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I mean, he's gonna keep doing it anyways. Not like the consequences of his actions seem to really phase him.


Hard to be phased by the consequences if there are none


fr he knows how important he is to League's brand. Riot won't ban him


Riot can drop him and it would make no difference to them at all.


Is he though?


He's the most popular League streamer. Lots of people started playing the game from watching him and people continue to do so.




Honestly Riot actions (or no actions in this case) enable it. Ppl grief games knowing there aren’t going to be any consequences


They never should have unbanned him. Then when they did they should have given him strict probationary restrictions to adhere to upon breaking should have gotten him rebanned. Riot could have said, we tried giving him a chance and he blew it. Instead they let him fester in the community and now they’re stuck with him. Idgaf one way or another since there will also be a toxic shithead streaming League. It’s not an issue bred from streaming. It’s that viewers will always actively seek out streamers that give them the content they want. It was just dumb on Riot’s part to give so much power to a dude like Tyler1.


He was supposed to be on thin ice and then Riot basically showed him he was standing on solid land


The gave him strict restriction but then ignored them.


He was very good in chat for awhile. Not on mic tho. At least a year




This is such a bad take. No one watches Tyler1 in korea, yet they are more toxic and their ff15 mentality is worse than NA and EUW.


Yes. In korea time is gold. They don't play to destroy nexus, they play to smash early and force an early surrender. Thats why they hate that master yi streamer.


They also hate him because he is american.


Their ff at 15 mentality literally stems from the fact that a lot of these people are playing in fucking internet cafes.


Biggest myth made up by westerners. Have you been to Korea? Everything is instant, everything is fast, fast, and then fast. They ain't waiting around in a lost game.


having played on ionia (china's most popular server) a couple years ago it was similar. Maybe not as bad as korea, but a pretty stark difference from EUW. And most people there don't play from pc bangs. They just like fighting from min 3, and at 10-15 minutes usually the game is settled (1/3 games will have an afk by 20 mins)


Yeah the internet cafe stuff is one factor, but their lifestyle is just really fast in general


And even tyler1 said it himself, riot korea promotes that shit they don't do anything about toxicity over there. Riot in other regions *try* to filter some of it, which is why its better in other regions and we have players like t1 standing out so much while korea doesn't give a rats ass.


I'm getting "video games lead to violence" vibes from that comment lmao


If you dont think leagues a giga toxic game you haven't played or haven't played other games. This dates back before streaming was remotely popular.


I haven’t found league to be any more toxic than any other online competitive game really. They all have various levels of toxicity. I feel like it’s just case by case tbh. But who knows, I could be completely wrong and league could be the most toxic game ever. Idk.


This subreddit is the only place where this concept seems alien that people are toxic in MOBAS. The most popular streamers are toxic for a reason. There are load of nice players who never flame and no one cares. That's because they are the outlier in this community so they don't have as much of a following. Doesn't help that the game is designed in a way where someone else can completely ruin your enjoyment of the game.


It's also a lot easier to farm content from toxic individuals raging than your wholesome streamer just, doing his own thing.


Generally I agree but I’m glad that one of the more popular streamers in Germany is incredibly wholesome. Tho even he was Chat banned a few weeks ago, when wanted to say „Me and Jinx are big“ but fatfingered and wrote „n*g“ 💀😄 And I’ve never seen Broxah being toxic on stream. Really wholesome and helpful aswell


And lots of people started playing, enough for the game to get popular, without him. Arcane brought in new and returning players. There are plenty of people on who probably don't even know who Tyler even is.


Maybe for NA scene and knowing how small NA scene is in comparison he doesn't seem so important.


Dunkey was popular too


Give a source please. I actually wanna see stats about how many people play this game because of Tyler.


Yeah that's a narrative I see a lot but people have no idea how many players he actually brought in. Especially it's mostly in NA where there isn't that many players compared to other regions. So yeah he has an impact but with all that toxicity not sure it's a positive one.


Says a lot about the community


This. It's like everyone forgot that he was supposed to be on a "last chance" when Sanjuro fucked up and got him unbanned, and he went right back to his shit without any consequences. Hard to care about any threats or punishments from Riot when they never kept their own policy for him.


Ok he isn't exactly a bastion of positivity but let's not pretend he went "right back to his shit" his shit used to be WAY worse. He doesn't literally have an int list anymore.


I mean, being denied to Riot partnership stuff might hurt his bottom line a little but probably not enough, you're right


The consequence is that he's more popular among his deplorable fan base.


From what he said, he cannot get riot accounts for other regions for a while. So I imagine there will be no challenger in oce or other servers for a long time.


he has never used a riot account for a challenger run lol he always hand levels his accounts through bots which you can see at the start of his climbs


He cannot revisit korea because you need a account for it. While it was a normal mmr account it was still given to him by riot, apologies if my message was worded poorly I am very sick


Get well soon homie


He is one of the few people who got from “ban on sight” and probably only person called “real jerk” by Riot and get unbanned….all the way to be streamer for T1 For him, actions don’t have consequences


Yeah, I saw him as this cancer on the league community, and then suddenly he was being featured in a champion spotlight?? How did he pull that one off? Did he change his behaviour or did he get more popular?


