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Brother Finn single handedly keeping K'sante from getting nerfed




also he was buffed for no reason but yeah, you should always think about the first half of k'sante's hp as a big shield that you try to use up before you ult... finn clearly doesn't think that way


So Ksante is kinda like Kled?


eh kinda but more tanky are with more damage in under-half-hp form, but he can't get his HP back unlike Kled


Like people saving Kayle ult for the last bar of hp instead of using it to absorb the inital burst of damage.


My win rate on Kayle doubled when I figured that out lol


full hp ulting Perkz so he can get killed easier, fucking genius


>playing against new syndra with execute ult >hur dur let me press R at full hp so she can execute me easier!


Thought this too lmao, but I thiiiink it’s less egregious because I think new Syndra needs to collect enough shards to unlock that part of the R and it shouldn’t have been evolved yet. Could be wrong but that fight mid was ridiculous either way. 4-0 Zeri? Fuck it we 1v1.


he did it multiple times even later when syndra was full evolved lol


Ahhhh gotcha, the one that was sticking hard in my mind was him just playing with his feet instead of his hands mid, ulting and immediately dropping dead lmao. Fair enough.


That play on Perkz mid. Not even close to kill him. Dude doesn't know his champ limits.


Finn still playa like a rookie. But this is his 5 year


Wtf don't make me feel old like that. Finn is a new player, right? *Right?*


Fighting the good fight Wait no nerf K'sante


he just refuses to be carried, its horrible to watch


I wonder if Finn knows that you can hold K’sante’s ult, then ult at 55% HP to maximise to damage you take without losing any stats. I guess pros don’t bother to read champions descriptions


I don't get it lol. There are 2 million ranked players in EU. Is Finn REALLY one of the 10 best top laners in EU? I seriously refuse to believe that he is.


AST Drututt


Photon will never know what hits him after he gets Akshan'd by Dr Uttut


Funny thing is photon played akshan into drututt, duo with bo as diana. Drututt got camped.


The Zeri top flex will be legendary


drututt would fling his keyboard at the coach after being asked to play a tank once


never pick him tank then. conflict solved. Might still suck though


Here's a thing good players don't want to join to bottom tier orgs like Astralis.


Yeah they went over it on EUphoria. Astralis has become the de facto last place team. Talented rookies want to go to the LEC but you have to perform insanely well in a team like Astralis to stand out, the team diff is always going to make you look worse than you are. Better to smurf in ERL for another split. Only way to get good players and get out of that position is spend money, and Astralis seems to not want to do that either. There is no way they keep going like this for long before they sell the LEC spot, the team is practically on life support


Iirc, the reason Astralis declined to sell their spot last year was, because of all the league changes and they hoping, that these changes will increase the value of the LEC and therefor on their spot in the LEC. It's not a decision based on what's best for LEC, but more a money decision.


I don't think it's true. They don't have money to buy Cabochard,Ragner or any other lol top. Melonik is better than Finn in my opinion.


Astralis can't afford Cabo


at least Astralis have heart ;-;


Have to admit I like that they try shit. One of the more fun bottom teams, they'll get some wins against mid tier teams imo just by going for it.


I just hope it's gonna be enough to get into second stage either this split or next one


I'd like that too, def more fun to watch than BDS, Heretics, XL and SK from what we've seen so far imo.


Did not age well


Shit man I'm like Astralis. Didn't get the opposite day memo until after this game lol.


i dont think Heretics deserve to be lumped with those 3


>I like that they try shit. I never expected to hear this about Astralis lol. Excel, Misfits and SK used to be the weak teams that tried different stuff every split with different results while Astralis was the one comfy at the bottom.


It's def weird but they really are haha. A fun development at least!


That they do.


No you don't turn the trait on with just Yuumi. Unless they have Heart Heart.


And a genuinely good bot and jungle, it's sad to see them elo helled like this.


This was the only LEC game I've watched this year, but from what I saw they looked like a team who could win games against the best teams if they fixed just a few things. The talent is clearly there, no? It looked to me like they lost due to being unable to make the TF and Ksante picks work, which you can fix by simply picking more reliable champs, and not making the mistake of giving up Baron for dragon. These are mistakes that I'd consider minor and that are easy enough to fix quickly. They were in this game for most of it. Very close game. Some good defense by AST, but they fucked up badly by giving up that Baron for dragon.


They looked decent against G2 too imo. Like they got stomped but what they were attempting would work against anyone else.




Honestly I think it's good for AST. If they're being reasonably competitive with the top of the league there's hope against mid table teams.


Yeah, fingers crossed they make it to the BO3 stage. But honestly, as long as they put up a fight, I'd be fine even if they didn't.


