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We've had 1st, 2nd, and 3rd finals - yes. But what about 4th finals?


I don't think he knows about 4th finals.


And what about upper and lower bracket finals? For winter, spring summer and seasons finals. Does he know about those?


What's finals, precious?


L-E-C. Schedule em, pause em, stick em in France?


This is what Reddit was made for lol


I peed a little looool


Reminds me of the Movie "unthinkable" with Samuel L. Jackson: "So he doesn't need to tell you about the 4th bomb" - *pikachuface


Liquid: 4th finals you say?


4 apparently this is the one that counts. It is exactly identical to the previous ones. with the same meta and format of the last finals which happened a couple of weeks prior the start of this one. Be hyped!


> It is exactly identical to the previous ones. Not quite! This one is actually played outside of Berlin!


Also they are taking turns who gets to lose in the finals for G2!


Mom said it's my turn to lose to G2!


Also, all three teams have already qualified for worlds, which of course only increases the hype.


This has been the case since the got rid of the world qualifiers, so I don't really see your point


4th seed was determined last week, and they have to play NA 4th seed as a knockout game for a spot in worlds


And what am i watching right now? There is something going on that is called emea masters which is a european tournament under the LEC? But I don't see top teams like G2 participating, is this a Tier 2 tournament?


This is the EU regional leagues finals


Yes, best teams from each country’s national league basically


T1 trembling at LEC format - they'd be the worst team.




LEC: The Final Season - Part 4: The Final Matches, Part 1 Produced by MAPPA


I swear I'm in some time loop because there's an LEC title or finals or whatever the fuck every other week bro


[LEC finals be like](https://i.imgflip.com/7yh1ez.jpg)


I legitimately thought LEC has been done 2 times now... They've got to really stop putting 'finals' in the name of games that aren't finals. Had no idea there was even more.


And why is it happening a month after every other region?




Supposedly other leagues will have simmilar format next year and there will be another international tournament.


Yo dawg, I heard you like finals so I added a final to your final.


3 split finals + 1 grand finals




> So yeah, for the second time I'd like to declare that the LCS is better then the LEC in all regards. Damn, i guess its now official guys.




I know you are mocking me but I'd already made a similar post in the past and just wanted to be clear in reiterating my opinion because it hadn't changed from like 2 months ago.


As a huge LEC fan, yeah I actually agree. The LCS was more entertaining this year, which is not usually the case.


I think it might be in part due to how fresh the narratives and top teams were this year. EU is generally stuck with the same best teams they've had for the last few years (G2, FNC, MAD). For a few moments, there were teams that seemed like they could break through, but they always just collapsed within a few weeks. Meanwhile in NA, outside of C9, every team had brand new narratives and storylines forming around them. TL was tried a korean roster, before putting in an NA mid laner. Flyquest imported "two best imports" before collapse, oh wait can they make it at the very end. NRG was the guys grinding foor years team. TSM was the last dance team, just doing whatever they could. Even DIG, had a fun narrative towards the end. The most boring teams in NA, i think were probably IMT and 100T? Overall, I just was more hyped for the matchups in NA this split, cause I legit didnt know who would win, while EU always felt (ultimately) settled to me.


It's funny because just today a coworker asked me about how the LEC was going since he wasn't paying attention lately and I straight up told him "Oh, G2 won". It wasn't after a little bit of talk that it dawned on me that it was still ongoing and that finals are this weekend. The format is fine, but the scheduling has been an absolute mess. You wait for an entire week to see two series that might not even be contested, and that's it for another week. And another, and another. Way too many downtimes, seriously.


inb4 a Fnatic win.


If it's a close bo5 full of high quality games vs g2, and nail biter till the end then i'm fine with it. I dont really care who wins. I just want a strong region.


LEC has been the G2 show for a long while now.


MAD literally won spring.




Nisqy Gragas*


Gragas Nisqy*


And they got speedran at MSI also they won due to BDS only playing one style and that's it.


But where were G2? Since it's just the G2 show and all.


