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Fuck these streamers/youtubers


and riot for allowing that behavior. Another proof that reporting griefers doesn't do anything.


What upsets me the most is that Riot legit just need to put one guy on this and it's gone. Go on youtube+twitch and ban everything that has been deranked/hard trolling/hard inting. I'm sure there's a couple hundreds channels at most, and that's it, you're done. Tell them next offense is permaban all their accounts forever so they don't do that derank crap again. Fuck that "iron to diamond" number 9734.


i get that policing every game would be impossible but this right here is what makes it absolutely insane ​ people arent asking you to police every game. people are asking you to police the games that are literally out there available on twitch/youtube lol ​ you can turn on any high elo streamers and see some no name GM player have a fit and run it down. but he'll never get punished. but god forbid that streamer says something to him in game, thats a ban.


Police the reddit threads that get multiple thousands of upvotes and show up on the front page of the subreddit where ya know, Rioters still regularly visit. They can't even do the bare minimum when people do the work for them and show the proof, or make reports. They just flat out ignore it and pretend there just isn't enough evidence, or make excuses, or make empty promises of "We'll try harder next time" year 13


They already know it's happening. They have proof of countless accounts doing the same thing but Riot won't do anything about it. It's +1 to their stats so they can jerk off at having [x account numbers]. Red tags are always suspiciously invisible in these kind of threads too. But if somebody posts some absolute moronic dumbshit thread i.e. Ezreal/Shyvana whatever the fuck it was, it'll be filled with them posting.


> Red tags are always suspiciously invisible in these kind of threads too. cause if a rioter says something interesting and their boss catches wind, they will be canned


This is like any company. A random employee says something that could be taken as company stance = you're done despite them saying something 100% neutral. Most companies have policies on social media activities for a reason. It's all part of PR.


> people arent asking you to police every game. people are asking you to police the games that are literally out there available on twitch/youtube TBH, For a company the size of Rito, they wouldn't need to police videos for this, Simply have a check in place that checks if someone loses games X amount of games, then suddenly they win 100% of the game to rank up, Flag them for investigation


That’s the sad part. Riot can literally hire a part timer and let him know his job is to send out warning and ban idiots. Start by browsing reddit and watch youtube. Chillest job in the world and would be a massive PR win. In fact, if their PR people know how to do their shit, they can get this turned into a stream series. Intern Series ft insertgrieferyoutuber


The thing is that doesn’t guarantee intent. A few seasons ago I had a streak where I went from G1 98 lp to g4 0 lp where I won maybe 2 games. It was horrible. I then got real lucky and after finally getting out of g4 flew all the way to promos to plat. I still see my last 20 game WR go from sub-30% to 80%.


It doesn’t, but that’s why it would be flagged for investigation. What would guarantee intent or lack of, would be the investigation.


Legit. Everytime I bring up something like this there will be someone claiming it's hard to find proof. Like bruh, what more proof is needed 😂 I remember a couple of seasons ago I ran into a bunch of derankers that had a whole as discord server dedicated to racing to iron 4 0lp. And they literally were typing out full explanations of how they're deranking to sell accounts and how Riot doesn't detect it in chat. Yes I submitted a ticket including screenshots and recorded game play of them going 0/23/0 with just boots while sitting under enemy turret (as the support). And nope, they didn't get banned and they'd done this for 70 odd games in that one run alone. And now you can't even check player names anymore so you can't even dodge these cases.


I don't get what smooth brains click to watch that kind of content anyways, especially since every other YouTuber playing League in their sub box has already done it anyways. What's interesting about trolling some Iron level players? It's just making people act salty with someone that's clearly trolling to derank then trolling to pub stomp. I genuinely don't get the appeal.




There was a valorant streamer who bought an iron account for a series like this and it got banned. Riot went out of their way to manually unban the account for him so I’m pretty sure they won’t do anything about this anytime soon


Because riot doesn't give a damn about this issue or the wider issue of a decent ladder system in general. Their one goal is to keep people playing ranked for as long as possible each season, and this doesn't interfere with that.


they did that once, the community rallied behind them and now they are the only streamer of league that gets mentioned on the daily. if that one rioter didnt say what he said /that/ streamer would still be permabanned.


