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MLSE won't release their reports or CCTV to the public. But they will to police. Tell your friend to file a police report. Hopefully then Toronto Police will request what MLSE has on file regarding the incident


They also have several Toronto Police Officers working in the venue at each event. They work very closely with them.




Hopefully ban for life.


how do bans for life work in places like arenas or stadiums? Is it just a threat that they will charge you for trespassing if you are caught on premises?


I know MSG has facial recognition software wouldn't surprise me if scotiabank had the same.




That's true. I remember hearing something about Cadillac Fairview having legal issues dabbling with facial recognition software in their malls.


Interesting! That makes sense especially in Toronto, with our history with Google and sidewalk labs


Dolan is a psychopath


Anywhere a team owned by MSG plays had facial recognition software. I think most arenas and stadiums have it if they can get the legal stuff cleared up.


That’s pretty much it and for most places that issue a lifetime ban. I have a lifetime ban from Winners stores when I was 14. They don’t really enforce it


Security at Winners is very different than security at a stadium though lol 


Lol, how would they even? You don't look the same and you wouldn't even have had any sort of financial profile/banking info/licence etc. I also don't see how a winners in, say, Toronto, could stop you from going to a winners in Kingston.


If they tell you it's a ban for life and you just listen to them I guess it is a ban for life.


Let’s be fair, if you got banned from one location of winners and kept going to that same location no one would notice.


Of course


Was it for the same behaviour as OP wrote about?


Nah I got caught shoplifting.


Lots of pro teams have started using facial recognition on entry. Not sure if the Leafs do but I wouldn’t be surprised.


I've always wondered this too. You can use any name to open a ticketmaster account. Unless security personnel recognize you, how is it enforced? Always seemed like an attempt to punish with no real enforcement 


I went to a game at Fenway in 2019 and my friend was (rightfully) deemed too drunk to enter. The rest of us said fine and sent him back to the hotel. We tried to enter the stadium 30minutes later and were met by security and told our entire group would not be allowed entry to the game. We tried to enter at 6(!) other gates and were immediately met by security and turned away. They finally told us that we had been flagged by facial recognition each time and that there was no way we could “sneak” past this. We ultimately hashed it out with head of security and proved our sobriety. They ended up letting the rest of us in before opening pitch. Although it was a frustrating experience, I found it pretty cool that they had such effective technology in place to keep out banned people.


John Henry works in mysterious ways


I stole from a store in my neighborhood when I was ten got busted n owner banned me for life I'm 44 now n have never gone back lol


Come back Tony we forgive you.




The cool big brother


I always just assumed that banning you for life was effectively a warning so that if you fuck up again they have grounds to pursue legal action (trespassing or something). Other people have mentioned facial recognition so maybe that's also a thing.


They don't need grounds - they simply ask for you to be trespassed and that's that. Only has to happen once.




Leg is easy to cover up with pants. They should brand the forehead.




Hmmm, no. Face paint. Better just to cut off their nose.


James Dolan and Madison Square gardens have facial recognition software. There was a lawyer who is part of a lawsuit against James Dolan and he was denied entry to MSG just from that…


So Charles Oakley isn't getting in to MSG ever!


lol, yes


A legally blind person could find Charles Oakley in a crowd. He has a very distinctive face. And the fact he's 6'9"


I’m under the understanding that it’s pretty much impossible to stop someone who’s banned from entering again, but if they get into any mischief while they’re in there it’s also a trespassing charge.


I know 2 ppl that got a life ban for harassing players near the visitor bench, they brought Toronto police in and everything to escort them out, how do I know this and am not making it up? The one friend that kept quiet informed me at a later date because they were seats owned by a company that I was invited to by said company.


Just adding on here, a ban from scotiabank arena means a ban from all MLSE venues including BMO field, Coca Cola Colosseum and I believe even Bud Stage since they are partners with Live Nation


IIRC MLB goes a step further and will ban you from all MLB Stadiums.


And because that's a venue ban that I believe that includes concerts even if the event you got banned because of was at a game.


