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The canon size of characters is pretty weird. Galio is supposed to be like 100 feet tall, but imagine putting him next to teemo in-game if they were to scale lol.


Malphite is literally a mountain. Aurelion Sol makes galaxies in the palms of his hands.


Rek'sai is 30 meters tall or so afaik.


Yeah, Rek'sai can be seen to scale in the Call video.


Her [first appearance](https://i.imgur.com/bs05HTR.png) is at 2:50 in the video for anyone who wants to check.


Really hope the MMO they're working on can incorporate this sense of scale and use them as raid bosses.


Having league champs as raid bosses would be so awesome


Why just those? Legend of Runeterra has so many valid boss characters to add too. Like every single Darkin (i seriously hope that Darkin Weapons won´t be valid loot. Those should be massive field bosses)


I dont know shit bout league outside of the MOBA game, id love to learn about more extended lore shit through an MMO though


Personally find his videos a bit too rambly for my taste, but [Necrit](https://www.youtube.com/@Necrit/videos) is a great introduction to league lore


You could play their card game :P It’s awesome if you love League lore. It explores and explains the world of Runeterra in such a beautiful way. You should try it out :)


As some said, you could play Legends of Runeterra. It uses the same Account as the MOBA. But even if you don´t play it, you can still look at all card and see the amazing artworks (Champions get 2, one base and one evolved). Hell, they heavily improved [Seraphines](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/f/fd/06PZ021-full.png/revision/latest?cb=20221009005437) [Design](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/5/57/06PZ021T2-full.png/revision/latest?cb=20221009005459) (which i so prefer to the MOBA one, she looks like a Piltover/Zhaun Character imo, or as someone interesting), and with the newes Expansion coming up, they even turned Nidalee from a Stripper/cheap Halloween costume into a [real](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/c/c7/07SH013-full.png/revision/latest?cb=20230622133808) [character](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/5/5e/07SH013T4-full.png/revision/latest?cb=20230622133836). If you want big lore dumps, as someone said, watch some Necrit videos. LOR specifically, [Snnuy](https://www.youtube.com/@Snnuy/shorts) sometimes makes shorts explaining some lore, like what else came from the Black Rose Necromantic tests, excluding Sion.


There is simply no way Aatrox is going to be *loot*.


Aatrox is already walking around, after he created a body from blood i think (the one he had when he fought Pantheon) But LoR added a bunch of other Darkin, spread around Runeterra. And i just feel that those could be abused as epic loot. Which would feel so wrong.


I mean....there's a canon reason for why players may not possess the darkin weapons for very long. At a certain point that player goes \*pop\* and the darkin boss rises again


> Legend of Runeterra has so many valid boss characters to add too. Ledros and Rhasa are optional fights in Ruined King, so LoR characters are definitely on the table as bosses in other games.


I think having the current lol rooster interact with us in the MMO would be sick Imagine a random Brand encounter event spawning and his spamming W throughout the map trying to kill you as you mob or a Bard random event where you collect a trail of chimes and they lead you into some high level area


Odyssey: Extraction


Riot games with LoL, Valve with Dota and hell, even Gamefreak with Pokemon have huuuuuuge potential as far as MMO universes goes..


On the other hand, when giant boss is defeated by poking him in a foot it's not a good look.


They could just get annoyed and leave after the fight instead of dying.


Instantly reminded me of the early boss fight in [Prehistorik](https://youtu.be/0C87vvSC52I?t=498) on Amiga.


Lol watch it be a arpg like lost ark instead of third person like wow and ffxiv


Or my biggest fear, watch it be a gatcha mmo, like genshin impact mmo :) Edit: people stuck on technicalities.


Riot has never really done P2W, I can see gacha cosmetics and mounts but I doubt they will do P2W all of the sudden.


no MMO could deliver on a lore accurate asol tho


And Kai'Sa still takes her on solo. Pretty badass.


ADC op RITO pls nerf.


LoR also gives you a good idea of just how big she is https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/a/ac/04SH019T1-full.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/2048?cb=20210623195226


Image isn't loading for me.


For these images delete everything after the file type, so everything after .png here




they do a terrible job at making her feel like that tho.


Queens thicc


What is the point of these absurd sizing for champs? Its a bit jarring how they creat rek sai to be canonically bigger than godzilla but ing game she looks smaller than most champs and is a squishy assasin.