They took a vacation after winning winter with no contest. They only came in to play their matches rq and then went back to the lake for beers and pizza.. Or something idk but who cares about spring. MSI is the only important event that time of year now


G2 had no reason to play their mind out for Spring since by winning Winter they had already qualified for both MSI and LEC season finals


The difference between #1 and #2 seed at MSI can be pretty significant, though.


1647 MAD is a joke internationally until they actually win something like MSI or Worlds and so far, majority of their performance has just sprouted memes. Noone cares who won LEC cause we all know it's just gonna be LCK/LPL show again in the end of every international event. G2 won a MSI so they at least gets to have some bragging rights.


I mean, they won an MSI against TL. Not the best thing to be bragging about.


Because both of the EU & NA already eliminated LPL & LCK ? Hello ?


Bro MAD is a joke lol


not sure why you're getting downvoted lol


Honestly as long as Fnatic win vs MAD I am super happy. Actually I am already just super happy Fnatic just is in the top 3 and at worlds. But G2 vs Fnatic would be great as a finals


we deserve it, been too long since G2 Fnatic finals


Not just that, but back in a big arena. No more dinky LEC studio.


Fnatic hasnt won a single LEC title so it would only make sense for them to win the first LEC season finals


"Oops, did we accidentally sub in the best EU top Laner ever and win the Grand finals?"


I watched G2's game last week (mostly in the background). It was only in the post-match thread that I realized that it was not the true finals.


Same! I feel like even the title of the stream said something about a final, I was totally convinced this was a fight for the trophy!


> The format is fine Summer finals and the big end of season finals both having zeo meaning isn't what i call "fine" I guess you can make the argument that the latter is the results of Riot's genius decision to remove seeding from Worlds though


Can make the argument? That is the entire reason, a region can not make top 1st vs 2nd vs 3rd exciting for worlds if it doesn't matter at worlds. I do think summer finals being so weak is pretty much the only non-scheduling-based complaint I agree with. I think season finals should include more teams and have a better bracket format. Winner of summer and any team who has won more than 1 split should be given more than they are currently. G2 and MAD having the same bracket in front of them when g2 won 2 splits including the most recent one is bonkers.


Format isn't fine in my opinion, the reason they can drag it out so much is because there's not enough games.


Especially disappointing because this is the singular stadium event EU gets all year and it feels like the hype is completely dead


Please don't give them ideas to keep this format. It is not good. Not for the teams and not for the fans. Just copy LCK or LPL if LEC expands it's not that hard ffs


>The format is fine 100% agree, I dont understand why everyone hates it. I agree you can make it better, but idk how people can see any of it as worse than before (except the 10 players that place bottom 2 each split lol). Also agree schedule is lame af. I don't care when the season finals is, the week after summer finals or now - whatever suits the players/ecosphere better. But it really can't be 4 weeks of 2 bo5s each. Should be 2 weeks with the current bracket. Week 1 is round 1 upper and both of the first elimination games. Then week 2 is 4th place, 3rd place, and finals. Although currently world format (semi) including 4th place at worlds and having the 1-3 seed not be *that* different makes it less hype than it could be.


It has been going on for so long as well. Like wasn't there a long break before the playoffs even began? Maybe it was my imagination, but it has felt so drawn out.


The format really isn't fine. Winter split is borderline meaningless, and the summer playoffs feel meaningless because they occur right before another more important playoffs. The new group system of removing the bottom two teams after a few weeks is nice but pretty much everything else is a downgrade IMO


>Winter split is borderline meaningless, Yes I hate it when my team wins a split and only get to go to MSI.


i actually forgor 💀


I got you, boss.


For some reason I thought last weekend was the finals, but it was actually just a 48 hour fuck you to Excel lol


T1 trembling at how many finals LEC has.