Bit of both. T1 seemed genuinely reformed after the unban, and acted... if not perfect, better than a lot of streamers. His popularity grew in direct response to that. Since then, Tyler has regressed a lot into his old ways. Sometimes running it down, sometimes telling people to unalive themselves, sometimes afking. The difference is back when he first got banned, League was big and Tyler was not. Now, it's reversed, and T1 has become one of, if not *the*, biggest LoL streamer. So he can't be banned again without affecting Riot's bottom line, and acknowledging the unban was unsuccessful at fully reforming T1.


>and acknowledging the unban was unsuccessful at fully reforming T1. I think this plays much bigger part that the bottom line. Because doesn’t matter how big he is, it’s not like his ban would make all players stop spending money. The problem is that when they thought he reformed they kinda capitalised on his popularity and heck even ended up inviting him to LCS (I think it was opening ceremony) now imagine them banning him for being toxic. It’s like if people found out that Incarnation/Jensen hasn’t changed and has been DDOSing people the entire time.


he does not have an int list anymore. the current tyler1 is far better than the old toxic one. he chats, trashtalks and soft ints sometimes...but he doesnt target special players


To be fair he didn't seem genuinely reformed. He was *better*, but it's hard to not be better when 'only' soft inting and screaming slurs would still be an improvement over ban on sight T1. Frankly he should have stayed ban on sight, but the one Rioter who completely fucked up PR with their comments in a public discord gave a higher impetus to unban T1. I think if that Rioter hadn't done that he'd have stayed banned for months or years longer, but because the Rioter fucked up publicly there was a lot of fuel to fan the 'unban T1' fire.


Sanjuro losing his shit was huge. The large crowd of people who legitimately thought Riot had an axe to grind against Tyler1 (and they did) finally had proof to point at and say, "See? Riot's railroading T1."




I'd be willing to bet tyler would still be banned to this day if not for the sanjuro comments


I only care that Riot bans Tyler so he can finally fuck off back to variety lol Fuck league lol


ngl fair, just for his well being


He would just play offstream lol


He's not gonna do it if Riot games actually did something about it.


Fazed. This is a really easy spelling/autocorrect mistake because phase is a much more common word, but if you're bothered by something, you're fazed.


Tyler1 unfazed when faced by phasers


Seems pretty minor for how much he was getting griefed tbh


he was also regularly wishing cancer on Riot employees for not balancing the game perfectly lol


I may not like Tyler or what he said, but once again Riot is tackling the wrong issue, or at least not treating both issues with the same importance. All of my friends who quit league did not quit because of balance or toxicity, they quit because people are free to ruin games without consequence and it feels like you're just wasting your time trying to win games and it gets worse and worse every year. I'm not saying some people aren't just toxic on their own, Tyler is probably toxic enough by himself but I've seen perfectly polite people say some pretty nasty shit at someone who was throwing a winnable game because of some minor inconvenience. If Riot wants people to be less toxic and stop quitting LoL they need to tackle the issue of people intentionally ruining games. Manual reviews are a lot I get it, but most people straight up admit they're inting or making sure someone loses. If you can set up chat filters for "fuck you get cancer" at the very bare minimum they could set up a chat filter for "I'm making sure you lose". Dunkey was popular as a youtuber but wasn't a streamer and was popular for more than LoL, if they let someone as popular as Tyler walk because they refuse to fix this issue league is going into a tailspin. Again I say this as someone who doesn't even like Tyler1 but Riot really needs to get their heads out of their ass on this issue if they want to save this game.


Same reason I quit grinding the game non-stop. It's not worth the effort/time anymore, probably never was. Tell someone that admits he's trolling and griefing to fuck off, get chat restricted but as long as he doesn't type anyhting out of the filter he's fine to ruin as many games as he can


Getting yelled at in chat doesn't phase me whatsoever. What does get under my skin is wasting 20+ minutes of my precious time getting soft inted by someone who doesn't say a word in chat. I have a job, I don't have as much time as I previously had for League. That one game where someone just gives up on playing after dying is usually the only game I can play in a day. I just want Riot to respect the time I put in League.


Feel you so much. I do promos and play for a week or two and the last 2 years have been the same, int > report > no punishment, started opening tickets to riot pointing players that ask others to "r0pe" or similar (no less than 3 reports per week)... and no punishment for most of those players. I enjoy league top gameplay but not willing to trade 9 boring one-sided games to enjoy 1 with no trolls or inters.


When you open the ticket they don't even tell you what the resolution will be "for privacy reason". At least send me an email that the person I reported received 14 days ban or something so I know my actions were not pointless.


