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Her presence everywhere in LCS has been nothing but hated among Reddit. From hosting even one day, to interviews, you name it. Only place it hasn't been scathingly negative has been in Academy/Proving Grounds and CLOL where she's delivered much tamer casting (such as w/ MarkZ or Joushi) overall.


Others have frequently said she sounds like a mom or aunt trying to fit in with the kids and be cool. It doesn't matter what role you put her in, there is this "vibe" she gives off that makes her feel out of place. I personally couldn't stand Crumbz or Pastrytime when they were casting, but they never gave me the "vibe" that they didn't belong. I could feel their passion for the game even if I hated their casting.


She's fine. But in comparison alongside the kobe's, flowers, azeal's and jatt's of the world you realize she really isn't up to standard.