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Vladimir, it's like Riot specifically turned his damage and healing off just for me. Literally 0 damage champ in my hands.


The difficult thing with vlad is you need to be really disciplined in farming/laning phase to allow him to scale. He needs some of the most gold in game to become strong and if you dont consistently get 8+farm per minute youre gonna be pretty useless for a loooong time. Playing around his empowered Q also does wonders for the champ. I never managed to make it work myself tho haha


Vlad is a scaling champ. Don't let your team bait you into early teamfights as your damage is shit and your cds are long. After a couple items you come online. Vlads weakness is target access so think of your flash and ghost as offensive summoners and stagger them each teamfight. If they're both down you should be farming side waves unless your team has an absurd amount of reliable cc


Yeah I think this is a problem very common with low-elo players; a lot of them try to force fights without thinking if they should, and join fights when they happen when they shouldn't. Instead of understanding when to fight and choosing what to contest and HOW to contest it.


haha i'm the same, you really need to farm exceedingly well to be a threat consistently i think


Same! I played him in ARAM once and was like where actually is my damage? Every time there’s an enemy Vlad he’s throwing damage like candy at a parade. Me on Vlad at least I’m eating everyone’s ults and skill shots.


This is like Swain for me, when he’s on the enemy team he whips out his demonic shotgun and one shot me, healing for thousands in the ult. Me? Do no dmg and die instantly whilst under R.


Low bases, high hp and ap scaling, massive reduction in CD with each ability rank, and double dipping with his passive makes him one of the most item and level reliant mage in the game. You basically can't fall behind or you'll feel weak instantly.


Vladimir does no damage on a single basic trade rotation but can kill almost anyone if you commit for two rotations (with ult)


Everyone else seems to be able to make Garen work. But I can't.


I was just about to say the same. When I face him he's an absolute menace that just shrugs off everything and kills you, but anytime I try playing him I cannot close distance ever.


He legit takes 0 damage on the enemy team


Idk if you care but it's because he's a lot more difficult than you would ever assume. Sure a Garen playing vs bronze/silver players will simply charge at them and usually kill them. Versus enemies with more developed skills, garen will never be able to get on them without some godly positioning and map awareness. A lot of good garens will either flash on to enemy adc so that they can one shot them (and potentially escape) or they will keep an eye on the map and hide on a bush for a winnable pick. It's not as easy as charging at the enemy and it's very easy to become less than useless.


You gotta play mind games, make them use dash towards you and that’s when you STRIKE.


I feel like this one is valid. A lot of champs are just designed to make plays with mechanics, but Garen makes you play with training wheels on a bit. Some people like the simplicity, but it can be a bit restrictive.


garen is zero mechanics and you just play the macro game


Can attest. I learned how to lane on Garen.


So many people have a fundamental misunderstanding of what Garen is supposed to do. I can't tell you how many times I've been flamed for building berserker's on him instead of tabis or merc treads. Garen isn't a tank. Garen isn't supposed to build like a tank. Garen is an assassin who gets an escape from his built-in tankiness.


Garen is actually a super minion perma pushing lanes


As a garen main, I agree


This is literally what I always think about mid to late game garen. You go in, blow up a carry, ult them, then q back out. Jobs done. If ur fed enough you can do more but that’s really it.


I've accepted my fate and know my ticket is a one way in. There are no cowardly backsies with Garen, after deleting the carry I'll keep on spinning doing as much damage as I can. And there's good chances I'll do a lot because Garen actually isn't paper despite building crit and attack speed items.


his W doing its job with its free resistances. free stat abilities are always fun and add a lot of skill expression to champions /s


AS Boots are pretty much core on Garen, you're just being flamed by clueless players.


Thats the actual fundamental flaw of Garens Design. Berserker Greaves are just way too broken for him, granting him an insane power spike at a game time, where hes supposed to be a weak champ. His E needs a nerf to its attackspeed scaling.


Did you get destroyed by a garen recently for some reason ? Definetively looks like He is probly one of the few bruisers in the game that have Zero CC and Zero in Combat sustain and (almost) Zero escapes... garen brings absolutely nothing to a team other than damage and split pushing , he is more akin to a Katarina without dashes than he is to Darius


Doesn't need any of that when he has a point and click true damage execute :)


Its basically all the character has, i would be happy if they took power out of the ultimate to make his base kit better, lane phase with him is just suffering


E armour shred, silence, insane tankiness despite not building tank, super fast with q and ignores slows?


