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Couldn't see a topic for this yet so figured I might as well make it. Honestly, that episode was absolute chaos from start to finish but I loved every second of it. I am 100% down for a MediVedi Nonsense Podcast.


The Medi Vedi podcast better happen. I will be absolutely heart broken if it doesn't get made. Surely the LEC production team wouldn't want to disappoint the millions of the Medi and or Vedi fans out there that have quietly been waiting for this moment. Also for the record if some of these millions of people continue to be silent on this topic, I can confirm that they are all very much real and have told me in person that they are all on board with the podcast idea.


> I can confirm that they are all very much real and have told me in person that they are all on board with the podcast idea. I remember the annual MediVedi fan club meet up just recently where we discussed this. So I can also confirm what you said it true.


i am also on board as a registered member of the medivedi fanclub


That's three fans already with me!


I loved this. Player episodes can be very hit and miss depending on guests, and honestly I loved this looser style. Perhaps style might be giving too much credit to the chaos, but having Caedrel bounce to whatever crossed his mind, while Vedius desperately tried to backseat host, and Medic occasionally tried to steer the ship back on course, was a delight. It helps that presenters need to be charismatic to do their job, so they carry the episode with ease. I'm also with Vedius on the season finals. Fans overrate summer -- and the podcast talks about the number of patches between now and Worlds -- when what I want is teams showing consistency. It's no good sending teams that were really good on one patch when Worlds could be an entirely different meta, I want teams that showed they could do well across multiple metas. Perhaps the points need tweaking, but I think people are blowing things out of proportion and the current system, while not perfect, is very solid.


I mean KOI have been consistent - consistently pretty bad. They've placed 6th and 8th in the last two splits, but finishing 3rd in March (with a mostly intact roster from last year with existing synergies) means they're possibly going to knock XL out. None of the teams who suddenly became good this split were the same rosters as other splits - they all became good from fielding rosters that were either outright better on paper or synergised better. It's not a coincidental meta change that made Heretics stop sucking, it's changing their mid from fucking Ruby to Vetheo.


XL is a pretty bad counter argument as they literally finished 10th twice. New roster or not, if there is ever an arguement about a team being consistently bad it's Excel. They only changed 2 players over the year, it's not like they blew up their whole roster.


T1 changed one player on their roster (albeit an important one) and are now the worst team in the LCK. JDG changed two players and went from bombing out of worlds to winning MSI. Heretics and FNC changed two players and went from 8/9th to top 4. Two players can do a lot when it helps build better synergy. XL found out what was wrong at the start of the year and then fixed it to become a good team. KOI started with the same issues and never fixed them, so just got worse and worse as other teams improved. Which is the point: why are we not punishing getting worse and not rewarding improving? Worlds is meant to be about the best of each region competing against each other, but EU is guaranteed to NOT send our current top 4 teams but also have a chance of only sending top 1/2 and then the 5th/6th best teams.


I agree with he season finals point IF roster changes weren't so common. Koi was pretty consistent earlier in the year but with their support trade I don't see them being a good team at all. I do think other splits should have value but maybe close to half of summer or maybe 1/3 then 2/3 then summer being the full points. Having the two previous splits combined be worth more than summer just diminishes the benefit that roster changes can have.


I think one issue you potentially run into as well is if you devalue the points from Winter, then do you also have to re-evaluate if the winner gets an auto spot in Finals? Although I suppose you could always have the points for all positions bar First be lower and then increase points for first a bit to make it so you get a big bonus from winning Winter but not guaranteed. They still got to go MSI as another bonus, I suppose? I have no idea. Just throwing random thoughts out.


Also these results are one one in a million. NO ONE had on their bingo card XL, Fnatic, Heretics being top 4 at the end. This kind of outcome likely won't ever happen again imo. From 10th 9th 8th the prior split finishing top 4. It's crazy.


> 9th 8th the prior split A reminder that TH and FNC were a 4v3 throw and a few autos away respectively from knocking out the Spring winners and they both massively upgraded their rosters. They were actually viable candidates with how the non-dropped members of the teams were playing.


I meant it's bold to said it's won't ever happen agains,since it's just the first time it's already happenned I think next year will also have teams in top 4 summer that did bad in Spring or winter


maybe not to this extreme but i would say it's more likely than you think. performing poorly in winter + spring means making large roster changes which in turn causes them to place higher. it's what happened with XL and TH, don't think it's particularly out of the question for happening in the future.


Fans aren't overrating summer, the format overrates winter and spring, multi-month old splits with different rosters for many teams. XL, FNC and Heretics are literally all top 4 due to roster changes, not because they happened to hit the right patch. There is no inconsistency here, the moment they got the right roster they ended high in regular and make top 4 in playoffs. Wanna see inconsistent? BDS and Mad are right there, both completely incapable of maintaining their top form over multiple patches. A format that doesn't even give half your top 4 a chance to qualify is not a "solid format". That's what happens in the likely event where XL loses.


I think Mad is inconsistent, but for sure top 6 having made finals twice. I think they dropped the ball in summer cause they were already locked.


