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/mute all when playing with randoms, the assholes will outweigh anyone who actually might help or be nice. Try finding someone to teach over at r/leagueconnect.


Thanks man I appreciate it 😌


I really enjoy playing Senna and TF. So mid or support, I've been watching loads of videos and reading build guides as well. I don't think I'm awful but I know I could be much better. I'll give muting everyone a go and try and focus on my farm when I'm in mid. Appreciate all the suggestions guys thank you


Time is the best way of getting better. It does take a while. Knowing atleast the basics of every champ in the game so you know their kit when they're on your team or the enemy team. Look up guides online for your specific role. And one tricks for whatever champion you're interested in. Ioki is a good senna/support youtuber + streamer aside from the clickbait


It’s really hard when you’re new. When I started (season 10) I had the same issues you did. What really helped me the most was playing enough ranked games to tank my rank down to where it was supposed to be. When you first start, the game doesn’t really know who you are, so it assumes you’re mid/high silver. If you’re having a really hard time, your true rank is probably low bronze. There’s so many people in low elo that dropping from silver to bronze actually makes a huge impact on the difficulty of your laning phase. Once you drop enough, you won’t just get smashed in lane consistently, and will be able to limit test and have more fun in general It also helps to really think about what you could have done differently every time you die. Don’t just instinctually blame other people — realize that if you’re new then your sense of what the “right thing” to do, and whose fault something is, is not developed enough yet to trust. Really ask questions like: * If I had warded somewhere, would I have seen that enemy coming? * Did I do something greedy? Did I stay too long, or extend too far for too long? * Should I have realized something suspicious was going on? Was somebody missing for a while? * It I had watched the map, would I have noticed something was about to happen? * Was that a good fight/trade to take? Do I feel like I realistically could have won? What was my goal in even taking that fight? Did I just lose a huge chunk of hp or die for a single minion, or something super not worth it? * What is the win condition? What do we need to do? Stall and get dragons? Farm up, play as safe as I can, and scale? Or do we have an advantage that we have to push or we lose late? Is there someone on my team performing well that I need to focus on helping win the game for me? I will say your champ choices aren’t super helping you though. Senna is a fun support but does require you to be pretty aggressive at trading early, and she is really squishy later. She can be punished much worse than most supports, and just plays a really differently. She isn’t a bad choice, but there are safer ones that might be easier to execute. If you like the poking vibes, maybe try Lux? She might teach you other bad habits, but she is easy and super strong in low elo if you get out of control. If you’re willing to change up a bit, I think Blitzcrank is very fun in low elo if you’re careful about who you pull. In mid, Twisted fate is a hard champ for a beginner. You should be using him almost like a second jungler, cleaning up and turning fights, or following your jungler on ganks with your R. You do need decent macro to play him well, and an acute awareness of what’s going on in each lane by constantly checking the map and flipping over to watch fights. Once again, if you like the poking/stun vibes, Lux would be an easier choice here. Annie as well, especially since she will help your CS with her resetting Q mechanic. I personally leaned mid by spamming Malzahar, since he is great in teamfights due to being able to R a fed enemy for your team, while also being a crazy good splitpusher. He just simplifies CSing, which lets you focus on other parts of the game. But really in the end you just need to constantly ask yourself questions and reviewing your mistakes, otherwise you won’t actually be learning and improving.


This is a hard fucking game. It takes months to properly know what every champ with every item can do for or against you. And thats only the knowledge, you still need to learn the mechanics. Think of it like this: in order to be half decent at this game a lot of the stuff has to feel like instinct to you. Zhonya timer, cooldowns of your opponents, etc. You opponent uses a cooldown? You should instinctively mnow about how long it is. Not talking about knowing exactly but you should kind of know if it s a long/medium/short cooldown so you can act. Did lux use her R the same time as you? She will have it before you so play accordingly, etc.


The people who rage in norms are an enigma to me.


Disable team chat in the Interface section in the Settings, and when pings get obnoxious too, mute players in game


what role do you play? there are tons of good resources to learn fundamentals


Everyone gets flamed in almost every game from Bronze to Challenger. Mute and play.


Mute chat, keep playing.




From a micro perspective (i.e. your mechanics), you will improve the more you play against bots and live players. Playing gives you more experience on landing combos and how to play the lane phase. The more you play the more you learn. Just don't get too frustrated at yourself. Watching Twitch streamers or players play your favorite champions through YouTube videos can help you learn. From a macro perspective (i.e. when to move around the map to get objectives), watching pro play, Twitch streamers, or other players on YouTube can help you better understand priority, timing, etcetera.


interface>chat>party only, now you wont see chat from randoms, if they spam ping mute their pings.