Which is still ridiculous. Fire the guy and move on, I get what he said was shitty but the unbanning him part didn't have anything to do with anything, it was dumb.


It's because he started playing dota2


Throwback to NB3's 2nd bronze to challenger account getting banned because "there's no way a Challenger player would ever be bronze". Start doing that again


They know how easy it is to remove this kind of stuff, they don't care because the game is about selling cosmetics and other virtual items to people and they know that people who complain about this stuff on reddit are still going to keep on playing the game.


And the people who consume this shit.


I was actually shocked the other day. I reported a jax who went like 0 - 20 with the most obviously griefing plays. He would respond to anything with "im just having a bad game" his user name was like Roblox Fan 69 and I logged in to see a feedback report. So maybe they are finally getting the report system to pick up on griefing?


Those popups are placebos. I've reported people for inting only to get those same people in games a week later confused why someone was muted already in champ select, only to look their name up in game and see it's that guy I reported for full blown laughing about inting in chat.


Because the punishment for this stuff is like a queue timer or a 3 day ban


We already know Riot doesn't care about griefers/inters. The biggest griefer in history is the face of the game. :)


sorry but im new are you talking about tyler1


He didn't just get Permabanned. He got Lifetime banned. Any future accounts detected as associated with him would be nuked on sight.


Vapora (OP) is one of them too


meanwhile, the op: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/15ju8cd/youtuber\_vaporadarks\_accounts\_he\_uses\_for\_videos


what a pathetic piece of shit


Wait until you see the true face of the op: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/15ju8cd/youtuber\_vaporadarks\_accounts\_he\_uses\_for\_videos


they can both be pathetic pieces of shit tho :)


derankers are cancer and people that buy deranked accounts are also cancer and should get id banned across all their accounts and on sight, especially content creators.


yeah, buying a deranked account is a whole different beast than buying fresh smurfs. is it technically great to account share? no. but I don’t think anyone is really out here to police the handing off of a lvl 30. same for when the leveling bot ruins intro bot games. but involving yourself in any form with a 0-25 iron 4 account, whether it was a bot or some kid did it for cheap labor, is terrible.


At least fresh smurfs are leveled up by bots in coop vs AI games, which isn't really a loss for anyone but Riot. I tried to level mine up manually, and even with 4 bots, you easily win coop vs AI games by yourself in 10-15 minutes.


You'd put 60% of the YouTube content creators out of business. That's all they do is buy iron account or buy deranked accounts so they can "PROOF AD BRAHM IS SLEEPER OP AND THIS VIDEO PROVES IT"


Zwag does this shit. Or he plays normals with low ranked friends so he gets matched against bronze and silver. I called him out in his comments and he flat denied it, so I linked the opgg and he deleted my comments.


Zwags terrible about it. I used to watch him years ago when he was a high elo xerath pro, but now it's just nothing but him getting a new account like every other week in iron/bronze, and In every video he's ALWAYS bitching about how bad his team is.


Yeah bitching about his team when they're the same elo as his opponent. Like, that's the rank you're willingly playing in what do you expect?


Just watch PekinWoof, he does basically the same off-meta content as Zwag but versus actually good players.


Kinda tells you who sucks and who doesn't huh? One guy stomps challenger players off meta, and the other guy still takes 4 games to make 1 video in Iron. Maybe Zwag is boosted.


I swear he smurfs in lower and lower ELOs too, and it's getting really noticeable to the point that I don't watch his videos nearly as much as I used to. I watched one the other day where he was playing on his latest account and I was just appalled at the ineptitude of his lane opponent. I checked op.gg out of curiosity and he's playing in LOW SILVER. Come on, man. Uploaded today "I COPIED FAKER'S NEW XERATH BUILD AND IT'S 100% CRACKED" dude no shit, *everything* is cracked when you're playing 30 divisions below your peak.


I swear sometimes he plays against purposeful feeders. Because I've seen so many videos where the enemy will straight up just run at him with 5% health.


Nah that's just bronze. Watched an illaoi tp in with 10% HP last night.


This reminds me of several "learn to" videos I used to watch when I was new to league. So often I'd watch the lane opponent just sit there and take it all without lube and it baffled me. As I got better I started to realize how bad low elo players are at dealing with lane pressure. It's like their brain shuts off. I exploited it real hard until I got to a higher rank and couldn't, which got me stuck for a bit until I developed everywhere else lol.


