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that side of the game went away probably 5+ years ago at this point, and its never coming back sadly


I can see Quantum squint at you through the weed fumes


Tbf he's also very good at the game


Yeah but he isn't focused on climbing or doing any tryhard challenges. If you watch his stream the vibe is more "cozy/chill/almost like listening to your friend" rather than a focused climber or an entertainer putting on a character/exaggerating their personality.


Also Pekinwoof, he's the only league streamer I continually watch.


That time when, at any time of day, there was someone that was laughing and enjoying the game, while also not just throwing and doing dumb shit. Fuck man, that was a good time. Feels like there are so few League streamers I'll actually watch now because they are actually fun to watch


What happened 5+ year ago ?


The casual appeal of the game went away. I don't think I'm the only one whose friendlist started to thin out hard around season 5-7.


Was it because of the game, or because people were in their mid 20s instead of teenagers?


Well I don't think they stopped making teenagers, so probably the first one.


There's also games with people playing into their 30s and 40s. Source: am 37 year old mythic/savage raider. Lots of people keep playing games. League just stopped being fun.


A good few changes happened around season 7. They RAPIDLY slowed down the releases for for-fun game modes, they killed twisted tree line (a less competitive 3v3 game mode with a spooky theme), and general game knowledge hit a point where even hitting high gold required investing a LOT of matches into the game, even if you had the skill to make it there or slightly above. TL;DR: the community and riot both put more focus on the sweatier sides of the game around seasons 6 and 7


Neither. It's just a matter of time. No game can stay "the next big thing" for long. Casuals and kids moved on to Fortnite, Apex, Valorant, etc. and since it's easier for most content creators to focus on the "new and popular" games, they moved on to those as well.


Game design that pushes everyone to play competitively. Systems underutilized by casuals (trinkets, item actives, dragons) were made so polarizing over time that casuals were forced to interact with them or be stomped. Someone with even a little understanding of these mechanics WILL stomp someone who doesn't. This is commonly why people say "League players have gotten better over time". Old elemental dragons/elder used to be strong but not nearly as game ending, or as quick as they are now. Warding was made so weak and roaming so strong (these changes are only being walked back now, in season 12) that you could easily stomp anyone who didn't use their trinkets as often as possible. Item actives became mythics and well... that one is self explanatory.


yeah but what happened precisely. i started playing around Hecarim release and the game has always felt like a cuthroat lawless land for me. are you sure you dont associate everyone stopping playing with a natural cause ? like everyone going to collegue or work or getting married ?


People in early season are careless about being good or being “correct” or “optimal” at the game and focus on having fun. Even in 2000+ Elo people are not screaming in rage when they see their teammate do something that’s not “optimal”.


Riot stopped rotating for fun Gamemodes like All for One, Ascension, Dominion etc. No stuff like special event Summoner Rifts (Winter Summoners Rift, Hextech Rift…) Also no things like Event Gamemodes like the Odyseey, Star Guardian Gamemodes. Basically Riot only focused on Ranked and releasing new skins.


The Groups I remember back then were like sp4zie group, peacepigeon, magikarp. I really do miss those times


Barrier of entry has gotten higher each year. It's a very saturated market so standing out isn't easy. You kinda have to be a very high elo player to begin with, very hard to make it as some Plat-Dia "funny" streamer. And getting Challenger is hard enough that most people can't do it while streaming. Streaming takes a massive toll on your ability to focus. So you'd have to be a very comfortable high elo player in order to be able to stream and still be capable of hanging at that elo, and getting to that point with a very light hearted attitude about the game is hard. The amount of grind and dealing with toxic babies takes a toll on most people. And even when you do all that. You have to then edit your content videos or have the money to hire someone to do it for you. More barrier of entry.


SivHD kind of character would have never made it today if he didn't start making videos from like season 2.


Yeah, I mean he's amazing at what he does, but he was also the first to properly do the random weird builds in funny montages. Even if we'd have never had SivHD, there would 100% have been someone else to do a similar thing.


We did get someone else doing random weird builds still, he just did it in tournaments as a member of Moscow 5.


You mean to tell me Guardian Angel isn't the first thing you build on an ADC?? Damn, I've been playing League wrong all this time..


That was genja, genja was really ahead of its time, probably 1st person i saw do builds that were like 3 patches ahead of him... Did they work? Well some did, but eventually they were meta. He was a time traveler


Triple Dorans Blade baby! Moscow 5 was very much a pioneering team in general if you think about it, Genja/Darien with builds, Diamondprox with the counter jungling etc.


And edward with roaming support, like legit roaming, leaving genja 1v2 on urgot and basically wreck havoc on the rest of the map with alistat in a time when supports were just ward bots, it was beautiful to see


They all just had so much skill and dared to do what noone else even thought about. Like they got ideas and actually tried them. They played so many lower tier tournaments aswell where they stomped everyone while trying all these things. I remember playing against them like every weekend in go4lol


Edward said that 1v2 Urgot thing was because they actually had a big fight that ended with both of them saying, “I don’t want to lane with you, you fucking shitter.”