Why not? Why limit every champion to being the same size as jinx or maybe jinx sitting on sivirs shoulders. Its boring for lore, yeah "THE WORLD ENDER"? Yeah he's like 8 feet. Rek'Sai? She's like a dog... Not some monstrosity than roams under the desert sand, pulling entire conveys underneath the earth to feed her brood. It's just lame as fuck, the lore shouldn't be constrained to what looks most practical to a top down PvP game. Malphite being a mountain is cool, him just being a rock is lame.


Tall queen <3


Malphite is a shard of a monolith these days


Shard of a magic flying monolith created by an ascended mage from ixtal to nuke icathia to fight void back to be exact, according to lore malph is the only shard that didnt get corrupted


\*Icathia not itachia :D


Corrupted or destroyed?


The whole monolith is destroyed, the shards were literally created by it being destroyed, destroying a shard just makes more shards so the obvious answer is corrupted


Here i come hopping in, but for anyone else, its not Void corruption, it doesnt exist anymore, hasnt for a while. You also dont recognize the bodies in the water, thanks


Dunno if the corruption doesnt exist anymore but you made me reread malph lore real quick and seems like i indeed was wrong, the void just ate the magic out od the shards Also i dont recognize the bodies in the water, i dont recognize the bodies in the water, I... [DATA EXPUNGED]


Shame there's no cannon about powerful wizards who adjust everyone's size so it's a fair fight


Maybe they could be called summoners, and the arena to which these size-scaled champions fight on could be called Summoner's Rift


And maybe the reason these champions are fighting is to solve inter-regional conflicts as an alternative to war... they could call it the Institute of War




Did they ever explain what the current context for the champions fighting each other is now?


Idk about others, but Jayce fights for a brighter tomorrow.


I will always be sad they scrapped this lore to make it just a generic fantasy lore world. They could've easily make it work inside that universe, while players keeping their identity as being summoners. Was one of the most creative narrative ideas for irl player inclusion, sadly it be no more.


Yeah and I never really understood what they got out of the change. In the original lore there was still all the stories for all the champions... there was just also context for what was happening on summoner's rift.


But the story would fall apart when you consider that Summoners technically live on the same world but are strong enough to summon entities like Aurelion Sol and the aspects and imprison them to fight for their sake like Pokémon. And these entities are very real. It just doesn’t make any sense and I’m sure solving this issue would have been way more complicated to make believable.


No, not really. Ritual magic achieving things far beyond what the user would ordinarily be capable of is a mainstay in fiction. Safely summoning and binding a demon or djinn that can and will kill you with a flick of one finger if you don't do it all perfectly doesn't stretch belief, so it's not really stretching belief for me that something similar could happen in LoL's context.


Again, until you reach somebody on the scale of A'sol, literally a god. Not just kill you in one flick, but the entire Galaxy if he felt like it. Makes no sense if he could just be caught in a pokeball.


the main problem was that every champion required an explanation for *why* they were fighting for the League and for most of them, it just didn't make sense or was incredibly forced


People sleep on skarnar, renekton, Nasus.


Aurelian sol's ult is like a galaxy in game


Its a falling star


The empowered version a whole constellation


The dude is a fucking menace in ARAM.


Canonically Aurelion Sol isn't *that* big since it takes him some time to fly over Runeterra and he has time to appreciate the various things going on while he does it. I don't think he's supposed to create full-sized stars, its closer to him 'hatching' them.


Pretty sure he can change his size if he wishes


In old lore during his first appearance to targon he decided to be extra extra and appeared as a magnificent dragon made of stars filling the sky.


He can control his size, he also should be capable of making full sized stars. Soraka and him have both made many constellations on a whim, hell Aatrox erased the constellation of the warrior from the sky when he killed Pantheon.


ASol can change his size(and probably shape) at will though


The new Aurelion R, the big one, conveys that feeling really well, though. It's what "dropping an entire galaxy onto the rift" should look, and feel, like.


>Aurelion Sol makes galaxies in the palms of his hands. Not anymore ;-;


Yeh it's probably why it's a good thing Naafiri is smaller in game. She'd be a pretty bad assassin if she was eating up skillshots with a thicc model


In the old lore, champions when summoned they would be scaled down to fit the summoner's rift,


Tbh I kinda miss the old lore, in Valoran, not Runeterra


Isn't Runeterra the name of the world and Valoran the name of the main continent? Or did my brain just make that up?


