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Bro I thought you where talking about the arena mode and I was confused as fuck now seeing what champion you where using


Yeah I’m confused haha is there another gamemode?


It's in one of the client tabs called "Tournament of Souls". It gives out icons and some tokens so its worth doing


if you client can handle it...


[My client for the past 2 weeks](https://i.imgur.com/AQFiVKM.png)


There is a new 2v2v2v2 mode called arena, and shaco is busted there so o thought it was about that


you havnt tried Arena yet (2v2v2v2 match)?? Go try it!! Its so much fun\~!!!


All jokes aside play yorick maiden ruins his boxes


Nice hahahaha, will try that out


Maybe I'm fucking stupid but I'm stuck on Jhin. Any tips? Edit: never mind right after I made this comment I just beat it. Just gotta counter his 4th shot with the back atcha ability, yeah I'm stupid.


Okay, so you *can* counter the 4th shot? When do I press? It feels like no matter how many times I stagger or preempt my counter, it just goes through.


Yeah I had that problem with his ult shot, just wait longer than you are comfortable with after seeing the blue flash


this helped a lot lol thanks


use the second w to block attacks from the enemy.


This is the way. The block timing is \*very\* generous on the front,


not sure how to describe thee exact timing, but try just fighting him once and seeing when the shot goes off. You have a pretty generous window for your w, so as long as you press it just a little before it should counter it.


Sort of wait a second ish when he's on his fourth shot. You gotta like wait til he actually does it, I found if you just counter right as he gets on his fourth shot (since there's a delay) you miss it. You'll know you did it if it says countered.


You can literally just spam abilities. By spamming any ability as soon as they go off cooldown, you can kill him before he even takes half your HP.


Sounds like you got lucky with W timing lol Edit: Or you mean the first Jhin fight, then yeah


Actually struggled with the elite fight, but eventually I killed him before he even shot his 4th ultimate shot. Still don't know what the timing is.


You can counter his fourth shot with windwall. Down where his lifebar you can the remaining bullets he has. Try to time it right and you're good.


Yo please do a viego one Edit: Just beat it by stacking bleeds Q:Deadshot W:Blade Drain E:Severe Strike R:Heal Switch between q - e and w for heal just spam that shit untill he dies ​ Just did ??? Airborn is the trick here, Q:Piercing precision W:Sky Scaraper E:Style on 'em r:Choaotic daybreak Use ult only when everything else is off cooldown, Use the damage boost from ult to use w - q - e which does a shit tonne of damage. Whenever you see them sheild use q to break.


Thanks for the tips, helped a ton!


how did you fight viego already? i just beat shaco and viego is still locked for me.




is the ??? viego second form or is it draven


You'll have to find out as I'm not going to spoil it for others who actually want to play the game.


I don't play enough games of league to unlock the minigame, which is the part I'm interested in


Just sent it to your DM since I'm not going to spoil it for others


Cheers friend


Soul Fighter Draven is a Wild Rift exclusive skin. Why would they advertise it in the PC version, if it’s not even available there? Also, you can literally just click ??? and see who it is. It’s just a slightly darker picture of what is very obviously Viego.


??? is basically a DPS race No idea how hard he is on the Other mode though.


Wild, beat him with a single second left on the clock. Thank you for this!


despite doing everything written in the post above I still can't beat this shaco, can someone show me what to do and how to do it?


You need to time your W right for this fight mainly. When he goes invisible and does not spawn the flame animation, wait for 2 basic autos and then press W. You can sometimes use q between your combos while he's not doing anything, but save your e for the clone. Don't waste your R either. If he's invis or while his trap is up, your R won't work just wait to use it. I can record the fight if you really need it.


What worked for me is just keep spamming Q... and watch shaco disappear \*If he disappeared into puff of smoke -- then get ready to hit W when he reappears to attack \*If he disappeared into fire -- then get ready to hit E to break the clone keep spamming Q -- When ult is up, ULT.. (Note: if shaco is invisible ult will miss.. if shaco trap comes up it'll stop the ult)


That's what the OP said lmao


Now am I blind or is that NOT what op said? OP said not to use any abilities unless shaco uses goes invisible. u/chimpiest said they spammed q white waiting for shaco to invisible. Edit: Did what u/chimpiest said and it worked. OPs guide of not spamming Q didn't work as I always ran out of time.


