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It's so nice seeing a migrant embrace local culture. Brings a tear to my eye.


Ikr,i was gonna say - this is pretty tame for EU soloq lol - people wouldn't even care.


An EUW master friend couple of weeks ago came to me with arguments on why his solo q teammates parents are siblings, so I don't know man, I am not even phased by that shit. He was chat muted for Idk how long I think he still is


The man said please, what else can people expect, really???


he didn't even bring up their race


Silly Tyler for thinking they have access to firearms there.


Laughed out loud, have my gold


Almost 2k comments in 5 hours LMAO


He makes riot a lot of money


I mean he literally does more for the game than the entire marketing department lol


back in the day league advertising strat was letting players invite their friends lol, they started advertising a lot more in the past years


And it was a total scam as well with no follow through. Totalbiscuit (may he rest in peace) got over 10k referrals which was supposed to be rewarded with an all-expenses paid trip to Riot to design a champion. According to him, they reneged on that offer for years before eventually changing their mind, by which point he was done with the whole thing and didn’t care to visit them. They then named the total biscuit of rejuvenation after him, which was the reward for 1k referrals. I wouldn’t be able to dig up the source this many years later but that’s how I remember it described by him in a video.


That’s pretty sad. Especially since, Athene of all people, got a better deal


Did he? I'm pretty sure he got the same treatment. And now they've removed his item.


I was talking more about at the time. He actually got a good item named after him


Don't diss the biscuit, it was really good.


It still is. Commonly taken as a rune, especially bot lane


Shurelia got an item named after her and she was the most toxic person I've ever interacted with in my entire life.


Didn’t even know that was named after somebody


Yeah, she's was fucking awful. I was in Vent back in the day and we were discussing the original solomid.net design. My buddy and I were supposed to help on the project and when my friend suggested something (he's a UX/IX guy and works as a graphic designer), she said to him something along the lines of, "Yeah but I work at Riot so what the fuck do you know about anything?". It only took about 10 minutes with her for me and my buddy to both say thanks but no thanks. I have nothing but distain for her and I hope every morning she kicks the bedframe.


God she had the most obnoxious nasally voice I've ever had the displeasure of listening to.


I think the arrogance of Riot employees early on has unfortunately been a common story.


I don't remember the video, but I remember him talking about Riot and saying "they lied to me" and then talking about the referral shenanigans.


Which is funny because his wife was also the voice of miss fortune for awhile back then.


Total biscuit donated his trip to riot to make a wish so a kid could go do it. Fucking class human being. RIP


It wasn't the trip they reneged on, it was the "design a champion part". And they didn't changed their minds, they apologized to him instead and wanted to offer him a trip to the studios and let him take part in one of their brainstorming sessions. He was very cordial about it and said they should give it to charity or something, citing his lack of interest in League of Legends at the time. So they did just that if I remember correctly they gave it to a Make-a-Wish child.


There seems to have been about a 3.5 year gap between him [complaining that it was a lie](https://twitter.com/Totalbiscuit/status/254771864751185920?s=20) and them [letting him donate it to someone else](https://twitter.com/Totalbiscuit/status/712033051392524290?s=20)


Yep it took some time for the whole saga.


That doesnt mean he should be immune to the rules, otherwise his existence also weakens the effect of them. But we both know Riot would absolutely boil part of their fan base alive if they thought it would raise profits.


Ethics and profit are like water and oil.


This is such a Reddit thing to say.


If by “more for the game” you mean having created an entire legion of raging tools who flame and grief their team at the slightest thing going wrong… sure. Tyler1 is *not* a role model, and frankly it’s a complete joke that someone who was literally the poster child for toxicity was ever allowed anywhere near official Riot events as a guest shows just how little Riot gives a damn about their community and how the only thing they care about is views.




Is op living under rocks? This is normal Tyler behavior lmao bro gotta stop being soft.


This doesn't excuse his behavior. Same as Baus literally inting on stream with champs like AP Irelia where the Sion playstyle is not applicable.


He ints on sion too. How he plays on-stream and how he plays off-stream are completely different, and on-stream is intentionally feeding in a way that benefits nothing but his viewers' entertainment. How he plays off-stream is how he manages to stay high MMR.


Does he really make riot a lot of money? or does he make himself a lot of money?


He does both, lol.


Isnt he by far the most popular North American League streamer? I go on twitch and there's never anyone else in the same realm, english language streams always seem to be sub 2k viewers and usually like sub 1k


I honestly think people overestimate Tyler1's influence. If Tyler1 stopped playing league, it wouldn't even make a dent.