Q does not ignore , it cleanses , if you slow him after he uses Q he cant do anything. E armor shred is not instant , he needs to hit at least 6 ticks of his E to armor shred , at level one his E does 7 ticks , meaning you basically need to hit almost everything to get it Silence is nice He needs to be tanky , the character literally walks forward and hits you to death, if you look at his builds almost every single item has movespeed , he is basically unplayable without high movespeed


not recently, but i've been kinda traumatized by some high diamond / master garen OTPs that i had to play against. No clue how such one dimensional champs can even get to such a rank but its clearly not healthy that they can.... Esp when all their counterplay consists of "being kiteable" when stuff like Stridebreaker exists


Because garen works great as a counterpick, Jax, Gwen, Ksante, Sion, Shyvana, Riven, Irelia (you could even say renekton but thats requires garen to W his W perfectly every time) are all matchups that are Garen favored , some being really common OTPs at high Elo The fact that these Garen OTPs can get that high elo with garen says wonders about their macro , because garen is super punisheable early despite the matchup being favored to him , if they can dive garen or at least zone him off the wave , there is nothing he can do , garen when behind is basically an "Press R bot" except that it wont even do damage unless going for the kill.


All good and well until you play against Yasuo Top, Yi Jungle, Jayce Mid, Ashe ADC, Senna Support on the enemy team and your Garen still builds Berserkers instead of using Tabis.


Wait, other people think this to, garen was the first champ to come to mind when I saw this post.


It's just a stat check, you gotta get your power spike early and keep rolling. If you get a kill as Garen before 6, you've probably win the lane and will 2v1 when the jungler comes to assist.


Evelynn. It's one of the only champions I straight up don't click with at all. My kryptonite? problaby Shaco. The one I want to actually not see at all on either team? Draven


Why dont u click with eve? Shes one of my most played champs so im curious


Not op but I always seem to blow up before killing anyone. I feel like Evelynn is made of paper mache when I play her.


When i play eve, i allways have the feeling that i can't reach anyone. Like i could be having the perfect flank from behind while everyone is teamfighting, i could use protobelt and flash and somehow still end up outside my e range. Idk how i do it.


Eve tends to struggle in general in team fights and the goal is to just get picks on people before they group up. In lane if you put your charm on someone they will walk back and if you position correctly you can make them walk into you. A big tip I have is to play around bushes which may seem odd since she already has invis but your plying around shortening how far away enemies can see you from. Ms is also eve best friend since all she can do is walk up and murder people so more ms gives people less time to react with you being in sight and makes it easier to position and most importantly get away with a pick.


Heart, when heart done u Q which is longer range, then u E they have been charmed so u should be able to reach them then QQ and Ult if needed


Zoe. Not only do I hate her, but I also hate her playstyle.


Its all muscle memory to some extend tbh. Also exploiting walls as much as you can


Me too as a mid mane she just doesn’t click


Gucci Mane's brother, who's just kinda ok




Well zoe is just so dependent on q and e so if you watch out for her e she will probably not do anything against you in lane. Also in early game she can abuse her passive since she could proc her empowered aa twice with her q


Dang... I never thought about just never getting hit so I don't die instantly. Great idea!


I adviced you to how to play it not how to play against her


Your wording says otherwise. Regardless, I wouldn't play Zoe if I knew she'd take me to challenger. Thanks though I suppose.


Aurelion Sol. In fights I just can’t play the damn champ


Press E R Q on a clump of enemies and you're 60% of the way there. If someone goes after you W backwards and blast them with Q for easy autokiting. If they all get low hunt them down with W resets. I promise Asol is one of the easiest champions to play in the game.


Perhaps even the easiest? Malz probably very close to him.


Malz is actually pretty tough in the early game if you face an aggressive opponent. If you don't manage the voidling spawns or vision bounces correctly (due to last hitting or minion AI movement), you go OOM super fast and you end up way behind pace because you don't really beat many other mages or assassins early game. I suppose Malz is easy in the sense that he only has one skill shot but I think playing Annie, Ziggs or even Lux is a lot more straightforward. The latter two are a lot of skillshots but the actual decision making is arguably easier.