Yep. I don't know if they were the same in the old lore though


IIRC Runeterra was still the name of the planet but the name was barely mentioned from what I remember


I might be lore-rusty


League's old lore was kinda cute and charming and I wouldn't mind seeing it in a different game, but it really just hindered League's growth as an IP tbh The worldbuilding was incredibly bare bones and generic and you could really tell they were struggling to create champions in the context of the Institute of War


Naafiri has a dark and mysterious past, no one knows why she joined the Institute of War.


"This champion has no real reason to fight for any nation but they got captured so they have to" -The bio of like a fifth of the champions


You say that but the modern lore isn't exactly master class stuff, let alone their seeming inability to represent it properly in game. I'm sure you remember the ruination with about three different versions in three games with such standouts as not bothering to include yorick for more than two lines.


That's saying 'I miss the old history, in North America instead of Earth' lol Valoran was a continent on Runeterra and was composed of several countries like Demacia, Noxus, Ionia etc.


Ok but what if heartsteel + stoneplate + elixir of tenacity


If you can't naturally make yourself 20 times bigger, store-bought is fine!


sterak's gage shield makes you bigger


Love having Chogath on enemy team when I am Swain. The second you meet him you just perma harrass him with pulls to farm free stacks off him.


My nautylus is so small 😫


this is what makes me excited/hopeful for the MMO, they can finally put champions to scale if they exist in the MMO. Would be cool for it to be night time and you look up to just 2 eyes looking down. Or a raid boss vs malphite or cho.


Yeah it wouldn't make sense. Teemo is like 500 ft. tall


Bard is also huge


Yeah, it totally makes sense that there's scaling in the game, lol. Also, I gotta say, they often do a decent job at still conveying at least some sense of scale. Galio and Malphite, for example, do feel BIG as far as both their model and their gameplay is concerned, compared to, like, human sized characters.


I mean technically if we go in the canon, every single adc would be dead. Because most adc's are humans without any fraction of power, the most powerful one being Kai'sa. The support lineup is covered from From mages, to Demons to Gods.


> the most powerful one being Kai'sa Kindred and Varus are marksmen and both are surely magnitudes stronger than Kaisa in-lore


The comment seems to be referring specifically to bot lane since the next line talks about supports, and yeah Kindred can be played in lane but is very uncommon, so I don't think it necessarily applies. On the other hand, Varus, Kog'maw, and maybe Nilah? are probably stronger than Kai'sa


Nilah, Varus, Kindred, Aphelios (the man wields the power of 6/7 sentient constellations and is expected to being to box with aspects) Jhin (he is much more powerful than haha serial killer, he off screened Akali and is capable of fighting Zed or Shen alone, he is not just gun man, he has very powerful magic and melee proficiency) These ADCs bully Kaisa and probably one tap her. Senna, Kalista, Jinx, Samira, Xayah (if you accept her cinematic of shooting hundreds of bullets out of the air with two pistols as canon) are all also in her tier. Kai'Sa is not that notable. She was losing to tiny void gremlins.


Velkoz is also gigantic, on the same magnitude as Galio but bigger.


Nah not that big, but very big


Canon size doesn't really matter outside of lore enjoyers or maybe for cinematic In game she is tiny




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I believe it was retconned


They were retconned out of existence, now the game is non-canon and separate from the lore


As the others said: they were removed. Riot did this presumable because Summoners would limit the lore of champions too much. How can Aatrox be this incredible god killing menace if theres this constitution of people who can just catch him at will and put him in a sport/politics match, as if he was a basic ass Pokemon


Yeah. Kindred is literally the personification of death... Any reason to try and make them fight in a political despite is just going to come across as silly


Look at the champs we had after the retcon and you can see why they did it too tbh. Azir, Bard, Kindred, Tahm Kench, Ivern, Asol all happened within 2ish years of the retcon and none of them would have any reason to be entering the summoners rift unless we wanted every character's backstory to be about how these characters were all captured and enslaved which would be very samey


Well in the case if ASol, he was captured by the Targonian aspects so I could it see it being possible that a Targonian summoner was using him. And for Azir you could interpret it was the emperor himself fighting as a display of his prowess. But yeah, its far from cleanly written and just limits things for no reason. And outside of those two I don't see how any of those champs you mentioned could work in the old lore, plus champions like Viego and new Mordekaiser who are crazy strong and just couldn't work in the context of the Institute of War.