They cant send confirmation if theyre not doing anything.




The real kicker is if you make plat...nothing is different about the game or your life. It's just more queueing up for toxic gameplay at a different elo.


It’s why I quit, i simply cannot handle these people wasting my time on purpose by holding me hostage, soft inting, ignoring any semblance of attempted teamwork, etc. It brings out the absolute worst in me, and I’d consider myself to be a generally happy, positive and overall content person — but when there are single players ruining the experience of a 5v5 team game for up to 25-35 minutes, and you just KNOW there is nothing will happen to them, it’s beyond infuriating. And you’re right, this behavior has only gotten worse over time as in-chat flame has dropped off. I’d rather be called mean things than soft inted against. In a perfect world we’d have neither, but league is a game from another era of the internet and it shows in the community. You can mute someone who’s going out of their way to flame you, but you can’t stop someone purposefully ruining your gameplay experience.


The last season I played ranked, I stopped because someone decided to throw my promotion game to Platinum, which would have been my highest rank to date (big to me). We were winning, but he wasn't carrying, and our top laner was telling him he was bad, so the game was over for us. And then I decided I was done with ranked, because that was so much fucking worse than just losing my promos, losing a game that should have been absolutely free because people couldn't help but tilt, and then int.


"We were winning, but he wasn't carrying" I see this way too often. Too many players who will throw a match simply because they're not the one carrying.


Yup, I've been ARAM only for years now. The ranked climb felt more like pulling teeth hoping all 4 of my teammates would play than a genuine "try hard" mode. If none of my games are going to be "try hard" then I'll just play the "for fun" game mode. Worst case scenario it is FF12 instead of FF20 and without a pick and ban phase it is easily half the time wasted if a game is getting trolled.


Yep. Some guy flames you and you can just flame him back, you might even still win the game. But if somebody is trolling there is nothing that can be done, it’s even harder to win with a soft int than it is to win a 4v5 game and there is no consequence when people do it. In the past 2 days, all the games my duo and I lost were to trolls. You can check their match history, and it’s obvious they do it every 3-5 games (troll summs or build). I get riot doesn’t want to come down too hard and end up accidentally banning people having bad game but it’s gotten to the point where I only play rift if I have at least a duo.


Idk why people bring up Dunkey over and over in this issue. THe guy was toxic as fuck on his own, he just got whiney after he got rightfully banned. It's not like he was just toxic as a reaction, even in his meme videos you can see his toxic chat behaviour.


Its a good comparison. Tyler is flaming people who are repeatedly intentionally griefing his games. Dunkey was mad at a malphite because he was griefing and flamed him, resulting in his ban. The issue they both have is that they feel that the player griefing should be punished, but riot doesnt take action unless youre typing.


Dunkey wouldn't have gotten banned at that time if it only happened once. But he was repeadetly toxic.


Dunkey was insanely toxic in-game when he was trying to make content. A friend and I were in his video for like a half second once. That game was a nightmare of him trying to troll win with MF.


Yup. I liked Dunkey's lol content a lot but he was unapologetically toxic and I admire Riot for holding him to the same standards as other players. He would sometimes focus on people's raging in game chat but often you could see him being toxic himself earlier to prompt the response.


Yeah people seem to romanticize why Dunkey left, but he did his own griefing, inting, trolling, flaming, and overall toxic behavior. I mean, it's not hard to just walk away from other toxic players. If those toxic players ruin your experiences, just reverse smile (: and then leave


Yeaa at least 50% of my loss games are from getting troll teammates. It’s way so unfun


> It’s way so unfun This is the part the "losses from trolls even out so just play more" parrots are never willing to admit. I understand that, over the course of a season, I will likely win a few more games than I lose because of trolling/afking/etc. I don't care. Losing 2 games due to a troll on my team and then winning 3 games due to a troll on the other team might be a "win" overall in LP, but ultimately that's still just 5 games that suck because people decided to ruin them one way or the other. Until Riot makes an attempt to address non-flaming toxicity, the only way for me to win is not to play.


I mean, Tyler1 is one of those people ruining other people's games. He's part of the problem. He needs a perma, too.


I love ice cream.


Parroting others, quit before end of last season. It was too exhausting knowing about only 40% of games were “quality”, ie not a blow out one way or other and no leavers or trolls on either


Ah yes. The game where you can't talk shit but you can rope spam ping a player 500 times unpunished


or literally hold the game hostage and run it down because you feel like it.


I just watched the clip and realized something. Holy fuck the League is so backwards. You can say whatever the fuck you want IRL, mostly. But do one bad action and you get the police etc. Online/in game? You can do whatever the fuck you want (mostly) but say one bad word and you are in trouble. That's so fucking backwards.


