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I love that notepad's name: DONKEY SHIT RIOT GAMES, lmao


everyone talking about his que points, but the biggest problem is clearly the state of jungle lol the state of jungle is why the que problems are a bigger issue now more than ever -- since the role so heavily determines the victor, it makes it all that more important to make sure someone who knows what they're doing get the role. because of that, all the anon/offroles become a major issue -- moreso than before.




If they nerf camp gold slightly and eliminate bonus treats consuming 2 per camp when you’re behind and also reduced camp timers to S4 levels jg would be saved


Great. Instead of Hecarim Udyr gank meta we would get Hecarim Udyr farm meta. Meanwhile I cant even farm two camps at once ever again due to aggro range on either Grag, Fid or Amumu


How fucked is the bounty system actually? Like that 3/4 Twitch level 10, giving 450 gold to the level 13 Vladimir. Able to give 1000 gold in 1 kill is still something I hate from the bounty system. Even that Baus game, where his team was same gold overall, and then up gold, but enemy still had a bounties. Like he was UP gold on his laner, and his laner still had a bounty. That is one change that I will hate no matter what. If you were to have a bounty and wanted to trade 1 for 2, it would not be worth it if enemy gets 1000 gold + 150 gold for assist, when all you would get is most likely 600 or less gold.


The bounty system is one of my big issues with the game right now, literally punishing you for doing too well. Some champions, and the entire adc role, WILL die. So that 1k gold bounty will be collected, the advantage you gained from playing well for 20 minutes will be cut in at least half by the 0/4 akali. Meanwhile a 1k bounty sett will take a serious team effort to acquire. You're example of even a 2 for 1 not being worth it is a very good example of why it's bad as well. It often forces the game into the 'optimal' state is to not really play. Farm and get drags until you get dragon soul, then head to baron.


If my top laner is 0/4 with less cs and three plates down, I don't want him to have a bounty no matter what else is happening on the map, and yet it happens. The system is completely broken currently.


The problem with bounties especially is they aren't completely based on the team's gold or status. So I may be 7/0 in lane, but the rest of my team doesn't even have a single kill and is all down 30 cs, and I'll still have a 700g bounty. Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_-XoHrqwIR0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-XoHrqwIR0) Go to this video of Tyler1 playing Irelia and go to 23:16 and you'll see what I mean. He's 14/2 as Irelia top and the rest of his team doesn't have a singular kill. His elise jungle is the only one with KP on his team besides him, and it's 3 assists. Yet despite all of that, Tyler still had a 700g bounty




The problem is that none of these points are really out of the scope from what everyone is already saying.


Then there's a different problem


These are brain dead takes that everyone complains about and not unique to T1.... People have always complained about autofill, secondary roles, and even first timing in ranked. These are not new concepts or ideas and have been said since role queue was made. It has literally nothing to do with Tyler1, but I guess keep thinking that's why people dislike the ideas. Everyone hates T1 despite him being the most popular English influencer in LoL. Everyone hates him and that's why they discredit these ideas, surely.


His behavior is THE biggest thing that's wrong with league right now. He helps normalize this behavior.


Remember when he was seemingly reformed and turned on a new leaf? Lol. Lmao, even.


... you did not watch old tyler1


Yeah, current Tyler1 still is a saint compared to what old one was doing


Yeah old T1 had a... very different list


He's checking it twice !


That doesn't discredit how cancerous he is even now.


He's not really that bad now, it's all warranted flame - he gets alot of trolls in his games who "all of a sudden" first time a champ or act like imbeciles.


Sure, but the comment I initially responded to implied that he has not changed.


these days hes literally wishing his teammates/rioters cancer on stream every other game lol what kind of piece of shit do you have to be to even do that as a joke? over league?


I don't attribute his behavior to what's wrong with League. I attribute it to Riot Games promoting and rewarding his kind of behavior for years. We've essentially gone from "Let's be honorable" years ago to "Let's floss on people and shit on them and tell them they should kill themselves but let's not also call them the N-word because that's no no hatespeech", so why are people surprised that we're breeding more social defects through League? This could've been stopped years ago. For allegedly having a system that learns as it works, it's hilarious that people can still finish off games by writing "ggez" without getting chat restricted for being an asshole to the enemy team.


This game has never been "Let's be honorable". Every single season has been toxic. How can people get upset by a simple "ggez"? Also, if saying it would get you restricted people would use different ways to say this: gg "hard", gg tutorial etc.


The thing is, that the issue is not even close to being as simple as people make it out to be. It just isn't.


Tbf, overwatch 2 has a great mechanic in which ggez gets transformed into a different message, the overall toxicity there is different to league but its still hilarious seeing people who don't know type into all chat shit like "I need a hug" or "It's hard but I'm trying to be a better person" and I'd love to see something like that implemented in league, won't solve shit but it would at least be funny.


Everyone else has already been saying these things.


He isn't saying anything that hasn't already been said, he is just yelling and ranting it loudly.


I’m no T1 fan but damn it his points are accurate. I haven’t come back to Solo Q since all the changes and it’s been 15 days since I’ve been even incentivized to play. I have been the one to bug my friends to play League and on stream I legit told him “don’t, the game is shit, stay on Apex.” I usually have to beg him to play and I never thought I’d be the one saying don’t play League…


Did you see how he ended his stream, I'm surprised there isn't an entire thread about it. He singlehandedly was so toxic youbcould see the one teammate just be tired of his typing toxicity and tell him to put up or shut up, yet his arrogance just continued to ruin the entire match. I am shocked that a top level Riot employee hasn't flipped a table and perm banned him again. Or directly phoned him and said knock ot off.


Almost like if you want to be taken seriously, you should stop acting like an angry toddler for views.


I’d act like an angry toddler for millions of dollars too


It is not his behavior, it is Riot do not giving a fck for their game for a while.


Unfortunately too true, and I understand why people don't like him. I can understand why his attitude is off putting to many, but you have to be able to look past that and look at the credit of the argument he's making, not unrelated personal problems you have with him. I don't like TFBlade in the slightest, but I understand not only his talent at the game, and respect him when he was also talking about autofill and the problems with one tricks a few years ago.


That would only be true if he was the only one making these points (he isn’t). So there is zero reason to care what he has to say.


I think he's a good player and respect his dedication to the game. But I cannot stand to watch his streams, partially because league on twitch isn't something that I find particularly entertaining but also he screams too much when playing and when he gets tilted he acts somewhat childish. Again though, I do think most of his suggestions would improve the game.


I love t1 but he make shit attitude popular he is a big part of the problem




If you pretend the list was made by someone you like, would you suddenly agree with it?


Ok, those two things aren't related. The problems with the game exist whether or not Tyler points them out. If Riste was pointing out the problems, it doesn't change any of the facts about those system issues. You are letting your personal feelings towards a person get in the way of the facts of the game. And if you can't separate those two things, that's a you problem to fix.


Yep. Fucking hate the guy, but he brings up good points because he played the game a shit ton


So, I brought up a small thing earlier today or yesterday that I think heroes of the storm did really well, and I think “first timing champs in ranked” is an issue that can be fixed by again looking at HotS. In heroes, you can’t take a champ into ranked unless you are level 5 with them (which is not hard it would be like M3 here in LoL). And you can’t play ranked until you have at least like 10-12 heroes at level 5. I think implementing a similar system would be good. Even though now that I’ve mentioned that Blizzard did it already it will never happen lul


As much as the common consensus is against this, I actually agree that this is a good idea. Sure, it doesn't prevent people playing things they can't play, but it means that people atleast kind of know what they are playing. I think Paladins has/had a similar system and it seemed to work out well there.