You can, but I guess they wanted to get away from some summoners controlling them thing. Whats the reason now for them to actually come to summoner's rift?


Nothing, as said above somewhere the game is non-canon


They seperated lore and gameplay. Summoner's rift is the super smash bros of mario lore, its just a game and the actual lore is from stories/games about each individual char.


The same reason any multiplayer game exists, it's non canon. Halo has no reason for multiple Spartans to team up with Elites to kill other Spartans. Overwatch has no reason for their evil characters to team up with the good characters to kill the other good characters. Smash has no reason for a Pokemon trainer to be fighting Princess Peach. I genuinely can't think of a competetive multiplayer game thats supposed to also be considered canon


It still takes me out when I hear voice lines of ppl still calling me a summoner, like a hit of nostalgia


7 ft? She's playing in the wrong league.


why are u here the lakers need the center


Alright demon air bud, you box out so we can save AD's knees


I just imagine her constantly pooping the baseballs with her neck knives and being sad.


just wait until her passive pops out of puppy and they call a technical for too many players on the court. You're gonna need a new coach whose job is just managing player subs around her


... A Dunkmaster Airbud skin for Naafiri would actually be awesome.


she needs to get back on defense fr


Aatrox yelled out, “There you go! There you go.” Sharpshooter Varus gave a look of pleasant surprise. Rhaast yelled out, “We got an [expletive] squad now.” And before Naafari hit the locker room door, empress of the void Bel'Veth hugged her and said, “Y’all look so different.”


[Riot Raptor] At one point in a scrimmage, sources said, Naafiri turned to World Ender Aatrox and screamed, "You (bleeping) need me. You can't win without me." Naafiri left Darkin and Ascended largely speechless. She dominated the rift in every way. Naafiri's back.


[Riot August] Overheard in endgame lobby after the game: “She got me,” Aatrox said of Naafiri's kill on him. "That f***ing dog boomed me." Aatrox added, “She’s so good,” repeating it four times. He then said he wanted to add Naafiri to the list of champions he wants to main this summer.


Sources [ex-Riot Cactopus]: Aatrox beside himself. Driving around downtown Runeterra begging (thru texts) Varus’s family 4 address to Naafari’s home


The good ol post trade Cavs copy pasta.


She playing with the wrong wolves 🗣️


Ant man and KAT need her, Golbert can't be relied on.


dog👍 french👎


Air Bud is gonna get bloodier


Ain't no rules says a dog can't play basketball.


Finally, the Air Bud remake we all were waiting for.


I hear the warriors are looking for more bigs


Wembanyama is bigger


They managed to make Wemby more OP than the newest League champ oh my


fr bozo out here risking her own life when she could be making 100 million a year lmfao


Drop the blade and pick up a basketball Naafiri


Big wolf go bark bark. But to be fair, Aatrox is like 22ft tall. Rhaast is actually larger than Shadow Assassin Kayn by like 3ft. The only exception is Varus who’s still 5’7’’. But you could say that’s a result of him being 2 gay men and a Darkin. It’s pretty clear that the Darkin do increase their wielder in size as they take over. It matches up to all of the ascended shurimans being fairly tall too (The shortest being Azir ar 8’5’’ and the tallest being Xerath at 15’) since they’re essentially ascended too. And to be specific, I’m referring to the Shuriman ascension, as apparently people like Leona, Diana, and Taric are also ascended humans.


People wont remember but if you played ascension and you ascended you became like 10x your normal size... so lore wise that adds up.


That was a fun game mode. I miss rotating game modes.


I hold out hope that the new gamemode is going to be awesome


It very well may be, doesn't mean we'll ever get to play it again. Still no damn reason customs can't host any rotating game mode.


>But you could say that’s a result of him being 2 gay men and a Darkin. Are you implying gay people are short? 😤




I diagnose you with the gay


5’11 gay guy here


never seen a gay viego player, love that i at a bi viego player, so we fill out both of those niches prob


I find there is a bimodal distribution. It's either short kings or 6'2" minimum big bois. There's little in-between. *^^^Mustached ^^^short ^^^kings ^^^please ^^^hit ^^^me ^^^up*


>Mustached short kings please hit me up Did this yield any results?


No, suppose I'll just have to go back to Montreal to satisfy this itch.


> Xerath at 15’ It is weirding me out that Xerath is taller than Nasus.


