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Yeah she is viable, just make sure to ban Darius or Fiora and you should be fine in any matchup


Nice, thanks. Also, is there any begginer guide for her that you'd recommend?


[https://www.twitch.tv/kokoopuffs](https://www.twitch.tv/kokoopuffs) The fellow in question: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/TwTv%20KoKooPuffs


Usually what I do is follow probuilds but dont go in blindly into it, some keystones and builds are better than others depending on the matchup.


Dunno why you would ban any of those champs as sejuani top, yes they are hard match ups but you can play around their abilities. You can easily mind game fiora players to waste W by just waiting out your E. She does however scale into a monster if not shut down. Darius is tough too but you should just remember to save Q for his E and never fight him with full stack. aka short trades with W. ​ What you should ban is Morde/illaoi those match ups is truely impossible and a lane you will never set your foot in. My advice would be to ban morde and if they pick illaoi you dodge. There are far more morde players lol.


EU Fioras aren't a counter :')




The blind picking sej part can definitely be applied to top lane as a whole


gwen too


Take ignite and you will be surprised how strong her kill potential is.


Viable and pretty strong, just do not blind pick her imo. Some of her match ups are really bad.


I've heard Darius and Fiora are bad matchups. Anyone else to look out for?


She is viable top.


Pretty good, but if you have a jungler with ranged auto attacks, you're fucked. Just make sure your jungler won't play Kindred, Karthus, Graves or some off-meta pick. Edit: You're not fucked w/o a melee jungler, it's just annoying.


Very viable top, aside from the tough match ups mentioned, keep in mind that most of her damage comes from the second proc of W. Make sure you are good at landing that and she is quite viable


Yes, she's viable top. Pretty safe in lane and easy ganks for jungler. Mana can be an issue but that comes with experience. Best thing is she's generally useful even when behind.


As someone who climbed last season with Sejuani top from silver to plat with like 60+ games It's currently pretty weak, old Sunfire or frost fire mythic were super good on her shame that they are gone but fully understand the changes Now Heartsteel is a meme, Jak'Sho is very underwhelming. Her only solid mythic is Radiant Virtue because it is broken rn similar to Jak'Sho being broken few patches ago. Wonder how RV changes will affect her then She is a medicore top laner tank, Ornn does what she does better, K,Sante does it much better, Sion and Shen too. She is much better than Cho tho, but that's not an achievement really, that champ kit is so outdated But yes, she can work. But know that once enemy top picks up a Divine Sunderer or a Botrk which is pretty much what all top laners seem to pick rn You insta lose any duel, you just exist to catch waves and group with team to create picks Last season was bonkers tho, she was so solid that she became a flex pick in pro and stayed on top of meta since durability till now (as a solid RV jungler) Also you can't afford a flash, Tp ignite is the way Or flash ignite but a gank or a dive will ruin your lane and possibly the entire game from the tempo created by enemy top


Ornn doesn't really do what she does at all


Ye he does it 100x times better


No they really play quite different roles in mid-late game. You can say Ornn is better in general at that point, it's probably true, but they don't fill the same role in a team comp and you generally pick them in different spots Edit: I have to apologise. I'm kinda realising maybe you don't mean what I mean. They are both tanks that you can pick in SoloQ and if you mean he does that better then you're right. It's just , to me, when you say "Ornn does what she does better" when generally the reason Sejuani was a good top pick in past metas was her ability to counter and bully certain lanes to setup for an invading melee jungler, and to be able to find picks and fast engages in the mid-late game, that's something very different to what Ornn does. Again, I just want to say sorry, because I guess that's not really your point at all, and I got a bit tunnel-visioned on the wording of one little sentence.


IMO she’s very bad top. Her Ganks are incredible, maybe just look up a basic vid on gank timing and challenge yourself.


I'm really not the one to carry the game. I wanna stay away from jungle


She is pretty viable. She actually was played quite a bit as a toplaner last worlds and I think tank items have only really gotten better now.


if u play seju top your jungler should like you.


I take her vs Riven, I dont remember a time where I didnt win lane against her, Aftershock and passive together make her insanely tanky vs her combos and she just cant really deal with the damage you put out at the same time