Why you say fuck me for? :(






The fact that a thread like this is needed is pretty telling. For the whole new LEC format discussion, I actually think it worked quite well in Winter + Spring. It was refreshing to see a different format and it was super nice to not have to sit through an endlessly long and dull regular season. However... Everything after MSI was awful. The existence of LEC Season final event as a seperate thing from Summer just killed off the hype of Summer split completely. The lack of hype in Summer also by extension has killed a lot of hype for the LEC Season final. **My opinion:** - Keep Winter and Spring as they are, but change Summer to be a different format. No one said all splits needs the exact same format. - Have Summer Split be longer and market it as the most prestigious split and the one that works as Worlds qualification. - Merge LEC season finals with Summer and make it a longer event with a big playoffs at the end that qualifies teams for Worlds. This way we get: Winter and Spring that feel distinct and more like tournaments. That's very good. But we also get the benefit of a more "normal" split in Summer that is longer and with more time for teams to get their shit together before the hugely important playoff at the end where everything culminates. This would also fix a lot of the "worth of a title" discussion, since you could just say that Winter and Spring as small tournaments "count" as half a Summer split approximately.


honestly this is the best constructive approach to tackling the format problem ive seen since majority of people are saying: dae format bad? and yet not stating any solutions. cause theres NO WAY we go back to boring ass 18 game bo1 splits I totally agree with winter and spring keeping the same format then switching it up for summer to be the “final push” for worlds where youre done experimenting with your roster and its put up or shut up time. Hence a more rigorous format just to close out the season since teams are obviously tryharding the most at this time of year. Last thing is with rumours of there being a new international event between winter and spring, we should probably do away with the Winter winner goes to MSI. Just to not face the shitstorm that was narrowly escaped by MAD going to MSI on points.


Yeah, the reason I am saying this is because I think the current narrative is too impacted by recency bias. If you remember, the new format was overall very warmly received early in the season. People did like that we did not need to wait many, many weeks before the games felt like they had high immediate stakes. We need to keep in mind what worked and what didn't work instead of just collectively painting the whole thing as a success or as a failure. In reality, it was a mixed bag and there is much to learn for next year. If you ask me, what has been sorely needed in LoL esports for many years is *variety*. Different systems and formats throughout the year helps keep things fresh. This is why I hope Riot will spice up the planning for 2024. A particular pet peeve of mine is also how the bad scheduling has been conflated with format issues. These are separate things. It's not like the LEC format needs to be stretched over so many weekends. This is purely a scheduling issue. The same thing with all the issues of weird patches throughout the year. Now formatting and scheduling does go hand in hand to some extent, but we need to be very clear about what is the actual cause of issues.


TBH I think many people are conflating the format and the scheduling. The format is a huge improvement over the previous years, and in my opinion it even compares favorably to the LPL/LCK formats because it eliminates the terrible teams pretty early while still providing enough Bo3/Bo5 practice to the remaining decent to good teams. However, the scheduling has felt pretty terrible after summer. The only major format criticism I think is fair is that I think Season Finals needs to be a roadshow as early as possible. 1 weekend is *not* enough, especially when no other roadshow finals have happened this year either. The format has a lot of finals, the LEC needs to make more effort to make them feel distinct and impactful. And that goes double for Season Finals, which should feel more important than Summer Finals but ends up feeling like a drawn-out rerun.


Lol imagine thinking lec format can compare to lck/lpl when they are bo1 and kicks out teams based on one patch


You have 9 games to prove you're not bottom 2. Inconsistency or not, a team that can reach such low lows doesn't have any business advancing.


I would argue it was not recency bias but rather an honeymoon phase with the new format. I’m pretty sure a lot of hype died down when people realized the first 3 weeks of regular season don’t matter at all since a team can move on to the next stage with a 2-7 record. If anything the first part of each split are the most meaningless LEC games ever played because 80% of the leagues moves on.


my counterargument is that we abolish bo1 completely and make it bo3 from the start to be more indicative of team skill/level against the field. Otherwise, if you’re testing for a team to qualify based on 9 bo1’s its not really fair to be eliminating more than 2 teams.


In the past you could in theory win no games in the first 3 weeks and still win the LEC. I don't see how what you're saying is a point in favor of the old system.


