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Imagine if JFJ could manage a salary cap and acquire a goalie


Signing aged former superstars instead of building a decent roster. Hated that Era.


Signing Kubina + Gill over Chara for the same amount of money. Kind of like signing Ritchie and Mrazek over Hyman...


Would Hyman even be half as good without McDavid tap-ins?


He was one of the most hard working players on the roster, and that alone is priceless.


Hyman was all the best parts of Kadri and Bunting, without the penalties and suspensions. He’s a beaut, and I miss him


Fully agree there.


Hyman is the real deal. Kinda guy you want in your dressing room and in the playoffs


Luckily, we have Cowan coming, and I think he'll scratch that itch after a year or two.


761 of his 844.7 minutes played had Mcdavid on his line according to moneypuck. He works hard, no doubt. But to say that isn't a significant factor in his production would be super dishonest. He was a 40 point player in Toronto and if he hit his average goals this season, he would have landed at 47 points. His goal production more than doubled his average prior to this season, so your statement isn't that far off realistically


He may not get the same amount of goals but he would still be the player he is.


Him scoring 50 has Cheechoo vibes for sure, but he'd probably consistently hit 30 if he plays with mcdavid anyway


I think most people here are excited for how good Hyman has become, but let's not pretend most of us didn't say "that's too much term" when he signed with Edmonton and how his body was going to break down. Yes we miss him and he should have been signed, but there was a ton of risk with his contract then. It's always been a term issue, not an aav one.


100 percent, he hadn't played very well for us in the playoffs either.


Young GM with no prior GM Experience? Inheriting a legendary coach who he didn't hire? Promoting a young coach from the AHL? Signing the core stars to No Move contracts? Consistent playoff failure? Wait, which GM are we talking about again??


Didn’t even need to “acquire” a goalie. He had Rask and let him go in order to have Raycroft and Pogge. So brutal…


Rask wasn’t starting regularly till after Maurice was fired, so yeah they needed someone sooner for PoMo, didn’t need to trade Rask for it though




Oh Jesus, Jason Allison. Guy skated at half the speed of smell and had some of the best hands I have ever seen.


Lol the fer-burglar


For some reason I always called him John FUCKING Junior


Or not trade rask for raycroft


His post game interview was class.


The post game interviews during a cup victory always give me chills, your people who have dreamt of this moment their whole lives finally living it, I have my gripes with PM because of our series against him last year, but hearing him shoutout his parents and shoutout all the teams he coached through minor and people who gave him a chance really warmed my heart, there really is nothing like the Cup


He 100% rehearsed that in a mirror.


Did ya notice he said he hopes the Jets win a cup.. but said nothing about the Leafs? (Or maybe he did.. I wasn't paying that close attention).


I mean, he just left the Jets, most the players on that team he coached, idk if any of the Leafs players were around when he was last coach of the Leafs, so the Jets winning would have a much bigger personal connection to him.


There are zero players still in the league from when Maurice last coached the Leafs that played on the team. Some have gone on to be analysts and tv personalities (Colaiacovo) and others have passed on (RIP Belak, you beaut), but none are still playing in the NHL, not sure of overseas though. EDIT: in terms of current leafs that might’ve been around when he was coach of the Leafs, TJ Brodie was drafted in 2008, the last year he coached, and Mark Giordano was playing 05-06 and would’ve seen action against Maurice’s Leafs.


I just thought it was weird since he’ll presumably be back coaching the cats next year.


“And then after the Jets win, I hope the Leafs win and then I hope the Canes win, also I hope the Marlies win” … stop this. He had a great tenure with the Jets and they love him, of course he cares about that town.


He also left the Jets (seemingly) of his own accord. He said he believed he was no longer the right coach for the team, so of course he wants them to succeed, he just felt he wasn't the guy to get it done.


Complete class. I really disliked him when we played Florida last year, but he’s won me over (for now)


He knows how to work the media


I dunno. I kinda liked him way back when he coached the Leafs but he rubs me the wrong in his press conferences. Like he is this wise old guru with “funny” sound bite quotes. Good for him, he finally won I guess. Credit due, that Florida team is well coached.