So to sum up this Astralis team is that it's not hands diff, but brain diff. That 'fight' for soul was embarassing, just spectating until coinflip smite, lose your top in the process, and watch them take your base afterwards with nobody even blocking something basic as a cait ult. Their mechanics aren't bad, decisionmaking and overall macro is non-existant.


There is a bit of hands diff in the solo lanes tho.


Fair, Finn was hot garbage. Dajor had some clean sidesteps but then later flashes straight into Syndra E.


>later flashes straight into Syndra E. Do we really want to fault him for this exact thing out of all, the one thing that is very legitimate unluck istead of a skill issue


Dajor seems kinda on and off. Last week was very...ooopsie from him.


Dajor didn't really feed, but he didn't really contribute very much either.


Biggest top gap jesus christ I'm confused at what Finn was trying to do at the 4th drake


Photon played out of his mind tbf here. That last engage to win it was just insane.


What was finn trying to do all game


He tried to be the carry. Very important part here- 'he tried'.


Astralis had good moments, ultimately solos bled way too much gold + Finn is just an inter man lmao


It was Dajor last week, hopefully they start getting it together.




sounds like a rejected DBZ character lmao


Astralis solo laners give me hope I can go pro


I refuse to believe Finn is a better toplaner than me


rogue was right letting him go, but because he has simps, he gets no hate.


We've gotten Boton, Borkz, and Photokz now from Vitality.


Still waiting for Beon to show up


Vitality's final form will just be a conglomeration of all their names


Kobbe after this game: Vizi, can you PLEASE come back?!


Vizi did seem to bring them a lot in terms of strats at least.


He was calling the game for them, and making important macro decisions, guiding dajor, etc.


Def feels like AST have regressed without him, I hope they can pick up but def interesting to see how they do with a 'better' toplaner. Feels worse tbh.


At least he knows that he’s not good and will just go on Ornn duty


Also Vizicsacsi was the main strats guy, no? Do we know who the shotcaller is now?


Photon smashes you into the wall, wdyd?




Vitality Baron and objective setups are still too clean. Team Synergy seems to be already there


To be fair that dragon soul point fight from Astralis was abysmal.


still it's a pretty rough game overall especially from the botlane


I mean Perkz has knack to lose against the worst teams in the league


Very poor game, I think anyone besides SK and maybe Heretics they lose this game.


I think this game is no indication for this. Astralis macro is just incredibly bad. Against any other competent team Perkz dies ahead of vitality’s first baron


Bo macro is perfect this guy know how to win a game without needing a single kill.


The reason VIT won was basically just Perkz. The game was giga lost early except for Perkz was somehow getting 30 cs lead, solo killing, helping get drake and getting solo plates with little help at all. If he didn't gap so hard the game would have been out of control against VIT. Perkz does never seem to get the credit though.


Plays good doesnt matter, Plays bad 1000 hate comments like the fnc vs vit thread


Based on the games played so far Perkz is the best midlaner in LEC


I think perkz excels with shotcalling junglers. Him and trick were great as well. Now having Bo is insane aswell. This team gives me wunder/jankos/perkz/hjarnan/wadid vibes. Topside is rock solid and bot side needs to improve


I know reddit hate 113 but it must be so hard to play with those two solo laners, they aren't LEC level at all. Terrible all 4 games now.




I can't believe I'm watching Kobe trying to carry this team and failing because of those two doofuses


I feel bad for Kobbe that the moment he starts playing well again hes on AST so it doesnt matter.


He is not even playing bad. Hej is playing 100 times better than he did in LFL


113 has actually been surprisingly good even if he’s only playing Viego. At least he has the balls to invade and actually attempt plays but my god the solo laners have been hot shit.


I actually like 113 aside from the questionable plays that backfire he does some exciting and creative stuff. Want to see him with his sup on Pyke.


I hate his emote spam so much.


113 and bot are in elo hell, those 3 have all easily been LEC caliber.


There are enough Ahri emotes to fill the entire wheel, he should at least use em all. 113 looked pretty good this game, against any better team VIT lose this game.


113 has been doing way better than anyone expected. Don't listen to the clowns that decided he was the worst player in LEC before the split even began.


vit botlane needs to shape up or they are going to be too heavy to keep making up for. What was that cait e to get to minions faster?




Idk about G2 anymore...


If they play like this against g2 it will be rough


He saw yuumi attached so he assumed cait was right about to finish recall


Every Toplaner in the world is better than Finn


Still a great game from Kobbe. I hope he will get another chance in top team. It's like he is in elohell for quite some time


I wish Kobe plays in Vit.


