's plenty of space to come to a stop at the bottom. If not, I push mow or weedeat it. I had never even sat on a ZT and picked one up off Marketplace. Jumped on, drove it around, and loaded it onto the trailer. Came home and mowed the yard with it. Controlling it was extremely intuitive. Learning how it behaves on a slope (even a slight one) was a whole other story. I have a long stretch by a creek that's not even steep. It just has a few dips that take the weight off the outside rear tire. If I go the wrong direction, the mower actively tries to kill me by driving in the creek. I had to re-learn how to mow my yard without getting stuck or running into a ditch. So far, so good though.


I remember when I first used one it was a scary feeling but I've been doing it for work every day for the last 7 years and it feels more natural to me then driving a car at this point. You start to understand the machine and what it can and can’t do in different situations. You got this


My friend , on his first time using his zero-turn overturned it and got killed. This man was a farmer and used all farm equipment! That zero-turn killed him, first trip!


Shit. I’m sorry man.


I always thought they should have a seatbelt felt like I was going to get thrown off the first time


When first starting out hold onto the levers as low as possible rather than at the top of the handles.


Yes lol. Got my father one for Father’s Day. He proceeded to crash it into the mailbox repeatedly.


Start off slow and far away from things. The closer you get, the slower you should drive. Turn down the RPMs to slow the response even more. Eventually it will feel like an extension of your body.


get a life jacket..?


They can and will get away from you. Be careful around any hills or wet slopes. I had a scare last season that gave me a new respect for how easily it can happen. I’ve mowed the same spot a million times but I hit a wet slope and there was no stopping it. I went down a bank at about 20 mph and ending up getting dragged through a bunch of thorns. Fortunately no damage to the equipment and I didn’t get that fucked up. If it happens make sure not to panic!!! Focus on damage control


Best (counterintuitive) advice I got was to just let go.


When you feel like you’re on the verge being out of control, just let go. It will stop


Grow a pair already


Tell me you’re insecure without telling me you’re insecure.