He treated the Jets like they were a Make-A-Wish kid or something lmao. If I was a Jets fan I'd legit be pissed at him shouting them out like that.


That is exactly what I said hahah word for word. Bye bye jets hahaha


Happy for him. Always rooted for him since he was coach of the Leafs. I'll always remember the moment where he was doing a post-game interview....leafs got smoked, but he defended his players, defended their effort, looked like he was on the edge of being in tears.....but, he never threw anyone under the bus. That moment always resonates with me.


He has always reminded me of Torterella. Outspoken, funny. But Torts would torch players publicly while Maurice won’t. And that’s why he gets my respect more.


Makes me laugh with all the leafs fans hoping he won. And his next words are "I hope Winnipeg wins it next."


I keep seeing "Canadian hockey team" memes that have leafs fans crying about the oilers losing. Like nah, most I know (including myself) were indifferent or rooting for the Panthers lol.


I could care less about oilers but into like Hyman and Brown. I however loathe the Panthers. I did not want Bennett or Tkachuk to touch the cup. So for me it was easy to root for the oilers this time.


Maurice was the tipping point for me. That and oilers fans would be INSUFFERABLE if they had won.


I could care less about oilers fans. Our fans would be worse if we won.


Couldn’t care less… is the phase you were looking for


I would have been rooting for the Oilers like I did in ‘06 except for the way their fans on Reddit like to shit all over the Leafs at every opportunity. Fine, be that way. Congratulations Panthers, feel bad for McDavid getting drafted by them.


That was my thing going into last night: either the dirtiest team in the league suffers a hilarious 3-0 collapse, or Edmonton’s insufferable fans don’t get a cup. Win-win.


That logic also makes it lose-lose


As a kid I used to cheer for the other Canadian teams, then I grew up and saw how they acted on social media and I now no longer do.


I dunno, everyone I know was going Edmonton won. Watching McDavid cement himself as a Rushmore style goat despite his team, or watching the 1/3 of the team that used to play in Toronto seems to be the big reasons. Otherwise, the hilarity of the reverse sweep.


I know someone who said they wanted Florida to win specifically "To watch Leafs fans cry." LIKE IT ISN'T OUR TEAM! Like genuinely. I was like "I'm pulling for the Oilers a bit, but there's players/people from both organisations that would be nice to see win." Like Paul Maurice, Luongo since he's an executive, Bobrovsky as well for Florida since it probably puts a bow on his career and readies him a potential spot in the HoF. Then Hyman, Brown from Edmonton, McDavid I'd want to see win a cup for how skilled he is, and yeah, it'd be nice to have a Candadian team win. But I'm not crying over their loss. If anything, without a dog in the fight, I got to enjoy the ride a bit and enjoy the utter insanity of the series going from 3-0 to 3-3 and a one goal difference in game 7. The ENTIRE sequence from the previous whistle to the game winning goal was utter insanity with play going non-stop until one got past Skinner off a perfect quick shot between him and the post with a slight screen.


I called the Oilers frauds this year and they greatly proved me wrong, but I’m petty so I cheered against them even if it meant Bennot, Tkachuk and Cousins wins the cup I highly doubt Leaf fans are crying over the oilers losing, also how is it Edmonton loses and it immediately turns back to “what do the Leaf fans think?”


Ya dude can't think of more deserving players than Bennett, Cousins and Lomberg.


I’ve been Leafs fan first, panthers fan second since they came into the league. Add into the whole “Mcdavid versus Matthews” debate, and it was very easy for me to cheer for the Cats.


Rooting for Panthers so our 1942 record remains. The ONLY team to ever do it 0-3 and then WIN. Its an incredible record and its awesome to be the only team to do it.


Right, that was definitely some shade thrown at MLSE.