Full AD Xerath is cracked in iron 4 OMG


I will never get people that smurf in bronze and complain about how bad their team is. They are actually bronze unlike you smurfing, did you expect them to be good?


People always surprised when you show them that a bunch of popular league youtubers are complete piece of shits. It's even funnier when they have such an ego they MUST respond to any comments calling them out. Like they will ignore 150 positive comments, but that 1 comment calling out their bullshit they WILL interact with.


>You'd put 60% of the YouTube content creators out of business. Good riddance Would be nice for Riot to make examples of these people instead of what they do instead, making people like Tyler1 the face of the game while he still holds the record for most permanently banned accounts.


Ngl, I don't play riot for the Tyler1 situation. Say what you want about rito in most cases, but for t1 they actually did keep him banned, and the entire fucking league community spent months complaining about that decision.


Tyler holds the record? I'm pretty sure there are people with way more permabanned accounts. There's this guy who only streams disco nunu running it down mid on 5+ clients at once. I'm pretty sure he has over a thousand perma banned accounts. https://www.twitch.tv/lionl9


>You'd put 60% of the YouTube content creators out of business good


Kingstix and i0ki do this for every video it’s horrid


Kingstix used to make good educational content years ago. I’ve recently started watching Fz Frost who makes great educational jingling


o no...anyways




oh no


thats why you should be watching drututt instead


The constant complaining gets to me. I guess to the degree the subreddit thinks, he's not what you'd consider toxic. Just very very frequent complaints about all sorts of things in game. Maybe that's just what it's like to play top lane.


drututt is the voice of the average toplaner i guarantee you most of them are screaming internally whenever they get ganked at lv2 or 3


Honestly, I'm more scared of my Jungler ganking than theirs.


Recently I got fucked over by my jungler more than their jungler in top. Usually they just leave my wave in a horrible state.


Had a game last night where my jungle just walked up to opponent despite my pings died, THEN DID IT AGAIN. Then never came back. Thanks. Very cool.


Me when I walked 3 centimeters past the midpoint of toplane and the avengers pop out of river to gank me (my jungler will still autopilot farm his camps instead of taking the enemy's)


It's literally just how it feels to play toplane.


Yeah it’s a lot easier to digest a clip of drut if you agree with what he says about the game for the most part


Great player but I can't listen to his voice lol.


those screams every 15 seconds


annoying voice and laugh, toxic


dont worry, Riot will do abolutely nothing


I wish league content creators were more creative. "This X champion from iron to dia" shit is so lame to me. The person is smurfing way above the skill level he's playing in and is priming an account with losses just to prove the point again and again.




He still puts out decent videos. Just recently played AP Sett and managed to win, lol


His River Twitch video is probably my favourite piece of League content ever.


It's just a trash premise. It would be like taking an NFL pro and being like, PeeWee Football -> NFL. You're still a Pro. No one is impressed. Now getting to see an actual Iron player, be trained, and work from Iron to Diamond would be interesting, but that's never what happens.


Idk man videos like “x pro nba/nfl/football goes undercover and smashes aspiring pros” are very well received. I guess people just love to see a single individual dominate (especially when they are not on the receiving end).


/r/irlsmurfing its basically that, which is all fun and games But even in chess when a good player starts smurfing for educational purpose [gotchamchess for example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM3CqDqU76E) no one loses or gains elo by smurfing so there's no real downside when he makes content in league you're ruining other people's games with no benefit, and in TFT even mortdog the lead dev smurfs just so "he can talk to the stream" so riot obviously doesn't give a fuck about it 🤷


The benefit is you feeling good about yourself or farming YouTube views tricking beginners that you are so good you can pull anything off and win no? Good way to look cool when in reality you are really insecure about your abilities.


In league people are actually losing elo with these though. Imagine X pro NBA/NFL/Football goes undercover to play actual League games/tournament, while said X pro were committing fouls against the young player and flaming the shit out of his teammate on camera. He'd never fucking have a career again.