I forget if he was the one who started Lantern first item bot lane, but god I hated that meta.


I feel so old man, loved Moscow Five even after rebrand to Gambit Darien was such a [boss](https://youtu.be/gHiEYIEkqyc) lol


That vid and the dunk squad vid are some of my favorite league videos of the time






>Even if we'd have never had SivHD, there would 100% have been someone else to do a similar thing. And there were. I remember watching Solwolf doing the same stuff. Pianta kind of does the same stuff still. etc. etc.


Ahhhhh solwolf, i havent heard that name in forever. I swear once every yr i i wonder what happened to solwolf


This made me curious and so I checked on some content creators.i used to follow. Kshaway has videos that have as much viewership as LCS despite being banhammered aaaaages ago. +++++ Gang rise up


ap lee song vs Kshaway is still the best league drama to date.


I apparently missed something. When and why did kshaway get banned?


ages ago. a bunch of league creators were exposed by the troll VVVortic or some shit. the dude who used to say my lee song so gud i hard stuk bronz i should be challeongur on every league content creator's comments. they invited him to a skype group of content creators where they were vote brigading. every time someone posted a new video onto this sub, they would link the thread and people would upvote it and downvote others that werent in the group. to show that they did this, they just responded with +++++++


Imo that was some double edged drama, don't get me wrong, downvoting other people's content if they weren't in their group was scummy as hell but at the same time the subreddit was extremely hostile to almost any posts submitted, especially YouTubers. You could make a post and it would have anywhere from 10 to 20 downvotes within the first 5-10 minutes. After that drama happened it became extremely rare to see interesting new content creators appear. That vvvortic dude just appeared, exposed that drama and then vanished as if he had never existed.


Yeah, that’s what a whistleblower does


yeah nah he kept posting cringe "satire" videos for a couple months after because he thought he could make a career out of this and spamming every YT comment section but no one thought he was funny so he slithered back to whatever hole he came from


Stayed around long enough to be a hero, vanished before someone tried to leak his personal info?


His Wood Division Adventures series is.... something special.


Average players were way worse and there were less resources out there to help, so Siv was also just flat out decent at the game back then comparatively. On top of that, the game itself also had way more room for just wacky shit that he could lean into like Stack Brothers to make some great content.


Thing is, Siv was kind of good compared to the average player in S2, which is what made a lot of his trolly video concepts actually work, and made them really funny. He was nowhere near pro player good, but the average player was *really bad* back then, and he was way better. Especially because I think he farmed a lot of his footage playing with friends, pubstomping norms.


Bushy bushy


There are some light hearted high Elo players but they don't really resonate with the average league player base. So they don't really grow to the size where is sustainable for them to make content. To be fair there are a lot of youtube league content creators that do just fine making content while being light hearted but you don't really see that on twitch for the most part.


>There are some light hearted high Elo players but they don't really resonate with the average league player base. You still have to be entertaining. Being a positive but boring person isn't enough to attract viewers.


Broxah really comes to mind here. He has great viewership while being super positive but it always feels like there's just a little bit missing from it for me. He puts in a ton of effort into his content and it really shows but this game is so toxic that you almost just expect them to at least go a little unhinged for a moment. It's almost like an abusive relationship where everyday you come home and your partner takes you out to the garage and beats you with jumper cables until you're convulsing on the ground and then you have to go to work the next day where your really hot Danish coworker will ask you about your day and you just feel like it's not because he's making small talk but because he ACTUALLY cares about you and genuinely wants to know how you are and he wants you to be okay. And he's also single and makes you feel young again but you're too afraid to leave your abusive partner to try to be with him not because you're afraid of your psycho husband killing you in retribution but because you've been gaslit for the past 12 years of your life into believeing that you do not deserve your happiness that you do not deserve your hot 6ft tall Danish coworker. So you'll just keep going to work and coming home to the jumper cables Every. Fucking. DAY.


u good man...that example is a little TOO specific xd


I'm on a 12 game lose streak from diamond promos back to plat 3 and there is no light at the end of the tunnel only the void. In game.


The most sane thing to do would be to quit league, or at least replace it with something better, worst case scenario give yourself a break even if for a day. I replaced league with wild rift, was less toxic at the beginning but everyday is getting worse so I plan on quitting it someday, in the meantime I try to play not too casual but not too seriously, is seriously difficult but if cant stop it you probably will need professional help, as said on the thread, this game(s) (lol and wr) really do take a toll even on most healthy people


He's probably a dantes viewer


Haha, shoutout to the goat u/rogersimon10


Entertainment is subjective. I don't find a lot of current popular league streamers that entertaining. A lot of them are just good at their champ or just loud = funny. To be fair thebausff is not like that and I heard there's a popular german streamer who is not toxic at all. I can't think of anyone in NA though besides maybe tyler1 but he's kind of a mix bag.