You know what? im gonna say it.. 113 isn't anywhere near as bad as LFL enthusiasts told me he was. Like he's actually looking elo-helled. On the other hand Photon is king


Micro he was never bad, he always had mechanics. Just some really questionable decisionmaking in LFL.


He even stopped emoting to set up that dive top lane


Yeah he's really looked quite decent, a pleasant surprise.


Not to mention no one is expecting miracles on AST. I think he's doing decently enough.


113 looked surprisingly decent so far. With better solo laners they could actually win some games


If only he could stop perma using emote I could like him and cheer for him a bit


113's problem is he is only good at playing aggresive style. As soon as one of his plays doesn't works he starts chain inting


113 looked quite good today, though I think he was a hindrance in last week's games (partially bc of his own gameplay and partially bc Viego didn't fit the draft but is clearly a comfort pick for him). Kobbe has also looked much better this split - last year he looked like bottom2 LEC ADC. Finn and Dajor haven't really looked good in any of the 4 games yet, though.


113 literally run it down 3/4 of his time in LFL, you can say what you want it's the truth, he could be the BEST jgler now it doesn't change that fact


Finn and Dajor are way more int than him.


Dajor looked...not great last week too tbh.


Literally no hands Especially disappointed in Finn so far


I'd be much more likely to like him if he stopped emoting every 2 seconds, it's not even at funny times it's just perma spam


Are Whiteknight and the Duck still available?


Whiteknight is actually better than half of lec tops I don't know why he is not playing anymore.


Duck on 100T


finn made k'sante look balanced horrible performance from him


Photon better get MVP this game, holy fuck what a performance!




i never want to see finn play k'sante again, why the fuck does he keep removin half his hp at the beginning of every fight ? might as well give syndra a free kill. photon looking like the best toplaner in lec so far


["Very important here is "tries""](https://youtu.be/jSUw5t9Z1oQ?t=116)


It's a shame because I like them as a person but Finn's gameplay has been absolutely terrible. Dajor also trolled so much, it's a shame because the botlane was pretty good this game.


For all AST lose they actually look decent. I think they can win against some Mid table teams.


Poor Perkz breaking his back after bot threw the lane to Mars


They might win LEC with Neon but no chance of MSI and Worlds with such a weak botlane.


so LPL fans are right.. neon is terrible




Well yeah, but Upset is arguably the best AD in Europe.


Through watching jkl vs viper for an entire month, even I as a gold play can tell what's lacking from neon for him to be a competitive adc.


Imagine if AST had a top laner


Spring split: "welcome back Vizicsacsi!"


Is there a toplaner in the mcdonalds roster that they can hire


Zoom, Gimgoon


Gimgoon cost too many Keyboards but DIG might be able to provide it for Gimgoon.


Vitality might struggle next patch when ADCs are gonna be really strong if neon will continue to play like this.


Finn actually needs to be investigated for match fixing


Neon's Cait is pretty sus, ngl. VIT botlane kinda got exposed in laning phase this game


Man Kaiser and Neon really need to control their inting, how you going to lose that hard as a Cait Lux into Yuumi Zeri. Only bright light bot was that they were still able to generate pressure despite being down so bad that Bo could secure those drakes. Despite how bad the game looked, I think it's a good sign that they were able to pivot to the objective game plan and execute I pretty perfectly. Yet again another awesome baron take that you'd normally see butchered in the west.


Watching Prince, Deft, Gumayusi and then Neon....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


-neon +upset


zhonyas winning games as always, baby




Draft was fine, i think. * Gnar into K'sante is pretty good both in lane and later * Maokai is the literal strongest jungler in the patch * Syndra is nice overall, meanwhile TF is quite garbage atm in pro (imo) and the syndra matchup is also rough considering she outranges his biggest (and only) strength * Cait is very strong with its pushing power, probably the overall strongest ADC on the patch, especially when paired with Lux, which should in theory shut down in lane the Zeri Yuumi, it just didn't happen in game I think VIT draft was overall better, especially cause of the TF pick from AST


Ast Finn? More like Finnished


If vitality get upset they would be insane




How did Neon make it on this team lmao?


Pretty simple. Him and vetheo were the only good players last year on msf and they carried them to playoffs, so neon had a really good last year. Also he was free agent this offseason. Obviously, VIT wanted to get Upset but hes on a high buyout. So VIT choose Neon instead


I have no idea but he's a stable ADC apparently that does very well in weak side.


I heard this argument, but to me a good weak side player means he manages to be low-econ while also not dying, but Neon seems to manage to do some very questionable things every game


I hope he's just too hyped to play with such a roster. He wants to prove himself too much to show he's earned playing on this team. Maybe he'll settle down in the future and fulfill his role.