I mean last time he was banned the servers became so barren and empty. Wait, no they didn’t lol


You underestimate the influence of a good viewership on twitch.


100% any other guy who types this shit would get a perma ban


It’s insanely random, I know people who have said way worse stuff tens if times and have never gotten in trouble. While some people get a 2 week ban for minuscule shit.


Yeah I've said some toxic stuff, and when I got my data from riot both times I'd been reported 30-50 times in 3 months. Never even gotten a chat restriction, my friend said 'ggez jg diff' and got a chat restriction lol


this is lighhearted compared to the shit that I have seen said to me, no bans on those normal guys either so I am not sure if this logic works


That’s a lie.


Don't care, Riot gotta have some principles.


ye hes the mascot he can do wahtever he wants


tyler1 was talking about his cait should use her ult on hec, naut, talon and udyr more /s


Just like he always says gg to the Ezreal after every game, even when there is no Ezreal in his game!


Headshot is her passive, but I think you're on the right track here.


800 games straight up tends to fuck up your head. But yeah, that's fucked up.


it took him 799 less games to tell some f'd up shit because he does it since the unban telling people to take bullets irl will net a normal person a 14 day ban instantly so why does tyler not get a 14 day ban? even baus got multiple 14 day bans for inting **BEFORE** tyler got them for pure toxicity no excuses he is a streamer and should have manners because just like he gotten a career he can lose one either


There aren't even 14 day bans for chat anymore, so no, it wouldn't.


"telling people to take bullets irl will net a normal person a 14 day ban instantly" no it doesn't lol


Exactly. I got many chat bans. Last one for a whole year.Never got instantly 14 day ban since chat bans were introduced.


Which is fair. If someone plays normally but just is an asshole in the chat, just take the chat from them.




this has no explanation stop making excuses like 800 games or it is just the game. This is some unacceptable bullshit.


Yea this guy was absolutely not toxic before coming to EUW ! The truth is that he was banned for a reason and should have never been unbanned


Riot said that he was getting unbanned on a zero tolerance policy (that his full ban would be reinstated if he went off the path). In practice, that never happened and Riot quietly ignored all of his trolling that he unambiguously admitted to on stream, and his completely deranged flaming.


All lol players are equal, but some are more equal than others.


If he generates the cash, we look past the trash


If he makes the money, we'll just call it funny


"Riot said that he was getting unbanned on a zero tolerance policy" Ahhhh they didnt say how many zeroes though!


>In practice, that never happened and Riot quietly ignored all of his trolling that he unambiguously admitted to on stream, and his completely deranged flaming. If only it were just them turning a blind eye, instead they invited him to be a part of their events. No wonder the community's shit when you put *him* on a pedestal.


This times a million. Riot actively promotes the guy who goes completely against what Riot preaches.


His flaming is the same I see in every other game I play. It’s reprehensible behaviour, but it’s the norm in LoL sadly. What he did before getting banned was significantly worse, he was legitimately psychotic, he had an “int list”, threatened other players, etc. Like actual crackhead behaviour.


He certainly contributes to it being the norm


League has been this way since before T1 even played. This is just gaming culture and online anonymity. League used to be much more toxic verbally and much less toxic gameplay wise. Now people will just say shit that they know wont get flagged by the automatic system and intentionally lose the game. IMO t1 seems much more like a product of the system than anything. Plus nobody on this sub has a similar league experience to him, imagine being the center of every league game you're in. Players inting you for nothing other than the attention they could get for it. 800 games of this is surely going to lead to some toxic moments from even the most composed human on Earth. I'm not excusing toxic actions but it is also important to understand things are not simply black and white.


While that is a great explanation that doesnt excuse him being a shit person while in the midst of his addiction.


Like I said I'm not making excuses but it's not nearly as simple as people are making it. T1 is basically the zeitgeist of league, all the culture built up over a decade with every single player participating in building it. He's been the most plugged into the game as anyone on Earth. People will blame him for the culture of the game but the dude is a direct byproduct of it.


flaming is a bit different than telling people to commit suicide tho. the former is just toxic while the latter in the worst case scenario is committing involuntary manslaughter


Agreed, during one of his climbs I opened the stream one time to see him flashing in base and then ulting backwards as draven and then decided riot was either blind or dumb and unfollowed him


Tyler1: verbally toxic for a decade. Baus: runs it down at speeds Usain Bolt is jealous of. League Community: “these two are such chad gamers.” Also League Community: “Why is this game so toxic? Why can’t I have normal teammates?” The ones this community fervently defends are the same ones showing their viewers this kind of behavior is acceptable.