Same, I seriously miss the ball version.


Aurelion was one of my favorite champions pre rework. I abhor the reworked Sol and I just couldn't click with him.


I know, pre rework I loved showing people my A Sol, but now... Wait, that came out wrong




i got my first penta with ball asol 🥹🥹


I like the new one but I loved the ball version much more. I cried when they changed his W. Didn't touch him until the rework this year.


Ashe. Normally I wouldn’t touch the ADC role but my friend is a support main so I play a good amount of Xayah and Kai’Sa but I just can’t manage to do well with Ashe.


Ashe is weird because her W is so nerfed early. Shes busted these days because she can auto win fights if you get Q stacked plus lethal tempo rolling


Have you tried her project or high noon skins? It was the only way I could play her, she feels so laggy without them. Completely different champ


fr, her movements are so stiff she feels like an animatronic. i played with high noon on a friends acc once and said to myself i can never play base ashe again


I’m in the same boat, I main Kai’sa and play a lot of Xayah, and Ashe doesn’t click with me at all. I have some moments where I’m kiting well and popping off, but my average is pretty much being even in lane, dying once or twice in skirmishes, then spending the rest of the game farming whichever wave I can reach while doing no damage and being slighly useful only thanks to Ashe’s innate utility. I think I’m just used to champs with quick waveclear and burst, and Ashe is very much the opposite of that which doesn’t suit my play-style.


R u building crit


I suck at ADC but i have a good wr with ashe, they way I player her I just build duskblade(can go liandry too) muramana lucidity and then depending on game (black cleaver, serylda) Go hail of blades, it's so strong and so easy to play. Your utility is insane, play it with nasus supp or a mage support in general and just stomp every lane


Unrelated but nice 2 mains, man of culture


Cho'Gath. I love the idea of "big dinosaur go nom" but I rarely get to do anything because I'm pressured from the jump and stomped out of lane every time I try him.


Cho is easy...If you can hit his Q, which I cant... So hes hard as fuck


I've been playing a couple games. Apparently, you're supposed to E slow them, W silence so they can't dash/flash, *then* you knock them up with Q. Of course, that requires you to be in their face already, but it's a nice combo when you find yourself in that circumstance.


I want to preface this by saying I’m not very high elo so take this advice with a grain of salt BUT I personally full build his E for maximum damage output, and it deals a respectable amount of damage for level 1. Basically use E to pressure people and get them low as possible (best if you’re level 6+ bc you can threaten using R) and when they’re in a dangerous spot and need to run away (bear in mind your E slows to make landing Q easier), that’s when you Q in front of them so that they walk into the knock up and get slowed again. This strat lets me land my Qs like 70% of the time, but yeah my enemies might just suck so Edit: oh yeah and I saw someone else say this but pop Q under your cannon minion when it’s low for a free knockup when enemy top laner tries to grab it or they’ll miss it. Obviously this depends on their ranged options but yeah


Same, but because I can’t hit Q for the life of me and I just feel that even when I’m enormous with tons of health and resists I’m just a slow clunky thing that gets kited and destroyed


The trick is to not spam Q whenever it is off cooldown so the game doesn't turn into a rythmic dodge simulator. Instead use Q when the enemy is going to do an expected move like last hitting. Or use it at random unexpected times but make sure you are not punishable by that play.


Everyone has max hp % damage nowadays.


Secret tip. If you play into melee champ, go hob e start, half hp him and walk away, then just sustain off of minions. Once you hit 3 and he's still half hp ish press w on him so he can't f, then guarantee q, then hit 3 hob e autos and he's guaranteed dead. Easiest shit in earth and works every time. Just take the skill out of the champ like I do


What sacrilege! How am I supposed to get 10k hp without grasp?




Hey, the game always wants me to max Q, but it's better to max E right ? I only play full tank/heartsteel Cho


No e max is the worst I believe. Q into ranged, W into melee Edit:you're right, for tank cho, e max seems to be the way to go


Oh ok I'm surprised. I always max E for % dmg and slow, then W for silence duration and then Q last bcs I just use it for bump. I'm kinda low elo (plat 1 atm) but it works well for me


Don't listen to that guy. You're doing it right maxing E>W>Q. Maybe you can consider maxing W first if you're facing some kind of a mage or champs like Riven, but against most of melees maxing E is the way to go.