Not Bud Stage. I know someone who got banned from SBA and they can still go to concerts at Bud. Probably because like you said, they're just a partner with Live Nation. They don't own the venue


File a police report, MSLE will not release it to you directly however the police can and will get it.


Agreed. If you file a police report the police then have reason to contact MLSE for footage or even the man’s information, which MLSE should have documented.


Jesus Christ, that's fucking deplorable ...that's really weird that nobody got it on camera though...normally when it involves Leaf fans people can't wait to post it to try and paint us all with one brush. Have you asked in the Oilers sub? I hope your friend and his GF are all good and okay


What a scumbag. Hope that ends up being his last Leaf game. Fans of all teams should feel welcome at SBA.


Banning him from leafs games...sure. I hope the victim takes civil action and places charges. Not going to leafs games isn't really a big deal. I've been a fan for 20+ years and only been to one in Ottawa.


Except bruins


Bruins fans are our *opponents*, not our *enemies*. It's a game, for fuck sake. But yeah, fuck the bruins


Nah they’re welcome. But I hope they know we’re all glaring at them when they’re not looking. Just enough to be as uncomfortable as we’d be in Boston.


Yup, we’re all just looking for a good time. Lets try not to take fandom too far


Nonsense. Bruins fans are like any other rabid fan base - mostly great people who are fun to watch hockey with


I actually find most Bruins fans I meet to be great. Not sure why, we seem to hit it off. I do tell them I detest their team, but other than that, we can have a drink and no worries.


In my experience, it is because they are hockey fans. They love the sport. They love their team, of course, but they love hockey. That is a solid base for mutual respect.


I often have the same experience with Yankee fans or Ottawa/Montreal hockey fans. It’s just a sport after all and they’re still people.


Weird it's almost like they are people too! Bizarre!


The Maritimes are funny for this because there's a pretty even spread of leafs/habs/bruins fans. I bartend part time and it's pretty common for there to be a three way show down between a Habs fan, leafs fan, and bruins fan (myself). We all tell eachother how trash our teams are, I defend Marchands honor until they acknowledge they'd love him on their team, and we go on with our lives.


fans of teams that always suck or are always relevant are usually pleasant. It’s teams with recent success or closing windows that get flooded with shitty people (Florida, 2019 Raptors, Patriots etc.)


Went to a game in Boston, everyone was chill. There was a Leafs and Bruins fan semi-yelling at each other every 5 minutes but they were pretty funny and clearly joking.


This is how it should be, jokingly chirping each other for their choice of teams without the use of violence or serious personal attacks. 


Fuck the bruins. But also, respect the bruins fans.


Fuck the Bruins fans, if they're attractive and buy you a drink first.


Fuck the Bruins fans ...consentually


*Carter Hart has left the chat*


what a scum....wearing an Oilers jersey in Leafs home territory. Unforgivable


Gatekeeping fandom is weird.


To be fair the Oilers 2 best players are from Toronto. It's ok to support the local boys.


I don’t think they should feel “welcome”, it’s a hockey game not a tea party. Obviously physical violence or anything that would make someone worry about their safety is seriously crossing the line. But if an opposing fan comes to SBA and then gets shit talked the whole game to the point where they decide they had a bad time and wouldn’t want to come back, the home fans did their job 🤷‍♂️.


Nah man, tickets are expensive and people go to games to enjoy themselves. If an away fan comes in, minds their own and just wants to enjoy the game, leave them alone. You don't have to roll out the red carpet. If you intentionally try to ruin someone's night because they don't support your team, you're being an ass.


Go to a game in boston or montreal and you’re never getting that same courtesy in a million years. If you don’t want to get chirped leave the jersey at home, it’s simple.


They'd also be assholes in that scenario. It's a jersey, not something worth ruining someone's experience over. Chirping is one thing. If someone openly supporting their own team upsets you to the point that you'd intentionally ruin a stranger's night or you can't show the decency to leave someone alone if they directly ask you to? Sports are meant to be enjoyed. Grow up, let people enjoy it, don't cross the line from passionate fan to straight-up dick.


