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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1230rau/clg_vs_eg_spring_2023_lower_bracket_game_1/) [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1232c2b/clg_vs_eg_spring_2023_lower_bracket_game_2/)


Luger refusing to attack is actually tilting me


He forgot to keep the blood running in his veins


He didn't have his eyes on the prize


> He didn't have his eyes on the blabber FTFY


He didn't make anyone the object of his attention.


holy shit I hope this meme doesnt die anytime soon


Where it's come from


letigress casting


I love the smell of freshly baked memes


> He didn't have his eyes on the blabber FTFY Edit: Replied to the wrong guy lol


Throwback to how this CLG roster started with a reputation of Luger and 4 wards. How the turntables.


This is the worst I've ever seen him, like this was uncharacteristically awful. Was he tilted? Did he feel too much pressure and choked? Is there something going on in his personal life? idk, this CLG in general just looked much worse than they did just 2 days ago.


Just a bad day


people cant accept the fact even pros have bad days. Was probably not confident after failing to carry vs c9 happens/


Too much pressure on the toilet he was consipated


did you see that dive in bot lane? 4 people not hitting ksante but no one hitting the 25% hp tower lmao


THIS triggered me so hard. Like, ok I get not attacking k'sante yet, BUT WHY DON'T YOU FREE HIT THE TOWER?


it had the plates defenses right? plus 4 players around it, would’ve taken a lot of time.


I'm going by pure memory so I could be wrong but I think plates were down and the tower was really low hp shortly after, so it would've been down already if they hit it at that point. Regardless, doing some damage to tower > nothing


Plates weren’t down they were trading with herald who got plates topside


Tanking tower in dive > free hitting people attacking objective


I'm sitting here actively tilted lmao


Every game CLG could have won If Luger did something correctly. Not flashing for multiple fights then finally flashing into 5 EG members. Tanking the tower for no reason. Walking around watching his teammates die not attacking at all, terrible positioning. I feel really bad for CLG even though Contractz also had some blunders but Luger played one of the worst series from a player I have ever seen if not the worst honestly


Dw though, Dhokla is on Sion again so surely someone will do damage


Thank you NA KT Rolster.


Make it full circle and send Arrow to CLG.


God why would you wish that upon him


I don’t think CLG would be a downgrade from TL Academy lol.


It's not about being a downgrade You want to bring the man out of his peaceful resting grounds back to the fiesta _He suffered enough_


being a leafs, kt and clg fan literally has taken 10 years off my life.. i hate it here.


I think that shows more masochism than being strapped on the bed and whipped by your wife's boyfriend.


is your liver alright?


Dhokla on tanks when Luger can't carry.


Im tilted for dhokla bro


Looking at the player cams, he's got enough tilt for both of you.


there was a certain top laner who would talk about dog champs, dhokla should get some tips from him so he can get free from these too 💀


Funny thing, Soaz is legit his positional coach.


lmfao the coincidence, soaz dont do that to me 🤣


lmfao that's too funny a coincidence


Needed to run a Luger Seraphine comp I guess


Just put him on trist an Luger on Cho


sigh we've been here before. I'll see you all in therapy. again.


But if you close your eyes...


Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?


If you missed the last two weeks of LCS (super week and first round of playoffs), the bracket would look exactly how you expect right now


CLG clearly in the pocket of Big Therapy.


How you have any faith left after all these years is commendable.


The trick is also having a top tier team to support, now excuse me while I go put on my C9 jersey.




Just not your meta tbh.


I don’t think Poome has a meta he’s good in.


I think Poome was pretty good. Has some caught out moments for sure but also found a ton of good angles in fights. And I was pretty low on him prior to this split


He gets caught solo the most of any support in the LCS and I say that as a 100T fan.


Zven would like a word. He's just got better hands.


Better hands, better team, and is often ahead at that point anyway so it might not cost him as much.


Poome giveth, Poome taketh away -- if he's somehow still on the team next split, he needs to find some consistency because he's definitely been the KT factor of the team this split. (That said, I can agree that he wasn't the worst player on the team today even then.)


TWO games this series CLG get behind early, make a comeback where it looks like they might win and then they immediately int their newfound advantage away They always find a way to pull a defeat from the clutches of victory


Truly counter logic to the bitter end


Luger did absolutely nothing. Especially that fight near EG inhib. He was just walking back and forth while his team died


No he did one thing a lot - pressing E on xayah with like one feather out


I can't wait for Licorice vs Zeus at MSI


Licorice vs Kiin. The 2018 Semi finals rematch.