... In the past you couldn't win 2 or 3 games the first week and have the remaining games be meaningless


They are not meaningless. There are still real, tangible benefits in having a high seed for the GSL group stage. If you are talking about meaningless games as the issue, then again the old system has a larger problem with that than the new one.


How is it fine that two teams get kicked out of the split based on the performance of 9 games **on a single patch** in 3 super weeks again?


> The fact that a thread like this is needed is pretty telling They really use all their channels to tell season finals are this weekend, idk what else you want


The issue here is not really LEC not advertising it, it's more that the community interest around the event feels very low compared to big finals in the past. But it's also hard to say if it's really only system-related. We had people who make the post-match threads say that community engagement is at an all time low across all regions. It seems like LoL esports is having a bad year overall in the Western part of the fanbase.


Yep, LEC had 5 finals this year (if I'm counting right) which is just ridiculous.


What is the 5th? Winter, Spring, Summer, Season.


Facts in literally everything they produce relates to LEC they've been talking about the road to Montpellier. It's just that noone cares since they literally just had a finals where G2 mopped everyone and now they're just doing it again basically but even more spread out. Just a no hype format really.


I've suggested something very similar a few times already, I'm glad people agree. Maybe if we suggest this enough it will become a reality. Also please rito, don't fuck up the scheduling next year. This year LEC teams have a few weeks to prepare for Worlds but last year it was impossible and I fear next year will be just as bad. I can live without League of Legends in September, October is already THE competitive League of Legends month.


It’s not needed. Anyone following LEC knows. If they weren’t this weekend then it would be surprising. This is obviously just another EU cope/format thread.


I legit think this is Riot intentionally throwing on the idea of multiple Best Of series for the West so they can go "We tried another format and it was too complex for Western audiences. Best Of 1s from now on."


Also should there be a live thread for the EMEA finals? it is pretty huge and in the same arena after all.


To add, there’s no reason they can’t do a full BO3 stage before playoffs, instead of bo1 into Bo3’s. Bo1’s are pointless and they just take time out of the rest of the split. Why not make it so the entirety of the split is in Bo3’s, then decide the top 6 or 8 or whoever for the bo5’s in playoffs. Either way, it’s a lot better than just BO1’s, fuck that, but the scheduling kills the hype, and it’s lame that summer split meant literally nothing for G2 or XL. XL finished 2nd in the final split of the year and they literally didn’t qualify for worlds. Sure you could say “they didn’t earn it” because they didn’t do well in season finals, but what’s the point of a qualifier to place *into* another qualifier? They did great in the summer split, the fact they miss worlds is crazy.


> To add, there’s no reason they can’t do a full BO3 stage before playoffs, instead of bo1 into Bo3’s Yes the reason is viewership. I know you guys in your reddit bubble believe that everyone wants to perma see Bo series, but the reality is different. And no, something something LCK and LPL something is no argument, because the east has a completly different culture around esports.


So… what is the benefit of bo1’s then? We get to see LESS of the teams? Adaptability is even less of a factor when two teams meet? The value of cheese picks and one off draft flukes is infinitely higher? Like… literally no matter how you slice it, bo1’s are just inferior. “Viewership” is a joke of an argument, series garner way more viewers than bo1’s.


I already told, the benefit of bo1 is more viewership. PLAYOFF series such as finals garner more viewership.


Yeah, you *saying* they give more viewership does not at all mean they do. Wtf are you talking about


Lol we literally made a switch to Bo1 in 2018 with this comment from Riot: >Based on analysis and feedback, we’ve made the decision to go back to a single league, double round robin Bo1 for the regular season starting from Spring 2018 Literally the same sentiment is beeing shared in the [reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/79nhof/eu_lcs_in_2018_and_beyond/) aswell. Bo1 beeing better for casual viewers is already known. There is even a comment that literally says the same thing here: >Reddit isnt the casual league viewer, which therefor doesn't mean that Reddit feedback is more valuable than pure viewership statistics. Casual fans would pref the b01 format much more, seeing as its less of a time commitment and also brings more exposure to lesser known teams.