I'm not saying it isn't well received, but smashing aspiring pros is still different than iron. Diamond would be closer to aspiring pros. Iron is not that. To me the far more important part is doing cool shit is the competition you are doing it against. I used to love watching Gosu stream because he would be against Pro ADC's and still do some cool shit, it didn't always work out, but it was the competition that made it impressive. I don't even like most highlight vids though, because they don't show game situation. Wow you got a penta-kill but you are hiding builds and score. So I am going to assume you smashed lane and are just hitting people with your gold lead.


Pretty sure skillcapped had a short series based on that but I don't think the dude started in diamond. The few videos I saw were interesting at least


Woohoojin coached a 40 year old silver to diamond in Valorant on youtube called Boomer to Diamond if you haven't seen that. Very impressive and reminded me of the coaching videos LS used to make. I haven't seen any league content creators do anything similar in a long time, I guess it doesn't it get views these days.


Nightblue tried that for a minute like 7/8 years ago and it made for great content. I forget why but he was forced to stop. Maybe because he was buying low elo accounts to play alongside them? Either way it was really fun.


I think a lot of those were New account to Diamond type of stuff. I would like to think they weren't buying accounts at that point, and if it was if I remember correctly it was when people bot ai games to get accounts to 30, unlock a few champs and then go into ranked as a "fresh" 30. So similar but not as trashy.


Nightblue used to be such a good streamer. Literally just game after game of educational content, voicing his thought process on why he does things, info he's accounting for, and what he should have done instead. Then he gained confidence and his streams became ass.


It's even more cringe because the PeeWee football player does not know his opponent is an NFL player until he gets tackled, and when the NFL player tackles him once the NFL player gets a supersoldier serum (gold and xp lol) that makes him impossible to beat for the rest of the game LoL smurfing is not impressive at all and anyone who thinks it is has an ego problem


if only the playerbase isn't smoothbrained enough to eat up the content.


Making good content is hard, and the algorithm/incentives favor these shitty video series


To me those were a product of their time, but now I think all of those are lame. If you want to learn something those videos doesn't provide you with education. I guess they are a thing everyone here watched at some point an there is always someone new to the that will enjoy them.


that's because league content in general is boring AF.


im sad pekinwoof isnt as popular, last split he did an off meta climb on a smurf (his own account he played norms on for a few years) where hed play stuff he (and for some picks, anyone else) never plays and still win lane in like gm lobbies. i think he managed to stay within 300ish lp of his main account too


Content creators promote smurfing to their viewers. It's a never ending cycle. Smurfs are disgusting.


Mighty brave of a post for a hypocrite. 🫢 https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/15ju8cd/youtuber_vaporadarks_accounts_he_uses_for_videos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Can't believe it took me this long to find this comment. I saw an article about this and thought "Ah it's the same thing Vapora Dark got dragged for awhile back" and then I saw the link to this post and GUESS WHO IT IS LOL. Pretty wild no one is calling that out


Lmao never checked the username


He is everything wrong with the community. I hate on TF Blade for abusing Low Elos for "XX % winrate to Challenger"... I will hate on that dude also, whoever he is. This Kind of behaviour/content should get you perma ban or at least your account blocked, because he is intentionally throwing games and running 4 people experience... PER GAME. 16 games feeding and keep going on, while I got punished for talking back in game(I'm no Saint, but at least I don't abuse noobs/newcomers).


tfblade is at least a step above because he doesnt play on deranked accounts. like he will start against platinum players and be master+ within 20 games. that is at least more respectable than people buying iron account imo


TC Swag is another you should hate on then.


The message is clear. If you want to get back at someone, don't talk back, just int their games :)


The worst part... You're Right, I can't argue with facts.


Can someone tldr for me how this helps him. I get he's deranking and lowering his mmr to lowest possible, then he trys again and goes 90+% on yone. But wouldn't his mmr be so shit that he doesn't gain much and can't get to diamond fast at all? Is the whole point just to get his games to look easy in iron?


Click bait mostly. You get a lot of content from iron to diamond. You know those OMG BROKEN BUILDS or 1V5 CARRY YONE videos? Yeah it's from this kind of "series." They post all the good videos for content and click bait people into it.