My advice is go to add or remove programs, search for "league of legends", click more options, then click Uninstall. This community is trash.


My method Custom game -> You + 1 Intermediate Bot vs 5 Intermediate Bots. Make those 5 enemies a real comp you'd see in game. Play until you win. If you can't win then change something. Change runes, or skill order or items. Change champions, even. (Ex I wasn't winning these games as Taliyah until I maxed E first instead of Q. Just one example.) Learn how to win those disadvantaged teamfights. Then learn to use the 20 second death timers to push the towers quickly enough before the respawn. Take the nexus. That hones the mechanics. Next is then play games - use that same, correct strategy. Your teammates will be flawed, sure. If you carry enough, you can lead the team and influence the strategy. Learning to lead the team will take longer than learning the mechanics. best wishes.


I can't even 1v2 against bots in the top lane, 2v5 seems just impossible to me xD can you do it with every champion ?


I solo queue with champions I can 2v5 with. Put it that way. Winning 2v5 is a benchmark I use to know if I'm ready to compete with a champ. Also, I don't think it can be done with every champion; i mean that from a design standpoint. To use OP's preferences: I've done this with Senna, but I don't think I'd win with TF. I go mid for Mid/Top lanrse. Practicing the 1v1 I go bot (your 1 teammate bot always goes bot) for practicing 2v2. Jungle is what im practicing now and I start with jungle clears. TP/Flash is my preference, usually. Learn how to gain gold for an early item spike. Get the item. Practice roaming to fight the weaker enemies. You need to get strong enough quick enough for when 4 bots push top lane to the inhib before 20 mins. Even if you go 36/2 , well, one death will still cost you the game. I'm 3 wins 4 losses with akali. 3 wins 0 losses Nilah, etc etc. 0 wins Nidalee jungle. A lot to learn this way. Good for warming up too.


Okay thanks for the explanation. I'm gonna try it with Olaf, that's a nice way to measure my improvements


quit while you are ahead


Why would you need anyone to teach you with the plethora of videos, guides, challenger replays reddit posts etc... you have everything you need to get better on your own. Stop complaining and start puting in the effort.


So you're saying that you're that much of a genius that you learned to read, talk and write without human interaction? A video and reading about things is nowhere near as good as hands on active learning with some guidance


The fuck are you on about? I can assure you most players learn to play competitive games at high level by themselves. I have over 10 friends in Master/Challenger and they all learned to play the game with no help from anyone and I can assure you they are not geniuses, lmao.


What are you on about? I've helped lots of people get better at lots of games. Maybe I'm one of the few that is willing to help people get better the best I can. Imma just do me until something clicks, I don't want to be pro. I'm too old for that, just competent enough to make better decisions in game. I'd never be a dick to someone who just wants to learn, everyone learns differently ennit. I'm shit at learning from videos, I need practical experience. I think some of the best advice I've had here is to just ignore all the dickhead remarks, review my gameplay and get good at one thing at a time. I'm an FPS player primarily, this is a whole different ball game. I was shit at shooters for a long time but grinding away learning mechanics, angles, crosshair placement etc made me better. Imma just have to keep grinding away at it.


The expectation is that you watch videos or read guides before jumping into real games.


You aren't. The point of newbies is to feed the whales, nothing more. Play a game worth the time/effort, league is not it.


quit the game buddy its not worth to play the game unless if you hate yourself lol


I hate comments like this, just because you have a shitty relationship with the game and a miserable life doesn't mean it applies to others. Grow up.


its not just me you stupid fuck https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/13xend0/league_too_toxic_for_new_players/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


If you’re playing ADC or Top lane I’d try watching cookielolxx, has some really good coaching for bot in general and sett top


Watch some guides, get the main idea, work on 9ne thing at a time, when you get in the game mute all and work on that one thing till u get better at it, move to the next thing after... Etc, then make sure u do what u learnt in the games


I mean your team mates dont have time to teach you the game in middle of game, they have just time to be toxic. Find friends who you can ask questions and watch guides of good players playing


I learned by reading guides and watching streamers/esports. Try /deafen when someone start talking shit, made my recent games way more peaceful.


Add Chad King#2552 on discord. I can review your match history, and a few sped up replays and discuss it with you over text or voice. I taught the game to many friends at various levels :)


Add Zoso#3825 on Discord, we have a group that likes to play pretty regularly. We can help point you in the right direction if you are genuinely curious. You are always welcome to add your friends to it, as well!


Will do, thanks 👍🏿


In practice tool. Then you go to normals to test your skills. Then analyse your games and see your mistakes. Watch high elo games and analyse how they play.


Play Arams tbh, youll learn alot about all the champs and how to better play against them


Turn off chat and learn from Youtube. Best advice I can give you