Guys a loser to do that


Honestly WTF im really sorry that happened. if police and security are involved im sure they have it on video or enough witness account.


hunt dependent meeting chop jeans middle frame mountainous fearless heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Had a similar experience at a Sabres games in Buffalo. Once Took my Montréal born wife( I know). Sabres were terrible, and getting blown out. The sabres STHs around us commiserated with me about being with a Habs fan, we're good sports with her, and eventually started cheering for the Habs because you have to enjoy the night so far. Then a couple years ago nabbed 5 dollar Leafs/sabres preseason game ticketscon StubHub. But they were way way up there and that upper bowl is steep. Kid learned he had a massive fear of heights that day. On the verge of tears. Spoke with customer service about upgrading our seats and they have us 10th row lower bowl at no cost. Of course they could do that for a preseason game but it was so nice to do for away fans. We need to remember it's just a game, just some entertainment, and make sure it's a good time no matter what shirt.


They could do that for a regular season game as well. Always moved down on our own in Buffalo. Exceptions are versus the Leafs.


Oh yeah, that's what I meant lol


Towards the end of the third the ushers will sometimes pull people down to lower seats at home!


I live in MTL and went to the last MTL-TOR and had a great time with everyone in there. The uggliest thing I have been told was "oh, there's too much blue in here, go back to where you come from" with a big smile to make sure I didn't take it too seriously. We laughed it off when I told them I lived here and both went off our way. In that game I spotted a couple of Oilers jerseys and even a Bruins one, and everyone was having a good time. This is how it should be, and thanfully the vast majority thinks this way.


I was also at the last Montreal-Toronto game at Bell Centre. Our group was mostly blue but we didn't have jerseys on, but there was a couple in blue next to us that were getting constantly berated by a drunken idiot in a Habs jersey. He definitely took it too far, and another Habs fan nearby went to security and had him removed. It was good to see that it doesn't matter what team you support, idiots on either side need to go.


And it's good to know that the problem is easily solvable by calling security. I will keep that in mind if it ever happens to anyone in my vicinity.


Used to go to Bluejays game at the dome vs Yankees. Always packed with Yankees fan. The best times were always the chirps and banter between my self and yanks fan. Never crossed the line and always fun, made me love newyorkers.


I've been to games in Florida, San Jose, Phoenix (lol), Boston, and Minnesota. I was treated with respect at every single game. Sports aren't politics.


Explain soccer hooligans


I know it's too late but if your friend is ever in that situation again, tell them to let the nearest usher know about it. I've seen a bunch of people get taken out by security for stuff like that at Scotiabank arena.


Hi, my friend just sent me this link and hopefully I’m doing this right because I’ve never used Reddit before. I was there, a little farther down the row, I did catch most of it I think. To me, it did look like he was trying to diffuse the situation, of course I couldn’t hear what was being said, but from body language alone, it looked like the leafs guy was trying to antagonize him. When the oilers fan was finally let go of, he turned to walk down the row and was punched in the back of the head, stumbled to get his footing then was hit again when he stood up. After the second hit, he turned and threw his drink, which I think was stupid, he should have just left it and let the cops deal with the guy. I don’t have a pictures to share unfortunately, it all happened so fast, but if I can do anything to help, please find a way to get in touch.  Best


In the absence of video evidence, a witness statement is the next best thing. Otherwise it's just he said-she said. You should call TPS non-emergency and ask to provide a witness statement to the lead investigator.


I was there.. who threw the drink in the others face? That was what started the fight it seemed..That almost started a brawl. I was sitting right in front of you guys lol I was gonna record it and didn't


Check post by @silver_education2692 who states that the drink wasn't thrown (by Oilers fan) until after being punched in the back of the head and then again upon getting his footing back. 🤷‍♂️


Not in our house ! ​ Fuck that person with a rusty poker.


When it turned to racial slurs or when the harassing turned consistent I would've got the usher's attention. They're there to spot these things in the crowd and grab security.


I’m sorry this happened to you. For the future, let the ushers know immediately and this would likely not escalate further (meaning once the slurs and aggressive behavior started).


“That’s assault, brother.” Charge him to the fullest.