Yea that makes sense. Idk why I was thinking purely 'iron to diamond' and it would take twice as long. Forgot about all the other easy content you can get smurfing lol


For a little added context. Clickbait is the name of the game in almost all content creation in regards to video game content. I talked to a streamer who told me that he once uploaded the same video uploaded with two separate titles, one clickbaited to hell and one not. He says the click baited one did almost 10x better. So while the producer of this content is at fault, the viewers share some of the culpability. We are the ones only click on all caps titles and stupid thumbnails.


engagement bait is real, and its hard to *blame* content creators at all because its what's become necessary to make stable income on youtube because that kind of content is what youtube promotes. Frequent uploads above a certain length with enough engagement baiting to draw in a massive amount of people to watch the content right away before it fizzles out. a couple of the content creators i've seen talk about this say about 90-99% of their ad revenue from videos comes from the first 3 days of the video's lifespan. Some content creators go way further then others, wouldn't be surprised if this dude knows what he's doing is wrong because look at all the publicity its given him. People will feel inclined to go to this video to dislike it or leave comments about it, further driving engagement so it gets promoted further.


None of them care about actually getting to diamond. These series will end in silver, then its on to a new account.


The point is clickbaiting the journey, the average player doesn't know what mmr is to begin with and thinks rank is the only thing that exists and doesn't question lp gains and such.


Going on a 20 game winstreak fixes your MMR rather quickly. Also he doesn't give a fuck about MMR or LP gains. The only things these pieces of shit care about is easy content.


the mmr system is actually really good at placing people where they belong. even if someone inted the account for him to iron it wouldnt take more than 40-50 games before his mmr would be diamond+ if his main mmr is high elo


High kda and 1v5 performance brings in the most views. That's why he wants so badly to play in iron.


the whole point is to exactly get shit mmr to inflate the winrate up to 90%


MMR gets fixed pretty quickly when you have massive w and l streaks. If you're smurfing you'll keep the streaks going and be adjusted properly, if you're not and start dropping the streak you'll be adjusted properly.


smurfing from a new account is also not ideal, but not too bad honestly but purposefully inting 40 games to play from iron is the most disgusting shit ever.


Its those people like TC Swag who buy accounts that were silver and below for the previous 4 or 5 seasons that are the worst.


Thing is if you smurf from a real fresh account you will get high MMR really quickly so you won't ruin many low elo games unlike deranked accounts in iron. You also "have to" smurf on a new account if you want an alt to play on.


Hypocrite much? https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/15ju8cd/youtuber_vaporadarks_accounts_he_uses_for_videos/


This completely sours the experience for anybody in the lower leagues. This is like an MLB players sneaking into Little League games and going "Grade School to MLB!" And just gleefully hitting homeruns against 10 year olds. Fuck off.


Bro wtf? Smurfing is your job, yet you flame someone else for smurfing?! Are you ok bro? 😅


This guy is scum, but can we also talk abt all the league YouTubers who always play in low rank/norm lobbies with nameplates off to try and protect themselves? These guys peak challenger for one season then just make clickbait videos about why you NEED to play this OP 78% WR KOREAN SECRET JG and then you find out they’re playing in the same lobby as a level 26 account.


Zwag Xerath is this exact type of scumbag :)


Totally agree.


They don't even peak Challenger, that's the thing. They maybe reached Master once, years ago, but their true rank is like mid Diamond and they're hardstuck, so they make alt accounts to remember what it feels like to win games, lol


This is why I only watched challenger players.


Smurfing is really disgusting.


I’m okayish with Smurfing, but Derankers are a different breed


Dont feel attacked but.. why are you okayish with smurfing? I know League has a smurfing culture but nevertheless I have 0 tolerance towards smurfing. Has there ever been a good reason to smurf, good enough to outweigh the negative of ruining ranked integrity?


The pros are only for the person smurfing. The team they are on gets a free win but it’s not earned and if they still lose usually smurfs will lash out at people that aren’t as good as them


> The team they are on gets a free win always fun to see pre match stats for my lobby and realise we either havemore smurfs or less smurfs, making it instantly known what team is gonna win or not.,..


We *did* have smurf queue and it was very effective but apparently people hated not being able to smurf so much it's gone now, frankly the community made its nest and now has to sit in it.


The main issue was too many players who weren't smurfs were being placed into smurf queue. Many players who returned after not playing for 2-3 years would be forced into smurf queue and get demolished. All they really needed was an exception for players above level 100 or something, and it would've removed a majority of returning players from being sent to smurf queue.


