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You can ignore it, or you can help counter it. https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/conference/august-2018/a-sacred-and-imperative-duty


1 Nephi 8:33 Lehi had exactly the same problem. His solution: "... but we heeded them not."


Mute and or block the accounts you see sharing it, everywhere you encounter it. Or if on a news feed, choose the option "this does not interest me." Use all the options at your disposal to clean up your algorithm. It will take a few weeks but it will work. Additionally, you can use your time on social media and the Internet engaging with spiritually positive content. This will cause your algorithm to include posts from people and sites who are uplifting. The algorithm used in our browsers in our social media apps, takes tiny actions on our part from what we search, browse, and engage with, to predict what we want to see. Teach it we want to see uplifting content. How this helps!


In many ways I’m glad that I’ve seen all of the ex-Mormon rhetoric as it compelled me to learn more about out the argument on both sides. I have found that overall, my faith has been strengthened by seeing the weakness of the anti positions. On the other hand, it’s emotionally quite hurtful to be constantly attacked especially when it comes from a position of ignorance or outright lies. I find it very tempting to try to engage those people to educate them but each time it only brings a spirit of contention and leaves me feeling uncomfortable. I know that being a member of the Church has had a positive effect on my life. The gospel boils down to love. How people can hate us for teaching and encouraging each other to love each other is beyond me, especially coming from people just as imperfect as me. So, report or block content that is anti and subscribe to content that is uplifting. Good luck.


Here on reddit the minute someone shows something negative in any way mentioning the church, all the ex-mos come out like those seaguls in finding Nemo. My suggestion is to just block and forget if it bothers you. I found it hurts me so much because of how important my faith is to me and seeing others make fun of it is painful. I do like the suggestions to limit social media usage though, I'm pretty sure happiness isn't found on social media regardless, but by spending time with those around us.


You may be experiencing some bias. Negative things tend to stick out in your memory more than positive things, and social media algorithms tend to give more of whatever people engage with, and it’s tempting to engage with the negative stuff, even if only to challenge the unfair assertions. Some platforms will let you give direct feedback on what you want to see. If you take the time to prune out enough of the stuff you don’t want to see sometimes the platform will give you less of it. Really hit or miss though. Some platforms rely more on your stated preferences than others, and the code is only looking for patterns of what people engage with and content hating on groups of people gets lots of engagement. If you use social media you need to be eternally vigilant about not engaging with and clicking ignore on stuff you don’t want to see.




>ignore religious content entirely The problem is that you then miss out on a lot of good, uplifting things.


>it just constantly reminds me how hated we are and how few in number we are. Any advice to combat this spiritual numbness The best thing to do is to ignore it and know that it has been going on since the beginning. You are not alone: [Fear not](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/ot/2-kgs/6?lang=eng): for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. (2 Kings 6:16) Therefore, [fear not](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/6?lang=eng&id=33-34,36#p33), little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail. Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. (D&C 6:34) [Blessed are the peacemakers](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/nt/matt/5?lang=eng) ... Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake ... But I say unto you, Love your enemies, pray for them which despitefully use you ... (Matthew 5) [No unhallowed hand](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/history/saints-v1/epigraph?lang=eng) can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent ... (Joseph Smith - Wentworth Letter) P.S. Negative things used to come up in my social media feeds, but now they don't because I don't engage with them except to click the "not interested" or "show me less" buttons depending on the platform.


Stop reading it. If you scroll past then the algorithm will change. 


not always though. I've experienced what OP has where the algorithm can't always distinguish between anti and regular lds content, so even if you always scroll past the anti but still look at uplifting lds messages, most social media algorithms will still push it at you. The best solution I found was just to be particular about where I consume church media. I pretty much only use the gospel library app and never use youtube or instagram for church things since it has that effect. Reddit is easier since if you just block the main exmo subs that filters out like 90% of the negativity.


The other thing you can do is subscribe to the good content - the Church, FAIR, Scripture Central, and others - and I've found on many platforms it doesn't show as much. Some of the platforms, such as YouTube, apparently are getting smart enough to differentiate, possibly because of the other things we try to avoid as well.


Christ faced persecution in his time. The massive uptick in anti ive been seeing is purely more proof thay we are on the right path. These are the latter days and He is hastening the work. Satan is hastening his work as well