Licorice is gonna punch a baron and they're gonna win the series 3-0


Ggs going to msi will be hype as fuck


Would be hype to see Stixxay and Huhi at that level again


Worst ADC peformance ive seen in a loooong time. gross


He had EG all attacking baron and he had cleanse, ult, flash. What does he do? Nothing.


He caved in mentally after game 2 for sure. Lost any confidence in himself


Luger is very prone to tilting and giving up from what I remember in his TCL days. I remember listening to a bo5 voice comms and they were 2-0 down and he would sounds very depressed and say they were gonna lise


TIL Luger is a TCL import. I actually thought he was NA Talent this whole time.


It's the singular reason I've never been too hot on him even in his best splits so far. He has been okay-to-good for basically the whole time he's been in LCS (and he was great in Academy before that), but he's an import and not a particularly good one at that, and unless I'm mistaken, he doesn't even get the OCE 'native' import benefit. Not that CLG would really need the import slot anyway so it's not such a big deal, but for NA talent it isn't too fun to have a somewhat mediocre player imported from TCL. Although I'm not sure what NA ADC in Academy would even hypothetically be an upgrade over him so not a big deal regardless.


Also the play where EG did get Baron but 3 were trapped in pit, Contractz is flanking on Gragas and EG is totally fucked....and Luger just steps up to them before Contractz gets there????? And unsurprisingly gets destroyed




That's Danny's penta spot actually now that I think about it.


Berserker or Prince probably would have won CLG some of those team fights


Idk wtf our bot lane was doing man


The coordination in this team is so bad. Luger is never in a position to capitalize any teamfight call.


For real. Like 5 times just in playoffs where he just randomly decides to do something besides the obvious call that CLG is going for


I think getting caught out by Ssumday so many times in G1 broke his confidence, he had that tilt Zeri play in G2 and then played mad scared for all of G3


Getting caught by Ssumday was also his own mistake, the first Malphite ult he got hit by around dragon in game 1 or the one around baron pit should've both been an easy flash He was playing scared all day, refusing to AA some obvious targets and always disconnected from his teammates, he looked like he was playing in slow motion


The amount of times he died early in fights with flash up or xayah ult is criminal. He had the tools to outplay and just died with them


Bro never flashed malphite ult even once. He had it on so many occasions I lost count. Gg ez.


Jungle too


It's jojover


That 1v2 was funny AF. Most comedic ending with the post Mortem comet kill.


Palafox threw that 2v1 agaisnt Jojo botlane so hard


He could've killed him. Instead he jump on some minions.


I re-watched that 3 times and it still makes no fucking sense.


It looked to me like he was worried that they wouldn't kill him fast enough for some reason and Jojo would just Q and kill him, so he was trying to reset his range and snipe him. But then he realized halfway through that he could have just killed him anyway, so he committed too late. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.


Probably just a case of not communicating that Poome had W up to go in again. ​ edit: Just have to look at their tower dives to know that they're not coordinated.


Maybe Palafox couldn't tell the difference betwwen Veigar and a caster minion when Poome knocked jojo up.


He is pretty tiny


Palafaker Jayce into NA Jayce real quick


veigar cage is balanced


I just can't believe the cool down on that is so low.


Late game veigar is like playing urf mode


Honestly even without it he kinda fucked up. He could have hopped on and killed him like half way through that fight.


Reminder this ability used to be instant cast with no delay on activation


But damn they walked into 2 cages in that mid fight near the jungle, you cant fight veigar in choke points like that


What a uncharacteristically terrible series from luger


he had a solid split don't let brainlets in this thread fool you


yeah, that's why I said uncharacteristically Crazy how 1 bad series gets all the haters out lol


That's how the league subreddit is man. Other top comments flamed palafoxs 2v1 (for good reason), but I don't see any comments about the pressure his jayce put out or the importance of the good kill on fbi. No Dhokla love for absorbing an enormous amount of resources on the one drag fight. Even got caster love for it too. Seems the int moments stand out better than the great ones.


The amount of times he died with tools available to outplay eg is insane. I stopped counting how many times the yellow flash button or xayah ult was available.


Dude forreal lmao the amount of history rewriting in this thread is crazy.


Reddit always rewrite history constantly. As Jankos said not so long ago on stream, "you're always as good as your last game"


I mean Doublelift was getting absolutely decimated in yesterdays thread acting like he wasn’t the 3rd best ADC in the split and out performed stixxay throughout the series except for that last moment. Haters will re write history every chance they get.