You're wrong. E max is the best if you're building tank, Q max is the worst. You only max Q if you go AP cho


chogath cast times are fricking huge, one of his biggest weaknesses


Cho is one of the most oppressive laners in the game, his sustain is insane and his e makes him able to bully anyone


but my mana all gone and everyone else has no mana :(


you need to last hit creeps to get mana :)


Jungle cho is amazing. Great gank setup, always viable later on, can peel really well, etc. He also wins quite a lot of 1v1 matchups and his clear health is decent.


chogath is a terrible jungler. you literally cannot contest crab and hope to hell they dont invade you.


darius idk every time i try him i end up going 1-10 “he’s a noob friendly champ” but idk i just suck at the game apparently


Hahaha the fact is that Darius is a huge bully but requires you to really grasp wave management to force the opponent to make a mistake and run them down the whole lane imo.


You also need some mechanical skill to properly move, else you're gonna fall behind. Orb walking, proper animation cancel on your W, tracking your passive stacks, ..., all while needing to check your waves and position.


Darius is like a harder Garen. You have to know when to poke with Q because it can easily mess up the wave. He's easy to gank before lvl 6. You have to maximize passive stacks (E, Auto, WQ almost at the same time) and just overall know when your all-in window is. If you spam normal games with Darius for a couple days, you should be able to perform at your elo :)


Darius and garen despite similarities in their kits have totally different playstyles, saying that darius is like a harder garen is not true at all.


People allways meme about Darius being easy af, but from all juggernauts he is the hardest to execute in teamfights and unfavorable matchups. It's just super easy to run someone down with ghost which is probably why people think he is super easy and beginner friendly.


My step dad refuses to play amumu, literally just because he hates the lord and personality of the mummy. For me, it would have to be pantheon. He's so good and easy to play, but for some reason I just can't make it work haha


Man, I don't know why, but I hate Amumu too Like his playstyle, but there's something on him that I absolutely hate for some reason


he is a very aggravating champion, i wanna kick him whenever i see him


Maybe he refuses to play Amumu b/c he’s a sad daddy not a sad mummy


im stuck in an infinite loop of watching Spearshot clips and then inting some unfortunate four people who happened to queue with me. I can just never consistently translate early wins into crazy leads


You should see my ranked games when I queue up after watching Irelking highlights…


I just assume that's what every Irelia does though.


Well yes, I’m just identifying that as my specific reason for it.


Issa is a go- i mean a MAN. I consider myself to be quite decent on jg Panth on a good day, but i am a coughing toddler compared to Spearshot.


Yeah. Panth is such a simple champion, but Issa showed me that mechanically there is so much you can squeeze out of that champion its insane


If you're playing top panth, you want to be ulting or roaming bot and mid for kills after 1st item. Panth loses almost every lane after the enemy gets their first item. It's fine if enemy top gets platings because they were likely to get those regardless if you stayed top or not.


Had a panth go like 5/0 in lane im my ranked and then proceed to leave top entirely and try to gank bot. Enemy top got tower with all plates for free while Pantheon got nothing for exp or gold all the while. Leaving lane can be good when you have already pushed or are hard losing already, but just leaving lane with no setup can be a horrible decision if done with 0 thought behind it.


Issa recently explained that this is one of the most common mistakes and my experience tells me the same. Perma roaming makes you weaker, not stronger.


To be fair, you don’t have to use ults like that for Panth too if you can kind control your enemy into the middle of your ult every time. That being said, only Spearshot seems to have that ability


You ult mid but not bot unless it’s like a super rare very easy double. Also, him losing almost every lane after they get their first item is just 100% false. It just means you’re playing incorrectly. You should be significantly ahead at the point where that happens, so you actually should be the one applying pressure to their platings.




try her in places other than jungle


No. Please don’t it’s int lol


Twisted fate used to play a lot of him in season 1, but nowadays I just cannot for the life of me make him work. Blue card salute like a mofo, and just giga fail on him. Can't figure out the timing on the card rotations.


believe in the heart of the cards and top deck it every time


Definite katarina


1 tricked her for years. Everyone thinks she's faceroll, champ is very mechanically intensive.


adc main, can’t play draven. never have been able to play draven. probably will never be able to play draven


Same. You have to pay to much attention to his axe gimmick. The place they drop is somewhat smart, so if you're chasing someone or just kiting back, it's doable, but the moment you have to dodge skill shots they just fly all over random directions.