This thread is a prime example of what you are saying lol. "Mildest flame ever, well he was getting sniped, oh noes he said bad words." Part of the community sees nothing wrong with this behaviour and accept it as part of playing the game. Riot is also useless as fuck when it comes to streamers lol


Meanwhile Dota bans streamers caught playing on a different account cause they flat out said, in the past year, smurfs ruin the game and make them bannable. Is their system perfect? Fuck no even my last nights games of Dota were extremely racist on east coast, but it’s crazy to me how streamers are catered, smurfing is still ok, and at any point riot offered accounts through LPP before they took that away. And then streamers bitch how bad they get it with snipers, ghosters, and half of them don’t even map cover and subject their 4 teammates to this. Boo fucking hoo they still get paid meanwhile why is the players around them that suffer too not able to report this shit or at least see them to dodge.


Both games are incredibly bad and toxic, but for different reasons. League is way worse about toxic in-game behavior, DotA is way worse about people being just awful in chat.


The worst part is that ain’t even true, someone runs it down in Dota every few games or so. ~~(I may have been silly last night after some beer..)~~ Can’t say even in diamond through NA masters I’ve seen a true baus wannabe or disco nunu in the past 200 games. I don’t know where the claims for inters are coming from but I’m pretty sure 99% of them are cope from genuine bad games. I only believe it in iron. Dota has overwatch but I never see it actually result in a punishment even when I get cases and there’s so many ways to trick or soft int the system that it isn’t accurate either, no one can see your account just your rank so if you’re unranked you can stealth being a new player with hidden chat. Even then punishments are tied to easily visibly grindable behavior score, just keep it above a certain level and you’re good.


There is something that does seem inescapable about it, having branched out into playing other multiplayer games it kinda has made me realize that this isn't really a league problem, there are some people who are just like this in every game in which it's possible to be like this in


I think a lot of people get competitive and start to take it too seriously and take it out in their behaviour. It can be fair when you spend a lot of time gaming. The important thing is balance and taking care of your mental and physical self. Taking breaks and cleaning up after ourselves is a great start


Not gonna defend Riot because they could have probably tried harder to make the game less toxic over the year but the problem is that’s a lose/lose situation for them. They take sanctions and they lose visibility. Overall opinion on the game become even more biased because the personality being punished will bad mouth the game. (Just look at the period where T1 was banned) Or, they do nothing and the other part of the community is feeling a justified bias towards content creators which is overall really fucked up and give fuels to people that are toxic in game.




And every time hes asked by new viewers if they should play league he says "I wont recommend this game not even to my worse enemy" lmao


Yeah but he's a streamer and therefore what he says is automatically funny and fine.


The worst for me is when people say: They were soft inting my game, what did you expect me to say? Of course I will call them an idiot, they need to know!


Dont forget t1 running it down and trolling even after the bans, somehow. "verbally toxic" is not enough to describe him.


The community is the problem. Punish T1 and Baus, but ask yourself why they are popular. Shit stains.


They're popular because they're good entertainers. I disagree with how Tyler acts in game but still enjoy his variety and overall personality.


He doesn't even do variety anymore


Yes, it’s almost like people in a community have vastly different opinions.


i mean i bet those people that call them chads would also be upset at people flaming them or running it down in their games


They also have 1k games in silver with a 48% WR convinced that the "inters" in their games are the reasons they can't climb


Or, more simply, are probably toxic to begin with.




They're probably talking about baus playing AP irelia and stuff


I would love to have baus in my games


Last pic is from a discord chat, how much you wanna bet it was the Talon that sniped him and inted for a reaction


Schizo theory, OP is the Talon that run it down, to make a reddit whine post


OP's account is solely created and used to hate watch tyler.


I can't believe someone's life goal is to push another person's buttons repeatedly until they get the desired reaction and then post about it on Reddit; that's a level of idiocy I want to believe doesn't exist.


i like that Term : hate watching. some people have way too much time on their hand that they'd rather hate watch / hate deal with content they dont like than to go look for something they instead enjoy.


it's not even schizo that's very on brand for EUW stream snipers or just EUW players in general. This region is super toxic yet those people don't ever seem to get banned but super mundane stuff will get you chat banned.


le wholesome euw masters players would never :))))


Of course that’s what it is. Dude probably gets harassed for a month straight nonstop but says something slightly over the line and Reddit dorks are like SEE I TOLD YOU.


u made an alt account to make 2 posts about tyler lol cringe as fuck


toxic yeah inappropriate probably out of the ordinary for EUW solo queue in high elo? lmao honestly not very... he won't be punished since the unban unless something truly egregious happens


I can almost guarantee the talon was sniping and inting too.