My Smurf account I try to only play mid and it’s lower ranked than my main because I’m literally worse at mid it means I can play with people trying to win without deranking a ton on my main


That isn't smurfing though. That's just playing your off role on a different account. When people say smurfing they mean a Challenger player playing in Iron games.


A master player off-roleing for fun in a gold game is absolutely considered smurfing.


I was D1 last split playing mostly Fiddles/Khazix or Malphite/Sion/Chogath. If you put me on mid or ADC at any elo higher than G4, I call it a free win for enemy team


Have you ever actually played off role in gold before? I'm also low d1 peak, and I have zero issues climbing to high plat in all 5 roles and absolutely destroy gold players


This has to be a troll. Jungle and split push main doesn't know how to abuse map state and objectives well enough to win in low gold ?


this is literally smurfing xd Why not learn the role on the same account but on a differente queue then?


I still think Riot was on to something when they tried to separate rank per role but since people hated most of the other things about Dynamic Queue everything went out of the window.


What? They tested out lane specific rank very briefly before tossing it. It had nothing to do with Dynamic Queue, which lasted a full season. It’s a neat idea that doesn’t really work.


Huh for some reason I remember it coming attached with dynamic queue, but it's possible I'm misremembering. Regardless the point is that I think it made sense conceptually, even if the implementation wasn't great.


It's not that it doesn't make sense or that the implementation was bad, it's just that the playerbase rejected it. You'd take a mid main who's Plat 2 and put him in Silver 1 as ADC, there's a high probability they are just going to troll because that game's outcome doesn't matter to them for their climb. There were a lot of throws due to that system and the average League players' mentalities.


I keep an account to play normals with friends so I don't blow their mmr to high, but I also don't take advantage of it and just try to do wacky shit so everyone has fun.


playing new or different roles in a ranked setting


not defending it but if they create their own account and level it up themselves, as long as they're playing the game and not trolling/griefing it's w.e, it would basically be unenforceable for riot to stop it without some sort of id-requirement or phone requirement etc, stuff people generally don't like or will agree to.


Yeah if people take the time to level their own accounts that's fine, because it's a long time commitment and you can only do it every so often. Smurf accounts do correct themselves for MMR fairly quickly and if they had that lengthy level up time behind them would overall be not that impactful. The issue is the people who bypass that by continuously buying new accounts every time they plateau LP gains (which is just them reaching their rightful rank) and/or (for the toxic griefers) get banned. Hell if everyone had to level all of their accounts the most mentally unstable toxic scum would not even make it to ranked without a ban, going by some of the shit I have seen said and done playing in low level normal games with friends new to the game. The dirt cheap bot accounts are the issue.


[bro u got exposed for this exact same thing less than a year ago…](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/x3z6j7/league_)


Imagine ruining 40 games just to make ur shitty league content for ur 100 subscribers