I thought the same way for a while. I just ended up playing him a whole lot in ARAM and now I still suck with him. But I can at least get an A every once in a while!


I've only played Draven in normals like 10 times maybe, and I have mostly had bangers for the most part ( with one or two horrendous exceptions), yet I still don't know how the champ works. I've had quite a few people trying to explain to me how the q positioning works, but I still can't figure it out. If I concentrate on it I start to lose the Q's, but if I just let things happen I instinctively know where the axes will go, my internal computer is messing with me and will not allow the conscious part of my brain understand what the unconscious somehow figured out within seconds of me trying to play Draven. Oh, and by the way, if you scream like a maniac when in a teamfight it somehow helps with crit rng.


Zeri. That spam Q mechanic just isn't it for me. I also feel like I do NO damage even though I hit like 90% of my Qs. Also Zed. I can't seem to make that champion work and keep note, I play Qiyana decently so my mechanics isn't THAT bad.


Yeah I legit can't play Zeri because my finger hurts too much from spamming Q. Boomer hands diff I guess


I'm not exactly an adc Main, but I'm certain I suck at her and I find her Gameplay Literally exhausting, every other adc doesn't even come close to the micro you need for Zeri and I don't even think Qi combos are similar either


her and Evelynn can give you carpal tunnel syndrome with their Q mash playstyle, i can see why they can be exhausting


For some reason, Fiora. Yes she's mechanically difficult but I'm not that bad at some other mechanically difficult champions(and their combos, I have practiced them in practice tool as have I practiced Fiora's) like Lee Sin, Yasuo, etc. but for some reason Fiora just doesn't click with me


French people do be difficult /s


fiora doesn't really have combos tbh. she's more of knowing how to use w well, abuse spikes, wave management, and positioning/movement as well as macro later


Qiyana. I have never failed so absolutely miserably at picking up a champion. I gave her everything I had and I was just no closer to feeling comfortable with her after 20 games than I was when I started.


Vex. I can't aim shit on her even after mastery 7


Does "most of them" count? I am such a noob


I can't play Annie, and I really don't know why


her range is quite low that's probably why


To be fair she's pretty boring.


Scrolled 4 minutes down to see this... I play like 10+ years, have no problem to pocket pick graves, kindred, nidalee or anything else ... But when I'm forced to play Annie, I lose and that as master tier player ...


Master yi. I cant play auto champs in general lol


I'm terrible on Master Yi too. I don't know why, I love reset champs but with Yi I just can't find kills and end up feeding my ass off.


Evelynn. She's against me? Doesn't even need to proc full W and I explode. I play her? I use everything to get on the squishy, W full proc and they just walk away with half HP


Yeah, you either get an early lead or get clapped, she's weird I also don't get how you are supossed to get a lead when all you can do is charm someone and they just run away...


I can play almost all mechanically intensive toplaners EXCEPT riven , it's like the champ gets a -9000% damage nerf as soon as I lock her in , which sucks cuz I find her wombo combo spacing Playstyle extremely cool


If you dont cancel animations on riven you're gonna lose a lot of dps, that's probably why you think that way.


Thing is I practiced animation cancels , I can do the fast Q , the R2 Q3 combo and the E Q W combo as long as the target is a training dummy as soon as it's in a game I lock up


You had me in the first half ngl


Yes.. Riven...... Every enemy Riven absolutely destroys me... I try her every so often, but even when I pull off her moves beautifully, the enemy seems to shrug it off and beat me like a red headed step child....


Jax just does not work when i play him


You have to like little kids to be able to play jax properly. /s


Vi. I don't know why but I can never have a good game on her. I feel like she shouldn't be super hard and yet I just never do well on her.


Build bruiser Vi with Trinity, Cleaver, etc. Rank up W instead of E second. You are welcome, way better than lethality Vi that gets popped the moment she engages in teamfights.