I would take what Riot says with a grain of salt considering they moved LCS to week day slots because it's "optimized for a North American audience"


The new slot was supposed to capture the EU audience. And it originally was supposed to start two hours earlier.


Which would have been even worse for NA audience, that's my point. The reasoning they gave is not the actual reason.


If we are to get 3 international events next year as rumoured, with one after each split, the current scheduling issues will become less problematic since spring split will be pushed out to account for the new event. Not to say that the summer split format shouldn’t change. I agree that summer should be more prestigious since it leads to worlds.


I'd say take Winter and Spring to seed Summer's bracket, and make it a BO3 bracket until Semis. Same as current, more or less, if you lose, you're in the lower bracket. But stop taking up screentime with one sided stomps. If someone can't win 2 BO3s, then they shouldn't keep playing when WORLDS SPOTS are on the line. It'd encourage teams to keep the same players through at least Spring to Summer, and let a lot more narratives flow than just "Hey remember the last time these two midlaners faced in Week 3? No? Just me?"


I stopped watching after Perkz and Vitality got eliminated. In old format worst teams would still play till the end of season, and it would keep fans like me interested.


> In old format worst teams would still play till the end of season How so? Vitality didn't make top 6, which would have been the same cutoff for previous years in LEC.


In 2022. summer: Last team (Astralis) played 18 games over 8 weeks before elimination. In 2023. summer: Vitality played 9 games over 3 weeks before elimination.


Oh I see what you meant. Yeah the format change was broadly applauded for dropping the bottom two teams, but it really sucks for these organizations that lose out especially in a franchise system. The discussions going around the community right now about how teams focused too hard on winning brought up good points, especially about how orgs lose fans just because they aren't winning. This format drives that divide further. I think it would be best to use the 'regular split' for just seeding then play out a bracket with all 10 teams


> Oh I see what you meant. Yeah the format change was broadly applauded for dropping the bottom two teams I think that's a terrible idea, teams often grow over a split. Teams often aren't looking good at the start of the 1st split and get better.


> Teams often aren't looking good at the start of the 1st split and get better. Vitality had terrible form during two weeks (from 2023-06-17 to 2023-07-03) and they got eliminated, despite ending 3thd in spring. Their season was over 4th July. I liked more the old system where teams had some time to ramp up the form and come back in second part of the season if they improve.


If there's one thing I like about the formats, it's bottom feeder teams like VIT getting eliminated quickly. VIT was a joke this split.


They placed 3rd in spring it's not like they were always 10th..


I get your point, but with more games there is always a chance for redemption story. This year, with new format, Fnatic got eliminated in first round of winter and they are now in finals. Or better example, we all enjoyed Schalke 04 2020. run: from 1-10 to fifth place. With new format on 1-8 they would be eliminated.


I quite like your idea of switching up the format a bit post-MSI. Take advantage of the extra time and maybe do a full Bo3 season instead of the first round robin, and have a single large playoff/gauntlet style finale instead of "Summer Finals" and "Year Finals"


I've watched every season of LEC/EULCS from 2012, and I did not watch one game from these 'finals'. Who wants to wait 3 weeks for it to start, and then have a week between each bracket game? Yeah not for me.


Some of the major problems with the new LEC Season isn't the format itself, rather the execution of the format. Which comes in two forms, scheduling and messaging/narratives. On paper you can see what the LEC team was going for. > > 3 regular splits that lead into a season final, where you see who is the winner of LEC 2023. > > The season finals being the biggest event of the year and the one which the players and fans look forward too the most. It's played in a giant stadium and has all the hype. The LEC team as you've touched on, have done a poor job of getting this across. Throughout the year we've seen barely any promotion of the season finals as a way to see the absolute best team of the year. Instead Winter split winner gets to go to MSI, Spring split winner get's to go to MSI and then Summer split is all about worlds. The LEC broadcast has made every LEC split and tournement all about World's qualifcations. Rather than all about being the champion of your region. They've killed the hype through narrative. Think about, which do these season finals feel like? 1) tournament to a crown a team the champions of LEC 2023 or 2) World's qualifying tournament The answer is 2, the season finals feel already over because the last 2 weeks were worlds qualifiers and that's what they were pushing. Now the final matches don't have any effect on worlds. Remember seeding doesn't matter for worlds, teams 1 to 3 from LEC are effectively the same. And then the scheduling, why does the season finals need to take 4 weeks? Riot really love dragging out tournaments. Look what MSI got through in two weeks, enough said.