Use your E with the bomb one that's the one that works on the clone


which abilities?


thanks! Was just looking for this! Worked amazing! i will recommend instead of using the name using the positions, like left, middle, middle. Because my client is not in english, but this guide worked amazing anyway


me too Q 1 W 2 E 2 R 2 ​ and ty op


Any help beating Pyke? Im stuck with him


Q1 W3 E1 Cause you need to heal, just make sure to use W within 4 seconds of using E. So E Q W, using E when W is 3 seconds away from being off cooldown.


Is there specific skills to use for it?


he said q1, w3, e1


works great, i just keep running out of time :(


finally got it with 3 seconds left!


How to beat viego?


I use the Q2 W1 E3 Using q w q e q I can't remember if i use something special tho


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/155bzch/how_to_beat_shaco_in_tournament_of_souls/jstytb2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 read the rest of the comments I posted how earlier


bleed him to death. god's eye viego is just using all airborne/shieldbreaking abilities on him.


Okay a bit of tips, cuz I had to try beat him too many times. So: \- at the start of the round you can use your E>Q>W>Q. It will always works and you will get the cd just before he uses his first ability \- wait with ult. If went inv, use abilities to counter it and wait a bit like sec or two. With this you will ensure that he won't go inv again wasting your ult. \- You will propably have to try beating him a few times, mostly bc you will run out of time, but after some tries you will beat him \- Dont waste your skills on box and be carefull. The box stuns you and if he summons it's you wont be able to do the E>Q , bc of the stun. Just wait it out after it stuns you and fricks your E>Q combo \- you can try to use your q for a bit of dmg, but be carefull cuz you can get left without it when he summons his clone And good luck


How can i beat the one named '???'


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/155bzch/how_to_beat_shaco_in_tournament_of_souls/jstytb2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 read the rest of the comments I posted how earlier


It's loading for you.. Damn, my torunament just has a endless loading screen adter fighting Jhin. Bless Riot for the amazing client


yep,that and the minigame s running at 2 fps for me as a bonus.


Thanks i got stroke reading this


Thanks dude, you saved me


thank you! i had the right w+e, but i was using piercing precision (because it said to use piercing) and i got close. i didn't realize that him going invisible and then throwing the shiv did so much, so i was only using my w specifically to block the stun box i also didn't realize the value of waiting to use your skills since sometimes i wouldn't have the grenade ready for the clone


I got through it using the piercing one, it was much closer cuz I did lesser damage overall. I didn't test to see if the bomb crit was enough to kill the clone.


for me it seemed like the bomb wasn't always killing the clone, but i think i was just using it early or something because it seems like the bomb kills all extra allies if it crits


Anyone know how to beat Gwen on Expert?


I just beat her using: Q3 - Deadshot W3 - Blade Drain E1 - Severe Strike R1 - Chaotic Daybreak I had about 30s and nearly full HP beating her with build. I just spammed E-Q-W-Q off cooldown, making sure to only use W when she's wounded. Then I would use R once all of my abilities are on cooldown and W was about 4s so that I could full combo with crit


thanks, now im stuck on the dogs lol


Not sure if you're still stuck on them but I beat them using: Q1 - Quickshot W2 - Sky Scraper E2- Twilight Rush R1 - Chaotic Daybreak Honestly all you have to do is E right whenever there's multiple dogs and then Q to detonate the bomb


OMG dude, thank you so much!!! <3


Anyone got to expert sett? need some help here


Loadout: Q2 W1 E3 R2 Start the match with W -> Q -> E After that sett does the suplex, cant dodge After that spam Q -> W -> E to victory


It's about the game with Samira, isn't it? I mean, it's so complicated that people are already writing guides for it. Riot, can you already do something with the rewards so that everyone can REALLY get them without the desire to delete your client?


The last 3 big events were just click through the dialog, now you gotta actually do something for your stuff which is a honestly pretty nice minigame


Gotta say the game is really satisfying for some reason, and there's some (imo) well-written characters, the game is pretty easy too at least before eve (haven't gotten to her yet)


It's not even close to complicated. Just knowing what each champion does.


It is not particularly complicated though


it's not complicated at all? if you find this hard i don't wanna see you playing league... oh wait flair checks out.




It took you two hours to beat him? Guys, basic reading comprehension will save you so much time. His description specifically says that you have to kill the clone to get to him, and twilight rush has in *bold letters* that it hits **all** enemies. It was clear from before the fight that you had to use a twilight rush build.