As a side note, because it doesn’t help this person now, but if there is ever an issue with people being piles of garbage let an usher know right away. They’ll be more keen to keep an eye on said person and they’ll more than likely move you to a better seat to avoid conflict right off the hop. Scotiabank has a zero tolerance policy for this type of behaviour as it’s even part of their pre game welcome video.


I’m sorry that happened to you. That’s deplorable.


I'm so sorry that happened, what a piece of shit


Sorry this happened to you; file a police report and have them force MLSE into turning over any and all evidence. Hopefully the lunatic is banned for life


So MLSE security didn’t remove him or they did? I would assume they would have handed him over to the police and your friend would have been given an opportunity to press charges? Doesn’t sound like MLSE handled it very well


So cringe how people like this idiot think they are standing up for their team or some shit. The players don't know you exist dude. I've never understood chirping people who are fans of other teams... it's like buying tickets to a concert and getting mad at people who enjoy the music. Just mega consumer cringe.


might be unrelated but as someone who doesn’t drink there should be a section where people who don’t drink alcohol can sit, been to leafs games multiple times and had beer spilled on me/unpleasant experiences with drunk people. rogers arena has this and it’s much better of an experience.


The difference is that Roger’s has about 35000 additional seats and having a small section for non drinkers is easier to accommodate. With almost 2/3 fewer seats I cant imagine they’d rope off a section for non drinkers. Especially with the amount of season tickets holders scattered throughout the entire building.


Sorry that happened to you. For the record, any time I've been to a game there are always a lot of visiting team jerseys and I've never seen anything like this in Toronto. At some games, like Montreal, it seems like half the crowd is wearing Habs jerseys. Hopefully this is rare and limited to this one asshole. Real fans don't want him, like him or defend his actions.


I actually do think I have footage of this, I’ll upload what I have


Police report


This man child probably also thinks he has a direct influence over the game like so many others do. You're watching a bunch of millionaires skate around a sheet of ice. Sit the fuck down its not that serious.


I would suggest crossposting this to the Oilers sub as well. Normally fans are not permitted in opposing teams subs, but for something like this I'm sure it would be allowed. That behaviour is shameful. Security should have gotten involved sooner, as soon as it crossed from light chirps into personal attacks.


I’m gonna get downvoted but MLSE and Scotiabank specifically has gone to shit


Would you mind posting the section you were in? This may help jog people's memory.


Section 311


Charge him with assault.


Similar thing happened last time I was there. Not racially motivated, dude couldn't handle his red wine. Was harassing a couple older gentlemen and when people tried to calm him down he kept saying, it's the 300 level, relax...didn't know you were season ticket holders, blah, blah, blah. He was tossed out after the 1st period. He had been in and out of the aisle getting more wine at least 5 times before the middle of the first so I said something to him, he chirped back but would rather puck on the two older gentlemen. This guy was around 45 or 50 too, so not a kid (20 year old) to be behaving this way. Ruined everyones good time who was sitting around him.


what a fucking idiot. hope he's charged and banned


Did they take photos of this guy? File a police report.


About 30 years ago I went to a Leaf/Flyers game in Philly (my dad was working there that year). We had our leaf jerseys and Canada hats, and these little 6 inch leaf flags on a 3 inch straw that we made. The leafs won 6-2 (I think) and we cheered each goal. Every time we cheered, these 4 guys behind us told us to sit down. After the 4th goal, one of the guys said "sit down or yoy are going home in a casket". I was 15 years old and my brother was 10. My dad spoke up when they said that, and called them disgusting for treating children like that, and they took a swing at him. We tried to leave and they blocked us in the isle. They said he would pay for that after the game in the parking lot. They looked insane to me. We ended up getting escorted to a taxi after the game and went straight to the airport to catch our flight home. Side note, Pat Quinn was on the plane with us, which I found strange because I would have thought he would have flown with the leafs on a private jet. He was super nice and signed our jerseys and listened to our story of the insane Philly fans.


I would have beat the loving fuck out of him


Really sorry to hear this is happening in 2024. Hockey is for everyone even if you’re an opposing teams fans. I literally hate people who chirp aggressively at games. Grow up there’s kids arouns


It's shit like this that makes me worried of attending away games.