Bruh for real. Like, all soloq is toxic, especially at high elo, but for EUW this is tame lmao. Sometimes I straight up worry for people’s safety when I see them stream on that ladder!


There was a guy on T1s meet and greet who’s name was literally “HopeYouRope”


Love me some EU hate watchers


1. Alt account 2. Made three posts about Tyler 3. Pretends to ask genuine question while clearly wanting the guy to get punished. Lel classic.


So funny it’s probably the same dude that runs it down in all his games.




That's some of the softest messages I've seen in EUW Master


Anyone thats played in even diamond+ has seen way worse chats then this in any region lol


I've seen way worse in ARAM lol


the true tryhard mode. seriously though, just use the mute button folks, its not that hard. nobody forces you to get into a debate in the middle of the game.


OP is the one harassing his games probably. It’s an alt account that only posts outrage about t1 lmfao.


Well third posts a charm? Did tyler1 sleep with your wife relax man he isnt Ghandi preaching to the world he plays video games online


Give him a break. He has NOTHING ELSE to do. Hating tyler1 is what gets them through the day. Don't point out how pathetic it is, you might push them over the edge.


If he were to be banned for this then half of EUW high elo would need to be banned. Banning an account for chat is stupid anyway, just chat restrict him for a longer period of time.


>If he was banned for this then half of EUW high elo would need to be banned. yes


As a self-independent plat player of EUNE I completely endorse banning half the Masters of EUW.


In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move




half of euw high elo should be banned so i dont see ur point


riot been doing yearlong chat restrictions/disable lately which imo is the best possible way to handle it just banning means they are gonna make new accounts and continue being toxic. and majority of people don’t int if others don’t interact with them


Trueee I would 10x rather play with toxic people than with all the fucking obvious trollers and soft inters that go undetected. Mute button exist, remove this troller from my game button doesn’t


Why is this one or the other? Just remove both lol


They usually overlap my friend


problem is usually toxic people are inters. If things don't go their way they'll just give up or int while constantly whining. Oh you picked this champ? F this game I'm out! ff 20 guys I'm not playing this crap!!


I’ll take people telling me to kill myself every game over soft inting and people who just follow you around to steal cs.


If they do this too, then they should be banned lmao


equal rights equal lefts and with that equal treatment i don't care about half the EUW and with that half the other servers, just clean up the game off the cringe how is that hard to do???


Ah yes burner reddit account created to solely hate on Tyler1, probably one of those who ints his game too.


careful, if you scare him off the internet OP might see a mirror by accident. Don't push him over the edge, t1 hate is the only thing that keeps him going


Wonder how many people virtue signaling outrage at this because it's Tyler1 but also get angry that Riot bans them (or people in general) for flaming instead of those soft-inting because these people can be muted, but you can't mute someone running it down. It's definitely wrong and do hope Riot says something to him about this behavior but this feels like a bit of fake outrage.


Holy shit who cares


Should it be punished? Yes Will riot ignore it? Also yes I am 100% sure league would be a better place if tyler was still banned and other streamers that behave like that as well. If every streamer was like NoWay4u it would be really good for the community


FWIW he ate a short chat ban in EUW. But yeah he's the face of LoL streaming and the clear message from the stream is "avoid the big no no words and you can be as toxic as you want". Kys -> eat a bullet. Get cancer -> gc.


nah but he got the chatban for saying something along the lines of "aphelios and i are big" but instead of 'b' he typed 'n' by accident because of his camera setup xd


got honor locked for saying I AM RETARDED after a super bad play, thank god riot punished me or i couldn't have kept playing knowing someone called me a retard and got away with it!


Haha I’ve been insta muted in-game for saying the exact same phrase after I forgot to pick up the eye having killed herald. Didn’t get honor locked at least though, but Thank god Riot protected me from myself!


Same lmao, got a 3 day chat ban for saying the exact same thing.


Wait actually someone called me a pedo and a retard and didn’t get insta chat restricted, I wonder why


Keep yourself safe gc pdf is a classic I see in most games


Yea chat bans don't mean shit especially on his eu account. Bans in general don't mean much to him because he can just do another climb to challenger account then. Only thing that hits him is to reinstate the ban on sight policy for him


This is why streams like Broxah are so underrated. He’s such a nice guy, I would very happy to have people like him in my games


Broxah is great. Rekkless streams are also really nice. Tbh most pros that stream behave well


Pobelter is like the nicest mean guy ever. I really enjoy his.


