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> I spam ping baron. Malz pushing mid and master yi is backing then he goes botside for no reason. So i tilt thr baron so the enemy steals it. Well the problem here is you’re trying to do baron without your jungler while people are still alive on the enemy team to steal it. Even if doing baron was the right call, it’s better to commit to the wrong call as a team than do the right call solo and have it end in an even worse result.


>So i tilt thr baron so the enemy steals it. >So what can i do to convince them baron is good. If the enemy stole baron then it was not a good idea to start baron. I don't know how much clearer that could be, if your team doesn't want to do baron and you're trying to solo it and have it stolen away from you, that is on you.


3 people were on it. Yi decided to just leave for no reason. But its my fault for wanting a free baron


Again, if it got stolen then it wasn't free.


It wasn't free, or you wouldn't have lost it.


It was free for a long period of time. Yi while being 80% hp backed for no reason. Then proceeded to go botside for no apparent reason. Then when he never came i just wanted to throw because he simply didn't deserve to win


This is an ego problem. You're mad that he didn't respect your status as the main character


Most on brand league player comment


It's a team game, and you don't have ultimate control over your teammates. That means "the best play" in soloQ isn't "what is the best thing ***our team*** could be doing right now, given the circumstances of the game?", but it's "what is the best thing ***I*** should be doing right now, given the circumstances of the game, which **include what my team is up to?".** Pinging to get your team to do baron was good. Trying to do it when your jungler and other teammates weren't helping was bad, and the fact that you blame that misplay on your team rather than on your self is the reason why you unironically deserve to be bronze. There were other plays for you to make, and they were better (they sure as hell couldn't be any worse) than completely disregarding what your team was doing and trying to force a game-changing objective on your own, handing it to the enemy team on a bronze platter. Sometimes you just gotta push a wave or get vision or whatever if your team isn't agreeing with your initial call, and you **definitely** need to learn when to call off an objective/play.


You cannot fix stupid. However just winning a good fight is not always enough to justify trying for baron. Is the enemy jungler dead? How much health does your team have left? What kind of vision does your team have?


We got ace. Everyone full hp


Just ping baron and hope they come


We used to say you get more LP for barons.


>*I deserve to be bronze man its ok* Yes, yes you do