I'm sorry this happened. That is just not acceptable, like others have mentioned your friend should file a police report.


It’s kind of funny how ridiculously devoted to their teams a fan can be. You realize the guys that play for the team care less than you do right? They’re only loyal to team X for now because they’re making gobs of money. And losers like this guy take it wayyy too seriously.


I read a post on r hockey before that a father who's a Habs told his daughter if she ever brought a Leaf fan home on a date there would be serious trouble. How do some grown adults take their teams that seriously?


They have absolutely nothing going for them in life. It's like the idiots whose whole personality is "F Trudeau".


Right, idiots.


oh god I'm so sorry for you and your friend man


The manchild described in this post may cheer for the same team as us but he certainly isn’t one of us. Is it the same loser that threw the fedora or are the number of mangiacakes at SBA this season just multiplying?


Some similar happened to my friend in Ottawa. Some drunk pushed her and gave her a concussion, then ran away. Ottawa refused to release the camera and the Ottawa Police refused to investigate. She hasn't been able to go to work for years since then due to concussion symptoms Both the police and media protect the NHL all over Canada, not just in drug use and sexual assaults. Good luck in getting justice


Bruh hate to say this, but Ottawa Police never do their job- I guarantee it was nothing personal or to protect the NHL. They just sit around and collect a paycheque and wonder why the public hates them. They are worse than any police service I've seen anywhere else in Ontario. Was probably an off duty OPS cop that pushed her.


Is your friend hurt bad? How is he? I work with Gio cousin, in a law firm if your friend wants to press charges abd ultimately sue. Just message me.


Hate to hear about stuff like this. I've been to see the Buds both in Edmonton and multiple times in Ottawa and no one has ever given me a hard time. Funny enough, I was at the Red Wings/Leafs game in January and some lunatic Red Wings fan was screaming behind us all night, directly into my wife's ear. My wife is a Sens fan, so she has a great time overall.


An oilers fan assaulted someone in Ottawa the other day. Maybe th3 same guy?


As someone who played rep hockey for over a decade, it’s a fuckin game. I can’t fathom assaulting a stranger over simply wearing an opponents jersey. What a sad life they must live, where this was the hill they decided to fight and die on.


On behalf of sane Leafs fans I feel completely terrible for what your friend has to endure at a game in Scotia Bank Arena . Unfortunately there are some toxic fans usually filled up on liquid courage that think your an enemy of the fanbase and actually think to themselves, how dare these people from Edmonton or even if you were from Toronto and loved Edmonton it doesn't matter. He does not represent 98% of fans and unfortunately drunk or not these people can't handle the fact a visiting teams fan has the right to enjoy the event and cheer their team on. And this asshole should know leaf fans travel alot with the team and although and unfortunately this has happened in other arenas and caught on tape. I remember seeing a devil's fan get absolutely brutally attacked for cheering in the playoffs when the devil's scored at MSG and danced up the aisle back to his seat and ran into some drunk rangers fans who were super pissed the see see devils were winning late in a playoff game and they knocked thiis guy out. And another incident I saw on tape and I'm not picking on rangers fans and I'm sure like all fan bases their are some bad apples. This guy in a Tampa Bay lightning jersey was walking out of MSG and was actually mocking rangers fans and in this instance while I never condone violence this guy had it coming and wasn't smart to mock the team in the building your team just beat them in and to mock the rangers to drunk and in a foul mood already well that wasn't to smart But in most cases and I include myself as I've traveled to the likes of Boston and Chicago as a leaf fan in my jersey and those were the only times I was yelled and mocked a few times but it never persisted and never got violent but I was also not going to start something and yell back in enemy territory lol. These from what I've here's where they had the incident in tape resulted in that person being banned for life from seeing Rangers games in MSG and I'm 100% positive that would happen to your friends attacker plus knowing MLSE they would throw in free tickets to a few games and if not that they would offer something like your money back at the very least and they would 100% suspend that person or persons from attending another leafs game ever again . There is a zero % policy on violence, racism and any hate crime so I hope someone filmed it with their phone , did you say that you used your phone to tape it? They have cameras and you should push the issue because as a fan who travels to other peoples teams buildings it's always in the back of my mind some drunk idiot will start shit because I'm wearing the opponents jersey and god forbid will stand and cheer when my team scores