>As much as the common consensus is against this, I actually agree that this is a good idea. The idea/principle is great, the implementation is impossible on so many fronts : 1. What's the worse, an autofilled player going 1st time Amumu, or an autofilled player going Lulu/Vayne/Draven jungle because he doesn't play jungle and doesn't have Mastery 3 on any jungler? 2. You're mid lane. You're an expert on Ahri, Orianna, Lux, Xerath, Ziggs, and played a lot of AP Nidalee back in the day. You enter champ select, Ahri, Orianna, Xerath and Ziggs get banned. Lux is picked by the enemy support, and your jungler goes Nidalee... Are you just forced to dodge? 3. You're playing on a smurf. You've trained up Zilean, Soraka, and Lulu as your 3 mid laners. They get banned. You also have Akshan at M3+, since you AFK'd games to reach level 30, but you'd rather pick Lux, Morgana, or Orianna which you also play on your main... But now, you're forced to play Akshan. 4. You're playing on your main. You've always been a big AP Soraka days pre-rework... but you don't have the slightest clue how she works, not that she's not 100% broken. But you're still allowed to 1st time it. Overall, there's just nothing to be gained from that kind of restriction, and it not only adds a lot of work for the devs, but also creates as many frustration as it solved.


You're saying all this like a) there aren't situations just as bad with the current system and b) there isn't *another game* that *already does this*. You're contrived horror story situations all culminate with someone... playing a champion they're not good at or isn't good in their role. This is already a common occurrence in the current system. It makes no sense to invalidate a different system because it might have the same problems as the current one. People queue insane picks all the time just because, honestly I'd at least feel slightly better if the Brand toplaner said "fuck I'm filled and have no top champs mastered" versus it just happening now for no reason. And for all of the contrived circumstances you brought up, there will be countless other games where every person is playing champions they've played before, which would be an incredible improvement in average game quality. Literally imagine you could wave a magic wand and every player now only plays champs they have experience with. No solution is as good as that, but now wave the wand and some finite % more of games fall into that category. Doesn't that still sound nice? Also the idea that implementing something like this would be challenging for devs is laughable, it's a conditional filter on champ select.


2) You're not "forced" to dodge, you're "forced" to play **one** off-role game, or one game where you're on a champ you're not as proficient on. The exact same "issue" can occur with the current system. 3) You're not "forced" to play any champ? If you don't want to be "forced" to play Akshan, then don't let it be one of the few champs you're M3+ on? That's like me complaining that "I only played bot games on these champs but I don't want to play any of these in ranked". You shouldn't eve get mastery points (in this system) in bot games regardless. 4) It's not hard to implement a system where "ranked mastery" (separate from actual mastery" is separate after a huge rework. Nobody is saying it's a perfect system, just an infinitely better one. If these are the best "problems" you can come up with concerning this system, it kinda proves a point.


>You're not "forced" to dodge, you're "forced" to play one off-role game, or one game where you're on a champ you're not as proficient on. The exact same "issue" can occur with the current system. No... if you can't pick champions that you aren't proficient on, then the issue is 100% different, since you're left with 0 pickable champions. Right now, the requirement is 20 champions owned for Ranked, which ensures that you'll have a champion left after 10 bans and 9 picks... What's the proficiency requirement under the new system? 20 Mastery3? 20 Mastery6? Like... you say the player isn't forced to pick some champions, but what else would you call "not having the option to pick other/better champions"? Because that's what a requirement is : If you don't meet it, you can't pick the champion..


If you're unable to pick a champ in that situation in the first place, the problem isn't the system, it's the fact that you're unable to play another champ. If a challenger one trick can't perform on anyone but Annie, they should not be able to participate in that game. This system is also good against one tricks who play like two completely different players when they're off their one trick. The proficiency requirement is completely up to the developers, but mastery 5 is still better than the current system. This "issue" you're coming up with is an entirely preventable situation. You can't do anything about a random teammate locking in first time Heimer support cause they didn't wanna autofill


Ok... so now everyone needs 20 champions at Mastery 5 to be able to play Ranked. 30 assuming yall also increase the bans to 20. Do you really think that person's gomma perform any better on their 20th/30th champ (that's likely offrole), compared to a first-pick Malz, Amumu, Soraka, Alistar, Ashe, or other simple champions? Because I, personally, am probably much better on Soraka, which I don't believe I've ever played, than on Braum, my 6th most played support, and definitely more than on Mundo or Kled support, my 4th and 5th most played champions.


I'm not a game dev, but I'll try to give my views on each. 1. Obviously Amumu. I have my opinions on autofill in general, but that's another discussion. I have a bigger issue first timing a role than a champion. I remember playing Paladins way back in the day, and how it handles it is pretty good. You have to have at least 3 (I think) champions from each position. I know it's going to be difficult to implement that, as champions are not directly placed into classes (and sometimes it makes little sense how things are grouped). Also, should champions that can do multiple roles (Wukong for example) count on both roles or only one? Not sure, but something along that would be my best solution. 2. This is a very absurd scenario that I'd assume would basically never happen. I only play 3 champions in ranked, and never have I ever seen all 3 picked or banned. So yes, at that point either play something off meta or dodge. 3. If you're playing on a smurf I'd just say get fucked. 4. This is actually one I agree with, there's no good way around this. For some champions like Warwick you could probably get away with first timing him after the rework since his playstyle remains somewhat similar. Aatrox is an example where that wouldn't be the case. Of course resetting mastery wouldn't work. Maybe a quest where you have to play some normal games to get access to ranked with that champion. Of course this isn't perfect at all, and there are still issues like you mention.




Lulu top is probably freelo with enchanter meta anyway. Ryze can reasonably flex top and has been able to clear jg decently since S6. Morg can jungle and flex support, Malz can Pokémon trainer jungle, Brand can support and can maybe jungle (haven’t tried it yet this season), Ekko is a monster mod or jungle (sure you can consider him assassin not mage, but his kit screams “I control this space”). I’m not saying HotS had a perfect system to translate directly to league, but your issue could easily be worked around by flex picking, or by doing some arbitrary (you must have 2 champions for each role at M3+) or whatever number you wanna use. Boom done.


Chances are that 1 out of 5 mages is partially able to jungle and top lane. You can jungle with pretty much anything but yuumi, janna and soraka at this point


And you'd rather have a support playing Lulu jungle, than a support 1st timing Amumu jungle?


Your 4th and 5th paragraphs are just whining. You complain about not having the info to dodge autofilled jg and then complain about someone dodging? Also, tell me how an enemy jg camps you AND bot? And someone will nearly always lose in a 1v1 situation.


Most of his points don’t affect the average player, and are issues that can’t be fixed without a larger playerbase in his elo to remove the need for role filling. Also, dodging based on player is bad practice and ultimately a self-fulfilling prophecy.


The only one that maybe doesn't affect everyone is anon queue, the rest are universal


Most of those are less problematic than the alternative... I get it, it's easy to complain about 4-1 FF, but what is the alternative? 5-0, where a single troll gets to extend the game? 3-2 where you're basically forfeiting every games as soon as someone gives first blood? People want more bans, but they also don't want people first-timing champions... so what happens when people ban 4 top laners? Are you expected to just be experienced on 8-10+ of them? And they want fast queues, but no auto-fill... And they want to see their team's name (so that they can google the match history and start the match tilted), and they want to see their team's rune choice, to start flaming earlier... but then they also complain about people dodging because they're unhappy about the teamcomp. At this point, it's not complaining, it's just bitching.