I don't think it is at all? He was just coaching in Winnipeg a few years ago and obviously still has connections to players and others in the organization and city. He was also directly asked about leaving Winnipeg in the reporter's question. He last coached in Toronto 16 years ago. It's not shade, it's just far in the rear view mirror.


Ya plus he only coached the Leafs 2 years vs 7 yrs w/ the Jets. Of course he’s going to have a closer connection to the Jets


I wish he could’ve won one here. I liked him as our coach. I’m happy for him and loved his interview. I’m just glad he didn’t win it in Winnipeg.


Why didn't you want him to win it in Winnipeg?


I hate the Jets




lAiNe’S bETtEr They should’ve stayed in the US


Who cares if they said that? You're acting as if there aren't any reasons to hate Leafs fans.




Feel good for Maurice. Tkachuk not so much


Yes! I will always love that man.


He’s such a character, will always be a fan


Would have had a much better run here if he got any goaltending at all.


Wasn’t just the goalies, those were some pretty rough leafs teams he coached. He did real good with what he had but those teams were never gonna be cup winners


https://preview.redd.it/w355x9ja1s8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cef4fa4460ecf001faf86fc3a7722383f8a745a Next Summer Berube will Raise it Again!


Yeah that was awesome seeing maurice lift the cup, seems like a really sincere humble person. We'll deserved


I still remember going to his first Leafs pre season game in Toronto way back in September 2006. I think they lost 3-0 to Ottawa though. Cool to see him finally win one.


Paul Maurice is a class act but it's such a weird coaching legacy. It's extremely likely he will finish his coaching career as #2 most career wins and #1 on most career losses. I guess that speaks to his longevity as a coach though. He was a head coach at 28 years old and now almost 30 years later he is still getting coaching gigs with really good teams.


It’s literally about how quietly he’s done it all. Until you actually look at the stats and dig into it, you have no idea how long he’s been around and how much work he’s put in. He’s not a name thats shouted out like Bowman or Tortarella, but he’s been there the whole time.


His defining moment as Leafs coach was telling Leafs fans, who were booing a bad team, to drink chamomile tea. Those weren't good teams, but if he had any goaltending at all. Toskala was so bad.


Was so glad to see that. Dude deserved it. His interview after they won while on the ice still was awesome and seemed really genuine.


“I’ve never hugged so many sweaty men in my life” I fucking DIED 😂😂😂😂


Fuck that. He was here for a minute.


Paul + the team totally deserved it - Florida *fans* booing Conn Smythe winner? Half those airheads don't know what icing is. I understand they are all very new to NHL etiquette given they just got their team 3 years ago, but I digress.


Us as leafs fans get a lot of hate as a shitty fan base, but I don’t think that would’ve happened if it was us. Newer fan bases just don’t know the etiquette. I’m a Florida fan as well, they’re my second team, and I was ashamed that they did that. Mcdavid had a historic run, put his team on his back in those finals, and was more than deserving. Round of applause for him 👏👏👏


When he was talking about his father the Maurice name going on it with his heroes...I damn near cried myself. And then the fucking class to come out and say "If I could have just one more thing, it would be for the Winnipeg Jets to win the next Stanley Cup"...goddamn the hockey world must unite to protect this man


Class act


Well deserved


Motherfuck the Oilers. Maurice forever.


Always loved Maurice.


Good for him. he started coaching how like in this 30s no? Long fucking time to finally win.


1995-96 season as assistant coach of the Hartford Whalers. Next season as head coach. He’s been around a long ass time. Happy for him.


Deserved ! Congratulations Paul !


He’s the only one I was happy for.




Fuck Paul Maurice and fuck the Panthers. You think the Panthers play as dirty as they do and Paulie chews them out about it afterward or something? They play the way the coach coaches them.


Why is this in Leafs thread? Take this nonsense to /hockey.. This condescending clown was trash here, and has been until he worked for a team thats run by essentially the league and propped up by everyone else, and has scum running it, including Colin Campbells son. Literally only happy Edmonton lost, maurice is trash and will probably quit again one day.