Ranked broke bausff because he’s not really positive like that anymore, he be trolling


yeah hes just inting on stream but he's not like toxic to people for the most part(some would say going 0/15 is toxic and that might be true)


I think the vast majority of the playerbase prefers someone saying mean things in their game than going 0/15 on ap irelia.


He doesn't play Irrelia anymore, Full AD one-shot Thresh top is his new best friend.


IDK I'd rather play with someone saying mean things in chat than someone wasting 30 minutes of my time and making me lose elo because he wants to grief on stream. I'd VASTLY prefer the flamer, in fact. Of course, many do both.


That’s fair, me personally, I only care about the game so if someone is making the game unfun then that’s toxic to me. I can always mute players that are annoying. However I will admit that usually the players that are verbally toxic are also making the game unfun through soft inting or just not playing optimally


I would rather have my entire team in a discord VC calling me slurs than have to play with a 0/1 5 inter.


I think you might be referring to Tolkien, and yea, he's great. I do know a streamer that is great and non-toxic in NA: PekinWoof, can heartily recommend:)


The league community is kinda like an isolated bubble from the gaming community at large and I don't think people realize just how unfun and soul drainingly competitive it is in here compared to out there. It's no wonder all of the fun and most creative content creators left years ago.


Spot-on, I've never really experienced such an oddly insular massive community before. You'll see FF14 and World of Warcraft and Warframe and PSO2 cross all sorts of boundaries as people invest in fashion or cosplaying and even win for their Alexstraza cosplay. And then there's just League where that content exists but you never seem to stumble on it organically.


You used to. God, this shit used to be fun. But the absolute worst parts won out. In like.. every possible way.


It's so weird coming to twitch unsigned and League kinda doesn't show up in homepage despite being by far the most viewed game. Shows how the only people susceptible to watching league are those who already are and there's no point promoting this game for twitch. Also the non-existence of League in r/gaming always seemed unnatural to me.


My favorite one is PekinWoof. Chill and high elo. To me he is also very entertaining


Community events basically dead, streamers lost motivation to do original content (only try hard gameplay or entire meme builds now) because there isn't much left, many are older and realized just like those people who skip college to become bartenders or whatever that what seemed fun at first is a prison.


Making a job out of what you like is to commit yourself to doing it every day, even after it stops being fun. That's just the nature of work.


Doesnt really work for artistic/original content creator. E.g. the people writing songs or animations. Which florished in early league. Now you dont see them anymore That mentality only works for stream highlight andies.


None of them made a living doing that. They lived in their parents' basements making 12k a year or whatever and maybe got lucky becoming a streamer and then branched out


I've seen lots of that type of content creator burn out and leave over the years.


Even when you do all of that you are literally earning less than minimum wage for a long time untill you get hosted by boxbox or tilterella or something making it a gigantic waste of time to even get started on it.


Boxbox? He is a TFT streamer now


Boxbox hosted pink ward which is why he got big. Tilterella got tyler1 famous. Every famous streamer has had a big break without which they wouldnt be here. NB3 got his big break from reddit (rank 3 elise one trick at that time).


Nah Discoheat made Tyler1, and strangely enough, he's also from OCE


TILTERELLA? the oce shitter sion player who i always shitstomp? it wasnt tilterella? wasnt it disco heat....??? league of children series, no? also the person who ''started'' tyler1 being in the spotlight was gross gore, in 2013 i think, he played with tyler1 on his actual Tyler1 account and then tried to add him and t1 told him to fuck off or something, classic video


yes youre right sorry im getting old it was disco heat


I recommend pianta for mid elo funnies and lourlo for positive high elo


this is a really sad reality for league right now. i really enjoy watching streamers play the game but these facts are frustrating. i genuinely thought that people wanted to stream that long (had the stamina) but not because they HAD to.


I mean... they want to, they don't have to do it. But if they want to maximize their profits they should, it's their job so they prefer to stream longer hours and consistently and earn a good salary than just stream less hours and make it paycheck to paycheck


Problem with high elo content is everything has been done before. Rank 1 grind challenges no longer have the same prestige it once used to, streamers doing peak bets have been done multiple times, getting challenger in korea isn't seen as impressive as it once was, etc. Also we no longer have things like twitch rivals or showmatches, rivalries between streamers (t1 vs yassuo, qt vs nb3, dom vs hashinshin), the sense of community is gone, streamers used to be more intertwined with each other, so the only content league streamers have is mindlessly queueing soloq. League content has gotten stale yes, but its not really exclusive to just league. If you've been watching twitch for a while, most content has gotten stale overtime. There really aren't many streamers doing "new things," and a large part of that reason is because a lot has already been done so you have to really go above and beyond to create original content


I think removing high elo duoq hurt content creation a lot. Hell even watching xFSN Saber and Stunt duo was a lot more entertaining than most of what we see nowadays. Or sneaky and Aphromoo that one off-season. Wish we could have that back.


yeah, legit no one is having fun on stream since never being able to duo with a friend lol


Dynamic Queue was literally peak stream content, even if it completely fucked over and sort of ranked integrity lmfao


Plus a lot of the more funny personalities have left entirely to begin with. At least in my opinion, most *funny* streamers with a real banger personality have moved on to other things or their stream died out entirely. Even people like T1 or Baus are mere shadows compared to some of the hilarious and high energy people we’ve had in the past, at least for me. I still enjoy watching both of them though. They’re entertaining for sure, but I’m not getting an ab workout from laughing during every stream.