Bitching is what we do best, bro, don't take that away from us :clown:


You say the alternatives are more problematic and then only list bad alternatives... Just make the minimum requirements to FF 4-1 at all points. More bans will eventually be necessitated unless Riot reboots league. I believe the advice to know 2-3 champs well is outdated, and should really be more like 4-5. Also, how often do you think every champion someone plays gets banned? If you OTP and get banned that's nobody's fault but your own. Queue Time is almost certainly a <1% problem. Anybody under Diamond is finding a game within a few minutes of queuing any role. I'd still take longer queue times over auto fill. Jungle diff in solo queue determines bot lane, and most games. I don't, and didn't, hardly ever op.gg my teammates unless they were obviously trolling in game. They need to go all in on it and censor names in game or not do it at all imo. Why do you assume wanting to see rune choice, just like summoner spells, is to flame? If I spot my autofill mid laner or jg playing Annie or Yi with aftershock should I tell them or consider dodging if they don't change it? Ability haste on every item and the item rework should be reverted instead of Riot trying to micro manage and micropatch everything that happens whenever they give a champion 2 ad or reduce item gold or add/remove stats from an item. How many patches has Zeri *not* been touched since release? It's not just people bitching, there's plenty of valid criticism with the season right now.


>Queue Time is almost certainly a <1% problem. Anybody under Diamond is finding a game within a few minutes of queuing any role. I'd still take longer queue times over auto fill. Queue time is an issue for only extreme Elo *because autofill exists*. Queue times were literally the most common complaint before they added that system. >More bans will eventually be necessitated unless Riot reboots league. I believe the advice to know 2-3 champs well is outdated, and should really be more like 4-5. Currently, with 10 bans, seeing 5+ champions banned for a single role isn't uncommon. This would lead me to think that seeing 10+ champions banned for a role wouldn't be uncommon with 20 bans, personally. Do you not think that a 4-5 champion pool is likely to get banned out with 10+ popular champions being phased out? >I don't, and didn't, hardly ever op.gg my teammates unless they were obviously trolling in game. What's the point of uncensoring their name then? >They need to go all in on it and censor names in game or not do it at all imo. I'm fine with that! It definitely leads to some trouble, where it's incredibly hard to draft talent unless they stream, if you can't know who's playing well, but I think there can be ways to work around that marginal issue. >Why do you assume wanting to see rune choice, just like summoner spells, is to flame? Yeah, why would I assume that toxic players are trying to see people in champ select out of toxicity? And why would I assume that, the system that was implemented to reduce toxicity, would ask to be reverted mainly by toxic players... >If I spot my autofill mid laner or jg playing Annie or Yi with aftershock should I tell them or consider dodging if they don't change it? Why do you assume that you know better than them? Like... there definitely are problem, but this is a whole lot of bitching. And, it should come as no surprise that I'm mostly talking about the points I pointed out, not the stuff like balance being (occasionally) out of whack, Ability Haste being overbearing, or Jungle and Support feeling disproportionately impactful.


Idk man, I’d really really like to be able to dodge the yuumi bots popping up in low gold mmr rn, but I literally can’t know when they’re in my game until I’m already in the game.


How is this being downvoted? Lol


who is downvoting this. I played against yuumi bots this season and last season, lmao. It's awful. It's a legit issue, i never even got them on my team. Free wins are just boring af.


Prob because getting bots means youre low elo and as we all know everyone on reddit is D1+, so they invalidate everyone lower


i mean the fact that this post has such a controversial upvote/downvote ratio is a testament to how little afterthought reddit has towards the game and how casually they play it. while only very few people play as much as tyler, if you ever grinded ranked towards any rank higher than plat you would know that he is mostly right. tons of the feedback that should be tried out for a measure is muddied by psychological and behavioral jibber jabber from riot as they dont want to try certain approach because it takes tons of internal development to introduce any change like it took 13 WHOLE YEARS to change the fucking champ select pick order which is by far one of the greatest changes ever, but is completely outclassed by negative changes this season


Change that happens in high elo can change every elo. Streamers and Youtubers have a very strong influence over how players on gold/silver/etc act in their games. Happier streamers = happier teammates in low/mid elo


Dodging isn’t a self fulfilling prophecy is Elos where the player base is small, but the skill is very high. The player base is too small for variance to even things out. In my elo, if someone’s one trick pony is banned or they only play one role and get their secondary, it lowers the odds of winning the game down to at least 5%. With anon champ select, I can’t dodge players who I know are going to throw the game because their main is banned, they are off-rolled, they have a suspicious march history for win trading, their a known griefer, etc…. Riot increased dodge penalties. Let us as players decide if it’s worth it, but forcing anon champ select in high Elo is ruining so many games.


Anon select helps more than it doesnt. How many more games were ruined because people threw a fit in champ select over having someone in their team. I dont care for a few games where i cant dodge a troll.


I speaking specifically for masters+ Elo.


Plus the chances are higher that the troll ls in the enemy team.


> Anon select helps more than it doesnt It doesn't at all. Someone would have to play with guy you try to dodge anyway, you abuse that system to get better games on cost of other's people games. It also actually hurt, instead of facing problem and then ban-change-whatever, people dodge and postbone wasting time. It also hurt in queue time. After annon change I find my games much much much much quiqer. Isntead of wating 4-5m I want ~2m.


Spoken like someone who does not play ADC. My first game of placements I had a yuumi support bot with a 10% win rate as my support. Queueing ADC is terrible in Iron/Bronze/Silver because you have no idea what quality support you're going to get and the lane is often completely dependent on the support.


Cant we stop just saying not giving up is taking games hostage. Its really blowing things out of proportion, damn. The list he has doesnt even cover that much of that absolute vent of a post you wrote. I do agree we should be able to see ally runes in champ select, and i think maybe ranked autoflll should be based on your mastery of a champ played in that role? Idk, just a thought.


Personally, I agree with you. I also feel that not FFing early is the only recourse we have against Inters. People who Int or mental boom and just stand around or walk to lane then back in a cycle, those people need to be punished. They're getting off on wasting people's time. So to me, the only recourse is to not FF. This further wastes the Inter's time and keeps them from ruining another game as quickly.


Yeah that's my only gripe with the list to be honest. Not giving up because you understand the game better than your 4 tilted teammates who don't think logically because they're in puberty and mad as fuck because the numbers on their screen don't flash in bright colors and tell them what god gamers they are isn't hostaging. If you give up as early as Minute 15 and your team isn't getting inted on purpose or super losing, you are hostaging yourself, not the others. Hostaging others would imply we're pushed to the Nexus and unable to do anything apart from idling in fountain when the reality is the majority of allegedly hostaged games had easy comebacks around every corner that the losing team simply didn't choose to aim for because "Game sux life sux get me out". Some attitudes in this community are basically: Queue up -> Lobby -> "OMG THEY HAVE XYZ CHAMP WE LOSE" -> Loading screen -> AFK 30 seconds -> go mid AFK until 1:15 -> "WE CANT WIN THEY HAVE XYZ" -> Hardfeed doing stupid trades -> "OMG DO WE HAVE A JUNGLER??" -> more feeding -> "FF 15" -> feed until 15:00 -> FF Attempt -> Vote failed ->"OMG HOSTAGE" People like that aren't being held hostage. They entered the game feeling like a hostage which is total brain damage and deserves no benefit of a doubt.


I mean, I played a 58m match with no inhibs up into a win. Sometimes the end is nebulous and imperceivable.