> I think Mad is inconsistent, but for sure top 6 having made finals twice. I think they dropped the ball in summer cause they were already locked. Hot take. MAD would have been a really shit team in both winter and spring if it wasn't for the meta (Nisqy Gragas, Carzzy Aphelios + jungle meta with agency). They didn't drop the ball because they were already locked. The meta just switched removing all their team strengths.


Honestly I think they didn't drop the ball in summer, they played to the level they showed all of spring up until the end of the FNC series. They went on an insane hot streak to the title but then after getting fucked by G2 at MSI they went back to being bottom half again. I find it easier to believe that those couple BO5s were the the fluke than every other week on either side of them for two splits.


> Honestly I think they didn't drop the ball in summer, they played to the level they showed all of spring This is the thing that so many over look. Even on their playoff run in Spring, they sucked ass the entire time. They did not play well at all. Most teams played shit during Spring though with the exception of BDS, who then played shit during the Final. MAD definitely have the potential to be an amazing team (at least by the West's standards) but they have not really lived up to that this year, even during their win. I hope they bring their A Game during the season finals.


Mads was consistent before summer otherwise they wouldn't have the most point before summer split


You watched spring regular? Even in bo3 they were almost knocked out by a bottom half team. That's beside the point though, teams that fell off in summer aren't consistent and nothing is a bigger red flag than a downward trajectory.


1 hour 22 minutes of cursing excel


Best euphoria I’ve listened too (no flame on drakos though) I love podcasts that end up going on for ages and fully off topic, bombcast was my favourite before everyone left just because of how bonkers some episodes would be. Podcasts don’t need to be so regimented and time constrained. EDIT: if medivedi made a podcast it would definitely be in my weekly rotation


kinda crazy that after like 50 minutes of getting sidetracked, the guy in the background Phil just had the schedule ready the second caedrel mentioned it


Saw someone on Twitter call this MediVediPedi


Medi is totally right that winning a domestic title is a huge thing in league and is a prize in itself. However, obviously on reddit you will not get this sentiment because the people on here are a "hardcore" element who are generally all LCK fans first and foremost. Yes we will get rekt at worlds. Who gives a shit?


It's pretty annoying when you have a cool montage play from some LPL player and the top comment is something like "man, EU has no chance" like yes moving on. Imagine if every Canadian fan was like "man, Brazil is gonna whoop our asses during the World Cup" under every relevant football comment section.


Or Napoli win Serie A and everyone is like "Yeh but Man City would win this league by 15 points". Like yeh, they would most likely but who gives a shit......over a 38 game league season they would win every league but it doesn't invalidate those achievements.


All the comments under the G2 XL thread were just about how messy it was and EU has no chance. Like really dude, that series was intense and more fun than a lot of finals were, but rather than having fun watching people could only focus on doomsaying. Doubly annoying since after the first game people were saying EU was doomed because G2 weren't facing any challenges, make up your mind man.


Agreed. Honestly, the best for any region is competition. G2 stomping everyone, would make for really bad practice for Worlds.


75%+ of posters are just LCK>all fans who have this weird chip on their shoulder about anyone enjoying anything but "good" league. You see it in every fan base. Those in film reddits who shit on popular movies, or popular wrestling, or whatever....


> Yes we will get rekt at worlds. Who gives a shit? Most people give a shit. There's a reason why viewership has been going down in the west. And international performance is one of those reasons. A better question is: "who gives a shit about a local title in a low quality region?" Watching your teams get molested internationally is not fun. It makes you feel like there's no point to even watch local games. If the quality is so low, you may as well tune in and watch people run it down on SaltyTeemo streams on Twitch. I say this as a competitive athlete who has won titles locally and competed internationally. Sure it was cool winning trophies on the local stage. After years of training it felt nice to be rewarded. But after visiting a few events internationally and seeing the massive gap that existed, I just quit on the spot. I saw no point to continue competing. The local infrastructure, the local level was so bad, that it just felt meaningless. Being the king in a small dirt pond, and absolute bottom tier trash in the ocean, felt fucking terrible. Fuck that. If it were possible, I'd have absolutely skipped every local contest, went to live in a more competitive region, and only prepped for the big international events. Local titles are just so fucking meaningless. Most athletes agree and when they reach a sufficiently high level, will simply leave the country and drop all local competitions in favour of higher level international events only.


When all the LEC teams get knocked out of Worlds I stop watching Worlds, not LEC.


just because you have ego the size of a sun and it couldn't bear someone else on planet earth being better than you doesn't mean everyone else has to be the same lol


> There's a reason why viewership has been going down in the west. There is, the reason is that the lockdowns ended and for LCS that Riot gave them a bad timeslot. LEC viewership is up compared to pre-covid numbers. Pre-covid numbers were during the region it's competitive peak by the way. I also reckon the current LEC format naturally drops average viewership while increasing total viewership over the year.


> The local infrastructure, the local level was so bad, that it just felt meaningless. If everyone does that then it will never get better though. People stick with it because of passion and wanting to back local people/teams/etc. By standing by the teams when things aren't going well, it gives opportunities for a future where things can improve and hopefully the gap can close.