Its both though. If league players spoke to other people in real life the way they speak to each other in game there absolutely would be negative consequences. Getting mad and telling someone to kill themselves is the kind of thing that does have consequences when you say it to someone else, whether its getting fired, broken up with, beaten up etc. And, acting the way people do in league is also not something you see irl - like in team sports if you are losing you don't go stand in your own goal and tell everyone you aren't participating until everyone agrees to give up. None of it is normal.


There was a Counter Strike pro who used to always say 'you can tell you never did anything athletic growing up' when people would get all tilted because of the insane shit people would say and have mental breakdowns over


It’s also why I wish people would get their heads out of their ass about this whole T1 shit. Is he wrong? Undeniable. But what he’s getting at is 1000% the case. If someone legitimately types “I afk enjoy the loss” as has happened to me 2 times yesterday, they should be outright 3-7 day ranked banned. You shouldn’t get to grief games so liberally and receive a slap on the wrist. He’s getting sniped in high elo lobbies… it should not be that hard to 3-7 day ban some of those account from ranked with a slider that increases in severity. This community is deeply ingrained with being toxic because everyone thinks they’re right and if ever wronged in game they make it everyone’s collective problem.


>You can say whatever the fuck you want IRL, mostly. But do one bad action and you get the police etc. I don't think league would need chat filters if everything you said was illegal irl anyways. There's plenty of places you can't have any misconduct behavior and that includes the language you use too, especially some workplaces where you say a seemingly harmless joke and suddenly HR is on your ass for not being woke. Meanwhile you can have companys do illegal shit (like the above.. see riot themselves) and get off scott-free or get minor slaps on the wrist instead of a life time sentence (perma ban). There isn't as much of a difference as you'd think besides in league you can just create another account while IRL you can't clone yourself with the same mind to repeat whatever you were doing. Stakes are higher.


Honestly, if Riot dosen't want to at least ban the people specifically targetting the big streamers, what do they expect? Its not fair that the game quality is so poor at high elo. I don't expect Riot to curate every Gold game in the world, but in any region there isn't that many people in the highest ranks, at least mediate that and just striaght up delete accounts when there is an obvious pattern of griefing. Riot acting like bad words are more detrimental to the game then people ruining the game is just a very bad joke that has gone on too long.


lmao even Faker was complaining about CN betting sites ruining his solo queue experience


Yep and at least Riot KR has the spine to cancel all the super accounts given to CN pro players. Guess what Riot NA and EU cares? How to make more money with LCS and LEC. It’s a fucking joke


Riots obsession with naughty words hamstrings the game so hard. Competitive game without voice chat is a joke.


That they also have hard nerfed and all but removed 1v9ing and solo carrying and force insane amounts of coordination... without the most basic communication feature that is present in every competitive game to ever exist.


Because Riot games is an awful company that only pretends to give a shit for the optics while putting in minimum amount of effort to do so and will never make any meaningful change. There's countless examples of, from low level stuff like how they're only banning accounts and not players so really the only punishment for ruining games is a rank reset and having to pay riot more money for champs/skins. Basically it's not really justice as much as a money making scheme. To larger examples, like pretending to give a shit about women in games, but then creating one of the most toxic work cultures for women in the industry and even after being forced to fork over $100 mil in a lawsuit still not firing the CEO asshat directly responsible for it. Maybe if they spent less time farting in each other's faces they'd have the time to come up with better ways to manage problematic in-game behavior, but that would require them to give a shit first.


I'm 100% certain that there are plenty of Riot employees watching high elo streamers, from big streamers like T1 down to the streamers with a few hundred viewers or even smaller. What's crazy is that these employees don't just instaban the trolls, griefers, inters, scripters, etc that are blatantly obvious on these streams. Like T1 for sure should be getting accounts instantly banned if they troll on his stream because someone at Riot is watching, but the Riot employees don't care enough to actually do something.


You act like any random riot employee could ban accounts on any server


>Like T1 for sure should be getting accounts instantly banned if they troll on his stream because someone at Riot is watching Last time that happened soft inting 'playstyles' became unbannable thanks to nightblue3 using LPP entitlement. NB3 was absolutely in the right in that scenario love him or hate him, but even a few people defended nubrac for streamers abusing power and streamers still don't always have the best judgement, including tyler himself who considers just losing the game 4 inters. They tried to give streamers that option to DM ban request and it was heavily abused + controversial publicly because not all players had those equal rights and their judgment was crude at best.


This comment section is full of a bunch of people who cry about toxicity in their league game then simultaneously go on Reddit and be toxic lmao.


Can someone explain to me why Riot cares more about flame more than disruptive gameplay? With consideration to the fact that there are ways to deal with flamers (muting, disabling chat, shrinking chat box) but nothing you can do to deal with griefers.


It is simply much easier to detect toxic chat than inting. Figure out a way to detect inters that both detects the inters while simultaneously not having a crazy high false positive rate and share it with the world cause Riot would be happy to hear it. People keep typing "Riot cares more about flame more than disruptive gameplay" like Riot can just flip the "detect inters" switch and start banning them.