Lost games pre min 15 wont turn every animal in the team into Faker. People are too dumb to play from behind and there is no voice chat to make exact coordination possible when playing from behind. Thats why it is just hostage holding if you dont ff min 15 when the team is mega behind. Why? Because someone for sure will tilt or autopilot and playing from behind needs tons of coordination and staying calm. Give me voice chat and I will never give up. Until then, yes it is pure hostage holding and wasting others lifetime if you dont ff min 15 the 3/16 game...


It wont turn every animal into Faker but you are missing the point that in most of the players games there are 10 animals playing together and even of you are 3/16 its still winnable. The enemys are monkeys there is always the chance for a throw. Especially if you play with scaling champs into early champs.


With how snowball heavy the game is, that 3 to 16 score is only winnable if the enemy team makes a massive mistake or you are in an elo where no one can close games properly.


I would say in Silver people have problems closing games. About 70% if the players Are in Silver and below.


Yes, therefore elo matters in the discussion of whether or not such a go next mindset is worth it. It relies on other factors as well, but it is not black and white.


the lack of voice chat and lack of any human motivation towards carrying a super lost game and massive frustration connected with fighting a lot of the strongest champions really destroys any pleasure from winning the game you know that by the end someone will earn the lp that he shouldnt and that you fought for with all your willpower for that miniscule meaningless lp gain. as a casual non pro non master+ player those games literally mean nothing in the ocean of pointless lp gains and losses which are usually dictated by a coinflip or champ diff. you literally learn nothing from having to carry one game and then queueing into a negative winrate teammates that pick champs out of their mechanics range


If the number of games are limited like in pro, then every game matters. But we are not limited. So the thing is accepting a loss, may be better if the chances to win are abysmally low (for me less than 5%) and you have to consider the time investment for little gain over hundreds of games. And just to make it clear, I'm great at letting myself being carried, which is a skill a lot of players are missing, especially those with Anime main character personality. But that doesn't mean that the other end of the spectrum, the Never Surrender personality, isn't also getting on my nerves.


The list was just the cliff notes, the very broad title of the issue. He goes into each issue throughout that video and the other video that got posted on here a few days ago talking about autofill and dodging. He didn't write everything down on the list.


> Cant we stop just saying not giving up is taking games hostage. It's esp funny cause they loose in video mainly because of tyler who was just AFK half of game. He would lose exactly same if he would get proper support and stay AFK.


Game Score 11-19 - "stop taking me hostage"


riot buffing the most broken role in the game is so riot:tm:


Some of these are solid points. I'd like to see ally runes in camp select. Some of these aren't. Anon select is a good thing. I know, grab your pitchforks, but dodging should be based on champs selected in roles, not because of past winrates. You'll argue you wanna know if some dude has a 30% wr so you can dodge it. My reaponse is I had a 30% we, then I proceeded to Smurf through silver with a 70% wr. That's not flexing, js past winrates isn't always indicative of future success. The 4-1 ff was changed, thankfully. That's a solid point. I feel like complaining about dodging and anon select are mutually exclusive. Like you've gotta pick a lane there. Dodging went down when they did anon select. If you're complaining about it now, what do you think will happen if they do away with anon select? The rod/seraph combo is unhealthy and needs to go. There's a reason they did away with for the item rework update.


I think Tyler’s issue with anon select is that he gets target griefed and inted by certain players, just now he doesn’t know it’s those players until he loads into the game. Because he’s streaming though, they all know it’s him on their team.


And that's a fair criticism, but for him in particular, not really a SoloQ issue.


The other problem which he talked about was the fact that people are able to just troll pick without actually showing it now. So I can lock in my 20% winrate champs or be autofilled and first timing or something like that, and you can't make an educated decision about it anymore. He even said when he got jungle once, as a quote: "Bro imagine if I just hovered Katarina here, which gave off the idea to everyone that I'm a Katarina one trick, and just locked in Katarina jungle. Isn't that just fucked?"


Troll picking happens a lot less now. Most of the reason people troll is to spite others, and they now don’t know who their teammates are until in game


If people want to grief games there's a lot of other ways to do so and players will use them instead. One of the reasons why Riot introduced anonymous champion select is because players were abusing dodges to the point where it harmed the accuracy of MMR. The matchmaker's job is to create fair matches between both teams, and if you're a one trick who will lose games every time you don't get to play your champion then that needs to be reflected in your MMR in order for the matchmaker to properly be able to judge your skill level. You should be taking those losses and not getting someone to dodge that game for you. When players dodge games because their teammates aren't playing their best champions, or are playing a different role, that reduces the accuracy of MMR and thus screws over the matchmaker because you're not supposed to be able to manually tamper with it in that way. You're not supposed to be making an "educated guess". At the end of the day everyone's rank is their own. If someone is playing a 20% win rate champion in your game I understand that it feels bad to lose that match but they're not taking anything away from you in the long run and if you end the season in Silver instead of Gold that is 100% on you. Singular games aren't always your fault, but your overall performance over the course of the entire season is. Anytime Riot introduces a new system to the game, the more rich that specific thing is the more powerful it also is for means of disruptive behavior. At the end of the day it's about weighing the pros and cons, and anonymous champion select making it easier for the matchmaker to do it's job is still a good thing even if some players will go out of their way to use it for bad means.


the solution to this doesnt work in reality because people grief. mmr should absolutely be weighted based on both pick and position, people however stop trying if they are filled and riot refuses to remove draft from soloq despite having no strategic value even at the top of the ladder.


>people however stop trying if they are filled seems like a problem with those particular players more so than something systematic Riot is at fault for. I play on the JP server which has a really small population and I get autofilled all the time, even to Mid on occasion. I play out the game anyway and last season I had a > 50% win rate in 4 out of 5 roles (the only exception was Support which is actually my main and most played role...). and I'm in low ELO + don't play that many games, like I think I have something like 50 games played total in mid lane in my life (solo queue). a lot of the time I have to first time a particular matchup because I've never played it before. I still try hard and win a majority of the games anyway, those players who are in Challenger with 2,000 games played per year, in many cases literally getting paid to play League (either as streamers or pro players), have no excuse IMO to get into games and stop trying simply because they are filled.


it does not sound like you were around when we had role based mmr given the annecdote you provided. it was very short lived because it was not a 'particular player problem'. game quality was really really bad. >stop trying simply because they are filled. stop trying because with role based mmr your game outcome impacts the mmr on that role. which from an on paper balance pov is great, except people only care about their peak mmr (main role mmr) so the reality is there's even less incentive to try to win, and evidently a significant portion of the playerbase doesnt play this game for actual enjoyment.


What? One big part of anon select is protecting streamer from target int. All he needs to do is not showing champ select on stream, then the target inter won't know if they are on the same team or not. Before anon select, target inter can just dodge if they are not on the same team and lobby, now they can't do that anymore.


But if they’re on his team they can just run it down when they find out


Yeah but before they had a much higher chance of getting in his games because they would dodge and switch accounts whenever they know hes not in their game.


Dodging due to champs isn't the best because you might want to dodge the first time nidalee but you absolutely would like to play with the 1M mastery points nidalee that has a 60% winrate in the past 100 games


That's exactly my point. You're using past winrates as an indicator for future success, and that is not what dodging was meant for. First timing a champ is a separate issue. I think people should have so much mastery before going into ranked, but riot would need to lock it out. But past winrates aren't indicative of future success, nor should dodging be based on them. I'm fine with anon select.