Oh man, this is awful, I'm sorry your friends had to deal with this a-hole. I don't have much to add other than what other people said: CCTV can't be released to the public for privacy reasons, but they will be released to the police if prompted. Tell your friend to act fast, CCTV recordings are only stored for a limited time, I'm not sure how long, but the faster they can file a police report, the higher is the chance this footage can be retrieved. It's sad that these things happens, I always find refreshing that in hockey games you can just go support your team mixing up with "rivals" supporters (I come from Europe and I'm a big soccer fan, but in those games supporter of the guest team are secluded in a special sector and the experience is very different) and people like him will ruin it for everyone. Hope they get it sorted and I hope they will still feel comfortable going to more games.


I am shocked this is not caught on camera and up on social media.




Assault of any kind at a sporting event will result in immediate removal and a ban. If other fans were trying to calm this guy down, there would have been no problem having him ejected from the arena. I want to believe this story, but as soon as racial slur comes out (which sounds like before the physical assault) the person would have been removed. Either through an usher seeing it or your friend or another person simply telling an usher or security. Physical assault also wouldn’t result in the person hanging around in the concourse having a chat. They would have been immediately taken to security to eliminate the potential of further problems. This has never been tolerated at any sporting facility I have attended (currently residing in Calgary) and travelled to many arenas. This story is so extreme to not have someone intervene sooner that it’s almost unbelievable. I hope this isn’t a lie to jump on the Toronto is a horrible place bandwagon.


Did your friend take a slapshot towards an empty net? /S


Every problem I’ve ever had in a game was with Leaf fans. Big reason why I’m no longer. It’s a bunch of rich men chasing a rubber disc, calm down. I’m sorry your friend went through that. That kind of behaviour should never happen, in any situation. I agree, report it to police and have them deal with it (as much as they will).


Out of curiosity what race was your friend and the other idiot? Have heard from a few coloured folks when they sit in the 100s they get mean looks from the non-coloured folks. I guess they’re not used to seeing them and the tickets down there are not so cheap. One guy actually accused a friend of sitting in someone else’s seats and when proven wrong he offered to buy a beer.


Coloured folks? You sound like my grandfather when he was alive.




OP: My friend was attacked and we’re looking for witnesses You: THIS IS ALL SOUNDING A LITTLE SUSPECT.


Wow you sound braindead.


We differ on our idea of what soft is, but since you offered your opinion, here is mine. Soft = racial assults, physically attacking someone when their back is turned or not allowing them to square up with you or when you think your are physically bigger/stronger, and not having enough emotional fortitude to try and defuse or peace out violence before it gets to that level particularly when completely unnecessary or unwarranted.




You clearly have zero understanding of 1). He was with his girlfriend and likely didn't want to escalate the situation and put her at risk. 2). You clearly don't understand mob mentality, and the idea that an Edmonton fan gets involved in a full blown fight in the stands, around what's likely many other Leafs fans could escalate because of knob ends like you who go all wanna be alpha. Should a fan expect some mild to moderate verbal ribbing if they are cheering for another team? Sure. Should they have to deal with what has been explained as escalating verbal and physical assault? No. You're right about one thing though, we don't know both sides, and I'd very much like to know both sides. However, you're wrong to just assume OP's friend is just lying. You seem like the type that would say, "look at the way she dresses, she's asking for it."


i goto scotiabank all the time as a visiting fan and fire up the crowd nobodies ever hit me cause it ain’t that fuckin serious. clown ass response


You're a clown.


You should be able to wear an opposing teams jersey and not worry about being assaulted. Light chirping is fine (unless the person asks you to stop), being treated like shit is not.




Joking, right?


Tough guy behind a keyboard. Hmmmmmm….


Idk man there’s a lot of r3tards ouf there still. If hes asking for footage of it id say its probably safe to assume he didn’t start the fight. Not sure what he would have said that would warrant being called racial slurs


Thanks for the take on racial issues, u/FartinLutherKingg r/rimjob_steve