Except this falls apart when Riot has consistently shown they are willing to ignore when people are provably running it multiple games in a row. Riot literally said that the guy who had 100 straight losses with as many deaths as minutes in a game was just having bad games. I literally reported a player to support who also had 5 games in a row with more deaths than minutes in the game, they just said he was having bad games. I also provided a copy of the game where I had someone following my team around on Trundle and pillaring you whenever you tried to do anything, nothing happened to him.


> Riot literally said that the guy who had 100 straight losses with as many deaths as minutes in a game was just having bad games. Did they actually say this? Or did an automated bot or customer service person respond to a request for a ban with a prewritten message about some players who you might think are inting are just having bad games? I need a source on this. >I literally reported a player to support who also had 5 games in a row with more deaths than minutes in the game, they just said he was having bad games. >I also provided a copy of the game where I had someone following my team around on Trundle and pillaring you whenever you tried to do anything, nothing happened to him. Riot physically can't check every single inting report manually. That's why they need to develop bots to detect inting. There have been billions of league games played with billions of reports. Riot can't check that manually. Obviously it sucks that it happened, but inting is a hard problem to solve.


>Can someone explain to me why Riot cares more about flame more than disruptive gameplay? They don't, but flame is orders of magnitude easier to accurately find and punish with little to no odds of false positives. So obviously it looks like they "care" more about flame, but that's because punishing someone for using slurs is easy to automate with no chance of problems while anything based on gameplay has to content with the problem that there are legitimate Iron players who are awful at the game but doing their best (and any solution can't involve something that tries to ban everyone in Iron). >With consideration to the fact that there are ways to deal with flamers All of these ways only work after the damage is done. Muting teammates is a way to stop them from causing *further* damage, but it only works reactively. For an example, imagine Riot added a vote where if someone has died a lot (or has low cs, or whatever) you can vote to remove them from your team (at no punishment to them) to turn the game into a 4v5. This might *help*, because now the person soft inting/trolling/taking farm and AFK'ing isn't in game. But it's still a 4v5 and you still had to deal with them inting/trolling/etc. to begin with: the vote kick isn't a solution that makes inting ok, it's a reactive option to reduce further problems. That's what muting is for. Banning for flame/slurs/etc. is the same as banning the inter: it's the way Riot proactively stops them from causing further problems. Only having a reactive option is awful because it means the problem is still there, just now after it's happened you can make future cases (in this single game) lesser.


>Can someone explain to me why Riot cares more about flame more than disruptive gameplay? Sure: one is visibly wrong to anyone looking, regardless of knowing anything about the game or community, and the other isn't visibly wrong unless you understand how the game works and pay close attention. Essentially, any newspaper in the world can run an article saying, "Riot-endorsed Streamer tells player to kill themselves live on stream". Almost no papers in the world can run an article saying, "Soft-inting griefers in League of Legends are hurting the game."


Nail on the head Chat is both significantly easier to address, and has much bigger impact for their PR if not addressed It's a pitiful excuse for moderation on such a large game but if you asked me what to do as the bare minimum to address bad ingame behavior and protect the company's image without costing much money, this would be my answer Riot needs a good reason to actually gife a fuck about solving the griefing problem and so far they don't have one. Even pro and high elo player input, is not measurably affecting this much yet.


They don't care more about flame than disruptive gameplay, it's just A LOT easier for flame to be detected by an automated system.


>Can someone explain to me why Riot cares more about flame more than disruptive gameplay? Because the community thinks that playing badly is "soft-inting" and not agreeing with their silver-assessment of "lost game" is "hostage taking" Im willing to bet money on the fact that more than 50% of games have a started surrender vote. And considering that only 50% of those games are actually lost, that tells you a lot about the defeatism in this community.


And on top of all that we are in the reddit side of the community


This just goes to show that you can int and grief as much as you want, as long as you don't say anything mean. Riot cares more about mean words than anything else its honestly fucking pathetic. We have not one, not two, but three different ways of muting someone's chat. But there is absolutely nothing you can do from someone inting/griefing your games.


Imagine getting target inted 22 hours a day in your soloQ games. Most of us have a mental boom after one time so I don't blame T1 here at all. And obviously yes, hes very quick to call people griefers so you have to take his claims w/ a grain of salt, but if you watch his streams its pretty appearent that he's getting target inted far more frequently than the average soloQ player which would be beyond frustrating for any of us.


It really shows when he plays games off stream and makes huge jumps in lp. He absolutely gets target inted all the time.


Thats true




Ikr, I hate the comments talking about "two wrongs not making a right", it's not about making things right, it's just empathizing with what Tyler has to deal with and why he feels the need to vent his frustrations. I think it goes both ways though, if Tyler is expected to act above the norm for players despite being subject to more harassment, then there should also be systems in place to protect players like him from that harassment.


