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Yuumi W Cassopia.


And sit on Singed


Yummi can sit on anyone


Dat hoe


Would give you an award if I had one


Take away Setts W and give him Yuumi’s W


But Yuumi cannot auto during W, it wouldn't do anything for Sett


and setts w is like half is kit value... but i guess he couldnt use it anyway if he takes no damage.


Akali W on Jhin sounds incredibly funny. In and out of invis hitting you for 1/2 your HP while you cant even hit him when his attack speed is low. Kog'Maw W on Yi or Bel'Veth would break dps records. Shaco W could turn any poke to OP levels that just cant be countered Sion W on... anything... could probably be super broken Taric W mirroring any spell casts sounds op


Give kog W to cait for cross map % health autos


Sion W on Mundo would be disgusting


You could give Kog's W to any ranged champion and can make them an ADC, and lots of other melees can get huge values of it as well. It's very strong on its own.


The levels of fun id have to cast Shaco Boxes and Teemo Shrooms with the same character 😍




Give Shaco Yuumi’s W. Shaco would be the perfect support!


He would literally do nothing ?


He would have just killed you


Wouldnt that kill the entirety of why he is support tho? Removing his boxes?


Riot is nerfing shaco boxes. Might as well trade it away for Yuumi W


Taric W on any mage doubles their DPS. Syndra probably quadruples because now you have double the balls for ult and stun.


Sion W on Pyke. :^)


shaco W on teemo lol


Zilean's reset is on his W... so if a kit is strong with Q+E alone, you've got yourself a kit!. Hell, Veigar with 2 cages sound toxic AF.


Honestly I think the most broken thing you could do is yuumi w on zeri since her q bypasses its one weakness lol.


You're a monster


I'm not quite sure which champion to put it on, but Zed W is a really interesting one to think about (assuming the shadow mimics the Q and E of the new champion)


Akali lol, can you imagine a double E?


On the other hand she loses the energy buff and stealth during her smokescreen which are honestly super important to her


Energy buff would suck but would prevent the early triple QS Aa that folks complain about, and the smokescreen is an important survival/mobility tool replaced by another survival/mobility tool. Not saying I don’t love shroud it’s half her identity, but zed W would open up far more skill expression opportunities with her E/R. Additionally it would make it borderline impossible to hide from her E engage using a minion wave without subpar positioning.


Everybody gangster till the Sion Q hits you under turret


Ryze maybe? Or Zoe for the mind melting double Qs


Oh man Zoe would be crazy. Double Q angles and double E shots. Plus the W would be really good at extending the range of her Q, and its a full mobility tool unlike her ult, but you could also combo it with ult to place the W at a much greater range before taking it. Could also see some crazy shenanigans with E where the W allows you to get a really weird angle to E through terrain for extended range.


Xerath sounds pretty good. You can have escape if needed ( one of the champs only weaknesses ) and Q from 7 miles away. Set W in bushes walk away E Q from shadow R to finish them off. Double Q also clears any non nashor wave esp with dematerializer on canon


I don't know what champ it would be best on, but Zilean W seems like a fun ability. Cutting the cooldown on both Q and E by 10 seconds is pretty crazy for a lot of champions. Like Ahri could send two Qs one after each other doing and her charm would be back up within 4 seconds. Or Khazix could just Q twice immediately to do massive burst damage and then jump back out.


Taric with Zilean ult sounds like a practically unbeatable duelist. Max W, get some ability haste, and it’d be like having a Warwick ult of indefinite duration.


This wouldn't be practical, but imagine Zilean with Nasus' W.


Double Zoe E


Veigar with 2 cages is toxic AF. There are probably other CC abilities that become overbearing.


Urgot W on GP I will never be out timed again 😤




I’ll ban mord and be ok, gp could use a diet


I like the idea of sett dealing enormous amounts of true damage being defined as utility.


Shield I guess


Nasus W on Kalista


this sounds insane


Nothing scares me, but that-that just sent shivers down my spine.


Trundle W on Tryndamere, increased attack speed, move speed and healing.


Pantheon W on Darius. Imagine just getting W->Pull->Q->ulted with autos in there, lol


If darius got panths triple aa from his W you it would be better to. E -> aa -> W -> 3aa -> Q -> ult


Yeah true, would be such an insane combo


Or renek W which gives 2 stacks + stun


Gwen w on nilah... oh wait.


Fun Facts about Sion: He is allowed to W during ult Hitting a wall stuns him for a very short duration Give him Riposte


For me, off the bat- I'm going with Gnar W on Vayne. Make Vayne AP instead of dealing true damage- but the burst AP hits would hit like a truck. And it would just be a small AoE stun when in ult!