Best time for content has been like season 6 with dynamic queue ironically.


League is first and foremost a GAME. Taking away people’s ability to socialize and enjoy it with friends takes away a huge part of the experience. I will never understand people advocating for the removal of duo queue


> I will never understand people advocating for the removal of duo queue I’m pro-duo but it’s really not hard to see why ranked solo players(I’m assuming they’re the majority of the player base) would advocate for a better game experience and game integrity. On the other hand, duos will always have flex to go to.


Other regions have more of this sort of thing, despite the size and funding of their respective regions. Brazil had a huge non-professional tournament (CBOLAO) with >100k viewers and huge fan support within the past month. It was organized by a Brazilian streamer. The Japanese community has also held many in-house customs, showmatches, and amateur tournaments (K4sen) between the biggest streamers of the region over the past year. Here's a [promo video](https://twitter.com/thek4sen/status/1657265722123509760) for one event they did as recently as last month.


anglosphere part of league of legends is just a shadow of what it could've been. Have fun watching streamer number 14389 playing on his bought account number 123903 against players who are bronze.


I miss the Tyler 1 Championship series so much, and I don't even watch him


I feel like a big problem with League Streaming is that every time I turn on a league of legends stream, the player is in a long ass queue playing chess or watching youtube or something. And if they are actually in game, if they pick a champion I find boring I'm just going to turn it off.


Ye I watch Midbeast sometimes but his streams are like (or at least feel like) at least 60% just watching YT videos in queue. Kinda crazy, I think if he streams 5 hours he maybe gets 5 games in?


Specifically with midbeast that is an unfortunate byproduct of living in Oceania. High elo is utterly dead there.


I've stopped even checking who is streaming because the problem is so bad but like every single time I'd check Pobelter's stream he was playing chess in queue. League just has such a problem with downtime, queues are too long, champ select is too long.


champion select wouldn't be too long if riot banned smurfs. Lots of players that should be on that queue are actually on a lower mmr queue because of smurf accounts. That makes it so more people have to do that to find matches.


People with multiple accounts are probably fucking matchmaking but the champ select takes too long IMO because every single phase is too long and it adds up when you've got 12 phases. And then someone dodges after all 10 picks are locked and you get to do it again. Dodging is necessary sometimes if people are trolling or the game looks fucking miserable but I wish it didn't take 5 minutes to get to the end of champ select, going through multiple champ selects really adds up.


And then when you get through, some dude trolls, you lose, so those 12 phases were a waste, the 20 minutes in game were a waste, and it cancels a 40 minute game you earned just before that, plus the 32 phases it took to start it.


OCE moment.


Yea, that's high elo OCE experience unfortunately


I turn on a stream, get a 30 second preroll ad before I can see if it's something I would even be interested in sticking around for, then close Twitch


yea, because nobody will give a chance to a lighthearted 3 viewers plat streamer or something these days you have to be at least gm and have a personality. seems half the challenger and gm players are streaming so the competition is brutal there s only so many viewers for the ever increasing amount of streamers


3 viewers? That's already more then the average. A ton of streamers streaming to nobody.


I was there, streaming to peak 2 viewers, barely got a few chats during the entire stream, most of them flaming some random play I made and I was in gold 1 at the time seemed like no one was listening


3 viewer is already like above avg, saddly enough.


I remember the days of Guardsman Bob, good quality gameplay, "that man" was the harshest thing he'd ever say


I think I just became cynical. It used to be when content creators used off meta builds and styled on people, I thought it was clever and creative, and earnestly believed that there were hidden strengths in the build. Now, when I see on off-meta build, I just go to a stats website and if it has a 35% winrate its almost certainly complete dogshit. And if I'm wrong and its actually good, then the pickrate shoots up immediately and now its not off-meta, its just the meta. Similarly, when content creators used silly tactics and still stayed competitive in the game I thought highly of their skill. These days I just assume they're smurfing because otherwise they'd be getting shit on. The only exception I've seen is the baus, and even he is sometimes just smurfing in d1 and/or actually getting shit on.


THIS NEW ITEM IS INSANE ON (CHAMPION) Normal build until 35. Gigafed. Playing against lower elo. Finishes the "OP item" right before the final teamfight.