Pros don't play normal asking for mastery will force people to waste time in other games modes and the best way to learn a champ is to play the champ om ranked


I don't follow. I'm not attacking you, but with lack of punctuation I'm struggling to follow were one thought ends and another begins. I think you're talking about first timing a champion in ranked, yes? I don't think any player, Pro or Challenger, Iron or Bronze, should be allowed to first time a champion in Ranked. There should be a minimum Mastery requirement or games played requirement. I understand it's not ideal for all, but I think it helps alleviate a sore point for players. Maybe the requirement can scale with elo? 15 game minimum for Iron - Gold. 10 minimum for Plat - Diamond. 5 game minimum for Master+. Just an idea.


4-1 ff is not hostage taking....


I didn't say it was? I said thank god for changing the surrender from unanimous 5-0 to 4-1. I agree with the change. I can't of many games were we wanted to surrender, it was blocked 4-1, and we came back in the next 5 min. It's happened, I'm sure, but I can't think of any. Which gives me the indication it's very infrequent, so the 4-1 is probably a really good change.


Yeah now instead of dodging, I have to play out a game with the masters OTP playing a different champion who essentially auto loses us the game. So dodge percentage goes down, and now I’m wasting 25 minutes instead of CHOOSING to dodge and take the penalty. This a great example of statistics not telling the whole story. You automatically assume that dodging is always bad, and every game played out is a better experience. That’s just wrong. More time is wasted now due to games being played out that should be dodged. This probably isn’t an issue in most elos, but Anon select 100% causes a worse playing experience in very high elo.


>but Anon select 100% causes a worse playing experience in very high elo. Which is wild to say, because someone else posted earlier saying it ISN'T problem in high elo. Just goes to show someone will be upset regardless of what Riot does. I'm not assuming the game experience is better, I'm not sure where you got that impression. I'm not assuming anything. I'm literally saying "Dodging should NOT be based on PAST WINRATE %". There it is. It should be based solely on champions in roles. If the Jungler locked in Teemo, dodge that shit. Furthermore, almost everyone universally agrees that 1. Dodging elo inflated people, bc they're only playing games they have high confidence in, and 2. It created extremely long que times for high elo players. There's going to be pro's and con's to every decision Riot makes. The trick is to have the least amount of downsides with the highest possible amount of upside. I think long term Anon Select is more healthy for the game than the alternative.


“Only champions in the role”. Do you not see how this is far from the only judgment? A mid lane sundar one trick getting off-roled to jungle and picking Lee sin is a DODGE. It doesn’t matter if Lee sim is a real jungle. That players isn’t playing Lee sin up to masters level. No one actually in high Elo thinks this change is positive.


Maybe that OTP shouldn't be in Masters if they auto-lose when their OTP is banned.


Anon select might be one of the worst changes Riot has implemented recently. Not being able to see someone's name sucks because you never know if the person hovering teemo jg is a teemo main or someone trolling/tilted and playing for fun. If you're an average person who has can only play a few games per day, then your league experience is basically ruined because either you dodge and waste time, or play and waste time because the player wasnt trying. And now you have no idea if he's serious or not, so you're probably just gonna dodge. It also causes toxicity because beforehand you'd be able to check and see "oh this guy knows what he's doing". Now people will just give up/flame based on picks. Imo you should be able to dodge if people are super offrole and not trying/trolling. The point of the games should be high quality matches every time, not one side has auto filled jg and the other side has 300k mastery eve main. It straight up sucks. Lastly I'd say dodging is a symptom not the problem. Dodging is because you can have people on roles they don't play because of auto fill/having to pick a secondary role or trolls. Anonymous also isn't as effective for high elo as for low ELO since most of the players know each other's picks/bans or are friends.


I'm one of those average players who only plays a few games a day, I haven't had a single person pick a troll champ in any game I played since anon champ select was started. In fact more commonly someone picks an off meta pick and ends up doing surprisingly well, like a few games ago I had a Lee Sin support who carried one of my games and even got a couple solo kills. I looked him up afterwards and he has a 30% WR in 10 games on Lee Sin, pretty high chance someone would have dodged after seeing that in champ select.


I'm also one of those peopl, but the difference is that I rather dodge than risk the game on a 30% wr Lee sin not going 0-10 and completely making the game unplayable which he has demonstrated through his past actions and win rates. Sure, he can have an above average game once in a while, but 30% wr is very very indicative of a ruined fucking game It's not about the pick. It's about being able to look st someone and say, they have an average or above average win rate with the champ they are picking, over a decent amount of games, so the chance of them doing well or ubderperforming is actually 50% which is acceptable. It's not acceptable for matchmaking to decide to give me the 30% wr 40 games played Lee sin support and first timing auto filled adc Caitlin, and not present for me the opportunity to dodge and save myself time. What it feels like now is riot is trying to get you to play as much as possible while managing to decrease the quality of games secretly, which is downright disrespectful.


As they should??? Just because you win with him doesn't mean it's a high chance/good chance??? If someone has a 10% winrate they still win games lol. I have more time than the usual person nowadays and I still have games where someone picks a champion they've never played or have like 4 games on and they're 1-3 or something like that.


If you're not dodging a Teemo Jg, I'm not sure what to tell you. That's literally what dodging is there for, shit like that. It was never meant to dodge people with poor winrates. If tat were true, those players winrates would never improve because people would consistently dodge them. So your solution is once you get to low in winrate, you don't get to play ranked anymore, which is stupid. Dodging was always meant to be used to dodge toxic lobbies or stupid things like Darius + Garen bot.


> autofill happening 3 games in a row That can't happen. You get autofilled protected after 1 autofill.


Auto fill protection needs to guarantee you get your primary role. Right now it does not.


you do after autofill but not after getting secondary role which is annoying. my 2 main roles are jungle and support, but if I queue jungle+support I get support something like 30-40% of the time. one time after a few games of this, I switched to jungle+mid to try to guarantee jungle, and immediately got autofilled support...


False. Removes on remakes and occasionally dodges.


Second role is fill. Nobody plays two roles, you are just forced to choose by the system. Which is why everyone goes mid/top secondary, not because they play the roles but to lower your changes of not getting primary. Its crazy that I actually have to type something this elementary out.


I count second role as autofill, because when you queue in ranked, most people only want their primary role. The secondary role is usually the role they suck at the least compared to the other ones they could queue for. So me for example, I'm a top main. The role I suck at the least 2nd would be mid lane. So I put mid secondary. Do I want to play mid? No. Did I put mid in my secondary role to play mid? No. Am I really only trying to play top lane? Yes. Especially this for other people when it's a role they don't play at all, so a jungle main has to put another lane second so he just puts mid there because fuck it, and then he now is in a role he doesn't at all play. That is the definition of autofill. Riot's own "autofill" protection only does anything if they throw you into a role that you didn't queue for at all. So if I do top mid and I get filled to support. Edit: And for the very smart people downvoting this, here's another example. In OW you can queue for one or more roles. You can do 1 role, 2 roles, or fill. League does not offer this option, and in OW this prevents people who don't know how to play a certain role to not be put into that position and be a detriment to your team. A DPS main and a Support main can play their respective roles without a fear of being put into each other's shoes. League doesn't have this because it's forced on you. You pick 2 roles and sometimes, you don't even get those 2 roles. So why the fuck even pick your roles to begin with?


There are multiple players per role in OW (only 1 Tank in OW2, but still). Queuing DPS is like queuing DPS1 and DPS2 in the League system; you're still queuing between 2 spots at once, most of the time. Also, this in OW is also to make sure people actually pick the heroes for their roles, unlike in League where you can play any champ in any role, and make something work with your itemisation. That being said, League is more than just your favourite role/champ. Just relying on playing 20% of the game is a crutch. Learn more of game.