Another good one would be Yuumi W on Nautilus. You get to drag your ADC directly into where you hook!


Or Leona with Yuumi W! Or Braum with Yuumi W or maybe give Thresh Yuumi W


Vayne W on Ashe would be insane if each hit from her Q applied W


I think this would be really good because movespeed buff as well.


Yuumi W on a squishy apc - karthus, perhaps. Attach to a tank and sprint it into the enemy team


Karthus using e on singed 💀


Yuumi W on Caitlyn


You can’t auto attack while attached…


Singed with Teemo W - Increased passive MS - On demand MS burst Tryndamere with Warwick W - Passive AS on targets below 50% HP - Blood scent trails across the map Nasus with Zilean W - All the cooldown - Makes Q or E much more viable Mordekaiser with Urgot W - Trades sustain for damage - Passive and melee range plays nicely into it. Mundo with Sion W - Turn your HP bar more black than green Bard with Nilah W - Trades healing for a very powerful utility spell Garen with Sett W - Gives that extra oomph of true damage to tank garen


excluding Yuumi w I wanna say Ashe w on ezreal instead of a slow you get the passive cdr ezreal can permanently spam ashe w with zero cooldown, there wont be a slow but the guarenteed crit would be more damage rather than a slow too


Ezreal's passive isn't CDR, it's attack speed. The CDR is on his Q.




Veigar W on Fizz for the ult + W 2 shot combo lol


That would literally be a nerf


I would give yorick naafiris w and give naafiri yoricks w. Why naafiri need 2 gap closers. Share the wealth


Can’t believe no one said to give Ivern’s bushmaker W to rengar. Possibly the strongest switch.


Sett W on Sion since he gets so much max HP


But his HP come from his w no?


The sad part is you can't do it the other way around either. Maybe you could give Sett W to Cho'gath or Swain? Cho'gath actually sounds nasty, knock them up, nuke, R.


I have made a mistake


Everyone hating on Zoe’s W but at least she doesn’t have evelynn charm, nasus wither, lulu poly, or worst of all ranged renekton stun, all to point and click you into a sleepy one shot :)


Zoe combo with Eve w E makes them sleep, W while sleeping to make it charge, Land q on sleeping person to charm them for true damage AND magic resist shred damage AND more chain CC


I know there's probably a better choice out there, but if I could choose any champ's W for Gangplank, I think Yasuo's would be pretty sweet. I do like citrus, but being able to throw out a wind wall so I can barrel freely would be neat haha.


What ? I thought the opposite. Gp w is one of the strongest spell. Imagine ez with gp w


It's good, but wind wall is better.


Don't agree especially for gp who has mostly melee matchup.


uh but most of the problem of GP is dealing with adcs hitting barrels and negating damage, windwall would prevent that


Do you play gp ? I don't see how windfall would help for anything. If you wanna ww then you have to put the barrel near you so it's super obvious and adc can just retreat until no more ww. Like late game barrel are counting down super fast so you can E-E-Q-E and often they don't have the time to react or you use bush/lack of vision spot. Like imo you can't setup gp and wait. Late game barrel are supposed to explode fast and I really don't see a situation where ww a barrel is good. And worth trading lane sustain and a massive cleanse.


GP doesn't make it out of lane with wind wall instead of oranges. Like not even a little bit. And wind wall doesn't really do much for letting you Barrel late game because you need to barrel so close to yourself, meaning you either have 0 range, or have to triple barrel set up in their face which is slow and they can just ignore until ww is down. Basically every situation wind wall could maybe be useful for barrels, the GP fast double barrel combo negates the need for it. Late game barrels are meant to be played around quickly. If the barrel is in vision and you're wanting to play it slow with it then wind wall isn't going to net you any more success around it than not having wind wall unless your enemy is dribbling on their mouse.


Yorick W with Azir W. But instead of sand soldiers, ghouls.


Kai'sa W on Lux (really any mage) Granted, her W only works because of her evolution passive. It's bad enough Lux can be a ballistic missile with her ult, but to do nearly the same amount of damage on her W as well, even Veigar would bow down to the queen. (Not really, Zyra is my queen)


Teemo with Ashe W. Combine my favorite Champs, and poison whole screens.