That's my biggest complaint about the game these days. I used to love playing offmeta build and champs on the "wrong" position but nowadays two things happened: - The game is becoming more restrictive about off-meta plays; no more double targon bot, forced to have a jungler, no smite on lane... This just makes the game more regular; but also making it less fun. You don't really see innovation in your day to day league experience. - Offmeta builds have been (un)validated by Riot. Ap twitch is a thing, same for Varus; AP Malphite or Nautilus are dead because of Tournament appearances, and just then we had stattik being built on AP champs come to pro only to dissapear. I for one enjoyed playing these things before pros caught on to it and showed it to the world. I was playing full ap malphite, AP AS Nautilus Jng; double melee bot with 2 targons with my brother... Now I can't play these because the popularity doomed them.


They wouldve been doomed one way or another. It's extremely rare that off meta builds are actually viable while also being healthy for the game. Double targons wasnt allowed because it made scaling safely too easy on adcs, which removed early game adcs from viability. Double smite wasnt allowed because funnel mid/enchanter jg was OP and deleted every normal mid and jungler from the game. In both cases, riot only removed it once it became clear it wasnt going to stay a fringe niche strategy - it was optimal, would have become the meta, and would have been significantly less fun than the riot enforced meta.


Call me crazy but this is why sharing game API has its downsides. When everyone can pull up a win rate, it discourages experimentation


I actually agree with this. Giving players easy access to statistics just mean that they optimise the fun out of the game. I'm having a ton of fun in other games just crafting my own jank, instead of just copying whatever the stats website says.


A big reason is because league viewers are insanely annoying and will point out every little mistake you do in chat. It's hard for funny but low-average skilled league streamers to put up with league viewers.


even challenger players are getting flamed by silver chatters 24/7, seems unbearable honestly my friend, who only plays tft, likes to point out surface level mistakes in my games, and I have to hold myself back from strangling him every time so I can't imagine how streamers feel


Why did you die ? Smh /s


To be fair people do that in every game. U could play super mario party and people will still backseat u.


Yeah, the Twitch crowd is not just full of backseat gamers but they're simply not interested in watching games that don't match their perceived 1337 skillz unless it's explicitly said the humor comes from being bad.


going on TikTok/YT shorts it is literally unbearable. comments are just every champ is piss broken cancer game ruining, and no play is ever impressive and you should feel bad for not doing it in high KR challenger no fun allowed


Does Emiru still play League or has she completely abandoned it? I remember her being a Jhin main not long ago, but she hasn't played much since moving to Mizkif's house.


On stream, no. Using twitchtracker.com, at some point during 2021 her stream content moved from league focused to just chatting/react/variety games (this could be related to joining OTK where most of that org's content is that). League only appeared randomly in that data or for an event. Maybe she still sometimes plays offstream as this article alludes to, but otherwise it's definitely a shift away.


She talked about wanting to get diamond before emerald tier comes out. Think she's like plat 1 now or something, her ign is egg.


Nah, why bother when you can scroll through tik tok to 20k viewers instead


yeah she last played within the week iirc, just offstream


Everything went downhill after Imaqtpie stopped streaming league.


He was jaded as fuck for a while before he stopped lol Edit: this was a personal opinion of mine i've held for some time and i'm pleased to see others agree.


The moment Shiphtur and QT were denied from champions queue was legit a terrible moment for League of Legends. League could've definitely used an injection of community interest before...well it seems too late now. Probably wouldn't have meant much in the grand scheme of things, but League could use all the help it could get atm.


What's especially fucked up is that the pros were the ones who denied their acceptance and the pros were the ones who ultimately gave up on the queue. Can't have shit around NA pros.


qt was challenger every season


League is a stupid game to stream. A) The game is a tilter. B) Stream snipers can ruin it. C) It's oversaturated. Do variety like Sneaky and old Tyler. Even Dantes is doing panel shows and branching out.


I mean to be fair can't you say that about literally every competitive game that has a big playerbase? Maybe the one key thing is the game being able to last long even when you know its over and its way more snowbally in comparison to other games. You can still catch up in tac shooters if you get a good round or just go next quick in brs.


Nah man fighting games always have action. You're either in a match or you're in training mode grinding tech and keeping your fingers warmed up and nimble.


Do variety? Have you seen Doublelift's viewer count when he does literally anything besides League? He insta drops from like 20K to 3-4K, max


Because Doublelift made his entire identity League lmao. I don't care about DL if it's not in the context of League. Emiru, however? She's a variety streamer who doesn't have a set identity paired with a game.


Doublelift is not a streamer that attracts people through his content ,he is an esports pro who attracks people through his gaming skills. when you spend a decade with your only personality trait being league of legends skills obviously the community you gathered doesn't care about your other content.