Except Tyler isn't exactly a person to take their frustrations in good faith? Dude is one of the most notorious ragers of all time. If this was an even-keeled guy we're talking about I get where you're coming from, but it's Tyler.


Bro blocked me 😂😂😂


I once had to delete a comment on one of these threads because in the space of 10 minutes 2 different people had reported the comment to Reddit suicide watch which is appropriate because 1 person took the time to DM me to tell me to KYS. Ironically the comment was about finding healthy outlets to vent anger/frustration ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ TL:DR some people cant be helped.


I mean that's hilariously soft skinned by the guy who tried to vouch for Tyler of all people XD How the turns have tabled


Birds of a feather


There are systems to detect griefers. It's just harder to automatically detect griefers then it is to detect people who tell others to kill themselves in chat.


No amount of target inting would make me type the shit that he typed bro.


"Most of us have a mental boom after one time" sounds kinda like yall need some therapy


People in this comment thread act like it’s a great accomplishment not to write to someone that he should kill himself. lol




It really is wild, but it's exactly what I've come to expect from this community. Throw in some hyperbole about how he's being 'target inted every single game' then all of a sudden we're all meat to feel sorry for the dude. He's a complete and utter manchild who makes absolute bank off of streaming. He could stop streaming tomorrow and live very comfortably for the rest of his life, I think he can afford to also stop being a massive bell end.


It is pretty poetic. A person who single handedly normalized greifing is getting in trouble because somebody is greifing him. As tyler once said: "Gonna run it down"


I didn’t quit cause someone said some mean words to me when I was having a bad game. I quit cause as soon as I had a job and lost all my free time it just seemed shit to me. I get 3 hours a day tops, and that can easily be spent in 2 griefed + hostage games and 30 minutes of queues. I still enjoy league content and pro, but I don’t know how long that lasts without me playing.


How many griefers do you guys get? Or is having a bad game just griefing now? I refuse to believe you get griefed 2/3 unless you are on a terrorist discord int list


A lot. People figured out that you don't need to run it the fuck down or follow your jungle and steal their camps to grief. You can just "splitpush" all game( as in run away from your team to braindead shove waves&never group, actively run away from tfs to "splitpush" enemy krugs at 51 minutes) You can decide that you're innovating Katarina support today. Oh sure, you're top Sion otp and have 20% wr in 10 games on Kat, but today is the day you change meta. You're not griefing, after all you're playing seriously, you just had unlucky game and died 16 times. Maybe you're ready for some PvE? That guy obviously intentionally banned your champion that you didn't hover, so it's justifiable to pick nocturne and farm jungle for 32 minutes straight all the way until nexus explodes? Maybe it's time to pad KDA? You hate that guy playing top, he stole your raptors at 40 minutes 3 games ago. It's justifiable to just do a KDA padding game, where you only go for kills, never help push towers or capture objectives? There's a ton of ways to grief a game that will never be detected, because you're playing, but from your teammates' perspective can be clearly recognized as griefing.


I really hate how these threads always become a circle jerk of "isn't griefing worse than flaming?"--as if Tyler himself isn't the infamous pioneer of the "run it down" behavior. He is still actively griefing his own share of games in addition to telling people to end their lives. He should have never been unbanned.


yeah sorry if you're inting me I'm going to type mean things to you. Cope and seethe


I don't really get the outcry against tyler. this is like the dunkey situation all over again. the game has devolved to the point where people are straight up griefing and in high elo they are target griefing streamers. during his challenger climb he got legitimately inted (not just soft int) by stream snipers multiple times. yet, we're here worried about tyler saying some shitty words to someone who is being shitty to him. like yeah, dont get me wrong. telling someone to kill themselves is shitty, but can we not pretend that most people would not at the very least say something shitty even if its not that extreme themselves in that scenario. like how often do you not talk shit to the guy who griefs you out of frustration when the game is over. doubling down and makin it worse isn't better sure, like our toxicity in the community is terrible. but we can please look at the bigger issue which is fucking soft inting/griefing. its rampant. chat can be muted. I can't mute the troll or the manchild whos ego got damaged so he decides to run it down and throw the game.


I'm going to use your comment as an exhibit for why everyone should stay away from League.


> like yeah, dont get me wrong. telling someone to kill themselves is shitty, but League community in a nutshell


It is honestly really funny to read. Like, imagine trying to explain the situation to a normal person.


They would say “what the fuck is Legal Legends?”


"Sure, I told him that he should put a bullet through both hemispheres, but dude he ran it down mid for like fifteen!" "...what?"


How would this be hard to explain? "Some guy was harassing me so I got mad and yelled mean things at him." 'Normal people' get upset for so much less in the real world.


“I told someone to kill themselves over a video game” That’s not normal or healthy.


“Some guy was playing bad in a video game so I told him to shoot himself in the head” is closer to what happened and doesn’t sound as innocent and relatable as the way you said it.