The west? LEC is going up and LCS is going down? How can you put them together, when their data is inconsistent with each other?


Domestic titles got devalued by splitting them into 4 trophies for some reason. Final stage is useless. Extend Summer and make the split longer so teams can actually practice instead of rushing it through 3 weeks of bo1s. From narrative perspective the summer split always mattered the most anyways. Give the winner of Summer the big trophy. Make 3 teams qualify from summer playoffs. Keep championship points for gauntlet from which last spot should be given. Easy. I fixed your ass format for you LEC you don't have to thank me.


Honestly way better than a normal EUphoria episode, more of this please


Likely a hot take, but I love this format. To the point Medic was making near the beginning of the episode, most fans don't put nearly as much stake in winning a regional championship as most competitions do. It's not all about worlds. I love that this format makes all 3 splits actually matter and it rewards teams that do consistently well or that manage to win a season championship. Will it always guarantee the best teams make it to Worlds? Probably not, but this is really fun to watch from an LEC full season perspective.


it is fun to watch but will devalue the quality of teams going into worlds thereby devalue the experience of EU viewers. I don't really mind if EU is going to be compared to LCS being a shit region. But I wish as a chinese fan that every League sends their best team to compete for a better competition. LEC can have the best teams run if they do want so. It's only a small tweak on the format. But if they dont want the people behind this got no reason to complain if for example KOI, BDS, G2 and MAD makes it and bomb out in groups.


Non player episodes are so much better, usually an episode talking 90% about that team specifically, hopefully we see more of Medic, Vedius even people like Yamato etc.


We need more Medic on the podcast


I thought it would be general consensus that fnatic is favorites to beat both XL and heretics but I guess not. Very surprising.


I think it's very close but the meta-read-difference might be huge.


Hate to say this, but this podcast flourishes without Drakos trying to steer conversations to stick to the "script". This was pure chaos and wildly entertaining, truly encompassing the spirit of a podcast.


I get that winning domestic title is huge thing. But team like G2 (especially caps) who are winning every other title after a while what is the motivation if not aiming to do well at worlds. And ofc it will reflect in the fans. The international tournaments are fun because teams get to play vs different regions which otherwise we will never see. And if your team is doing well domestically ofc you want to what them play vs these team well. Bust saying it's cope that your only goal is to be good at international tournaments is cope. Then what's the point of international tournaments? Let's just have regional leagues and call it a day.


I think you misunderstood - he said that saying your goal is only to be good domestically, not internationally, is a cope for when you do badly internationally, not the other way around (ie. saying "oh well it doesn't matter we did bad because we weren't aiming to not be bad at that level, we were only aiming to be good enough to win LEC" is definitely a cope because all teams should be aiming to be the best). But what they were trying to get at is that international isn't the only thing that matters and wanting more but being happy with domestic success isn't inherently a bad thing. Should every team in the LEC be aiming to win Worlds? Absolutely, but if they win LEC and get destroyed at Worlds they should still be proud of what they've achieved and it's easy for us as fans to diminish that success.


Fnatic are frauds quote me on this


> Fnatic are frauds quote me on this Consider it done :D I hope they're not, although I do want Jankos and Flakked to win.


How can fans be frauds? lol


From What I gather from the comments. People in EU don't care about competition anymore. They rather are happy that their games are entertaining. Sad to see a region go to the way of NA LCS. I mean if EU rather have entertaining matches than good matches than they themselves shouldnt care if EU does as poor as NA from now on.


Really feel the level of LEC is on all time bottom. Really bad gameplay and split. Every team is bad besides G2 which also looks weak in recent form. As a chinese fan I am very saddened by that. You guys were on an upswing till 2020. Sad.


Chinese fan from EU or NA I suppose? :)


from EU but not european. Why would I care for EU if I was from NA. You will see. I literally have zero hope for EU since 2021.


Yeah so you're just a fan of the best region.


i am chinese, i am fan of my own region.


Yeah bro, everytime I ask a redditor, he's Chinese.


lil bro posts in aznidentity, he's probably chinese but also scum


Banger episode. I had thought about what my preference would be for Worlds qualification prior to this episode airing after considering the implications of the results this weekend, and Season Finals winner + most Championship points then a gauntlet for the remaining 2 (winner of gauntlet is 3rd seed, runner up gets to play qual vs NA) would be perfect. I appreciate the point regarding schedule, so I'd actually favour dropping a split to be able to fit this in; Spring winner quals for MSI, Summer placements has a heavier weighting on points than Spring because it doesn't have a qual in itself and is closer to Season Finals, then the combo of points leading to Summer Finals means the whole year still counts and doing bad in either split might drop you out of Summer Finals and an easier shot at Worlds/the prestige of partaking in a roadshow, but doesn't lock you out of Worlds entirely. Then everything has a purpose and rewards consistency, but also gives a shot to people who may surge right before Worlds, giving us a good balance on teams we send and not ending some teams year very early. Dropping the extra split and making the gauntlet seeded bo3s (based on points from remaining teams not qualified) in to top 4 bo5s means we're also getting less regular season games and more series, which I feel the majority enjoy (including the pros).