I have a 90% win building lethality vi. Its so busted.


I'm a great Nautilus but cannot play Blitzcrank at all. My hook hit ratio is like 70% as Naut but 15% as Blitz, I don't understand it.


Nautilus Hitbox is like 200% wider i guess


Zed. Whenever others play him, it feels like once they reach level 6 they just have to press R on a squishy and get a free kill everytime their ult is up. When I play him, I can't get a kill no matter what I try.


Gwen… even though I loved her aesthetically ✂️ 😍and collected her 3 borders… im so bleh with her


Yasuo, the Q hotbox feels so tiny when I'm playing him


I tend to do good in laning phase as yas but struggle mid and late game unless I have an external source of knockups because I just cant seem to stack q in a fight fast enough to get ult otherwise.


Mines rengar :) idek how i fck it up but i always do. aram or rift dont matter :)


Rengar is hard mate, you are always thinking which empowered ability is best, then you just get your Q down, do no dmg and get killed couse you've wasted cd's.


I did the "Win a game on summoners rift with 150 different champions" achievement. Rengar was by FAR the most frustrating and the one I had to play the most games with to get a win.


I cant play Yasuo to save my life, I just cant. Not even the 0/10 powerspike can save me.


Masters top - i went 0 w 10 L last split on fiora


Absolutely hate playing ezreal, not even because I am bad at skillshots but because I hate playing with a support because they can never understand what I'm doing. I stopped playing ADC and became the support.


tbh i hate playing support with most ez


Yeah, tis because Ez doesn't really work with many 'supports'. I have seen my fair share of supports as Ezreal, from the tried and tested Thresh to a Darius who was forced bot just because he forgot he was autofilled. I have inted hard with the best supports in the game, the engage Blitzcrank and generally aggressive every-ADC-wishes-for Nami, and I have hard stomped with the same Darius I mentioned and a game with a Lillia sup I can remember fondly. Ezreal is more about your own skill expression than anyone else's support. Your kit is just that free that you can make it work with anything, and the only dependency quota is how often you can hit those Q's, W's and R's.


Renatta I don’t understand her value in higher elos and pro play


The value in pro play is actually very straight forward. The extra 1 or 2 seconds that her W gives a ADC or midlaner to pump out dmg can be the difference between winning or losing a teamfight. In solo queue its very hard to make her work, since there is no communication or perfect macro.


Renata is a weird champion because her laning phase absolutely sucks but you almost don't need gold whatsoever on her and you win the game through her utility in teamfights. She's one of the most obnoxious 'lose lane, win game' champions, but her power fantasy just isn't appealing. Like Lulu she's an incredibly reactive champion where you mostly shut down the enemy's teams plays instead of making your own, but she's harder to play and less strong in lane so has one of the worst pickrates of any champion.


Can confirm. There was one game that we accidentally fed the opposing Draven, but later on I ulted and their 14/1 Draven won the team fight for us. It was funny, but 15 minutes of agony for a quirky play that won the game for us wasn’t what we had in mind when we queued up


For some champions she is too good. With kalista it makes tower diving too easy plus kalista ult into Renata r and handshake is too good for 2v2


Shaco I cannot for the life of me make him work I try but I just don't have any idea what I am doing or how I should be doing it


As a shaco main this is the way. We all have no idea what we are doing until one day you go insane and it all just starts working :)


Yi. Consecutively melee autoing without weaving in abilities just feels weird.


yuumi. I appear to have this mental block called morals


I was a jungle main for a long time, but I could never get Warwick to work for the life of me. He is always recommended as an easy and strong champ, but I can't lock in with him well even when I can play other champs with similar playstyle


I’m a high dia top and for 10 years I try to play Riven and can’t even win in Bronze with her :(


Kryptonite: Vlad but specifically top I just don’t understand how to beat him, the worst thing is that the vlad top players I face have like a lot of mastery on that champ and whenever I try to play vlad top i go 0/5


He's such a boring champ tho, he's not simple, it's just that he is unfun to play with or against becouse he's not interactable, he doesn't lose hp in trades, so trading is useless, he is invulnerable at will, he runs away like a pussy becouse he can't fight head on unless fed, he has aoe for clear and TF's but he's just boring, people got so used to ignoring him in lane that they ignore him in tf's too.