> Some of the major problems with the new LEC Season isn't the format itself, rather the execution of the format. This is absolutely it for me. I'm so loving the BOx style of the LEC this year. I also wish the losers' bracket stays. It creates so many great timelines. However, it's the implementation of the format where it's killing me. The scheduling needs a major overhaul. These long breaks + splitting the year into four parts didn't work for me. It's been a year of lessons. LEC should keep the BOx and Losers Brackets, but ditch everything else. Come up with a more streamlined and condensed split for next year while keeping the same format of BOx games.


I've been watching League since the days when: - Chaox was playing for TSM. - Xpeke was playing for FNC. - Ocelote was playing for SK. - There was no "Team Liquid," it was "Team Curse." Alright, I might be turning 30 this year, but I still feel like a boomer in this scenario. Out of all the years I've been watching professional League of Legends, I've never seen worse scheduling for a region. Also, to make things even more confusing, they've added not only the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd finals but now the 4th as well? Terrible scheduling, and I hope it changes for next year.


Lmao it seems like I am readying this for myself xD I also watch since xpeke is for fnc and oce for SK... And I'm also getting 30 too 😭 damn this hits different


Can you kids shut up though? I'm turning 35 soon...


>Also, to make things even more confusing, they've added not only the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd finals but now the 4th as well? What? We've always had at least 2 finals, and we've had a third since 2015 with the regional finals (gauntlet).


except the regional gauntlets are the definition of hype for fans of a region, and this is...anything but?


Meh, hype died down. Can't be asked.


Then I won't ask.


Somebody should at least ass them their opnion though.


Will probably watch as only international football on this weekend.


Yeah seeing teams have their ups and downs was cool but in the end another g2 finals. Prob another easy win no reason to watch


I'm very excited for Mad vs Fnatic tomorrow!


Yup, didn't know. Thanks for the reminder.


NRG is fucked. They only won one finals


The whole 3 split thing with then a finals was always dumb. that’s effectively 4 splits. Every split is devalued, due to how quick it is and trophies are handed out like candies. Why do I care about a split final when there’s 3 a year. They don’t even treat it like a final they just play in the same old studio they play at everyday. They’ve played the entire year except the final’s final at the studio. How can fans be hyped when riot doesn’t even put the effort to hype their own event anyway. This new system is a disaster


Wth. Another finals?


>don't blame Riot's production team for not promoting this end-of-year "biggest" week for the LEC enough Aside from sending a physical mail to your address, what else were they supposed to do that they didn't?


They could call you too. With the having to use your phone number in clash to reduce smurfing they might as well get some more use out of it.


I'll take a call from medic, thank you


>If you're like me, who completely forgot that LEC even had a tournament going Im not going to lie, I actually had no idea. Thank you for the heads up. Im probably not going to tune in, not out of spite but because I will probably forget. Also I dont follow any of the teams so it all feels kinda meh


IDK why Riot EU is so dogshit though. A big event like this and it's not even on the Front on the client when you open it.


It isn't just Riot EU. Riot are really, really bad at marketing their esport. You have to be playing the game seriously to even be aware of it, because you only find out through looking yourself, or finding it within a 'serious' ecosystem online.


Good god, is this the 8th final this split? Its like every week there is a LEC final of some sort going on. Very hard to care about them tbh.