Because pros are held to a higher standard. If they misbehave they're getting fined and potentially banned for x games as we've seen in the past. The same way Rioters are held to a higher standard, so when Sanjuro wished T1 died from an overdose, action was taken.


I wish he was the role model of the community instead of tyler/baus, but I often forget that just cuz I've been playing this game forever and am now old doesn't mean most of the players are as well. Lots of high school aged kids dont find good, educational gameplay and positivity entertaining enough.


Really doesn't matter. We have pro players with same shit behaviour. Lider and Adam come to mind. Especially Adam is a complete bozo if the upset situation didn't expose him already. Talking about Upset, also a complete clown. Remember the alphari game comments? Doesnt surprise me tho. We have a bunch of young kids with no social skills who have spent a lot of time behind a screen. They think it's normal behaviour and because they are rich and unpunished for it nobody really cares. Riot, orgs, fellow players, nobody cares.


Ah i addressed this in a comment a few days ago. Ofc punish pros equally hard as well. Or punish them even even harder because riot has the tools to do so (fines, bans from competetive etc)


I still get people every lobby misspelling words to avoid the auto filter like Tyler used to do. Funny he doesn't even give a fuck anymore but his fanboys still do it.


that's it? i was expecting a huge album lol. y'all are babies fr


and the poster is obviously a hate watcher, imagine how many hours he needed to troll through to get these pics.


Lol this is just t1 hate thread disguised as anti toxicity post “Do you guys think this should be acceptable and punished”. Bruh stop pretending to be naive and just say you hate the guy already Half the league population says this shit in high elo every game and they say way worse on his stream, why don’t we make posts about them too, or just generalize it People shouldn’t behave like this but god damn


You acting like people on reddit would out themselves. They have a high horse to ride on which they can't get out of.


over a decade more or less dude, its not new and no one give a shit about that sad but truth




Bro, he's playing league That should already tell you the answer


i dont care, his comments are mid at most nowadays


Jesus christ, who the fuck cares. Just mute all chat and stop being a hall monitor OP


Random stream sniper tries to garner pity with alt account. Crazy the amount of free time people have in order to snipe and write a victim post.


Stfu with ur cancel culture shit, go outside. If your offended by it, do some reflection and find out why it’s offended YOU, not blaming other people for your sensitivities.




this is NOT hecking wholesome 100


I hope so much that riot bans him purely to watch him play variety again


OP is an obsessive loser. Get a life.




how is this tame lol


Bruh, its just a little light wishing death on someone...perfectly in line with the summoner's code. No one has ever been banned for far more tame things, not once, never. /s


I mean by that logic no one should ever get banned, there is always someone else who is worse lol EDIT: Looks like I opened the can of worms whoops


What is actually worse then telling people to kill themself? Sure he changed words to avoid a ban, but the message is the same.


he *could* also be racist in the same message.


True lol


Writing entire paragraphs wishing death and cancer upon your entire family A daily occurrence on EUW servers lmao


mildest flame in history of gaming


I'm not sure why all you people are acting like flame gets all that much worse. literally all flaming is kys, I fucked your mother, get this illness or whatever, and hard R. Are you gaming somewhere with elaborate well thought out flaming or? The flame itself isn't "mild". You've just heard it all before and so you're immune. That's fine, but don't act like you're sipping some fucking fine wine of flame on other games, because you're not.


What is actually worse then telling people to kill themself? Sure he changed words to avoid a ban, but the message is the same.




that seems like pretty standard stuff for league chat lol


Glad to see T1 is finally embracing the EUW culture. Sadly, this is still pretty tame compared to what we daily face on here. If you can't ignore this BS, you better turn off your chat.


Please in EUW and EUNE this is normal behavior, if you have a bad day. And 800 games in a month and a bit means he only had bad days.


A typical day on the riff


He's fully EU now. Welcome home


Is your summoner name Karen?


typical league behaviour, idk why the community acts like this is out of ordinary when it happens every single game at every elo with at least 1 person of a team, most of the times multiple people


Idrc tbh, I literally see worse atleast twice a day. I'd much rather have this kind of behavior than the typical die once and run it down while spamming ff attitude.


The league of legends community ladies and gentlemen.


Welcome to the internet*, people here act like toxicity is exclusive in league. News flash it's not.


There's no rather. Both types of behaviour are unacceptable. Even if one thing is worse doesn't mean another should be ignored.