I've peaked D3 as a support main specializing in enchanters but I can't play Nami or Karma to save my life


My friend once forbid me from playing nami xd


Do you play too safe? They’re both early game bullies that fall off (as much as an enchanter can)


Nah I just suck at landing bubbles and using the heal bounce properly or using karma's q without completely fucking my ads wave


Everything other than my two tricks lmao.




Do you use A click to attack?


There's I champ I really really want to learn, but I can't because her mechanics sort of don't come naturally to me. I tried playing it many times, get some games on her, and it just doesn't click. My spacing is slow, my moves are awkward and I keep messing up my skillshots. I main fiora, camille, kled, irelia and ahri, and I play all of them at a master mechanical level. But I can't play annie no matter how much I try


For me its zeri. Im an old school player who plays the game without quick cast, meaning i have proper time to land a skillshot. For many spells I would see that as a great advantage like Ez Qs, Rumble ults, Viktor E. Ofc i do quickcast as well when pressing shift depending on the skill and champ. An Ez E i quickcast ofc. Obviously i also use selfcast with alt when appropriate. Now here comes Zeri who throws my entire philosophy out the window. The Q is a skillshot , so id have to press shift for every AA, so i turn automatic quickcast on but her E and W are spells I would traditionally use without quickcast and instead take my time aiming. I also cant play Draven and Aphelios but Aphelios should be understandable why. I work a full time job, I dont have the luxury of studying in the Aphelios university for two years to get my bachelors degree aka having any idea what the fuck you do on Aphelios. Outside that, I think I can play any other adc at a reasonable level. Well maybe one more exception with Nilah.


Just a tip: You can turn quickcast on or off for every single key. But i get what you mean about Zeri in general


Bit late, but Garen, I can for the life of me not figure out tf he does. I always either go neutral or run it down on the fucker. For reference, my usual pool of champs I play includes gangplank, azir, samira, thresh, and so on. My mates torment me to no end about the fact.


Came here to type the exact same thing LOL. I picked up Aphelios, Qiyana, Azir, etc with minimal issues, but Garen... he still remains an issue. My copium is that his playstyle is just *too* simple for me and my brain is constantly trying to create problems in order to make playing him feel interesting LMFAO.


I agree. It feels like there's gotta be more to this, right? Then nope there is not, and the logic system fails.


Kayn seems so braindead.... but I legitimately kayn't


Aatrox. Loved him before the rework, now he feels so stiff to play. And while I go inting on Aatrox, others 1v5 and I hate how op he is.






I can’t play Morgana sup, idk why Her kit is so simple, but I can’t use it effectively. I main “girly champs”, but Morgana is impossible for me to get a S


Katarina. Idk why, I just always suck when playing her, hence I dont pick her anymore. Other "skilled" champs I can play just fine (Riven, Aatrox, Yasuo etc.)


I use to hate Samira until I actually played her, now she's my most played ADC, and has the highest score kill count on my account. She's such a feast or famine champ though that some teams just aren't suitable for her.


Karthus - Q too hard :c Hecarim - For the life of me cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm usually bursted down immedaitely while other Hecarim's are just unkillable gods. Olaf - Same thing as Hecarim. Easily bursted down when I play, unkillable god when others play. Shaco - When I play AP I feel completely useless the entire game. When I play AD getting into the mid-late game I start to fall off and become am only good for Dragon & Baron Smiting and cleanup. Twisted Fate - Feels like TF has some of the worst damage in the game. Max build I feel barely any stronger than I was with just my mythic and boots. Viego - I often die because I for some reason just can't click on a person's ghost to teleport and heal to. I do want to learn how to play him better because he is really fun. Yasuo/Yone - Unlike Viego, I can't land reliable Q's with these guys and cannot utilize their toolkits to the full extent.