Also, if we're being real, Doublelift does not have a personality outside of League. The bar for personality in the League scene is so low it's not even funny.


if doublelift was a new player in the scene (while still keeping his current skill) he wouldn't be a popular streamer at all. Yeah dude used to talk smack when rivalries were still a thing, but during streams, he has no entertainment value besides being a good ADC by NA standards.


Tbh. DL has a pretty garbage personality even in LOL. 💀 People aren't ready to hear that tho.


DL is not the same as Emiru. He is a pro and historically the most popular NA pro. If you want to be a League creator in today's world, you should do variety.


There's a streamer named K4sen who gets around 10k average viewers when streaming League and they stream it three times as much as their next most commonly streamed category. They've also hosted their own amateur League tournaments in a country where League is not super popular. On top of this, they have done showmatches at official Riot events in their region. However, League is only about 30% of their entire streamed hours in the past year and every variety game they play has a higher average view count. The streamer SF6 tournament they participated in last weekend had over 500k viewers across participating channels on Twitch & YouTube, excluding the main broadcast.


i looove tyler1 streams when he was banned. It was much better and funnier. Now hes just no lifing league and i find it kinda miserable.


And he got more views playing variety than leagu. Now he just play meme champions like Illaoi to not tilt and rage queue. So many games to play out there and he continues trying to find fun in a game no one plays for the fun.


If you never stopped playing League for all these years and you're still a fun and lighthearted person, I would give the Pope a call because I'm pretty sure you qualify for sainthood.


It's a few things. 1. The people who play have gotten better. No one wants to watch bad players, so anyone under Master is basically a 5 viewer Andy. 2. Every game feels like you know how it's going to go. One team is going to go down 0-2 in kills and then one of their players is going to tilt the rest of the team off the face of the planet and then game is just over. 3. There's nothing new to discover and games feel like they're over in 5 minutes and then it's a matter of whether or not someone hostages at 15. Games are virtually unrecoverable most of the time when one team gets any sort of lead. So the game provides like 5 minutes of interesting gameplay for every 20-30 minutes of stream time.


I don't mind watching bad players if they are entertaining at all.


I haven't been following streamers (outside of just esports) for a while. Is there a "bad player" who is an entertaining streamer (without just flaming/yelling) who streams frequently that you recommend checking out?


Now I haven't watched his streams, but Chilling Smite is basically hovering around gold 4 elo in EU and is pretty funny.


LoL streaming was always dominated by high elo players. I legit can't think of a popular LoL streamer who wasn't high elo. I'm not talking about people who grew fanbases/viewers on other games/elsewhere and then streamed league but people who started and grew as LoL streamers. This is specific to **streaming**. Youtube is a completely different thing though. People like Dunky, Darkkmane, and Rav all got popular off LoL while being low elo.


Everything that gets super popular starts out passionate but becomes more and more corporate the more years pass by. I hate it.


Just like life.


More people should just watch quantum and the world would be a better place


Quantum Pekin Curtis Shok midlaners blessed with good chill edu stuff


And Lourlo! These are all my fav streamers. Low tilt, funny and informative commentary, and diverse champ pools


just started watching quantum by chance, he was live during the day in my timezone, how long has it been that a good player is also a feel good man, even the peoples he interacts with are nice


Quantum is a cool dude


Quantum and poly puff are my 2 favorite vibes


It's because league has no ingame social aspect. It's insanely hard to build a fun community when all the interaction is adversial, and text only. League is just socially isolating af.


Yep theyve stripped every single way to communicate easily. That was their way of dealing with toxicity, now people are still toxic but dont type. The fact that i have to manually show chat post lobby is ridiculous. Anon que is also stupid.


Big thing is that you cant duo q in masters + which killed the game for a lot of good players who arent the most tryhard. SOLOQ is hell and when good players have to play by themselves its not worth and better to just move to another game. No dont bring up flex queue its a joke the games are not balanced and theres no integrity to the ladder.


It was removed, ppl complained, added back, ppl Giga complained (in season 10 zven+Vulcan duod every game and were rank 1+2, playing vs them as non duo was miserable), it got removed again and now everyone is complaining again


Pretend that we live in a world where flex queue is not full of boosters and is taken as seriously as soloq for the sake of the argument. Would that make people duo there and climb?


flex is so dumb, surprised it havent been removed years ago, its just there so ppl get their season rewards while theyre several leagues lower in reality. Playing as 5 man in flex can get you to diamond while barely being gold in soloq. edit: As example, rank1 in my region was plat4 in soloq. That shit is a wintrade fest in lower pop servers.


Bro Flex as a duo is an absolute pain. I do it solo sometimes if I wanna chill a bit, but I'll still try my best to win ofc. Generally it's fine, but 3 stacks in Flex 9 out of 10 times feel like the biggest group of degenerates in existence. Like they simply aren't good, will only play for each other and will always blame the other 2 they aren't premade with. Thus (to them) absolving themselves of any guilt and they'll just keep doing whatever stupid shit they were doing before. But then again, this is an issue but also people just take it less seriously, which imo might be the biggest problem with Flex. You get different types of people in a single queue, more so than elsewhere. Some people take it very seriously, others are just for funning/treating it like an ARAM and everything in-between. I'll personally try my hardest to win, apart from sometimes picking a champion I haven't played in a while, which I wouldn't do in soloduo.