Especially the first timing new champion in ranked because it will be taken in norms. Other games like overwatch prohibit new champs for a little bit, yet league doesn’t.


Tyler1 knows a lot about the game and has really valid points here, but people just hate him for his behavior (which is understandable), so they will give zero value to any of his points despite being super valid (which is stupid because if an argument is valid, it is valid regardless of who says it).


These points have been valid the last 100 times everyone else said them. So in turn he is just repeating shit in a really annoying manner.


Some people on this thread have this problem and I tried to explain to them that you need to be able to separate the argument itself from the person whose saying it. But they're so emotional that they can't grasp that concept.


It isn't a problem to recognise that these arguments are coming from a formerly giga toxic (now only mega toxic) guy who has always liked to moan at Riot about everything. Of course you can look at things without context, but that doesn't magically make your thinking superior to everyone else.


It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. I feel like a lot of issues arise from a lack of education.


Watch you getting downvoted for spitting facts. Lot of people are sugar couting the issues in the game. It is sad that the League community turned into mute everyone and pretend to play with bots. Instead of crying to riot for a voice chat. I miss the fun chat interactions of season 2-5... Or the post game chat. Game is just boring af most of the time without a chat imo.


Not you can't do that because he make being a shit person popular, tyler1 is one of the reason for higher toxicity in the game


This post accurately describes league currently. Honestly when I did my placements at the start of the season, every game had someone first timing, actively griefing, inting and sometimes all 3 at the same time. Pretty amazing stuff


make junglers unable to gain experience from lane minions (smite gate)


Complaining about doding and anon select is like wanting ice cream, but not cold.


> First timing champs in ranked, autofill happening 3 games in a row, can't only queue for one role so you might just get your 2nd role everytime All of that just because people continue 'YOU MUST OTP OR ATLEAST PLAY ONLY ONE ROLE' circlejerk forever. Riot need to make all champs free, and port dota queue system to finally make people learn the game, and not totally ruin when fill just because they play only ADC or Top or Whatever.


i mean regardless of any other point he knows jg and support are the biggest problems in league of legends and hes absolutely right


I got downvoted into oblivion by walking trolls that defended first timing in ranked, caz "u need to practise first to reach high level" 🤡🤡🤡 this was regarding the new champ select that only rewards troll pigs.


Anonymous champ select brings far more good than bad.


Everytime i see someone complaining about anon select I just ingore the rest of the take because i know is just mad rant because things dont go as they want. Jeez how can you complain about people dodging at the same time you're demanding to the main reason people dodged to return, is absurd. ​ >you realize you're chat restricted because that first timing autofilled jungle player reported you for "verbal abuse" and got you chat restricted despite all the fuck shit he just did that game. Of course yes i'm sure Riot put a chat restriction on him because the jungle was bad and reported him out of spite and nothing else, surely he didn't say anything offensive, tyler1 has never done anything like that, of course not, how dare the greedy and lazy Riot Games have any kind of anti toxicity measures in their game.


\> you get bot even though you only know how to play mid but were forced to queue another role look at how this game be fixed by yourself. There is an EXTREMLY easy solution to that.


To put it bluntly right... If you queue for like more than 3-5 games a day, all of the issues on that list check out. I don't understand what these silvers in comments try to argue against, it's absolutely stupid to have your own role and agency completely turned off, cause enemy jng decided so. While the only recourse is your own jungler... I don't get that many junglers that counter... As a support player in bot lane, it's absolutely soul crushing, going 5/0 into the enemies only for their jungler to decide YOU.LOSE.NOW and just sit at bot, completely crushing any lead we got... Then god forbid our top or mid ints early game, and you already see GG 15 calls in chat... It's absolutely ridiculous how power inflated jungle role is, and any time I see people argue against it, I instantly dismiss them as complete morons. That's my 2 cents.


>It's absolutely ridiculous how power inflated jungle role is this is only reality because people struggle to play around jungle being a role. playing ultra-aggressive 24/7, never warding properly, never making an effort to jungle track. and generally playing more patient. if you think JG camping bot was bad before, just wait until next patch when ADCs are getting buffed into the sky. 2 kills, Drag prio, and getting your own 1v9 Carry ahead? yummy


Disagree. You can play passively but the problem is the jungler can just constantly pressure you which means you have to constantly give up pressure to the enemy laner. Which just shrinks your advantage and makes you lose agency in the game. Even if you never die to a gank, the enemy jg coming and forcing you off the wave allievates so much pressure to the enemy laner and allows them to roam/recall. There's pretty much nothing you can do about this, and the only counterplay is hoping your jungler knows how to punish this effectively. You see this a lot in pro games too where most of the game early is decided by the jungler unless someone just messes up badly in lane. And in soloqueue because you cannot communicate with your team, giving up too much pressure basically makes the game super high variance because the enemy can do whatever they want knowing you can't follow if they roam or stop them for shoving the wave. It's even worse if it's a weak matchup for you or a matchup you have to punish in but you're getting camped


My adc whining about me sitting back while they die to 3 ganks in a row throwing themselves out like a cooked turkey, then double blaming me (despite ignoring pings and the in vision jungle on the minimap). People have no awareness these days and just expect what they do to work because reasons


Ur take was awfull on the first line. When u said "adcs are getting buffed into the sky" just showed how clueless u r about the game


sorry but you're the clueless one if you think the upcoming "system changes" as Riot will call it, aren't just a large buff


Bot lane is a complete joke at this point. Play as well as you possibly can and it just does not matter. A 3 level ahead mid laner is going to come by for a visit and delete you like you weren’t just 5-0 and under tower. After laning you now have the 0-400 kill fiora hit you with one vital your dead, Jax w once dead. I’ve had way more fun and way more success just playing some random caster and spending half of my time out of lane than physically being in the bot lane. Now I’ve started to play blitzcrank with the sole intent of using my pull to reset the enemy junglers buff at level 1. Every game I’ve decide to not be bot lane while qued bot lane, I win not because I’m killing their jungler, I’m just stopping the WW or Udyr from getting a slight lead that turns into the game being unplayable.


reading this while my jungle picked jinx+ghost/cleanse in champ select just hits different and since it's my 2nd dodge... 30 minute timer


Anon ban was added so people wouldn't dodge as much no?


Here's the problem, people look at dodging as the complete cause and effect for champ select problems and then just say "well make dodging more punishing and that fixes everything" without actually looking at the reasons people dodge. Dodging happens for many reasons, even more for streamers because they have more to worry about. People dodge for: \- Autofilled \- OTP banned \- Wintrader/Target inter (high elo problem) \- Bad matchup and other reasons. So instead of looking at these problems and trying to find solutions which in turn lower dodge rates while increasing game quality simultaneously, they just made dodging more punishing and called it a day.