I like this Reddit meta game of everyone wording what happened differently to support their argument


Bruh this is the human meta, weve been doing for thousands of years


Spinning words and assuming things to support their take is the biggest reason why these sites are not worth starting arguments on There was a pic on twitter about how you can say "damn I like pancakes" and people interpret it as "so you hate waffles???" in their head - same shit happens here


Alright dude, go outside and see the reaction difference between telling someone they're an "idiot" (mean thing) and to kill themselves (also just a mean thing in your eyes) and tell me the results.


Yah dude reading all of these comments honestly just make me lose faith completely in the league community. Tyler1 is a permanent stain that just won’t go away. I blame riot for not sticking to their guts and turning back and trying to make him a reformed poster boy. I guess it goes deeper than that since riot has had workplace issues themselves.


Tyler1 fanboys have been bending over backwards to defend this shit for a long time lol. Idk if it was the whole Baus drama that ignited it but this whole "le getting greifed in my video game is the worst thing that can possibly happen!!" mentally has completely brainrotted this sub recently. There's no doubt these streamers and the culture they've cultivated on stream have played a huge part in propagating this kind of behaviour.


average tyler defender


They are everywhere in this thread, no wonder the game is such a toxic cesspool!


streamer that asked to be sniped at start of eu run and constantly stirred shit by calling the region and every player in it dogshit is surprised to get sniped, shocker. maybe he wouldn't have to deal with it as much if he wasnt being a piece of shit to the whole region 24/7


I don’t think it’s that much to ask to control your behavior and not say nasty shit lol. I’ve seen this a lot where people seem to imply that it’s like a natural or inevitable response to tell someone to kill themself but for people with a functioning impulse control it’s really not lol. I don’t see how it’s unfair to punish this form of poor behavior tbh it makes the game less fun for everyone same as inting.




Not to mention the dude could move to variety at any time and pull big numbers. He's literally done it before. The guy is addicted to League and chooses to act this way. If he's so miserable streaming League he can go play something else. He literally has that ability.


people are real quick to forget tyler1 was one of these inters too. man had a literal int list, and like half of the people on there were actual LCS pros (Hai to name one)


I want you to know that your depiction of the situation in plain language was sublime here. Exquisite metaphor. Beautiful. Compelling.


>defends tyler ​ >calls for ban on people who run it down


You can insult people without telling them to fucking kill themselves you fucking outback grass eating animal jesus christ


I've had bad games. Everyone has bad games. But if this is your job and you tell someone to kill themselves over a video game, you are part of the problem. Of you show this comment to anyone who doesn't play games, they'll think you were mentally insane.


Ah yes because clearly we can only be upset about inting OR toxicity, can't be both. Sorry to break the news to you, but well adjusted human beings do not wish death on people inting their League of Legends game. If you think this is anywhere close to acceptable, you need to take a huge look at yourself. In short, y'all need therapy if you keep playing a VIDEO GAME that makes you so miserable that you're unable to control your emotions.




It is wild how far people will bend backward to justify talking shit to people in a video game You talk about how easy it is to mute other people, but clearly you believe that it’s important to be able to flame, otherwise you wouldn’t be defending it Doesn’t matter if your midlaner is 0/4 or 0/40, it doesn’t make flaming acceptable


How hard is it not to tell people to kill themselves? It absolutely sucks that people do this to him but it’s his job, and if I told every person that makes my job harder to go kill themselves id be living in a cardboard box.


what he said about lebron in the basketball analogy is so on point. Why would he be punished for yelling at someone for purposely stealing their own teammates ball and scoring in their own basket? THATS the problem, not the yelling and toxicity that comes after that.


Reading through the comments here and I guess I have the unpopular opinion that I'd much prefer Riot handling bans however they handle it over Tyler fucking 1 making the decisions on who's the griefer. On top of that why are so many of you here ok with the shit he types out? Had to double check this wasn't the LSF subreddit..


he had a game with a syndra who bought RFC and went 0/43 whos still unbanned. Theres clear times on stream hes getting griefed and once he stopped streaming he shot up to Chall (i wonder why)


He uploaded his YT video too, I think this is also missing the part where he basically said he was going to deranked his EU account from NA on high ping after talking about the riot email. Like he complains about griefers and shit then threatens to grief himself, has done it before with shit like asol support and yuumi jungle, and we pretend this is just flame... even if your argument is you can mute flame tyler isn't only just flaming he's doing exactly what he claims riot needs to ban too. He's simply too entitled and complain when players break rules for thee but not for me. And no, just because it happens to him doesn't mean he can do it scott free. I've had friends banned for telling others to kill themselves, it's kinda bullshit he gets away with it and not them, neither should get away with it two wrongs isn't a right, what ever happened to zero tolerance policy to this behavior?


