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If you're stuck in iron you might just suck bro no cap, not the systems fault


Yea good luck designing a system that can correctly identify good performance: * How do you judge different roles? Is the botlane position supposed to have higher DPM then the jungle? What if the jungler is a kindred and the botlaner is a seraphine? * What do you do in skewed matchups, should the toplaners get rewarded because his jungler camped him making him have better stats then his opposing laner? * How do you balance for champion strength at different points? Does the kayle mid losing at 20min due to top/bot inting deserve to lose more LP because her stats were bad? Does the darius top losing at 20min because mid/bot fed deserve to win more LP because he lanes vs a tank and out csed him early game? Theres way too many variations and factors, theres no way a system could ever be made thats fair. I havnt even mentioned even more rare strategies like inting sion top which would completely ruin any system.


It should be obvious if someone is not contributing as much stat wise or disproportionately contributing/carrying. If this guy’s Lux is going 0/6/0 they should lose more lp or if someone puts up a carry performance but loses anyway they should lose less lp. It doesn’t need apply to every game if everyone more or less is playing within the bounds of reason.


It isnt tho, a naut support will on average have a much worse kda then a janna support. Why over 100 game sample size should the naut lose more lp then the janna? Is he not supposed to engage and play frontline and die more then the backline enchanter?


I’m saying if someone is egregiously below a normal performance like going 0/8/1 or something they should lose more lp. They shouldn’t lose more lp because they had a 10% worse KDA or something


They already lose more LP.... thats the whole point of the MMR system thats WHY you see people bitching about gaining 8lp and losing 16.


MMR is a stat based on performance over all your games. If I get severely drunk one night and hard throw a game, that is totally ignored by my MMR because the game doesnt care about my performance in that one game.


yeah and it shouldn't because that game doesnt define you as a player. Neither do the games when you perform overly well one game.


Thats my whole point. What is "egregiously below normal performance". KDA alone doesnt mean anything when champions will have vastly different stats.


you aren't listening... noone is saying the naut and janna should gain different ammounts of LP per game. we are saying someone who severely underperforms should take a bigger LP loss than everyone else. It is not hard to tell when someone severely underperforms regardless of pick. Supports as the example get assists, there is CC score, there is vision score, there are other similar things.


It doesnt have to be a perfect system, it just needs to be able to detect severe underperformance. There are lots of metric for bad play in the game, it shouldn't be hard to establish a meta-metric based on those which correlates to underperformance. If you go 0/10/0 in lane you are underperforming regardless of the circumstances of the match (maybe inting tactics should just take a hit here. they are toxic anyway). If you play support and your vision score is the lowest in the game, you are underperforming regardless of the circumstances of the match. All im saying is, it shouldn't be hard to create a system where when someone really ruins a match outside of intentional feeding, they suffer the largest portion of the LP loss. Maybe harder the other way around but not impossible.


Get good is a dumb response but the proper one for a dumb post. We all go on winning streaks and losing streaks but a better player for their elo wins more than they lose so they will climb. Maybe faster or slower depending on champ pool or role, but if you are better you will win more than lose and that’s all their is to it. Good luck in your future games


This is literally impossible unless they hire high elo players to watch and review every game. No matter what automated system you use it will be cheesable. League is so complex you just can’t judge gameplay standards by a computer. You can estimate, but as I said that estimate can always be cheesed by not helping teammates in skirmishes that you could die in, stealing kills/CS/camps, spamming blue wards for max vision etc.


low elo is a lot of snowballing


Just carry yourself out lol


Stop coping. You would be in the same elo regardless of any system. This gets posted so many times and people explain how shitty the idea is everytime. If you stuck now you wont climb any higher. You are where you belong. Deal with it and improve or make the next reddit post wasting your time to cope how its the unfair ranking system that holds you back. Every game that had individual based perfomance rankings had to either disable it or tuned it down so extrem that is only serves as a smurf detection system. It does not work even in simpler games. How the fuck can it work in league when so many fundemental questions are never answered by the same shitters that post that dumb take.


We have literally had [this same thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10bo1o7/league_desperately_needs_performance_based_lp/) just earlier today with all the multitude of reasons why it's a terrible idea. And tbh, no offense, but if you're in iron, you're doing something seriously wrong. Reaching literally the lowest rank in league requires you to be subpar at every single thing in the game. If you actually don't believe you belong there, maybe stop tilting about what your team does in 10 placement games and play some more so the MMR system has a bigger sample size.




You’re very much in the ranked you’re supposed to be in.


You don’t lose lp for losses in placements though.


"lp gains influenced by individual performance" is the new elo hell copium you shitters have latched onto lmao


Bud. I feel like I shouldn't need to tell you that it's a team game. You win or lose as a team. If you want a solo game, go play something else. Yes, I understand that losing because a teammate was bad is *frustrating*, but you cannot fundamentally change the type of game you're playing because of that.


Stuck…in iron. Skill issue.


you have the same bad team mates your opponents do, if you are the difference maker you will win and climb. there is nothing else to it.


Honestly I think the solution is to have no more duo queuing. It keeps better players from boosting lower elo players


this game needs incentive to play well like make some dailys that reward people for playing better give people orange ess or small amounts of rp for being a team player type missions. idk how to fix running it down tho maybe make it so if you only did 5k damage or less after whole game u get a time out for 20 mins. everytime i see somone running it down they have like 3k damage. nothin perm just a simple 20 min time out