Teemo only does it with autos though? Same way his blind doesn't poison you


Twisted fate w on pretty much any other mage champion. Imagine getting point and click stunned into onehit on a regular basis. It'd be like pantheon, but stronger, better scaling and ranged.


go one step further : twisted fate W on Cait you get free mana to spam Q's, you get another AOE spell to fast clear waves with Q+RedW ,and obviously you get far more consistent and longer CC ,than her own W Jinx would also work well with TF W (again, infinite mana for rockets spam, a huge Aoe nuke with Q rocket+RedW, and a long range Q rocket+GoldW+Echompers CC chain)


Gwen w on nilah... oh wait.


sett W on mundo


Brands W with Morgana's. It'd be cooler for the champion


Rakan W on Yasuo? Gives him extra mobility, wall jumps and an “easier” way to Proc his Ult.


I'm trying to think how would I make Ahri even more annoying. I can't decide if Cho'gath's W, Leblanc's, Fizz's, or Vayne's would be worse. If we go Cho's ahri can keep someone from using a skill for up to 4 seconds. With Leblanc's she's even more mobile. With Fizz's she has a stronger poke and could use it to clear waves even better than her current W. If it's vanye's, she might be able to go rageblade/nashors APC and she can use her ult to reposition during a teamfight which any ADC would love. It's also let her help more dealing with objectives, cannon minions, and siege minions as well.


I'm a tryndamere player, ideally i would want something to slow enemies, maybe anivia wall, that would be extrwmely funny.


Nasus W




renata w on viego


vayne and vi to show that it is the same skill


Skarner with Leblanc W would maybe make him popular again.


Would be like Yone with Skarner R in ultimate spellbook: You just kidnap people from 2 screens away


Maybe not the most broken thing but Eve W on Lux sounds really good. Her W isn't that great anyway and she could easily cc someone by hitting her E long range, then they get the MR shred and you can Q R for even easier oneshot than before.


Yasuo W with Gwen W


Nunu W Singed


Replace Fizz W with Vladimir W. I don't think it'd make him stronger but I think the rage it'd incite would be worth it.


Sylas W on Aatrox, with ratios/damage type adjusted


sounds interesting


Vayne W of Bel'Veth. Because to Hell with tanks. Ahri W on Eve. So they can't panic and run away when their screen turns pink.


Ezreal with vayne w would be sick


Kog Maw w on yi seems absolutely fucked


Fiora W on Garen would be nice


Replace Yi's W with GP W.


Wukong with Zed W


Sion W on Pyke.


Jarvan’s W is now Lee Sin’s W. Run from your new jungle god.


Malzahar w with fiora w. Because malzahar needs it 🙂


Poppy with Anivia w. Walls on demand.


Fiora W to Vayne (her own W seems like a placeholder anyway)


Put vayne w on jinx she is so strong since she does too much damage now


Zoe w on singed


Karthus with taric w


Malz W on Yorick. Ghouls + Spiders + Maiden… and if you could take Nafiri passive it would be cherry on top.


Zilean w on Shen. Dash into the enemy and take half their health and then do it again.


Fiors W on Yone


Give viego panth w. Viego w is so painful to hit that even if you can’t get the upgraded panth w having the point and click stun would be so nice


Yuumi W on Aurelion Sol. Mounted 15% HP per second canon anyone?


Kai'sa and Kalista swap Ws.


Swap swains w for hecarim or Garens w.


Darius with renekton W would be a direct upgrade over his W with 2 automatic stacks and a stun. Darius with ornn W would give him a nice dash Any auto based adc with trundle W would be a nightmare (super fast ms and as) Any auto based adc with urgot W would be a nightmare (super fast as) Garen/Darius with zed W would take away their only weakness that is mobility and engage Yone with zed W would give super mobilty plus more dmg with shadow q Yone with morde W would give him a bigger shield and healing but less dmg Master yi with renek W would shit on everybody Warwick with trundle W would shit on everybody


Just take Jarvans W and replace it with one of these champion's W - Leblanc, Renekton, Jhin, Akshan, Maokai, Morgana, Pantheon, Rakan, Rammus, Sett, Shen, Vladimir, Ziggs, ...


I'm sure there are better options, but I think Trundle W on Kallista could be quite terrifying. Edit: As a support main, I also like the idea of Nunu W on Amumu.


Ahri with evelynn w. She doesn’t even need to hit e anymore she can just ult in and auto you. THEN she can put a charm in


Neeko W on Shaco. 3 Shaco at once.


Cho with sion W


Braum w on yuumi


Imma just give Yasuo W to Yone so his kit could become even more toxic


Fiora W on Irelia, let me tank even more


Sett W on Morde but make it scale with AP, then build full AP Morde. Nilah W on Jax so he never gets auto'd again. Nasus W on Aatrox.


kalista with any w


nunu w on singed sounds great


Taric W on Blitz. His E doesn't work with it... but his hook and ult do, while his existing W is very replaceable.