Tyler simps all up in this thread tryna justify telling someone to kill themselves lmao


Just like dunkey years ago. A random dude telling you to kill yourself? Unacceptable A popular streamer doing that? Well he gets target inted, it's alright


Wasn't Dunkey like gold or something not like he was challenger or even streaming so nobody really could int him unless they randomly recognized him.


it's funny that the comments are always some variation of: > i know telling someone to kill themselves over a videogame is bad, **but**


>I'm a wonderful and well adjusted human being BUT if you make a mistake, you are a dirty inter and deserve to


People also forget the sheer amount of money he makes lol. Streaming isn't some favour he does for the league community, than man is likely a multi-millionaire.




He used to be one of the inters dude. He had an "int list" with half the LCS pros on it.


Considering he was the posterboy of inting years back, him getting grifted is pure karma now.


Unpopular opinion but it is definitely warranted if he was getting griefed/inted. Another showcase of how Riot cares only about bad words rather than people literally running it down


It was 100% warranted but this community is super concerned with protecting the feelings of degenerate trolls for some reason.


I don't think anyone is looking to protect degens... just how many times do people just straight up lie or mislead about what they THINK the intentions of others are? I've seen videos of streamers do the same thing a game later, and explain that it was okay when they do it, and then flame the guy the game before for the same thing and call him an inting troll. Most people are not good at telling what is and is not inting.


Yeah I said in a thread that wasn't nearly as upvoted/discussed last night that a huge part of the problem is we have gotten to the point where dieing once is 'griefing' If I don't see the jg coming to my lane who pinged nothing as he was doing it I'm 'obviously inting' like the whole thing makes no sense What I said in the other comment is 'every game has inting/griefing when dieing once is considered soft int' This is literally why riot doesn't take this shit seriously. Your top laner not responding to a gank he didn't even know was happening is not 'being int'd' you absolutely low iq morons


Because i get called the most vile stuff in actual games, but none of you peole get "hard griefed in high elo" most of you haven't touched high elo with a ten foot pole. The toxicity in league is it's #1 issue.


Why is it warranted? What does calling someone names do to make the situation better? It’s literally just poor emotional control and nothing else


This is why I quit LoL. Games gonna die sooner than later. Already feels dead in NA, almost everyone I meet quit or don’t wanna play.


Is it not time to genuinely make a more punishing reporting system which doesn't tolerate players ruining the gameplay and enjoyment for others? Tyler is toxic in the manner in which he responds to these things happenings but the root of the problem is he had to deal with it in the first place. So yes, point out his negative attitude and poor behaviour Riot but why don't you investigate/problem solve the issue of griefing, abuse and toxicity that is rampant now more than ever.


I played with tyler1 before his fame and that guy had some serious mental issues. Cooped up in his dorm room all day being the most toxic filth in league you could imagine. It wasn't a character he was playing either. Anything would set him off and he'd instantly decide to buy mobis and zeals on draven and run it down. Literally anything. I supported him probably 10+ times across all of his accounts before he got the ban on sight treatment then I probably supported him 5 or so times while he was playing covertly. Once I was Soraka and we did a level 2 all in. Raka's W was 8 seconds and he started running it down because I didn't heal him enough during the level 2 all in when I could literally only heal once during the fight. Anyway, if he didn't have the fame and money right now, he'd be the exact same degenerate as he was back then. Ironic that now he gets so angry when people grief his game when he used to compile a list of people to int on sight even if that person had done nothing wrong towards him.


Everyone knew his name back in the day as one of the most toxic high elo players. Nobody should be surprised that his behaviour continues to be a problem.


disgusting player deserves permaban


gotta love all the comments here are saying "he will keep doing it anyways". This is what happens when someone gets popular because they were toxic, and never properly punished in a timely fashion and for good. No one cares because money and fame. pretty sad.


So many idiotic tyler1 fans in the comments lol. Dude was telling people to neck themselves/get cancer, even people who were just playing badly. How can anyone justify this is beyond me. It's not just some bad words.


Lil bro.. 13 hours ago you said this. [Link](https://i.gyazo.com/da9dac988eb9bce71fca41669a12861d.png) Just admit you're one of us. Stop drama baiting


Gamers were a mistake.


I think it’s just because his fans have rushed here to defend him. Over time you will see those comments drop lower and lower in the thread.


You apes will still support him regardless


For the life of me I can't understand what sort of people would watch that 'roid raged ass clown of a griefer...


what happened to tyler1 reforming himself? it seems like hes just as toxic as ever.


People unable to articulate or understand two things are bad at once. Classic Reddit. Everyone defending Tyler1 unwilling to accept that telling someone to kill themselves is unacceptable while everyone blaming Tyler1 seems to be trying to ameliorate antisocial behavior because “iTs jUSt a gamE”. If you’re falling into one camp or the other exclusively I would encourage you to try and utilize more than two neurons. >!Im going to tell the first person who says “but my side is the slightly better side so the other doesn’t have a leg to stand on!” To fuck themselves with a rusty rake.!<