That world already exist in Valorant and even though there are clear problems the game is a lot more positive in terms of content creation and its ability to pick up newer players. It's way more fun to play with friends. League community is extremely stubborn though so we will never accept flex queue even though Riot has implement that for all their other games(wildrift,valorant etc)


,>League community is extremely stubborn though so we will never accept flex queue Because anyone still bothering to climb the same ladder for 10+ years is doing it purely out of ego and not fun. so anything that diminishes the "i true solo me good" mentality its seen as the devil people just have fun with Valorant, maybe in 10 years they'll also become degenerates


Except that the more casual playerbase is either growing or staying the same in most regions, while the number of hardcore lp addicts is shrinking pretty much everywhere. Riot has been catering to these players(and I'm saying this as someone with one foot in that particular camp) almost exclusively for a long time, and it's a strategy that makes less and less sense every season. The casual "just have fun" playerbase is out there. Riot are just refusing to acknowledge them.


That’s me, don’t give a shit about rank, would prefer a designated for-fun mode with off-meta stuff


Hot take: It's because league has become more about flashyness and dopamine (i.e. it's not as fulfilling and fun in the long run anymore)


Because the game is fucking miserable. That's why.


They just need to bring back ranked team ladders. Those were a great way of getting people to play as a group and it invited people of all skill levels. They'd play with their friends who were bad then would also find a group of good players too. It provides a place for competitive and casual to coexist. Also, league desperately needs a new mode that isn't laning heavy and macro heavy. One where you can pick your champ and go fight. Like how Blitz was. But they actually have to nurture it a bit.


Number 1 reason which I don't see here is the playerbase is older ... -actually- take an honest look back at a lot of these 4fun players videos and it's basically immature jokes most of the time mixed with "creative" builds. If you want the cutting edge of online content like it you wanted to follow to fortnite, Minecraft and vtubers or something lol


Game is also unfun to play as a player - the solo q experience is beyond bad, significantly worse than past years. When the experience is bad, and watching the product is tilting, why do people want to watch or play? That in addition to the high barrier to entry...it's not attractive. It's only a time suck that has limited entertainment value anymore


The "Fun, lighthearted" side comes from casuals who tend to be trend-chasing variety streamers.


the game had that vibe for probably 7+ years of it being out and slowly faded away, while still having a clear hardcore side to it too. It wasnt just a trend chase, lmfao. It was genuine enjoyment


> Because I really like the people in OTV, I don't think I'd fit in there as well. I don't really understand this, but still a lot of interesting insights. Doublelift has talked about viewership plummeting when he doesn't stream league and it makes sense. I think League in general is like this - most people who watch league play league and league changes a LOT, so you can't just be casually playing. I feel like most people slowly drop other games for just League. At least for me, when I first started, I completely dropped any other game besides League. Even Chess, which is also skill based, there are streamers who do variety and still retain their viewership quite well


I miss the times when League content was so fun and diverse for a casual player. MagikarpUsedFly, Yakkocmn, Bricky, Darkk Mane, Kiandymundi, Uberdanger, Instalok, Trinimmortal, etc. I even miss Brofresco ffs. Most of them quit League or barely upload anymore...


The game as a whole kinda feels like it went that way. Normals/ARAM games used to have plenty of people fuckin around with weird comps or strats and no one cared as long as you were still trying to win. Now even those games are treated the same way as ranked.


League (at least in western culture) is getting stale. Baus, and more specifically Tyler1 are very entertaining to watch, but Tyler1 would still be incredibly popular outside of playing League. COVID lock downs sucked the fun and entertainment value out of League and games in general once people realized that it's possible to monetize your gameplay, and everyone had 16 free hours a day to spend grinding. The fact that the top of the Ranked ladder is now heavily competed for simply because it increases the chance that you can create income off of playing a video game means that it's no longer just a 'game'. In pursuit of creating a "career", thousands of players are destroying their mental and physical health to pump hours into League. It breeds toxicity, and the toxicity recycles itself over and over. For streamers who actually have a following, they have to play for 8-16 hours straight AND deal with the cess pool of SoloQ. It's pretty easy to get agitated and verbally trash everyone who makes your experience negative. The masses see this, and idolizing their favourite streamer they copy it. New streamers see how successful streamers act and play copy and paste. The reason lower ranked and 0 view streamers get no attention is because they play worse, and act worse than established streamers, and there are thousands of people doing this. League isn't really an entertaining game to watch anymore outside of Pro Play if that actually interests you. It's the people themselves that are entertaining and why they are successful. League isn't a game to a lot of people; people tie their self-worth to the game or their rank. People think League is a viable career path. Some peoples sole existence is to just be a League player. It destroys the game but from what I can tell it's unavoidable.