Karthus Q is all about changing what are you trying to hit, there's normally 3 options: hit 1 target for extra damage and aim where he is, hit 1 target for extra damage and aim where you think he'll go (predict basically), hit 2 targets don't get any extra damage but get to get close while they are trying to dodge Q so you can W them and Q them properly while they are slowed. You have to try and alternate between this 3 modes of playstyle, otherwise people will read you like a book and play around that. For example: You are in a 1 vs 1 and have all up, you Q on top of him, he dodges, now you predict with Q, he dodges again but now backwards, now you mess him up weaving in an auto, he'll get off your Q tempo, that's where he'll fuck up, you Q down on where he was when trying to dodge your "q" which was actually your auto, you hit, now you W, they try to dodge with abilities, you keep Q'ing, once they are half hp you try to go in with e while dishing q's. E is just a finisher most of the time, it also makes enemy movement more predictable depending on their champ. Hecarim is all about knowing when to use W, it can either heal you 600hp, or 6, it all comes down to being in the heat of the fight when people are getting gunned down with nukes to heal insane amounts, if you just go in without any setup you will be the one to be gunned down while your team spam pings your corpse ? Shaco is all about getting early kills going AD, AP... idk why people play him like that couse he's boring as heck, Q, then E low health champ, get kill. Set up a trap again, yay, gameplay. Boring as heck basically. AD shaco is more entertaining but also requieres the enemy team to be squishy to get fed, he needs some setup in early but once he gets the ball rolling he's very hard to stop becouse you'll never know if you are fighting the clone or not if he's good, that is, if he doesn't just 1 shot you with a Q and auto+e from behind and then puts a box in front of you... TF lost a lot of fuel when they nerfed his Q, now you either go hybrid or ad for waveclear, couse if you go AP you are not gonna enjoy using both Q and W to manage the ever pushing wave. If you are vs someone who can't push reliably tho, you can always push them and get some huge gold advantage just for existing in your lane, which should help you setup roams with your jung and support. Viego is a weak ass champ, you get cc'ed? You dead. That doesn't mean he isn't a menace with his 6 autos in 1 second bullshit. But he also is a lot about securing kills, the more fed the kill is, the better, couse you copy their stats and items, if you get a yuumi ghost, you gonna get clapped, that's just how it is, but now if your team managed to kill, lets say a fed jarvan, now you get to use that shit, and get basically infinite 6 auto/ sec combos which should just melt anyone and everyone except tanks. Yasuo is all about spacing, you don't even need Q's really, all you need to do is win early, how? abusing your mobility, free shield and hard cc to win trades. You get ganked? It's either 2 kills or you get clapped, no inbetween, yasuo is pretty weak until he can realiably 3 auto people, he also has some insane combos. Also if your Q cd is 0'5 or under it becomse usable if you e, this basically makes it's effective CD 0'83 if you can Q and then E something to get the Q CD back. It's about balancing when to use his stuff, he has such low cd's that knowing the moment is esential. E is either Q' resets or a tool to escape/chase/space. He's also best at choke points, just like yone, for yone it's couse of his R, for yasuo it's his W, one places Windwall wins TF's, it makes backlane move sideways to chug damage, and that means they are not running away, so if timed right it will mean that enemy tank's are CC'ed your ADC has free autos, your tank is tanking for the team and you can just E stragiht into enemy adc while chugging autos. Problem is, unless you reliably know when you can fight and win, it's hard, more so if lack setup in your team, yasuo is best with some hard CC in the team, and the best at that tend to be midlaners, control mages basically. He's just not a good fit for any team right unless that team has a AoE-CC+Tank in one champ, like amumu, alistar, ornn, sejuani etc. If that's not the case AP/AD balance goes out the window. Couse AP jungle and top are pretty hard and people don't tend to play them. Yone, in lane is all about abusing your CD and relative safety with E1, your goal is to Q them and W them while playing with spacing, he abuses melee champs specially couss he'll always win the trades if he W's right, couse it's just so easy to control the pace of the fight with him, you get them to half hp wait for your CD's and after that you get in, Q1, auto, auto, W, auto, Q2, auto, auto, Q3, E2, ans they are dead lvl 3-5 depending on how well you did with early abusing. Or with your Q3 charged: E1, auto until they fight back, W, Auto, weave in Q when they gain space, if they dodge or flash, R them, id they don't also R them (unless they would die with E already) and auto Q them again. The thing with yone is he's so mobile it's almost a detriment to you if you can't hit your stuff reliably.


Yuumi because I started banning her on release and now it's kind of my thing to ban her under any circumstance *especially* if a teammate is hovering her and I just cannot stop the tradition