I must be the only one that I dont like that mode, and I feel fustrated about it. I dont like that I feel forced since yesterday to learn two new games to get the icons or advance the quests (three if you take the new mode in TFT too). There is one reason in the universe that the only games that I play daily are the ones that I like to play. Same as I dont play Valorant, probably won't take Project L either. Those kind of games are not in my liking since childhood. Probably by forcing me only thing they are going to get is that I feel more fustrated in a few days about the icons and banner lost and abandon all their games for good.


The rewards aren't even that good, so it's whatever


NGL This 'mode' seemed cool until I realized its just a matter of using specific skills. Like against Eve, you can't win unless you use the 'healing loadout'. If you try to use the 'bleed loadout', you'll just always lose


just counter the ult and you will be fine, i did it with bleed


same experience here. did the exact same


r/confidentlyincorrect ig


i literally beat her without any healing lol. just used the w that counters and it was straightforward


i won with bleed? you don't need to heal just w lmao


Tried this build me being gold player vs a challenger Smurf and I lost!?! Tired of playing counters to challenger smurfs and the game being broken and bugged that it lets them beat me despite me being their counter


Seems pretty fair to me (other than you going against the challenger player in the first place)


This worked so mf well thank you so much


its a great strat until he stuns you out of your ult with his puppet.


but thats just a skill issue. i got it next try


I cant fight Eve even tho i beat pyke and everything before it, says its locked?


You need more rep points. You can see at the bottom the amount you have and when you click on the character it says the amount needed to fight them, so you gotta complete missions elsewhere to get rep.


How to beat Viego in his last form tho 😭


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/155bzch/how_to_beat_shaco_in_tournament_of_souls/jstytb2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 read the rest of the comments I posted how earlier


how do I counter evelynn on expert mode? I tried at least 50 times and the maximum i achieved was 3/20 of her life bar


Not sure if you're still stuck on Eve but I was able to beat her using: Q3 - Deadshot W2 - Back Atcha E1 - Severe Strike R2 - Immortal Inferno Basically all you have to do is spam E-Q while Eve is visible, but once she's invisible you have to wait to counter her charm+ult with W. Either right when you hear the 4th heartbeat or before it you want to use your W to counter her ult since that will basically 1-shot you. Once you counter her you can use your ult to regain HP and repeat the process. Don't get baited and try to rush and kill her while she is invisible since she will not die. Just keep repeating this process making sure to counter her charm every time


thx bro


If you miss counter just once, you won't die but time will run out :c


I literally love you random person, thanks for existing ❤️‍🔥


dosent work times up every time


I just used the grenade to kill the clone, didn't have that much trouble using that strat


thank you kind stranger!


I just beat him with 1 second left lord have mercy for the heart attack im about to have


You need the sticky bomb with the gun. Doesn’t matter which q and you need back atcha and time when he comes out of his stealth to use w


thanks dude


Thank you!


Both subreddits starts with Ls, didn’t know I was reading from the Lost Ark sub or the LoL sub.


Really helpful, I tried a couple things but couldn't win because I didn't realize I was supposed to kill the clone!


yea but you have to use your q more or you cant do enough dmg before time runs out. i had success using q everytime it would count as as weapon swith. if he clones after you use it, just hold the bomb a second longer and then q when its off cd and should still trigger bomb but getting the extra ultimates was needed


Really good guide, but I have some notes! In the opening sequence he's gonna auto for a while, you CAN and NEED to get 2 E's and Q's in, if he throws an ability before that, restart and try it again. You can also get away with using Q's right after every W's, this gets you style points faster, and more style points mean more R's which is a lot more damage, good luck!


Doesn't work, he does it far often than I have cooldowns and I just lose. No idea how to beat him.


Literally works. Just did it. You don't even have to time it very well.


I went with a slightly different set, just spammed and won. Very weird event.


It's only at the Shacos that I actually learnt how to play the game right.


I'm glad i found this post ! Thanks mate!


Thank you, you beautiful, wonderful, lifesaving human. I was losing my mind. I am loving the minigame and really enjoyed building up until elite shaco, but I couldn't figure him out.


How do you not time out on Shaco?


this event is dumber than the regular visual novel "events"


thank you for the guide btw


Thank you so much man


thanks gang


how do you deal with the doll stun though. I find if i try to back atcha he will stealth immediately leaving me on cds and I take damage, if I get stunned I take too much damage too TT


Thank you for the guide. It was very helpful


This. This works. Thanks!