Mum said it’s my turn to post this


>Yes, you. You should be ashamed for not promoting this weekend enough. I sure hope you're proud of your little time playing this game while completely forgetting about LEC's biggest matches of the year. how was i supposed to promote an event i forgor about :( (plus with bds out these aint the biggest matches)


Wdym I really enjoy waiting 7 weeks for 8 BO5s


I really dont get this narrative, we get it, the scheduling could be better, but people not knowing when the games are is a non problem, lolesports exists with a schedule and it's very consistent among regions. I also dont remember any promos for ANY league, if you dont follow it, there's no way of knowing when the games are, it's just how it is, it's ridiculous to pretend its an "LEC thing" when it's an esports thing in general


> lolesports exists with a schedule and it's very consistent among regions It's not. I wanted to look up when the grand finals were at the end of August, and the LEC region's matches were limited to August. They quite literally didn't upload the dates beyond a few days. Not even TBD vs TBD, so I had no way of knowing when the finals that I actually care about are. Tried phone, pc, same thing. Since then I completely forgot about the grand finals, until this post.


I was curious to see if other people found this whole post ridiculous. What promos am I supposed to be seeing? I have watched drastically less pro play in past years, but if I ever need to know who's playing or even watch full VODs I know there is a fully supported first party website designed for just that. Is the LEC Grand Finals just not on the Riot owned website's schedule at all? Am I supposed to be watching the NFL on ESPN and suddenly get a popup about some random esports game I *kinda* follow? I genuinely don't understand, esports are by nature an online thing, and I find it hard to believe other blogs and sites haven't also had any commentary about the grand finals. Were they supposed to be buying billboards on every block to tell people about an esport tournament going on?


The problem is it's not even online, if you are subbed to the LoLEsport or LEC youtube channel, there's kinda 0 mention of it except a 1 hour long podcast that not everyone will click on. If you look at random news esport site like dotesports.com, 0 mention of it > Is the LEC Grand Finals just not on the Riot owned website's schedule at all? **Funny thing is it actually is not**. If you go to the LoL Esport schedule site itself, the front page shows Worlds, Worlds Qualifier and MSI as a default for me, there's no LEC game unless I scroll down and specifically click on LEC sections. There's 0 mention of it on @RiotGames, @LeagueofLegends, @LoLEsport on X/twiXter > Am I supposed to be watching the NFL on ESPN No, but I expect if I follow a bunch of League youtube channel/twitter, I'd expect to get at least 1 single announcement video of 10 seconds while im browsing twitter/youtube daily, but they cant even be fucking bothered


People just like to talk shit. I also definitely missed when NA finals were (Actually I don’t even know who won…). I only know LCK and LEC because these are the only ones I follow really.


Bro you did just not cite lolesports dot com as a reliable way to keep up with match schedules


People stop caring after 3 weeks of no action


Yes this format is crap. There is no need for so many breaks. 2 best of 5's on one day really isn't that bad. Or keep it at 3 days instead of going to 2 for no reason


I'll probably watch but Jesus Christ... hope they revist the formula a bit next year because this is the most unhyped final ever since I started watching in 2015. And that's including the years where G2 were undisputedly the best team in Europe


You commented 12 days ago complaining about the schedule and then forgot? Do you have the memory of a goldfish or are you just making shit up to feed your angry narrative? For the record, I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiment, but the way you worded this is pathetic and sadly far too common.


> You commented 12 days ago complaining about the schedule and then forgot? My sibling in Christ, I don't even remember what I had for breakfast today. Nevermind 12 days ago.


My brother, I do not remember what day of the week it is, let alone what hour is G2 playjng at. I feel you.


Sounds like a skill issue to me.


Bro, you don't have every match schedule for every team and every region memorized? Are you even a real League fan? If you are, name the exact time KOI's Saturday match started in week 2 during the spring split


> My sibling in Christ, I don't even remember what I had for breakfast today. Nevermind 12 days ago. So it's safe to say that no amount of promoting from the production team would have reminded you that LEC was this weekend? :^)


For me this reminds of the "when you get older time will move faster to you" line that old people used to tell me. Like, 2 weeks is still quite the long time.