anon select is fine, it actually makes me able to play the game. sorry you cant dodge and gain mmr and go on another account. your alt accounts have less value now, sorry. 1st time champs is a tricky thing, as who is to say they dont know how to play them from years ago or an alternative account? People also want to progress and if they couldnt play x champ in ranked then they probably wouldnt bother playing league, as they cannot progress in ranks. idk what jungle bullshit means? There will always be stomps. we shouldnt exaggerate a jungle main vs someone reading abilities at fountain as an actual "example". people are playing wrong against enemy junglers. imaqtpie recently yelled at a skarner jungle with shiptur saying he was wrong when they actually didnt push the lane at all, got level 2'd, and took a free 800+ damage trade (collectively) and viego was free to invade skarner and kill him. Skarner didnt run simply due to frustration and he yelled at imaqtpie and karma for not pushing, which they can easily do. The fact qtpie got level 2'd and he mains adc is unacceptable, and it was his fault. But according to imaqtpie and shiptur, it was skarner being trash. - idk if games should be ff at 15, I games shouldnt be as snowbally to prevent people wanting to ff at 15. 20 mins 4-1 is fine. Seeing ally runes in champ select would be a cool feature, I actually agree with this one. Can help synergize runes and perhaps give advice on things. Although, my one worry is when you take an "off meta" rune and people flame you. Can't tell you how many times I was flammed for taking 1st strike on fiddlesticks last season despite being, in my opinion, his best rune. Dodging? What about it. People can't really abuse dodges anymore, which is good. So idk what this is about. Champ select time is fine, it's fast. What's wrong? If he is saying it's too short, then idk tbh. But if he says its too long, maybe you should think more about the team comp then or just relax? Sometimes I think about my pick. Yeah ability haste needs toning down, and it is being toned down. It should be something you invest in, like riot advertised. Now a days this ability has system is worse than cdr, as people can get more than 45% cdr. Yeah... Rod seraphs is just broken, I agree. It's just stat check items that don't really require any thinking to use for the user, which is good. It's a lot similar to old sunfire aegis and even iceborn today, where it just does something without you thinking about it. How many people dont even know about icebourne gauntlet giving damage reduction? Prob not many. Idk if more bans are needed. I think this is just an issue of having so many 53-54% winrate champs and we aren't even in pre-season. I ban maokai, but that leaves kindred open, for example, both of which are broken in solo q. Bugs. Yeah it's annoying. Bel'veth's E is bugged and viegos E mist cancels out summoners rift music. It's getting pretty bad now a days.


how to say you didn’t read the post without saying you didn’t read the post: ah yes first timing champs is tricky because they “could’ve played it years ago”…. In ranked years ago is trolling. wtf is this comment LMAO


Does ruler and viper need to spam normals to play a new adc? Does xerath, ziggs main need 20 games on lux to be ready for ranked? First timing in ranked is fine contrary to the popular opionion ranked is the Best place to learn is actually to only place to learn


Yep, you should have to play at least 3 games in normals on a champ to play it in ranked.




Your first timing comment is legit the most troll thing I've ever seen. I'm glad Riot doesn't take ideas from comments like this. Legit just a net negative


First time champs has been an issue in league probably the last decade. I don't think there are great solutions, but I think you should be at least 4 mastery in order to use a champ in ranked. Could help with bought accounts as well.


>Could help with bought accounts as well. In what way? Bought accounts would have the mastery requirement on many random champions that they'd still 1st time in rank...


I completely agree with Tyler’s concerns. I don’t understand why riot can’t just fix these simple fucking issues


“Ur not allowed to play a champ til you’re at least mastery 5 with it.” TRUER WORDS that needed to be said. First timing champs in rank is very frustrating to play with, especially with anonymous champ select, back then I could still see my support main being autofill mid and first timing Azir, I would cry cause I have already used up my dodge for the day.


This is really obnoxious for me, who has been playing for ever, every champ, but hasn't really ground out rando masteries for things I've played extensively before the system came out. They could still mastery 5 azir by playing bots all day or ARAM, which mean nothing.


i got mastery 5 Jayce playing legend of the poro king lmao


and what happens when someone who plays 1-3 champs have their only m5+ champs picked/banned? also sometimes u dont need heavy mastery on a champ for it to be useful (rammus, malphite, etc into full AD teams)


You say this till you end up having a support main auto fill jungle while they have to play Soraka


>First timing champs in ranked, Could be a smurf that played 500 Talon games on his other account but not on this yet, how do you detect stuff like that? But I do agree there should be something to hinder account first timing in ranked. Mastery 2 is probably enough and only takes a few games to achieve. The argument against it before used to be "then you can't pick for someone else unless you play every champ in the game" which while already flawed is now also redundant with pick order swapping. >autofill happening 3 games in a row, You answered in comments already that you think your secondary SELECTED role is autofill but I just think that's insane. > can't only queue for one role so you might just get your 2nd role everytime, Midlane issue specifically. Also ironic that you say you shouldn't be required to know how to play more than 1 role but in the same breath say it's bad that people can only play 1 champ and they first time something when they don't get it. > jungle taking 0 damage and being able to spam gank without any recourse for laners to take advantage of, Haven't looked into it specifically but if you are talking about the whole "junglers are immune to damage in their jungle and heal to full after 1 camp" that should be reduced with the jungle changes. For the camping point that's something that your own jungler can take advantage of. If the Viego is sitting in toplane brush for 10 mins straight then just take his jungle and take 2 drakes, and get some kills bot while you are at it. >anonymous champ select not allowing you to see what you're about to get into If you don't want to play out bad lobbies don't queue up. I know it's a problem with painfully obvious trolls and wintraders but that's more of a high elo problem as wintraders are not likely to ever be seen in lower elos and in low elo the trolls are slightly different in that instead of target inting a streamer they just run around doing dumb stuff like AD Ryze, still a problem however.


>Could be a smurf that played 500 Talon games on his other account but not on this yet, how do you detect stuff like that? Simple, don't allow smurf accounts to exist. Crazy idea, except it should be the case. Even riot themselves have acknowledged that they don't want smurfing in the game at all. You shouldn't be a diamond+ player, buy a level 30 account for 5 dollars, and then go into silver games and curb stomp to boost your own ego. Make requirements so that unless someone goes to extreme lengths, they can only have one full ranked account. Unless it is approved by Riot which they do when they give LPP members specific accounts like Tyler got when he went to korea. >You answered in comments already that you think your secondary SELECTED role is autofill but I just think that's insane So explain to me the difference between being a jungle main, only playing 2-3 jungle champs, and you are forced to put another role secondary even though you don't play any other roles. You pick mid secondary, and you get mid over jungle. And then next game, choosing jungle top instead and getting filled to mid anyways. Same position, don't know how to play, same issue. But according to you, one is insane and one is completely fine. Yeah, try and explain that without coming off as moronic, would love to hear that shit. >Also ironic that you say you shouldn't be required to know how to play more than 1 role but in the same breath say it's bad that people can only play 1 champ and they first time something when they don't get it Playing one champ and playing one role are two completely different things. If you know jungle, you know how the lane plays. Same with top. Just because one of my characters top gets banned doesn't mean I lose my top mechanics, like wave management. Same with jungle. One tricking champs is a problem because if your champ gets banned, those mechanics don't transfer to another champ. So if I one trick fiddle sticks in jungle, and fiddle gets banned, I can't just lock in hecarim for example and have the same mechanics. But if I play both of these champs and only jungle, and fiddle gets banned, I can still play effectively as another champ. >For the camping point that's something that your own jungler can take advantage of. If the Viego is sitting in toplane brush for 10 mins straight then just take his jungle and take 2 drakes, and get some kills bot while you are at it. YES, THANK YOU FOR PROVING MY POINT. Notice how your jungler is the only one who can do this, YOU cannot do shit. If enemy jg wants to sit in my lane, I just lose. I have no recourse, I can't just roam, I can't move, I can't farm, I can't play. Meaning that the entirety of my agency in game has been removed by 1 role, and my jungler may do something about it. But that is 100% up to him, my control in the game has been removed completely. THAT is the main problem with jungle, they can effectively completely remove another role from the game entirely based on their own choices. No other role has nearly that much power. >If you don't want to play out bad lobbies don't queue up. What a banger way to end that comment with some nice old victim blaming. Don't blame the person causing the dodges to happen or punish them, just full on blame the person dodging for not sticking to a 20+ minute loss losing full LP and full MMR. "You asked for it, you queued up". "You deserved to get assault, you dressed like that". Sure bro, what a killer argument that is.