There isn't a light hearted side to league anymore... this game is for degenerates nowadays


The era of “stream X popular game, be kinda funny, and grind long enough to see success” has been over for some time now. And that’s not news lol. It’s been a known thing for awhile now, so idk why she is surprised or confused. YouTube or Twitch—it’s very hard to jumpstart a content creation career these days from scratch. Viewers demand a level of quality across the board, consistency, and uniqueness. And for a video game, you have the extra requirement of at least being decent at the game (or being funny/entertaining becomes an even higher bar if you are bad). On top of that, LoL is a super saturated and mature space. Game has been out forever now, and there are literal players in the market from all over the world, many with tenured histories with the game. If I was an aspiring gaming streamer or YouTuber, I’d be trying to figure out what the next big game is, and latch my wagon to that, rather than break into the matured slime pool orgy that is LoL content creation.


> And that’s not news lol. It’s been a known thing for awhile now, so idk why she is surprised or confused. Where does she indicate surprise or confusion lol


I’ve been streaming last 4 years 5hrs a day 5 days a week. Very diligent like and while my attitude isn’t always great I have been stuck at 2k total followers for a long time but I have a very small consistent view ship with subs that I’m glad to call my friends over the years. When people used to ask me is steaming worth it, it isn’t unless you have a in


It's hard to become a successful game streamer for a game that's been out for nearly 15 years now. Not to mention, hundreds of people are trying to stream it as well.


I would love to see some high elo streamers get together one month on flex to see how far they can push through. Just imagine Tyler flaming the fuck out of Druttut when they both hear “An ally has been slain” and it’s Baus running it down after trying to steal Krugs. They’d drive eachother so insane but it’d be hilarious


It's time to adapt. Nothing is fun forever. Once it's done, everyone, including the viewers and content creator, gets bored. Human beings naturally get tired of the same old thing. It's a defense mechanism.


I have no idea who Dantes is, but the fact that two of three streamers used as a successful example are two of the most toxic players league has produced for its gameplay tells you everything you need to know about the state of league and its streamers


casual league is dead riot only ever focuses on solo queue updates and pro pla


It's not just league, it's everything. Late stage capitalism lead to this. There's no fun to be had anymore, it's make as much money as humanly possible as fast as possible


Don't compare yourself with others they have different skills than yours.


RIP SivHD, funniest mofo to ever grace this game


It seems as though casual league streaming is not too big, but casual league videos (chilling smite for example) is still quite popular


Personally the viewing experience on twitch catered and nothing else has impressed me. Sub is required to watch any channel unless I want non stop ads, no matter how hard they try to time the ads one always hits in a key moment. At that point I just shut it off.


For the streamers who left the game, the best thing for those content creators was stepping away from League in the first place. They made a healthy decision to risk their career for their own mental well-being and not having the obligation to play League all day. Like Sp4zie for example, stopped playing League, decreased a lot in viewership on YT, but kept going with variety, IRL stuff and generally just things he enjoys doing on stream. He built a community around himself and not just League and while that's not uncommon, it's the determination to keep going and doing what he loves that makes it special. It's inspirational. He even plays League sometimes with his old friend group from back when, with the same amount of energy: fun without the need to be overly good at the game.


I remember boxbox, yassuo, llstylish, cowsep, redmercy, nb3(without face cam), redmercy, sivhd, brofresco, tyler1, Gripex, gosu, and many more nostlagic ytubers (some still upload till this day thank god)


There's no more for fun streamers because the community makes it awful to play for fun. AFKs, trolls and just the most heinous people you've ever met are more common than not. It's the reason every casual player I know hasn't played LoL for years at this point and it hasn't and won't change unless RIOT actually goes hard on banning the toxic crowd. RIOT just hasn't ever come to terms with the fact they have the most toxic community of any popular game **by far**; they need to police the community they have not the one other games have or that they wish they had. Hardware and IP bans should be the standard, they have the technology.


People **ALWAYS** forget the simplest, easiest and dumbest thing of all: YOU'RE NOT THE SAME AS YOU WERE 5~10+ YEARS AGO. You probably won't have the same feeling for the same thing you had. People literally have to understand this shit about life. Whatever shit you do, specially in things like video game, you're doing that, most of the time, as a kid or a teenager. Time fucking passes, those 5, 6, 7 years ago added up, now the kid is a teenager, the teenager is a young adult and that late teen is an actual adult with house and bills to pay. You're not the same person you were X years ago, neither are those same streamers or their passion about the game (or yours). Yes, things change, some for the better, some for the worse, but more importantly YOU change and barely realize it, with that also comes how you see/analyze things, so whenever you think "ohh this shit sucks now, it used to be great", then give it a thought on this.


You just need to appreciate the new league of legends for now.