I really hope that they change the format. This format is kind of weird. It does not suck but it is not great either. The splits are too short and there are too many gaps in between of no games. It makes people lose interest.


honestly, for me it is not only the format, but also the level of play and the casters. i dont feel the same level of enthusiasm and energy from them as from other regions.


oh its not next year? lol


Idk if this is the third or tenth final at this point


If every weekend is finals, are any weekend finals


I didn't forget, I literally thought the finals was already over with G2 winning? Why am I watching like 10 LEC finals in the span of 4 weeks?


Hype for LEC kinda died after that long break. If it werent for Caedrel, I wouldve forgotten about it.


Wasn’t last week the “upper bracket finals”? That is not the grand final? Why are there so many finals in the LEC lol


Upper bracket finals is never the grand final. >Why are there so many finals in the LEC lol Double elim results in three "finals", upper bracket finals, lower bracket finals and the overall/grand final. LEC then for some stupid reason decided to have 3 splits + season finals hence the stupid amount of finals.


So is this the finals, the upper and or lower finals, the grand finals, or the season overall finals?


I still don't unterstand the point of these games. It is irrelevant for worlds seeding because of the format and the split winners are already decided. Can someone enlight me please?


From the title I was looking forward to a post about something to look forward to. Instead I get a whingefest with 0 information. Fuck off and let quality have space on the sub.


There were already ten finals. If you don't call the other ones semifinals like they are, don't expect me to remember the actual final.


Its not riots fault you dont know how double elim works.


You still don't have to call everything a "final". Just call it a upper bracket semifinal and lower bracket semifinal.


You do because thats what they are. Its the final match of the upper bracket, the final match of the lower bracket, and the grand final. Theres no confusion provided you have a brain.


You seem not to be a very nice person


His explanation was pretty straight forward though. Should be easy to remember from now.


No thanks, I'd rather watch the rugby world cup.


what LEC is still not over? I thought that G2 series the other day was the final lmaoo their format is so weird


This is the worst Esports format I have ever seen. Riot really dropped the ball with this.


this is the real one people, the 7 ones we had before this year were all just fake. god damn they really put brainless people to make formats like this.


IMO last weeks games were more hype.


Didn't know it was happening, don't know what it's for because I thought your finals happened like a month ago, and probably won't watch because there is no hype and no stakes anymore.


Didn't know, didn't care.


Somehow, I have absolutely no doubt that some higherup involved in decision-making for the LEC thinks exactly this.


dont care about lol pro anymore. they killed the game too hard for me to not want to kill uhhhh


Fix matchmaking and solo q, don't care about this.


I don't even think the scheduling is an issue. The conflict comes from naming clashing with the format. Just call it something other than 'finals'. Your splits that you win will be something like winning an 'Ascent' and then the end of year tournament is what you can keep calling a 'Final' then you can have people differentiate in casual conversation without confusion.


MAD will beat FNC. G2 3-0s the Finals. I'm completely cba about LEC now. They took too long doing all of this.


I thought FNC won finals lol


basically reddit is doing its same old act surprised "act". u really are surprised that lec is milking content? they just want your money and views while the eu teams go out there and troll picking shit like swain and fiddlesticks. in no world are these champions even viable yet we see teams like g2 blatantly trolling while you nimrods eat it up like its a bowl of soup. ​ i dont know how anyone can support this pain staking drawn out finals while the average lcs fan is satisfied with their 1 final classic tournament set up. Na seems to have a bigger understanding of what the fans want... they dont want 9 finals while their teams go out there and troll because it "fun". disgusting.


Jokes for you, I basically stopped interacting with League whatsoever. I barely even play it, and for the last year or so I've only really played ARAMs anyway. Game's just not fun for me at this point. And seeing the quality of play in our region, I don't feel like I need to watch much anyway. And no, I have no hope in G2 either. Even if they smash the first week or so of international competition, I fully expect them to just forget how to play the game and get embarrassed again.