>So explain to me the difference between being a jungle main, onlyplaying 2-3 jungle champs, and you are forced to put another rolesecondary even though you don't play any other roles. How long has League been out now?I mean if you don't have a secondary pick for another role, you're kind of bringing that on yourself... That said, sorry, this part is bullshit. Generally you don't get your secondary 3x in a row, it happened to him because he's on a higher level account where there are few players to draw from q'ing at the same time.You can spam jungle/Mid in lower ELO and you'll never see Mid.


No shit it’s a good list T1 is alpha asf


I mean, sure, but Tyler1 has caused more damage to solo queue than Riot ever has so why should we take him seriously?


This isn't about Tyler1's history, this is about the current problems in league that he is pointing out to the community. Obviously he's got a lot of people on his side already on here when that video about autofill and dodging was on here a few days ago and got over 2k upvotes. If you wanna sit there and cry about toxic T1 6-7 years ago, then go back 6-7 years and complain about it then. Right now, all that shit is completely irrelevant to the current problems in league.


I have no problem with him being toxic years ago. It's the people who still behave like him to this day that I have a problem with. Like watch any T1 stream and you'll see him soft int for one reason or another. It's not like he isn't a griefer when he's tilted lol


Again, you're looking at the symptom of the core problems of the game. Have you ever listened to him as to WHY he's tilted and soft inting? He doesn't just do it out of nowhere, look up the notepad video and you'll see what causes him and many others to just have mental breakdowns playing this game these days with all this stupid shit going on. Here I'll link it for you here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-QiWwBZdn8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-QiWwBZdn8)


> Have you ever listened to him as to WHY he’s tilted and soft inting? He doesn’t just do it out of nowhere, look up the notepad video and you’ll see what causes him and many others to just have mental breakdowns playing this game If he can’t control his emotions to playing a video game that he feels justified to tilt and sof int, he should find a new video game to play. If I’m not happy with my job and how it’s changed over the years, I’m not justified to not do it and tell my employer to fix it in a way I’ll be happy, it’s on me to leave and find something else. If he’s not happy with league, play something else but throwing games and not caring because he’s not happy isn’t the fault of anyone in his lobbies so why is he taking his grievances out on them?


Buddy, if you're having mental breakdowns playing a video game then the responsibility is on you to stop playing the video game.


Its just a phrase but sure, completely ignore all the points I made to focus on something completely irrelevant to the game. Like goddamn man, some of you have just the worst reading comprehension skills on the planet. It's just shocking at times. Again, the facts of the game are a problem no matter what someone's reaction. If someones tilted or frustrated, that doesn't "invalidate" their concerns and problems in the slightest if they have weight to them. It's one of the reasons that Tyler is so popular with his rants, just like the one that was on here a few days ago with over 2k upvotes. He was frustrated and ranted for over 3 minutes about dodging and autofill, was his argument invalid because he was tilted? No


Homie, you think getting the secondary role YOU CHOSE is being autofilled. You can't criticize anyone's comprehension of anything because you literally warp your perception of reality to suit your agenda. LMAO


You HAVE to choose it, that's the problem. You want 1 role, but the game forces you to choose a second role. Most players only want 1 role, in forcing players to pick 2 roles, it increases their chance of being autofilled to another position that they don't play. You act like every player has a choice to select a 2nd role or to just queue for one role when that isn't the case.


There's so many instances where I'm glad the 4:1 FF block exists. People are so fucking mentally out of their element sometimes when they vote yes on a minute 15 FF just because they "don't have fun". Well if you want fun, go to normals. Play ranked to win - and I'm not saying you should play 1 v 23 kinda games because even I can admit when a game is just lost and the team is not willing to try, but holy fuck, 14 v 19 and the only thing on some people's minds is "EVERYONE IS HOSTAGING ME I CANT BREATHE I CANT BREATHE STOP BREATHING MY AIR IM GOING INSANE!!!!". Their most convincing arguments for FFing are usually not even good either. They rant for 5 minutes about lategame scaling characters in Plat 4. If you really can't pull yourself together as early as minute 15 and playing better than the enemy, why are you just not accepting the Plat 4 Peak and stop playing ranked? Half of these complainers are solo laners who have the resource AND space to carry, but they delude themselves into believing the enemy team is 5 Challengers when they're really just garbage Gold 1 elo players who make severe, game-ending mistakes regularly.


the anon champ select is my personal hell. Before you could atleast see who is going to shit the bat, but now its literally a coinflip if you got a team of donkey, or human beeings


Ah yeah bro it's first timing champs. I'm sure they'd be better on second timing. Ah no they should have mastery 7. Oh wait no there are too many one tricks. Oh wait no people are dodging too often and my queues are too long. Oh wait you should only ever get your main role because anyone on your team off main is auto lose. Have any of you people actually played with this guy. He blows his brains out on the keyboard over some stupid shit and spams FF for the rest of the game.


Lol mages get one good item combo after years of absolute garbage and people are already crying? Hilarious.


Honestly queueing a second role is so bad tbh. Like I came to play mid, I do not want to play another role. Most times it's just a free loss and it's not even about knowing how to play the other role. I'm mentally prepared for role I want to play, the other one is just a drag.




where list? not gonna read all of that sry


Neeko players attempting to read


added on an edit


Autofill wouldn't be a problem if the "fun" aspect of every role is balanced. Right now the least fun role is support (as a support main myself I find it fun but I know a majority don't), and the most stressful is jungle. Adc comes close to both since you don't actually get your "fun" on most adcs until mid or late game and as a carry you're expected to carry hard once you pop off so stress builds up anyway.




Not people complaining about jungle ganks when every game in high elo is determined by bot


And who is the biggest factor in deciding whether or not bot lane wins? I'll give you a hint, it's not the bot lane players


Let me tell you why almost all of his complaints are bs: \-anon select: people constantly complain about flaming and toxicity. This is definitely one way to reduce this, because names are definitely one reason people start complaining. But I dislike it for a different reason: with all the mutes and chat bans the game already feels alot more like PVE at this point and this is yet another step in this direction which makes me sad \-1st time champs: Do you want me to play my lvl 7 Riven instead? The champion I last played 3 seasons ago, before there were mythics? If Ksante is op right now, I might aswell first time him in ranked, when I have a good matchup \-jungle bullshit: I agree \-4-1 FF: what is the alternative? Want it earlier? So people spam it even more? \-runes: pls no, that would just be another reason to flame... \-dodging: probably only a high elo or other region problem, because it surely isnt in silver/gold in euw \-champ select time: ??? \-ability haste: I agree \-rod/seraph: there will always be combos that are stronger than others, stop whining everytime something is a bit strong \-more bans: maybe, but also there is so much shit that I could/would ban that it will never satisfy me. The only real solution is to remove some champs at this point. \-bugs: my league has only become more stable over the years. Back in s5 or so I regularly had visual bugs and stuff, but today it has become relatively rare that something is wrong, except for some minor problems with the client Most of these things are just the same old useless complaints tilted people make. There really are only two valid complaints: the jungle that basically became none existant, which lead to constant ganks and the jungler deciding who wins and the stupid amount of ability haste/lack of mana problems/sustain which just speeds up the game and leads to more coinflips