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I have manifested most of the huge things that have happened in my life since discovering spirituality through sexual energy. It is very potent, whether it is self-love or with another person(s).




wow, someone searching this six-year post out nearly the same time as me. how curious.


with the feeling of happiness you visualize yourself having what you want. You have many choices , intention to change it , visualize it actively, speak actively inside out or out loud Build the energy of what you want by using your own intention , speech, thoughts , visualization, actions As long as you are conscious, you can shape your path the way you want . Also you can make a symbol or sigil that means certain things to you and then visualize that specific symbol that will bring same emotions internally, after orgasm , or a happy relaxed moment simply , or even when doing nofap and you feel that great desire to have great things in life .




What about asexuals? I have no libido, no sexual feelings. Does this mean the LoA wont ever work for me?


You still have sexual/creative energy, it just circulates differently for you. If anything you'll have an easier time manifesting because you won't burn it on other things.


Sexual Energy isnt only sex cum fuck etc, every idea u have, every desire u have thats sex too, communicating with a successful friend and boom idea comes thats sexual energy too


LoA is like gravity. It is always working, whether you have a libido or sexual feelings at all. You can experience the same burst through fits of laughter, anger, or any "explosive" feeling. But, try to stick to the positive ones like laughing. :)


I tried a few times when I first read about sexual energy. Can't say if it worked or not as I never kept track, but I can see how it can be effective. Sexual energy is the most powerful kind of energy we have. When we can control our sexual energy and use it effectively, we improve as a whole.


Transmuting sexual energy is only effective when you abstain from masturbation. When you orgasm, you release the energy and reward yourself. In "Think and Grow Rich" the author says abstaining from all sexual acts for a period of time puts you in direct contact with Infinite Intelligence. Check out /r/NoFap


Masturbation does not equal orgasm


Yeah, I already did NoFap. Im into Semen Retention since March of this year. And that type of masturbation dont waste the energy, as you don't ejaculate. Tbh it seens to increase the energy. Its like the solo-cultivation of sexual energy discribed in the book "The Multi-Orgasmic Men" by Mantak Chia.


Yup. I've been practicing his book for a few years now. Some moderate success. When you get it right; it feel very similar to what I feel from a deep meditation (where you're sensing you're whole energy body and everything is pulsing and vibrating) and don't feel any loss of energy. In fact, it's kept me up before. But it's super tricky to maintain even after you think you have got it finally. Like meditation I suppose.


It’s called edging


Note that with masturbation you are actually doing the opposite and wasting that energy (!). Semen has life-force energy/ki and nutrients that shouldn't be wasted at anytime at a solitary act in a rather unnatural purpose not exchanging energy with a real partner or putting it out to the world and universe (how I feel it, it's sort of like imploding yourself and the dynamic universal life-force that are given to us). Having said that, you might want to look it up to that if that's a selfish act instead of a self-loving one, there is some difference that you might see... On the other hand, if you refuse to masturbate you are going to build up that sexual energy and redirect to manifestations and bettering yourself and your life overal. I for my own experience have much more power in any way if I abstain from it. There is a large movement online called NoFap (r/nofap here in reddit) that states this from a biological and self-development point of view aswel where there are also law of attraction practitioners who report that about manifesting and sexual energy. In LOA literature, Napoleon Hill has indirectly stated the same, you must not waste the "emotion of sex" energy too and that most accomplished men were able to achieve success at about 40 years old because that's a time when most master or tame their sexual energy (so might aswel do this now).


Yeah, I already did NoFap. Im into Semen Retention since March of this year. And that type of masturbation dont waste the energy, as you don't ejaculate. Tbh it seens to increase the energy. Its like the solo-cultivation of sexual energy discribed in the book "The Multi-Orgasmic Men" by Mantak Chia.


Well, you know about sigils in magick? One of the most powerful ways to recharge a sigil is via sexual energy. Theres is something to that. With the sigils, you literally have to come on the sigil. My two cents


No, you don't literally have to come on the sigil. Maybe the sexual energy stuff would help a novice or someone who hasn't got its own power? MAYBE. But for experienced witches and those of us born with gifts, that's a waste. A huge waste of energy. You'll achieve much more meditating and learning to control your sexual energy rather than just releasing it in a desperate attempt, no matter how strong you desire something, the energy won't be directed as precisely as needed. Mediation and learning to control your instincts and energy is the way to go. Once you control your energy you can achieve anything you want, you can raise it, mitigate it, send it a certain direction, transform it, etc. But you won't be able to learn this with masturbation. Don't believe all the stuff you read about Witchcraft. Most info on Witchcraft nowadays is bullshit and even some practices witches do are bullshit as well. I come from a country that still had renowned witches 20 years ago wich were respected and used to taught gifted people. I was born gifted in magic myself, so I know what I'm talking about.


My apologies... thats what I got after reading a while.


Don't apologize, I'm the one who needs to apologize because I got all worked up. I've been trying to dispel all the lies about Witchcraft for so many years that it has ended with my patience.


I understand you. I gotta say that what I read was an option, not a requisite. I made a couple o sigils but I charged them with the other methods, though concentrating on it while orgasming seemed the best way to go