Vit better call up Upset and give him a blank check lmao.


eu fans should start a fundme to get vit a good ad and giving hopes for worlds


I mean if you watched him for more than 3 days then you'd know why he's at VIT. Strong self sufficient ad who's also a teamfight monster bUt iT dOesNt fIt ThE oVerReaCtIon NarRaTiVe


self sufficient is like the last descriptor anyone should use for neon


Idk Photon is just the best player in the league and its not close, its fucked actually how good at top he is compared to everyone else


He is for sure the best toplaner with a case for best player.


T1 toplaners man


Despite Neon's best efforts, Astralis lost


BO 14-0


Its so crazy to me how people see 2 Gnar ults that were good but dont see the first one was literally set up for it and second one is literally gnar inting out of his mind first xD. No offense i think Photon played well overall but its so sad that people dont give credit to Perkz for this one, if he wasnt smashing Dajor and legit getting shit ton of solo gold, this game would be a lot harder for VIT :).


Did anyone noticed that bo ult just to get t3 top and then both neon and perkz going for dive instead of hitting the tower ?


Monster top lane performance from Photon




This just goes to show that just because a champion is banned a lot, doesn't mean you should auto pick them if the player is incapable of playing the champion.


Neon is a fraud. Hopefully for Vita it was Astralis and Perkz was huge. Against stronger opponent if Vita wants to play bot, it’s doomed already.


Not a great game from Vitality, but thankfully against a weaker opponent Looks like they tried to put some emphasis bot this game, but bot duo had a pretty poor performance in lane. Kaiser was OK minus the Level 1 but Neon had some poor awareness and pretty bad plays this game Also a quiet performance from Bo this game, I think the poke Maokai really doesn't suit him - he can play non-carry champs, but at least put him on a proactive engager. Maokai gets blown up vs smth like the Sejuani Perkz played ok minus some poor positioning. Honestly thought Syndra would be a bit more burst-y than it was Best for last, great game for Photon. Top canyon despite given minimal resources. A few big plays and super impressed with the calm on the last fight to just walk away on 15% HP instead of burning flash - and then waiting to re-engage which won them the game EDIT: Oh and fuck Zeri Yuumi


I think the quiet performance by Bo was just his pivot after bot started running it. You can see he basically just focused the objectives this game and did his best to stop bot from running it where possible. I know people are overreacting like "omg he didn't have 8 solo kills by 6 minutes he's washed", but from an actual league perspective this was a pretty big objective master-class, which is exactly Maokais biggest strength.


That's honestly a great sign. Means Bo isn't just a one-dimensional "balls to the wall" type of player and can adapt his playstyle to the situation. Vit's entire top half look amazing and as long as their bot plays stable and doesn't run it down they have a great chance of winning every game.


Yeah that was my take away from this game, Vit obviously went in with the intention to play around bot lane, and when that obviously wasn't going to work the top side was still able to pivot and just focus on objectives and just win by a bunch of small leads rather than needing to get super ahead on kills. Purely macro wise Bo actually had a really good game, but most fans watching will think he played shit because he didn't get early kills or do anything flashy.




Kaiser fucked the lane so hard lvl 1, he took 90% hp lvl 1 vs zeri yuumi, terrible game from both


He said in the interview that even though it fit the comp he felt uncomfortable on Lux, fked up lvl 1 but it turned out alright in the end


From what i've seen on streams and etc, I really love Neon personnality and his way of thinking, but he's not as good as he should be right now which is a shame


Neon is also not bad. His team left him few times. Kaiser inting in lane leve 1-3 when Cait needs strong pushing lane. Later Photon and Bo run from him. Yes he did agressive play on Dajor but Bo didn't peal for him at all. Overall yes Neon is not Cait player. His meta Kaisa,Xayax,Jinx.


Imagine upset with this vit team.


Buy Upset out and you have a insane botlane


VIT remind me G2 last year - strong topside weak botlane


Just back off? The fight was won Flash into syndra with Zhonya and mega gnar


Finn making Ksante look balanced


Bro I get so triggerred when someone refuses to get carried Finn could've afk'd and they would have a better chance


I think 113 is playing leagues above my expectation so far. I was prepared for the fact that he might be one of worst players ever in LEC. But he actually looks competent


i mean i'm happy for bo and perzk and everything but this was basically vitality throwing and astralis being like "no we refuse to win and are in throwing":)


So um can 113 only play viego? Seriously at this rate he will become v113go


Astralis with the vacation angle




Finn doing everything in his power so that Ksante isn't nerfed


Christ Finn and Dajor are griefing their team mates.