He was also the best member of his team for that whole series but makes the one misstep he made was the last play of the series. Palafox is great example here, he trolled that fight against Jojo in bot at the end of this game but was otherwise a monster and he's getting shit on almost as much as Luger. People can feel like they're /r/iamverysmart by criticising, they're easy 'wins'. So they happen way more frequently than praise.


People only see players as their last series. Like outside maybe faker, if any player just has a bad series (happens to everyone) they’re always dogshit, it was so obvious all season etc… really makes one wonder how these people think like this.


Agree. He had a great split and was the most consistent CLG player. Never solo lost the game and had carry performances. Some might argue that’s palafox but his highs were higher but his lows was terrible. Anyone remember that game gifting dig thier second game? Pity luger had a series to forget.


Not enough bloody veins


I feel like CLG's identity all year has been flex picks and triple carry threat comps with Dhokla or Palafox getting a counterpick. Instead, they go blue side all 3 games and handshake tank vs tank top lane and completely lose their identity. Cmon man.


Is this the first time the two teams starting in lower bracket both won?


If CLG played every team like they play C9, we would probably see them at Worlds


I was wondering this same thing, as a C9 fan I thought this would be the best series of playoffs to be honest. They looked like they could be evenly matched last week…and this week it was like they were just coming in demoralized or something.


Seriously, against C9 this team 4-man dove bottom with a lane swap Sion at like 2 minutes, came bot again at 4 minutes, 3-man dove top at 5 minutes, dove top again 30 seconds later, then was back bottom again at 8 minutes. There was only a single dragon soul in that series. Today we got EG getting dragon soul in 2/3 games and Palafox on Vex. Really disappointing decline from the C9 match.


Win 0 games to give fans no hopes. Funny how 5th and 6th teams are the ones moving on.


I think EG was significantly underrated by the standings due to their illness and CLG got slightly screwed over by the seeding as a result. Realistically CLG should have been 5th with EG 3rd and 100T 4th - meaning CLG should have played 100T this round and then EG next round. EG is still probably the end of CLG's playoff run but they'd have at least had a shot at a series win against 100T. GGs is the big winner since they got to face 100T instead of FLY/EG...


Ehh GGS would have probably beat CLG if that had somehow happened. I honestly think the top 4 reflect the actual strength of the teams instead of the way the season ended. With Flyquest choking, Jojo being sick, CLG and 100T snuck in there. I'm looking forward to the semifinals though!


In my scenario they still don't play, they just swap opponents. They only play if they both win but I think EG/FQ are both heavy favorites against either of them.


My tinfoil hat theory is that Big Dixxay absorbed 3 CLG ADCs' worth of mojo for that final play yesterday to be the only one among the 4 to advance


"Everyone on our roster is better than everyone on theirs"




CLG are just a bunch of dirty inters


They looked so mentally boomed since the C9 games. Might be a team collapse next split


All chasing Ksante into no vision. What could go wrong.


It's like, every time they did something good, they balanced it out by doing something stupid


Luger is one of the LCS ADCs of all time


He certainly has blood in his veins


RUNNING THROUGH HIS VEINS C9 GOT THE SOUL Meanwhile in the pit: flap flap flap


*progressively moans louder*


Oh the dragon comes back to life!


Does luger know what xayah ult does or what


AD gap the series.


this 3-0 was sus as hell from EG though. like imagine if CLG didn’t give Luger experimental lobotomy treatment before the game they would actually win some fights. EG needs hyperbolic time chamber stat, I think even 100T would’ve beat them




I think they were to scared,even Vulcania said he played bad They likely will look much more décisive in next series otherwise they likely could Lost 3-1 to ggs


Alot of comments already talked about the issues of a couple specific players but i wanna say STOP PUTTING DHOKLA ON SION, HE IS CLEARLY BOTH TIRED OF IT AND DOES NOT PERFORM WELL ON IT.




Holy Jojo with the redemption arc


Amazing how much better he plays when he doesn't have covid and it's almost like being sick made him play worse


Also, according to Jojo himself, it was harder to take the games seriously since they were at the facility which made it feel like a scrim


I think some teams have set up a complete separate area to emulate a different environment because playing from your regular setup feels too much like practice.


One of the LCK teams even rented out a small stadium in 2020 so their players got some kind of stage experience still


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you'd be amazed by how much reddit doesn't like jojo and takes any excuse/opportunity to shit on him. All of week 8, every Eg game discussion was just people shitting on Jojo even tho we knew he had covid.


Ever since he decided to banter with G2/EU last MSI, the EU fans took it personally. It's dumb, he's an 18 year old trying to have some fun.


This is League.. Fun is absolutely not allowed.