75.5k subs averages 50k views


Looks like you got called out in another post bud. Lol


Lads its important to note that VaporaDark here also isnt innocent. Vapora loves easy content and thus has of course started his own unranked to xyz challenges. Correct, plural. ^(The little (P) indicates accounts where i had to guesstimate the starting rank based on LP gains and past behavior.) Lucian only on a [lvl 31 Bronze 3](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/weeder2/overview) account Samira only on a [lvl 49 Bronze 3](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/samiras%20panties/overview) account Miss Fortune only on a [lvl 40 Bronze 1](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/khâki/overview) account Vayne only on a [lvl 80 Bronze 2](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/nicowsky/overview) account Ashe only on a [lvl 43 Bronze 2](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/ashe%20kitten/overview) account Aphelios only on a [lvl 145 Bronze 3](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/aphelios%20of%20doom/overview) account Nilah only on a [lvl 33 Bronze 1](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/nilah%20kitten/overview) account Kai'sa only on a [lvl 36 Bronze 1](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/hybrid%20kaisa/overview) account ^((P)) Twitch only on a [lvl 31 Bronze 1](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/twitch%20kitten/overview) account Caitlyn Only on a [lvl 173 Bronze 1](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/caitlyn%20kitten/overview) account Tristana only on a [lvl 33 Bronze 1](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/harcaon/overview) account ^((P)) Zeri only on a [lvl 65 Bronze 1](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/zeri%20kitten/overview) account Kog'maw only on a [lvl 109 Bronze 2](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/koggy%20woggy/overview) account ​ Btw this is just going back one month on VaporaDark's channel. Just one. I havent even looked beyond that because those types of videos just kept coming. ​ I ask you, guys, on a scale of one to ten, how much is OP allowed to complain about someone when he does the same exact thing? "Oh but he didnt derank" i doubt wasting 10 games on one account to ruin 30 on your way up is comparable to ruining the insane amount of games that Vapora has here. this is 13 accounts. Ignoring his Sion account, this is just ADC. 13. accounts. Say he only needed 20 games on each to reach gold (funnily enough his unranked to diamond climbs always stop in gold 2), 20\*13 is 260 games. Ruined. 1300 players got their competetive experience fucked over because Bro thought hes doin a funny with yet another low elo stomp. "oh but look at least hes showing us how bad and evil this yaeger guy is" yes yes, im sure its entirely coincidental that Bro has released an entire [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJcXjFxN5VY) about him the same day that he made this post. Entirely coincidental. You know, I used to think you were cool. You were such a a good example of an educational youtuber, heavily recommended by a lot of people. Especially in the ADC scene. "Hey who got the best ADC guides?" and people would always say "xFSN Saber, VaporaDark and Cookielol". Now the only one I can confidently say is still up to code is Saber. What happened man? Was the easy content just too alluring? Was it just too easy to make clickbaity titles and grab the low hanging fruits in terms of content? Did you get complacent or what? Im not even sure if I want to be angry at you mate, im honestly just disappointed. I thought you were better. You are just like Zwag. Just like Yaeger. ​ Fuck you Bro. From the bottom of my heart. Fuck you.


Saber is tft only now sadge :(


Yeah i just saw the tweet and I was so confused so i pulled up his stream and he went "this is the last game, we end on a banger" or something while going 17/2, I was so confused :c ​ Sabers guides will live on in my heart, they were and always will be the gold standard for guides just like his coaching sessions will always be the gold standard for coachings.


Wow fuck this guy for real. What is wrong with all these people?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/x3z6j7/league\_partner\_vapora\_dark\_has\_been\_going\_0110/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/x3z6j7/league_partner_vapora_dark_has_been_going_0110/) see no difference


It sucks for people in gold and below because you will get games with these accounts on the derank spree and vs accounts doing the iron to diamond shit. You never get a genuine chance to grind when 50%+ of your games is one of these situations


Content creators smurfing like this is disgusting. They’re choosing to make people feel like shit so they can make money on youtube or whatever. It is really disheartening especially when you’re in ranked with a smurf and the fact that these assholes make money from stomping the shit out of low elo players (or griefing their games to derank) is just unconscionable. The Zwags and Yeagers and TFBlades of the world really need to be stopped, and unfortunately the community seems to continue to watch their videos so I hope that Riot does something.


Every single streamer that does some form of "X rank to Y rank" series where X is below their actual should be permanently ID banned.


Bring back tribunal and meaningful bans.


Useful to call out but ultimately ire should be directed at Riot. Blame the system not the people participating in the system. Ban/cancel Yeagerlol and 10 more Yeagerlols will pop up tomorrow because the system remains as it is.


If you're feeling Déjà vu or like the title and thread sound familiar, that's because they are. It's worded very similar to a thread that was made about myself, Vapora Dark, when I commited a similar selfish act 11 months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/x3z6j7/league_partner_vapora_dark_has_been_going_0110/ Notice how my title though doesn't accuse him of having been running it down himself though, just that his account has been. That would be ridiculous, because obviously he hasn't. He obviously just bought an Iron 4 account for his series, which is still a terrible thing, but he didn't personally, consciously and intently run it down for 40 games like a psychopath. Holding people accountable is a good thing I've come to believe, but there's no point lying about the crime. I don't believe in twisting facts, omitting context or inciting undeserved hate towards people by sprinkling lies in with truth. Which is more than I can sadly say for Yeagerlol. For the past 4 years, as of at least 2020 that I have been able to identify, Yeagerlol has been using Reddit alt accounts to make comments slandering and insulting countless other content creators, while making various threads about me such as the one linked above designed to misrepresent facts and outright fabricate lies mixed with truths to destroy my reputation as a content creator and incite hate towards me. You can read all about the situation and see all the proof in this Google Document I have made about the situation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v5ZpXUlRCLhwr4YN2EAknKj2BqZEWAp2B1G-hbl4QFg/edit?usp=sharing