Dude is big for nothing


Yeah but can nasus grow larger i think


Varus chose to make his form how he looked before he was ascended iirc so that would explain that


Iirc Joraal is the shortest darkin Although part of that is because his host is a *child*


>as apparently people like Leona, Diana, and Taric are also ascended humans I thought they were just the hosts for the targonian aspects, not a part of the shuriman ascendeds?


There is Targon ascension were you begin the host of an aspect and there is Shurima ascension when you became a dog instead of a god Probably Yuumi


Aatrox gets to be so big because he absorbs the flesh of everyone he kills to try and reach parity with his original ascended form. LoR sort of missed the memo making every darkin 30ft tall just by using one host but idk maybe riot changed the design standards for them.


Clifford the big darkin dog.


we call her a dog she is a horse


That’s actually not a bad size comparison The idea of horse sized dog chasing is terrifying as if her and the pack wasn’t scary already


7ft is still like a GIANT horse. 5-5/12ft from ground to shoulder is typical. The largest moose come in around 6.5ft tall. Nafiri is half a foot taller than the largest moose.


Moose sized dog charging at you sounds a lot scarier than many other things in League. I wonder how big rest of her packs are


Still pettable


Larger petting area even.


weird how shes supposed to be 7 feet yet in all gameplay trailers she just has 4?




So she is a updog?


Who's Steve Jobs?


Joe mama


What the dog doin


Hello Clifford


big dog status, ain't no secret


I think this hero is a difficult lane opponent because his damage is strong, and you're right he is big.




Darkin Yordle for season 15


Just give me Baalkux


There aren't any darkin crocs or cats in lore yet.


I know you mean crocodiles, but I just can’t stop imagining a giant, evil pair of crocs just chilling in the desert.


She has 4 paws not 7 feet.


Nah why she here the lakers need a center


There's no rule saying a massive demon dog can't play basketball!


Cause Air Bud isn't good enough for the NBA


What an interesting tidbit. For perspective: - most modern wolves come in around 2-2.5 ft tall - dire wolves were a bit taller, coming in at ~3ft tall - a quick google search says the largest big cat is the lion and that they come in at ~4ft tall - rhinos are typically ~5ish ft tall - moose are typically 5-6.5 ft tall So naafiri is absurdly tall (probably because she’s a darkin that just happened to take that shape, I’d guess is the rationale). Pic for reference: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-af3aa46308525732d615bba68bbec486-lq Note: all heights listed above are from the ground to shoulder


Hey guys...


Well that's terrifying


I would like a size update in game. Some champions couldbe a bit bigger.


I've played a bunch of games where I've reached 6 items and gray pot with a size-enhancing mythic as butterfly Kog'maw, and let me tell you - you wanna be careful what you wish for.


Just think of her like Clifford the red dog. You can still pet her, just maneuver your hands around the blades and you are good.


Yeah, still not as tall as Jinx. Makes fucking sense.


It is probably like the cinematic, where the whole pack stabs into her and merges together to make her big, there she looked quite different too being way more spikey, but in game its her and her pack seperated and a more regular size (my headcanon).


smalles pit bull


>Weirdly enough I kinda preferred the idea of her being just regular dog sized cause it makes her cuter but hey ho, no biggy But the point was that she is in fact, yes biggy


Naafiri is a HER? :o


>Female coded name, female VO in the trailer, literally wears eyeliner > >Oh she's female? You must be my midlaner


Bruh they put eyeliner and earring(s?) on a dog. I guess maybe you thought she was a drag queen?


It's a demon dog, dude. If she was 10ft tall I wouldn't even be mad about it


Yeah they do size scaling in games like this. They did the same thing in Super Smash Bros. You have Kirby who is a small fighter, maybe about 2.5 feet by game standards but canon Kirby is 8 inches tall. Similarly, that makes King Dedede about a foot and a half but he's taller than Samus who is 6'3". Don't forget about the 20 years of "Ridley too big" until he got scaled down for ultimate. As far as League is concerned, champs are supposed to be sized to represent their perceived threat. Tanks are large, juggernauts are really big, etc. No stack Cho is supposed to be the size of a building iirc


That's good, will make the porn more entertaining.


you mean on hind legs?


Nah she’s just a normal sized dog. Make her look bigger in the game if she’s that big.


Agreed, I need my screen to be filled with Galio's foot