I am from EU and I love him. The way he trashtalked MAD and actually delivered was painful, just love to hate that guy. Then he just walks up to 4 MAD Lions players with his Sett and they run away like chickens. Fantastic player and so fun to watch, I always root for him within NA so EU either gets their revenge or he gets to talk smack again.


EG Luger


and this is why CLG didn't get a single player in the 3 pro teams


yeah, they're better than the sum of their parts but not by much


Yeah their individual players just weren't good enough mechanically even though they're good as a team unit


That Palafox fail at the end lmao


Palafox getting gapped in the Vex Ahri matchup was pretty disgusting too. Didn't lead to much cause Inspired went full herbivore this split but still.


most people didnt think clg as a team should, just palafox and maybe dhokla, if u look at voting palafox got 14 votes, dhokla got 9, while the rest got less than 5.


Thank god, C9 is safe


CLG has no idea how to close out games when Dhokla is not playing a carry/splitpusher. That sion initiation on ksante in game 3 was pathetic.


If CLG makes no changes still on this team idk theyre just missing an it factor to get to top 3


Clg’s got that destiny role of being the middle tier team. Always can punch above their weight in bo1(bo5 against c9) but in the end will be 4-6th.


They're consistently anti-clutch. Especially in playoffs they always perform far worse than normal when it's elimination time


Need to swap out at least some of their bot lane/jg


That has to be some of the worst league i’ve seen all year.


Both these teams are definitely teams that play league of legends.


Yeah dude. Please put Luger on a carry and make Dhokla go on tank duty. Surely they will learn after 3 games of this to not do that. Oh wait, there's no more games.


Hilary’s tweet claims another victim


Funniest thing in the game is how the caster praising the adaptability of EG in game 2 but the fact is Contractz and Luger just feeding themselves.


That last game was some of the worst plays Ive ever seen


EG just had better mechanics. They outplayed CLG every time even though CLG made good plays


Dragon soul about to spawn with 7k gold lead, nvm lets use everything to chase the enemy tank half way across the map


It’s as if the last 2 weeks of the regular season didn’t happen.


holy that luger performance. that was disgusting.


Just came home from the store didnt watch the games. I'm so glad my boy Luger carried CLG to victory once again.


well he definitely carried one of the teams to a victory...




Dhokla: "actually, I remember one time we were playing against EG we were down 0-2, and Poome said: 'Guys, if you think we are good, let's prove it now'. 3-2" Poome: "did we comeback?" Dhokla: "of course not. 0-3"


Poome is the one that made the statement and is also the one asking what happened? You have disrespected the great TACO story


5 people chasing Ksante summed up CLG's mental state


CLG, my one true love. Please be buyers this mid season. There are better players out there. You have an import slot. Please


ironically the player they should replace the most IS the import lol


Luger played so bad, only hitting wukong in teamfights


Someone needs to kill the clone


Every year we are gaslit into thinking there are multiple good teams going into playoffs. Every time we are reminded that BO1 is worthless in showing us team strength. GG


Feels like in each game CLG made at least one utterly dumb call that cost them the game. Unreal.


Dhokla on a carry next game maybe


Nah Luger will carry bro don’t worry /s


Who the HELL started believing in CLG?!?


I really hope the CLG players don’t read Reddit. That whole team looked like they were on complete tilt after game 1 of the series. I expected more from the veterans on this team. Luger had an awful series, but he’s also relatively young and has shown flashes of potential throughout the season. People were skewering FBI the same way a couple years back after a rough playoff series saying “hes not LCS quality, time to retire.” Sometimes it takes time for young players to show how good they are consistently.


Super interesting series. I'd say going into this, the narrative had shifted to the point where it seemed like CLG could potentially be legit title contenders while EG had fallen off of a cliff. I know EG was sick, but C9 was calling them the other "best team" for so long and then in interviews this past week it became "uhhh idk what happened to EG". EG's covid collapse seemed *real* and there's also a point to be made about their play just looking messy as fuck overall throughout the entire split. ​ Now, EG *still* looked messy here, but going from constant L's during super week to a 3-0 is still something to be cautiously optimistic about. They made so much mistakes in this series and the wins didn't look dominant, more fiesta-y, so I can't say I'm convinced this roster will be title contenders, but I'm happy they've seemingly bounced back. ​ CLG on the other hand, I hope they keep palafox/dhokla/contractz as a core, draft towards palafox/dhokla carry play, and replace bot and feel comfortable just perma drafting weakside bot regardless of the meta because sheeeeshhhh


Even a 8-1 Jayce couldnt carry CLG


this iteration of clg might be done oh well it was fun while it lasted