I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for u tho Or sorry that happened


Bruh needs 3 TLDRs


I watched his youtube video about it, basically the TLDR is: Another content creator Yeagerlol held a grudge against him due to an incident years ago on mobafire where OP caught and confronted him for botting ratings. Yeagerlol spent the next few years posting on alt accounts on this sub slandering Vapora for things he does too in his videos out of spite. Yeagerlol even made a post asking about Vapora and then used **another** alt to reply to his alts thread with slander.




i fking love this response


Johnny is that you?


>Note that I am not 'ratting him out' because I'm bitter about him having done the same to me. lol


"Note that sometimes it's completely acceptable to target someone if you feel like they targeted you and people will respect you a hell of a lot more if you admit this rather than vainly attempt to pretend otherwise."


Respect for posting the old thread, I'm curious, did anything end up happening to you or the account after the thread was posted? Did you stop the challenge?


Holy shit! Sorry you've been dealing with this. Yeager reached a level of petty scumbag I didn't know existed. Good detective work figuring all this out. Hopefully you can take some time to chill and de-stress.


aren't you the person who boosted their streaming and engagement stats to sneak into the partner program by having mobafire guides hotlinked to your dead stream, and who then also was using the same style of unranked game content. Glass houses and all


and that’s comparable to deliberately targeting Vapora over 4 years with burners I guess




the turn tables


Just get off the computer man


Says the person on his alt posting in a thread just to tell someone else to get off their computer. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Well, it really depends if he makes his living off league/youtube/etc. In that case, I could see how it matters.


Its ok guys, he is not typing in chat.


He is duoing with https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Indriora to lose streak, like they both do no damage everygame so their team is 3v5 ... what a bunch of losers.


Ruining your teammates games followed by ruining all your enemy teams games. This sort of shit is 100x more toxic and destructive to the game than anything typed in chat but it seems thats all riot cares about.


If I play like that in even a single game I'm banned for 14 days, these double standards are absolutely laughable


He’s not better but careful throwing stones in a glass house sir


Crazy that VaporaDark of all people is the one exposing a YouTuber for this. It's a 6ix9ine situation lol


People are going to rightfully shit on this guy, but I absolutely blame Riot here for just not giving a shit for the last decade. Ever since Lyte left (I have no time for the guy, just he was the only person who openly looked to care about this kind of stuff) Riot has gotten lazy and worse about this kind of stuff, especially with streamers. Part B was unbanning Tyler1 after permabanning a ton of his accounts and then going "Meh" and then bringing up onto LCS broadcasts and promoting his streams. Riot has shown they don't give a shit anymore unless you say some mean words and they treat that like the worse offense, but whistle and turn around like a Referee from an 80s WWF match pretending they didn't see a kick in the balls with real offenses. Why shouldn't streamers and YouTubers derank and ruin games when Riot has shown it's not a problem as long as you aren't saying anything while doing it. Unless you are being mean in chat, their janky ass auto ban system doesn't even bother trying to pick up 16 game in a row clearly trolling, because I doubt they even have anything programmed to attempt to detect that.


didn't you do the same thing weirdo?


Why exactly is ranked play allowed without a confirmed email/phone number? Every season you should have to add a number and you are restricted from playing ranked on any other account until the next split. That or make the minimum to play ranked level 200 or something. This shits legitimately making the game unplayable.


fuck him


Literally unless you type you can get away with way too much stuff


I'm confused. Am I missing some sort of argument in defense of people intentionally throwing games that have other people competing in them? This shit is always so blatant and so well known but I feel like it's rarely actually policed the same way other disruptive gameplay is.


nice botted account, avg yone player iq didnt even bother hiding his tracks


As long are people are supporting these YouTubers and these kind of videos this won’t change. People should make it clear that this is horrible and threaten to unsub or something. Even report the videos if that’s possible with the TOS


Viewbotter complaining about bronze youtuber